The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 1

Story by GerboiseBleu on SoFurry

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#1 of The Reality Changing Machine

(NSFW): A male snow leopard named Ty with a male lynx named Brett discover a reality changing machine. With it they recreate the world to their own sexual desires. They also realize that this can apply to all dimensions as well. How far will they go with their new powers? This is the first chapter out of several to come.

Brett walks into Ty's bedroom and notices a new weird looking computer at his desk. "What's that Ty?" He looks at it and sees what looks like a notepad type program open. Ty is looking at a manual of some sorts.

"Hey Brett. This computer and manual just randomly appeared at my desk." he said while browsing. "No note, no explanation."

"Well hey a free computer's a free computer." replied Brett, "Even if it looks weird." Ty closes the manual.

"Here's what's weird. It can do stuff." noted Ty as he began typing. He typed in a simple mix of a code and a basic sentence.

[<Reality Change>] A single full and unopened soda can will appear on the desk of Ty Simon.

Suddenly a soda appeared just like he typed. Ty opened it and drank it giving Brett a look of "See what I mean?" and then sits it down. Brett is amazed.

"Dang buddy that's amazing!" Brett touches the can and holds it. Definitely real. "Are there any limits?"

"No. At least none I've found yet." replied Ty, "I figured we could have some fun."

"How so?" asked Brett, "Gonna give us a hot girlfriend or something?" He laughs.

"Actually, you're not that far off." chuckled Brett, "Why not make this a new world where we're both Kings and we have a harem of women for us?" Brett blushed a bit.

"That would be cool. But why joint Kings?" inquired Brett, "Wouldn't we end up turning on each other?"

"Nope, we can make sure we both have equal power and prestige." shrugged Ty. "No one would break the law and everything will go our way because this machine will make it so."

"You know, sex would be a lot better if it wasn't so private." fantasized Brett, "Imagine if sex was literally the most casual thing. Not only could we have a harem but everyone could simply have a quickie in the street like it's no big deal." Ty considered this and then smiled.

"We could definitely do that." grinned Ty as he began quickly typing. They both worked on a masterpiece code to create a new world. A new world all for them. They even add elements to improve reality for everyone occasionally. Something within them wanted the world to be better for everyone and not just themselves. When they were finished the following code was made.


[<Overall code note>] The following changes do not affect the memories of Ty Simon and Brett Hastings before these changes go into effect.

[<History Change>][<Nature Change>] Without affecting the number of sentient people, or removing them from reality because of these changes, the following changes are made: Nature evolves to where to promote reproduction and ensure a continuation of life more effectively, all females and males whether animals or sentient beings are more eager and casual about sex. Rather than competition in selecting a mate, all females want to and do submit to male sexual needs. Sex for females never feels anything less than pleasing. In addition, all fetishes involving pedophilia, abuse, rape, watersports, and incest never develop. All sex is consentual as all want sex to begin with. Everyone loves the idea of having sex with as many people as possible. As a result, sentient animal societies develop culture where sex is an everyday public or private event. No one is shamed for their body and no one is shamed for the sexual desires. No one is born with extremely small or extremely large sexual body parts. All those with normal ranges in size are considered attractive. Males never wanna harm a female and vice versa. In addition, pregnancies are not possible except after sex under a full moon, making condoms and birth control unnecessary. Society also evolves to where being married to someone and having other sexual partners is ok. Overall marriages are meant to be used for families in addition to normal sexual urges.

[<History Change>] Ty Simon and Brett Hastings peacefully become the joint Emperors of the planet, each with unquestionable authority. No one every disobeys them as everyone follows a law code that is perfectly just. Everyone supports the Emperors and the law. No crime is ever committed. Respect to the Emperors is so high that they are allowed to mate or have sex with any female subject on the planet, which is a dream of every female on the planet. The Emperors also have a harem of scores of women that wish to serve them in every way possible.

After finishing they high-five and then Ty clicks submit. Then a window pops up.

Would you like these changes to affect all universes? If you click yes, you will be given the option to make necessary edits. []Yes [] No [] Yes, but no edits are necessary.

Their eyes widen. Other universes? They look at each other but then click yes. The screen opens up again for edits.

"I wonder what other universes would be like?" asked Brett while picking up the manual. He finds a chapter. "Oh! It says that there are other universes not necessarily similar to the string theory idea but that this can affect fictional universes. If you choose to have changes affect other universes, then they become a reality in a sense just in a separate dimension. Be sure to add an option to have the ability to travel to other universes at will."

Ty grins: "Sounds great. I'll admit there are several fictional characters I'd fuck. Plus being rulers over multiple universes would mean we have access to even more people for our harems." Brett grins and high-fives him. They edit the code to add the ability for them to travel between universes and for it to affect several fictional universes. They typed in as many as they could think of. After they finished they submitted the code and then clicked the third option saying they were finished with editing.

"Just a few hours until these changes happened. Excited?" asked Ty.

"Hell yeah!" exclaimed Brett. "I'll head home. See you tomorrow!"

"See ya!" waved Ty as he grabbed a bite to eat. They both go to bed and fall asleep before midnight. They couldn't wait to see the result of their changes.

The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 2: Their New World

Brett woke up. His bed was a lot more comfortable than he remembered. He also felt really cozy. He then realized that he was on a giant bed with a fuzzy blanket. He was also naked and surrounded by naked women. "Holy crap it worked..." he whispered...

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