ASSistant Director (Jinxed!)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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ASSistant Director

Patina Woods, Veden

8:19 AM, 20th of August

After months of resentfully moping around the job center, Jinx had finally been presented with an offer that he couldn't refuse. "Assistant director needed!" The flyer had asserted. There had been no information about what he would be helping to film, there was only an address that was a cab journey away. Snatching the flyer from the peg board, Jinx had dashed to the taxi station and had arrived three minutes early. The interview had been quick and clean, but for the whole time he couldn't shake the feeling that the man interviewing him wasn't paying much attention to his CV, but rather his body.

Either way, Jinx was happy that he'd soon be feeling the clink of coins in his pocket. The cat already had several ideas on how he was going to spend the money, new underwear to entice Dakota, new perfume or maybe a few 'thank you' gifts for Dakota. Those thoughts were what made him literally keep on trekking up and down the hills that were in front of him. Jinx had cavorted over the idea of getting a job at first, but now however, he was regretting the decision to apply for third assistant director in a porno film.

But it wasn't all bad, three of Jinx's favorite porn stars had signed up and that perhaps made up for the exhausting hike and the pain in his legs. Better yet, he had shared a limo with the three bears. They were known to just about anyfur who watched gay porn; everyfur knew the trio's story. They were three cubhood friends who had grown up to be very similar in looks, but to be fair they were all brown bears and all followed the same, strict diet of the fattiest foods in existence.

The most mature (in age at least) of the trio, Tobias Spridon, had won Jinx's heart with his king-sized cock, his grizzled fur, his squishy yet strong muscle gut, his hoary stubble beard and his signature, leonine roar that made whorish, undersized boy-sluts come running. Caleb Rainer was the second oldest and without a doubt he was the most mature in the mind/ Not only was he excessively chivalrous (he had taken it upon himself to hold the limo door for everyfur), but he was cultured when it came to cuisine, music and all of the other arts. Such a powerful mind came at a physical cost, he was both shorter and skinnier than Tobias, but made it up for it with the unstinting doses of cum he ejaculated regardless of how many times he'd climaxed in the previous hours. This useful and entertaining trait had earned him the nickname 'Rain.' It was rumored that he could paint a black wolf white with two orgasms at most. The final daddy bear was Rolf Kulap. With his beefy body and humongous height he'd earned his manager's respect quickly. In comparison to Tobias' cock, Rolf's was shorter, but wider. This didn't matter when it came to pounding the thing into a boy's hole until the fuck toy cried out in pain and spluttered his cum onto his belly. After half an hour with Rolf, Jinx had learnt that he was rather inappropriate and suggestive.

It had been during the car journey when the six of them (Rolf, Caleb, Tobias, Jinx a camera man and the lead writer) had been chatting about the sexual script when Rolf had split a drink onto his lap. With a roll of his eyes, Jinx had caught on quickly thanks to Tobias' snickering. The next thing Jinx knew he was between the bear's legs, rubbing his crotch with a dry cloth to get the water out of it. It had soaked through his beige shorts and underwear, so Rolf removed his shorts to allow them to dry. It had been revealed to Jinx that not only did the bear have unimaginably influential ball musk, but he was also harder than diamond under his clothes. By the time Jinx's mind had been revived from the bolt out of Rolf's pants, the camera man had dumped his equipment in Jinx's seat leaving the cat to clamber onto Rolf's lap. For the rest of the trip, Rolf's cock had been rubbing against Jinx's thighs. Rolf' forepaws had been adventurous as well, but Jinx didn't mind: maybe being a porn star's temporary play thing wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"Hey!" A gruff voice growled as Jinx, lost in thought, bumped into the back of them and almost dropped the freezer book he was carrying. "Sorry!" Jinx took a step to the side in order to get around the wall of fur. "Oh, Mallory! Hah, sorry, I didn't know that it was you." The furson grinned. Jinx took a quick glance at the furson he was speaking to, it was Rolf. He was grinning wildly and was no longer carrying his own burden of 25kg dumbbells. "Do you need help carrying it?" Rolf asked, he took a hold of the box to make things easier on Jinx's arms. "No-" "Sure?" "Ye-" "Because if you want I can hold the right side and you can hold the left side. Who knows, maybe having more weight on your left arm will even out those muscles." He winked. The feline balked, his tails stopped swishing and his jaw almost dropped open. "Stay here." Rolf plucked the box from Jinx's forepaws and continued on his walk. Awkwardly, Jinx looked around for somefur of high importance who would contradict Rolf's order, instead he saw a mass of furs plonking themselves on the ground to focus on the director. Jinx sunk down onto the grass, forepaws clinging onto the blades and legs crossed over one another.

Just a moment later, as if on cue, a hunky wolf no bigger than the fox who waited for Jinx at home. He had been awfully close to the feline before he budged up in order to allow more box carriers through, but now his arm brushed Jinx's. "Hah, sorry." The wolf smirked at Jinx when he knocked his knee against the cat's. "It's alright. My fault." Jinx mumbled and shuffled further to the left, only to find that there was a skinny fox sitting next to him who looked rather angry. He scowled at Jinx, but payed no attention to him from there on-wards. Jinx mumbled yet another apology and moved back to where he was, much to the wolf's delight.

"Where were you planning on going, kitty?" One of the wolf's forepaw had crept through the grass, it rested just behind Jinx's bubbly ass and toyed with the edge of one of his tails. Now the wolf's presence was more offensive and alarming than lewd. "I was only going to give you more room." Jinx lied and tried to look at anything, but the gray wolf's piercing, golden eyes.. "Yeah right. Are you afraid of me? What is it, the muscles?" The wolf tensed his arm and flexed afterwards to show off his apparent strength. "Dick's proportional. Got a thick knot as well, too bad that I haven't got a nice boy toy to suck on it. Damn, I'm swelling up a bit just thinking about it." "Charming." "Might need to go in the forest and rub one out, you coming?" The wolf went to stand up and offered a forepaw to Jinx. "I have a boyfriend." The cat blinked stoically. "That's what they all say until I whip out my dick." The wolf started to unbuckle his belt. He held the front of his jeans downs to reveal that he was going commando underneath his clothes. His tip, that was slick with pre, was slowly edging out of his sheath and already the musk it emitted was making Jinx gag.

"The fuck are you doing with my boyfriend?" A voice growled and a firm forepaw planted itself on Jinx's shoulder. Jinx froze and the wolf's ears flattened. "Fuck..." Jinx thought. He knew that the director or another admin had caught him red pawed, about to go down on a co-worker in the middle of everything. Anticipating the director firing him, Jinx flinched as the wolf had and shriveled into a small ball where he felt safe. "Eh... Sorry Rolf. Didn't know that you were his boyfriend." The wolf tried to laugh it off as if he had confused Jinx with his own partner. _Boyfriend? Rolf? _The canine who had been harassing Jinx sprinted off.

"You cool, Mallory?" Rolf took the wolf's seat. Unlike the wolf, Rolf was much more forwards in a friendly way as he carefully put his arm around Jinx's shoulder to pull the feline in to his musky armpit. The grizzly bear had stripped himself of his shirt before sitting next to Jinx, so the cat got a strong whiff of Rolf's musk that had been enhanced by all the heavy lifting he'd been doing. Furthermore, Jinx could detect a hint of cologne under Rolf's potent scent that was surprisingly adding to Rolf's attractiveness. Jinx whimpered softly to himself as he wrapped up in Rolf's arm. Rolf guffawed at the small sounds that his feline friend t made. "Hah. You are allowed to breath my musk in, you're not the first of my co-workers to get hard over my scent." Blushing, Jinx tried to slink out of Rolf's grasp, but the grizzly bear wasn't about to let the femboy get away so easily.

"Oh no you don't. There's no where else for you to sit, unless you want to risk it with that wolf." "Could you... Could you at least try to warm me up a bit?" Jinx requested, after all if he was going to be groped and cuddled he should have been getting something out of it. "No problem, kitty." Jinx found himself being squeezed slightly by Rolf's arm, gradually he'd come to be pressed against Rolf's fur. Fortunately, he'd adjusted to the musk, but that wouldn't silence the raging boner he'd gotten over the past minute.

"Excuse me?" The fox who was sitting next to Jinx coughed. "Could you move up please, there's no room over here." With that, he turned away. "Err..." Jinx couldn't really move any further without sitting on Rolf. "Don't worry, kitty. There's room on my lap." Rolf grinned as if he'd read Jinx's mind. The bear unnecessarily lifted Jinx onto his lap, so that the cat's paws were pointing towards the fox and his head was resting on Rolf's right shoulder. "There. Now..." Rolf's shirt was tucked around Jinx's shoulders. "That's what you get for wearing a shirt that leaves your shoulders exposed. I'm sure that this boyfriend of yours wouldn't want you to catch a cold." "For the record, I'm wearing a jumper." Jinx quipped with a giggle. "For the record it's a very nice shade of violet." Rolf smiled and tugged on it a little. "But I bet that you'd be warmer if you snuggled up to me." Jinx took that as an invitation. "And suddenly I don't have a boyfriend." Jinx grinned and squeezed Rolf with his arms. The bear laughed, took a hold of Jinx's ear with is mouth and sucked it ever so slightly. Regardless, the feeling was enough to set Jinx writhing from the strange feeling.

Jinx felt something hard rub his thigh and he was sure that it wasn't Rolf's belt buckle. "Do you have an erection!?" Jinx hissed quietly, looking at Rolf in surprise with a hint of what could have been disgust. Rolf bared his teeth with another grin. "Sorry, kitty. I was thinking about a boy like you. Same body, same personality and both of you are fit-ass femboys. Want me to tell you about him?" Rolf rested one of his forepaws on Jinx's crotch, with one finger he ran it up and down the slight bulge he was feeling, it was of course, Jinx's sheath. The cat gave out a mew, but Rolf ignored Jinx's pleas to not be to teased in such a way.

"Go on..." Jinx mumbled when he felt the tip of his cock straining against his panties. The feline put his head back down on Rolf's shoulder and snuggled up against the bear who was now working Jinx's cock through the layers of fabric with his fingers. "I met him a few years ago, one of my first shoots. We were in the usual studio, the locker room to be exact and we had just finished a fetish shoot. Mind this is before I worked with Caleb and Tobias, so they weren't with me. Anyway, no fur came during the shoot, so I was about to go and jerk it to the video. I think that the fox who worked with me, a fennec fox, noticed and do you know what he did? He comes right over to me, buries his muzzle in my crotch and takes it all like a champ.. You can guess the rest, but let's just say that I came like a fucking fire hydrant when that boy took all of my dick in his mouth." Jinx shuddered, his full length was out of his sheath and Rolf was practically gripping it. Unable to resist, Jinx humped into Rolf's forepaw slightly.

"ALRIGHT! ANYFUR WHO NEEDS TO USE THE TOILET, GO NOW!" Somefur screamed through their megaphone. "I-I need to go to the toilet!" Jinx squealed and shot out of Rolf's grasp. Leaning backwards, the bear chuckled. He knew full well that Jinx was hard in his panties and the cat was going off into the forest to touch himself like Rolf had been doing before they were interrupted. "Go on then kitty." Concealing his erection with a forepaw, Jinx dashed off into the treeline, desperate to get away from Rolf before the bear brought him to jizz in his pants.

Jinx ran so quickly, he didn't realize that he was the only furson to stand up.

His skinny jeans were around his ankles before he could find a secluded tree where no fur would be able to see him. He could no longer hear the director shouting out orders and so Jinx assumed that he was safe. With his erect cock in his forepaw, Jinx tried to force himself into using the toilet so that his cock would soften up. But no matter how hard he tried, or how much he willed it, nothing came out of him. Frustrated, Jinx began stroking up and down his cock. As rude and immoral as it was, the only way his dick was going down was an orgasm.

Jinx spat into his forepaws and set to work. One forepaw cupped his balls whilst the other worked on lubing up his cock, if he was going to do it he might as well have do it right. "Ohh..." He groaned as the morning cold bit at his cock, somehow stimulating him in the process. He continued to touch himself with long, slender strokes of his meat without hurry. To him, he was alone in the forest with no fur to tell him what to do and what not to do. This of course, was terribly inaccurate.

"Kitty?" Somefur behind him chuckled. Jinx heard a zipper being zipped up, or it was it being un-zipped? "I hope that you aren't jerking it." "Err! No, no I'm not Rolf." Jinx struggled to get his cock into his sheath before the brown bear discovered him.Disastrously, Jinx tripped over his own jeans as he tried to walk away from the scene. Now he was bent over, with his forepaws on the tree and his ass sticking out to Rolf. "Inviting." Rolf commented with a lick of his lips. "Oh... Err... I didn't mean for this to happen!" Jinx tried to explain, Rolf burst out into a guffaw and walked closer. It was as if Jinx had suddenly become paralyzed, his body refused to move or at least cover his tailhole, even his tails that were normally dancing around behind him froze.

"Get up." Rolf demanded in his dominate voice, Jinx recognized it and give a submissive whimper. When he didn't move, Rolf bent over him and pushed a finger against his spine. "Listen to me boy. Get up, now." Rolf's pushing began to hurt and so Jinx shakily got to his paws. "Turn to face me." Jinx followed those orders without fail, but couldn't bring himself to look Rolf in the eye. "You're going to call me daddy before this is over, got that?" "Yes..." Jinx's eyes wandered still. "Look me in the eyes when you speak to me, boy." Jinx forced himself to do so, despite the humiliation that was beginning to set. "Yes, daddy." Rolf grinned at Jinx's response and let his forepaw trail down the cat's front.

"I'd say we're getting somewhere now." The bear chuckled. "How about I give you a reward?" Gripping Jinx's cock, Rolf pressed his lip's to the cats and shoved with his full might. "Eekk!" Jinx squealed as he was pushed against the tree. "Arms up!" Rolf barked. As if it were a reflex, Jinx's arms shot up to be pressed against the tree. Rolf took a hold of him by both wrists and stretched them out as far as possible until Jinx's body burned. Rolf squeezed Jinx's cock again and shook it, the cat yowled as if a brick had been forced up his ass. "Somefur's sensitive." Rolf chuckled and treated the feline to a few more slow strokes. Jinx's yowling turned to a soft purr, but even that was ephemeral. Before long, Rolf was working his forepaws over the cat's cock faster than the cat had ever experienced. "Rolf!" He squealed. "Rolf, s-slow down!" He begged. "I don't want to come yet!" Rolf ignored Jinx's pleas and only hastened his onslaught, before he knew it hot, sticky, feline smelling seed was pasted over the grass.

He released Jinx's cock and flicked the tip, a few strands of his precious cum dribbled out of his meatus.

"Mhh... We have about fifteen minutes before we're needed. How loose is your ass?" Rolf demanded to know. . Jinx balked at first, his tongue sticking out in shock and his expression dropping. "What?" "How loose is your ass?" Rolf repeated. "I'm gonna stick my dick in there." "Err...." "Last time you got fucked in the ass?" "Three nights ago." Jinx admitted, not ashamed, but embarrassed that he was being open with Rolf. "Don't clench."

"Wait!" Jinx begged as Rolf took steps towards him, the brown onslaught didn't slow or stop. Soon, Rolf was pushing his arm against Jinx, the other forepaw lowering his own shorts to reveal his meaty slab of cock. He wore stained briefs underneath his beige shorts, that were thrown aside along with his shirt. Potent musk filled the air that mixed with Rolf's delicious B.O, Jinx swooned and arched his back to look at the bear behind him. He was perfect. His tummy bulged out, but not so much that it covered his fat cock and his entire belly was covered in thick brown fur. Jinx's knees shock slightly as Rolf's warmth pressed against his.

"Mhh... Ready for it you fag?" "N-no." Jinx trembled. "But we don't have time for foreplay." "Was that your way of begging?" "Just fuck me already!" Jinx half-hissed to Rolf who chuckled at the feline. "Somefur's a horny kitty. You're going to wish that you'd asked for a rimjob instead."

In the blink of an eye, Rolf's cock pressed to Jinx's pucker bringing warmth to the cold muscle. Jinx squeaked in surprise; the sudden shock brought his mind back for just a second, Rolf sensed this. Retaliating, the brown bear forced two thick digits into Jinx's mouth to silence him. "Listen up slut!" Rolf growled. He slapped a forepaw onto Jinx's thigh, although it was closer to one of his ass checks, and continued: "You're going to take this dick so deep you'll have cum dripping out of you for the rest of the year! And you're going to like it when this fat cock goes all the way in! Got that?!" "Yeshhhsur!" Jinx managed. Jinx got down as low as he could, legs spread so far apart he would fall and do the splits if Rolf stopped supporting him. Rolf's pre helped to loosen up Jinx's tailhole, but it wouldn't be enough to take any of the pain away that giant cocks made.

"Mrr... You've taken a meaty cock like mine before haven't you?" The daddy bear inquired. "Iiidateduhfox..." Jinx said now with some difficulty since Rolf refused to give the cat his tongue back. "Well let me tell you, his knot has nothing on my dick."

With that, Rolf plunged the head of his phallic battering ram into Jinx's backside causing the feline to yowl in both pain and surprise. His pucker was forced open as Jinx almost shot up the tree. Jinx was anything but chaste, so it was not a struggle for Rolf to get his fat, tasty cock into the feminine, submissive whore after a few bullish, strong pushes; he seemed to just open up for the superior male. Jinx even lifted his ass up further and clung onto the tree with more slack to allow Rolf to pull him back onto his cock. Once he was fully impaled on his cock, Jinx prayed that Rolf would stop to allow him to adjust to his size. Much to Jinx's relief, the intruding bear stopped his onslaught, but not to give Jinx an easier time.

"Are you done whining like a little bitch?" Rolf snarled, giving Jinx's thigh a slap. Thankfully, Rolf removed his slobbery finger from Jinx's mouth, but wiped it down the cat's front. "Yes Mr. Kulap." The girly feline replied with a large blush. "I'm done being a bitch." "You'd like that wouldn't you?" Rolf slammed his hips into Jinx, his ball swinging to collide with Jinx's taint. "OHHH!" Jinx screamed in pleasure and pain, Rolf's cock somehow going further into his insides. "Hah... At this point I want director find you. I here he likes DP'ing bitches like you." Rolf continued pulling his cock out and then slamming it home, each time drawing a moan or a squeal from Jinx. "Think if we stay here like this they'll find us?" "Please... Hurry..." Jinx begged his cock not to mention his balls feeling too heavy to continue without blowing a load. Two cocks inside of him would be too much, it would ruin his ass for good.

"What? Hurry up and come in you? With pleasure..." Rolf gave a sexy growl and picked up the pace, driving his cock in or out every half second. Jinx's panting soon returned and the feline had to squeeze his eyes shut to stop himself from coming too soon a second time. Rolf however, had no intention to halt his orgasm. "How loud do you think you'd need to scream for somefur to come running? Somefur who'd love to share this ass with me..." Jinx didn't respond, he was too busy trying to stop his climax; he didn't want Rolf to know how much he was enjoying his abuse. "I'll take that as a, 'I want to find out'!" Rolf didn't hesitate when he twisted Jinx's arm behind the cat's back, making the feline scream as pain flared up his arm. Unknowingly, Jinx clenched his ass stimulating Rolf further. The threw back his head and give a mighty, leonine roar that intimidated the little feline beneath him. With the noise, Rolf let loose three days worth of pent up cum into Jinx's ass that sploshed around against his walls and marked his insides with a musk that would be difficult to wash away. "Ugh..." Jinx moaned, feeling the cum already weighing him down.

Despite the fact that his cock was even more sensitive and almost going flaccid, Rolf continued without mercy. "T-thank- AHHHH!" Jinx screamed bloody murder when Rolf sank sharp teeth into his shoulder. "Fuck!" Jinx gasped, now knowing that Rolf wasn't about to stop anytime soon. The bear continued to fuck his own cum deeper into his marked kitty, but even that was enough to tell Jinx who he belonged to. Rolf grabbed both of Jinx's tails in one forepaw and with the other he lifted a leg up into the air. "Hey!" Jinx tried to protest, but not his prostate was being pounded with more intensity by Rolf's curved cock. The feline didn't even need to touch his cock, it simply burst for the second time. Small, thin strands of white, sticky liquid sprayed like a sprinkler over the base of the tree staining the bark white. A heavy blush covered Jinx's face as Rolf's dominate, self-confident grin returned.

Rolf gave Jinx's tail a sharp tug, dropped them both and lifted up his other leg so that the cat was suspended in the air. The second clenching of Jinx's ass brought Rolf to the edge a second time, even though he had orgasmed only five minutes ago. Jinx gasped once more when more seed began filling his insides. Rolf's orgasm was no less plentiful than the last. A shot glass full was emptied into his insides, bloating his belly slightly and giving him a lovely used feeling. His grip on the tree slacked and Jinx was lowered onto the tree.

Rolf opened up Jinx's ass cheeks, step aside and waited for a moment. The bushes behind Jinx rustled, but Jinx didn't dare look. Rolf gave Jinx's ass one harsh spank that caused it to disgorge the stored cum onto the grass. Rolf gave it a few more, each time making the cat cry out. Finally the bear released him and walked away, like an actor might when they finish a shot. Defeated, Jinx fell to his knees, surrounded by a puddle of cum. Groaning, the feline held his belly and looked behind him.

Horror faced him.

There were a dozen cameras on him, each one getting a different angle of the scene. All were zoomed on his mistreated anus, bleeding and still leaking cum. Rolf was grinning, but Jinx wasn't.

Suddenly, he felt betrayed and foolish. Jinx didn't wait around for the lewd comments, he pulled up his underwear, grabbed his jeans and sprinted off towards where he hoped home was waiting.

Thanks For Reading!

As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes. ^_^ Also why not leave a favorite and a vote to tell me how well I did with this one? And it well help others find this story easier. If you enjoyed this story and want to see what else I'm writing, why don't you watch me so that you're told when it releases? Or just subscribe to the folder if you want to see more Jinx stories.

Story, Characters and Locations © Kalebthecat

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