
Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#3 of Orr Chronicles

Steven is a Drinking buddy of Robert, who is invited over to help Robert out with some car work, or at least that's what he's told.

If you want to read the rest of the series before everyone else, you can find it on my Patreon:

Steven walked into the garage via the side door, as he'd been instructed. He'd been impressed by the house, it was a lot bigger than he'd expected from the conversations he'd had with his beer buddy.

"Whoa," the buck exclaimed. "You like working on cars I take it."

The tiger looked up from the engine he was working on. "Just a hobby," Robert said.

"Yeah, right." The walls of the three car garage were covered with tools, the workbench had car parts, at least he guessed that's what they were. On the floor was a car, he had no idea what kind it was, other than being a convertible. The entire front was missing, the engine was on a rack, next to the car. Over it, on a chain, was a box like thing.

"You know, when you said you lived out of the city, I didn't realized you lived in such a posh neighborhood." He and Robert had been drinking buddies for a few years now, but this was the first time he'd ever been here.

"The perks of being a stock broker," the tiger said, with a shrug. "I'm happy you agreed to help."

"Sure, but I got to tell you, I don't know much about cars."

"That's okay. I don't need you to do much, Just sit here." He opened the driver side door. "We're about the same height and over all size, so you'll help me setup the car so everything fits perfectly."

Steven sat.

"The seat is in the position I like it. Buckle up. How are the pedals?"

Steven buckled up and then looked down to find the pedals. "The clutch seems to be way more to the left than in my car."

"That's how I like it. Do they feel too deep?"

Steven pressed the three pedals in turn. "No. They seem pretty good."

"Good." Robert stood, and looked at the open door leading inside the house. "Brian!" he yelled.

A moment later a teenage tiger showed up. "Yeah?" he was wearing jeans and a 'everyone but me has sex' t-shirt.

"I need your help, get between Steven's legs."

"Sure, dad." Brian climbed over the passenger door, and then knelt between the buck's legs. He crossed his arms and lay them on Steven's thighs and then rested his head on them.

"Whoa, what's going on here?" Steven asked, pushing himself away as much as the seat allowed.

"I just need him there to work out the position of the dash and steering wheel. Don't worry about it." Robert put a hand on the box thing Steven had noticed hanging over the cut off front of the car. Robert turned it, and the buck could see a mock up of the dash area and a steering wheel.

Robert moved it, and then slowly lowered it until it looked about right to Steven.

"Huh, dad? I can't move."

The mock up lifted. "How's that?"

Brian arced his back, and lifted his head. "Feel good."

"Your head?"

"The clearance's good for that too."

"Steven, can you still reach the pedals?"

"Sure. No problem there. They're just right for him to be there." He had no idea why Robert had his kid kneeling between his legs like that, but hey, he was the one working on it.

"Okay. Good." Robert put a few blocks and bolted them in place. "I need to make more blocks, this might take a bit. So you two get comfortable."

Steven looked down wearily at Brian, who just gave him a smile.

"Hey, dad. While I'm waiting down here, can I?"

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead."

Steven had a moment to wonder what they were talking about, and then Brian was undoing the buck's belt. "Wait, what do you think you're doing?" The button was popped, and the zipper down. "Robert! What's your kid doing?" Brian had pulled his underwear down, and exposed his large cock.

"Oh man," Brian said, while Steven tried to get the seatbelt undone. The damn thing was jammed. Brian swallowed the cock whole.

"Oh fuck," Steven said, gasping. He tried to pull him off, but there wasn't much maneuvering room, and Brian easily kept bobbing.

Steven swallowed, he couldn't believe he was getting hard. He didn't care how pent up he'd been, he shouldn't be getting hard when a guy had his cock in his mouth, let along his friend's kid.

He was now fully hard, at eleven inches, Brian moved forward enough to keep it in his mouth and then he deep throated the buck.

Steven's eyes went wide. There was no way a sixteen year old kid should be able to do that. He couldn't help moaning, it shouldn't feel so god damned good either.

Steven was panting now. "Please, kid." He wanted him to stop, this was so fucking wrong. But it felt so good. It had been months since he'd had sex with his wife, and his hand just didn't compare to what he was feeling now.

He started cursing. Oh fuck, he was actually going to cum. "Kid, Stop. You've . . . I'm . . . Oh god!" His body was a bar of steel, electrified by pleasure. He couldn't see anything, even though his eyes were open.

And then he was putty.

He was breathing hard. All he could think about was that it had been a very long time since he'd cum this hard. Another burst of pleasure traveled up his spine, not as strong, but he tensed again.

He looked down. Brian still had his lips wrapped around his cock, he didn't seemed interested in stopping. Steven cursed, he reached for he seatbelt buckle, and it unlocked. He literally jumped out of the seat, pulling his pants up, cursing extremely colorfully.

He headed directly for the door.

"Steven!" Robert yelled, which stopped him, "damn it," Robert mumbled.

Steven turned as he heard him walk toward him. "What the fuck was that!"

"I'm sorry, Steven. I really am. I guess I shouldn't have set this up." He paused. "But you've been complaining that your wife isn't putting out every time we have drinks. I thought you could use some relief."

Steven just stared at the tiger. "That's your kid!"

Robert had a soft chuckle. "Yeah. Brian loves sucking cock. Isn't that right?" he asked over his shoulder.

A thumbs up appeared behind the head rest.

"Are you telling me you're okay with this?"

"Why wouldn't I be? He didn't do anything wrong. Look, I'm sorry I presumed." He put an arm over his shoulders. "Let go have a drink." Robert lead Steven toward the door leading to the house. Passing by the car, he saw that Brian was jerking off.

Steven quickly looked away.

This was insane.

* * * * *

Steven knocked on the door.

He hadn't been able to put what had happened out of his mind. He'd spent two weeks trying to, but it kept coming back. And now he wanted some answers.

The door opened, and a teen aged tiger wearing only sweat pants was behind it. "Hey," he said, "Steven, right?"

Steven nodded.

"Dad's not here. Actually, no one's here. I've got the whole damn place to myself," he said in a bored tone. "Come on in." Brian headed deeper in the house, and after a moment of hesitation, the buck followed him. "Do you want a beer?" Brian asked as they entered the large kitchen. "Dad should be back in a few hours. He had a meeting, or something."

"Aren't you young to be drinking beer?"

Brian chuckled "I didn't say I was gonna drink one. I asked if you wanted one." He took a can of beer out of the fridge, and a coke. He put the beer on the table, and took a seat.

Steven sat, studying the teen. He popped the can and took a swig. "Where's everyone else?" he figured that would be a way to find out about his siblings.

"Bobby's probably out with a friend." He took a long swig of his coke. "Byron's . . . I have no idea where Byron went to, but he took his camera, so he's probably making a movie."

"Your mother?"

Brian was quiet for a moment. "Mom died when I was a kid."

"I'm sorry, kid."


"Look. I'm not here to see Robert. I needed to talk with you."

"Okay, shoot."

Steven took another swallow of beer. "Look. Did your dad force you to . . . To do . . . You know."

"Suck you off? Blow you? Play your flesh flute?"

Steven stared at the tiger, who burst out laughing.

"Come on, man. There's no way dad could force me to do something I've loved doing since I was twelve."

"T . . .twelve?"

Brian nodded. Then finished his coke. He went to the sink and rinsed it out. When he turned to face Steven, the buck was still staring at him.

"And your dad knows?"

"Of course he knows. Look, you said you wanted to talk with me. Do you also want me to suck you off again?"

"What? No!"

"I heard dad say your wife wasn't putting out."

"You heard that?"

Brian rolled his eyes. "I was jerking off, not doing calculus, of course I heard that. I'll be happy to suck you off, get you some relief, or if you prefer, you can always fuck me."

Steven's jaw dropped. "No. Absolutely not." He stood and left. What was wrong with that kid. Fuck him? Was he nuts?

* * * * *

Steven had managed to calm himself by the time he got home, a small semi detached on the outskirt of the core, but the talk of sucking off had made him horny.

"Hi, honey," he said, walking into the kitchen, where his wife was reading a book.

"How was your drive?" the doe asked.

"It was good." He went behind her, wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. "Actually," he whispered, "it kind of put me in the mood."

He felt her stiffen a little. "Steven, please, not tonight." Her tone was soft.

"Alright." He kissed the back of her head, and headed to the basement. Inside, he was screaming. He wanted to kick something, to throw stuff.

He wasn't the dumb jock a lot of the guys he knew thought he was. He wasn't one of those guys who thought a woman's job was to satisfy his sex drive above all else. When Elizabeth had started pushing him away, he'd gone to the library and done some research, he knew that once a woman hit menopause, her sex drive went down, and he respected that. But damn it, he was still a horny and virile man. There were times he did want to throw her on the bed and just fuck her, no matter what she wanted.

And he hated himself for that.

He turned on the radio, and 'four seasons' by Vivaldi came on. He took the largest block of wood he had, and put it on the table. He looked at it for a moment, but he didn't envision what he was going to sculpt. Normally he would decide ahead of time what he was going to do, trace some lines to guide him, but not tonight. He was just going to let things come. Probably do something abstract. He grabbed a chisel and set to work.

When he stopped, three hours had passed, and the floor was covered with wood shaving. He looked at what he'd carved. Curves, lines, mostly curves. He picked it up, and turned it over and around, trying to decide how it would look the best.

He put it down, and took a few steps back. He cursed. There was no mistaking it. That definitely looked like someone's ass. Even with the start of a raised tail.

'Or if you prefer, you can always fuck me.' Brian's voice sounded so clear in his head he could have been next to him.

This was utterly insane.

* * * * *

Steven was in his car, parked across the street from Robert's house. He was trying to talk himself into leaving, or going knock on the door. He couldn't seem to decide which one he wanted to do.

'Or if you prefer, you can always fuck me.'

He didn't want that. He couldn't want that. He should be going home, and jerk off to get it out of his system. Except, he'd been jerking off everyday, and it didn't seem to help. Brian's voice kept popping up randomly with his offer.

He was insane, just to contemplate this.

A knock on the passenger side window made him jump out of his fur. Brian waved at him. Steven lowered the window and the tiger rested his arms on the sill, leaning in.

"I'm not sure if you realize it, but you're starting to be stalkerish, with being parked in front of my house for an hour like that. The neighbors are going to call the cops in not to long.

"I'm sorry," Steven whispered. "I should leave." He reached for the key.

"You want to come in?" Brian offered.

NO! Steven screamed in his head. I have to leave. He looked at the tiger, his face was completely neutral. He wanted him to leer at him, to make his offer again, anything to give him a reason to be angry at him and leave.

Steven took the key out of the ignition. "Sure," he said softly. They were at the door when Steven thought to ask. "Anyone else home?"

"No. Bobby and Byron are still at school." Brian unlocked the door and ushered the buck in.

"Why are you home early?"

"I only had a half day. Spent some time at the library doing homework, and then headed home." He dropped his bag on the couch, on his way to the kitchen, where he took a beer out of the fridge and offered it to him. Steven took it and sat at the table.

"What we did the other day," he said, looking at the can.

"Was fun?" Brian offered.

Steven was silent for a moment, collecting himself. He had to find a way to explain to Brian how wrong it had been. "I . . ."

"Want to do it again?"

"Can't you be serious for a moment?" Steven realized he'd yelled, and looked away. "Sorry," he whispered.

A chair was pulled away, and Brian sat at the table. "I'm sorry for being flippant, Steven."

Steven looked at him, and he was amazed at how much he looked like his father when he was being serious.

Brian put a hand on his arm. "Look. I get that you're being weirded out by this. It isn't everyday that you get ambushed by your friend so his son can blow you."

Steven snorted. "That's one way to put it."

"My dad's intentions were good. You really have to believe that. And he didn't force me to do anything. I offered to help him when he told me about your situation."

"What I don't get is why you'd do that. I'm your dad's age."

"So? What does your age have to do with anything? You're a guy, we all need to get off once in a while. For some, the hand's enough, for others, that gets boring."

Steven sighed, popped the can open and took a long swallow. "I get what you're offering, but I'm a married man. I can't . . ."

Brian nodded. "And I don't want to replace your wife," he chuckled for a moment. "For one thing I can't cook to save my live." That made Steven smiled. "All I'm saying is that you need relief, and I'm willing to help. Hell, if it helps, think of me as a toy."

"No!" Steven glared at him. "You're not a toy. I'm not going to *use* you." He calmed down by taking a sip of his beer. "I'm just trying to figure things out."

"You love her." Brian stated, to which Steven nodded. "If I give you relief, that won't diminish your love for her. I'm not asking you to love me either. I just think that it would allow you to be with her without the constant pressure of being horny. It would take that off her too. Maybe you'd both be able to rediscover each other?" they were both silent for a while. "Do you two snuggle?"

Steven shook his head.

"She won't let you?"

"I'm the one who won't do it."

"Why not?"

"Because when we snuggle, it makes me horny, and I try to initiate something. She shoots me down, and I get blue balls."

Brain nodded, and stood. "Come on, I have an idea."

Steven hesitated a moment, then finished his beer and followed the tiger. Brian lead him to a bedroom. "Look," Steven started.

"Nothing sexual, I promise. Unless you start it. Lie on the bed, I'll be right back."

Steven sat on the edge of the bed, and looked around. Posters of guys on the wall, probably pop stars, or popular actors. He couldn't identify any of them. There was computer desk in a corner, a bookshelf next to it, with a lot of textbooks on the shelves.

Brian came back, and Steven was relieved to see he was still dressed. The tiger lied down on the bed and patted the space next to him. After a moment, Steven stretched next to him.

"What are we suppose to do?" he asked.

"We're going to snuggle. Maybe getting some affection is all you really need." Brian scooted closer until they were touching, he moved to his side, and he place an arm across the buck's stomach.

"Now what?"

"We can talk. What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a commercial electrician." Steven then told him about some of the jobs he'd done. The people he worked with. At one point, he realized that Brian was now rubbing his stomach and chest, and Steven placed a hand on the tiger's arm, rubbing it.

He turned his head to the tiger to say . . . Something? Really, he had no idea what he might say. Being held like this felt good. It had been a long time since he'd had any kind of intimacy, with anyone. And looking at the tiger's face, smiling at him, made him feel warm. Without thinking about it, he leaned in and kissed him.

Brian kissed him back, and Steven found he was moaning. This was another thing he hadn't felt in a long time, and the teen was a damned good kisser.

Next thing he knew he had pushed Brian on his back and was straddling him, never breaking the kiss. His shirt ended up open, and Brian's hands were roaming on his chest. Massaging and clawing lightly through the fur. Steven had forgotten how good it felt to be with someone that was into what was happening. Months ago Elizabeth had tried to be intimate with him, but she just couldn't enjoy it.

He broke the kiss and rolled off. He cursed under his breath.

"You okay?" Brian asked, running a finger along the buck's cheek.

"Sorry, my wife popped in my head all of a sudden, and this felt . . ."


Steven nodded.

"I get it." He leaned in to nip the side of his head. "Do you want to stop?" he licked along the edge of an ear.

Steven moaned lightly. "We should," he said with very little conviction. He could tell Brian to stop, he could get up and go back home, to his wife. He got, now, that the tiger wouldn't hold it against him.

Instead he pulled him on top of him and kissed him hard, while he undid his pants. Another hand joined his, and soon Steven was pantless.

Brian broke the kiss, and they were both panting. The tiger looked him over and Steven could tell his eyes lingered on the bulge in his underwear. "You are an amazing looking guy, you know that?"

Steven laughed. "I bet you say that to all the straight guys you drag into your bed."

Brian gave him a playful smile. "No, I have a strict policy of honesty. I can always find something I love about a guy, other than his cock, but they aren't all amazingly looking, not like you are. You have muscles, but they aren't too big. Dad's too bulky, I think. And you have a bit of fat over them, rounding you off, giving you a softness that's really comfortable."

Steven looked at the tiger. He'd compared him to his father, did that mean he'd . . . He shut that train of thought down right there. He didn't want to go down that road. "You're pretty well muscled too."

"Thanks. I like to workout regularly, helps keeping the stamina up."

"I don't want to be crass here, but is sex the only thing you think about?"

"Oh, god no," Brian replied with a laugh. "I think about cars, school, sports." He paused. "I'd say that sex is only about seventy-five percent of my thoughts."

"Funny guy," Steven replied, slapping Brian's ass lightly, and then left his hand on it. It was firm, and yet had some give to it. He squeezed it, and Brian moaned.

Steven gasped when Brian groped him. He knew he was hard, he could feel it, and right now, he didn't care if he was with another guy, this felt good, and it had been some time since he'd felt like this.

He pushed Brian on his back, and then stood. In one motion he ditched his underwear. Then he was pulling Brian's pants off, and was surprised to see he didn't wear underwear. Brian took off his shirt, and he was as naked at the buck, but clearly more comfortable in his excited nudity.

Steven hesitated, now that he was naked with another guy, he wasn't so sure. Brian motioned him closer, and Steven climbed back onto the bed, kneeling between the tiger's legs. Brian grabbed his arm and pulled him down so he was lying on top of him.

Steven was acutely aware that their cocks were pressed together. He tried to move about, to somehow make it so they weren't touching, but all he managed to do was rub them together, which felt good. He froze in place.

Brian smiled at him. "Relax. We have all day." He rubbed his side and nipped at his neck.

Steven did his best to put the fact that he was naked, on top of another naked guy, out of his mind and leaned in to kiss Brian, he knew that would feel good.

It did. Their tongue fencing together, Brian's hands roaming on his back, his legs wrapped around his ass and rocking him.

Steven broke the kiss, panting. "Fuck Brian, this feels so fucking good. Thank you so much for letting me do this."

Brian smiled at him. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Do you want to thank me properly?"

"Of course."

Brian leaned in. "Fuck me," he whispered.

Steven stared at him, not moving anymore, could he do that? Didn't he owe it to the tiger at this point? "Are you sure? I'm, I'm not exactly small."

"I wouldn't ask, if I didn't want it." He nodded to the bedside table. "Top drawer has lube in it."

Steven reached in and pulled out the bottle. He knelt back between the tiger's legs, and looked at the fur mated by precum on their stomach. He looked at Brian's cock, really looked at it. It was shorter than his by quite a few inches. This being the first one he ever took the time to look at, instead of looking away if he caught a glimpse, he had no idea if it was normal sized or not. It was also thinner.

"How big are you?" he found himself asking.

"Seven inch."

Steven nodded.

"Come on, lube up," Brian said with a chuckle. "You can spend how ever long you want looking at my cock, after you've fucked me senseless."

Steven poured lube in his hand, and then spread it over his cock. Brian put his legs on the buck's shoulders and lifted his ass up. Steven had to grope around to find his target, and then stopped, the tip at the entrance.

"How do you want me to do this?"

"Just push in slowly, if I need you to stop I'll let you know."

Steven nodded and pushed. Brian was moaning loudly, and Steven was panting. They both gasped as the head popped in, and then all Steven felt was heat and pleasure. God he was tight. Even his . . .. He stopped that chain of thought, and focused on what he was feeling.

"Oh fuck," Brian said. "Don't you dare stop, I want all of it. Oh fuck, you're so big."

Steven kept pushing in slowly, his entire body felt on fire.

Brian tensed under him. He swore loudly and then yelled. His ass pulsed around Steven's cock, which forced him to stop moving. Brian arced his back, and shot cum over his head.

Steven watched that in amazement. He'd heard stories of guys shooting that far, but he'd never done it himself. He hadn't actually thought they were true.

Brian relaxed, and after a moment looked at him. "Keep going. We're not done till you cum."

"Are you sure?" Steven didn't think he be willing to continue on the receiving end like this once he'd cum.

"Damn right I'm sure. Not only do you need this, but I want you to fill my ass with your cum."

Steven shook his head in amazement, and pushed in again. "Fuck," he whispered when he was all in, he couldn't quite believe it, and had to look down.

Brian put his arms around the buck's neck and pulled himself up to kiss him. "Go to town," he then whispered, "fuck me the way to want to. Don't worry, I can take what ever you want to dish out."

Steven had to chuckle at that. The way he wanted to? He wasn't even sure he'd be able to pull out without blowing a nut.

He surprised himself, he was able to pull out, and then push back in. He went slowly, not because he worried for Brian, but because he wanted to savor this, it had been a long time since his cock had been wrapped like this.

He bottomed out again, and Brian gasped. He looked at him for a moment, to make sure he was okay, and by the still hard cock that was leaking, he figured he was, then he closed his eyes and did this for himself.

He didn't last long. Each thrust felt better than the one before, he moaned, and grunted, his body was electrified. And when he bottomed out again, he let out a low, long groan and his balls emptied themselves more thoroughly then they had been in far too long.

Steven stood completely still, even after his orgasm has passed. His breathing was slow, his mind not quite cobbled together yet. He'd fucked a guy. He'd fucked a kid, really, and it had been great.

"Are you okay?" Brian asked, worry in his voice.

Steven opened his eyes and looked at him, noting there was more cum on the tiger's belly now. Was he okay? That was the question, wasn't it? Was that something he could even answer at this point?

"I think I am," he finally managed to say, and Brian smiled, relief evident. "You want me to pull out?"

Brian shook his head, so Steven stayed in, continuing to look at the tiger. He felt relief of his own when he realized that he liked Brian, but he didn't love him. He wouldn't have to sorts his emotions in regard to his wife, he loved her, and he liked him.

He smiled, and thought he could work with that.


The young tiger was seated on the floor in front of the couch, leaning forward, concentrating, on the television set. He was biting his lower lip as he rapidly hit the button on the controller. He had to move the character quickly to avoid a hit. He...

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Just a Walk

"That was a hell of a game," Alex said, putting his jacket back on. The crowd was finally thinning, so he stood. Patrick and Aaron looked around and did the same. "Yeah, it was," Aaron agreed, "Although I thought Merendez was off his game today....

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Esteban's Fear

Esteban slowly woke up when the sun hit his face. He blinked, closed his eyes, and frowned. How was it that he was still in bed if the sun was up? Had he slept through his alarm? That hadn't happened in a long time. He looked at the clock, except it...

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