Anything For A Promotion

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

Feline Fantasies, Tort

6th of March, 6:30 PM

He was adorned by thin golden bands that snaked up his thick forearms; they took the form of slender cat tails, but somefurs in the audience mistook them for tentacles and vines. Two more traversed his shins, ending just bellow his knees. A final one was bound around his tail that flicked up and down behind him. Claws painted gold rapped on the sides of the throne with patience. The soft red velvet underneath him reoriented its shape to allow for more congenial relaxation as he waited for the dance to start. The lights in both the house and the stage were down, signalling the start of the next number. All was quiet, save for the slight murmur among pals who were guessing tonight's theme.

Isingoma's cock still shined with Riley's spit, tingling slightly as it began to dry. The cold nips tempted him, asked for him to reach out and give himself a few satisfying strokes, but he didn't dare, professionalism and what not. He wore a loincloth with a hole in the center, his fleshy cock stuck out from it and his sheath was protected by a golden casing. The cloth hid his balls that were snuggled tight to his body, ready to release their load when Goma willed it. But he delayed, it would be amusing to mark one of his fellow dancers, but he needed to test one last thing with Riley and so he put up with his problem.

A cheetah softly padded up to Goma, masked from sight by the darkness, but the scent of cum gave his location away to Goma. He wore no collar, but Goma identified him quickly. "Pearl..." Goma gave a quiet snarl, that was almost a moan. Pearl bowed his head in respect and slid rings onto Goma's fingers, but before he could escape Goma pulled the cheetah forwards so that the cheetah was straddling him. He whispered: "Any potential contracts yet, Pearl?" "I had a few bartenders do some surveying..." Pearl replied. "There's a hyena who's too drunk to stay standing, but just sober enough to get an erection. We think that he has too much money on him. Are we allowed to help?" Pearl giggled at his cryptic way of speaking. "Yes. Do you think that you can deal with him on your own?" "I'll need one of the bouncers to grab the money that I put in my thong, but yes, he won't be too difficult." "There's a good boy. Anyfur else worth giving a V.I.P pass to?" Pearl's fingers traced Goma's muscles as he thought. "One alligator, not too drunk, so we'll need two dancers for him. But he should be worth it, big dick as well so somefur's going to be having fun." "Amethyst and Emerald. Amethyst can show Emerald how we do things here... Anymore? We still have a few vacant slots to fill." "Two feline twins who want to share somefur. One of our bartenders is spiking their drinks as we speak, but I won't know how it goes until somefur gets in there. Will it be worth it?" "Ruby can handle it. Citrine, Opal and Sapphire still don't have jobs though. Anymore?" "No fur worth robbing. But furs will still line up for their lap dances. Citrine can handle that can't he?" "Topaz will have to help Spinel, but I need Opal and Sapphire tonight. Well done, you'll be getting a large cut tonight." Passionately, Goma kissed Pearl on the lips before rumbling a snarl to inform the cheetah that he needed to break the kiss. "Thank you, sir." Pearl scurried off and assumed his poistion at the front of stage.

Music started and more of the cheetahs came on to the stage, whispering words for encouragement and giggling to themselves in excitement; Goma was the only fur who was containing himself. The cheetahs wore similar loincloths to Goma, but they lacked the revealing, centered hole. Their claws were painted silver, they had no accessories on their bodies and glittery make up had been applied to their faces. Everyfur knew what to do, how they looked, how they should move and what noises they should make.

At first the melody was slow, one or two timbres playing at the same time, but soon it picked up thanks to more instruments coming in. The music was recorded, but Goma's father employed several creators to write the music for each dance; club music didn't cut it for the tantalizing dances being performed. The neon lights around the stage clicked on, revealing the dancer's positions. At that moment, the cheetahs clung to their poles with their hind paws, their forepaws behind their head and their eyes closed. A few swayed to the side, but their balance was almost impeccable.

Goma let out a snarl and ,with a thumb, rubbed his right nipple. He caught sight of the white tiger at his bar, blushing heavily with erect nipples. His chest fur was ruffled, undoubtedly the customers had reached out to grope at the tiger's naked chest, pulling out furs as they withdrew their forepaws. Regardless, Riley looked matchless in the low lighting, shirtless and helpless when it came to the customers who wanted to touch their bartender. Goma chuckled as they met eyes, the white tiger darted away to wash a few glasses, but Goma was certain that Riley felt arousal thanks to the sight of what he had helped to create.

The pole dancers all leaned backwards until they were able to grab onto the bottom of the pole with their forepaws, they then let go with their paws and ended up hanging from the side of the pool from their forepaws. They did the splits whilst in the air, which allowed the audience to look up the loincloths to see the cheetah's small balls. The lewder members of the audience whistled or howled as they snapped pictures with their phones. All of the cheetahs dropped down onto their paws.

Pearl got on all fours and reached out with his forepaw to pull his prey in, a lucky hyena. Pearl wrapped his lips around the hyena's fingers and happily sucked on them, arousing the hyena. further The hyaenidae snarled with dominance, but the lithe cheetah giggled and released the hyena's fingers. Much to the hyena's disappointment, Pearl dashed back to the safety of his pole and rested a forepaw on it. The rest of the strippers had all been holding onto their pole with one forepaw, the other lifting the side of their loincloth up to let the audience see some more leg.

They patrolled the vicinity of their poles as Goma climbed onto the back of his throne. With his mouth hanging open slightly, he hung off of the throne with one forepaw, the other resting on the back of his head as his dancers took their own sexual positions. They spun a full circle on their poles before they climbed back up like gecko and pressed themselves against the pole. All of them grinded across it's length, Pearl made sure to keep his eyes on the hyena he'd teased a few seconds ago. The chubby male was smirking and rubbing a large bulge in the front of his trousers. Pearl gave him a suggestive wink, the hyena was moving towards the V.I.P doors that lead to the brothel just a few seconds later. For some reason, Pearl had a melancholy glint in his jade eyes. Behind him, Goma humped the air to the beat of the music, his erect cock dripped pre onto throne.

As Goma clambered back into his throne to observe the dance like the jaded tyrant he was pretending to be, the other felines stopped grinding and began to kick their legs out into different directions causing their loincloths to lift up and down in certain places. After a minute or so of kicking, they brought one leg in and twirled on their pole. Their hair whipped around with them, coming down to cover their faces occasionally, but no fur seemed to mind that they were sweaty. Finally, all of them spread eagled their legs and began twerking. Roars erupted from the audience and plenty of money was thrown onto the stage as a reward. Pearl smiled out at the audience and caught sight of Riley. The white tiger had slowly gotten closer and closer to the stage, now he was leaning over the railing and looking straight at Goma. Pearl's expression dropped when the white tiger didn't pay him any attention.

Although Pearl was aware about what was about to happen, Pearl panicked slightly when Riley gasped. The cheetah dropped from his pole, but was caught in Goma's arms before he could hit the stage. He giggled up to Goma who shook his head in disappointment. He was slung up over Goma's shoulder and carried back to Goma's throne.

He lay over the arms of the throne with Goma's knees digging into his belly and let his tongue loll out of his mouth like a dog. Goma ripped off Pearl's loincloth, tossing into the audience who ravenously grabbed for it. Slowly, Goma began spanking Pearl's bubbly cheeks. The slapping sounds were muffled by the music, but even Riley felt his cheeks burning when he caught sight of Pearl's pained expression.

As the music picked up, the twerking got faster and Goma's spanking increased in tempo to the point where Pearl didn't have to time to register the pain of the spank he'd just received before the next one came. The strikes had danced around his ass, making it jiggle and shake, but now the were centered on Pearl's tailhole. His eyes watered, his erection hurt, his tailhole was certainly bruising and his body was trying to throw in the towel, but it was about to get a whole lot worse.

Goma drew his forepaw back further than ever before, brought his fingers together and gave Pearl a menacing look. The cheetah whimpered, begging Goma not to hurt him, but the panther pretended not to hear. He drove them directly into Pearl's tailhole. Fortunately, Pearl had lubed himself up earlier, but that didn't prevent him from gasping and very nearly cumming onto Goma's body. The two fingers wriggled about inside of Pearl, opening and closing to stretch out his hole. Two turned into three and three became four, soon Goma's knuckles were snug against Pearl's hole, threatening to fist him. Goma pushed with more force, but the cheetah's pucker refused to open up further.Scowling, Goma lifted Pearl onto his shoulder and made the cheetah open up his legs to show the audience his ruined hole. His tailhole gaped slightly, some blood trickling out along with lube, but it was nothing compared to what Goma was about to do to Pearl backstage.

With Pearl being carried off stage, the remaining dancers dropped down to tease the guys at the front, hopefully trying to pick up their assignments.

When the black panther had carried Pearl off stage, the remaining dancers dropped down to tease the guys at the front and hopefully pick up a client. A few sat on the edge and leaned backwards, stretching out their paws to let the audience lick their toes. A horse dressed in leather, his eyes covered by a blindfold and his forepaws bound, was pushed forwards to suckle on a cheetah's paw. That cheetah played along, rubbing his paw all over the horse to humiliate him further. A more dominant male was giving one of the dancer's a foot massage, but only because he was unable to get his dick between the feline's toes. Another cheetah had his legs wrapped around an alligator's head that had been pulled into their crotch. The male was expertly deep-throating the cheetah, gagging and spluttering around the length of the feline's barbed cock. Cash was rained onto them, all of the dancers did their best to stuff their thongs with the money and what was left got crammed into their mouths. Finally, they turned to the audience and shook their asses from side to side with their tails raised high.

Now came the finale. The lights went down and the cheetahs disappeared from the stage. Pearl re-entered and took a position on the center of the stage on all fours. His ass had been crammed with a large canine dildo, the knot sitting in his ass. Pearl reached back and cried out as he tore the dildo from his ass. Rose red tinged cum leaked from Pearl's ass, it all fell out to splatter over the stage. The crowd let out a roar, a few called for more, but to their disappointment the lights went down again.

Riley cheered along with the rest of the audience from his bar, harboring a large erection in his trousers. But the ecstasy of seeing a twinky cheetah getting more than his fair share of cum was ephemeral, Riley was snapped out of it by a horny customer who demanded more alcohol. Riley gave a coy smile and poured a shot glass of the strongest alcohol in the bar, he spiked it with a very special sugar he'd been given before handing it to the customer. He was too drunk to notice the size and almost swallowed his glass along with the drink. The customer didn't stumble into the V.I.P lounge for sex, but ended up passing out in a lap dance; he became fair prey for the dancers in seconds.

Seven customers out of the nineteen he served in the next few minutes stumbled into the V.I.P lounge, calling on their usual prostitutes and dancers. All of them were named after various precious gems, but they certainly weren't treated like gems. Riley hadn't ever paid much attention to the dances, but the sniffling cheetah who had been spanked by Goma had certainly caught Riley's eye.

Before Riley could ponder on it for longer, he was grabbed by the wrist. "Hey.... Err... Riley." A gruff masculine voice said. The white tiger tried to pull away from the voice, mistaking it for a drunken customer who wanted a fuck. "Go through that door there sweetie. I'm no prostitute." Riley dismissed, pointing to the V.I.P door, but the voice only laughed. "No... I'm a bouncer.. You're needed back stage." Riley looked up to see a grinning equine wearing a tight black shirt and work trousers. "Riley isn't it?" This equine was much more friendly than the ones he'd encountered before. "Yes my name is Riley. You can probably tell, I am the only fur not wearing a shirt." Riley knew that Goma had already boasted about what had happened backstage. "Pearl and the cheetah's weren't wearing shirts." The equine grinned further, his smart remark brought him pride. "Well done. Now where do I need to be?" Riley snapped. "Changing rooms again. Need an escort?" "You just want to see me naked don't you?" The bouncer let out a guffaw and nodded. "Yes, but I have been told to take you there and make sure that no guys grab you. Somefur really likes you."

Riley shoved his forepaws into his pockets and took his time as he ambled to the changing rooms. Normally, raunchy, sweaty men would have groped Riley's firm, large ass as he sauntered past, but the sight of a muscular, intimidating stallion warded most of them off. However, the more inebriated fools tried to get a piece of the stallion as he wandered. Some groped him, others flung themselves at him and others asked if they could have his dick. With a staunch face, the equine stared them down and continued to 'escort' Riley to the changing rooms. He opened the door for the white tiger. "Just scream if you need help." Riley rolled his eyes and continued without the equine.

The changing room was a party. It was crammed with furs, beer cans and shot glasses as well as a few cupcakes. Riley expected streamers, balloons and other party decorations, but only saw six cheetahs sitting naked on a bench, their erections dripping. Aside from them, the more muscular felines had arrived to attend to the whorish needs of the more submissive patrons.

A wall of black fur and muscle yawned, teasing his erection as he beckoned for Riley to come closer. "Tired, yet Riley?" Goma purred, observing one of the cheetahs who awkwardly shuffled about on the crowded bench. "Not really." Riley lied, the incessant cat calling, groping and grabbing was wearing Riley down after two hours. "Remember when you and I talked about that promotion? Well... All of our dancers, are prostitutes." "Are you fucking kidding me?" Riley snarled, throwing his arms up in protest. "I am not selling my ass to every horny guy in this place!" "Riley please don't get mad!" One of the cheetahs spoke up, wriggling about on the bench. "It's worth it, trust me." "Yeah! And you can just make them wear a condom." A second said, smiling to Riley. That's not the point." Riley grumbled. "Don't start getting mad at Ruby and Sapphire, they're only trying to advise you." Goma said. Ruby, the fur who had spoken first smiled with glee.

"Besides, we need to test you first. Tell me, what does that mouth do?" "I'm not giving you a blowjob!" "Not me. Them." Goma pointed to the six nearly identical cheetahs who looked just as surprised as Riley was. "Goma, we need to go and attend to our customers." Ruby claimed. "I need to get my collar and my panties, an alligator is paying for the best." "Then why isn't Pearl out there with him?" Sapphire chimed in again, giggling as he did. "You're just jealous because you didn't get one tonight." Ruby stuck out his tongue. "Don't worry! You can lick the cum off the seat when I'm done." "Ruby, you're not actually going to suck somefur's dick when you're supposed to be giving them a lap dance are you?" An unnamed cheetah raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms in complaint. "We shouldn't do that!" "He pays double! Besides, the boss gets his cut of it when I reach my quota." Ruby winked to Goma. "Promise you won't tell?" "Promise you'll keep your ass in tact for when you get back?" Goma winked back to him. "Of course I will." Ruby stood up and stretched. "You guys have fun with Riley." Ruby gave a little wave and skipped off to his locker.

"Goma, are you actually going to let him get away with that?" The more morally exemplary of the cheetahs said. "Don't you mean Onyx?" The one sitting next to Sapphire howled, laughter rose up among every fur in the changing rooms, Riley stayed quiet. "Shut up Amethyst." Goma chuckled. "And Emerald? Yes, yes I am going to let him do that. It means the guy will come back for more until we bleed him dry." "Well don't drag me into this..." Emerald frowned. "Actually Emerald, maybe I accidentally promised a guy that we'd both be giving him a lap dance. We can share his dick if you want..." Amethyst suggested with a raunchy smirk. The cheetah kicked his legs like a cub as he waited. "Either way, we get more money." "Fine... But I won't suck his dick until we go to one of the V.I.P rooms." Emerald grabbed Amethyst's forepaw and kicked off of the bench, dragging his fellow cheetah with him. Sapphire and the three other cheetahs remained on the bench.

"I'm sorry Goma, but can this kid even take three, maybe four, loads of cum? What if he hurls?" The tallest of the remaining trio asked. "We clean it up and fire him, we can't have somefur throwing up his lunch after four." Goma warned Riley. "So if you're about to be sick, swallow it." Riley shuddered at the disgusting thought. "Can I go and use a flesh light?" The fur who had just spoken asked. "If you want to Citrine, but Sapphire and Opal here are going to enjoy themselves." "Fine by me." Citrine shrugged and followed after the others who had left.

"So who goes first?" Opal asked. "I think that he should do it to us at the same time." Sapphire giggled. "We can switch around as he gives one of us a blowjob, and the other a handjob." "Fine by me." Goma chuckled. "Do you two have your toys to get Riley here all fired up?" "Of course we do!" Opal smirked. "You don't mind that we already have them in do you?" "No, but I would have thought that Riley would have wanted to see you two in action." Goma suggested. "Why don't you do it again, for him?"

Simultaneously, the two felines stood up. Opal's ass made a lewd squelching sound as he rose up, revealing an equine dildo as he did. Lube flooded out of him in a torrent and splashed over the floor, the bench and everything in between them. His fingers found their way into his tailhole to keep it stretched. "Ta-da" Opal giggled as he rubbed his gaping ass over the tip. Sapphire did a similar thing, the cheetah got onto his back and reached between his legs to reveal the base of a dildo. He took a hold off it and gave it a sharp tug, circling it around inside of him as he did to stimulate his prostate further. With one final tug, the toy came out of his ass in one swift movement. The two boys got back on their bench and cuddled up to each other.

"What now, Sir?" Sapphire giggled as Opal ran his tongue over the other cheetah's neck, grooming his sweaty fur. "Why don't you two keep making out whilst you ride your dildos? Then Riley here can get to work and see how just how big the dicks he'll be taking are." Opal and Sapphire didn't need telling twice, they stuck their toys to the bench and hovered over them. Both of them glided down onto them and without any resistance the toys slipped inside of them. "Ohh!" They both cried out as their prostates were pounded by the intruding phallic objects.

Goma squeezed lube over his cock and began to spread it over his length. "Don't let them scare you off, Riley. These two are some of the sweetest boys in the business." "Sweet?" Sapphire questioned. "Pearl is sweet, Opal and I are just your every day size queen, lecherous kitties who don't get dicked hard enough by their boyfriends." The two of them giggled at each other and exchanged another passionate kiss. "That and our boyfriends are dildos." Opal added. His forepaw found it's way to Sapphire's cock, he teased the cheetah with a few strokes before he moaned into Sapphire's mouth. Pulling away, he beckoned to Riley. "Come on Riley! I'm way too tired to give Sapphire a handjob, he lasts for so long it's unreal." "You get good at not coming when you've been in the business since your eighteenth birthday." Sapphire winked. "Now get over here and suck Opal's dick, this kitty wants his dick rubbed raw before you put your mouth on it." Riley looked to Goma for support and found none, the panther was too busy squeezing his tip and flicking his barbs. Sapphire and Opal gave Riley puppy eyes, the white tiger caved in.

He was down on his knees in a second, forepaws holding onto the fur on Opal's thighs and his lips osculating against Opal's furry orbs. "I'm already horny!" The cheetah whined as Riley gave those balls a coating of saliva. Goma moaned loudly as the cheetah let out more and more desperate pleas. Riley chuckled to himself and snaked his tongue up Opal's length. He swirled it around the rim of the sheath and all the way up until his tongue flicked off at the end. Opal begged for more and let go of Sapphire's cock, giving Riley an opening. To tease Opal further, Riley moved straight onto sucking on Sapphire's chalice which caused the lewd cheetah above him to burst out into laughter. "Looks like he loves me more than you."

Riley bent Opal's cock towards him and tried to get into a rhythm of stroking Opal's cock as he bobbed down on Sapphire's. Currently, the white tiger was only managing to get the cheetah's tip in his mouth before the barbs rustled his whiskers and put him off. He spat out Sapphire's gag, spluttering as he did. "Aww! Don't push yourself tiger, but it would be really useful if you could get it all down your throat. Need some help?" Sapphire took a hold of Riley's hair causing the tiger to squeak in alarm. "Say ahh!" Sapphire guffawed as he forced Riley to deep throat his cock. Sapphire wasn't one for skull fucking, but he did hump into Riley's mouth as the white tiger begged for mercy.

Opal screamed out in pain and elation as Riley's forepaw clasped tight around his cock, the cheetah bobbed up and down on his huge dildo faster. It was too much for him, the burning sensations spread to the rest of his body like wild fire. Cum spurted out of Opal's tensed cock like a geyser before his scream had died out. "Mhrh..." He murmured and stuttered as he did his best to recover from the feeling of having a forepaw twist and squeeze his cock roughly. Riley released Opal's cock and tried to pull himself free of Sapphire's grasp, it didn't work. After a speedy minute of Sapphire using Riley's mouth as if it were a fleshlight or a very wet tailhole, the cheetah shot his own ropy cum down Riley's throat. He slacked his grip and Riley managed to pull away, only to get his face showered with cheetah seed. "Blegh!" Riley protested as it marked his hair and fur.

"Hehe. Sorry!" Sapphire apologized and wiped a stream off it away from Riley's eyes. "Think of it as revenge for making me cum so quickly." Sapphire took out his dildo and waved it in front of Riley's face. "Do you want to play with it?" "Share a dildo? No thanks..." Riley pouted and stood up. He dabbed the cum off of his face with the back of his forepaw. Opal stood up shaking. "That was amazing." He murmured with glazed eyes. "Don't worry about him!" Sapphire said. "He gets like this when he has a good orgasm. Come on, Opal. Let's go get our collars and our clothes on for the next event." Sapphire guided Opal through the rows of lockers, away from Goma and Riley.

"On your knees now!" Goma demanded, he slammed a forepaw onto Riley's shoulder to force him to his knees. "Hey!" Riley managed to get in before Goma's musky cock was crammed into his face. It was potent, distracting, but extremely arousing. Riley already had a hard on from servicing Opal and Pearl, but now his cock was beginning to throb in his trousers. Riley attempted to open his mouth, but found Goma's cock poking into his mouth as the black panther rapidly rubbed up and down his length, transfixed by pleasure. Sighing, Riley closed his eyes and kept his mouth shut as he waited for Goma's orgasm.

A minute later, Goma began moaning and panting. He tweaked his nipples with his forepaws and pulled roughly on his sack to prevent himself from coming too early, but in the end it was too much for him. An unbelievable amount of jizz soon sprayed from Goma's twitching cock, littering Riley's fur with long strands of the goo. It stained his trousers, his hair and everything in between. By the time Riley had opened his eyes, Goma was gone.

Flinching because of a trail of cum that was about to go into his eye, Riley stood up and looked around like a lost puppy; he needed new instructions. "Riley!" One of the cheetahs from earlier chirped and skipped over to him. "Did Goma get some in your eye?" They asked, craning their neck to get a look at Riley's squinting eyes. "No, no he didn't." The cheetah was wearing an orange collar and was almost as tall as Riley. "Who are you again?" "Citrine. Here, I thought you might need this." Something soft was pushed into Riley's forepaws. Citrine reached up and wiped the cum away from Riley's eyes, he swallowed the drops and rubbed his finger on the towel he'd given Riley. "Aww! Goma's such a jerk. He ruined your trousers." Citrine commented. "Did he? These were my last clean pair.." Riley rumbled in annoyance. He began wiping the drying cum out of his fur as he continued carping to Citrine. They were interrupted rather abruptly.

"There's a customer who wants a lap dance, Citrine get out there." The commanding voice demanded, sending shivers down Riley's spine. "You, white tiger, go with him." "Oh, he's a bartender, sir. He was back here at Isingoma's request. I'll be going now boss." Boss, no wonder the voice had terrified Riley. Citrine hurried out of the door followed by his fellow remaining prostitutes who had spotted their boss, leaving Riley and the boss alone.

"Damn... And I was about to ask them to work in another one of my clubs. Play Until Dawn, I call it. See, a few of my boys there have been arrested and we need some help down there. How do you want to earn some extra money, pretty boy?" The Boss spoke slowly and with intonation, persuading Riley. The extra money sounded good and he didn't want to get on his bosses bad side... Riley didn't need to think about his answer for long:

"I'll do it."

Thanks For Reading!

Story, Characters and Locations © Kalebthecat

As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes ^)^

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