Win-Lose, or Win-Win

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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(This story is a request from Argentuscale, made in trade for a story from him. I hope that you like it, and I hope that he likes it.

Standard warnings apply to all underage.)


Argent sighed softly as he got out of the taxi, looking down the long driveway to the home that he'd come all this way to see. It was a smaller house, only about twelve hundred square feet, but the acreage that it covered was what made it interesting enough for him to leave the city and come see just what kind of place it was. Well, that and the fact that an uncle he'd never heard of had left it to him in a will.

Even from the end of the driveway, the dragon could tell that the property was a large one, since he had to squint to even make out the house. The grass, a patchwork of green and brown, nevertheless stood tall enough to obscure his view of the house from the ground to the midline, and that was only the north side of the property, which, according to the lawyers that had examined the will, was the very smallest part of the lot.

"How could somebody have this much land in the family and not have anyone have a clue who he was?" Argent muttered to himself as he heard the taxi behind him rev up again. Not wanting to have to walk all over the property dressed in his business suit, he ran after the taxi, yelling, "Hey, stop! You're supposed to wait!" The taxi kept on driving, soon leaving the dragon in the dust, both figuratively and literally. The black suit had turned brown in the dust road from the dry earth the taxi had kicked up, and the result was a suit that needed one hell of a dry cleaning. " if things weren't going to be expensive enough even after getting rid of this dirt farm," he muttered under his breath.

Slapping what dust he could off of the suit, he started walking down the driveway, glancing side to side as he went. No houses stood within view, and the nearest thing to a neighborhood that the dragon could see were the spires of skyscrapers that barely peaked over the horizon.

"Great...isolated from work and pleasure," he muttered under his breath, "on a farm that needs more work than three dragons could do in a lifetime."

The further he got down the driveway, the more of the farm he saw, and the more of the farm he saw, the more disgusted he became with his uncle. There was nothing resembling dwelling places for a farming staff, which only meant that his uncle did all the work himself, laboring through the farm like a blue-collar redneck. Snorting softly as he walked by the empty and nearly barren fruit fields, Argent promised himself that he'd sell his body for pleasure before he'd lower himself to that kind of labor. It didn't befit him to work in the dust like some farm stallion.

"Well," he said as he paused at the end of the driveway, looking at the small house he'd inherited on the farm, "I suppose that I should at least give it a try for the night, if only to keep the lawyers from having a reason to keep me from selling the place." Shaking his head at the shabby door that almost fell from its hinges as he walked in, the silver-scaled dragon slowly made his way through the sparse furniture still left in the house.

"Figures. He gives all the stuff that's worth a cent and portable away, and sticks me with the house and land," he muttered as he found an easy chair without too much dust on it. Even though the day was still several hours from being over, he needed some rest. The long trip out here in the taxi had been dull beyond belief, and sheer boredom is more than enough to induce exhaustion in any species. That was not including the various mental calculations he'd gone through to determine the value of the various plots of land along the way.

As a real estate agent, doing this was one of the few ways that he kept from being bored and yet kept himself sharp enough for the trade he was involved in. Still, despite how fun it could be sometimes, figuring his way through the formulas and equations that would determine the value of any given estate before his competitors had a clue what to charge, it was tiring, and the softness of the easy chair was more than enough to convince him to try sleeping earlier today.

Slowly sliding into sleep, Argent sighed in light pleasure at the way the chair molded to his scaly form, and let the darkness of oblivion pull him into sleep. Of course, he never suspected there was something, or rather, someone else that wanted this little property. He never suspected that this someone, multiple someones, were watching him even as he slept.


The entire farm was surrounded by cloth covered stallions, each of them glaring down at the dragon as he wandered around the estate. They had known his uncle, and they'd been forced off of their land by him when the cursed white dragon came around.

He'd wanted this land for his home, and cared nothing for the other people that already worked and cultivated the land. With his influence, money, and sheer power in the political life of the state, he easily got laws passed that handed the lands right over to him. Almost before their tribe managed to pull up and leave, the white dragon had his home up and his crops down, and they heard him laughing as they left the land they'd held for years to wander around. And even when he died, the old bastard still had a laugh at their expense as the white left the land to his nephew, rather than to those he stole it from.

In the center of the watching equines, a taller, black haired Arabian horse stood. Wrapped in the same black cloth that covered the rest of his tribe and herd, he glared at the silver arrival as if he could slaughter him with his gaze alone, penetrating the walls and striking down the dragon. Of course, such things were beyond even his power, but Alaron, as he was called, had other plans for taking vengeance, plans that wouldn't be nearly so merciful as a quick death.

Walking forward and beckoning the rest of his warrior stallions to accompany him, Alaron started making his way towards the house in the center of the estate. To all others, it would have looked like the typical house for a family, a cottage that was as comfortable as it was quaint and clichéd. The stallion guessed that it was due to the efforts of the previous owner that it looked like that.

To the herd, the tribe, however, this place was their sacred place. It was where a boy would become a man, and where a girl would become a woman. In short, this cottage covered the most important part of their land, where their lives actually moved from one point to another, from child to adult. Even discounting its purely ceremonial role, the land the cottage stood on was saturated with energy. That energy caused quite a few things to happen on the estate, and was one reason why the crops worked so well. The herd, however, had another use for it, and Alaron planned to use the energy on the grounds to teach this new silver a lesson.

As they snuck down to the cottage, Alaron made sure to keep the other warriors with him silent. They were angrier than he was at the idea of another dragon holding their land, and if he'd let them loose, more than likely they would have killed the newcomer. Despite the satisfaction that would give him, Alaron didn't want to let this spoiled sack of scales off so easily.

They moved silently, their bare feet moving softly through the dry soil surrounding the cottage. Alaron, holding point position, walked up to the window, and peeked in. Chuckling as he saw the dragon sleeping on one of the chairs inside, he waved for the other stallions to make their way into the farmhouse and secure it. Rather than follow them, the chieftain stayed at the window. Now that he was here, it would allow a perfect vantage point to watch his warriors in action, and when the scaly woke up, Alaron's face would be the first thing the scumbag would see.

The other stallions moved silently, their brown leather clothes not rustling or making a sound as the clothes of the city people were prone to do. Even though he watched them from the window, Alaron questioned his eyes more than a couple of times. They moved so silently that even a bat wouldn't have stirred from its slumber at their approach. He actually had to hold back a chuckle as he remembered that little bit of their training.

When the five stallions had the sleeping dragon surrounded, they pounced. Even if the scaly had been awake, it would have been doubtful that he had the muscle and training to overpower just two warriors. With five of them, there was no chance of resistance, and whoever this heir was, he was bound and tied as tightly and efficiently as any prisoner taken in the last five years by their hunters. Alaron chuckled softly to himself as moved from the window. No need to reveal himself to the dragon until the time was right for his grand entrance.

Besides, there was something else to do to make sure this scaly learned his place, to crush his hopes completely.

Walking away from the cottage, Alaron made his way over the fields around the house until he reached the true center of the estate. During the fertile seasons of the world, this little clearing in the fields would be hidden by tall stalks of corn and other plants. However, now, with the land covered in plants that were more dead than alive, the energy spring was revealed to any who knew where to look.

It wasn't much to look at, not much at all. To those outside the tribe that managed to stumble across it, it would look much like a simple spring of water, useful in irrigating the immediate area, but nothing more. To someone that knew what it was, it looked almost disappointingly plain. For a place that tribes fought over in the past, one would think such a location would be protected by a fortress, or something that could be defended easily. Surely, it wouldn't just be outside in a farming field?

"And all of those people would be morons," Alaron muttered to himself as he remembered his own thoughts following that path years ago, when his father had told him about this. Now that he had been able to think about it more, the spring's location was the perfect hiding place. Even other species that had the ability to seek out and use magical energy, like from this spring, wouldn't think to look in such a humble location.

Well, that had been the case until that silver had come along and stolen the land. He'd needed the city council's help to do it, but he'd managed it. He'd even gloated in front of the tribe when he'd brought the papers that proved his ownership, telling them of how he'd use that energy to show them what a true male could do with the energy that the spring let off.

If he'd asked, they would have told him what a selfish use of the energy would have done, but he never asked, and he never allowed another one of them to set foot on their former land. While Alaron never saw or heard what that older dragon did with the energy, he did know just when the old bastard lost control of it. The entire tribe did. After all, who could miss a return of the connection to that energy after years of its absence?

As soon as the herd felt the link to the energy spring return, they all began making their way back to this place. But even then, there were things they'd had to deal with. Policemen. Lawyers. Even some people that thought that the ‘savages' under his leadership didn't belong in such a good place.

Despite all the obstacles in their way, Alaron denied the younger warriors when they requested permission to just attack those around the farm so they could have their land back. He knew the ways of the city furs, and he knew that eventually the person who stole their land had left it to would come to look at it. When he did, that was when they would strike. So he told his tribe, and so they had done, and without a single casualty.

"I told them I was right. Now they have the proof. And soon...all of us will have our reward," Alaron muttered to himself as he knelt by the spring. Pulling a chalice of sorts from his waistband, he filled it with the waters of the spring. "At least, so long as that dragon didn't drain all of the energy out of this thing," he added under his breath. Shaking his head, the tall, black clothed, black furred stallion began walking back to the cottage.


Argent glared at the stallions surrounding him as they tightened his bonds, the ropes pulling on his limbs enough to be felt even through his scales. Worse still, as soon as he'd been tied up, they'd shoved him into a corner and almost seemed to forget about him. The only thing that kept him from trying to get to his feet and out of the cabin was the glares that the stallions gave him.

Even that wouldn't have bothered him, since they couldn't quite match the glares of ill-intent of the various clients he had in the city. But the bared scimitars that they seemed quite fond of stroking definitely put thoughts of escape out of his mind for the moment.

He'd never heard of this herd of stallions before, not from his uncle and not from the university teachers in the city. Admittedly, he'd never really studied anything to do with other cultures, as his chosen major was closer to mathematics and economics, but surely a tribe that was this aggressive should have sent up a red flag with someone. Tourism guides, real estate agents, police, someone should have noticed this and told people around here.

As he waited to hear what the stallions planned to do here, he started thinking of anything that he could offer them that would allow him to get out of here with his skin intact, and without them taking him along with them. There had to be something to give them here. They wouldn't just have attacked the place, tied him up, and then started occupying the place for no reason...would they?

Before he could take his thoughts any further, however, his ears caught the sounds of another stallion's hooves clip-clopping along just outside the front door. He froze as he heard the steady sound get louder and louder as it got closer and closer. His apprehension intensified as the various stallion warriors around him straightened up, like soldiers at attention. All of them faced the door, and as it opened, they inclined their heads for a moment before going back to attention.

Argent couldn't help staring at the new arrival. The new stallion stood tall at nearly seven feet, and loomed over all the warriors. His frame literally bulged with muscles, even more so than the other warriors, who could put most bodybuilders to shame. Even his stance and walk stated confidence and power better than anybody the dragon had ever seen, including his boss that put the fear of God into him daily just with a stare. This stallion...he had a confidence that just didn't exist in this world. At least, it didn't exist anywhere that he'd ever seen.

"Chief," a white stallion said as he stepped forward from the group of warriors. "By the way that you look, I would say that the spring still has its energy. Am I correct?"

"Yes, Jakan," the muscled equine said, turning his gaze to Argent with a smile that froze the silver's blood. Whatever thoughts that he'd contemplated about running, they were completely forgotten as those gray eyes bored into him. "He's bound securely, I trust?"

"Yes, sir," Jakan said with a small sneer directed at the dragon. "Three thick ropes around his legs, four around his arms."

That explained what was causing so much pain to his arms, Argent thought to himself as he flexed them a little bit. Even though the ropes weren't rubbing him raw, like they would an unscaled species, it still was far from comfortable to be tied up like this. Despite his discomfort, however, he froze as the black stallion walked closer, and stood over him. Argent actually had to pull his head back to keep his lips from being pressed against the stallion's groin; the muscular equine was standing so close to him.

"So, you're the one Naspoor left this place to...I would have expected him to pick someone more like him," the black stallion said. He stared down at Argent for few moments, and then shrugged. "No matter. This just makes payback easier," he said, stepping back and sitting down in the very chair that Argent had been sleeping in a moment ago.

"What do you want with me?" Argent asked, pushing his body as flat against the wall as he could. He actually shivered a little bit in fear, and despite his anger at himself for doing that, he couldn't stop. "Just what the hell do you want?"

"What do you think? Your uncle stole this land from us, and though we tried to warn him, he got himself killed when he messed around with the energy here," the stallion said. "Oh, before we go further, permit me to introduce myself. I am Alaron, chieftain of this herd of horses," he added before gesturing to a couple of the warriors. They walked over to the bound dragon, and pulled him to his feet before dragging him over to their chieftain.

As he was thrown to his knees, Argent couldn't help but look over the muscles of his captor again. Despite the situation, the envy he felt whenever he saw a guy with a muscled build like this burned hot at the sight of this horse, whose muscles were bulging out as if they wanted to jump right off the equine's body. Worse than the envy was the attraction he felt to the stallion, the urge to stroke and feel the muscles...urges he thought had been purged from his mind long ago when he stopped visiting the gyms in the city. Shaking his head a couple of times in a failed attempt to clear those thoughts from his head, the dragon said, "So, you have the land now, so let me go!"

Alaron shook his head, and laughed, slapping his knee. "Do you think that we are really that naïve with how the world works? We let you go, you go to the courts and then they force us off our land again. No no no, you're staying here with us until we get bored of you, scaly," Alaron said. Looking at the vial at his waist, he pulled it up, and held it in front of Argent's face. "Do you know what this is? Do you know why your uncle wanted our land?"

Argent stared at the shimmering waters contained within the vial, and shook his head.

"He wanted the waters, the energized waters where the energy of the land, and the air, and the water meet. There's a power in this water, a power that the tribe used when we came for our manhood ceremonies. With that power, we ruled over all the other tribes for years, until your city council went along with your uncle's plans, and took the land from us," Alaron said with a glare at the silver dragon, as if he saw the uncle in question instead of Argent.

"Now, if your uncle still lived, we would be taking some revenge on him for what he did, and believe me, he wouldn't have enjoyed it one little bit. He did too much against us for mercy to be applicable. However..." Alaron paused for a moment, looking the silver dragon over a little bit, and smiling to himself. "However, you didn't know about what your uncle had done, that much is obvious, and he didn't tell you about us, just as obviously. And you certainly aren't a terrible looking monster like your uncle was. Perhaps a little mercy is in order for you."

Seizing on this chance like a drowning man clasps to a lifeline, and just as tenaciously, Argent jerked his head up and pleaded with his eyes as he said, "Mercy...would be greatly appreciated, Chieftain Alaron." His voice had become far more humble than when he'd arrived and nearly dismissed the whole farm as a loss, but there still remained a few notes of arrogance and fear and anger. No matter what he did here, he promised himself that this Alaron wouldn't get away with humbling him like this.

Kneeling as best he could while tied up, the dragon pushed himself even further and laid his forehead against the ground, bowing before the stallion chieftain like a subject before his monarch. "Whatever you need for me to have mercy is yours," he muttered, glad for the fact that the floor hid his sneer.


Alaron chuckled softly at the dragon's actions, and looked at his warriors, knowing that they were all exerting a great deal of willpower to keep from laughing at the obvious falsehoods of their prisoner. Even with his face hidden, they could hear the sneer in his voice, the anger that promised some kind of retribution against them. Instead of angering them, however, the defiance made them all the more excited. It was never quite as fun to break an already broken prisoner.

Raising a hoof, the black stallion shoved the dragon over, onto his side. "It is good that you know how to verbalize your place, dragon. But you need a practical lesson of just what you are to us, now. You won't be killed, and you'll remain here with us, but your punishment is something I think will be quite perfect," Alaron said with a chuckle. Tossing the waters of the spring off to several of his other warriors, he leaned down and pulled the silver's face right next to his own.

"'re so high and mighty...getting the best jobs everywhere, just because of what you are...Do you know what we did to the last dragon that we caught, as a lesson?"

The silver dragon shook his head, most of the anger gone from his eyes now that he'd been struck. Alaron smiled even wider, and pulled the dragon back up to a seated position, pointing him towards the warriors that were already guzzling down the water in the vial he'd tossed them.

"We made him our tribal whore...and you're going to take his place."

Before the dragon could say anything, Alaron lashed a gag over his new little slut, and focused the dragon's eyes on the stallion warriors. They hurriedly stripped off their few coverings, and the cabin filled with their groans as the waters of the vial started to take effect.

The five stallions fell to their knees, their chests bulging outwards as their pectoral muscles suddenly gained at least four pounds of muscles over the course of a few seconds. The shifting growth spread outwards from their chests, over their shoulders and down their arms. The writhing bubbles of muscles increased the width of their arms, going from the average, sleek muscles of a swimmer to the bulging masses of a lifelong body builder. Their shoulders, already impressive, bulked up until the neck of each stallion almost disappeared under the swell of new tissue.

Their lower bodies were not neglected by the water's effect, either, as their stomachs and abs shifted from their normal six-pack to nearly an eight-pack. The bubbling effect of the water was almost eerie to watch, the skin and fur of the stallions shifting and bubbling like boiling water as it bulked up, the curves and contours of the muscles obvious even to the most unobservant of people. The thighs of the equines ballooned out, forcing their legs apart slightly, their calves following course shortly afterwards. One by one, they got back to their feet, each one more than equal to the best anyone had ever seen in the Olympics.

Alaron could feel the tension in the dragon's body shoot higher and higher as he saw the size of the warriors that he'd have to accommodate. However, he didn't give the dragon much time to appreciate the sight of the muscular equines, because the second change was already starting, and he wanted the scaly to see this part even more than the muscle growth.

Each stallion's sheath was already full and opening, showing hints of genitalia that would be wince worthy to any virgin that knew they'd have to deal with them, but Alaron had to clamp down hard on the dragon as he started struggling to get away when the changes began. The familiar shifting bubbles that had covered the muscles of each equine before the muscles grew in started shifting down each emerging penis, and soon began making them grow in much the same way that their muscles had, quickly and largely.

Sticking straight out from their bodies, the impressive foot long lengths were quickly taking a whole new shape. The flared head evened out with the rest of the shaft, the width thickening everywhere as the bubbling effects spread. Once merely two and a half inches thick, the lengths of the stallions soon ballooned outwards to four, one even five inches thick. Before the eyes of their dragon captive, their members extended further and further from their sheaths, lengthening even as they fattened up with the energy pulled from the spring.

Such things were obviously not only felt by the stallions, but, judging by the pre gathering from their tips, pleasurable for the great equines. With each inch gained, the tips of their massive lengths grew more and more soaked with pre, running down the sides of their shafts and pooling under them as it finally dripped to the ground, pulled away by the laws of gravity. Panting, each stallion reached up to wipe their faces of the sweat that literally poured off of them, their bodies heating up as the changes progressed.

More than the simple sight of the males growing and changing, the smell nearly overwhelmed Alaron's senses, the scents of musk and sweat filling the little cottage as the stallions shifted in mass. Even more than it surprised him, it aroused him, making his own prodigious member rise and press against the dragon's back. Chuckling softly under his breath as the scaly tried to pull away, Alaron pulled him even closer. "Just're going to be feeling each one of those cocks up one hole or another, and that's just today...think of how that's going to feel every day for the rest of your life," he muttered, whispering into his prisoner's ear.

The chieftain only chuckled more as he felt the shivers travel up and down the dragon's spine, and smiled as his wandering hands felt something a bit more pronounced below his captive's waist. "My, my, little scaly...can it be that you're just as lusty for horse cock as we are for your holes?" he whispered as the last few inches of length were added to the shafts of the stallion warriors surrounding them. "Mmm, definitely a plus for you if you are gay..."


Argent was shaking, and shaking badly in the arms of the chieftain. Each sniff of the stallions around him brought up memories of the few little secret affairs he'd gone through with the various males around the office. None of them had lasted very long, only long enough for him to move up a little bit on the corporate ladder...but they had been fun, while they lasted.

During those little flings, he'd found out just how good a cock could feel up his tailhole, and how a male's musk could make him hard as a rock in record time. More than that, he managed to loosen himself up enough to take even the largest of the dildos that the adult websites he frequented sold to the general public, though none of those were anywhere close to the things that these stallions sported.

Since the last big breakup when he got his latest promotion, however, he hadn't taken another male into his bed. He didn't need to offer his tailhole or his mouth to anyone else, now that he had his reputation and his skills and position at his firm. He didn't need the pleasure that only another male could provide, not when he had his own fingers, paws, and enough money to hire out any prostitute or buy any kind of dildo that could do the job better.

At least, that was what he had thought up until the point that he'd seen these stallions and the massive rods that they sported. He didn't move, even when Alaron leaned away from him, and then released his grip over his chest. His gaze remained riveted to the muscular bodies and dripping cocks that the warriors presented him, and it was through greatest will that he kept his hands to his sides. Nevertheless, his arms shook as his instincts begged him to take a shaft in hand, and stroke it, worship it, feel it grow harder and needier in his hand, until it blew its load all over him.

He barely heard the laughter of the chieftain behind him as he was pulled to his feet. Formerly nearly matching the stallions in height, Argent found himself dwarfed by the various equines by at least a foot, and more than that in the chieftain's case.

Despite his near hypnosis, however, he jumped as he felt Alaron's paw on his crotch, stroking his member through the black pants he wore. "H-hey! Don't...don't touch me th-there..." he whispered through hissing breaths, weakly and ineffectively pushing at the chieftain's paws. "I'm not...not-"

"Oh, shut it,'re at least bi, from the way you're getting this hard just looking at us," the rough, commanding voice behind him said, making Argent flinch slightly, even as he got harder beneath his clothes. Each bit of extra hardness that slid out of his genital slit only made the stallions around him more excited, and made them pre more, filling the room with more of the musk. The strong, almost bitter-salty scent of the musk was pushing the dragon's cock out more and more, and the cycle fed itself until Argent fell to his knees again, the head of his cock poking out of the top of his pants.

"Look at this, my warriors. The city dragon does have a hot spot for our kind...let's get him out of these clothes," Argent heard Alaron say from behind him. Stuck in a totally relaxed state by the effect the musk was having on him, he remained still as the warriors and their leader pulled his jacket, his shirt, his shoes and socks off of him, soon followed by his pants and the pre-soaked boxers underneath them. The moment everything was removed, his member stood up straighter and harder than he could ever recall feeling it, the shaft thumping against his belly a couple of times, much as he had seen horses in the field do when they had become aroused. He even left pre all over his belly scales, as he imagined those feral stallions had when they were hard and wanting.

A couple of adjustments by the warriors around him soon had the dragon positioned on his hands and knees, his butt shoved up in the air, and facing towards three of the stallions in the cottage with him. Fighting as best he could against the trance-inducing musk of the males, he forced himself to look around the room, to find where the others were standing. Despite how hot, how aroused he was by all of this, he couldn't just allow himself to lose everything that he'd worked for, everything that he'd gone through his life to earn.

All his effort earned him were a couple of glances of Alaron and two other warriors behind him, the six stallions surrounding him in a circle, and not surprisingly, jerking off around him. Moaning as a few jets of pre landed on his face, Argent moved his head back to its original position, facing the three males right in front of him to take in more of the musk they offered. Just a couple of sniffs had his member bobbing up and down under his belly, his own pre falling in droplets to the ground beneath him.

More than the sniffs, the spurts of pre that shot into his mouth from their cocks kept him hard and wanting, bringing out his submissive side. Leaning forward, Argent laid his panting mouth over the tip of one of the stallion members, caressing it gently with the softer scales of his lips before allowing the flared head entry into his mouth. The pre-covered head of the cock tasted deliciously salty and masculine to him, a taste that he'd missed so much, and he couldn't stop a moan from leaving his throat as he pulled more of the shaft past his lips.

Even as the cock started sliding down his throat, part of Argent's mind fought against this...rape? Was this rape, with how much he was doing on his own? None of the stallions had done more than jerk off around him. He was the one that had gone to his knees, and without so much as a threat from them had started to suck and jerk them off. He was doing this without more than the least incentives of the stallions around him, so was it really rape at all?

Before he could pursue that line of thought any further, the cock in his mouth erupted with a flood of cum as the stallion climaxed. The stallion must have been very backed up, because the semen shot out with enough force to reach the back of his throat and slide down with no effort on the dragon's part. Almost, he wished that he could have tasted that musky substance from these massive members, if only so he could know what it did taste like.

But he didn't get the chance, as the stallion in question kept his shaft inside Argent's mouth until he was done with his climax, and pulled it out fast enough to make the dragon gag as he sucked in air. But he wasn't given more than a few seconds to get some rest before one of the other warriors shoved their rear right in his face. The equine's tailhole, while clean, definitely had its own little scent that was more than sweat or musk.

It was a scent that Argent had enjoyed when he still worked his way up through the office.

He didn't even have to ask what was expected of him here. Rimming was self explanatory, and the presence of that hole right in front of his lips was more than enough to tell him what he needed to do. A literal butt kissing.

He smiled to himself, a smile that didn't go unnoticed by the stallions around him, and he planted his lips tightly around that puckered star. His tongue immediately pressed against the wrinkled, pink flesh of the stallion's tailhole, and after the equine got over the shock of so eager a tongue, it slid into the warm confines of the stallion's rectum.

It was just like he expected, for a warrior of these tribes. It was hot, but clean...slightly bitter, but otherwise flavorless. It was like silk over his tongue, and Argent just slid it further and further up that stallion's hole.

With all his practice, he found the prostate of the equine easily. His tongue, long, thin, and serpentine, was perfect for finding and stroking that little pleasure button, and he grinned as he heard the stallion start groaning in pleasure, and as he felt up the stallion's groin, he grinned at the pulsing erection that he could feel.

Despite his surprise at being pulled into this, he could feel his own erection pressing into his belly.

Oh, how he had missed this.


"This. Is. Priceless," Alaron muttered to himself with a smile, looking down at his new little dragon toy.

Just a few moments ago, that little scaly had been so high and mighty with his status, his refusal to do anything for them. And now, now that he'd been exposed to the males of his herd, the dragon had fallen to his knees and submitted to what was his proper place among his new owners.

Just looking at the way the dragon was licking and kissing that hole made Alaron more and more aroused, making him jerk his member faster and harder as he watched the live sex show in front of him. His stallions didn't mind him watching, as he had watched over them from the day they'd first found the pleasures of jerking off. They wouldn't deny him this little show, particularly since he was participating in it with them.

Looking at the raised butt of the silver dragon, Alaron watched his sex toy's tailhole pucker at him. It almost seemed to be begging him to play with it, to shove a finger or a tongue or even a cock up it. He didn't bother considering that the dragon wouldn't be ready for something his size. After all, his cock was the biggest of the group, and if he could get the dragon used to something his size, the others wouldn't have to break him in. Doing this would be a kindness for his prisoner.

Kneeling down behind the upraised rear of the silver dragon, Alaron chuckled softly as he traced a broad finger up the butt crack of the scaly. Even in as little time had passed from stripping to sucking, the reptile had already built up a layer of sweat on his scales, enough to make the stallion chief's finger almost slide right between the two globes of muscle. Shaking his head a little bit, Alaron leaned down a little closer, and ran his tongue over the same area his finger had traced over. Halting any potential jerking that the dragon might do by placing his paws on his new slave's hips and holding firmly, Alaron allowed himself to enjoy the flavor his tongue picked up.

Below the taste of sweat, in and of itself delicious, he could taste the musk of dragon ass. It was...he couldn't quite describe it. It was different than the smell and taste that permeated his backside, or those of the other stallions, or even the mares that he visited now and again. It was heavier, and more scented towards bitter than salty. Even the pucker between those slick cheeks was rougher, though since it was partly made of scales, that shouldn't have surprised him.

Grinning a little wider as he felt the dragon's muscles tense, he shoved his tongue hard against the tightening sphincter. His sudden assault managed to wedge the dragon's hole open, and despite the way the tribe's sex toy's lips were glued against another stallion's hole, Alaron could hear a small whimper.

Pulling his tongue free for a moment, but keeping the hole wedged open with a finger, he said, "So, not completely accepting your role yet, are you? Maybe a little more...pleasure will help you accept what you are now." With expert manipulation, the chieftain slid the single finger already inside the reptile's rear further in, until the tip brushed against a familiar bundle of nerves. "If you've already played with yourself back here, you know what's coming. If not, prepare for the thrill of your life." So saying, he pressed and stroked the dragon's prostate firmly, insistently, but not painfully.

He was rewarded by the dragon arching his back and grunting heavily, and by the sight of the dragon's member rising up in increased arousal. Earlier, it had been hard and pressing lightly against the dragon's belly. Now, it was pulsing and throbbing, and it was pressing against the dragon's belly almost hard enough to leave an imprint, as well as leaking pre like a faucet. Moving his free hand to the dragon's member, Alaron started stroking it to the measure of his prostate strokes.

"Feel that, little dragon? Feel how wide my finger is stretching your hole, how well it's pressing down on your prostate? Feel how warm my hand is around your cock, how its milking you of your seed, how it's making you even harder?" the stallion said, speeding up slowly. "That's only half of what you could feel if I was taking you up the ass right now. Every day, you will be feeling this, and making us feel this. Every day, you'll get as much pleasure as you give...if you are a good little sex toy, a good little slave for the tribe. Doesn't that sound a lot better than whatever you might have back in the city?"

He knew that the dragon couldn't answer in words. Each increase in speed from his hands had the scaly shoving more tongue into the stallion's tailhole in front of him, until the lucky equine simply erupted all over the silver's paw. Without so much as a word of thanks, the satisfied male moved off to the side with the other who'd already climaxed.

Alaron watched with a small smile as the dragon sucked and licked all of the leftover horse semen off of his hand before looking back at him. "Well?" he asked.


Argent didn't even have to think about it. The perks of the job back in the city had been moderately good, but the stress that accompanied it made all of those perks worth nothing compared to this little deal. Free sex every day, with males hung like gods, which only required that he surrender to their will? There was really no choice at all.

Throwing himself flat on the ground, he lifted his legs to his shoulders and exposed his hole to all the remaining stallions, but most of all to the chieftain. He grinned at all of them, and reached down with a hand to stroke himself as he said, "Your will is my will, Master. I'll be your tribe's sex slave, and I'll take each one of you to the hilt every day, just please...please take me now!"

Those words caused a massive outbreak of grins among each warrior, and the stallion that was the chief beamed at him most of all. The giant of an equine walked ahead of the rest of his warriors, and placed his already hard member against the dragon's tailhole, letting Argent feel the pre soak against his hole. The other stallions, hardly deterred, spread themselves around the dragon. Two went to his hands, which he didn't need for anything anymore, and pressed their shafts against them. As soon as he'd grabbed them, the third just about sat on his face, his musky tailhole pressed right against the dragon's lips.

"You'll fit in with the tribe quite well, you lusty little thing. Although, you probably won't be so little when we finish with you," the stallion chieftain said before slamming his cock halfway up Argent's backside.

The flash of pain was eclipsed by the feelings of pleasure almost immediately. The copious amounts of pre leaking from the massive member was soothing his hole almost before the pain signals could reach his mind, and despite its five inch girth, he still tried to pull more of it inside of him rather than wait for the stallion to push it in himself.

The other stallions weren't about to let him forget about them, though. The one sitting on his face pressed an exceptionally musky, sweaty backside harder against his mouth and nose. His eyes were filled with round, muscled horse butt, and as Argent slid his tongue up to the puckered hole above him, the other stallions started humping against his hands. He needed no further reminder of what was needed of him, and he started stroking those large, heavy cocks. Just the feel of them, combined with the taste and heat of the ass above him pulled moans of pleasure from his lips.

But none of that compared to the sheer wonder of the massive shaft spreading his hole wide. The five inch width of the chieftain's cock was wider than anything he'd ever taken before, but it felt that much better than anything else before, too. Moaning in pleasure and writhing on the chieftain's member, Argent could feel himself getting closer and closer to his own climax. His cock pulsed once, twice...but stopped before it could actually release, something squeezing it tight from top and bottom.

Argent whimpered underneath the lusty stallions, bucking his hips against whatever was holding him and against the chieftain's cock, begging for release. His hands flew over the cocks pressed against them, and his tongue lashed against the hole and prostate of the stallion above him.


Alaron chuckled softly at the way his little slave was enjoying the attention from him and his warriors, and moaned at the feeling of such a tight hole around his shaft. This dragon was no virgin, that much was certain, but he certainly hadn't taken a stallion shaft up the ass before. Alaron groaned softly as his thrusts sped up, and he felt the dragon below him speed up his bucks back against him.

But when he saw that the tribe's newest slave was about to shoot, he slowed, and reached down. Pinching the dragon's shaft between two of his fingers, he chuckled, and groaned at the accelerated desperation showing with the silver's movements. He jerked forward a few times in awkward thrusts before getting control of himself again, and grinned softly at the new tightness of the smaller dragon. "Mmm, seems like this little scaly wants to cum," Alaron muttered, looking at his groaning warriors, who all seemed on the verge of cumming themselves. "Shall we let him?"

Jakan, the white stallion over the dragon's face, chuckled and shook his head. "Not...not until...we cum...Wanna paint...him...with cum?" the second in command of the warriors asked.

"Sounds great," Alaron muttered as he pointed at the other warriors, directing them off of the dragon. As soon as the dragon was uncovered but before he could say anything, the chieftain had the scaly seated on his lap, and was bouncing him up and down at a fast pace. "Make get your...cum in...his mouth," Alaron instructed his warriors as they stood in front of the dragon, jerking off frantically.

The warriors were on their last legs of endurance, and they couldn't hold back their seed for long. The dragon helped them by making such a good target of his mouth, spreading it open in moans of pleasure. Nearly as one, they moaned and released, rope after rope of thick, salty horse cum spilling from their cocks, and most of it landed right on the dragon's tongue. Swiftly swallowed, the dragon actually held his mouth open and his tongue out for more, begging for more of the semen.

At the sight of such slutty begging, Alaron blew his own load as well, grunting softly as he hilted his massive member inside the tribal slave. It actually widened nearly an inch with the size of his load, and he almost thought that he saw the dragon's belly swell a little bit with the heavy dose of cum. As the flow slackened off, he smiled softly and pulled out. "Now, let's see if this works as I hope it does," he whispered.

As the dragon fell back to the floor, he fixed the chieftain with a curious look, a look that lasted for about two seconds before he fell flat on his back with a moan of sheer joy.


Argent couldn't believe the sensations rushing through him. He'd thought the pleasure from being taken was the best he'd ever felt, but even that paled in comparison to this. He writhed over the wooden floor of the cabin as the pleasurable feelings roared through his body, slowly feeling them focus down lower on him, right in his-

With a startled lurch, the dragon lifted his head enough to look at his cock. The same bubbling movements he'd seen over the stallions as they'd grown were drifting over his cock, the bubbles adding to his genital mass even as he watched. His shaft grew, an inch, two inches...four inches before stopping, and the pleasure never stopped growing, his member dripping pre like mad as it touched midway up his belly.

And the bubbles spread out from there, working over his body. Formerly toned, the bubbling masses left him looking more and more built, the muscles growing in and thickening with each passing second, and with each part of his body that grew bulkier, he felt his pleasure, his arousal grow.

It took nearly three minutes to cover him completely, but soon he was a near match for any of the stallions in muscle mass and cock size. Looking up at them with a wide smile on his face, he whispered, "Thank you...thank you for this..."

The chieftain chuckled a bit at him, and lowered a hand. "Hell, if you're gonna be the tribal whore, you might as well look good for it. Now, come on. We got a lot of work to do, and you have a lot more males to please back at the main camp."

A Desperate Bet

Quick disclaimer, no reading by those under the legal age, yadda yadda yadda, you all know the drill. Also, characters in this story not to be used without author permission. Pete the mouse belongs to the Cookie Otter Idesin, while the other two belong...

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A Sub-Legal Mistake

(This story was written as a request for a friend of mine who goes by the name of Devil Dog. Its a more yiff focused story, so for those that come here looking for the usual bit of plot in my story, you might not find that. Also, I broke my normal rule...

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Angelo's Schooling

School was never a good thing for the young raccoon. Jr. High had been hell, and the high school that his parents had shipped him off to hadn't been all that much better, if he were at all honest with himself, with the bullies and the many different...

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