Obeysance 2: Pet Shop Boi

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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#3 of Obeysance

A woman walks into a pet shop, and goes...

Warning : Despite the themes of this story, five-lined/blue-tailed skinks should not be taken as pets from the wild. If you do buy one in a pet store, do not release it, because it may introduce disease to its wild cousins.

Also, the pet care tips in this story are not expert advice, though I can't imagine why you'd be taking advice from TF smut anyway.

"Excuse me, do you have anything for my pet?"

Anvi looked up from her phone, and blinked.

Behind the woman who had just spoke was a tall, brown-skinned man, a little soft around the middle.

She could see that, because he wasn't wearing much.

What caught the eye first was the hood. It was black, and shiny-looking, and it left his mouth exposed. The latter of which was occupied by a ball gag with a black strap and white ball.

Which lead one's gaze naturally to the curious top he was wearing. It looked like someone had heard of a midriff top, but taken the concept to extremes; it ended above his nipples, serving only to draw attention to his upper chest and broad shoulders.

His arms went behind his back, and the way his shoulders moved told Anvi that his hands were bound back there. His mistress's hand was cupped possessively around his crotch, pulling him along. And it was rather impressive too, even in his shiny black underpants.

The high-heeled boots he was tottering along in seemed almost like an afterthought.

What she thought was "We don't deal with those type of pets." What she said was "I'm sorry, I don't think I recognize it."

"Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me. This is a blue-tailed twink. Or, at least, he will be in a few minutes."

"Ohhh. I see. Most don't get that big."

Was the customer smirking at her? Weird.

"What have you been feeding him?"

The customer didn't answer. She was, instead, staring at a point over Anvi's head.


"S-sorry. Give me a second."

She turned around, produced a riding crop, and for the first time Anvi noticed the lizard's tongue stretching from its mouth to its mistress' crotch.

The shopgirl blushed.

Said mistress lashed her pet on his bare thigh. Then she grabbed his crotch and pulled him in closer.

"Behave," she hissed, "or I'll let her See."

Anvi blinked.

In front of her was a woman - well, it looked like a woman, in the broad details. Most women didn't have such broad hips, or shiny obsidian skin, or a gigantic black dick between their legs. Most women didn't have a porcelain-white face, with strange white markings on their chest. Most women weren't removing their...gimp's impossibly long tongue - did it look_blue?_ - from the dick it was wrapped around, after he pushed said impossibly long tongue past the ballgag -

Anvi's hand edged toward the silent alarm.

What were they doing in her_store_?

Anvi blinked again.

Looking for help, of course. And if she played her cards right, she could make a big, first-time pet owner sale.

"Now," said the woman, running her crop's tongue along her pet's jaw. "There's a good boy." She turned to the shopgirl. "Now, do you know much about five-lined skinks?"

No, she didn't.

Anvi blinked.

Yes, she did.

"They're diurnal, and prefer wooded environments. They can drink water from a bowl, once you've trained them, but until then, you have to mist them, keep him wet."

"Oh, that'll happen pretty definitely." The woman did one of those private joke smiles that Anvi hated.

The lizard's tongue had wormed its way down his front, leaving a blue slime train on its thin chest. It found the lip of its trousers, made its way in. Anvi saw it shudder as more and more of its flexible organ was fed in, saw the bulge grow, and grow, until the head of his dick slipped over the rim.

It was straining, it was erect, and it was blue.

Not the whole thing, of course. Just the head. But it was notably wrong for his brown skin.

Anvi blinked.

Silly thought. It was perfectly normal for a blue-tailed skink to have_other_ blue things.

"The blue tail is generally found on juveniles, not adults. In both, it's a distraction."

"What do you mean?"

"When a predator bites into it, it can just run away and leave the tail behind. I guess the blue serves to, ah, attract attention. It's also a fat reserve."

"I guess you could say that that tail was phat?"

Anvi have the woman her No. 2 Polite Laugh.

The tongue was wrapped around his cock, squeezing it, drenching it in blue, until Anvi couldn't believe it had ever fit in those little trousers, until she couldn't tell where dick ended and tongue began. Eventually, right when it reached his navel, just when the slit touched the chain leading from its belly button to its mistress's hand, his undergarments gave way. They split on one side and fell to the floor, releasing his ludicrously massive testicles.

Which were, oddly, shiny and blue.

Without the support of the banana (well, maybe banana and-cooconuts) hammock, the lizard's manhood flopped forward, slipping out of the coils of its tongue. Anvi could see, now, that it was blue all over. The sort of deep, attention-grabbing almost cobalt blue like that one dress she saw people arguing about on Facebook. It was still dripping, and she wondered, for a moment, if it tasted like blueberry, where the "dick" tastebuds were on a six foot tongue.

She giggled.

"What are their predators?"

"Well, it's not exactly a pet you can let out at night. Raccoons, skunks, shrews, cats, dogs, snakes-"

"No honor among reptiles, eh?"

Polite laugh No. 3., just for variety.

The lizard was trying to gather up its dick with its tongue again. It had bent forward, widened its stance. The shaft was, of course, slippery. More so since it was starting to drip on its own; blue liquid - or goop - that hit the floor in little spatters that Anvi made a mental note to mop up later.

The blue made a nice contrast with his brown skin.

Finally, it got a grip with its tongue, and instead of pulling it up again, it started to squeeze it, running its tongue up and down, teasing the underside. From its open, panting mouth, a drop of liquid rolled down the length of the tongue, vanished from view. It shifted its shoulders in its bindings. She could see the droplets of sweat on his chest.

"You seem flushed," the customer remarked.

Anvi jumped. "I-I wasn't staring."

The older woman smiled. "You should be. I'm very proud of my little pet."

Behind her, the lizard was now leaning into its tongue. Almost like it was...thrusting. And then it went still, shivering. The shopgirl wondered why, until it pushed its dick down, pointed it at the floor, and something blue flew out of it as it jerked upward.

It was a lizard. Blue, with a black tail and white stripes.

The cock jerked again.

Another two lizards.

In no time at all, there was a pile of lizards on the floor, crawling all over each other, crawling towards their big brother's - or perhaps their daddy's - kinky boots. He didn't try to move, and the lizards went dark as they met it, almost like a chameleon.

"Do skinks climb trees?"

Anvi's brow creased. Yet another customer who couldn't be bothered to Bing a pet before buying it. Of course, they could have just found it, but this sure wasn't the season for it.

She tugged at her blue apron to bleed off the irritation.

"Yes, they climb trees."

The customer leaned on the counter. She had an odd, strong scent, one that you could smell over even the usual pet shop smell.

"What for?"

"The usual. Sunbathing, hunting, escape-"

"Getting kites down?" The woman's smile sent a warm little tingle through Anvi's neck. She looked away, at the pet again.

If she blinked, if she moved her head just for a second, the lizards would vanish, becoming, just...mass. It was a neat trick, one so engrossing she didn't realize what they were becoming until the toes on the right foot splayed out, pale claws slipping through the flesh. She could see the muscles in its calf flexing under the gleaming black, and she_couldn't_ see where the boot ended and the flesh began.

"Needless to say," murmured his mistress, "he did_not_ skip leg day."

What would happen if someone walked in? Would they wait patiently as she watched? Would she be able to tear her eyes away, to miss vital portions of the transformation? Or would they have themselves a little taste test? Get one of the feeding bowls, scoop a few azure reptiles into it, lick the musky-tasting blue off her fingers before diving in -

Come to think, were his hips supposed to be that wide?

"No," said the customer, and Anvi jumped again. "They're supposed to be wider."

The little lizards were attending to that. They were swarming over daddy's hips, making him rock from side to side. He had stopped...giving birth to them, and she could see the smile on his face as his thighs disappeared in midnight. His tongue released his massive cock, letting it sag, and reached for the reptiles on his flanks, guiding them to their assigned spots much like, well, like a parent boosting their kid up a tree.

"Are they an endangered species? Could I -" her voice dropped to a whisper, even though they were alone in the store "-get in trouble?

"Well, yeah, they're dying out here, but not in the US. They're losing habitats."

"Well, it's a good thing I'm giving this one a home, eh."

Suddenly, Beryl - yeah, that was a good name, Beryl - knelt down. Anvi wasn't clear on what it was doing until it bought itself to a climax, making another pile of lizards for it to rub its face in. It growled with what seemed like frustration, and looked up.

Well, as best as if could in a hood.

Wait, didn't it have facial hair before? A thin beard? Its lips weren't blue, were they?

"So," said the customer. "I think I should get a collar and bowl. What do lizards usually eat?"

Well, I'd like to see this one eat m-

Anvi looked at a fish tank for a few seconds, until the_heat_ went away. "They, uh, eat a lot of worms, bugs, and so on. Good senses of smell."

"Think I need a leash?"


"A leash, Anvi."

"How do you -"


"Right."Don't laugh at me. "Might be a good idea."

When the lizard raised its head, it was hard to tell where the hood ended and the skin began; the brown had turned to black. The top over its chest was...flowing down it's bared shoulders, the restraints on its arms were flowing up. Strangely, the black wasn't covering its chest, though its nipples seemed brighter then they had been, almost...blue? The same color as the lips that were at the end of a short, onyx muzzle, with twin slits for nostrils, and_still_ no eyes.

His mistress plucked a random leash off the rack - the traditional red leather - approached her pet, paused, looked over her soldier.

"Mind if I give it a test drive?"


"No, go ahead."

What if it was her in there? Just a thing, completely at someone else's mercy, unable to see, or walk properly, or even catch her own balance. Led around by her mistress or master,feeling the unseen stares of the public like lasers on her skin. Pulled along by the gentle tugging on her -

Um, her navel? Had that ring been there before?

The pet gave a low sound that resembled "yes, yes,yeeesss", which was ridiculous, because lizards didn't talk.

"I think I'll take it."

The woman bought the tag to the counter, and Anvi scanned it through. Behind her, the twink was shaking. Not the anticipation-shudders from earlier, either. Like it was in distress.

"I think he's-"

The customer glanced back over her shoulder, then did a double-take. She quickly crossed over to him, knelt down and stroked his head, heedless of the sapphire slime on the floor, or the fact that he was still spewing skinks out of his personals. There were lizards crawling up his back, soaking into his spine.

"It's okay, baby, you're almost there. Just a little farther."

That's right. Something was missing.

"Do you want to touch him?" said the mistress, looking up at Anvi. "Don't worry, he doesn't bite."

The Indian shook her head mutely.Liar. But if she started touching him, she might never stop.

The woman smiled, and reached for another spot on Beryl's body.

His wide rear seemed an odd place to stroke him, even massive and inviting and Minaj-like as it was. He suddenly shuddered, much the same way it had when he first started -

Oh, right, Anvi remembered.

Something bulged at the base of his spine.

Blue-tailed skink.

And that tail suddenly erupted into the late afternoon sunlight, a curly, curved, balancing length, striped with white down its length, that made something hot swirl in Anvi's gut with the sudden powerful desire to run her hands over it.

"There we go," his mistress purred, running a hand over his head as he nuzzled her. "Good boy. Good_pet_."

Why...why didn't she have anyone to do that to her? Or even - a novel thought dawned on the shopgirl - someone to do it_to_? Maybe she could offer her services at lizard-sitting -

"Sorry," said the Mistress. She was right in front of the counter, somehow."You'll have to get your own."

Anvi blinked a few times, trying to clear her head. "What?"

"Nothing. How much do I owe?"

She snuck a glance at the twink. He had feminized nicely - well, except for one part which was more masculine than ever before - and she wondered what it would feel like to push him onto a bed, pin him under her heel, grinding it into his crotch while he writhed and tried to escape -

The customer cleared her throat.

"Right. Sorry."

She had a lead loosely held in one hand, the other end clipped through the lizard's navel. Other than that and the blue nipples, his chest was otherwise its original brown, untouched by the slick black that widened his hips, turned his feet to claws, filled his mouth with sharp teeth and a blue tongue that_just wouldn't quit_. Even with arms bound, its tail was more than enough to counterbalance it. The super-dick was quiescent now, just hanging down, minding its own businesses.

Wait. Didn't lizards have two dicks?

"Here," said the woman.

Anvi blinked, and took the money.

Her hands were perfectly dry. She had been touching her pet's wet head, and her hands were perfectly dry. No stains or the money or anything. There was something weird about -

The customer coughed.

"Sorry. Here's your change."

The older woman weighed the coins in her hand, lips pursed. "You know," she said, "you've been such a great help. I want to give you something extra."

"Oh no, I shouldn't-"

"I insist." She crossed to her pet. "Okay, boy, once more, with feeling."

Anvi frowned as it gave her a little more cleanup work.

There were barks, growls, and decidedly_organic_ noises, as the skinks introduced themselves to the pets in the store.

"Well, this old thing doesn't fit it anymore at all!" The customer unbuckled the gag from where it had slipped down the lizard's neck, and plopped it on the counter. "Consider it a tip."

"I-we can't-"

The woman reached out, grabbed her by the neck, looked her in the eyes.

"You can."

Anvi blinked.

She could.

By the time she recovered from the weird achey shivers that made their way down her spine, they were gone from the store, and there were a few bucks on the counter, along with the gag.

Her hands rang up the purchases automatically, and she put the receipt where they always put the receipts customers forgot.

And there It was, sitting on the counter.

Funny. It looked white when it the skink was wearing it. But up close, It seemed translucent. If she held It at just the right angle, It looked like there was a little blue lizard sleeping inside.

She buckled It on. There was the non-taste of the rubber, sure, but something that had to be the lizard's dried spit.

The little ball gave under pressure. Like those cheap plastic balls she played with when she was little. The ones she wasn't supposed to put in her mouth, but did anyway -

But It wasn't a ball, was It?

It was an egg.

All she had to do, all she needed to do was squeeze, and she'd be like one of Them. Changed. Different. She was drooling already at the thought.

She ran her tongue over the egg. Was it getting longer, thicker, more flexible?

The clock ticked on.

She blinked.

She bit down.


"Obeyseance 2: Pet Shop Boi " 2015 Eulalie "Nequ" Quentin (CC) By-SA-NC Fan stories welcome

I actually own a phone with a blue rubber cover. I had to lick it several times to get a taste reference.

...Which I ended up not using.

I got kicked out of Radio Shack for nothing.

Primary inspirations are this Ravensflock image (Imgur mirror), this one by HHD, and entirely too much time looking at She-venom fanart and booty photomanips on deviantART.

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