Two of a Kind; Morning After

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#2 of The Bond of Sisters

Adonis woke with a start, her fur was sticky and matted. Sun shone in through the window to her right, casting a shadow from Avarice as she lay against Adonis' right side. A little dazed and confused, Adonis pushed her sister gently off and got up. A scent wafted from both cats and the bed sheet and tickled the still half asleep feline's nose as she walked towards the bathroom.

The water was warm and poured from the shower head, over Adonis' body and down the drain. Placing her head against the tiled wall of the shower, her mind began to clear and her thoughts drifted back to the events of the night. 'Was it a dream?' she thought, 'no... it was real. We...'

Adonis' thoughts trailed off as the glass shower door opened and Avarice stepped in with a smile.

"Avarice I..." Adonis wasn't sure what to say, "I think perhaps I should go as soon as I can." Blushing under her white fur, the cat turned away from her sister and closed her eyes.

Surprised by what her sister said, Avarice protested "That's not what you said last night Adonis."

Without moving, Adonis replied in a soft voice "I know what I said, I..." she thought for a moment before continuing. "We're sisters, we shouldn't have... we're not supposed to..."

"Adonis," Avarice interrupted, "It's ok, yes we're sisters, and we care deeply for each other, that's what sisters do. Sure our affection may run a little deeper than what most might consider normal, but if it makes us happy. Adonis I've loved you my entire life and no man, woman or morality will ever change that." A tear rolled over the fur of Avarice's cheek as she spoke. "I know you enjoyed yourself last night Adonis, I know you'll be happy with me, forget what your mind is telling you, listen to your heart. There's no harm in showing each other the affection that we truly feel."

Adonis' mind raced as she listened to her sister's word. Was it really alright to do this? She felt her sister's hands moving up her back and over her shoulders.

"Adonis I love you." Avarice repeated, "I know you feel the same, I know you want to." The water ran over both the feline's bodies as Avarice hugged her sister and rested her head against the back of Adonis' neck. Shaking and confused by the mixture of thoughts and emotions flooding her mind, Adonis took her sister's hands in her own and stood under the shower holding them while tears from both felines mixed with the water flowing down the drain.

After several minutes standing under the hot water, Avarice stood back and turned Adonis around to face her. "Let's clean you up, you're filthy."

"No thanks to you, Avarice." Adonis said, wiping her tears and attempting a smile.

"Look, a joke!" Avarice smiled warmly "Much better, you're cheering up already."

Stepping out of the shower for a moment, Avarice gathered the shampoo-conditioner and a large soft bristle brush. Adonis waited patiently in the shower, her sister's words repeating in her head. Could she really live with her sister like this? It seemed so wrong, but truth coursed through her sister's words.

"Don't worry Adonis," Avarice said as she returned "at first I denied my feelings for you, I told myself they were wrong and I shouldn't be feeling them. I tried to ignore them, but they were too strong. Gradually, in secret, I began to embrace them, briefly at first. Each time I lost myself in my love for you longer and longer. Before long the voice inside me shouting that it was wrong grew silent, and only the truth lay before me; my feelings for you Adonis. What does it matter where we find these feelings, they make us happy and happiness is all that should matter."

Adonis found comfort in her sister's word, gradually she allowed herself to feel what she had been wanting since early the night before. Avarice moved her sister out from under the falling water and secreted some of the washing liquid over her chest. Adonis felt a desire grow between her legs as Avarice began to slowly massage the thick solution into her fur. With a wicked smile on her face, the elder sister caressed the breasts of her younger sibling, running her fingers through the thick white fur and kneading her large round breasts like lumps of dough. Making sure to thoroughly massage the shampoo-conditioner in, Avarice moved her hands in a downward motion, shifting the foam down Adonis' front as she went.

Squatting before Adonis, her legs spread wide, Avarice focused her attention on her sister's lower body, moving her hands in slow wide circles. Pressing firmly made Adonis close her eyes and let the moment take over. She pushed her hips forward slightly as her sister massaged more of the thick solution into the fur on her hips and thick thighs, inside and out.

Juices began to flow from Adonis' body as Avarice teased her, slowly and firmly massaging the gorgeous body in front of her. Up and down the inside of her sister's legs Avarice moved her hands. She reached down and ran a single finger over her own pussy, gathering the juices dripping from her own body on her finger. Pleasure demanded she touch the bare skin once again so she plunged her middle finger between the folds of flesh and then removed it. Drenched in juices from her own ample mound, Avarice's finger found itself plunged into Adonis' body mixing the fluids of both cats. The younger sister arched her back and lifted herself, standing on tip-toes; waves of excitement driving through her body as she closed her eyes and grasped her own ample breasts.

With Adonis breathing heavily and massaging her breasts thoroughly, Avarice leaned forward and began licking the ample mound in front of her face. She plunged her left finger inside the begging pussy between her own legs and then rubbed it on her sister's, once again mixing their juices. Want grew intensely between the spread legs of the elder sister; she twitched with pleasure as she gathered juices from her pussy time and again to mix with those flowing from her sibling.

"Ahh." Adonis could feel Avarice's tongue running over the bare skin of her thick folds, ecstasy surged through her body causing her legs to shudder. A numb pain spread through the back of her head as she threw it backwards, slamming against the tiled wall. Ignoring the pounding, Adonis grabbed hold of her sister's head as Avarice plunged her tongue deep inside her pussy.

"AH HAA!" she cried out as an orgasm rippled through her body like an explosion of pleasure. Relaxing, the white feline slid down the wet wall and kneeled before her sister. Still squatting with her legs spread wide apart, Avarice kissed Adonis passionately as she quelled the burning desire she raised within her own ample pussy.

Hands of the younger sibling embraced the face of the elder as the two continued to kiss, their tongues twisting around each other. The tip of Avarice's tail twitched as she firmly massaged her pussy, driving fingers between it's lips vigorously; Adonis began kneading her large plump breasts while kissing her pink nose. Panting heavily, fluids erupted from the squatting feline as she reached orgasm; tightening every muscle in her body with pleasure, she pushed her fingers as deep as she could. A pain in her chest told her the intense pleasure had got her holding her breath; Avarice let go of the orgasm surging through her body and breathed heavily as Adonis smiled warmly at her.

"So much for cleaning up." Avarice said as the water began to cool.

The twins stood up and began rinsing the foam from Adonis' fur while everything her sister said settled in her mind.

"I... I really..." Adonis knew what she wanted to say, but her mind still struggled against her feelings.

"I know." Avarice said. Taking her sister's hand in her own, the cat led her younger sister out of the shower and picked up a towel.

"I'm going to need to get my things..." Adonis spoke as Avarice vigorously rubbed her wet fur.

"How long will that take?"

"Not long, just some more clothes and a couple other things." The younger feline spoke quietly, feeling just a little shy and embarrased.

"Clothes huh?" Avarice grinned as she massaged Adonis' breasts through the towel. "We'll have to see about getting you out of those things won't we..."

"I guess I could just not wear any." Adonis was beginning to feel comfortable with her choice.

"Oh now there's a good idea." Avarice dropped the damp towel on the floor and cupped her sisters breasts in her hands, softly kissing each nipple then burying her nose deep in Adonis' cleavage and breathed deeply, taking in the scent of her younger sibling.

"My room-mate only wanted the flat to herself for the night, I guess she will be a little upset to see me leave altogether." Adonis looked into her sister's eyes; the only way to tell the twins apart. Both cats had one saphire blue eye and one turquise; Adonis' blue eye was on her right where Avarice's was on the left.

Picking up a second towel, Avarice began drying her own fur as Adonis left the bathroom to dress. She turned to look at the mirror, looking not at her own reflection, but at her sister looking back. 'So long have I looked at my own reflection and seen only you looking back at me. It make me so happy to finally have the real you for myself, Adonis'

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