The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 2: Their New World

Story by GerboiseBleu on SoFurry

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#2 of The Reality Changing Machine

Brett woke up. His bed was a lot more comfortable than he remembered. He also felt really cozy. He then realized that he was on a giant bed with a fuzzy blanket. He was also naked and surrounded by naked women.

"Holy crap it worked..." he whispered and sat up. Several gorgeous women of his liking are sleeping on the bed in various spots. He saw a few female lynxes, a tigress, a lioness, a female fox, and a female squirrel. His morning wood came about as if on cue and he cuddled with the tigress next to him. He felt her breasts and her back. He couldn't believe how lucky he was. The Tigress suddenly woke up and then sat up to yawn and stretch.

"Good morning my Emperor~" she kissed Brett on the lips and rubbed his cock. "Sleep well?" She stroked his hard member and lovingly stared into his eyes.

"I did, thanks Jessica." replied Brett. Wait, how did he know her name? He wasn't sure but it seemed right. The harem lady didn't correct him or anything and simply kept stroking him. "How about you?"

"Wonderfully master," said Jessica, "This bed makes sleep so comfortable." Brett put his right arm around her and fondled her right breast. Jessica smiled and kept going.

"Go ahead and give me head." tested Brett a bit nervously. Jessica nodded and then sucked Brett's cock without question. Brett moaned and shuttered. He was a virgin so a blowjob was something new to him. The other women on the bed slowly woke up from the noises and purred collectively as they gathered near them. He put is now free right arm around the lioness and the left arm around one of the lynxes. Their breasts felt amazing and they both leaned on his shoulders to his delight.

"Oh gosh I'm gonna cum~" he moaned. He then thought of another test: "Pull out so I can cum on your face." Jessica obediently stopped sucking and opened her mouth. Brett shot out cum, which mostly streamed from her muzzle to her mouth and a tiny bit on her chin. She swallowed it.

"Shelby and Christie, go clean her up." he ordered. Another female lynx and the fox began licking Jessica's face clean of cum. "Be sure to go inside her too." Brett blushed and relaxed. Christie the fox suddenly began making out with Jessica and they both enthusiastically wrestled their tongues. They also felt all over each other and held each other's breasts to move them around seductively for their majesty's viewing pleasure. The other females masturbated and licked their lips.

"Ok Hailey. Turn over." ordered Brett to the squirrel. The squirrel got onto her knees and displayed her pussy to him. Brett grinned and mounted her. Time to lose his virginity. He fucked her and it was without a doubt the best physical experience he ever had. Hailey moaned with him and he couldn't help but cum within merely a minute afterwards from the excitement.

"Oh wow master you're really turned on today~" huffed Hailey. Brett blushed and rubbed her ass.

"Yeah~" replied Brett as he fingered Hailey. Even if they were his harem women he felt that he needed to get them to climax too. Hailey moaned again and his fingers searched around her insides. He remembered the existence of something called a g-spot inside women. Supposedly it was an automatic-orgasm zone. Of course since the reality machine made sex always physically pleasing, he might not even need it. Well, whether he found it or not, Hailey definitely enjoyed the fingering and squirted out her own cum after a short time. She shuttered and sank forward.

"Th-thank you master~" she huffed as she rested.

"You're welcome. Ok all of you let's go get breakfast." he gets up and doesn't even bother with clothing. The harem ladies follow and they all arrive to the kitchen. A breakfast is ready for them and they all eat. Brett grabs his cell phone and calls Ty.

"Dude! It worked!" he laughed in a eureka-filled way. Ty could be heard making the same sort of laugh.

"I know bud!" replied Ty. "Dude you've gotta try my harem. I've got some nice wolves and jaguars."

"I have a squirrel, fox, and several other cats."

"We'll definitely have plenty of time to do so. Also the reality machine is all good and at my desk."

Brett didn't even think about that. Good thing Ty did.

"Well, I'm gonna eat breakfast." said Ty, "We'll definitely see each other later. Later buddy." he hangs up. Brett smells the waffles and biscuits in front of him and eats them. Delicious. It couldn't be better for him and Ty. When they were done with breakfast he ordered the harem ladies to head back to their room and enjoy themselves until he got back. Brett decided to put on a comfy royal outfit. It wasn't anything weird looking but it definitely distinguished him as one of the Emperors. As he walked outside in the palace courtyard, several bow. One guard bows at the Emperor as a female is blowing him. Another couple was fucking in the grass and laughing from the enjoyment. He enjoyed this new utopia.

When he walked to the center of town he saw many happy couples walking together holding hands or having arms around each other. Several were fucking against skyscraper walls or in the grass outside buildings. He enjoyed the sight and got a boner from seeing it all. Now for yet another test. He walked to a female walking on the street alone. She noticed him and her eyes widened.

"Y-you're Emperor Brett!" she blushed and immediately bowed. Brett blushed and his boner was noticeable. "Oh wow did I give you that?"

Brett laughed: "No but you did make it bigger. Could you let me fix that?"

"Of course your majesty!" she lowers her pants and underwear and then puts her hands on a bench. Brett immediately begins fucking her ass and grabs her breasts. The female moaned and drooled as he thrusted deeper every movement he made. He eventually made it all the way in and fingers her. To make the utopia they live in somehow even better, they came at the same time.

"W-wow you were tight." said Brett after pulling out. The female pulled her clothes back up.

"Thank you my Emperor." she said and blushed again, "It was an honor." Brett kissed her on the lips and then kept walking. Later in the afternoon he walked to Ty's palace. He high-fived him and walked up to his room. They sat on the bed.

Ty: "Lindsey go suck Brett please. Shelly, suck me please." The two harem girls did so and bent over to suck them. "Wanna visit another universe tonight Brett?"

"Definitely. Which one?" he asked and then moaned as he came. Ty huffed and came soon after.

"Robin Hood sound good?"

"Sure!" he replied and caressed the harem girl. They concentrate then teleport there.

The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 3: Robin Hood

Ty and Brett arrive in the Robin Hood Universe. Based on how they configured the machine they should be rulers of this universe as well. They were both fans of the movie when they were little and couldn't wait to have some fun with Maid Marian: the fox...

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The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 1

Brett walks into Ty's bedroom and notices a new weird looking computer at his desk. "What's that Ty?" He looks at it and sees what looks like a notepad type program open. Ty is looking at a manual of some sorts. "Hey Brett. This computer and manual...

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