Angelo's Schooling

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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School was never a good thing for the young raccoon. Jr. High had been hell, and the high school that his parents had shipped him off to hadn't been all that much better, if he were at all honest with himself, with the bullies and the many different teachers that seemed determined to get him out to the rapists of the school. They were always welcoming of someone new to テ「竄ャヒ徘lay' with.

He didn't know why he had believed all the stories from his parents and the other adults, those ones that always said that high school was the best time of one's life. If this was the best, Angelo almost wished someone would just kill him now before the worst came to him. Even if he couldn't tell what could be worse than that right now, he sure didn't want to find out.

But maybe now, there would be something that would make this all a little more bearable. He had gotten a scholarship to the local community college after he graduated from that nightmare of a high school, and maybe there he would be able to find something to enjoy more. After all, the people out at the college were paying to make sure that they got an education. Maybe that kind of sacrifice would show them that it was smarter to keep a civil face on in front of the people of authority.

Or maybe not.

The people in college didn't seem so different as the young raccoon headed towards his first class, having been shoved into three walls and a water fountain on the way to the biology of the mythological class, each time by at least three different furs in the halls. None of them were familiar, but it seemed that the names from public school had followed him along to college, with many of them calling him a faggot and other less than desirable nicknames.

As he stood in front of the door to the class, the young raccoon sighed to himself. "If one more person shoves me around, I'm probably going to get suspended," he mumbled as he pushed the door open. Most of the seats were empty, just a couple of furs in the white walled room, much like the classrooms back at the Jr. and Sr. High Schools he had attended. Even the desks themselves, light yellow with streaks of black through them, were almost exactly the same, save that they didn't have drawings of various pieces of genitalia all over them.

Even the students and the teacher were more familiar than new to him, the teacher behind a desk with his muzzle in his paw and the students in their seats with their noses in some books. Only the real dedicated students seemed to show up early, let alone on time.

"Come in, Raccoon," the teacher, a stallion, said while gesturing to a seat near the front row. "Might as well get in your seat until the class starts. More comfortable, and I would prefer it if you'd fall asleep in your seat rather than on your feet. Less noise when you collapse from boredom that way, you know," he added with a small chuckle.

As bad as the joke was, Angelo laughed. Here from a teacher was a bit of levity, and that already set this class above the others he had taken. Still grinning as he took his seat, the raccoon's tail twitched in excitement as he waited for the clock to tick off the time to the start of class. Mythological biology was something he'd been interested in from his first book of fantasy, when he'd fallen in love with the many impossible creatures that had inhabited them.

Of course, when the Gate had been found a couple of years ago, several of those so-called mythical creatures turned out to have existed when they came out of their dimension into this one. Among them had been several of Angelo's favorites, including griffons, satyrs, and even the best of the best. Dragons. Both the feral ones, like Smaug from The Hobbit, and the anthro ones like the rest of the population here, came out of the Gate in the Himalayas to see the rest of the world.

The one that led them out of the portal never really revealed himself to the world, even when he was on the news. Something always blurred out his face and everything else about him, including his body and his voice, but he always managed to bring a presence to the screen. He spoke to all the other furs of the world, assuring them that his people had no thoughts of violence or anything else of a conquestorial nature. Somehow, the world believed him, despite the fact that he didn't show himself.

Since that time a couple of years ago, several of the strangers had agreed to allow themselves to be studied, and this college was one of the lucky ones that was given the opportunity to have one of those newcomers on campus. He was shrouded in a rather thick layer of secrecy, and this was his first year volunteering to be part of the studies here.

In fact, this mystery male was a major part of the reason that Angelo had decided to take this course this year. If he was part of the race of mythical creatures from that Gate, the raccoon knew that he was going to have one of the best times in his life. A griffon in the flesh...maybe even a dragon...and since this was a biology class...mmm, he could study these guys up close and personal...all for the purposes of learning, of course.

His thoughts were interrupted by the equine professor standing up and greeting the still rather small class. Only about ten students were in the room, and they were all rather nerdy looking other than Angelo, but they were attentive enough to the teacher when he walked to the front of the classroom. "At least there's no booing going on," Angelo muttered to himself.

"Class, some of you may have heard a couple rumors about a guest we'll be having this year on campus, someone in the VIP dormitories on the north side of the place. This person is someone that we are most privileged to welcome to our college, and I expect all of you to treat him like you would a foreign dignitary," the stallion said, gesturing to the door and waving for someone to come in. "Mostly because that is who he is, actually."

Angelo looked towards the doorway, hearing gasps from those few furs still out in the hallways as whoever was out there started moving. Was it what he hoped it was...could it be...

It was.

Into the room walked a black scaled male dragon, ducking under the doorframe due to his seven foot height. Bipedal, he resembled the other anthros rather than the feral dragons out of the books of fantasy and the few that the news crews had covered when the first beings had emerged from the Gate. His white eyes looked over the gathered class, and then closed for a moment as he shook his head with a smile. As he stuck more than his head into the room, and around the obstruction the wall presented, it was quite clear the gender of this dragon, due to the total lack of any clothes on his body.

Best of all to the raccoon, he came right up to the front of the classroom with an announcement that made his year.

Looking around the room, the unclothed, seven foot tall, anthro black dragon said, "For those of you that don't know, my people have allowed a few of us to volunteer to your colleges and classrooms to teach our biologies. While most other colleges in your country won't even get pictures of me and my kind, you get to study a living, breathing example. Me. All year."

Many of the students looked from the dragon to the teacher in surprise, and then back to the dragon before, surprisingly, laughing. One of the other students, a stallion himself, said, "Oh, come on, you expect us to believe you're a dragon, and that we have to study you? What kind of idiots do you take us for? Professor, what is the point of this lesson?"

The professor walked over to the still nude dragon, and put a paw on his shoulder. "Seems that perhaps you should watch the news a little more over the last couple years, students. This dragon, as well as many of his fellows, arrived in our world a couple of years ago. He's telling the truth as well about studying his biology. He's consented to allow us to study his blood, scales, and several other systems."

Angelo stared at the dragon with such intensity that, even from where he stood behind the dragon's shoulder, the stallion professor could see that there was one person that had paid attention to the news. "Master Raccoon, what can you tell the other students about our guest, and study subject?"

Angelo nearly jumped in his seat as he was mentioned and called on, and barely was able to hold back a blush of sorts as he stood up. "Well, the news has been talking about them a lot the last couple years. Something about a Gate, and that they were coming here to see what things were like outside their own dimension. I...I think that's right," he said, turning to the dragon to see if he was.

"Yes, that is pretty much right, Raccoon," the dragon said, smiling for a moment before turning to the professor, ignoring the rather stunned looks on the faces of the rest of the students, as well as the stares they were directing to his body.

Angelo smiled back at the dragon, blushing softly himself at the thoughts that were running through his mind. Sitting down, he berated himself for some of them, but never took his eyes off of the dragon.


Draconicon looked at the professor of the class, and pulled him back a bit, towards the desk in the corner. After seating himself on the desk and the stallion beside it, he scooted closer and asked, "Are all of your students this stupid?"

The stallion stared up at the dragon with a bit of surprise. "What are you talking abo-"

"Not a one knew what I was. Now, that might be excusable, if they didn't know the mythological stuff that named my species, but college students ignoring not just the news, but the rumor mill too? What's going on with them? The only one that shows even the slightest hint of a brain in there is the raccoon, and he's almost too shy to share what he knows," Draconicon said, his claw pointing towards the raccoon for a second when he was mentioned.

"Angelo? Yes, he's quite bright, but what does that have to do with anything?" the professor asked, almost shrinking into his chair at the way the dragon was talking. The deep voice, tall, lean stature, and eyes as white as snow tended to be rather intimidating to people.

"It tells me that my own kind may have come here a little too late the people here from themselves," the dragon whispered, keeping his conversation quiet enough that the students couldn't hear them. "If they are so unwilling to take an interest in what goes on around them, at all, doesn't that tell you anything?"

The stallion stared up at the dragon like he was crazy, and shook his head. "It's just the way that the world is, Draconicon. People and furs have been like that for years, and nobody really cares anymore. It's not like you could change it anyway," the professor said, reaching to the arms of his chair to push himself back up. "Now, we should get the class started, shouldn't we?"

"Oh, we'll be starting the class, in a minute," the dragon said, putting one of his black scaled paws over the teacher's shoulder. From a distance, it looked like Draconicon was just reaching out and patting the teacher's shoulder like a friend, but in reality, things were quite a bit different. "Just with a...different teacher."

"What the heck are yo-"

"I'm fixing things. Now, professor, look into my eyes..." the dragon interrupted the stallion, holding the gaze of the well dressed professor with his own white, unblinking stare. Slowly but surely, the stallion couldn't help but be fascinated by the white depths of the dragon's eyes. There were little swirls in the white depths, swirls that drew the stallion's mind as easily as the currents of the ocean drew fish.

The dragon stared down at the stallion from his position, seated on the desk and above the normal eyeline, and smiled. "Learn this, professor. You will remain seated here for each of your classes that do not involve me. You will leave the classes that do involve me for me to teach, and you will not tell anyone that we are talking about this. Do you understand your lessons, stallion?"

The professor stared blankly up at the nude dragon on his desk, and nodded. It was a slow movement, but it was a nod. "I understand."

The dragon leaned over, whispering in the professor's ear, " テ「竄ャヒ廬 understand', what?"

"I understand...master."


Angelo watched with some curiousity at the way that his teacher and the dragon were talking. Though he couldn't hear what they were saying, he could see the agitation in their body languages, and how strained his professor looked. However, as the dragon got up and walked back to the middle of the classroom, he smiled and looked back at the rather...well, hot reptile that was their study subject.

"Your professor has given me this class period to accomplish your first bit of education. So, I think I might as well start with this. Each of you will, one at a time, come up here to examine a certain part of me. If you can't pick a part, then I will choose for you. The same result will occur if you refuse to choose, so, please think about it. I will step out of the room while you think about it," the dragon said. After he finished, he gave a small nod to the class, and walked towards the hallway.

Several of the students stared after him, Angelo included, and they couldn't help but look as he walked with his tail raised, his pink hole amid the black scales visible like a target on a shooting range. By the looks on some of the males in the room, Angelo knew that this dragon was going to be careful at some point, or he'd get pounced rather quickly.

Turning his head from the dragon to the standing stallion that had challenged him before, Angelo couldn't help but sigh as his fellow student began complaining.

"Professor, I know you said to treat him politely, but isn't this pushing it a bit? Why do we have to study him when we have all those textbooks at the back of the room?" he asked, his face a picture of disgust. "No matter what he says, I'm not going to be studying an arrogant scaly freak for my grades."

The professor remained in his seat, looking down his narrower nose at the student that protested the assignment, and said, "Stan, you think whatever you want, but this is Biology of the Mythological 101, and he's a mythological creature that came here, at much trouble, to be studied. If you wish to fail the course, don't do anything, but he'll be coming back in here in a couple minutes, so pick something about him to study. If you don't, he might just assign you to study his digestive system, from the beginning to the end, start to finish. Do you really want that?"

With as much annoyance that crossed Stan's face, one would have thought that he was ready to just drop this course, but he sat back down for some reason or another. "My father will have something to say about this, mark my words," he muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Angelo to hear, though the opening of the classroom door blocked out most of what he said after that.

Angelo's eyes were drawn back the dragon as he re-entered the room, the glimpse outside the door showing a rather large number of people staring at the strange visitor to their college. Some even clustered to the windows on the door to see what was going on, but even they were shooed back to their classes in short order.

Not that Angelo noticed more than a bit of that, now that the dragon had taken centerstage in the classroom again. As the tall, black scaled, musclular reptile stood before them, he seemed to take careful consideration of who he wanted to select a part first. Angelo was praying that he would be able to get his first choice of what part to study, even if it meant being tormented night and day by the others in class.

"You there, stallion! Come on up here, and tell the class what part of me you wish to study for the quarter," the dragon said, pointing to Stan off to the side, the short brown hair covering him bristling a bit as he walked up there. "What part of me do you want to study for the quarter?"

The stallion groaned softly, staring at the dragon in a way that Angelo guessed was a furious glare, judging from his hunched shoulders and angry whickers. But...there was something odd going on too.

The stallion looked up at the dragon's face as he answered, and as the dragon whispered something, Stan started to relax a bit. His shoulders stopped hunching, and then he dropped to his knees, the dragon catching him and then guiding him back to his seat. "Poor boy, he had a little stroke. Nothing to worry about, he's coming out of it," the dragon said to the rest of the class, sitting the twitching Stan back at his desk.

"Okay, about you...Angelo, was it?" the dragon said, waving for the raccoon to come over to the corner. Doing his best to hide his eagerness and not hurry, Angelo walked over to the dragon.

"Now, tell me, what do you want to study for the quarter?"


The dragon smiled at the happiness that this mammal, the eagerness that he was trying to hide as he walked up to the dragon. Remembering the excited look on the raccoon's face when he had walked into the room the first time, he chuckled to himself. This one would be even easier to control than the professor. Fascination was always something that he could take advantage of.

Even as he asked his question of what the other would like to study on him this quarter, his mind was shooting deep into the depths of the other, plumbing through his most secret thoughts. There was so much that he could find in there, and yet still be able to hear what the other was saying.

The answer to his question, however, shocked even him.

"I'd like to study your reproductive system."

One sentence, containing something that would give him so much fun throughout the quarter. And best of all, he hadn't even had to use a bit of hypnosis to bring this, admittedly, cute little fuzzbutt over to the idea of studying his nether regions.

Reaching out and patting the raccoon on the shoulder, he said, "Then you'll study that. Go over to the professor over there, and he'll tell you when to meet me for that. I think that we'll need to start your studies tonight, since there is a lot you'll need to learn about that particular system."

Draconicon chuckled a bit at the blush that was crossing the raccoon's...Angelo's face as the student walked away, knowing that he was going to be having a great deal of fun tonight. The young ones were always so easy to get under his little spell, and always so pleasing to play with.


As Angelo walked over to the teacher, he couldn't help the blush that still stayed over his face. He couldn't believe that he had the courage to ask for that system in front of the entire class, but he just couldn't let anyone else start probing at that genital slit...and the little nubs of the dragon's testicles...and that surely long, hard-

"Angelo Raccoon, you'll be scheduled to visit the dragon's dormitory around five o'clock tonight. He'll be waiting for you then, and the school will provide a couple of meals for you there so you don't have to worry about missing dinner," the stallion said, handing the raccoon a keycard for the dormitory in question.

Looking from the card to the professor with more than a little curiousity, Angelo listened to a bit further explanation. "When he first got here, he was swarmed by other students, ones that saw him more as a monster than as a person. Since then, we've delivered his meals and provided security. His door's locked shut, and only a few people get keycards in. Since you'll be studying that...particular...area of his anatomy, I thought perhaps you'd want a little more privacy."

Angelo nodded, rubbing his paw through his purple hair as he did. "Um...yeah, you're probably right there, sir. Thank you, thank you very much," he said in a quiet, but quite eager voice.

course, as he returned to his seat, the other students were all laughing at him. One in particular, a wolverine by the name of Gregory, was leaning in and whispering, "So, reptile lover, why you want to get to see his cock? You some dick sucking faggot or something? You want his prick up your ass?"

Despite himself, Angelo blushed further, some hidden desires in the back of his mind actually wanting that, and it made him blush even further. The wolverine grinned at the blushing, and continued talking.

"You're want that lump of dragon meat shoved that far up your ass that it's like you've been spitted? You want your butt grinding against that slit of his, like the faggot you are?"

Unfortunately for Gregory, the dragon had as keen ears as a dog might have, and before the wolverine could say a single word more, a fireball spurted towards the desks, landing between the desks and scorching the wolverine's shoes for a moment. It extinguished itself after a moment, but the point had definitely been made, as Gregory turned his head to the dragon, looking at him with a shocked expression. "What the hell was that for?"

The dragon looked at the wolverine with a hungry, yet angry expression, walking over between the desks until he stood in front of the wolverine. "He picked his system to study. You are lucky you merely got a bit of heat rather than studying my urinary system, or worse," the dragon whispered, just loud enough for the raccoon and the wolverine to hear.

As Draconicon walked away from the desks, Angelo couldn't help but watch with amazed eyes, both of them fixed on the dragon's backside. If the dragon broke up the fight there, because he was being insulted...might the dragon feel something for him? No, that was something too impossible to contemplate. They'd only just met, and it was strictly an academic relationship, between a subject and a student...

But he could dream about it.

The rest of the students walked up to the dragon, and either requested or were assigned the part of the dragon's body to study. Those that were assigned a section of the dragon always seemed to regret it, as it was usually something rather strange, like his digestive system by products, his body's method of cooling itself, i.e., sweating, and other such things.

Angelo barely noticed any of it, as deep in his daydream of being rather...intimate with this dragon.


By the time each of the students received their assigned studies for the quarter, the class was over. Many of the students ran right out of the classroom, each of them quite eager to get to their next class and away from the strangeness that this course was taking on. The few that didn't run right out the door only lingered to check out a couple of books on the anatomy of other mythical creatures before heading right out.

Draconicon watched all of it with a barely suppressed chuckle. Nobody here seemed to accept his offers of education with any kind of grace, or with any kind of gratitude. All of them were little better than the small, creeping parasites that inhabited his own plane, attaching themselves to whatever would sustain them for a while and then leaving it when it no longer interested or fed them. These students seemed to be the sentient equivalents of them.

Well, not all of them, he supposed, remembering that raccoon. Angelo, that was his name. He had been one of the few intelligent beings that he had met so far in this dimension, and the very first one that he'd met that hadn't freaked out or hated the very sight of him from the first second.

In fact, Draconicon was almost looking forward to their first study sessions for more reasons than the lust that was coming from his loins each time that he looked over these soft, pudgy people. So many of them didn't take the time to get into any kind of shape, and the softness of their bodies visually contrasted heavily with the hard muscle of his own people. The raccoon's own body, small, chubby curves around the hips and belly, with the purple hair crowning his head, was the best of these that he'd seen before, no question about it.

So, when the five o'clock hour came around that night, and the door to his humble dormitory popped open to the raccoon's keycard, Draconicon met the student with a smile and a grin. Sitting upon an armchair with red cushions, he gestured for the raccoon to come on in, pointing to another chair where a meal was already set up.

"Right on time. I appreciate that, since there's so much going on around here lately. So many things in this world, all of it happening at a breakneck speed," Draconicon muttered, passing a can of coca-cola over to the student. "I'm surprised that this planet's so populated when people are hurrying all over the place."

As Angelo sat down in another, smaller armchair and took his meal tray of fish and chips, he cocked his head to the side in curiousity. "Oh, really? I thought that our worlds were pretty similar."

"They are, in mineral content, air mixtures, and other things like that, but when it comes to the way of life that we typically live, I don't think that we could be more different," he said with a shrug, his scaly shoulders making a bit of a rasping sound as they scraped against back cushion of the chair. "We spend more of our time relaxed, letting our pets do the work rather than doing it ourselves, though we do our share in making sure that our people stay protected."

"Pets? What...what do you mean by pets?" Angelo asked, the fish on the tray already half devoured, the other half only still out of his stomach due to his surprise at the dragon's words. "Um, do you mean horses, or dogs, or something like we keep for pets?"

"No, you got it all wrong, Mr. Raccoon," Draconicon said, shaking his head a bit, though his eyes caught signs of a forming bulge in the student's pants. "Well, perhaps part of you has it right, anyway," he added with a small gesture to the raccoon's groin. Spreading his own legs a bit to show off his slit better, as well as his tight, pink tailhole, he continued his explanation.

"Our pets are those that aren't dragons or griffons. In other words, any non mystical beast, including elves and dwarves, are those that we consider pets. We keep them in our mountains or eyries, depending on our species, and they perform the chores that we don't really want to do. That can be cleaning, tidying, organizing, hunting, whatever we tell them to do. In exchange, we protect them from other beings that would hurt them, or use them in an improper manner," the dragon explained.

"They do...anything, anything that you tell them to do? You mean, they would even get down and...well..." Angelo broke off, pointing towards the dragon's slit and the small tip of the emerging shaft.

"Yes, they would even do that, Angelo, and they did that pretty often, too. I don't deny, dragons in particular are rather horny beings," Draconicon said with a chuckle, shaking his head and closing his eyes for a moment in a couple of memories. Potent memories, since they pushed his member free from its slit.

As the whole foot of dragon cock slid free from its hiding place, the dragon sighed a bit to himself. "Well, since my genitals have decided to put themselves on display for you, perhaps we should get on with the study session, hmm?"

Draconicon chuckled a bit to himself at the continued blushes that were crossing the raccoon's masked face, and had to hold in louder laughter as the bandit kneeled down on the floor. Anybody that walked in might be tempted to think that this student was giving the dragon a blowjob, it was so similar. But in reality, as the dragon saw and felt, the raccoon was only taking little measurements with his hands.

At least, that was all that it was so far. If things went the way that Draconicon wanted, things would get a lot more...pleasing in a few minutes.


Kneeling in front of the dragon, between those two chiseled, muscular legs and fondling that emerging shaft was akin to heaven for Angelo. He had dreamed of doing this so many times, to touch the hard, slick arousal of a dragon, to be on his knees before the scaly male and worship them like they deserved. He had laid in his bed for hours, his own paw on his sheath and cock, jerking to those thoughts, and more, and now, here he was in front of the dragon's cock, the foot long shaft staring him right in the face.

As his paws slowly stroked over the shaft, he remembered that this was supposed to be a study session, not a grope fest. Blushing further, he reached to his backpack behind him, pulling out a roll of measuring tape. Unrolling the white measuring tool, Angelo looked up at the dragon and gestured to the massive tool in front of him. "I need to measure it...may I?"

Receiving a nod in return, the raccoon smiled, thankful that his fur was hiding most of his blush. He knew that he was glowing like the sun from what he was doing and what he was thinking, and if the dragon knew all the perverted thoughts that were going through his head-

"Ouch! Wha-" Angelo muttered, jumping a bit from the sting of something smacking his butt. Looking over his shoulders to see the black scales of the dragon's tail sliding back to the ground, he turned with some confusion back to the dragon. "What was that for?"

The dragon stared back at him with a grin that Angelo knew had to be pure predator, and for the first time, he knew what the prey of a dragon felt like. That look held absolutely no pity, no hope of escape. It simply promised the one under its gaze a quick death and fulfillment for the hunter.

He thought those white, pupil-less eyes would hold him forever.

The silence between them was broken by the dragon's voice, deep, calm, authoritative. It seemed to reach right into the very center of his mind, speaking not just aloud, but almost seeming to use his mind's voice, speaking to him like he thought to himself.

"Now, I'm quite uncovered right now, don't you think that you should keep things equal? You don't want me to feel upset, now, do you?" the voice said in Angelo's mind.

Even as the echoing, deep voice faded in his mind, Angelo was reaching for the buttons of his shirt, pulling on the zippers of his pants. The heat of the room was rather high, actually, and it wasn't fair that he was wearing clothes while the dragon didn't have any. It was like he was saying that he was a person, while the dragon was an animal.

"Yes, that's right. You want to make sure that I'm comfortable, don't you? A guest to a dragon wants to make sure that the dragon's very, very comfortable."

Stopping his stripping actions just as he was about to reach for his underwear, Angelo nodded, reaching out to the dragon's cushions, plumping them up a bit. The scaly male even helped him out a bit by leaning forward and then raising his hips, allowing the raccoon easier access to the cushions on the chair. Of course, the movements of his hips raised the tip of his cock to a level less than an inch from Angelo's nose, filling the keen nostrils of the raccoon with the scent of dragon musk.

The scent was strong and spicy to Angelo, close enough now that it filled his mind at least as much as that voice. Staring crosseyed down at the one eyed shaft that stared back blinking with pre, the raccoon was hardpressed to keep his instincts to start licking it in check. He wanted to be close to dragons, to worship them for so long, that he almost couldn't bear to let this opportunity go by.

"You don't want your subject to be keeping his bare feet on this dirty floor, do you, little raccoon? You can't just let such perfection be sullied by the ground, can you?" the voice said, speaking its suggestions again. Just as before, Angelo reacted instantly, his hands reaching down to the dragon's feet and lifting them up, laying the scaly, sweat shined feet right on his lap, as there was no cushion near him that could be used.

Even from there, Angelo could smell the bits of sweat and musk that the dragon's feet exuded. It was so strong, almost like those feet had been kept inside a pair of socks for days, never able to breath the air that kept other footpaws from being this soaked. Yet...though most people that he knew would be disgusted by the smell...Angelo couldn't help but be excited. It was still part of the dragon that he was worhipping, and that made it right.

It excited him in other ways, too. Even as he sniffed lightly to understand the smell better, he could feel his sheath swell beneath his underwear. Shaking his head a bit and reaching down to move the dragon's feet, mortally afraid of offending him with his arousal, he stopped only as the voice in his mind spoke again.

"Don't move those feet, Angelo. You love them, and I love them too. Can't you tell how much I love the feeling of your growing penis there?" the voice asked, finally revealing who it was. Angelo's eyes widened, staring up at the dragon's smiling face and then down to that scaly cock again. Wonder of wonders, it had somehow managed to grow even bigger, and as his sheath swelled even bigger with his arousal, pushing against those scaly, sweaty footpaws, a shot of pre hit him right in the face.

Remembering that he actually did have to measure the dragon's penis for his study, Angelo reached behind his back, grabbing for his tape measure again and bringing it back to the matter at hand. His paws shivered a bit as he took the measuring tape and laid it against the length, counting off the inches as the toes of the dragon drummed on his sheath. He could feel the wetness of his own pre spilling out in his underpants, and that didn't help his thoughts at all.

Finally reaching the end of the dragon's member, he read the number to himself with disbelief. It was fourteen inches long, and as he measured the diameter as best he could, it only stunned him further to read off four and a half inches in that respect. If this was the average length for dragons, their females must be very, very loose compared to the furs of this world, unless they also had a very good tolerance for pain.

And then, as he was enchanted by the cock in front of him, and the sheer size of the thing, the dragon made his move on the ring tailed bandit.


Knowing that Angelo would be completely enchanted by his member gave Draconicon all the time that he needed to put the finishing touches on the raccoon for the night. A couple of tweaks to his mind here, a couple of things deleted there to keep him from objecting too much to certain things was all that was needed.

It was surprising to him just how little that he had to change. When he'd first arrived in this world, when he had found the first person outside the Gate, things had been a lot different. That one had been so afraid of him, so totally convinced that he was evil, that his mind had required an almost complete rewiring before he would come near the dragon, let alone talk to him for any length of time with any degree of civility.

This raccoon, however, was as attracted to mythological creatures, and dragons in particular, as much as one could be without meeting them or being one, and that boded well for him in the world that the dragons and others planned to create here, when they fixed all the things that were wrong with this place.

As soon as the last of the modifications to the raccoon's mind were done, Draconicon stood up from his chair, his tail pushing Angelo to the ground, flat on his back. Looking down with that same predatory leer, his gaze still holding the raccoon's eyes well, he said, "No matter what else you have found in this life to love, no matter what else you've thought you would like to do with your life, there is nothing. Nothing more for you to do, save for one thing."

He looked into the blank eyes of the raccoon, those staring, blank eyes that were begging for direction, pleading for some command that would give him purpose. And Draconicon, knowing just what he wanted, gave one.

"You are now, and forever more, my pet."

The raccoon nodded eagerly, laying on his back still since he wasn't told to move at all yet. His smile grew back as he looked over the one that was proclaimed his master, almost giddy looking in his eagerness. "What can I do fo-"

"Ah, ah, ah. Pets are to be seen, and felt, not heard," Draconicon said, interrupting the raccoon with the side of his tail pressed to those luscious lips. Even as they were held shut, he could feel the raccoon kissing against his tail, and it made him smile a bit. "Now, get to your feet, and show me that tight, plump looking butt of yours," he said, removing his footpaw from the mammal's groin.

He watched the raccoon eagerly rise to his feet, his last bit of clothing falling to the floor quickly, leaving that plump, yet firm butt in plain view. It was almost enough to make Draconicon forget himself and just pounce the other to the ground and take him here and now, but he forced himself to wait. This would be so much more pleasurable if he did.

With but a gesture, he made the raccoon get on his knees before him again, seating himself in his chair and laying his sweaty feet on Angelo's chest. "Now, raccoon, show me how well you can clean off that sweat, that musk and heat from walking around barefoot all day. Show me how much you love the taste of that sweat, knowing it came right from my feet," he said with a grin.

His smile only grew as he watched his feet get lifted by the raccoon's paws, and as he felt the nose of his new pet get shoved against his scales. The muscles beneath the scales on his feet parted somewhat to allow the raccoon to press a little harder, a little deeper to get at the hardest to find smells.

The light breaths of air over his feet as the raccoon brought the smells to his nose only excited him further, knowing the hot stink of his salty sweat would be filling the student's nose, and thanks to the little changes he'd made to the raccoon's mind, such things would only make him more aroused. He could see, smell, and feel the raccoon's arousal. After all, Angelo wasn't being the most subtle about it, almost humping the air, and soon the dragon's tail as the raccoon's cock was enveloped by it.

Even as his feet were licked, Draconicon was pumping his cock hard, moaning softly to the sensations of the tongue and nose of the student on his feet. They were so, so hot to him, bringing him to heights of pleasure even the most seductive of dragonesses back home hadn't been able to conceive of. Each lick pulled off another layer of sweat and some small particles of dust, the licking tongue cleaning his feet better than a full bar of soap and boiling water would manage in years of work.

Chuckling softly at the slightly ticklish feel of Angelo's whiskers against his feet, Draconicon started gently spanking the raccoon. Each time there was more than a second between licks, the dragon's muscled tail landed, hard, on one of his butt cheeks. Each slap got progressively harder, until even with his tail almost a foot away, Draconicon could feel the heat that was glowing from those furry cheeks.

Now, he knew the time had come for the main event.

"Stand up, my pet. Stand up, and show me how red that backside of yours has become," he commanded, leaning back in his easy chair.

Even as the raccoon got to his feet, he was reaching out with a paw, the claws glowing with a power that he had kept hidden up until this point. A couple touches with the blue light his claws emitted was enough to heal away the redness and swelling and heat, making it look as though nothing at all had happened. However, the next action the dragon planned to take wouldn't be so easily brushed away.


Even in the fog that currently held his mind tightly under the control of the dragon, Angelo felt the long shaft of hot meat pressed between his butt cheeks. The just healed mounds of bouncy flesh parted just enough to enfold his master's cock between them, as a woman might hold her breasts around another male's shaft. But no female would have this cock. This cock was his master's, and only he would be the one blessed with its touch. He'd be good enough to be sure of that.

The raccoon felt the shaft slowly slide down the crack, withdrawing itself, leaving less and less of its hot, pulsing length against his body until only the tip was left, an arrow pointing from the dragon's genital slit to his tailhole. And even as he recognized that he was about to be impaled on a shaft larger than a ruler, it happened.

A sudden thrust forward with the pre covered head, and his virginity was a thing of the past. Angelo's head tilted back, instantly chirring from the pleasure of being filled by the thirteen inches of his master's shaft. Moaning amidst his chirrs, he started slamming his backside back against his master, wanting more and more of that monster shoved up his backside. He wanted to be filled, filled forever.

His own motions were halted by the dragon's paws on his hips, the claws digging in ever so slightly to remind him who was master. Blushing, Angelo lowered his head to the floor, raising his butt higher up and more on par with his master's groin, waiting to receive his master's thrusts.

Angelo didn't have to wait more than three seconds before he felt his master's cock moving inside him, pulling out slowly. The ridges on the lower six inches slowly spread his hole out yet further, slowly pushing his hole wider before letting it snap shut again, only to be spread again around the next ridge, over and over again, until finally reaching the halfway point of his master's cock.

Before he could start to miss the ridges filling him, spreading him, they were slammed right back in, the dragon above him slamming his cock home hard and fast. Each ridge spread him so fast it was like an accordion was pulling in and out of his tailhole, slow pull, fast push, slow pull, fast push.

His chirrs only got louder with each rub of his master's phallus over his prostate, the slightly pointed tip better than any toy that he'd ever tried. Each thrust seemed to be targeted directly to his little pleasure button, each movement dragging his pleasure level from what he'd thought was the best to something better still, pulling him along to higher and higher levels of ecstasy.

He couldn't help it any longer, he had to pay his master back for all that he was doing. Pushing his hips back against the grip of his master's claws, he met each thrust with a backslide of his own, gliding his insides over the dragon's magnificent, glorious prick. It filled him so well, and the shooting pre warmed him, slickened him, making him go faster and faster on this ride of rides.

All of this, all the pleasure, all the feelings of being filled, being cared for, was too much for Angelo. He'd been a virgin before this, and he couldn't take it any longer. Chirring his loudest yet, he thrust back one more time onto that shaft...and didn't cum.

Groaning to himself as he felt a scaly paw holding the base of his cock tight, he only rode his master's cock harder, hoping that if he did a good enough job, he'd be allowed his pleasure. He needed it so bad, he was so close it almost hurt. His eight inches of cock was pulsing, bright purple from all the blood flow inside, almost swelling with the need to cum.

Minutes passed, and as he thought that he would never be allowed to cum, would always have to deal with being on the very edge, and held there, he felt his master speed up. That long, wide cock started thrusting in at a jackhammer pace, filling and emptying him more than five times a second. A warm wetness fell on his shoulder, and matted with his fur, the dragon above him drooling in pleasure.

He seemed to snap himself out of that, though, as Angelo heard the voice of his master, commanding him to do one, simple action, a command that needed only one word to express itself, muttered just as the dragon threw back his head in a roar of pleasure.


Angelo felt his cock being released from the scaly paw just as his rear was filled with cum at speeds comparable to that from a fire hose, it shot out so fast and hard. It was hot, hot and thick as it assaulted his prostate, shoving Angelo across the line and into his own mind blowing climax.

Even as the cum flew from his cock and his balls tightened up, pulling themselves close to his crotch, even as he fell into the oblivion of sleep as he landed in his own pile of liquid joy, he could feel the dragon, his master, holding him close. He knew, deep in his heart, that he would never be alone again, that he would never again be unloved. He knew that he would always be taken care of by his master.


In the month that followed, the mythological creatures that had come to earth showed their true sides, revealing the why of their arrival at long last. At the hidden signal from their leader on some college campus, they took control of the national leaders of each superpower, and soon had the entire world under their thumb. With that much power, changes soon began crossing the globe at an astonishing rate.

With no regard for currency in the least, the mythologicals began a thorough cleaning of the environment, wiping polution from the world's air and water supplies almost overnight. With that done, they turned their sights to things far more important to them, like changing the face of the world to allow more of their kind suitable habitations in the mountains and high places of the world.

Through all of this, their leader only spoke to them now and again. He had taken up an enormous responsibility after all, and one that he intended to take care of quite well.

After all, a raccoon's love and libido are constantly hungry, and must be constantly fed, as he found out the morning after his first romp.

Capture, and Revenge

"That dragon had to pick yesterday to make a raid on the village," Jade muttered to himself as he climbed up the sides of said dragon's mountain, the sides rocky and icy. "He just had to pick yesterday. If he had waited two days, I could have passed...

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A Dare Gone Wrong

(Okay, typical warnings, not meant for those under 18 or other legal age, bla bla bla, character of Thaniter copyright to me, Asheron to KarazyKitty. Enjoy.) Asheron was thinking that his choice to accept this dare might have been his stupidest choice...

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Meet the Family

While lacking in yiff, this section brings the reader up to date with the different members of the human family. Skip if you want, but you might want to come back later. ...

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