A master and a bitch

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#5 of Lion Masters

A Master and a Bitch

By Kendo Kawabata

A continuation of Lion Masters.

David found himself in a situation that could only go worse no matter what direction he chose. He had not only embarrassed himself in a party full of masters and their sub-missives, but he had also embarrassed his master. Not to mention the actual host of the party. In front of his masters friends no doubt.

So, in order to punish him, his master Kent had told him to pick whoever was to punish him, because apparently David thought he had never had a choice. And he had to make a decision, or else Kent would make the decision for him. And he had to make that decision now.

David had argued that Kent never gave him a choice, that he had no say with how things were run around him. Now suddenly faced with the choice of actually being able to choose something, David found himself at a loss for words. Every time he tried to open his mouth and say anything at all, he found himself unable to speak.

He had the choice between the three, but which one did he choose? Which was the lesser evil here?

There was Marcus. The actual owner of the house and host of the party that they were attending. So far all David really knew about him was that Marcus was filthy rich, and the only pet he had, as far as he knew, was a cross-dressing flamedramon. The flamedramon didn't seem all that bad off, in fact he seemed quite normal. But even with that fact, Marcus was somewhat intimidating, even in a tailored suit.

He could choose Jeanne, the slender somewhat girlish fox who seemed quite nice to David when they were introduced. But his two boys were dressed up like a couple of leather mummies. He had to have been into some pretty hardcore bondage to have his boys walking around like that.

The other option was Isaiah. The big guilmon definitely did seem more like a master then the others, specially with the way he carried himself. But the bulky rhino he had crawling around on display in barely little seemed too embarrassed to really be enjoying himself. Unless this was a reward for the rhino, which made him wonder what kind of a punishment he'd dish out.

All three of them did not seem to be good options for him, and David did not feel like he was able to make a decision about it. He stammered and stuttered several as the four dominant masters stood there waiting for him to make a decision.

Finally though, it seemed that Kent thought he was taking too long as he let out an audible sigh and shook his head. He removed the cigar from his mouth and ground it down on a nearby plate to extinguish it.

David felt his heart skip a beat in shock. Kent never wasted a cigar in the time that David had known him. For him to put one out like that, his master must have really had enough. David opened his mouth to say something, anything. He suddenly so wanted to say something to make it up to him, but then he caught Kents eyes and he stopped mid thought.

It was only for a moment, but David could see that Kent really did look like he had had enough. Kent sighed again, the lion turning his attention back to Marcus as he gave a shrug.

"Marcus, it's your house" Kent said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "David apparently can't make up his mind, so you deal with it. I can't be bothered to drag this out any longer" he said.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Marcus asked him as he crossed his arms over his chest and gave a look to his friend. "You know my methods" he added, but Kent seemed to shrug it off.

"I'm going to sit outside with a bottle of whiskey and drink" Kent said as he looked over at Marcus for a moment. "Whatever you do to him, I really don't care. Apparently, my methods don't work. So, feel free. Do whatever" Kent said to him as he left the group and headed towards the bar.

It was at that moment that David suddenly found himself alone with three experienced masters who really were not happy with him. Nor impressed. And he could not help but feel very exposed as well, not having anything to do with the fact he was wearing minimal clothing.

"Well then, it seems we know who will be punishing you" Isaiah said, the big guilmon giving the charizard a rather big and sleazy grin. "You really thought Kent was bad to you? Wait till you see what Marcus is capable of when he takes off his silk driving gloves" he said with a smirk.

"I don't wear silk gloves when I punish a bitch" Marcus said as he unfolded his arms. He then reached into his pants pocket and withdrew something, holding it up against him in an angle that David was unable to see what it was.

"What..." was all that David was able to get out before Marcus jammed whatever it was against Davids side. David felt himself seize up and he vaguely heard something like a clicking noise before a ringing was heard in his ears and his vision blurred before he rather quickly passed out.

None of those standing around the group flinched when Marcus shoved the miniature taser against Davids side, no-one even blinking to seeing the big dragon crumple like paper to the ground. David landed with a rather heavy sounding thud as his body twitched a couple of times before he went still.

"I have leather gloves to use on bitches. I wouldn't dare stain silk that way" Marcus said matter of factly as he tucked the taser back into his pocket.

"Do you need some help with him?" Jeanne asked as he finished off the drink in his martini glass. "or do you have a plan already?" he asked as he set the glass on a nearby table, folding his hands over his chest.

"No, I have something in mind. It requires some help but not from your boys" Marcus said as he pushed the glasses back up his nose. "Blake, why don't you take Jeannes boys up to your room and away from all this? I'm sure your boys wouldn't mind some time away" he said.

"Actually, I think they would like that" Jeanne said with a nod. "Would you boys like to go up with Blake and play some of his video games for a while?' he asked his boys in a gentle tone of voice.

Both his boys sat up on their knees almost at once and brought their hands up to their chests like a pair of dogs would when they begged. They even made whining noises behind their masks, although none of them were able to hear what they were saying. But they knew the boys were agreeing as they were rather vigorously nodding their heads.

"Alright, you can take them upstairs" Jeanne said with a smile on his face. "Now make sure you boys behave, Blake has permission to tell on you boys if you misbehave" he said. They both nodded in their hoods before they went and lined up behind Blake as he started to leave the room with them.

"Dino, you go join them" Isaiah said to the rhino at his side. "Let us take a break from staring at your huge ass for a while" he said as he gave the rhinos large round ass a good firm slap. Dino let out a muffled yelp, his cheeks and his rump burning a bright red from embarrassment as he rather obediently followed after the others.

"So, what are you going to do with that?" Isaiah said as he pointed to the crumpled dragon on the floor, who was still unconscious. Marcus snapped his fingers at two nearby waiters, a grey wolf and an orange tiger, both in stiff white shirts and black pants, who quickly ran up to his side and stood at attention.

"Take this down to the dungeon" Marcus said as he pointed to the charizard. "Strip him and strap him to machine seven. And open up case sixteen from the cupboard down there" he added. The two waiters nodded before they both grabbed the dragon by his hands and feet and started to drag him across the floor towards the main foyer.

"I'd feel sorry for him if he didn't bring it on himself" Jeanne said as he took a glass of champagne from another waiter who was passing by. He took a sip from it as Marcus summoned over Carnine, the argonian appearing almost instantly. For some reason, the sharply dressed butler had that effect.

"Still, whatever he's got planned, I hope it's good" Isaiah said with a grin as he pulled a cigar box from the pocket of his pants. He stuck the end in his mouth as Marcus said something to his butler in private, before the argnonian nodded and stepped aside as Marcus headed towards the foyer himself.

"May I have your attention please?" Carnine said in a loud and clear voice, loud enough that all the masters and their sub-missives were able to hear him over the din in the room. Slowly, the chatter began to die down as everyone in the room turned towards him. The masters all stood with glasses of drink and plates of food in their hands, while their sub-missives were either kneeling beside them or, in some cases, being used as seats or footstools.

"Our host has just been called away for a short period of time due to some personal business to attend to" Carnine said once everyone was looking his way. "However, he would also like to extend an offer of assistance with the matter, to all the sub-missives who are here today."

"If it pleases all dominants and masters in this room, we require your sub-missives for a short period of time. All that we require is you remove their chastity devices for a short duration" he called out rather politely. He had very clipped words and spoke very precisely. "This will not count towards any acts of generosity on your behalves, nor should it be considered a reward for their behaviour. We do not wish to upset any current plans you have in place."

"So, with permission from your masters and dominants" Carnine said clearly. "Any sub-missives who wish to help, please have your chastity devices removed and join me in the foyer. This is completely optional, there is no need to assist if you do not wish you" he finished saying as he gestured towards the doors.

A very quick murmuring went throughout the room as almost all the sub-missives and pets in the room suddenly turned to their masters and started their immediate begging. Some were flat out refused, others were seen to have to beg for the privilege of helping out. The lucky ones were given permission right away.

The sound of many devices being unlocked was swiftly heard as the sub-missives started to walk over to where the butler was waiting in the foyer. There was quite the line of assorted males, all the more impressive considering the many different outfits there were wearing, from minimal to fully covered.

"I wonder what he's going to use them all for" Jeanne said, seeing the small crowd. All the boys looked quite happy as they stood there, many of them exposed and hanging free. "I can only imagine, considering he just had all their chastity devices removed."

"We'll probably hear all about it once he's done torturing the bitch" Isaiah said as he lit a match and brushed it against the end of his cigar. "Bet it's gonna be juicy" he added with a grin on his face.

The first thing that David felt when he regained his senses, was that he was lacking them. He remembered something pressing into his side, then a loud clicking before his body had seized up and then he ended up blacking out. Right now his head kinda felt fuzzy and there was a feeling of nausea in his stomach.

He couldn't hear anything, his ears felt like they were covered. And he couldn't open his eyes. It felt like something was holding them shut. And there was something in his mouth, something that was round and thick and filled his maw completely so he couldn't even move his tongue.

He tried to move, but found that his body wasn't responding. He was on his back, and his legs felt like they were being held up. David wiggled his legs, but his entire limbs were held tight in some kind of thing that was holding them up. He couldn't even wiggle his toes properly. They felt somewhat numb.

David tried to move his arms, but they were wrapped around his chest. He shook a bit, starting to feel a bit of panic as whatever was keeping his arms strapped in place was covering his whole upper torso. It made him feel somewhat helpless, and he felt very vulnerable as well. The two did not sit well with him.

He thrashed in his bonds, shaking hard as he tried to make any kind of sound that he could, but he could barely budge and all he could do was mumble into whatever was filling his mouth. Panic was really starting to sink in by now, he had no idea what was going on, or even where he was. Or of anything at that moment.

A door suddenly opened nearby and he quickly went still. His heart was hammering in his chest as he heard the muffled sound through whatever was blocking his ears. Whatever it was just dulled the noises, it didn't drown them out.

He was startled when he felt something press against his face and he flinched with a whine, trying to twist his head away from it. But it kept pressing firmly against his cheek, pushing the flesh up against the thing in his mouth and pushing firmly. David whimpered as the pressure just sat there on his cheek, like someone was pressing down with his finger on him.

That digit or whatever it was quickly vanished as it was removed, but it left enough pressure on his cheek that David could still feel it for a few more moments before it vanished. David found himself panting in fear. Someone was right beside him, and he couldn't tell who or what it was. He was really starting to get scared now.

Something was then removed from his eyes, something that stuck to his skin and felt like it was actually ripped from his face. He let out a yowl into his gag as his eyelids were almost torn off, getting blinded by a very bright light that invaded his vision without mercy.

Duct tape. Someone had duct taped his eyes shut. And then that someone had pulled it off his face like removing a band-aid. He had to blink multiple times and squint rather awkwardly to get used to the rather blaring light from whatever was above him.

Once his vision got used to the bright light he managed to lift his head up enough to see what had happened to him. He found he was indeed lying on his back, but what he saw just added to the scare factor.

His legs were up in stirrups, both raised up and spread out. He was completely exposed from the waist down. His tail was dangling over the edge of the bed or bench that he was strapped into. Big thick Velcro straps were wrapped around his legs, holding them in place so he couldn't move.

The dragon was also in a straight jacket. The old fashioned insane asylum style of jacket that strapped his arms to his chest and covered him in multiple straps and hooks to keep him in place. There were big silver rings in the jacket that were fed through with more Velcro straps to keep him secured in place.

He was starting to pant, his breath huffing through his nose as he took a look around where he was able to see. He couldn't see behind him, but he was able to see somewhat in front of him and on either side.

David was in a god damned dungeon.

The floor looked like black rubber, the kind you'd expect to see in a good quality gym. It ran the whole span of the floor, covering it wall to wall. The walls themselves seemed to be covered in what looked like red latex or rubber. The ceiling was black rubber as well, the lights fused into the rubber so that they were seamless. The lights were bright white, and there were enough lights up there to cover every corner of the room.

The items in the room, half of them he had never seen before. The ones he did recognise were rather typical. He recognised a breeders stocks, a St Andrews cross, a hanging sling. One of the walls had a large set of display racks, with multiple tools for bondage. Canes, whips, flogs. One had a set of shelves on it, covered in tightly sealed boxes that looked like briefcases.

The rest of the equipment, he had never seen before. He had no idea what they were, or what they could possibly be used for. And they looked old. Antique old. As in copper plate and gold edging gold. The scary part was, they looked more like they were instruments of torture.

Something then pulled away from his ears and he was suddenly able to hear clearly again. Not that it did much good. There was nothing to hear really. Only the drone of an air conditioner that was running. And his own panicked breathing.

A hand suddenly wrapped under his chin and he was pulled back, suddenly finding himself staring back up at the ceiling, unable to look away as someone leant over, staring down at him with a face that was devoid of all pity.

"Hello David" said Marcus.

Marcus slowly moved his way around David till the dragon was able to get a look at him properly. Marcus had changed out of his tailored outfit. All he was wearing was a pair of snug fitting black silk boxers around his hips, and a pair of black leather fingerless gloves on his hands. A minimalist look for a master, but the way he moved left no doubt that this lion was fully in charge and he knew it.

"This is my private dungeon. You should feel lucky. Not many people get to be in here" Marcus said as he gestured with his hand. "Not everything is in here for sexual purposes. I'm sure that someone did tell you that yes, I am an art dealer by trade, but I am not afraid to get my hands dirty if need be to get what I want. And what I want, is to punish you."

"Kent has given me permission to do whatever I want to you, straight from his mouth" Marcus said as he pulled a wheeled silver cart up beside David. One of those big metallic black boxes was sitting on it, and it was opened. "Now, before we begin, I'm going to show you just how much power I have over you right now" he said.

David watched, mostly in fear, as Marcus withdrew something from the box. It was the size of a hand-held radio, with a black led screen and several very large buttons on the front. Marcus wrapped his fingers around a nub on the top and extended it out like a policeman's extendible baton.

"Do you have any idea what this is?" Marcus asked as he turned the device on. The screen lit up rather audibly, and David could hear a light humming from the device. He quickly shook his head. He had no idea what it was, but it had to be something horrible.

"A group of angry pissed off lesbian feminists set up camp outside a university and start screaming about woman rights while throwing eggs at every guy that walks past" Marcus said as he looked down at David. "Police can't taser them, they can't mace them. Can't even turn the water cannons on them. So they invented this. A non lethal pacifier for activists like that" he said.

He then leant over and waved the tip in front of Davids eyes. David could almost feel the damn thing vibrating from how close it was against his face.

"I press this against you and press the trigger, and it will send a sonic pulse through your body" Marcus explained slowly. "It will quite literally liquefy the contents of your stomach, and force it out" he said. "Think projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhoea at once, plus loss of your bladder. You'd lose control of your bodily functions almost instantaneously for sever minutes. And they will be very, very long minutes" he said.

David actually started to sweat as he heard that. That thing was right next to his face, and Marcus had his hand on the button. God, if he pressed it...

"This was never really approved of, some right wing bitches on their periods decided that this was too cruel and unusual to use against crowds that were out of control" Marcus continued as he held the device right in front of Davids face, the tip just centimetres from the dragons nose.

"Now, I can send you back to your master one of two ways" Marcus said as he adjusted his glasses. "I can send you back in one piece with all your functions right, or I can send you back a complete mess. If you really do doubt how much control I have here right now, I'll tell you. You've spent your whole life learning to control your bodies most basic functions. But five minutes with this happy little guy, and you'll be dependant on diapers for the rest of your life" he said.

"Now, I'm going to remove your gag and ask you a couple of questions" Marcus said sternly. "If you scream or make any noise aside from a yes or no answer, I will jam this into your stomach and buzz you till your body is milked like a toothpaste tube. And then I will make you lick this whole floor clean, no matter how many times you throw up" he said. David was holding himself very still, his eyes focused firmly on the tip of the device. It was humming, and it just seemed to get louder with each passing second. How could something so small be capable of such destruction of a person?

"Now, first question. Does it look like I'm joking?" Marcus asked as he reached forward with his free hand and undid the gag around Davids mouth. It turned out to be a rather oddly shaped ball gag that was designed to completely fill a persons mouth rather then just block it.

The moment the gag left his mouth, David had the urge to start screaming. He wanted to scream, shout, hurl every dirty filthy word that he knew at the lion. He wanted threats to come from his lips and he wanted to spit at him too for good measure.

But the moment he opened his mouth, what saved his insides from being liquefied was the fact that Marcus' expression hadn't changed. And he managed to see that. It was the way he was looking at him, like he was just daring David to cause a fuss. The tip of the rod was still just a breadth away from his face, it hadn't moved. The lion was literally looking for a reason to use it on him, and he wouldn't hesitate.

David made absolutely no sound as he slowly closed his mouth, swallowing a rather rapidly growing lump in his throat. He took several deep breaths, as quietly as he was possibly able to do before he said a very quiet 'No.'

Marcus nodded, his expression not changing, but the device didn't move away from Davids face either.

"When I first got Blake, I gave him a choice. Either submit, or be forced to submit. I'm going to give you a choice later, and trust me, after I'm done with you, you're going to take it" Marcus said as he waved the tip of the rod in front of Davids vision.

"This is a punishment for you boy. I'm going to make sure that you don't enjoy any of it. Most masters would punish their boy rather lightly, usually giving them something that they enjoy in the end, as if to say ''It was my fault I had to hurt you, not your". I'm not like them" Marcus said flatly. "I'm going to punish you, and you're going to hate every minute of it."

"But at the end of all this, you're going to get your choice, and you're going to take it" he said as he pulled the rod from Davids vision. David let out a sigh of relief, although he was still in a cold sweat as he saw Marcus put the device back on the small trolley, just where it was still in reach.

"Now, some masters are absolutely abhorrent" Marcus said as he pulled something out of the case that David couldn't see. "They like to kidnap perfectly normal people and hide them away, pumping them full of Viagra and other aphrodisiacs, using mind games and manipulations and constant chastity to turn them into slobbering horny beasts. They effectively destroy that person to turn them into a one minded slut."

Marcus then moved down to Davids exposed legs. David whimpered and tried to struggle, wanting to ask what he was doing. But he was more fearful of his guts liquefying then whatever the lion had planned, and he didn't dare speak. Not when he knew that Marcus wouldn't hesitate.

"Can you imagine David, constantly on edge, your mind filled with nothing but the desire to jack off? After two weeks, the price to do it, might just be licking your cum off your masters dirty boots. Next time, the price might be higher. You might have to sit in front of a urinal and swallow before getting permission" Marcus said as he fiddled with with something. "Third time, you might be in chastity so long, you'd be willing to lick the shit off your masters ass."

David let out a gasp as something cold and wet touched his exposed hole, then grunted and whined as what felt like fingers started to probe against his ring and force their way in. But he kept his teeth clamped together to stop himself from protesting.

"Then, you have the kind of masters who are like Pimps" Marcus continued explaining as he forced his fingers into Davids hole, all the way to the knuckles. "They're more physical. They take you somewhere and beat the crap out of you. Over and over again. They'll beat you and hurt you until you can laugh it off. And they teach you not to only like it, but to want it" he said.

"You're not a boy to them. You're just an object for them to rent out. Something to get abused every day and treated like dirt. You're not even permitted to cry. You're just expected to get fucked and love it" he said as he worked his fingers around in Davids hole.

David panted as those fingers were removed, his hole gaping a little from the probing. He gasped again as more cold lubricant was applied to his hole, then three fingers were pushed in with a squelching noise.

"I want you to think on that, when you go through your punishment" Marcus said as he wiggled his fingers around, feeling that tight ring of muscle squelch around his digits. "I want you to think on when Kent first met you and what he did that first night. And whether or not he was truly that cruel. Whether he really did treat you like garbage, when he really could have done worse."

David let out another panting gasp as those fingers were removed, then something much bigger was forced into his backside. He let out a deep moaning noise as his ring stretched wider around something, something big and thick that buried its way into him. It had to be some kind of toy, but what kind David didn't know.

He heard several clicks, like something was being locked into place before Marcus filled his view, looking down at the dragon bound below him. The gag was suddenly shoved back into Davids mouth, stifling whatever noise the dragon could have made.

"This is the first part of your punishment. Most pets go from being free to jack off any-time they want, to being restricted to when they can touch themselves" Marcus said as he held up some kind of remote control. It had two buttons and a dial on it. "A lot of pets find it not just frustrating, but inhumane in a way. So they're biggest complaint, is that they can't paw as often as they want."

Marcus put his fingers on the dial and showed David what was written under it. It had the word 'Vibrate', with three words against the dial. 'Minimal, Medium, Maximum.' A click and the dial turned to 'Minimal.'

David let out a gasp as the dildo inside of him began to vibrate slowly. It was a dull vibration, not overly unpleasant, but enough that it was definitely felt. He squirmed a bit, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"This is a special bench, designed to fuck bitches like you" Marcus said as he pressed one of the buttons. The one marked 'Thrust'. The dildo was suddenly pulled out slowly, still vibrating before it was pushed back in. David grunted and moaned into the gag as the dildo was pulled out again, then pushed back in steadily. It was building up a rhythm, a good strong steady thrusting into his backside. "Course, with an ass that big, this shouldn't be a problem for you to handle" Marcus said.

The dial was suddenly turned to 'Medium'. The vibrations were suddenly turned up with one heck of a kicks. Davids cock sprang to full hardness as his prostate was mashed and vibrated again and he found himself moaning and squirming. This was a completely new sensation to him, and since it had been several days since he had last been permitted to cum, it wasn't going to take much to send him over the edge.

The machines pounding was steady and very repetitive. It buried the dildo inside him over and over again, not stopping or slowing down, burying right down to the base. It mashed itself against his prostate over and over again, and the vibrations were strong enough to make the flesh around his backside ripple from the power.

"I want you to think on what I said" Marcus said. "About the difference in masters. Think on how Kent treated, compared to how he could have. I want you to think long and hard, if you're able to" he said as he pressed the last button on the remote. It read 'Spin.'.

David almost howled into the gag as the dildo started to spin around in his ass. It was now vibrating, pumping and spinning around in his ass on a constant cycle. His cock was throbbing hard now, pre drooling around his crotch as it spurted over his straight jacket. He was already so close, it wouldn't be long now.

Then Marcus flicked the vibrations up to 'Maximum' with a click of the dial.

David clenched his eyes shut as the vibrations went into overdrive. The flesh on his huge ass was now jiggling like jelly being wobbled fiercely, and his anal chute was stimulated beyond anything he had ever felt. His prostate was now in a constant state of torment as the vibrating twisting dildo was pumped in and out of his backside without mercy.

It was all too much for him to bear as he suddenly began cumming hands free, roaring into the gag in his mouth. Ribbons of pearly white dragon seed spewed into the air and landed over the straight jacket, some even splashing up to reach his chin and splatter on his face.

David writhed in the confines as his cock continued to spurt, his dick getting sensitive from his powerful orgasm. He moaned as he tried to open his eyes as he felt his climax die off, managing to open his eyes to stare up at Marcus.

He had to admit, it did feel good. He hadn't shot that powerful in a while, or even that quickly. Whoever had made the machine, knew what they were doing.

But, it didn't stop.

Marcus just stood there, looking down at him as he held the remote up, his free hand nowhere near it. And the machine wasn't stopping. It kept going, throbbing and pounding and twisting inside him, causing his prostate to get mashed over and over again as his cock was springing back to life.

"Think on what I said" Marcus said as he put the remote down on the trolley beside the box. "Lets see if you think Kent was really that cruel, after I've forced you to cum so many times, you're balls will shoot nothing but air" he said as he grabbed the ear muffs and placed them back around Davids ears.

David tried to struggle as he cried out into the gag, feeling the duct tape get reinserted over his eyes, causing his vision to go dark. He protested and shouted into the muzzle as his ass was assaulted, but all his efforts were futile as the forced pleasure wracked his body each time his prostate was assaulted.

The muff over his ear was lifted as he felt warm breath against his lobe.

"I'll be back later boy" Marcus said into his ear before the muff was pushed back over his ear. David swore into the gag as he thrashed as hard as he could manage, but he could barely move his body. The jacket was too well strapped in and the frame too well designed to let him to any-more more then just jiggle.

He vaguely heard a door slam shut, registering in his mind that he had now been left alone. But that thought didn't dwell too deeply on him as he arched his back, crying out into the gag as another orgasm wracked his body.

This one felt a bit more painful as several spurts of cum shot across his jacketed arms. His cock throbbed and pulsed, aching in a way as his balls boiled over to produce the seed needed for his orgasm. He struggled again, but nothing could be done. He was trapped good.

With his ears covered and his vision black, David had no way of passing the time. He couldn't focus on anything beyond the continued assault on his ass. Over and over again the machine plunged the dildo into his hole, his prostate repeatedly hit and poked and prodded without remorse.

And over and over again did his balls shoot. Each consecutive load was smaller then the last, losing its pearly creamy texture and colour and becoming a milky watery mess. It was no longer shooting any-more, it was more dribbling out in a weak attempt of a climax. But he felt it every time, and each time the climax hurt a little more till it was downright painful.

David lost count after the fifth or sixth climax that he was forced to endure. He was sobbing into his gag not long after, mumbling in his stuffed mouth that the torture would soon end and he could be relieved of his pain.

But no help came. He was completely helpless and at the mercy of someone that he had pissed off. Tears were dribbling out from under the duct tape and his nose was getting clogged up from how badly he was sobbing.

Over and over the machine pounded his rapidly numbing ass, and over and over his climaxes were forced out of him. And no-one was around who would willingly hear his cries. Somewhere though, in the back of his wracked mind, David knew that Kent really had gone easy on him.

Kent was sitting in one of the sun lounges by the outside pool. Marcus' huge estate really did have everything. The pool was Olympic size and the waters sparkling clean. The sun was at the right temperature where a swim would not be considered a bad idea to have.

All he did was blow smoke into the air as he reclined on one of the lounged. It was a big lounger, and very comfortable. An ashtray sat on the little table beside his lounger, a nearby umbrella casting just enough shadow over him to keep him comfortable. If he wanted to, he probably could have fallen asleep.

"Amazing how far he's come, considering we were at school together" Kent said to himself. He and Marcus may have once been friends at school, but they had both turned out extremely different. And amazing how they were in different leagues.

"Mind if I join you?" he heard Jeanne say from nearby. Kent looked over enough to see the fox walk over with a drink in his hand. Kent waved his hand at the lounger next to him and the fox sat himself down on it.

"What's happening in there?" Kent asked him as he inhaled another round on his cigar.

"All the pets and boys have been taken away to assist in whatever Marcus has planned" Jeanne said to him. "Well, except my boys. They went off to play games with Blake" he added as he placed his drink on the little table.

"Did your boys mind missing out?" Kent asked. Jeanne gave him a look.

"You know very well they can't assist in something like that" he said, almost sternly. Kent just gave him a look, which made him shake his head. "No, they don't mind. I think they would have preferred the video games anyway" he said. "I have enough trouble sometimes getting them to leave the house. I shudder to think of the trouble I'd have to go through to convince them a group thing like that is good for them" he said.

"your boys are lucky to have someone like you looking out for them" Kent said with a nod as he stubbed out the remainder of his cigar.

"They were lucky that I found them when I did" Jeanne said to him as he leant forward a little. "Just like David was lucky to find someone like you when he did." Kent just huffed at that suggestion.

"Clearly, not lucky enough" Kent said as he sat up on the lounger and swung himself over to face Jeanne. "It's obviously not working out between us. You saw what happened, he doesn't like me at all" he said.

"You're judging everything that's happened based on one little spoilt brat tantrum?" Jeanne asked him.

"You heard what he said though. He wouldn't have said it if he didn't mean it" Kent said to him.

"Not if he was just pissed off. Everyone says things they don't mean at the wrong times" Jeanne pointed out to him.

"Turning me into one of your patients now?" Kent asked with a raised eyebrow. Jeanne didn't back down from the lion.

"It's not something I can turn off at will" he reminded him. "And what David said isn't the problem. It's not even the fact that you two aren't right for each other. This is because he's replaced Jamie, and it's not the same as it used to be" he said.

"I'm over him" Kent said firmly. Jeanne however gave him a look that suggested he didn't believe him. "I am over him. He walked out on me, and he hasn't been in contact with me since. I've moved on Jeanne, I got a new boy and I've put it behind me."

"But David isn't Jamie, is he?" Jeanne asked.

"Of course he isn't" Kent said firmly. "He's nothing like him. Completely different person."

"And that's the problem" Jeanne said to him. "Look, I know what I'm talking about. I've been doing this a long time with both masters and pets of every description and situation, and I know what is going on. David is not Jamie, and that's where things are going wrong" he said.

Kent just made a grumble under his breath but he didn't say anything back to him.

"You got Jamie at a young age and you spent years training him. You got him exactly the way you wanted him, in a way that suited you both and had you both happy. You were used to having a boy who did what you wanted and could be the kind of boy that you wanted."

"And then he left. He walked out of your life, and the moment you were without him, you broke. You were so used to having him around that you had no clue what to do once you were without him" Jeanne continued. He could see Kent stir in his seat, shifting almost uncomfortably.

"You didn't have enough time to actually deal with his separation. You just broke and got depressed. Now, I applaud Marcus for actually handing you a life line and getting you on the road back to recovery, but you jumped into it too fast I think. You dove head first into it without taking it slow so you could get used to it again" Jeanne said.

Kent sighed as he shook his head somewhat.

"What was I supposed to do? Jamie had just walked out on me. I needed something" he said.

"What you needed was to take your time" Jeanne said to him. "Look, I can tell that David is going to make a great pet, and not just because every single master in there is envious that he has the biggest butt in there. He just needs to realise that being your pet is not a bad thing, and having you as a master is the best thing that can happen to him."

"If having me as a master is the best thing for him, then why did Jamie leave me?" Kent asked him.

"I can't answer that" Jeanne said to him. "I don't know or pretend to know why he walked out, but I think you were so desperate to have him back and be back in the master life style that you threw yourself into the deep end and you dragged David in with you. You dragged him along so fast he couldn't keep up."

"And now he's reached his limit of what he can handle, and yes, it is in one of the worst possible places to be doing it. But he had a spat, and you're giving up because it's not going your way" Jeanne said to him. "David is not Jamie in anyway, and you're giving up because you can't handle it" he said.

Kent said nothing for several long minutes, but Jeanne didn't force him to speak. He just let the lion think things over in his mind.

"What do you think I should do then?" Kent asked after a few more minutes of silence.

"Start over. Clean the slate" Jeanne said to him. "Take David home, talk with him and work things out. Start over. Teach him from the beginning. Show him just how much you want him around and appreciate him, and show him just how happy he can be being your boy" Jeanne said as he stood up.

"And what if he really, really isn't happy?" Kent asked as he looked up at Jeanne. "Maybe your right, maybe starting over is a good idea and maybe I did rush into things with him. But what if he's just not happy? Am I supposed to keep him and make him miserable just to keep me happy?" he asked.

"That's up to you" Jeanne said to him. "If you really think David is going to be happy with you, then you need to make the right decision about that, even if it does mean giving him up" he said.

Kent said nothing as he let Jeanne walk away. He knew the damn fox was right about a lot of things, and most of those he could agree on. Kent reached into his pocket and pulled out his cigar box and withdrew one, as well as pulling out his matches.

It was very possible that he had just rushed into things without taking the time to do them right. And he probably did think that it would have been just as easy with David as it had been with Jamie. Perhaps it was possible that by training David he was still keeping Jamie around in a sense.

But those thoughts didn't really make him feel any better. And neither did the thought of actually letting David go. If David really was unhappy being his boy, he really didn't have the right to keep him. Unless he wanted to be the kind of bastard that David was afraid that he was.

Kent lowered himself back onto the lounger after he had lit his cigar and returned to staring up at the sky. He had a lot more to think about.

David only became aware that someone was in the room when the ear muffs were removed from his ears. He started struggling again, screaming into gag, pleading for the torture to stop. He begged over and over again as he heard someone moving things around.

Then the dials were clicked and buttons were pressed and then David felt the dildo inside him suddenly and abruptly stop. The vibrations and the spinning and the thrusting were finally stilled and the dragon found himself openly crying in relief.

"Looks like you survived" he heard Marcus say from somewhere close to him. The dragon was a complete and utter mess.

Davids ass was numb. His entire rectal channel was numb from the constant abuse, he could still feel the dildo, but he wasn't getting any pleasure out of it. His prostate felt like it was constantly buzzing, irritated from the thorough and copious abusing it had been receiving.

His balls had to have shrunk down to nothing, it felt like they were empty. The last few orgasms had ended up being rather painful, shooting nothing but a few dribbles of very watery cum. His balls felt very tender, almost like they were about to break at any given moment.

His cock was bloated and purple, so hard from the simulation that it was in a constant aching state in arousal. David had never cum so many times in his life, and he was desperate to never do it again.

Saliva was dribbling out of the corners of his mouth and down his chin, pooling around on his neck and soaking into the collar of the straight jacket. Snot had dribbled out of his nose and down his cheeks in long sticky strings, making him look like a weeping baby who didn't know how to wipe. Tears has flooded under the duct tape with such volume that it was barely holding on, deep wet streaks across his face.

Marcus leant over and slowly peeled back the duct tape from Davids eyes. It peeled off like a wet piece of toilet paper , barely any stickiness left. David had to blink several times in order to be able to see again in the light, and Marcus could see that the dragons eyes were red from all the crying.

"You are a mess" Marcus said flatly as David whimpered weakly into the gag in his mouth. "But, have you learned your lesson? Are you going to behave next time?" he asked as he slowly unhooked the gag from Davids mouth. A good amount of backed up saliva was coughed out of Davids mouth before he was able to talk.

"YES" David practically screamed as loudly as he could ."YES, yes I've learned my lesson. I was a bad dragon, I misbehaved, I said bad things about my master, I promise I won't ever do it again but please, please don't do this to me any-more... I .. I can't stand it any-more" he ended up finishing as he started to sob once again.

"Please... please I'm so sorry.... I .... I was wrong... he's....he's not bad.... this is so much worse.... this... I ... I can't do this please... please no more... it hurts.... it hurts all over.... I'm so sorry.... please... no more... I can't take it any-more" he blubbered, sniffling rather wetly from all the snot dribbling from his nose.

"That's enough" Marcus said flatly. The tone of his voice was hard enough to make David stop his blubbering, although he did sniffle a few times.

"So," Marcus said as he leant over the bound dragon. "Do you really think now, that Kent was horribly cruel to you like you implied? Or, were you just exaggerating because you wanted everyone to feel sorry for you?" he asked.

"I lied" David wailed loudly as he sniffed rather grossly to clear the snot from his nose. "I lied. He wasn't that bad, he never was. He...he was actually good to me...I just....I just didn't want to admit that I liked it....and I wanted everyone to feel sorry for me...I'm sorry that I did that, I really am.....please... please make all this stop...." he blubbered out loud.

Marcus didn't say anything as he simply watched the dragon blubber like a child. He simply stood there, his arms crossed over his chest as he let the dragon cry as much as he wanted, but none of it did anything to effect him. His face remained devoid of any emotion or mercy towards him.

"I don't believe you" Marcus said finally. That simple statement made David stop his crying and his sniffing as he looked up at the lion with reddened sore eyes.

"Wh-what?" he asked as he gulped. "But...but I'm telling the truth..."

"I said you were exaggerating, and you agreed right away" Marcus said flatly. "You're not really sorry, you're just agreeing with what I'm saying so that you don't have to be punished further" he said.

"But...but I am sorry" David wailed at him.


Davids head flung to the side as the back of Marcus' hand struck him across the face with enough force that he actually lost focus from the impact.

"You are just agreeing with me, because you don't want to learn your lesson" Marcus roared up again the dragons side, practically roaring into his ears with enough fury and anger that David clenched his eyes shut in fear. "You are a spoilt fucking little thug, a little piece of ghetto ass who probably had everything handed to you so you didn't have to actually work."

"I know Juliet very well. I bought my boy off her" He said angrily against David, the dragon still shivering and whimpering as he kept his eyes closed. "I sent Kent to go buy a bitch from her because he needed someone, anyone, to get him out of his depression that he was sinking into. And who does he buy? A fat assed dragon with no respect."

"I had Juliet send over the information she had collected about you" he continued as he moved to the dragons other, forcing David to turn away from him again in fear. "I'm not surprised you came from a rich family. Most bitches like you do, spoilt rotten little brats who have family lawyers to do away with anything remotely nasty about you."

"You ran away from home not long before you were caught, because you wanted to join a little street gang. Make yourself a tough little bitch on the street, right?" he demanded as he continued to yell. "Some tough little bitch you are, living on the street and having the lawyer bail you out every-time you get busted doing some little pointless crime."

"You think you have what it takes to be tough, huh boy?" he snarled in the dragons ear. "You think you know what it means to be a bad boy, a real tough thug? The shit I've done, the stuff I do on a daily basis, it would make your stomach crawl to know the things I do to keep myself on top" he snarled again.

"And now look at you, strapped into a fuck machine and you can't even put on a brave face. You started blubbering like a little bitch, and that's all you are really, at heart your a little bitch. Blake cried when I took him the first time, but he at least tried. He tried to be brave, he tried to hold it in. He actually earned my respect by trying to be brave while I violated him, repeatedly. But you, you just broke down and showed me your a little bitch at heart."

"And I don't believe your sorry at all. Not one little bit" he snarled again as he moved to the other side of the dragon. "That's one of the powers of a master, we decide when to believe you, and when not to. Wether we see it or not. And I choose not to believe you, because I can. Kent might believe you, because he actually cares. But I don't have to believe you, and I choose not too" he growled.

David only stopped whimpering when he felt the lions breath leave the side of his face and he heard the footsteps across the floor move away from him. He carefully opened one eye as he tried to tilt his head up to see what was going on.

He saw Marcus walk over to a rack on the wall that he hadn't noticed before and pull down what looked like a long black rod. David stared in shock as he saw Marcus whip the rod in the air, and the sharp slicing whooshing noise it made, made his skin crawl in the worst possible way.

"See, I told Kent I would punish you, and he told me to do whatever I wanted. And trust me when I saw that I am going lenient on you" Marcus said as he walked back up to the dragon and showed him the long black rod. It was actually made of a stiff corded material braided into a rod shape to hold its form. And it was very flexible.

"The machine that fucked you? Part one of the punishment. To punish you for embarrassing your master in front of everyone" Marcus said to him as he flexed the rod in his hands, the leather braid creaking firmly as he flexed. "And I think you've been punished enough for that."

"But this punishment, is part two" Marcus said as he suddenly tapped the rod against Davids broad ass firmly, just enough to make the fat cheeks jiggle. "This punishment, is for putting your hands on my boy. I'm going to make you hurt, and I promise that you will scream. And feel free too, no-one can hear you remember?"

"And then I will give you part three, and that will be the choice that I offer you" Marcus said as he brought the rod back into the air behind his shoulder in a swing position, like he was about to swing a tennis racquet. "But for now, I suggest you brace yourself" he said as he brought the rod down on Davids ass hard.

The dragon screamed from the impact as he felt like his flesh had just been sliced open from the impact.

Kents pocket pack of cigars was starting to run empty. He may have enjoyed a good smoke now and then, especially when it came to sex, that was always a given. But he had never smoked through his entire packet before, especially in one day. The ashtray next to his chair was a dead give-away that he had been smoking practically non stop.

Only a couple were left anyway as he slid another brown tube from the case and lit it up easily enough, drawing in a deep breath as he filled his lungs. He exhaled slowly, the smoke curling around his features as he stared at the empty pool.

The party was still going on, but he didn't care any-more. He wasn't really sure what he was supposed to be thinking of at that time. He honestly was starting to think he was falling back into his depressive state.

"Need a refill?"

Kent looked up as he saw Isaiah walk up, the muscle gutted Guilmon plonked himself down on the vacant chair beside him as he saw the near empty case of cigars.

"I'm sure Marcus has my brand in his supply cabinet somewhere anyway. Thanks though" Kent said as he took another breath.

"Suite yourself. You ok though?" Isaiah asked him as he looked at him with the same level of concern that Jeanne had given him earlier.

"Let me guess, you're here to tell me to give David another chance or something?" he asked him, giving the other male a look.

"Yes, there is that" Isaiah said to him firmly. "But you need to get over Jamie, and forget that that bitch ever existed, you hear me mate?" he asked.

"I am over him" Kent said firmly. "No you're bloody well not" Isaiah said, an unconvinced look on his face. Kent raised his eyebrow at him.

"I saw how you looked earlier when you were talking about David" Isaiah said. "You were, happier then I'd seen you in ages. Why? Because you had a boy again. The way you talked about him, the way you spoke with pride and admiration about him, that told me you were over him. That Jamie was no longer a part of your life" he said.

"And then David acted up, and I saw the look on your face. You had the exact same look on your face when you skyped me the day after Jamie had left you. Almost at once, you started talking about leaving David behind and forgetting about being a master and all that, the exact same thing you said last time" he said.

"I dunno what your talking about" Kent said as he took another smoke.

"And yet, here you are, out here pining away for the dragon that hurt you" Isaiah said. "You're not over him, and the minute that David started acting up and being a little bitch, you let Jamie hurt you again. And the fucker aint even here. You're letting his memory hurt you, that's what's going on" he pointed out.

Kent said nothing for several moments as he took another deep inhale of his cigar.

"He was more then just a boy to me, you know that" Kent said after a few moments. "I genuinely loved him" he said.

"So?" Isaiah said flatly. Kent turned his gaze at the Digimon when he heard that.

"What do you mean so?" he demanded.

"Do you know how many boys me and my sons have had over the last several years that stayed?" Isaiah said firmly to him. "Not nearly as many as the ones who just up and left. And I will say this about them, we did not cry about the ones who just up and left. We cried about the ones that could no longer stay."

"Well, I cried about Jamie. So what?" Kent said just as firmly. "That should show you how much I cared about the damn bitch. I gave him a home, a purpose, saw to his every need, and he just up and left without a word" he said.

"Exactly" Isaiah said as he pointed a finger at Kent. "He left YOU, the one who gave him everything. Without a word otherwise. He had zero, absolute zero respect for you to do something like that, and not give you the decency to actually tell you what's going wrong" he said. "Look, I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm not gonna let you beat yourself up over yet another bitch like this. So you're gonna shut up and listen, cause if you won't listen to Jeanne, then your damn well gonna listen to me" he said.

Kent said nothing as he pursed his lips, slowly turning his cigar over in his hand over and over for a few long silent moments, before he pulled his hand back and flicked the half smoked cigar into the pool. It flew a short distance before it fell into the water, bobbing along the waters surface as Kent turned to face Isaiah and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Alright, since you're so determined, I'm listening" he said. Isaiah nodded, glad the lion was willing to listen, even unwillingly.

"My boys and I, we've had them before. Guys who come up to us, telling us how much they love the way we treat them. They want to be treated like sluts, we treat them like that. They want to be workhorses, we'll work them hard. They want to be a house pet, they get it. As masters, we learn what they can and cannot do, and their limits. And we keep inside those limits to keep them happy."

"And in return, they have the absolute god given right to tell us when we have done them wrong in any way" Isaiah continued. "I step out of line and make a boy do something he doesn't like, he has every right to tell me what went wrong. They have to have absolute trust in us for us to look after them and to take care of them. And they have to tell us when we step over the line to make sure we don't do it again."

"And we've had those bitches who refused" he continued. "Boys like your Jamie, who loved being your bitch and boy twenty four hours in the day. Then one day, something wrong happens. We don't do something the right way, or we put them in a situation they don't like. Or we say the wrong thing. I once had a boy who loved being a fucktoy to me. I could get him hard and off like no other because I treated him like property. Then one day he tells me he has to go because its late, so I called him a bitch like I always do. He dropped contact with me the next day and didn't speak to me again, and couldn't even tell me why.

"We do one little thing wrong, and they hold onto it. They don't tell us, they don't correct us, they let it happen. And we keep doing it. You did something wrong to Jamie, and rather then tell you what it was, he kept letting you do it. Over and over again more then likely. And instead of doing something about it, he probably got distant, wouldn't talk to you, got moody and started showing no respect. Or, he just kept acting as normal so you didn't think something was wrong with him."

"And then either two things happen. The first, is he gets up and leaves without telling you why. Because he can't take it any-more, that you're doing so much wrong and he won't even work on telling you what it was to make things better. They show you how much respect they actually have for you, by making you wonder how many of those times they told you they were happy and loved you, were just lies."

"Or" Isaiah continued. "They continue to be moody little bitches and show blatant disrespect for you until you can't let it slide any longer. Then you call them out on it. Then they start their little song and dance about how they're pissed off at you because you don't respect their boundaries and everything good you've done for them doesn't matter any-more. And when you call them out on that, they just get up and leave, cause they don't want to be held responsible for pissing you off."

"And you know what, it hurts" Isaiah said. "Not gonna lie mate, it hurts like hell. You like in bed and you wonder when did they start lying about how much you meant to them? When wasn't it enough to give them what they wanted or needed. It hurts, but you know what? They aint worth the tears mate. They just aren't."

"The ones that do deserve your tears, are the ones that actually break up with you after a lot of trouble between you both" he said. "I've had my share of boys who worked hard to repair what was broken, but in the end they had to leave because we couldn't keep together on the chance we'd hurt each other. Those are the ones you cry for, the ones you have to let go of, not the ones that run away from you."

"You said you gave Jamie everything? Well, if he had any respect for you whatsoever, he would have tried to do something about it. Instead, he led you along and let you believe that everything was ok, then slapped you in the face with his leaving without even a proper goodbye" he pointed out. "David may not be the best pet in there right now, but at least he had the guts to stand up to you and tell you what he thought. He told you what was wrong, and he did it in front of a room full of people who would have flogged him. That's the boy you should be holding onto, not the one that just walked away."

Kent said nothing as he just listened. He hated to admit it to Isaiah that the Digimon was right. Jamie had just up and left him without any show of respect to him. But the hardest part...

"The hardest part about this is admitting to myself that I should be over him" Kent said to him. "I keep wondering if he's ok, if he's fine. And I'd contact him if I could. I just...I just can't bring myself to admit that I need to be over him and leave him behind where he belongs."

"You have to do that mate" Kent said to him. "You've got a dragon in there that needs you as much as you need him. And after what Marcus will finish putting him through, he'll need you more then ever. If your not over Jamie by the time you get what's left of that dragon, then you're just going to be driving him away before you know it."

"I suppose you're right" Kent said, although only a little reluctantly. "I thought I was over him, but I guess it takes longer then you want to admit to yourself" he said.

"It always does mate. But Jamie is not the one you should be giving a rats ass about right now. It should be about the dragon you have right now, not the dragon that walked out on you" he pointed out.

"Funny, isn't it, how I'm the master here and yet I'm getting schooled" he admitted with a weak smile.

"We never stop learning" Isaiah said as he stood up, stretching his back a little from how he had been sitting. "you get your shit together before you miss out on the food. All those boys and bitches will be coming back about now, and if Marcus did reward them, they'll be fuckin hungry" he said.

Kent nodded, still deep in though as the large Digimon began to walk away back towards the house, leaving the lion to lie back down on the pool lounge.

He really did hate to admit to himself, but he did still miss Jamie. The boy had left a hole in his heart that wasn't being filled easily, and Kent had to admit that some days he came home expecting the big muscled lug to be there, on his knees in the living room naked and hard and ready for his daddy.

But Jamie had never even called since he left. He hadn't sent a letter or an email or even a text to let the lion know he was ok. After all the years of looking after him and making that dragon well cared for and loved in every way he could as a master could, the dragon had just walked out on him. Without even saying why.

Or even letting him know that things were heading that way so they could have been fixed.

"He must have known for a long time" Kent thought to himself as he stared up at the sky. "He was ready to leave that night, didn't even drop a hint he wasn't happy. He must have planned it to be able to leave so suddenly like that."

"Did he find someone else before he left?" he wondered. He couldn't actually say if Jamie did. He did let the boy have his friends outside the house, although they weren't exactly friends, just a bunch of regulars who liked to dropped by and fuck him to keep him occupied. What if Jamie had latched onto one of those guys, and decided that some bigger, a more muscular daddy type was better then the lion who had done so much for him?

And how easy was it for Jamie to do that, and then just leave Kent like that?

What kind of boy did that to his master anyway, just let the mistakes continue to happen until nothing could be fixed? And then find someone behind his back to replace him without trying to make things work? And how could he just turn his back on everything that they had gone through together so easily, like it didn't exist or matter?

"A bitch, that's what" Kent muttered to himself. Jamie was just a bitch, a bitch who had hurt his master in a bad way like it meant nothing. And it probably meant nothing to him. So why should Jamie still matter to him? If the dragon was able to turn his back on Kent after everything they had gone through, then why couldn't Kent do the same thing?

His hand actually went for his cigar packet, but when he got it into his fingers, he didn't open it. He just stared at it. He stared at it for quite a while in silence as he contemplated.

Jamie had liked him smoking. The dragon had always said that Kent looked sexy sitting on the couch, his arms spread, the smoke just curling around his face and his muscles, the lions firm gaze on the dragon as he pleasured himself for his daddies viewing. And Jamie had enjoyed getting poked with the cigar now and then, specially on his thick rubbery nipples. Hell, Jamie had even helped Kent pick out the right brand that smelt good to them both.

"Jamie was the one who fucking got me smoking in the first place" Kent muttered to himself as he held that packet in his hand. He had that packet tightly in his fingers, as he couldn't help but remember the times that the dragon had told him how sexy he looked and how he loved the fact his maser smoked just for him.

"How many of those were lies? When did you start lying to me?" he asked himself as he kept squeezing the box. "I got you interested in a lot, but I always respected your limits. How much of myself did you end up changing to suit you, regardless if I wanted to do it or not" he muttered.

The tin casing began to bend slightly as Kent kept squeezing, glaring down at the packet in his fingers. How much of himself did he change to make the dragon happy, only for it to not be enough in the end? When the hell did the dragon get to be in charge anyway?

There was the soft sound of metal crushing against itself as Kent bent the cigar packet in his hand, crushing the last of his cigars along with it. The silver metal case had been a gift from Jamie for his birthday when Kent had started to smoke. It had cost the dragon every dollar of his pocket money to buy it for him, and Kent had carried it with him ever since.

He slowly stood up and pulled his arm back as he threw the case at the water of the pool as hard as he could. The box flew from his hand and hit the surface of the water, bouncing only once before it collapsed into the water. It bobbed for just a moment before it sank into the water, a small stream of bubbles bursting on the surface for only a moment.

"Trash" Kent said flatly and with as much disgust in his voice that he was capable of putting into a single word. He suddenly felt a lot better, like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders that he had never noticed before. One that he had been very reluctant to let go of before.

"Maybe a fresh start. For both of us" Kent thought to himself. He couldn't continue to treat David like he used to treat Jamie using methods and mastering that he had learned for one boy. He'd have to change himself, learn over again how to train his dragon, so to speak.

"but we'll do it together. So we're both happy, not just one of us" Kent said as he watched the last of the ripples on the surface of the water disappear against the edges of the pool before he turned and began to walk back inside.

Davids ass was thoroughly wrecked.

Marcus put the black rod back in its place against the wall, having used it quite well on the dragons naked ass. His arm was a little stiff as he rubbed at his shoulder. He'd have to get a massage for it later. Blake was starting to get good at them.

The dragon had been reduced to a whimpering mess by now. He had stopped begging for mercy a number of strokes ago, and had stopped pleading for it to end not long after. Which was what Marcus had been aiming for.

The dragons exposed cheeks were now a criss cross mesh of thin red lines across his ass. The skin had not broken, but the lines were there and they were obvious. It would be painful for David to sit or touch his ass for a good day or two, or even a week.

"At least you've stopped screaming. It was starting to get annoying" Marcus said as he looked the dragon over from afar.

David didn't say anything back. He just stared up at the ceiling, his eyes full of years and his mind full of regret on everything that he had done that day to deserve it. He had screamed 'I'm Sorry' so many times but by now he knew he wasn't sorry for what he had done. He was sorry for getting caught doing it.

Still, he wanted it to be over. He wanted to go out there and kiss his masters feet and beg his forgiveness until Kent accepted it. Hell, he'd do anything right now just to get the lion to hold him and say that it was going to be ok.

But, this was only the second punishment. Marcus had promised him a third one, a choice of some kind. He had no idea what that could be, but if it was a choice where David could choose to make things up, he'd damn well run at it.

It felt like his ass was on fire, and that rod ended up feeling like a branding iron after each strike. The lion must have put chalk on it or he was very good at aiming, as he had constantly struck areas he had already struck, and there was sure to be bruising for a good while after.

David vaguely heard a knock on the door but he wasn't really paying attention as he focused on the ceiling, trying to blink away his tears. His arms were starting to fall asleep from being tied up for so long, and his insides felt like a wreck. He really was that damn pitiful right then he'd had wanted to kick his own ass.

He looked over as he heard Marcus walk back up to him, sliding what looked like an IV pole alongside him. Hanging from the top of the pole was a very large and very fat looking filled vacuum sealed bag fill with some kind of pale yellowy white mixture. And a very long tube hanging from the bottom.

"Are you ready to face your third punishment?" Marcus asked him as he looked down at the dragon.

"Yes sir" David managed to croak out. "I.... I want to show you and my master that I've accepted how wrong I was to do those things, and to prove I'm sorry" he whimper croaked out. "I... I really want to prove it."

"Well, I have some good news. That was Carnine who delivered this. He also wanted to deliver a message to you, from Kent" Marcus said. David looked up at the taller lion as he focused his eyes on him, eager to hear anything, anything at all from his master.

"If you have learned your lesson after your punishment, he will take you back and you will both start over as master and pet, if that's what you want" Marcus said as he placed the pole next to David.

"I want that" David said immediately. "I... I want to be my masters boy again, I don't want to be his bitch. I want to be his boy, I want to make things up to him ... please.... please just let me go ..." he whimpered as he felt fresh tears fall down his cheeks.

"You almost had me" Marcus said as he walked up to the side table and put his hand in the metal case. "See, I was actually believing you, right up to that last part, where you begged me to let you go" he said as he pulled something out of the box.

"You haven't been fully punished, he said after your punishment, not just part of it" Marcus explained as he carried the object in his hand over towards David. "You still have the last part of your punishment, and its the choice I promised you."

David whimpered as his ear stalks fell back in disappointment. But he swallowed whatever lump he had in his throat as he nodded up at the lion.

"I'm ready for it sir... I want to make my master proud of me again" he said. He wasn't too sure as he spoke, but he actually felt like he meant each word as he spoke them.

"Well then, I better get you stared then" Marcus said as he showed David what was in his hand.

It looked like a clear plastic mask. A strange looking W style mask that could probably cover his entire mouth and under his chin, and cover over his nose. The whole bottom half of his face would be covered over. And there were two thick elastic straps connect around the back of it, like you would see on a pair of swimming goggles.

Marcus took Davids head in his hand and began to slide the mask over his face. It wasn't moulded, it seemed to be some kind of unisex model. But the edges were covered in the same kind of rubber on a swimming mask that, when Marcus slid the elastic straps around the back of the dragons head, the rubber went flush against Davids skin.

"You can't open your mouth, but you can part your lips" Marcus said as he secured the mask in place. "The only way you can breath, is through the air-holes, which are located under this insertion valve" he continued to explain. He tapped his finger on the valve opening, which was right in front of Davids mouth. There were two little air holes just under it, which were large enough to allow airflow in.

"Now, if these air holes are covered in any way, you can't breathe" Marcus said. "And I want you to listen very, very carefully to what I'm saying, understand?" he asked. David nodded slowly as he focused his attention on the lion. Marcus then picked up the rubber tube that dangled off the bag and held it up, showing him the tapered end.

"This, goes in the valve" Marcus said firmly. "Then, I twist this little knob under the bag, and the contents are going to slide down the tube and into the mask" he said. Davids eyes went wide as he started to whimper.

"You can throw your head back, tilt it anyway you like, but the mask is airtight enough that none of the contents will leak out. And it will fill. It will constantly fill" Marcus explained rather calmly. "And then, it will cover the air holes. Maybe it will drip out. Or maybe, it will get stuck in the holes and you can't breath through them" he said flatly.

"And then, you will start to suffocate" Marcus said as he grabbed Davids head and held it still. The dragon started to struggle again, a weak pathetic struggling that didn't even move the table as Marcus all too easily pushed the tapered end of the tube into the valve.

"So, your only option is to drink" Marcus said as he secured the tip in place. "And this is quite a lot of mixture we have in here. Do you want to know what it is?" Marcus asked. David nodded very weakly with a whimper.

"This is the combined cum of every pet and boy that visited today. And trust me, some of them were very, very pent up. I had my chef mix in a little milk and honey to even the taste a little, but it's still quite strong I'm told" Marcus said with a sly grin.

David tried to struggle as his eyes went wide once he heard what was in that bag. There was no way he could be forced to drink it all, could he? This.... this had to be too far, right? This had to be way over the line.

"So David. This will be the choice that you're going to have. You either drink, or don't" Marcus said as he lifted his hand up to the small knob under the bag. "You're going to have to decide David, and you'll have to do it now.

"You drink it all down, and I mean all of it, every last drop. You don't throw it back up, you don't choke on it, you slurp and suck down every dam drop. If this bag gets emptied and you can keep it all down, maybe, just MAYBE, I'll believe you're finally sorry."

"But if you choke, if you can't keep it down, if you refuse to swallow and end up passing out because part of you is still a stubborn little bitch, then I won't believe you" Marcus said as he looked down at David with a firm gaze of his eyes. "And then I'll just tell Kent he's wasting his time and we'll get him a new boy. As for what I'll do with you if he leaves you behind, who knows about that" he said as he turned the small knob.

"Better start drinking if you know what's good for you" Marcus said as he watched the white liquid start to trickle down the hose at a steady pace, watching as it slowly crawled its way towards Davids encased mouth.

David whimpered as he felt the first few drops touch against his lips as he felt it start to cover his mouth and drip down under his chin. It was filling pretty fast, he was actually surprised with how quickly it was dripping through the tube. It wouldn't take that long before it filled the mask and he wouldn't be able to breathe at all.

He carefully opened his lips and got the first taste of the perverted mixture. He could taste the milk and honey, but the taste of the semen was still there, and yes it was strong. It dripped onto his tongue and his first impulse was to gag and throw it back up.

But...but then he wouldn't prove that he was sorry then, would he? If he wanted to prove that he was sorry and that he wanted to go back to Kent and make things right, he had to drink down every disgusting drop. And there had to be at least two litres of the damn stuff in the bag.

But if he didn't drink it all, then he wasn't really sorry was he? And after seeing and feeling everything that Marcus had done to him, with no reason to hold back, all of it stuff that Kent had never done to him, Kent really hadn't been that bad to him. And David could not deny that he just wanted to run back into Kents arms and stay there and be his good boy again.

With extreme reluctance and a submission to his fate, David slowly began to drink. He kept his eyes clenched shut, not wanting to see or even hear what he was doing as he slowly gulped it down, forcing himself to drink it.

He was silent as he drank, feeling his stomach get fuller with each mouthful. But he didn't dare stop. He had to pause in order to breathe properly, the milky mixture pooling around his mouth and his face each time he stopped gulping, having to breath just to make room in his stomach as he could hear and feel it gurgle in a lewd way as it slowly filled.

The dragon wasn't sure how long he had been drinking it, but each gulp felt like he was drinking down something he no longer wanted. Some foolish part of his old pride, his old indignation, a part of his old self was gulped down and removed with each swallowing motion of his throat.

And he felt a little better each time he gulped. Each gulp he swallowed down was proof, to him, that he was sorry. That he wanted to be a better dragon and be a better boy for his master. Each gulp down was one gulp closer to proving that he meant it when he said he was sorry.

It was almost a euphoric sensation, something like an inner peace or something that he was feeling as his stomach slowly inflated and bloated out, his insides gurgling as he drank it down. He didn't want to be the old him, the old brat, the one who thought being a pet was something wrong or disgusting.

He wanted to be Kents good boy again, and if drinking every drop was proof of that, then he no longer drank it reluctantly. He drank it eagerly.

Finally, after what felt like hours, he heard the sucking sound you heard when you ran out of milkshake in your cup. David slowly opened his eyes as he focused his tired gaze on the bag up on the iv pole. It was empty.

He whimpered happily, his stomach felt fit to bursting, and it felt bloated in the worst possible way. But he had drank it all down without stopping or even retching it back up. He had done it, he had finally proved that he was sorry.

Marcus reached out and put his hand on the dragons head, and the touch was so different this time. He actually touched him in a gently way, and the look on his face was no longer mean or firm or scary. It was actually a nice gaze at him.

"I believe your sorry" he said. David could only manage a weak smile before he finally passed out, mentally and physically exhausted.

Helpline 4

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Commission : The Stables 2

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