Rough Ride

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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So once upon a time, I happened upon a particular and saw a particular thing about a character starring in a porno. I found myself inspired to do write that 'porno', and this is the result.

There's... barely a story here, but hey, it is a porno, isn't it? Of note, however, there are some non-consensual shenanigans, so do proceed with caution and check the tags.

Image from this picture, used with permission.


Kappy belongs to Kappy. Used with permission.

The feeling of liquid hitting her face jolted Kappy awake. The skunk coughed and sputtered, then reeled as she tasted piss. "Thatch! What the fuck is wrong with you?" somebody said, and the stream stopped. She was further disoriented when she felt the ropes around her arms, preventing her from wiping off her own face. Somebody came closer, and she tried to pull away from them, thwarted by a strong arm tugging her face back and wiping it off. "Hang on a sec, little lady, I'll get that for you."

Kappy tried to squirm more, but everything felt like she was swimming in molasses. The rough fabric cleared the liquid from her eyes, and as soon as she could she squirmed away from the hand. "Hey, whoa there, little lady." Finally, she opened her eyes.

She was staring at the kindly face of a bull, older with a bandana wrapped around his head. Looking up and around, the pale skunk found herself in a dingy room, water stains on the ceiling and a hard wooden floor. She pulled at her arms; they were bound to the frame of a metal bed, the mattress anything but comfortable. She sucked in a breath.

Before the scream could get out, a hand clamped itself around her muzzle, squeezing. Kappy flinched then, still screaming into the hand, she lifted her hips, tail anchoring itself to the bed, and sprayed, the room instantly filling with an horrible stench but not hitting anyone that she could see. There were notes of protest from several male voices in the room, a fact that did not calm the skunk in the slightest. What did help was that several left the room, complaining. The bull turned his head, his hand still firmly on her muzzle, the other clamped over his own. "Dee, get the fuck back in here and crack a window!" the bull snarled, his kind visage gone. A large dog crossed Kappy's field of view, bandana around his muzzle as he opened the window right next to the bed. It was dark out. She inhaled for another scream.

Before she could, her world exploded into stars. Dazed, she blinked when the bull pulled her muzzle back to face him after the slap he gave her, hand clamping her mouth shut. He sneered at her. "Done screamin'? Cuz here's what's gonna happen, little lady. I'm gonna remove my hand from your mouth. You scream again, it's gonna go bad for you. Understand?"

With wide eyes, Kappy nodded.

"Good." Gradually, the bull removed his hand. After a moment of tense breathing, he started to mess around the headboard. The skunk tensed, and as she felt something come loose she tried to move. However, she didn't account for the ropes holding her ankles as she flopped over the bed, killing any escape fantasies. Why was her body responding to her? The bull pulled her to lie on the bed again by the rope holding her wrists together. "Now that wasn't very smart," he said. Then he sighed, shaking his head. "Look, little lady. This wasn't supposed to happen this way, honest. But now that it has, we just gotta make the best of it."

"What's going on?" Kappy said, voice already raw.

"You were supposed to be our guest. But then Spence went and roofied you, so now we're off on a bad foot already." Kappy tried to keep her heart from racing further, but it was near impossible at this point.


The bull nodded. "Don't worry. He'll get his. Or won't, heh heh." The grin appeared on the bull's face, and the kindly, almost fatherly look he had at first became even more of a memory. He certainly looked old enough to be Kappy's father.

"Where am I? Why did you tie me up?" Was she slurring her words?

"So you wouldn't run off, obviously." The bull shrugged. "I'm sure you got a buncha questions, but I ain't in the mood for answerin' 'em right now. So what I'm gonna do, is I'm gonna untie your feet from the bed, and you're gonna follow me to a cleaner smellin' room, alright?"

Everything seemed slow and sluggish. She'd been roofied? When? How? As the adrenaline started to sour in her system, Kappy's limbs were lead, and even sifting through her thoughts was like mud. She remembered that she had been in a bar. There were a bunch of guys in there, and she was just there to enjoy herself after a rough day at work. What had she been doing? Just flirting, really, right? Scared, the skunk looked around her as she was half-dragged off the bed, her body responding with some effort as she got to her feet. "Damn, he got you good, didn't he?" the bull said, chuckling. "C'mon little lady, right this way." McCoy. Or McConnel. Mc-something, that was the bull's name. Or was it? He was at least a head taller than her, and as they got away from the room where she laid her bomb, she started to smell something else. Cigars? She could still taste the urine, too, but not by much.

The skunk didn't see much of the place where she was, as she was lead a door down. There was some pulsing music going on, but the place reminded her of a motel. "Where am I?" she ventured.

"Somewhere," the bull said, then continued after a beat. "You wanted to come here, though. See our hang out spot. Least, that's what you told Ray."


"Oh yeah. Big Rottweiler you were eye-fuckin' all night. He'd have charmed you if that damn fool deer hadn't broken in."

What the hell had she got herself into? Though Kappy had to admit, that if she wasn't sluggish right now...

The bull jerked her into a room, which was much the same, pushing her onto the bed. She stumbled and just managed to catch herself, ears back. Then the skunk had to correct herself: This room was bigger and had others in it as she looked around. "Hey there," said one of the big dogs, a few more grinning. In fact, aside of the bull and what looked like a horse, they were all dogs. "She awake?" the dog, a gruff looking Rottweiler, asked, looking at the bull.

"Awake enough," the bull answered, tugging at his belt. Rough laughter came from the rest as they stood up, abandoning what looked like some card games. The scent of cigars was stronger in this room, a few of them smoking. "Whatcha look so scared for, little lady?"

"What are you going to do?" Kappy asked. And why was she feeling so... conflicted about this?

"Tell ya what," the bull answered, opening his belt and zipping down his fly. He closed the distance between them in a few strides, grabbing the skunk by her head. "You suck my cock, maybe I'll tell ya."

Kappy tried to pull away, and would have sprayed had she not already. The bull's grip was iron, however, as he tugged down his underwear.

There was a part of the skunk that looked with pure fascination as the tighty whities descended. It uncovered a thick tube, already halfstiff and getting stiffer by the moment. Again, she moved her head to avert her muzzle, but instead found the hand pressing her muzzle against it, the musk near choking her. "I don't think I gotta tell you what's gonna happen if I feel teeth, do I?" the bull asked, leering down at her. "Now open up." Kappy's head was pushed down, the drooling tip of the tube (it almost seemed to big to be an actual penis) smearing across her lips until a tweak of her ear caused her to gasp -- and have her mouth plugged with bull.

Unlike before when he was almost kind, the bull didn't show any shred of mercy. "C'mon, little lady, suck," came the command, enforced by his hand forcing more of the turgid rod into Kappy's mouth. She drooled at least, dazed by the musk and lingering effect of the roofies, still in her system. Impatient, the bull grunted down at her, tugging his underwear down further as he pumped his shaft through her lips. "Fine then," he said, working up to speed and further addling the skunk with the addition of hips bashing against her lips.

Making piteous whining noises, Kappy struggled to get her bearings and started sucking accidentally as she fought to breathe. The bull's eyes flashed, though it only made him go faster, his two-handed grip making her head hurt. She thought she lost track of time, knowing only when the bull started to slow down and her scattered thoughts started to collect themselves.

"...she?" said somebody else. It was one of the other dogs, the big rottweiler from before, his hand on the bull's shoulder.

The bull shrugged. "Pretty good facefuck, though. You finally gettin' off your ass to join in?"

"You mind?"

"Fuck no. Why else is she here?" The long tube of beef was withdrawn from her muzzle, and Kappy started to breathe properly. She coughed, then was tossed onto the bed where she lay trying to collect herself. Everything still felt leaden, but she wasn't sure if it was from the drugs or the rough treatment. Dimly, she heard stuff hitting the floor, then her hair was tugged upward, finding herself face to cock with the dog.

Are all these guys hung? was the panicked thought as her nose was mashed up against another source of musk. This one was different: where the bull's was almost earthy, the rottie's had a different tang to it, something that made Kappy's heart race and some primal fight-or-flight instinct kick in.

"Sup," the rottie said, smirking in a way that seemed identical to the bull's from earlier. "I ain't as big as Cole there, so maybe this'll go easier on you. So c'mon," he said, tugging her head further into his lap. "Lessee if you can follow instructions, huh? So gimme a lick."

Dazed, confused, her body reacting in unexpected and unwanted ways, Kappy slipped out her tongue and gave the dog cock a lick. "There ya go... good girl. Now keep goin'." The rottweiler's voice was almost condescending in his commands, but peppered with praise, he got her to lick all the way from base to tip on his shaft, and she started to pull the tip into her mouth when the bull entered the picture again.

A thick finger suddenly jammed into her pussy, startling Kappy from her reverie with a moan. A moan? "Holee sheet, Ray. She's fuckin' soaked back here."

"That right? You wet, girly?" Kappy started to look backward, but found her head pushed back to the cock in her mouth. "You wanna answer, you just nod or shake your head. Don'tcha know how rude it is to speak with your mouth full?" the dog sneered.

"Don't matter what she says. Lookit." From behind, the skunk felt her legs being manipulated then dropped, then a familiar piece of fabric came into her view as the rottie caught it. It took Kappy a second to recognize her own underwear, as it almost looked like she'd peed through them.

"Shit," the rottweiler said, bringing her panties up to his nose, inhaling deeply. "So that's what that smell was."

"What was what smell?" said another voice. Kappy couldn't see who talked, because the Rottweiler chose that moment to force another inch into her mouth and down her throat. She struggeled to breathe through her nose, though felt that airway starting to close as well. The dog was thick. "You never smelled a skunk before?"

The dog didn't answer, grunting before letting Kappy up. "Ugh, got into her throat a little."

"So go again," said the third voice. Kappy still didn't get an opportunity to look. She felt the ponderous bull cock behind her, and only got a moment to react before said bull cock was shoved inside her, making her cry out. The stretch was incredible, and she grabbed onto the rottie's thighs as Cole started fucking.

"Good idea," the dog said, grabbing Kappy's hair and pushing her back down. Her open, moaning mouth was filled with the pink dog shaft, stifling her cries. It took a bit of the dog's careless direction and the bull's ceaseless thrusting for her to get into any kind of rhythm, and she held into those thick thighs for dear life. "Shit, looks like she's gettin' into it."

"Fuck, dog, hurry up," said the third voice. "You know how Cole is: he's gonna take for-fucking-ever back there."

"That eager to get your dick wet?" came the bull's rolling bass. He'd mostly descended into grunts, though he tugged up Kappy's tail, striking another angle and making the skunk see stars. " plenty of slickness for ya," Cole continued. "Ya hear that? The little lady's soaked."

Kappy could no longer deny how good this felt. She was audible, and even with her ears turned outward in shame, her pussy's lubrication seemed to get louder. Her tail was starting to hurt with the tugging the bull had on it, but that and the hair pulling had her in a hazy state that she completely lost the thread of conversation until she felt the dog dick vacate her mouth.

Before she could stop herself, she whimpered. "Ha! See, she wants it! Here, Ruskie, cool your jets." Another, different hand grabbed her hair and pulled sideways, smacking her face into a third dick. She got a brief moment to look up at the snow leopard in the vest before yet another cock filled her mouth.

Cole stopped long enough for the snow leopard to make some adjustments, stuffing all of his dick down Kappy's throat and making her swallow over it a few times before he let her up for air. Flailing, she grabbed onto the cat's hip. Her other hand was directed to the wet dick that had been in her mouth, and Cole went right back to hammering her. "Gaddamn, she's so wet back here," said the bull.

"You 'bout to do what I think you 'bout to do?" the dog was asking. At least, Kappy thought he said that. The big cat seemed fond of face fucking, which was jarring her concentration.

"Think she'll notice?"

"Fuck you," the dog said with a laugh, squeezing the skunk's hand around his cock.

"Huh?" That word came with Ruskie slowing down, allowing air through Kappy's nose at least. She'd drooled hard over the cat's length, perched precariously between the rottie and snow leopard as even the bull was slowing to a stop. "Aw, c'mon!" the cat protested.

The skunk was taken away from the leopard's grip, and then further flipped to her back. "What the fuck, Cole," the leopard said, pouting now. Everything smelled like sex and musk, both pervasive and hard to ignore. Her shirt was tugged upward, and she looked down to see the big, wet bull cock, stiff and twitching, drag along her sex lips. She stopped herself from moaning, but she couldn't help but tremble.

"Feel that?" Cole said, looking up at the dog, who laughed in return.

"Scoot over," Ruskie said, with Kappy's head shifted from the dog's lap to lie on the bed, the mattress creaking as the snow leopard joined them. He wasn't as muscular as the other two, but seemed to have a comparable dick. Kappy's hands were put on both of their members, both pulsing with their eagerness. She was putty in their grip, her body unwilling to move of her own accord even as part of her was screaming to find a way to get away.

She felt the pressure on her backside, inadvertantly squeezing on the two cocks. The bull had spread her legs, keeping one down with a hand while the other was tossed over his shoulder. A nasty grin was plastered on his face. "Lessee how you can take this," he said, but then he was entering her. The bull didn't stop, exhaling as he shoved himself into her ass, rushing in with what felt like his entire giant cock and making Kappy cry out in pain. Tears sprung up from her eyes as Cole leaned over, pressing even more dick into her, her body trying to squirm away but held in place by the three burly bodies around her. Before she could form words, her head was yanked onto the dog's dick again, the leopard holding her hand on his cock with one hand, the other keeping her pinned to the bed.

It was almost overstimulating, how much was going on all at once. Pain had definitely crossed into pleasure at some point, because why else would Kappy's body be on fire like it was? Even if her mouth wasn't filled with rapidly thrusting dog cock, the only sounds she would have been able to make would be pained moans.

"Fuck yeah," grunted Cole. "She's got a tight fuckin' ass on her." The bull was relentless, having launched into a relentless pace. The skunk found it hard to control herself, perhaps part of her body shutting down due to constant stimulation. Something was growing inside her, and as she was passed from the dog to Ruski, the snow leopard even more brutal in his thrusting than the rottie had been, she wasn't able to put a name to it.

It had to do with how her moans changed, though the three bikers didn't seem to notice or care. A hand mauling her suddenly exposed breast made her back arch. She couldn't hear them over the sound of blood thundering in her own head, her heart beating to try and keep up with everything going on around her. Sure, it hurt, but the dull aching had given way to a deeper, more primal desire. She was passed again, gasping before her mouth and throat were filled with dog, who leaned over her slightly to better aid his motion. When she felt his knot bumping against her lips, something broke inside her, making her convulse.

"Is she cumming?" Kappy heard that from behind her. She thought it was the snow leopard, but she was too involved in it to tell properly by herself. A bomb had gone off in her body, making her moan and twitch, completely losing control of her body for what seemed a small eternity. She came to, breathing heavily, but had to close her eyes as cum flew from the Rottweiler's shaft onto her face.

The skunk's body felt like a tightly wound string, the tension not yet able to completely flow out of her while the bull kept roughly sodomizing her. She felt herself moved, or movement around her, and again her lips were wrapped around a familiar shaft. But then that was taken away from her, lurching forward and barely able to hear the note of protest from behind her. She was thrown into the bull, who leered at her. "Just you 'n me, little lady," he said, and grabbed onto her ass.

Cole resumed his ponderous pace, same as before. All Kappy could do was hold on as it felt like there was a mile of cock being shoved into her ass. She tightened her grip, panting on the bull's neck, then felt the nips to the base of her ear. All she could do was react, latching onto the bull further while he sped up. Kappy was dumped into something that resembled orgasms she'd had before, the bull growling dirty words into her ear as the last fourth of his dick ran through her backside. When he came, it extended her for a half second longer, coming down as she felt the warmth spreading from her rump.

Cole grinned, a hand moving up to tweak her breast, making her grunt and squirm. "You with us again?" he asked. Where had she gone? She nodded, if only because it seemed like the right thing to do, and he winked. "Good. You still got some other guys to get through." Kappy blinked. What was he talking about?

The bull was surprisingly gentle as he lay her down and pulled out, and she could feel an overwhelming sense of emptiness. "You fuckin' ruined her ass!" Ruski complained from somewhere above her.

"Her ass is fine. I didn't cum in her puss so you can make that sloppy, if you want," Cole said as he got off the bed. "She just needs some time to tighten up again."

"Fuck you, Cole," the cat said, but Kappy's legs were yanked up and she found more dick shoving into her sex. Like Cole, Ruski didn't wait for her to be used to his size, his pace considerably quicker than the bull had been. The contrast between the two was almost pleasant, until the cat put his hand around her neck.

Kappy grabbed at his hand, but Ruski didn't stop thrusting or choking her, and she couldn't budge his fingers. The snow leopard only grinned as she struggled, hips pumping harder. With the lack of oxygen in her lungs, Kappy found everything getting intense again, her breathing getting shorter, and the dirty things the leopard was muttering at her while he got his rocks off facing to nothing below the booming in her ears.

It stopped as suddenly as it happened. The cat had his ears back, staring daggers at somebody Kappy couldn't see yet. She didn't care to for the moment, her body remembering what a clear airway was like. "You really had to do that?" asked another, deeper voice.

"What, you like doin' freaky shit too, don't you?" Ruski said.

Leather creaked, and Kappy heard a zipper as something fell to the ground. "Yeah, but on my own time," the voice said. It was slow and deep, like honey. The bed dimped as the other person got on it, and the skunk stared upward at a bear. "So you're the girl, eh?" he asked her, tapping his dick on her nose. This new musk was different, a bit stronger than the bull's, clouded with leather and sweat and smoke. Something was familiar.

"Are you gonna let me finish?" Kappy heard the snow leopard say, otherwise captivated by the bear.

"Not stoppin' you," the bear replied, and Ruski pulled on Kappy's legs before ramming into her again. "Name's Thatch, girl." He cradled her head up into his lap, smearing his dick across her nose and lips before pointing the tip at her. "I'm sure you know what to do."

This was the guy that peed on me? The thought hit Kappy just as Ruski picked up his pace, rowling at something her body did. With the unceasing sensation from her nethers dulling slightly, she cradled the bear cock, panting over it and taking it slow. Thatch made no move to force her, seeming content. The skunk took this as a sign to finally take something slow in the rough and tumble that had been the last while, familiarizing herself with the scent and taste of the bear's member before popping the tip into her mouth, sucking on it. She had to stop every now and then when Ruski hit a spot in her body that made her tremble, but otherwise she was reverent with the bear, actively using her tongue to wash over the fleshy-tasting menace. When she pulled it out, she found herself mumbling something.

"What's that?" the bear asked, leaning over.

Kappy flushed. "Y-you're gonna fuck me, aren't you?" She hissed as the snow leopard bullied into that spot again.

"I might maybe just," Thatch sneered.

"I'd like that," she gasped, the snow leopard speeding up and breathing harder. Another orgasm coursed through her, mercifully not as strong as the other one she'd had (other two?). Ruski didn't pull her up like Cole had, but he did save his strongest for last, slamming into her on his final strokes, pushing his seed deep within.

"Bet you can't make her cum," the snow leopard said, pulling his cock from Kappy as she gasped.

"We'll see," Thatch responded, gently tapping the skunk on the cheek. "You can go back to doin' what you were doin'," he said to her.

"I'd try her ass but Cole'd kill me," Ruski said to nobody in particular, climbing off the bed.

Thatch greeted that comment with a snort as the snow leopard pulled out, slapping his cock against the skunk's butt. "I don't think you did, either."

"Yeah, yeah." Kappy saw Ruski leave, but had most of her attention on the cock she was finally able to explore. It was relaxing, almost, what she could do with him, especially that he wasn't fighting her or directing her aside of keeping her mouth on his shaft. Exhaling, she pulled up for a breath. She had no idea what was going on with this group of bikers but they were all absurdly hung. Her hand was almost not enough to wrap around the shaft as she squeezed it, stroking it up and down.

"You ain't done yet, are you?" the bear rumbled from above, though no malice in his voice.

"No, just..." Now she was embarrassed. Her mouth slipped onto the shaft again, getting down halfway, the length flexing in her mouth. Why was she flushing?

Further distraction came with the door opening. "Sup Kent, Ray," the bear said. Kappy tried to glance toward the door, but couldn't see much and it was hard to concentrate as the big bear hand held her down.

"Is it your turn now?" said one voice, one she recognized as the rottie from earlier. Her blush deepened.

"Who gives a fuck?" Thatch said, his voice colored by a grin. "Why, you wanna make her airtight?"

Kappy swallowed for a reason having nothing to do with the bear's precum. She wasn't quite sure what she was more hestitant about: that they would or that they wouldn't.

The decision was made for her, as she heard the laughter of the other two. "I'm gettin' her ass, then," the rottie said.

"C'mon, you already had her," the other voice said.

"Don't worry, she's got a good mouth on her," Thatch said, letting the skunk come up for air, then pulling her up his body. Kappy finally got a look at the third: a boar with short tusks and a vest like a few of the others. He was in the process of undoing his pants when he looked up.


"Ray?" the bear said, looking toward the dog.

"He was here first, Kent. You shoulda said somethin'." The dog hadn't put anything on, still wearing that tight shirt that showed off his bulk. He stepped forward, climbing onto the bed behind Kappy, which made her heart beat faster. This was happening. This was happening right now.

Kent, the boar, grumbled something, but nothing too loudly as he squeezed his exposed cock. Before he could approach, Kappy was shifted down, the bear laying back. Behind her, Ray gave her rump a squeeze, and her tail twitched upward as she gasped. Then the bear pushed into her.

Though she was felt exhausted, the three of them weren't. It wasn't as frantic as earlier by necessity, the three of them working out a kind of rhythm so none of them fell out, almost like they'd done this before. Of course, those thoughts were fleeting in the face of being fucked by three burly men who seemed to have only the barest concern for her well being or ability to take them all at once. Kappy never thought she'd felt so full before, with the boar grabbing her head and jamming his shaft down her throat while the bear and dog had worked out how fast they could go without jostling the other free, then aiming to push that limit. Somewhere in the middle of that haze, an orgasm happened to the skunk, then continued roughly until the boar started cumming.

There was snorting, then grunting, then Kappy felt the warmth as it spattered into her mouth for what seemed like forever, followed by the still spruting cock unreeling from her throat to spray over her face. The boar stroked himself a few more times, grabbing her hair to make sure her face was coated by his endless spend before he let her go. She slumped, coughing into the sheets, trembling. She had to swallow some of the stuff on reflex, because there was so much of it still. When the skunk had finally calmed down some, she realized that the other two weren't moving.

"Y'alright there?" Ray said from behind, stroking over her side. The move was oddly soothing, but she didn't know what to do. So, she nodded.

"Good," came the gruff response. "Now we got you all to ourselves." He was leaning over now, and before Kappy could react, the dog had bitten her scruff.

She couldn't recall a time when she'd been as helpless, the two nearly immediately starting up a rougher pace than before. What was worse was the scruff bite had her tensing up in some places, utterly limp in others, and jostled like a rag doll between them. All she could do was ride, and the two were wild in their pace.

Ray seemed determined to bury his knot in her backside, something she both dreaded and wanted. The threat came particularly potent as his breathing became heavier, the Rottwieler slamming her harder with each passing moment. It was a close thing when he groaned, finally letting her go though his hand tightened on her shoulder as he came, growling. She could almost feel each individual spurt, and there was so much.

The bear, on the other hand, sped up as the dog went over, almost like he had to catch up. She was paralyzed in almost a different well, pretty sure that she'd orgasmed again at some point between the dog's crest and this new, bruising pace. Ray pulling out definitely caused something to run through her spine, and she didn't realize how much she'd been crying out until she swallowed and her throat felt raw. Thatch grinned up at her, leaning forward to bite at her neck. Kappy felt his grunting as he went over, the bear gushing into her. He held that tension until she fell completely limp against him.

The strike across her ass made Kappy flinch and yelp. "How ya feel?" Ray asked her, and the skunk could feel the sneer in his voice.

"I ain't done with her yet," Thatch said, picking her up, then pressing her against a wall as he started to go again. Kappy had no choice but to hold on, her legs feeling weak from all the stimulation.

"C'mon, I wanna fuck her pussy," said Kent. Kappy saw him stroking himself, alarmed that he was still hard after all that. How long had they been fucking her?

"Almost done," the bear said. "Wanna make sure I mark her." There were a few thrusts, then he ground into her, grinning widely. Kappy felt what he was doing a second later, her eyes wide, and the smell filtered out into the room as it dripped down.

"Oh, ah, what the fuck!" the boar said.

"Thatch, what is it with you and pissin' in girls?" Ray remarked.

"I like leavin' my mark," Thatch replied, his eyes only for Kappy, who shuddered.

"What the fuck is that smell?" said Ruski, reentering the room. "Did Thatch piss again?"

"Of course he did," said the dog, shaking his head. Kappy had her ears back, unsure of what was going to happen. Thatch put her back on the bed, pulling a still-hard cock out with a grunt, a small trickle of fluids dripping from her.

"This is why you go last, you know that, right?" the snow leopard said, and Thatch grinned.

Kent suddenly approached Kappy, grabbing her shoulder and forcing her to her front, then yanking her tail up. "He didn't piss everywhere," the boar said, shoving his cock into her ass while the skunk gasped. She yelped when the boar spanked her, and then her face was shoved into the musky mattress as he fucked her.

Kappy saw stars, clawing at the bed. Where did all this stamina come from? Her toes were curling as the boar felt like he intended to fuck her through the bed with something that felt at least as thick as a baseball bat. Her moans were muffled by the fabric, and she tried to contain them but it was impossible with the boar's relentless pace. To make matters worse, she wasn't quite sure if the fluid dripping down her inner thighs was just urine.

If the other bikers were talking, Kappy couldn't hear it over her thundering heart. Nor did it help that the boar seemed to favor her facing the wall rather than out into the rest of the room. But when Kent came, her concerns washed away in the face of his voluminous output, and she tensed when he slapped her ass again, her legs feeling numb from the rough ride.

She had about a minute, if that, to rest. The bed creaked again, and before she even had a chance to put her tail down, another dick had shoved itself into her rump, making her cry out. "Fuckin' bear," said the male, one she recognized as the snow leopard, whose frustration translated into a rapid pace and Kappy wishing she had something more substantial to hold onto than the dirty mattress. When he finished, cum had dropped across her back and tail in long streaks, making her flinch.

It was apparently one on one time, as the skunk next found herself being turned onto her back then draped over the edge of the bed, her legs falling forward. She looked straight up into the Rottweiler's face along the lines of his body, and the cock that had violated her orifices twice already going in for thirds. "Y'ever been piledriven before?" the dog asked, a second before he pressed his thick cock into her backside with a sneer. Somewhere along the lines of this new kind of fucking, Kappy felt her body, specifically her pussy, clenching on nothing and fluid hitting her in the face. It smelled like her. Her only thought was "Again?" as the dog finished, grinning.

At this point, Kappy had lost all sense of time. There was simply more and more cock being shoved into her, breathing only someone got impatient and decided to fuck her mouth again. She felt covered in lines of cum when the bikers had decided they didn't want to add to the puddle inside her, though they favored inside over out. It wasn't until she'd been left alone for a while that she realized that she wasn't being fucked, and that lasted until the door to the room had opened and a vaguely familiar deer came in. He took her limp body as an invitation, fucking her messy tits before taking her pussy and ass both, cumming in each.

It struck Kappy that she wasn't being used again, which woke her up from her stupor. All the places the bikers had grabbed onto her ached, and her mouth was muzzy from all the use it had been through. She started to move, slowly as to not trip any surprise pains, and found everything more or less functioning. Sitting up hurt due the pressure on her tail, so she rolled to her side. What didn't hurt was sticky or encrusted, and it took some doing for her to open one eye that felt like it was glued shut.

She was naked. That didn't surprise her, but it made her wonder where her clothes had went. The thing that did surprise her, when she stopped to examine how she was doing, was how... was 'good' the word? The skunk wasn't sure, but the exact word hovered around there. Even now, she wasn't sure if it was because she was now being left alone or because -- well, the bikers had been --

The door opened, jolting Kappy from her thoughts. It was the bear, who smirked at her. "You're up. Good. Put these on." Clothes were in the air and she just barely caught the cloth being thrown at her. It was a tshirt and some sweat pants.

"Where are my clothes?" Kappy managed, her voice croaking in a way that made her ears go sideways. She couldn't smell anything. Why couldn't she smell anything? The questions bred with each other by the second.

The bear shook his head. "The guys pretty much fucked up all your clothes. Or stole them. I know I saw Spence goin' around with your panties on his head like an idiot."

The picture made her blush for some reason before she started putting on the clothes. They were old and smelled a little like mothballs. Both were too big for her, and it hurt to put them on. The deer came in and helped her, though he seemed to be in a hurry. "Why are you hurrying me?" Kappy said, wincing as the shirt was tugged over her body.

Thatch paused, looking at her. "Those roofies musta fucked you up real good, huh? Sorry about that."

"Why did you guys do that to me?"

The bear snorted. "You did say you wanted to be roofied, remember?"

Why would she say anything like-- It came back in a rush, and suddenly Kappy was blushing very hard. "Now she remembers," Thatch said, helping her up with a hand around her upper arm. "But c'mon, I just got a text from Leon asking where you were and if you're okay. I told him I'd be bringing you home."

Leon. Her boyfriend. "W-wait, I need... I need a shower." She tried to fight the buck's grip, but it was iron and she was weakened.

"Don't really care. I said I'd be bringing you home and I'm gonna do that. C'mon, you're stuff's right here."

Thinking fast, she tried again. "There's a shower here, right?"


"If you let me take a shower, I'll let you fuck me!" she blurted.

"Did that already."

"I'll let you pee in me, after!"

Thatch paused, looking back at her. "After your shower. Then we got a deal."

Kappy's heart was racing, and her knees trembled. "Deal." She still wondered what she was going to say to Leon.

Stray Skunk part 3

Stray Skunk (part 3) by pj wolf Kappy and Lily Ann by Kappy Leon, Ivan, and concept by GlitterPills/LeonHusky Leon's phone rang as he got to the door, making him pause as he put the key into the lock. It was from an unfamiliar phone number, but...

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Field Research Entry 1: Losing It

I've gone into heat. I've expected, even anticipated this. It's a regular thing, coming on a monthly basis and sometimes worse in the springtime. The popular explanation is that the promise of new things growing and pushing off the shackles of...

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Field Research - Thesis and Introduction

I can say with confidence that I am an anomaly. I don't think it's very often that somebody would purchase a dildo in order to have an academic look into how their own body responded to orgasm and sexual pleasure. Nor would it be often that someone...

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