College Heats Up

Story by Tbohn on SoFurry

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College Heats Up

I really left my last story open for a sequel... so here it is! If you want to be able to follow the plot, then I suggest reading Frozen Coincidences first. If you're in it for the yiffing... there's that too. I decided to tell this one from Sheena's female perspective just to change things a little. Anyway, enjoy!

Sheena was sitting across from James in the small and darkly lit Italian restaurant. She could smell the kitchen from their booth and all of the different ingredients being used. "Fresh parsley" she thought to herself. Just a few moments after being seated, a rather sizable panther walked up to the two diners.

"Hello and welcome to Cristo's House of Pasta. My name is Trey and I'll be your server this evening. Can I start you off with some drinks?" asked the waiter as he glanced at James.

"Just water for me," said James.

"And for you?"

"I'll have the same," said Sheena.

"Alright, I'll be back in a minute."

Once the waiter had disappeared into the noisy kitchen, James looked at Sheena and quietly said, "This is great! Our first legitimate date!"

Sheena thought back to the first night they had spent together alone and the few but wonderful times they had enjoyed after that. Now that they were finally in college, they were able to be more open with their relationship, although they still had not managed to tell their parents.

"I'm glad we don't have to sneak around like we did before. Remember that one time when we almost got caught?" she asked.

"I know. It's a good thing your house has a gravel driveway. That would have been so embarrassing!" James said while his cheeks reddened.

"I know. But now..."

"Yeah, now we got nothing to worry about," said James coolly while shrugging his shoulders.

Sheena heard a slight tinkle of glass behind her.

"That's our drinks," her ears twitched and her eyes opened a bit more as she caught a pungent scent, "Oh, and complimentary garlic bread."

"Really?" asked James while he raised himself up to look over the wall of the booth, "How do you know? I can't see him anywhere."

Sheena coyly grabbed her now gray arctic fox ears.

"Oh... right. I forgot my foxy sidekick has super-senses," he joked.

A few moments later, Sheena noticed James' reaction as the panther must have turned the corner behind her. After setting down their drinks and a basket of garlic bread on the table he asked, "Are you ready to order, or do you need a bit longer?"

"I think we're ready," said James, "I would like the angel-hair pasta with the house sauce."

The panther shifted his gaze to Sheena after making a few marks in a notebook.

"I would like a small order of lasagna, please," she said.

James gathered up the menus and handed them to the panther after he took her order.

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit with your food," he said before disappearing into the kitchen.

Sheena asked James how his classes were going and in no time they entered into a conversation about their first week of college while sipping water. Sheena couldn't help but notice that James wasn't touching the basket in the middle of the table.

"What's the matter, James?" she asked, "You're a total bread-head before you got to college and garlic is one of your favorite things in the world."

James looked away from Sheena before shyly saying, "I'm planning on entertaining a young lady tonight so... like... love hurts."

Sheena ate a few pieces of garlic bread before James finally caved in and finished the rest.

"There," she said, "now we both have bad breath."

"That's one way to fix it," said James.

The panther returned with their food a minute later and he mistakenly pronounced lasagna "la-sag-na" before leaving.

James and Sheena both grimaced at each other when he left.

"Something tells me he's not Italian, I couldn't quite put my finger on it before, but now I'm certain," joked James.

"An excellent deduction, Charlie Chan," said Sheena knowing that James might pick up on her obscure reference.

"Have you seen any of those movies?" asked James, "They're ancient and so racist it's funny. My dad had some on VHS when he was a kid."

"VHS?" asked Sheena incredulously, "Does he still have it? I mean, does it even work? That would be so cool!"

"I wish. It would be like... 130 years old. I bet you could still find a DVD/VHS combo in a garage sale or something. The only movie I've ever seen on VHS is The Princess Bride."

Sheena left her fork on the table and curled her hands into fists before bringing them to her chest and rolling her eyes to the ceiling.

"I love that movie! It's so cute!" she went back to eating her meal before saying, "Wow... I've never met anyone who had seen that movie before so I could never talk about it."

"Oh, then we'll talk about it on the way back to your college," promised James.

"I'd like that."

Sheena's door unlocked itself once she waved her RFID tag in front of it. She held the door open for James and said, "Welcome to my abode."

She made sure that the door shut behind her before turning to see James examining her room.

"This isn't as big as I was thinking but, it's all yours," remarked James.

Sheena sauntered over to James and hugged him before lightly licking his lips with her slender tongue.

"Actually for tonight, it's ours," she said, "I checked the school handbook, and it says that I can have a guest for up to three days as long as they don't cause any trouble."

"Ah, good thing I brought my overnight bag," said James as he took a toothbrush out of his pocket and set it on Sheena's desk.

"That's it?" asked Sheena.

"Yup, I was planning on walking back to my dorm tomorrow morning and taking a shower before my classes start at ten."

"Really?" she said.

"That was the plan," said James, "Mind if I get a drink of water and put my toothbrush in your bathroom?"

"Go ahead."

When James had left for the bathroom, Sheena got to work. She was desperate for James' touch and had been waiting for days. She threw off her clothes and tossed them into a pile in the corner before sitting down on her bed. She laid on her back and tried to look as seductive as possible.

When James came out of the bathroom he looked a bit confused before he finally saw her. He raised his eyebrows and was a little surprised as he comically said, "Well, hello there!"

He took off his shirt as he walked towards her. Once he had his head free, he looked a little confused after his eyes had ran over her body.

"Sheena... you're looking a little... different."

"One of the perks of having you as a boyfriend is that I can still have sex even though I'm in heat. I have never done this before, but I've heard it's the best sex of your life and I can honestly say that for the past few days, I haven't been thinking about much else. Now come here!" she said before grabbing James by the belt and throwing him on the bed.

Sheena ignored James' exclamation of "Whoa! Down girl!" while she began to passionately lick his chest. After a minute of this she placed her head on his shoulder and began to scratch at his back and nip his ear. She was holding him as closely as she could and reveled in his warmth. Sheena growled and held onto James even tighter, accidentally scratching him a little too hard.

"Ow. Ow. Ow," calmly repeated James.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I was getting a bit too rough," observed Sheena while she tried to clear her senses.

"Well... actually... If you want to mark me up, as long as it isn't somewhere noticeable, I wouldn't mind so much," admitted James.

"There is a shortage of perfect backs in the world and it would be a shame to ruin yours," quoted Sheena.

"The line is "breasts" but that works," James laughed before adding, "and while we're on the subject..."

Sheena whined softly when she felt James begin to kiss and tease her nipples with his mouth. She stared at the ceiling and took deep breaths as she forced herself to relax. She was trying to stay calm, she didn't want to become to animalistic and hurt either herself or James. She slowly ran her arm up and down James' back. He let out a content sounding groan. Sheena knew how much he liked the feel of her fur.

Sheena felt James rub his face on the gray fur of her chest before moving further down on the bed. Sheena couldn't keep herself from panting and he began to kiss her swollen vulva. Instead of getting wound-up again, she let her tongue loll out of her mouth as she closed her eyes and opened herself up to him.

She let out a small whimper as James gently spread her open and began to run his lips and tongue over her tender and blood-hot flesh. Sheena couldn't believe how good she felt, she was completely at peace as her lover pleasured her. She felt as though she could stay like that for hours, but Sheena felt her body give a slight twinge and tighten and she knew that she couldn't.

She sat up and placed one of her hands on James' head as a sign that she had enough. Sheena whined when James gave her clit a quick good-bye kiss before getting up to face her. Sheena stared into James' eyes before lowering her head and trailing her tongue from his bellybutton and up the crease between his abs while growling with arousal. James let out a satisfied chuckle before removing his pants and settling on his back with his feet touching the floor.

Sheena closed her eyes as her whiskers touched James' thigh. She opened them again as she let her tongue slide past her lips and lap at his smooth and warm erection. She would stop from time to time to work a hair out of her mouth or gently lick at the tasteless fluid that would appear at its tip. The heat coming off of James' body was making her a bit too hot, so she was relieved when James patted her head and stroked her ears before saying, "I don't know how much more of that I can take, Sheena."

Sheena wanted to say something, but she could only manage a low growl before settling on the bed and flicking her tail between her legs. James stroked her gray coat of fur before lightly covering her. Sheena pulled herself closer to James and ran the black finger-pads of her hands over him. She loved the feel of his warm skin and found it very comforting. Sheena's heart beat fast when James began to lower his body and place his hands on the bed.

Sheena let out a quiet but sharp yip as James rocked his body and began to slowly and lovingly thrust into her. She was used to James by now, but she felt as though she was tighter. Sheena wrapped her legs around James' back and rested her head on a pillow as she let out a whine, whimper, or groan at nearly every movement he made within her.

She felt as though she was suddenly hyper-aware of everything that was going on, yet she could scarcely concentrate on anything other than herself or James. She felt the tip of her tail resting at his feet, every movement and shift James made, and the tufts of fur along her inner thighs were almost as sensitive as the whiskers on her face. But, Sheena felt as though she couldn't see, hear, or smell anything unrelated to her or James. Sheena tried to remain calm, but she couldn't help from drawing her claws along James' back or bucking underneath him and growling when James started to plunge into her more forcefully.

Sheena could tell that James was getting close, but she was far closer. James' hard and warm sex stretching the already tightening walls of her vagina was almost too much for her to take. Sheena felt an intense pressure in her stomach before she stopped breathing and climaxed just as James filled her a final time.

Sheena felt all of her lower muscles twitch and seize as she clamped down on James. With her intensely pleasurable spasms massaging him, Sheena felt James release himself as he throbbed within her. James let himself down on top of her body and Sheena had the felling of being filled with warmth. They rested together for quite some time; Sheena was in Nirvana as she continued to hold onto James and whine as she rode out her satisfying contractions, while James buried his face into the gray fur of her chest.

James finally looked into Sheena's eyes and said, "I get why it's called heat. You're so warm Sheena. That felt amazing."

Sheena smiled and licked her lover's forehead and she tasted a very small amount of salty sweat. They rested together for several more minutes before Sheena finally relaxed enough so that James could withdraw from her. Sheena sat up and gave in to an animal instinct. She gently lapped at the small wounds on James' back before licking him clean.

James ran his fingers through her fur as she did this. When she finished, Sheena rested on her back and opened herself before finally managing to say, "Okay, my turn."

"As you wish," said James.

"Now who's quoting lines?" she playfully asked.

James smiled and rested his head between her legs before spreading her open and running his tongue along her still tight and tender flesh. Sheena closed her eyes and took great delight in every sensation as he licked her clean. Only a few seconds had passed before Sheena felt a familiar sensation in the pit of her stomach. She arched her back and let out soft and pleading whines as another wave of less intense spasms took her.

James looked worried and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she assured, "That one just snuck up on me, that's all."

James relaxed and said, "I love you more than anything, Sheena."

Sheena smiled at James and said, "I love you too. You're a sweetheart."

James chuckled and rested next to Sheena on the bed. Sheena threw her right arm over his body and held him close as they got ready to go to sleep.

"Is it too cold in here? Do you need a blanket?" she asked.

"Who needs blankets?" said James as he drew her hand up to his face and gave it a loving kiss.

In no time at all, they had fallen asleep.

Frozen Coincidences

The following story is (c) 2009 Tbohn Frozen Coincidences James was eighteen and looking at colleges. He had finally settled on one that was just out of state. Trial University may not have the best name in the world, but it sure did have the...

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Village Watch

The following story is (c) 2009 Tbohn I've decided that I should keep it tame for my very first story. I realize that it is just fluff, but I hope that someone can appreciate it. There will be more to come regardless of the success of this one. I...

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