'Weenie (Halloween TF, experimental)

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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#2 of Halloween

"...yeah, I don't wanna go to a party. I'm just gonna binge Scandal and stu - call you back, someone's at the door."


Feet on cheap carpet. Unlocking. Knob turns.

"...Hi. The party's over in the Tanaka building"

"Hi. Nice Tater Tot. I know, but I don't have a date."

"Um, you're cute, with the hat and broomstick and everything, but I don't have a costume."

"I can take care of that."

"How? Are you gonna cast a spell on m-mmph!"

"Mmm. Tasty."

"Wha...what did you do to me?"

"Renovations. And yes, I will cast a spell on you. In fact, I already have."


"I don't know where this stereotype of witches came from. This is my culture, not a costume. Still, it's better than last year. I ended up leaving my outfit in the machine at the laundromat, and I had to...improvise. Now, sit down."

A muscled rear hits cheap carpet. Door closing.

"Wh-why do my legs hurt?"

"You need to do more squats?"


"Oh, you're no fun. I'm starting with the feet because I like feet. I mean, not Tarantino-level, but still a lot. For example, mind if I take your left foot?"


"Thanks! Now, you currently have five toes."


"Dogs have four. And they're a different shape. Now, what if I pulled it out...like so-"

Sock being pulled off.

"...And reshaped the nails...like so...and did the same with the rest of the foot-"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not sure, yet. I was thinking Labradoodle, just 'cause I like to say Labradoodle. Or maybe a German Shepard? Get it? Black guy? German?


"Get away!"

Grunt of exertion. Flesh hitting barrier, and being held by some inexorable force.

"What? How did you-"

"You shouldn't've done that. You should not have done that. I'm used to people giving a certain amount of resistance, but a punch? You were trying to _punch _someone who can reshape your body at will? For example, your fist? It's a paw now. No abra-kadabra, no being cute, it's just gone. And the other one too. I tried to play nice, but you had to go hard."

"Help! Help!"

"What do you think I am, a rank amateur? I soundproofed the room when I shut the door. Magic, remember? All I wanted to do was show you a good time, and you had to ruin it."


"Know what? Zip it. No talking from you. See this? See your paw? I'm going to cover it with fur now. You get to be a corgi. Brown and white fur, really cheerful attitude, great for kids and Youtube hits."

Bark! Bark..?

"Did I ask for your opinion?"


"That's better. Now, let's give you a face to match your voice, or lack thereof. I just shove your ears up here and make them pointier, stick a finger in your mouth and pull out your jaw - don't you dare bite down - and then again with the bottom jaw, and now you have a cute little muzzle with...a matching nose! Magnifico!"


"Oh, don't be such a baby. We're almost done. I'm not going to change your stomach. Not yet. Just one more thing."


"Eurgh. I hate cold Tater Tots. And now for my hat trick. I just give your big black - well, medium brown - cock a lick, give it a little...massage with the girls here, put my hat over it, squeeze it a little, and voila! Big red dog dick. Feels just like the real thing...doesn't it?"


"Thought you'd like it. Now, I'm going to offer you a choice. You could stay in here and, lick yourself, and your carriage turns back into a pumpkin at midnight. I'll even make sure your roommate doesn't come back."

"...Ooor, you could make your way to the party, I finish you off, fix your other leg and give you a cute little tail to go with your cute little butt, you crawl around with this collar on your neck and tongue hanging out for an hour or two, at which point I'll release you from durance vile."


"Oh, don't worry. They won't notice the...ah...improvements I made. All you have to do is be there in...oh, half a hour. I'll leave the door unlocked. Oh, and the protection doesn't kick in until you get to the party, so if you get picked up by the campus cops, or animal control, then that's on you. It'll still wear off at midnight, but then the po-po

will just have to deal with a naked college student, which is just a slow Friday night for them."

The dog huffed.

"Because it's fun. Bye, sexy."



"Good luck working the doorknob with no hands!"


The dog stared at the door.

Against his will, his tail wagged.

He might have a party to get to.


2015 Eulalie Quentin

Creative Commons By-SA-NC


  1. An abbreviation for "Halloween" that I just made up.

    1. A colloquialism for the human penis.
  2. A colloquialism for a wiener sausage, an essential component of a hot dog. Which was my first choice for the name of this story.

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