Daylight Pleasures

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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Abby lay in bed listening to the noises downstairs as daylight filled her bedroom. Her father had already left for

work, and her mother was preparing for a day out with friends; the mouse would have all Saturday alone with

her brother. The bed covers shifted as she moved into a better position to look at her clock. It was late morning

and Abby was starting to get antsy.

When she heard the front door close, the white mouse wasted no time in throwing the bed covers off her slender

figure. Sitting up in bed, she examined her body closely. Her fur was flat and ruffled in patches all over.

Energetically, the mouse got out of bed, grabbed her brush and began brushing her fur, taking particular care

to make it presentable.

After several minutes, Abby put her brush aside and examined her body again. Satisfied that her fur was soft

and fluffy at a touch, she by-passed her dresser and moved directly for her door. Stepping into the hallway, she

stopped for a moment with her hand still on the door handle, listening carefully for any sign that her mother had

not left the house. Finally confident that only herself and Frederic occupied the building, Abby moved in the

direction of the stairs and headed down them.

Her brother sat at the kitchen table and nearly choked on his cereal when Abby entered the room totally naked.

Although she paid no attention to the mouse sitting at the table, her every movement was for his benefit. With

her hands by her side and her chest high, the teenager swayed her hips with each step, and flicked her thin

pink tail out behind her. Frederic's mind stumbled over itself as he watched his sister walk past him in a

complete lack of clothing.

Without saying a word, he stood up and left the kitchen. Abby grinned to herself; she knew what was hidden in

the dark corners of her brother's mind, she also knew he was doing all he could to suppress any and all

memories of the dreams he had night after night. Frederic was an extraordinarily deep sleeper, proven time

and again as Abby crept into his room each night and acted out the scenes atop his body that filled his mind

as he slept.

Sitting at the table, the girl crossed one leg over the other and began eating the crunchy flakes of cereal in her

bowl. The sound of the television filled her ears as Frederic sat watching the news in an attempt to take his

mind off the sight he'd just seen.

Abby ate her breakfast in no rush, she had all day to play with her brother, and she intended to do exactly that.

After eating, it was time to start the teasing.

Frederic shifted uneasily as his sister sat on the couch next to him. She leaned on his right shoulder and put a

hand on his chest, massaging his fur through his blue t-shirt.

"What's on?" Abby asked.

"Nothing, just the uh... news." Frederic adjusted himself, attempting to shrug his sister off without making it

look like he was shrugging her off.

Abby got up and walked over to the desk behind the couch. Picking up her iPod, she plugged in some

headphones, put the ear pieces in her ears and searched for a song she could dance to the most. The TV sat

against one wall with the couch facing it on an angle, giving a clear view of the rest of the room to the side;

behind the couch was the lounge room door and a desk with assorted items belonging to various members of

the family sitting on top.

The mouse moved to where Frederic could see her relatively clearly and began moving her body to the beat in

her ears. She swung her hips hypnotically, slowly moving her body in motions that would make a pimp blush;

wide circular movements pushing her rear out behind her, lifting her tail high and lifting her arms above her

head. Closing her eyes, Abby ran her hands over her body sensually in the light shining through the nearby


Her brother stayed facing the TV but nothing on the screen was seen; in the side of his vision, he secretly

watched his sister dance in ways he'd only seen in the most sexy of rap videos. The way she moved made

Frederic's body react in ways he knew it shouldn't. ‘What the hell am I doing? What the hell is she doing?'

Frederic's thoughts ran circles in his head as the vision of lust danced before him.

Swearing in his head, the mouse quickly retreated to his bedroom hoping to avoid his sister and her highly

arousing actions. Abby continued her dancing for a little while, caught up in the moment, enjoying the feeling

of the air moving over her soft white fur and the touch of her own hands on her body.

Seven songs later, the horny mouse put away her iPod and followed her brother upstairs. Before going to his

room, she went to her own to retrieve her mathematics textbook and her workbook; tools of her next tease.

"Come in." Frederic said hesitantly when he heard a knock at his closed door. Abby entered in a bubbly mood.

‘Oh hell.' the fifteen year old mouse thought to himself when he saw his sister enter, her chest hidden by her


"You're a wiz at math, can you help me? Please?" Abby spoke in a soft, almost bashful voice and slightly

pushed her naked hips forward.

‘Why do I have to have a nympho for a sister?' Frederic thought as his sibling came right into the room.

Abby dumped her books on her brother's bed and then climbed onto it herself. She positioned herself on her

chest with her legs bent, feet waving about in the air. Putting down the comic he'd been reading, Frederic sat

on the bed in front of Abby and picked up the text book.

"Page 202." Abby said. Her long yellow hair covered her back completely, leaving just her butt and legs

exposed. Frederic's ears lay back just a little amongst his short black hair as he placed the thick book on his

lap in an attempt to both hide and discourage the erection growing in his pants.

As her brother recited equations and how they worked, Abby listened and wrote in her workbook, making sure

her arms stayed by her sides as much as possible. She lay on her stomach so that her B's were in full view

and Frederic cursed in his head each time he turned it to look at her, getting an eye full of sister's breasts.

"Hmm, some of this seems familiar." Abby said as she jotted down another mathematical formula. "Oh yeah,

I've already done all these!"

"What?" Frederic looked at his sister a little frustrated, then turned away, swearing yet again in his thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I forgot that we covered this part of the book just the other day in class." Abby looked at her brother

with a very convincing sad expression. Sighing, Frederic closed the textbook, stood up, and made sure he was

facing away from the mouse lying on his bed before he put the book down and left the room.

The horny mouse grinned and got off the bed, gathered her belongings, then returned to her own room. Before

leaving it again, she examined her fur as she had done earlier, combed it some more, then headed downstairs

for the main event.

Back in the lounge room, Frederic had found an infomercial about knives to take his mind off his sister's body.

Abby walked into the room and sat beside her brother, deliberately walking past his view. Sitting next to him,

she picked up the remote and looked at her brother.

"Are you watching this?"

"Not... really." Frederic fidgeted nervously on the couch. His sister pointed the remote at the TV and punched in

the 5 digit code that allowed access to the adult's only channel. The brother almost jumped a mile high when

he saw the image of 2 lionesses going down on a tiger appear on the screen.

‘What the hell is this girl thinking?' Frederic thought to himself as he saw her spread her legs and stuff a hand

between them. ‘Shit.' The mouse noticed a raging hard on in his pants as his mind stumbled about trying to

think of what to do.

With his sister masturbating next to him, Frederic could only stare at the screen in surprise. Abby moaned

loudly, deliberately to further tease her brother. At this moaning, his mind froze and found itself incapable of

rational thought. His breathing quickened as he sat on his padded hands, unsure of what he should do.

"Why don't you pull it out and have some fun?" Abby's voice was soft and sensual in Frederic's ear. She

pressed herself against his side and ran her hand over his stomach.

"Or does your sister's naked body make you nervous?" Frederic's heart pounded in his chest and the only

thing he could think to do was to play right into her hands.

"No, no I'm fine, I..." The aroused mouse stammered as he stuffed his hand into his pants and pulled out his

large penis.

With a wicked grin, Abby made her move before her brother even knew what was happening to him. One

moment he had his penis in his own hand, the next, it was swallowed by his horny sister's pussy.

"What the..." Frederic's hands flailed in the air next to him, he wanted to push her off, he knew he should, but

he'd have to touch her body and something deep in his mind told him, if he did that, he wouldn't be able to

control his actions.

Abby just stared into her brother's eyes as she started rising and falling on his erection.

"Abby, get off me, you're my sister! OH GOD!" Frederic's erection pulsed with desire inside the body of his

sister, his mind screamed it was wrong, but he enjoyed it so much. Lust filled Abby's eyes as she paced her

motions on top of her brother's lap. Rising and falling as she'd done each night for the last couple of weeks.

Only able to watch what was happening, Frederic began to notice the subtle but sexy curves of his sister's

body. His mind no longer thinking, he placed his hands on his sister's hips as they rose and fell. With the fur

of Abby's body feeling soft on the pad segments of his hands, Frederic found himself pushing her hips down

onto his long penis after each time she rose herself.

‘My dick's inside my sister...' Frederic stared at his erection as it disappeared between Abby's legs again and

again. It pulsed with pleasure with each motion of the folds surrounding it. His sister began to squeak as she

neared her climax and Frederic felt his own pressure building up.

Abby began moving faster and her squeaks grew louder as her body began to move in a ripple motion. Her

brother held her waist and threw his head back as he pushed her body down onto his own. The sexually driven

mouse wrapped her arms around her brother's head and held it between her breasts as an orgasm rolled it's

way through her body.

Each movement sent a wave of ecstasy through her as she squeaked loudly. Next it was Frederic's turn, he

lifted his hips as much as he could under his sister's body and unloaded a torrent of heat between her legs.

The two mice slumped on the couch, Abby leaning on top of her brother, both panting heavily.

"Now don't tell me you didn't enjoy that." The girl whispered into her brother's ear. They stayed there for

several minutes, Frederic's penis still buried deep inside his sister's body.

Frederic's mind was spinning now, the fact that he'd just shared sexual intercourse with his sister bounced

around his head like a pinball. But that was not the focus of his thoughts. He held his sister close to his body,

running his hands through the soft white fur on her back. ‘So soft.' He thought as desire began to grow in his

lap once again.

"Round two?" Abby sat up and looked at her brother. In response to his sister's question, Frederic placed his

hands on her breasts and fondled her nipples playfully.

"Mmm, keep doing that, it's turning me on so much." The older sibling closed her eyes as she started moving


"Stop." Frederic said. His sister stopped her motions and looked at him questioningly. "Get off." He said.

Something in his voice told Abby that he wasn't denying her so she followed his instruction. Getting off her

brother's lap, Abby stood in front of him, white liquid oozing from her pussy. Frederic stood up and pulled his

sister closer to his body, his penis sticking between her legs. He kissed her passionately, dropped his pants to the floor, then lifted her body and

settled it onto his waiting penis.

Abby put her arms around her brother's neck as he walked over to the wall slowly and pushed his sister against

it. He moved his hips back and forward, plunging his limb into his sister's pussy as she was pressed against

the wall. Abby felt her brother's penis drive into her hard and fast as he vigorously pumped away.

"Oh god!" Abby said as she found herself being roughly plowed against the wall. She squeaked loudly and

quickly with each motion. Holding her brother's head against her tightly, her mind raced as she reached an

orgasm she never imagined possible. Frederic wasn't ready yet, and continued his pumping.

Orgasm after orgasm surged through Abby's body as her brother fucked her till he was ready for his own

second orgasm. Finally, he released a second flood of heat into her body which spurted out onto the floor.

Frederic stepped back and set his sister down; she stumbled for a moment and stood on weak and unsteady

legs, her fur ruffled and her body exhausted.

"Fuck you can fuck." She breathed as her brother turned and walked away.

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