The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 4: The Lion King

Story by GerboiseBleu on SoFurry

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#4 of The Reality Changing Machine

(Note: has anthro on feral) Next is the Lion King world.

On the plains of the Serengeti, a lioness is stalking her prey. She sneaks closer towards the unsuspecting zebra. Despite this being a normal hunt, since the reality changing machine did its work, things went differently at times. She sneaks closer and then realizes she made a big mistake: she was hunting a male zebra. She tries to sneak back before he notices but sure enough the male zebra turned around and saw her. Suddenly she couldn't resist finding him attractive and the zebra walked over to her. His horse cock was erect and he made a simple huff noise. While the circle of life continued just fine, the aspect of all females willingly submitting to the sexual desires of males made some inevitable awkward moments during hunting. The zebra wanted to fuck the lioness and the lioness wanted to be fucked by the zebra. She wanted to eat him for dinner too, but she couldn't help her hormones thanks to the reality changing machine.

The lioness raised her flank in submission. The zebra mounted her and began fucking her. His cock was larger than a lions but it felt amazing to the animal. Despite their instincts being more primal they were all aware on how enjoyable it was. The zebra sped up quickly brining out roars from the lioness. The zebra grew more wild with each thrust until it shot out cum inside the lioness. The zebra then pulls out and gently presses his muzzle against her cheek. This meant he wanted her to turn around. She did so and he briefly raised his front legs and clamped them back down onto the dirt. The lioness obediently moved forward and licked the Zebra's cock clean. The Zebra whined in pleasure and moved forward to have his cock go all the way. The lioness nearly choked until it found a level positioning to take it all in. He then thrusted until he came again inside her mouth. As soon as that deed was done she pulled off and backed away.

Suddenly another lioness pounced from behind and killed the Zebra. After it was dead they carried the meat back to the camp of the Pride. In Pride Rock Simba was fucking his wife Nala, who pleasurably roared with him. Suddenly Ty and Brett appeared. All the lions bowed at their presence.

"Feral animals." chuckled Ty, "Forgot about that. I'm still willing to try."

"Definitely." said Brett as he petted some lionesses who nuzzled up to him. Simba suddenly roared really loudly and the lionesses then submitted their flanks. Ty walked up to Sarabi and petted her.

"I've got Sarabi~" said Ty as he kissed her back and fingered her. Sarabi was wet and releasing small growls of excitement. Brett found Sarafina and got behind her. Sarafina similarly was excited. They both fucked the lionesses and moaned. Their pussies were extra warm and tight as they pushed through harder.

"Damn these lionesses are pretty great~" moaned Brett. Ty nodded in agreement. Brett looked at Simba: "See if you can get more female animals up here." Simba nodded and then made several different roars. Within minutes other female animals came up pride rock. A female Hyena walked to Brett to make out with him as he came in Sarafina. A female antelope raised her flank to Ty and Ty switched to her while fingering Sarabi. After several animals they sat down and relaxed next to a lioness which they used as a pillow of sorts for their backs.

"Wanna experiment?" asked Brett.

"Sure." replied Ty. "Hmmm...have a...female antelope get fucked by Simba." The female antelope suddenly raised her flank to Simba who then fucked it wildly. The antelope released excited noises and when Simba came he roared. It wasn't too exciting.

"Ok this reality wasn't as good as I'd hoped." said Brett. "But Sarabi and Sarafina are definitely keepers."

"Agreed. Wanna try SWAT Kats next?" proposed Ty. Brett grinned and nodded.

"Ok. Sarabi, Sarafina, you two are now officially a part of the royal harem. Come with us." ordered Brett. The two lionesses bowed and went with them to the next dimension.

The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 5: SWAT Kats

Megakat City had been crime free since going under the jurisdiction of the new Empire. The reality changing machine's work was perfect. Dark Kat, Pastmaster, and other villains were no longer a threat. With such crime gone, both the Enforcers and the...

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The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 3: Robin Hood

Ty and Brett arrive in the Robin Hood Universe. Based on how they configured the machine they should be rulers of this universe as well. They were both fans of the movie when they were little and couldn't wait to have some fun with Maid Marian: the fox...

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The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 2: Their New World

Brett woke up. His bed was a lot more comfortable than he remembered. He also felt really cozy. He then realized that he was on a giant bed with a fuzzy blanket. He was also naked and surrounded by naked women. "Holy crap it worked..." he whispered...

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