Stray Skunk part 3

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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#3 of Stray Skunk

Well, I was right. The third part did not take seven months to write. I don't know exactly how long it took, but it took me about ten months to post it. My apologies. The epilogue I finally finished today, and I like how it came out. The icon is once again pulled from here, and seems very appropriate.

OF NOTE, if you want to skip the M/M content, don't read the epilogue.

And last, but certainly not least, Thank you to Leon Husky and Kappy for letting me use (and abuse) their characters.

Stray Skunk (part 3) by pj wolf

Kappy and Lily Ann by Kappy Leon, Ivan, and concept by GlitterPills/LeonHusky

Leon's phone rang as he got to the door, making him pause as he put the key into the lock. It was from an unfamiliar phone number, but as he just got from a second interview a week after the first, it was possible they were calling. "Hello?" he asked, opening the door, keys jangling.

"Is this Leon?"


"This is Eva Green from Telco. You just had an interview with us? I was calling to set up the appointment."

Leon frowned. "For another interview?"

"Oh, no. This is for the employment paperwork and to schedule an orientation time. When is convenient for you?"

"Employment... You mean I got the job?"

"Did they not tell you?"

"No. Nobody told me anything about getting the job!" At this point, Leon didn't really care, already his mind was racing.

Eva sighed. "You had the interview with Jerry, right? He seems to like doing that, for whatever reason. Anyway yes, congratulations, you got the job. We need you to come in as soon as possible to fill out those employment papers, since the orientation will be paid, and it's a two hour session. When is convenient for you?"

The husky's tail wagged furiously, and he was nearly jumping in excitement. "Oh man. I gotta put in my two weeks at my old job--"

"Not a problem. The paper work shouldn't take that long, we can do that around your existing schedule. You'll probably need an off-day for the orientation, though."

Leon quickly looked up his work schedule on his phone. "I can come in at 10 on Friday."

"Good. I'll pencil you in. Now, there are three orientation sessions in total, each about two hours and they can be taken any time provided they are all within a two week timeframe, preferably 10 days. Once training starts, you will be given a schedule and expected to come in on those days, so adjust your work schedule accordingly. I can tell you more about the training schedule when you come in for the paper work, though full details will be at the orientation. Welcome aboard, and see you Friday."

Leon echoed the last three words and hung up. "This calls for a celebratory toke," he said with a smile. After rolling himself a fat one with their remaining weed, he called Kappy to tell her the good news but didn't get an answer. As soon as the call went to voicemail, he heard a ping on his phone for a new text message. "Hey babe, got the job! I'll talk to you soon. Love ya!" He hung up, and read the message from his skunk.

'Cant pick up the phone rn, editing. Whats up?'

'Got the job, babe!!'

'Congratulations!!!!!! Im so happy! When are you starting?'

'Friday I go in for paperwork, dont know when orientation is. You still @ Ivans?'

'Yeah. Will be home late, got behind. Celebrate for me!'

'Blazin one for ya. Love you! <3'


"Guess I don't have to tell her I already used all the weed," the dog said with a grin. It did suck that Kappy wasn't going to make it until later, but now that he was good and high, Leon did the next best thing: look up porn. He had quite a few bookmarked sites of gay porn that he still enjoyed watching, sometimes with Kappy. But thinking of her had him stray towards the wilds of the more populated straight porn sites, though he wasn't generally a fan. Something about them seemed off no matter what he did, but when he was high, a lot more straight porn was acceptable.

Take, for instance, this couple he'd found not too long ago. He found a few clips of them on one of the free video sites, and it was some really hot stuff. They seemed like maybe they were dating, because in every video he'd found for free, some built cougar guy was always paired up with this skunk that seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't place it who she reminded him of. Anyway, she had a great ass (and so did he), plus her being a skunk put him in mind of Kappy. Best of all, there seemed like there was nothing fake about them at all, even though it was pretty amazing. One of the longer vids had Leon hard as a rock, watching the cougar give it to this girl relentlessly, even in the ass! He came no less than four times in and on the skunk, with the video ending with a shot of her distended holes, then her face as she finger-waved good bye. Right as the video faded out he could have sworn the skunk's eyes widened, maybe from being penetrated again.

The URL for the website was sometimes posted to the videos, so on a whim he decided to visit. There was a paywall, to be expected, but the site also cut up a few shorter sample videos and had some comments on them. They were mostly variations on "so hot" or "I'd totally do that girl, too" or "What's her name?" even though the name "Suzie" was prominently displayed on the site and the URL itself. Suzie and Boris, eh? Probably stage names, but kinda cute.

Leon had wandered back to the free sites when he discovered a video that was titled "Suzie, Boris, and the new girl." Ooo, a threesome! They must have convinced one of their friends to appear in the video. The husky got a lazy smile on his face as he clicked play. It started out as one of those vids where the camera apparently caught Suzie and Boris in the middle of fucking, opening the door on Boris on top of Suzie, though with the skunk's legs almost folded to her chest and the cougar's lashing tail raised. The camera caught a glistening cougar dick slamming into tight folds, and Suzie's urgent moans of pleasure. Already he knew this was gonna be good.

He'd already seen a few of the other videos to know that the camera would focus not only on the sliding genitals, but also might come up to watch Boris explode from the front. Already the cougar was going harder at the skunk, and she threw back her head. Leon abruptly got an odd impression that the skunk looked a lot like one of Kappy's friends. 'course, that'd be kinda hot if it was, he thought idly, moving from simply squeezing his cock to outright stroking.

Then something different happened. After the cougar came into Suzie, he withdrew from the drunk looking skunk girl, with the camera looking over his shoulder. There was a shift as the camera moved to their side to look up at Boris, who crooked a finger at the camera. The view shifted to Suzie again, as if the camera was being held away while a whispered conversation happened. Leon couldn't pick up the voices (neither could the commenters), though Suzie smirked while idly groping her tit. And then a bit of chaos; the camera was apparently dropped onto the bed, settling with a sideways view of Boris' leg, which was obscuring somebody's head disappearing into the cougar's lap. A voice said "About time," before the camera was recovered.

Suzie's grinning face came on the screen then. "Let's observe something, shall we?" she said to the audience, before the view whipped around the room, the skunk climbing off the bed. A third person, female by the looks of it, was shown half on the bed, torso lowered in a push-up position while her head was busy in Boris' lap. She was a skunk if her tail was any indication (and a pattern and fur color that also seemed kinda familiar to Leon). A hand, presumably Suzie's, moved into frame and started undoing the pants the other skunk was wearing, exposing her panties. Those were quickly dispatched with as the camera lowered. Obviously Suzie wasn't the cameraskunk for a reason, as it took a bit for her to focus the blurry shot, though that soon cleared to see a damp skunk sex. "Look at this... so damn turned on, and this is just from blowing him," Suzie said, over the clear sounds of fellatio.

With a warning to the former cameraskunk not to spray her, Suzie moved the camera outward slightly as her muzzle nosed in, dainty tongue flicking out to lick up those wet folds, casting the occasional glance at the viewer with an implied smirk. "We have to go deeper," she said, putting the camera on the other skunk's butt, pushing the tail out of the way while she dived in. That was something cool for Leon, watching the camera itself move and the subsequent sounds from one skunk's squirming, Suzie diving deep on that skunk's pussy. That part seemed to end too soon for Leon's liking, though it ended with Boris asserting himself by tugging the cameraskunk forward by her ass. The camera fell forward though quickly caught by Suzie, who turned it around quick enough to see Boris stabbing upward into the other skunk.

The cougar growled and leaned forward, hands still groping the skunk butt as he pushed it forward and back, grinding the moaning skunk on him. "Let's get a closer look, shall we?" Suzie said, her hand steadier with the camera as she crawled forward. Boris obligingly lay down, giving the camera a great view of that hard cat dick thrusting upward. The other skunk had been reduced to gasping moans while the camera traveled up her disheveled body, Suzie tugging the shirt up quickly. "I gotta get in on this," Suzie said, her muzzle entering the frame with a delicate lick to the other female's chest. "I haven't sucked your tits in a while," she continued, looking up at the other skunk while the camera picked up the tongue swirling around the pink cap. Suzie put her mouth around as much tit as she could, then popped off, just as those tits started to jostle from Boris picking up his pace. "She good? She nice and tight?" Suzie asked, turning the camera to Boris.

"Nice. Tight, like you," the cougar said with a grin. His arm moved, and Leon heard the swat and responding coo from Suzie. "Come. I eat you." A leg was thrown around the cat's head, Suzie lowering herself with that tongue lashing at her sex. The skunk trembled, just as Leon was getting closer. Right when Suzie came, Leon did too, the whole situation too much for him to keep going.

Thankfully, the video wasn't too much longer than that, and for good reason. The camera was put off to the side, with an unproductive view of the bedroom. Leon had to wonder about it, when he checked the video description that it wasn't up at the regular site. It'd been grabbed a few times before it was taken down, though Leon wasn't sure why. Shoddy camera work aside, it was hot as hell. It was a little weird that they didn't show the face of the cameragirl, though. Then they did, and Leon understood a little bit why the video was taken down.

The sounds of sex had already been winding down when the camera was discarded on the bed, but it ended with panting, and some giggles from what sounded like Suzie. The camera was jostled onto its side as someone else entered the frame but what it settled, Leon was looking right at his girlfriend. There was no mistaking it; he knew her, and the fact that she was panting with a tired, satisfied look on her face only confirmed it. He'd gotten that look a few times, the product of a good fuck. Even though it was only a few seconds of video before Kappy got a horrified look on her face and turned the camera, the video ending shortly after that. But... but that was Kappy. That was his girlfriend. That... this was real?

Leon wasn't sure what to do, so he shut down the computer, getting up and stumbling to bed. Kappy's scent was worked into the sheets, and it was almost comforting so long as he didn't think too hard about what he'd just seen. He tried to calm down and go to sleep, and it almost worked so long as he didn't concentrate on the dull pain of a resurgent erection.

He didn't remember falling asleep, just a long blink with the sun suddenly streaming through the window. He started to get up when he realized that he wasn't alone in the bed. Kappy was curled toward him, the tip of her voluminous tail hanging off the side. She looked so peaceful, and his heart melted a little. Kappy wouldn't do that to him... would she? The husky cleared a little of her hair from her face, the blond lock shifted to the side. Her summer coat was starting to come in, creating an interesting effect of tan mixing with the darker, clay-colored brown. He started gently stroking her arm when she came awake, looking up at him. "Morning," she said softly. He answered in kind and kissed her nose. "Dog breath," she complained, scrunching her nose. It was enough to bring a smile to his face, especially when she pressed herself closer, placing a kiss on his neck. "Missed you, last night."

"I missed you, too."

"No, I mean I missed you." Kappy trailed off, her fingers brushing his hip before she tugged his hand to hers. Her hand went lower and inward, a finger trailing along his inner thigh while her wrist brushed against him.

"Babe..." he began.

"You workin' today?" she asked suddenly, though she leaned in to nip on his chin.

"Yeah, a midshift." Leon could feel himself growing harder by the moment.

The skunk pushed him to his back and climbed on top of him, letting the covers fall off her shoulders. She was wearing a shirt, and little else. "Plenty of time, then," she said, misinterpreting his half-hearted protest. He didn't say anything when she found his hardness, and couldn't as she pushed herself down on him, even as he found himself doubting whether she'd ever sat on him this easily before. That thought was overwhelmed by her slow rise and drop.

Leon wasn't able to recall much of what happened next, only impressions. Kappy was teasing him, almost with her slow movements, taunting him until he took charge. Even then, there was a flash of her climbing off him to crawl slightly away, tail raised. He went to go put it right back into her when she shied her hips away, and he knew to aim higher. It ended with them panting, kissing, flopped sideways onto the bed with him buried deep in her. Everything came back into focus as he heard the shower start up, Kappy stepping into it.

The day passed in a similar kind of fog. He remembered to hand in his two weeks notice, but his supervisor pulled him aside and asked if he was okay. Unsure of how to properly articulate what kind of roil was going on, the husky said he was fine. Everything started to come back into focus as he drove home, but the questions still remained: was that really Kappy, and if it was, why would she cheat? After all, he couldn't sniff a video, so there was... there was some doubt. Right?

When the skunk did come home, it seemed like nothing was wrong. Almost. Now that he was paying attention, some things seemed just a tad off: she seemed a little eager to do things for him, more so than usual. Or... or maybe he was just being paranoid. It didn't seem right to just confront her with these accusations. After all, he wasn't sure.

Kappy went to bed and he stayed up, having an off day to prepare for. He watched the video again, trying to ignore the surge of arousal he felt. More so when he paused at that fateful moment. It... it wasn't. It... couldn't be. At the same time, another part of him was saying why wasn't it? He tried to search for other videos, but came up with nothing. On the site itself... it did advertise a new one. Boris and Suzi plus guest. There was no preview.

Buying a membership was the work of a moment, and as the video loaded he got increasingly nervous, almost closing the window several times. It played, and it had the typical Suzi/Boris affair, with the former sucking off the latter in a sixty nine... but then the camera approached. Hips came into view that looked a little familiar, a coat that was caught between summer and winter. Those same hips lead to legs that opened up, the owner's chest coming into the shot as Boris looked up, grabbed the camera operator, and started eating her out. Unlike the other video, this camera operator had a steady hand, despite later climbing onto the bed, laying down and opening her legs to Boris entering her, fucking her, while Suzie's hands either roamed over Boris' chest from behind. The skunk later slide her fingers off of Boris and onto the camera operator, muzzle intruding onto the shot to tug and bite on a nipple. Leon desperately wanted to be in that room, to smell, to confirm, to... to watch. He cast an eye to Kappy, who was sleeping peacefully just a few feet away.

The following day, when she came back home, she was more visibly nervous but still something that might have passed if Leon weren't hyper-aware of how the skunk acted. More to the point, she kept away from him, even resisting his attempts to close the distance by claiming to make dinner or need to go to the bathroom or something. It lasted until she showered, after which she was much more accommodating. As they settled down to sleep, her in his arms, the husky could detect something strange in her scent. A little like cougar, maybe. Maybe.

Morning had Leon go to his new job, filling out forms. It left him with the remainder of the day to do with how he liked. Some time was spent drawing, but Kappy was on his mind, and a lot of his pictures ended up as her, despite the commissions he had owed. He knew what he WANTED to do, and finally he got too distracted that he reverted everything he was working on to its last save and finally checked the website again. A third video was up. The husky clicked, hand trembling, knowing what he would find and fearing it regardless. A very familiar behind waggled, the voluminous tail slowly revealing the skunk's wet sex. The cameraperson (probably Boris, evidenced by the hard dick that showed up in the bottom of the frame) came up behind the skunk, grabbed her tail, and sank himself into her. There were a few thrusts before he slid that stiff cock from her, stuffing it a few inches northward, to a very familiar moan.

Leon had never felt so conflicted about his own orgasm before.


It was dark when Kappy got home. Leon heard her arrive, since it was late. She'd called him earlier and said that she'd be late coming back, and to not wait up for him. The skunk opened the door to find him sitting on the couch, in the dark. She blinked, hand still on the lightswitch. Leon could smell the cougar on her, just under the scent of the sex she'd been having. Lily, her friend, was also there, but fainter.

"Leon! I... you're still up!" She tried to smile. "I told you you didn't have to, silly dog." Slowly, she closed the door behind her, but didn't move very far from the doorway. She had to know what she smelled like, thought Leon. "Is, uh, is everything okay?"

The husky didn't have an answer for that question, but the mere asking of it made him explode with all the questions he wanted to ask. He stood up, advancing on her. He could see her breathing picking up, her nervousness spiking. She didn't know what he was going to do. He didn't know what he was going to do. Up close, the smell was obvious, pungent, even. Sex and cougar and skunk and cougar and cougar and cougar; all the evidence he needed. He grabbed her by the shoulders, and she managed to keep from spraying, well, anything. "Babe, I-" Kappy started to say before Leon finally did something.

So consumed was he by turmoil that he didn't know what he was doing until the kiss had finished, leaving them both panting. He was pressed against her, hard as a rock, and he could smell her arousal creeping into the air, beneath the cougar. The husky didn't say a word, practically throwing her onto the couch, following a moment later and violently taking off her pants. Kappy seemed dazed, looking at him with a combination of confusion and desire, the latter growing in her wide eyes as he opened his pants. He shoved himself into her pussy and she cried out, legs lifted as he went fast and hard.

There was nothing kind or gentle about the act. For whatever reason, he was filled with an all-consuming lust, and despite her initial trepidation, she was all for it, welcoming him into her body. She was pushing back on him as much as she could, writhing on his length with as much action as she could muster, tugging him down for an impassioned kiss while his hips kept working, cock buried deep in her sex when he finally went over.

The two remained panting, muzzles within an inch of each other for a time as they regained their breath. Again, the words flew out of Leon's mouth before he had the time to process them. "Do you love me?" he asked, voice raw both with exhaustion and hurt.

"Yes," Kappy said immediately, blinking. "Of course I do."

"Say it."

The skunk's hands cradled his cheeks, her legs tugging him in tighter. "I love you, Leon."

Something unwound in the husky, and he released a breath he hadn't been aware he was holding. "Just needed to hear that, babe." His forehead pressed to hers, eyes closed. "I love you, too."

The cougar scent chose that moment to reassert itself into Leon's senses.


The official videos were taken down from the site, but they lived on in the free ones, spiking in popularity. Kappy had taken to showering at Ivan's before she came home, with the excuse of not wanting to wake him if he was asleep. He never was. In a way, his sex life was never better: the feeling he got when he saw her flipped some kind of switch in him, and he needed to take her. The skunk never complained, her body always ready for him. They never got farther than the couch usually, and the one time they did make it to the bed, they were both bruised from constantly colliding into walls. They didn't just kiss; he bit her neck and shoulder, shoving two, three fingers into her body, then making her suck on them as he shoved inside her. The visceral, pounding sex exhausted them both, and the question he threw at her was always answered enthusiastically and without delay. For a time, in between the sex and the following morning, he could forget the videos ever happened.

Another video slipped onto the free sites. It got posted a few days ago, but the site pushed it onto the front page in popularity. In it, the camera was apparently in Boris' hands, and Kappy was riding him. It was a short video, and the clip made it seem like it'd been taken near the tail end of things. Kappy's feet were planted on either side of the cougar's body, the rest of her hunched forward, creating a dark spot the camera couldn't quite penetrate though you could hear the slick sound of thrusting. With a cry, Kappy (and he knew without a doubt it was Kappy) threw herself back, her sex flushed but empty. Abruptly, Leon was thrown into the memory of the time during those hasty trysts that he slipped into her ass, and he didn't realize it until he looked down, his cock plugged in a little higher than it originally was.

Normally, he didn't slip into her ass so easily. Normally.

That evening was even worse. He'd started his training by then, and it was difficult to adjust to a new environment, especially with what else was on his mind. When Kappy came home, smelling like a different kind of body wash than the one she left the house with, he didn't want to help himself. The husky tore off her clothes (in the case of her shirt, literally) and tossed her over the couch while he emptied his frustrations in her backdoor, the one that remained suspiciously flexible when he shoved himself in there.

It was another evening before he could summon the wherewithal to confront her. It began how it normally did, with the husky waiting up for the skunk, and the skunk almost immediately under attack by furious lust. All he could smell was whatever bodywash she used over there... until he caught a whiff of cougar again. Again. She was already bent double, thighs against her stomach, calves dangling in air when he switched from her sex to her ass, shoving inside and rutting her with the same pace as he did before. Kappy shuddered hard, her ass convulsing on him. She got tighter when he started spurting, the skunk unable to do much more than gasp.

A few minutes of rest, and it started. "Do you love me?" Leon demanded, his heart pounding fractionally less.

The skunk nodded, grabbing his head. "I love you, Leon, I love you so much," she said in between breaths.

"I know, babe..." Husky head dipped down, brushing his nose over her neck. "I know. I just needed to hear that..." Say it. Say it, dammit. "...because... I saw some videos on the Internet."

Kappy's body went still, her ears out. Even though he was softening post-sex, his cock surged some when she clenched down on him with the implied question. He made it explicit. "Babe, is that-"


Leon looked up at her. It was quick, it was quiet, but it was clear. His heart was beating hard, body geared up for some direction, any direction. He could be sad and upset, justifiably so. He could be angry, having unambiguous confirmation of a suspicion that she was cheating on him, had been cheating on him, and not only that, the dalliances had been made public, even though the outside world wouldn't know that the skunk had a boyfriend. "At work?"

"At the job, yes." She wasn't looking at him anymore.

Leon pulled out of her, shifting to sit and looking in between his knees, ears back. He felt... he felt...

Kappy touched his arm. Leon flinched. She looked-and smelled-near tears. "This doesn't change the fact that I love you. I love YOU. Not them."

"...You're not gonna leave?"

"Not for a second." She moved then, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. Then she added, in a whisper, "Only if you want me to."

"Stay," he breathed, and finally hugged her back. The dam broke, and he found his breathing getting shaky, tears laying tracks in his fur. "I love you, too," he whispered.

He had just one last question.


The next day felt oddly light and oddly heavy. Kappy had gotten up before him, greeted him with a kiss and made breakfast. It was spent in silence, but a comfortable one, with him commenting on how delicious breakfast was as he ate it. Work for the husky went fine, and he was quickly picking up everything he needed to do his job correctly. The only heavy part was the Question, looming in the background of everything he did. As he came home, it grew more pronounced, especially when he saw Kappy's car as he went to park. When he opened the door, the skunk was there waiting for him, similar to how he had been waiting for her so many nights. Like he did, she stood from the couch and hugged him tightly as he closed the door, brushing her cheek against his. "Hey. How was work?"

"It was good," Leon said. She didn't smell like cougar, or even some strange fur shampoo. She smelled like the one she used normally, and like weed. Something was up. "I, uh. I felt like I'm getting it for the first time. Supervisor even gave me a compliment."

"That's good," Kappy said, pulling back and smiling. Her tail even twitched in the way he found adorable, almost as if she'd picked up the habit of wagging from him. "So you had a good day." She kissed him, and he kissed back, and it felt good, but strange.

"Kaps, wh-what's goin' on?"

The skunk immediately lost eye contact, and the Question loomed larger. She started stroking down his arms. "I tried to quit today." Her hands sought his, and squeezed.


She looked up at him then. "I-I felt bad. I've felt bad, this whole time. It's just... it felt so good, too, in the middle of it. I wasn't... I wasn't trying to get involved, and then I did, in small ways. And the small ways got bigger. Lily didn't help at all, but I could have stopped things from getting out of control."

"You didn't quit?"

"I tried to. Ivan wouldn't take it. Lily gave me some weed to calm me down, and we all talked for a little bit. He told me that if I didn't want to continue having sex with him-with them, it was okay."

Leon licked his lips. Question time. "Why... why did you have sex with them in the first place?"

Kappy's eyes fell, but her ears weren't down as much. After a moment, she took his hand. "I want to show you something." The skunk drew him to their bedroom and pulled a jump drive out of her pocket. On the screen of her computer was a half-finished drawing, something she saved and closed as the jump drive was plugged into the computer. "It's..." She looked back at his baffled expression, then away, concentrating on opening a video file. It was simply dated. "You'll see," she said, and clicked play, pulling up her, then his chair.

"-hafta get somebody to- oh! I got it working!" The voice was Lily's, though it initially showed what looked like a wall before the camera swung downward to the floor. "Okay... yeah, it's recording." More fumbling, the view chaotic and showing flashes of a bed before it was pointed at a mirror on a dresser. In the mirror was Lily, of course. She was naked, and she spent a moment grooming herself, though possibly preening for the camera as she paid special attention to her breasts and stomach. Leon noticed that she was still disheveled when she finished, but she turned to the other two in the mirror, not moving the camera yet. "Did you two want it from the side or from the back?"

There was a soft, female moan that sounded very familiar. "It does not matter," replied a heavy Russian accent over sucking sounds. The camera shifted from the mirror to a bed. On it a built cougar, probably Boris, was on his knees and receiving a blowjob from a blonde skunk that had to be Kappy. Leon tensed and looked at the real Kappy, who blushed but said nothing, her eyes on the screen.

"Back," said the Kappy on screen, drawing Leon's attention back to the video. "It's easier to edit my fa-- ah!" The cougar had tweaked the skunk's ear, drawing a face that was halfway to looking at Lily back around to him and jammed his hardened cock into her mouth straight after.

"Fix in post," the cougar sneered, hands grabbing Kappy's ears as he fucked her face. There was a giggle from behind the camera, and the view approached, shoving it in close. Leon watched as the saliva built up and dripped from Kappy's lips as she struggled to get some kind of seal, her muzzle mashing into the cougar's crotch. "Keep sucking, yes, yes..."

Boris' hips were slow but relentless. The camera pulled back to get more of Kappy's slightly pained expression, the skunk trying to find a balance between sucking and the building pace from the cougar. It was fascinating, and going by Lily's occasional comments, she was fascinated, too. "You gotta teach me how you suck him down so easily," she said, presumably to Kappy. "It's so damn hot, though..."

At the edge of his hearing, Leon thought he could hear a slick sound, but it wasn't until Boris' face entered the screen that he saw the cougar looking just past the camera. One of the big mitts came from holding Kappy's head in place as he brought the other skunk closer. A feminine sound from behind the camera, and the view started getting shaky. The camera quickly panned down, following Ivan's arm with at least one thick finger buried into Lily's pussy.

Lily swore again, and the view suddenly cut to a very different one. It looked down on both Kappy and Lily's faces mashed together, both tongues out and mouths open. In the center of the shot was the cougar's penis. There was heavy breathing from behind the camera, and the two skunks waited patiently before a grunt, a groan, and seed shot out of the cock. It landed first over their heads, though subsequent shots were directed over Lily, then Kappy's face, causing the latter to close an eye after she almost got hit there. What struck Leon was how productive the cougar was, though that didn't compare to Lily turning Kappy's face to her own, and the two beginning to groom each other clear of Boris' spend, alternately making out.

Leon jumped and looked down. There was a hand on his leg, and he swallowed, noticing also how hard he was, to the point where his tip had started to leak pre into his pants. He glanced over at Kappy. The heat had not left her face and ears, but she turned toward him, her face toward the screen. "He's not done yet," the skunk said softly.

"He's not?" The husky didn't get an answer, and when he turned back to the screen, the scene had changed. Lily was staring into the camera, adjusting something on it. She smiled suddenly, turning to go behind it, just as Kappy let out a pained groan. Leon's ears went back as the skunk sat down on a slouching Boris, her hands wrapped up in the shirt he had tugged up. Kappy's tail was twitching, then went up suddenly. The cougar had just popped into her ass.

"Little more," Boris said, lifting a rolled cigarette to his lips. (Or was that a blunt? Was that their new dealer?) He inhaled, then blew the smoke to the side. "Come. I know you can do it." The voice was lightly mocking. Neither Kappy said anything, though the skunk on screen groaned, eyes shut in concentration. She began to ride, stuffing more and more of the cougar's cock into her rump, until Boris (what was the name of the dealer? Evan or something?) tired of that, grabbing her hip and shoving her down. There was a short, pained cry from Kappy, her body shuddering, tail and fur poofy from shock.

"So hot..." said Lily from behind the camera.

"Now. Ride." The cougar's command was simple, and Kappy obeyed slowly, gaining more confidence with each passing second. The hand that stayed on the skunk's hip, however, quickly spurred her faster with repeated swats. When Leon looked at the Kappy-on-screen's face, her eyes were fluttering, muzzle half-open. Boris wasn't even thrusting; Kappy was doing it all herself.

Kappy's hand hadn't moved on his leg, though she gave it one more squeeze. The scent in the room had changed, and all he could smell was arousal, though he couldn't quite tell whether it was from him or from her. He didn't know what to say. The husky's mind was running at a million miles a minute, thoughts thrusting themselves into his head before they could be discarded. Finally, he was able to form words. "When... when did this happen?"

"It was filmed a few days ago," the skunk said, either unable to tear her eyes from the screen or unwilling to meet his gaze.

"Fuck it," muttered Lily from on the screen, drawing Leon's attention. The other skunk had come from behind the camera, which was had been apparently on a tripod, which explained the steady camerawork. Not that it mattered, as Lily set to work licking Boris' shaft, or what remained as Kappy's ass swallowed it on every downstroke. Then she moved downward, licking over the pendulous orbs.

This entire time, Boris was almost impassive, casually smoking and staring up at Kappy as she rode him and rode him hard. The addition of Lily barely fazed him, though he did close his eyes and mumbled something in Russian. Suddenly, he blew out a breath. "Almost," he muttered, now stroking on her hip. Lily, who evidently heard this as well, opened her muzzle wide enough to suck an entire ball into her mouth. At least, for a brief time, anyway, before she had to let go and content herself with licking.

Boris shut his eyes, growling. His tail flicked into view briefly, just as Lily was turning her body so her chest was exposed for the camera. That, and her middle and ring fingers being pumped through her lower lips. The cougar's growling grew louder, resolving in what could have been Russian curses, his hips giving little pumps upward as he came into Kappy. For her part, Kappy slowed down, looking flushed, then slowly raised her hips up. Seed started dribbling from her ass almost immediately, more so when the plug of the cat cock finally popped free, leaving her stretched, with some of the leakage getting on Lily's face. Kappy cooed, looking back. "H-how's it look...?"

"Wrecked," Lily said, before she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. The sound of her fingers slipping through her sex sounded real and close and... to the right of where Leon was sitting. The husky looked, and Kappy's hand had traveled north, just finishing unzipping him and fishing his cock free. Her other hand was busy in her own folds, the sound audible enough for him to hear. Her scent had grown stronger without his even noticing.

Leon didn't know what he was feeling, or at least couldn't parse through all the individual feelings. It was all too much. But when Kappy, his beloved girlfriend, turned her head slightly, biting a lower lip with her blushing features, things became considerably easier. Grabbing the skunk's hand on his leg, he tugged her closer as he stood, almost dragging her to their bed. Then, he pushed her down, shed his pants as she shed hers, and fucked her.

Kappy was as accepting as he'd ever known her to be, wrapping her legs around him immediately and drawing him close. There was a hot, impassioned kiss, and all the while he humped her hard and long, finding her clenching down on him. When they weren't kissing, she was muttering sweet nothings into his ear, how good he was, how wet she was, until she actually came on him. The husky barely missed a beat, gritting his teeth and continuing on, before he burst in her a few minutes later. The skunk looked satisfied, then shocked as Leon rolled her onto her stomach, bit her neck, and ended up shoving himself right back into her ass.

After, the two lay on their sides, panting at one another, a heavy post-orgasmic haze on them. Reaching out, the husky grabbed Kappy's hand and squeezed it, looking into her eyes. He loved her, he realized. That wouldn't change. But... "Babe?"


"I don't want you sleeping with them again." Kappy looked up sharply, eyes wide in surprise. But then she nodded, shifting herself closer to him and nuzzling at his shoulder as his chest filled with love anew. So why did he feel compelled to say more? "I want to meet him."

The skunk drew back, all her attention on him. She frowned slightly. "Why?"

Leon didn't say anything for a time, unable to look into Kappy's eyes. The video had long since stopped, but the echo of it remained, in all that detail. "...Do you... uh. D-do you... "

"Do I what?"

"Do you... know if Boris-"

"Ivan. That-that's our dealer."

Leon nodded, and took that moment to gather himself. "Do you know if... if Ivan likes guys?"


The skunk groaned, grabbing Leon's head and tugging it in between her legs. The husky took it as a sign she was enjoying herself, and buried his tongue further into her, both hands wrapped around her thighs. The taste was enhanced by the cougar cum leaking out of her, which his broad tongue scooped up as he pulled it back, moving upward enough to suck on the skunk's clit. "Fuck...!" she moaned, throwing her head back as her voice pitched upward.

The bed creaked in protest as another person joined them on the bed, and Leon lifted his head to look behind him. "Eyes forward, bitch boy," Ivan said, smirking. "Go back to cleaning up mess."

Leon's heart beat faster as he obeyed, his tail wagging behind him. It was harder to concentrate on the pussy before him, especially as he felt hands on his ass, squeezing and spreading him. There was just so much cum, so recently spent, and he was hard-pressed to remember a time he'd been harder. Another moan, and legs clenched around his head as the skunk came with a brief sluice of fluids and a small cry. "Fuck..." she said again, panting.

"Clean up all mess, bitch boy," came the order from behind, and Leon pried the legs apart enough to move his head lower, his broad tongue slapping against the skunk's tailring. It, too, was leaking cougar cum, the taste slowly growing familiar to him as he pushed inside to the tune of another squeal. Then he felt spit on his ass, followed by a broad cock smearing across it before splitting it open. Even with his tongue trapped by sudden clenching, the husky couldn't help but moan as the same cock that had fucked the holes he was cleaning began to fuck him. Kappy was right: Ivan was a machine.

Ivan thrust forward, leaving Leon's concentration broken again as those slow, rough movements bled into faster ones. The husky took a moment to breathe before diving back into skunk ass, letting the moans and growls pushed from him translate to vibration on his tongue, something the skunk definitely enjoyed if her squirming was any evidence. The entire room was in a haze of arousal, had been since he'd come upon the skunk and the cougar fucking eagerly in Ivan's bedroom.

Leon lifted his head for another breath, his tongue lolling from his mouth as he looked towards the camera that had been recording everything. The other skunk was there, and Leon caught the movement of what had to be cum dripping from her folds. That moment he missed, as it happened on his way over. He wished he'd seen it, but he was pretty sure he'd see the raw video later.

A hand grabbed his head and forced it back down. "Back to cleaning, bitch boy!" Ivan said, his voice rough as he started to climb toward yet another orgasm. Leon couldn't allow himself to focus too much on the thrusting, because if he did, then he'd pop too soon. Already Ivan was pounding him, his cock running over his prostate repeatedly and sending bolts of pleasure to his brain. He pulled his tongue back and allowed himself of simply recovering from all the sensation and scent shoved at him. Just once, just once he wanted to outlast Ivan, but it wasn't going to happen today. Uttering a mild curse, he pressed the rest of his orgasmic noises against the skunk as his cock shot his load onto the sheets. Ivan barely stopped. The skunk seemed to enjoy it.

"Fuck, Kaps, you weren't kidding about boys fucking being hot." If Leon wasn't in the middle of getting fucked, he'd glare at Lily for saying that, as it made extra work in editing since Kappy had to cut this bit. No names except stage names during recording. Lily frequently forgot. Oh well.

With his ears flicking backward, Leon could hear Ivan reaching his peak. Lily was about done, so he lowered his head and licked idly at the wet spot on the sheets, glancing at the camera again. Kappy was fingering herself, concentrating on the little viewfinder when she looked up. He'd guessed that the camera was focused on his behind, something he felt dimly in the post orgasm haze, so he mouthed "I love you," at her. Kappy smiled and mouthed it back, and that was right around when the Russian cursing reached a peak, the fast thrusts becoming smaller and shorter. Leon felt Ivan pull out, laying the last few spurts across his ass rather than in it.

Ivan grunted and spanked his ass. "Go clean up, bitch boy. I have to fuck your girlfriend in ass now." Lily giggled, Kappy rolled her eyes, and Leon rolled off the bed, moving to replace his girlfriend behind the camera. He felt so stretched, and mused that this was probably how Lily and Kappy felt all the time. Speaking of, Lily still didn't leave the bed, popping the messy cougar dick into her mouth to clean it herself and getting him hard again. Meanwhile, Ivan was fingering Kappy, feeding the result to her, which she sucked off.

As he looked into the viewfinder, Leon found himself grinning. He could still feel Ivan's cum dripping out of him as Lily guided the cougar into his girlfriend.

Field Research Entry 1: Losing It

I've gone into heat. I've expected, even anticipated this. It's a regular thing, coming on a monthly basis and sometimes worse in the springtime. The popular explanation is that the promise of new things growing and pushing off the shackles of...

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Field Research - Thesis and Introduction

I can say with confidence that I am an anomaly. I don't think it's very often that somebody would purchase a dildo in order to have an academic look into how their own body responded to orgasm and sexual pleasure. Nor would it be often that someone...

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Cruising by pj wolf "What about... him?" "Seriously, you wanna keep doing this?" Emma grinned, picking up her drink off the bench. "It's fun!" she said, sipping through a straw. "For you," Vince said, shaking his head. "C'moooooon. You...

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