Frozen Coincidences

Story by Tbohn on SoFurry

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The following story is (c) 2009 Tbohn

Frozen Coincidences

James was eighteen and looking at colleges. He had finally settled on one that was just out of state. Trial University may not have the best name in the world, but it sure did have the best food. The price was right too. It may have been too early in his senior year to begin looking for a college, but he didn't mind. James had told his best friend in the neighborhood, Sheena, all about it.

Sheena was the same age as James and his only neighborhood friend. The other families were either retired or had kids already in college. She was very diligent in her school work and she and James would study together for the classes that they shared in the furnished basement of his home or in her kitchen. She was also an avid reader and was full of worldly knowledge. She liked watching old movies just like James did and they would talk about their favorites. James also thought that she was really neat because she was an arctic fox, which is also the most obvious way that Sheena was different. Not as many were produced, so she was really unique. Her usually charcoal fur would change to brilliant white during the winter months. James had, literally, never met anyone quite like her.

James' parents had kept a sharp eye out on the two of them. They were aware of the news stories about young bi-species couples. But like just about any TV news story, it was overblown. Regardless, his mother would always pop into the basement at random to do laundry or offer some drinks. It was a little embarrassing for James and he knew that Sheena was well aware of what was going on.

James had certainly thought about starting a relationship with Sheena, but he was afraid that she would find the thought too strange. Actually, it was his parents that he worried about. He knew that his parents would be slightly disappointed by their son's odd taste in women, but when he went to Trial University, all of that would change.

Sheena and her family had moved in just last year and James' family had welcomed them to the neighborhood, however small it may be. There were only four houses on the short and secluded road. It was rather fitting that a family of arctic foxes decided to move in to a home on Fox Meadows Road. Obviously it had been named before the advent of the eugenics revolution and the "walking-talking" variety of foxes. Though mixing human and animal DNA had been quite controversial at the time, the results could hardly be argued with.

James once had to write a report on why such an experiment was done. Why would human and animal DNA be tailored to create these new beings? Humans had problems in the past with getting along with different peoples and cultures, how would they deal with an entirely new species? What purpose did the experiments serve in the first place?

In fact, there was no purpose. It had only been done because it could be done. Why do people climb Mount Everest? Because it's there.

It had been nearly one-hundred years since the "new species of humans" had been produced and only twenty years since they had become the second largest minority in the U.S. There had been trouble at the start, but things had quieted down in a hurry. In the same way some of the neighbors were a bit stand-offish at first, but they eventually settled down and got used to the idea.

James stepped into the large boots that almost came to his knees. They were going to be thrown away by the fire department, but his dad had been by and thought they would be great in the snow. They were no longer fire-proof, but they didn't have to be. He opened the front door and stepped out into the heavy snow to get the mail.

"Good thing I'm not going to be out here for very long. It's frigid!" he thought.

The weatherman had predicted massive snowfall later that night. There was already a foot of snow on the ground. James' dad had thought ahead and cleared the snow off the roof so it wouldn't collapse and the other neighbors had followed suit. When James looked toward Sheena's house, he saw her going to get the mail too. She was wearing nothing more than a jacket while James was all bundled up.

They both waved at each other and got the mail out of their respective boxes. James was exited for their usual Friday study session at his house. They wouldn't have much to do since it was getting close to winter break. On those sorts of days they would usually just sit around and talk about the week or watch an old movie. His favorite was when Sheena, her parents, and him would all sit down and play a quick board game. They were so funny together!

On his way back to the house, James could hear the phone ring. When he got inside and took the boots off, his mom was on the phone. She had a serious tone in her voice and he could tell at once that something was wrong. Once she was off the phone, he asked what the matter was. His mother seemed a little put out.

"Your charming sister the intellectual, slipped on some ice outside of her college campus. She was on her way back from a party and was a bit drunk. She broke her leg and has a hairline hip fracture. She's perfectly alright... just stupid," she said.

"Are you kidding me!? Didn't she learn anything when she got busted last time? She has to be the smartest, dumb person I know!" exclaimed James.

"Alright... I hate to leave you alone tonight when we're supposed to get all of that snow, but I have to go down there to the hospital. Your father's definitely doing the driving on this one," said James' mom.

James knew what his mom meant by that. She was a good driver, just not at slow speeds. She also didn't know the way down to his sister's "party school" as well as his dad did.

"We're going to have to leave you home alone until the roads get well enough to drive back. I'll give you a call every night until the roads are good enough. She's going to be in the hospital for a while, so this may not be the first time. Look, you'll be alright. You're eighteen after all. This isn't the first time you've been home alone like this. Just make sure that the pipes don't freeze and that the roof doesn't collapse or anything. Oh, and ask Sheena's parents if it's alright if you go over there to study tonight. Okay?" she asked.

"Okay," said James, "I'll help you get dad's bags packed."

After his father had come home from work, heard the news, had a beer, and helped load up the car, James' parents were ready to get on their way. They both were a little ticked; he could tell they were holding back for his sister. Regardless, he was glad to see them leave. He was a bit worried about the snowstorm, so to calm his nerves he called Sheena's house. To his surprise, Sheena picked up.


"Oh, hi Sheena. It's kind of a long story, but my parents left to go to my sister's college down in the southern part of the state and they aren't thrilled with the concept of leaving me by myself. Would you mind if we studied over at your house again?"

"Actually... my parents are gone too. My dad had to go on a business trip and my mom decided to go with him. They were a little reluctant to leave me too."

"Okay... my parents had a family emergency, but a business trip? C'mon."

"They're going to Hawaii for five days."

"Hawaii! Really? With their winter coats grown in and everything? It's not like they can take them off. I hope they have good air conditioning."

"Yeah, my parents left me a list of things to do and promised to call me on my cell phone. This is the longest they've ever been gone but they said that I'm not a little girl anymore."

"Oh, well... neither am I."

James could hear Sheena let out a small giggle on the phone.

"You're such a creeper."

"Wait... that mean's that we're both home alone."

"Yup. Are you thinking what I'm thinking, James?"

"If you're thinking of having a quick dinner at my place and then maybe watching a movie or something, then yes."

"I was thinking more along the lines of a sleep over."

"A teenage, co-ed sleep over without adult supervision!?" James had a lump of excitement in his throat, "That is the most irresponsible and anti-establishment thing we could possibly do. Count me in!"

"Actually, I think that it would be very responsible."

"Your right," James used a whiney, obnoxious parent voice, "what if one of us gets hurt or scared or something during the big scary storm?"

"Ha! I'll be right over! We'll figure out what movie to watch when I get there. I'll be there in about an hour. Like around six. Okay?"

"Sounds good. See you in a bit."


James put down the receiver and decided that it was, indeed, the best day of his life. Then his mind quickly went into overdrive and he began to think out loud.

(The following paragraph should be read as quickly as possible but still coherently.)

"Honestly, how lucky can one man get? This ROCKS! Okay... calm down. What if she just wants to be friends? What if she just wants to come over here and have dinner then watch a movie and sleep in the basement with me and... Oh who am I kidding! She totally has the hots for me. How? How can this be? She's right! I am a creeper. When I take my glasses off, I look like a stalker who stares through his night vision goggles too much. Ha! Ha! That's funny! I should remember that! Okay, whatever! I'm not gonna question a good thing. I should change."

James ran up the steps to his bedroom on the second floor and changed out of his school clothes. He took a shower and dried off. He was in the process of slipping on a t-shirt when the door bell rang. He suppressed himself from shouting "YES!" and ran down the steps. James took a deep breath and opened the door.

Sheena was standing on the door mat with a smile on her face. James had a smile too as he stared into her dazzling golden eyes.

"Hey, Sheena. Come on in," said James.

"Don't mind if I do," she said.

When she stepped inside and closed the door, James noticed that Sheena had walked over without anything on her white feet.

"You came over here barefoot? Why aren't you wearing shoes?" James asked incredulously.

"Don't need ‘em. It's not that bad outside and your house isn't that far. Do you have a towel I could use? I don't want to get water everywhere when the snow melts," said Sheena.

"Oh. Uhhh... sure. I'll get you one," said James.

He ran upstairs and got a towel. When James came back down, Sheena was sitting at the kitchen table. She had stuck her platinum white tail through the rungs like always and she lightly swished it back and forth when she saw James. He handed her the towel and she started to wipe of her feet.

"So, any idea what we're having for dinner?" Sheena asked.

"My dad's a great cook and there is this leftover pasta dish. It's really good, it's got bowtie pasta, bacon, peas, and a little bit of cheese," said James.

"That does sound good. I'll help you heat it up," offered Sheena.

Once they had heated up the leftovers and talked about school over dinner, James put away the dishes and the two went into the basement. It was getting pretty dark which is great for watching movies. James turned to the cabinet full his parent's old Red-Beam movies and started looking through it while Sheena got comfortable on the couch.

"What should we watch, Sheena? There's Blazing Saddles, 28 Days Later... oh, Pulp Fiction! Have you ever seen that? It's kind of weird ‘cause it starts at the end and ends with the same scene, but it's really good," assured James.

"Um... would you mind just taking for a bit?" asked Sheena.

James was glad he had his back to her when he closed his eyes and swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Sure," he said as he sat down on the other side of the couch, "What do you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to talk about us, James. You know, how long we've known each other and such."

"Well... we've known each other since you moved in and we've been hanging out ever since," James decided to add, "You're my best friend too."

"How come we've never been more than that, you know, when your parents aren't sneaking in here? I can tell you like me, James."

Sheena moved a little closer to James when she said this. James was stunned for a moment, then he sighed.

"My parent's wouldn't be thrilled with the idea, they would probably prefer that tell them that I'm gay or something. I don't get it. Feelings are feelings, right?"

"They were last time I checked. My parents would be... a bit disappointed, but they wouldn't mind so much. But, neither of our parents are anywhere near here, are they?"

"No. They're not."

"Then... they wouldn't mind if I do this."

Sheena moved over until she was practically sitting on James' lap. They locked eyes before she gently licked the side of his face.

"You're the sweetest boy I've ever met. And to top it all off, you're not much for cussing, which I find to be a major turn-off."

"That's true," observed James, "I could say mother "f"er eight times in a row and it would just sound cute. So I don't. God... you really are gorgeous, Sheena. You're the best."

When James said this, Sheena slowly pushed James down on the couch and licked the other side of his face. She continued to lightly lick while slightly covering him with her body.

"This is a little weird, but I like it," confessed James.

Sheena fixed James a stern look with her golden eyes and politely said, "Shut up please," before fully laying on top of James and starting to forcefully lick at his lips. James couldn't help but crack a small, contented smile. When he did this, Sheena's tongue inadvertently slipped past James' lips and ran over his teeth creating a slick and foreign feeling in James' mouth. Both drew back in surprise and laughed a little.

Sheena cocked her white furred head in a way that was almost comical in how canine it was and muttered, "huh..." She lowered her muzzle back down to James' lips and began to lick again, only this time she was purposely delving her tongue into James' mouth. He caught on and opened his teeth to let her in even more.

James let out a low and satisfied chuckle as Sheena continued to delve in. He placed his hands on the back of her head and began to gently play with Sheena's white ears. Sheena let out a small growl and stood up on her knees. For a second, James thought that he had done something wrong, so he was relived to see Sheena remove her shirt and reveal her perfectly proportioned breasts. He was momentarily stunned by her pure white fur and how graceful and powerful she looked.

James extracted himself from between Sheena's knees and stood up on his own so that he was facing Sheena. His heart was pounding as he put his left hand on her shoulder and stroked the side of her face with his right. Sheena quickly snapped at his hand and held it in her mouth, but she didn't apply any pressure. Sheena let James feel her teeth and hot breath. Before releasing him, Sheena grabbed James' wrist and slowly began to lick at his fingers.

James was entranced by his dangerous and beautiful lover. He decided to remove his own shirt so that he could feel her fur against him, but before he did, he whipped off his glasses and placed them on the coffee table. When he looked back, Sheena cocked her head to the other side.

"You've got these big bags under your eyes," mused Sheena as she poked at his face.

"I have a joke about that. I'll tell you later," said James, "And while we're taking a brake, I would like to make it known that I'm not sure how well this will work out... you know... physically."

"There's only one way to find out," said Sheena.

She undid the catch of her pants and slid them off. Sheena then lowered herself down until she was lying on her back with her tail resting on the cushions. James exhaled as he finally looked over Sheena for the first time. He found every detail of her body incredible. He gaze wandered from Sheena's golden eyes, to her excellent breasts, to her comfortable looking white chest. James' eyes finally trailed down to the soft, pink crease between her legs. Sheena broke his trance with a strident fox bark which caused James' wandering eyes to snap back to her face.

"C'mon, James. Sometime today would be nice. We safely have, at most, until tomorrow afternoon to get in as much fun as possible. So, let's get to work!"

James laid down next to Sheena and held her tight. He then placed one of his hands on one of Sheena's breasts and started to draw lazy circles around it before saying, "I want to spend entire days like this."

Sheena began to stroke his hair and said, "If things work out, we will spend whole days like this."

"Yeah, someday," said James.

"Someday will come sooner than you think," assured Sheena as she gave his face a playful lick.

James smiled and ran his hand over the soft fur on Sheena's chest and continued over until it was resting against her back. He came up with a plan and decided to go for it. James lowered his lips over one of Sheena's breasts and began to lightly kiss her now hardening nipple. Sheena moaned lightly and her ears twitched from the pleasure. Sheena placed her right hand on the back of James' neck and moaned louder when he began to suck with a purpose.

Since things were going so well, James decided to remove his hand from Sheena's back and slowly run it down her stomach while he continued to kiss. He felt Sheena's plush fur start to change texture and it abruptly went away altogether. He searched for only a moment while exploring her soft folds before he found her clit. Sheena threw her head back and began to pant and breathe raggedly as James placed his fingertips on the most sensitive part of her flesh and carefully started to massage. She let out a pitiful and needy whine when James intensified the stimulation. He kept this up for a while before reaching down to feel how slick and hot the rest of Sheena had become.

James stopped, and drew back his hand. He left a trail of kisses down to Sheena's legs as he shifted his body. Sheena responded to this by resting one of her legs on the top of the couch and moving the other out of the way. James kissed the inside of Sheena's thighs while taking in her intense scent.

He used two fingers to spread Sheena's labia open before making Sheena growl and bare her teeth by forcefully licking the length of her sex from the damp entrance of her vagina to her tender clitoris. When his tongue reached the end of its journey, James let himself go as he set about kissing and licking Sheena blood-hot flesh. Sheena grabbed at James as she began to whine and shift her hips around on the cushions from the intense pleasure. Sheena started to feel herself passing her threshold, so she growled while closing her legs and moving back.

James was shocked when Sheena had decided to stop, and he sat back on the other end of the couch as Sheena started to breathe deeply as if trying to calm herself.

"What is it? Did I do something horribly wrong?" asked James.

"Oh no," Sheena assured, "that was great. You were doing great. I was... you know... getting up there and there's a little something you might not know about."

"Like what?" asked James.

"Oh... uhhh... you'll figure it out. Now, why do you still have your pants on?" asked Sheena.

James finally realized that his pants were terribly tight and uncomfortable.

"Huh. Never really got around to that part," observed James.

"Well, lose ‘em lover boy! We got things to do!" ordered Sheena.

James saluted and said, "Yes, Ma'am" before he set about taking off his remaining article of clothing. He couldn't help but notice that his boxers now featured a few, small damp spots. He began to hug and kiss Sheena before trying to move her onto her back. Sheena resisted his movements and shoved James down on his back instead.

"Oh no, no, no. It's my turn. Just sit back, okay?" said Sheena before moving on top of James and placing her knees on either side of his hips. Sheena ran the slightly rough but still sensitive pads on her hands over James' chest.

"Mmmm. You're so smooth and warm," she remarked.

"I don't have any fur so I just throw off heat. I'm wasting it really. While you, conserve heat. The snow on your fur doesn't even melt. It's awful cold outside so I suggest that we stick together like peanut butter and jelly," said James as calmly as he could, considering the situation.

Sheena said, "funny you should say that," before she grabbed James' erection, guided it to her slick sex, and slid herself down his shaft until their hips touched.

James gritted his teeth and held his breath from the overwhelming sensation. He couldn't believe how hot and wonderful Sheena felt. He only started to breathe again when Sheena bent over and rested her hands on either side of his chest. She then started to rock back and forth while uttering a low growl. The motion created a wondrous friction for her and her lover. After a while, James began to slide his feet down the couch from the intensely erotic sensation. He held onto Sheena's thighs and started to draw haggard breaths when she quickened her pace.

It wasn't long before Sheena stopped breathing or making any noise at all and closed her eyes. James could tell she was close, but he had no way to hold back. He threw his head back and let out an unexpectedly light exhale as he experienced the most intense orgasm he could imagine. His seamen added some extra lubrication for Sheena's final thrusts, as if she needed any. James opened his eyes just in time to see Sheena have an orgasm which eclipsed his to the point where it was almost embarrassing. When she forced herself down one last time, she gasped and bared her teeth. The look on her face seemed like pleasure, but bordered on pain. James couldn't believe how tightly she gripped onto him. He was almost in pain himself as all of Sheena's lower muscles convulsed and clamped down like a vise.

Sheena quivered for a few moments before finally relaxing and resting against James. She started to softly whine while all of her lower muscles continued to hold their tight grip and gently pulse. She loved the warmth of James' chest and curled up against it while she road out her pleasurable contractions. Meanwhile, James was in shock.

"Wow," he finally managed to say, "I get what you were talking about. I don't think I can move."

"That's... the idea," Sheena managed to say with some effort.

"Are you okay? That was intense. You're shaking a little," said James.

"Mmph.... fine," muttered Sheena.

"I love you Sheena. You are incredible," said James.

"Guess what?" asked Sheena quietly.


"I'm going to Chagrin Falls Technical College," said Sheena.

"Nice name... where is it?"

"A ten-minute walk from yours and I've got a single room... and that's not a coincidence," said Sheena.

The two held each other close and looked out the basement window at the slowly drifting snow. After a few peaceful minutes, they fell asleep.

Village Watch

The following story is (c) 2009 Tbohn I've decided that I should keep it tame for my very first story. I realize that it is just fluff, but I hope that someone can appreciate it. There will be more to come regardless of the success of this one. I...

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