Bobby 01 - Intrusion

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#9 of Orr Chronicles

Bobby is in his mid forties in this series

Bobby Orr is a retired tiger who likes to take it easy, enjoy a good beer, a cigarette, an the view. Yes, there are days when the view is quite interesting

If you want to read the rest of the series before everyone else, you can find it on my Patreon:

The afternoon was peaceful. The sun had started its descent, lengthening the shadows and a light breeze could be felt. The tiger was sitting on his back porch, basking in the sun. It was early Autumn, so the sun was still warm, even if it was a little late, and it was slowly descending toward the horizon. The tiger took a slow drag on his cigarette, savoring the earthy taste of it. He held the smoke in his lungs for a moment, and then exhaled, feeling himself relax even more as the smoke dissipated before him.

He opened an eye on hearing a high pitch grunt. He shielded them from the sun, and looked around his yard. A large one, lined with a high fence, since he liked his privacy. From his porch he could see the second story of the house on the right of his property, which was built a little deeper on their land than his, which almost lined the sidewalk. If he were to step down, even that window would disappear from view, unless he stood in the center of the yard. He knew, he'd checked it. That was why there was a large apple tree there.

The grass was neat, being freshly mowed as of the previous day. He paid Daniel, the teenage boy living across the street, to do the mowing. He was a very nice young boy.

The grunting came again and he was able to locate it. It came from one of the broken fence planks separating his yard from the house he'd been looking at. A rump, clad in red shorts was visible, wriggling its way onto his property. There was another grunt, or was that one a whine? And a lower back became visible, unclad. The tiger raised an eyebrow, he hadn't expected that. He grabbed the bottle on the table next to his chair and took a swig of the beer and he continued to watch the young bunny crawl backward.

When he was finally free of the fence he stood, turned to face the tiger, and waved at him, smiling wide. The tiger returned the wave and smile, not as wide, but certainly appreciative at the sight of the shirtless young male. The bunny bent down, reached through the hole in the fence. Worked at it for a moment and then pulled a white t-shirt. He looked at a tear in the shirt, and put it one.

"Hi Mister Orr!" he yelled as he ran toward the tiger.

"Hello there, Lum. Would you be running away from your chores, again?"

"Na han!" the young bunny exclaimed. "I did them all!"

"So, you've cleaned your room?" An energetic nod. "You've put your dirty laundry in the basket?" another nod. "Your toys are away?"

"Yeah," although he sounded disappointed at that.

"Did you do the dishes?"

"Of course not, silly. Mommy does that."

"Well, it does seem like you did do all your chores." He patted his lap. "Come on up, little bun."

With a squeal of joy Lum jumped on the older male's lap. Squirming about until he was in a comfortable position. The tiger didn't stop him, purring as he felt him move about on his lap.

"Now, what do you want to hear about, this time?"

"Tell me about you and your brothers!"


Lum nodded vigorously.

The tiger laughed. "Very well. You know my brothers are older than me. Byron by four years, and Brian by two. We were very close, and close to our father, since our mom left us when I was really young. They loved me, but they also loved playing trick on me. Like tickling me." He proceeded to tickle Lum, who screamed in laughter and squirmed about on the tigers lap. "They also loved to steal my clothes." He quickly pulled off the bunny's t-shirt off. "And force me to run around the yard naked."

And with that Lum jumps off the tiger's lap, pulled down his pants, to the tiger's complete surprise, revealing he wasn't wearing any underwear, and proceeded to run around the yards. The tiger smiled at the young bunny's energy, remembering a time when he was that full of life, and took in the sight of the naked body.

"Come on, Little Bun," the tiger said, and patted his lap. To his delight Lum didn't bother dressing before jumping on it, and making himself comfortable. "Had fun running around?" he asked, running his hands through the you bunny's chest and belly fur.

"Yeah," Lum replied with a chuckles and the fingers lightly traveling up and down his front.

"I'll let you in on a secret," the tiger whispered, leaning down, and moving his hands so they were caressing the bunny's inner thigh. "I loved it too. I never told my brothers that, if I had they would have stopped trying to get me naked."

He couldn't believe how beautiful the young bunny was. His heart was beating fast, and his body reacting to being able to run his hands around such a body.

"Mister Orr?"

"Yes, Little Bun?"

"Do you have a rock in your pocket?"

"No, I don' have a rock," the tiger replied with a chuckle.

"Something is poking my bum."

"I see." He leaned in again. "It isn't a rock," he whispered.

"What is it then?"

"It's my penis."

Lum looked back at him, dubious.

"I swear."

The young bunny looked down at his own groin, forehead creasing in thought, and then wriggle his rump. "It's too big to be a penis," he said, looking at the tiger again.

"Are you saying I'm lying?" the tiger acted offended.

Lum nodded.

"I'm going to have to show you, won't I." He grabbed the young bunny, and placed him before him. Lum turned to face the tiger. Who undid his belt, the pants' button, and then pulled down the zipper. "Are you sure I have to show you?"

Lum nodded quickly, there seem to be an eagerness to him now.

With an exaggerated sigh the tiger pulled his pants down, and the young bunny's eyes grew wide. Like him, the tiger wasn't wearing underwear. He looked down at his cock, plumped from the excitement.

"See," the tiger said.

Lum looked up at him. "It's so big."

The tiger chuckled.

"Why isn't mine that big?" the bunny asked.

"Because you're still young," the tiger replied.

The bunny looked back down at it, it twitch under his gaze, and Lum reached for it, but stopped himself.

"You can touch it, I don't mind."

The bunny put, first a finger, and then his whole hand against it. The tiger's cock grew thicker and longer.

"It's growing," Lum exclaimed in amazement.

"It does that when someone it likes touched it."

"Wow. So mine will get this big when I'm older?"

"Maybe," the tiger replied. He reached down and caressed the young bunny's penis with a finger, he felt it twitch, and he thought he hear Lum murr. He sat back in his chair.

"Why maybe?"

"Well, it will get bigger than it is now, but it's not certain it'll get as big of mine?"

"Why? That's not fair."

"I know, although . . ."


"Well, maybe there's a way to help it."


The tiger opened his mouth, and then closed it, shaking his head. "No, I shouldn't tell you. I shouldn't even have told you there might be a way."


The tiger made an act of looking around. "It's a grown up secret," he whispered.

Lum's eyes went wide. "I can keep a secret," he whispered back.

The tiger eyed him. "I don't know. If I reveal a grown up secret and the others find out, I could get in a lot of trouble."

"I'll never tell, I swear."

The tiger thought it over. "Here's what we'll do." He nodded to himself "yes, I'm going to tell you, the next time you come over."

"But, but. That isn't until the next weekend, I'm not allowed out of the yard on school days." Lum pouted.

"That's perfect then. Because it's going to let me test if you're really good at keeping a secret."

"How?" the bunny was dubious.

"I shouldn't have let you see my penis. I can get in trouble for that too. So, if you can keep that a secret, not tell anyone, then when you visit again, I'll know I can tell you more secrets. Okay?"

"But I swear I wouldn't tell anyone, please tell me now."

"No, Little Bun. You have to show me that you deserve to know that secret"

"Okay," Lum said, obviously not happy about it.

"Lum!" a woman called out.

"That's your mother. Get dressed and go home. I'll see you next week." The tiger did his pants up.

Lum was dressed in a moment and running to the fence. The last thing the tiger saw was the bunny tail twitching as he crawled through the fence


Steven walked into the garage via the side door, as he'd been instructed. He'd been impressed by the house, it was a lot bigger than he'd expected from the conversations he'd had with his beer buddy. "Whoa," the buck exclaimed. "You like working...

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The young tiger was seated on the floor in front of the couch, leaning forward, concentrating, on the television set. He was biting his lower lip as he rapidly hit the button on the controller. He had to move the character quickly to avoid a hit. He...

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Just a Walk

"That was a hell of a game," Alex said, putting his jacket back on. The crowd was finally thinning, so he stood. Patrick and Aaron looked around and did the same. "Yeah, it was," Aaron agreed, "Although I thought Merendez was off his game today....

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