Teenage Troubles: Chapter 14

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 14Fait Cub's Hospital, Main Waiting Area4:30 AM, 4th of MayThe fox had slept for a maximum of four hours last night, how could he sleep any longer when he knew that Lyall was waking up? He'd tried to visit on Saturday, but had been turned back by several officers who were posted outside of his door; apparently they were there on Mr. Morrigan's orders. No fur without a hospital I.D or a police badge could go in or out whilst they were questioning Lyall. Sunday turned out to be a hundred times worse, there had been threats of arrests and charges if Max didn't stop trying to get into Lyall's room; the officer who had originally allowed Max to see Lyall was nowhere to be found. Max had fallen asleep at eleven the previous hours had been spent sweating, brooding and fighting back tears. He was yet to cry, after all Lyall was convalescing and therefore there was no need to cry, but if that was the case he wouldn't have been on the verge of tears.That morning, Max had spent fifteen minutes getting ready, he hadn't combed his fur, but he had showered thoroughly to get out the disgusting scent he'd managed to build up over the past eighteen days. Afterwards, he'd forsaken eating and had sprinted to the hospital to hopefully find his love. Getting into the waiting room for the cub hospital was easy, but staying there was much harder. Nurses, visitors and a few officers had approached him to demand that he stopped stalking cubs. Max looked two times older thanks the stubble, the bruise blue bags under his eyes and the twitching habits, so it was understandable when they mistook Max for a thirty year old creep. Immediately, the fox had tried to enter Lyall's room only to be turned back by the police for the third time. That didn't matter, Lyall's CD had been playing full blast and there had been a soft voice attempting to follow the track.Max was now sitting back in the waiting room, parked in one of uncomfortable chairs that he'd grown to be accustomed with. Max's mind was flying with the thoughts. 'He's alive. He can speak. He can move. He can hear.' Max continually told himself to help himself to hold onto what he was calling life. However, Max was yet to see Lyall in the present and so there were still several doubts swimming around in his confused concoction of theories and suggestions. 'What if I really am insane?' Max thought to himself. Breaking his reverie, several officers moved out of the hospital slamming the doors behind them in frustration. They payed no attention to the fox they'd so desperately tried to deter, most were focused on the clipboards and notepads they carried. Lyall's interrogation was over. Three nights and days, hundreds of coffees, dozens of fur clumps torn out and an uncountable amount of chewed pens later, it was over. Lyall was free to go, or so Max thought.A streak of honey and hickory shot into Lyall's

corridor, but halted a second later. There he was, stumbling down the corridor in nothing in his hospital clothes (the same ones he had worn yesterday) looking dead on his paws. The black lagomorph was slumped over massively, so badly that he was looking at the floor and he couldn't walk well without the support of the railing that ran along the wall, but he was alive at least."Lyall." Max croaked to himself and was at the rabbit's side. He attempted to help the rabbit walk, but was rewarded with a sharp hiss and a look that could kill. "Who the fuck...?!" Lyall yanked his arm away from Max, slamming against the wall when Max stopped holding him back. In shock, Max stepped backwards. "Max... Your boyfriend?" Max's words sounded more like a question than an answer. "We... Were dating before it happened." Lyall flinched at the word 'it.' "The police warned me about you, Max." Lyall informed, he was gradually moving back to the safety of his room where Max wouldn't be able to reach him. There was a panic button in the room, it was supposed to be used in a medical emergency, but Lyall had a gut feeling that Max, or any type of canine, was a threat to his safety and health. "What do you want?" Lyall asked to keep the conversation going, he hoped to distract Max for as long as possible; surely a nurse would spot them in a minute or two. Max balked and gagged, what did he want? He'd never thought about it properly, his goal had been to see Lyall alive, but now that was achieved... "I don't know." max admitted. "I wanted to see you alive. Maybe smiling." "That's creepy." Lyall frowned. "But why aren't you leaving? you've seen me alive. When are you going to leave?""In a few hours, we have school-""We?" Lyall questioned. "Max. I'm in hospital for amnesia and what might be attempted suicide. I doubt that they'll let me go." Suddenly Lyall looked much more unhappy, but not about Max's presence.  "So, so it's true?" Max fretted. He took a sudden step towards Lyall, the rabbit flinched backwards. "You, you tried to kill yourself?" Max's throat dried up. "No... I don't know." Lyall confessed. "The police are telling me so...""But you were so happy! Why would you?" Max whined, elongating his syllables. "You wouldn't do that to yourself. Everything was looking up, I mean, sure one thing wasn't going right..." Max stopped speaking when he caught Lyall's shocked expression. "W-what?"

 "What went wrong?!" Lyall asked with glee. The lagomorph shook from side to side and clenched up his fists. "What happened!?!""Lyall-""Oh please tell me!" he begged. "The doctors think that my memories might come back if we find a trigger. This might be it, pleaseeeee!" Lyall implored further. Max didn't speak at first, he was afraid of what Lyall might remember. Would everything come back? Would he remember the creepy things like being carried upstairs, the porn, the seeing one another naked, the countless

insults and the message that might have ended it all? "You were mad with your parents because they weren't home often." Max lied. "They kept on going to missions around the world which meant that they were ignoring you.""Hah! When haven't they done that?" Lyall asked with a depressed tone.  "They've visited me once and that was to drop off some clothes.""What about your Grandma and your little sister?" Max questioned with concern, he didn't step forwards to physically comfort Lyall as he had finally caught onto Lyall's unnerved twitching. "My parents didn't want my little sis' to see me half-dead, so she thinks that I've been at camp this past week. Grandma has visited me thought, lots of chocolate. Seriously, I have like five boxes of them." Lyall chuckled."Good chocolate or bad chocolate? That's the only thing that is important.""Expensive." Lyall licked his lips and laughed with Max for the first time in what seemed like forever."I haven't tried any of it thought. Interrogations, mental tests and what not have been taking up most of my time... I hate all of this. I just want to go back to being normal." Lyall admitted, whining like Max had minutes ago.  Max's ears perked up at the sound of Lyall's request."Have you tried asking them about going to school? They can't keep you here if you don't want to be here. I think." Max suggested."Yeah... I guess that if I say that I'm desperate to see my friends, they'd let me go. But they wouldn't let me go with you; apparently you're a molester posing as a teenager in an attempt to kidnap me to dump in some kind of anthro trafficking ring." Lyall shuddered. "Trust me, Lyall. I'm your boyfriend, I wouldn't do that... Or at least, I guess that I was your boyfriend." Max frowned in confusion, the word 'boyfriend' didn't sound right. "That reminds me, if you are my boyfriend you should know lots about me. Hmm... Go on, say something." Lyall starred at Max's face, more specifically his eyes. "Well... I err... I got you that CD, the one you were playing-""You did that!?" Lyall squealed in delight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Lyall smiled as he bounced up and down, although he had to stop after two jumps thanks to dizziness. "No problem. But maybe I should have gotten you a few fighting games." Max said, recalling the good things he and Lyall had done together. "I've never played a fighting game before-""Oh you have." Max grinned. "You're a boss at them.""Thanks." Lyall blushed. "Right... Err... What does my room look like? I must have taken you in there once or twice." Lyall's blushing increased, but only because of the more sexual thoughts he was thinking."Black everywhere." Max said simply."You probably could have inferred that from what clothes I wear... Favorite movie?""Errr... We watched a movie called landslide together, you were terrified." Lyall giggled and covered his mouth with a forepaw."That

sounds like me." Lyall admitted. "Right. I'm convinced, you know me at least. I don't think that I would have dated you though..." Lyall frowned. "I'm sorry I can't remember a thing about the past few weeks. I... I know your name though. You go to my school, you're in my history class." Lyall smiled with glee, slowly the less important details were crawling back to him from the depths of the prison that was his amnesia. "That's me." Taking a step closer to Lyall, the fox opened his arms out to request a hug. After quickly checking that no fur was around, Lyall three his arms around Max's waist and nuzzled his shirt. "I'm so fucking glad!" Lyall roared softly, his voice muffled. Max tittered as he almost lost his balance thanks to Lyall's violent shaking. Mistaking it for crying, Max cradled Lyall's head and locked down at him. With a hushed and soothing voice, Max fussed without letting his concern be expressed by his words: "You're not crying are you?""No-no, not out of sadness anyway." Lyall moved a forepaw to his covered up face to wipe away a few tears. "It's- it's just that I thought that everyfur had forgotten about me... I mean, no fur from school comes, my best friend hasn't been able to get a hold of me, my parents come once and my sister isn't even allowed to visit me. Then I'm told that the only furson my age who's  visited may or may not be a rapist. But, I'm convinced that you're not after sex just yet..." Lyall grinned. "After all, I'm in hospital clothes" He suggested."What, right here in the corridor? "Sweetie I-" Max stopped."Don't call me that!" Lyall's blush returned in force as he carped. "It felts weird for some reason. But... Do carry on with what you were saying.""I was going to say that I would have pushed you into your room if I was trying to rape you and then turned your music on.""Fuck maybe you are a rapist, you have this planned out." Lyall giggled.Simultaneously, the two boys looked at each other. Suddenly, Lyall was overcome by a strong, dizzy spell. Pulling away from the hug, he collapsed backwards, but grabbed the railing to himself up. "Have we done that before!?" Lyall asked in surprise, gawping at Max as if he'd grown several tails."No we haven't, what's wrong?" Max stepped forwards and reached out, but Lyall dodged the fox's ministrations."Nothing I just feel a little sick. I'm going to get dressed, you stay out here." Lyall requested with urgency. With that Lyall dashed into his room leaving Max in the dust. The fox didn't dare to budge any closer to Lyall's room, but instead awkwardly put his forepaws on the railing and waited.Inside of the room, Lyall locked the door and slumped against it. He kicked his clothes into the corner of the room having taken them off, they were a shirt and trousers since he hadn't been wearing underwear for an awfully long time. Despite feeling safer now that he was locked in a secure room, Lyall's

naked body felt alien in the room's breeze. The rabbit moved too quickly as he tried to walk to his bag, he stumbled and once again grabbed the nearby railing to stop himself from falling. He was no doubled over facing the floor; walking after fifteen days was way too difficult for him to do alone, even after all of the rehabilitation he couldn't walk properly without support. Sighing, Lyall realized that he needed a nurse's help, or Max's. Lyall hated the idea of a nurse seeing him naked, what if he got an erection? But at the same time, Lyall was frightened by what Max might do if he caught him naked, after all, Lyall had heard rumors in school regarding Max's rather forceful nature. But between eternal embarrassment and fueling somefur's possible voyuerism fetish, Lyall made an easy decision.Lyall unlocked his door and stuck a forepaw around the edge to signal Max. "Come here!" He hissed. "Don't open the door wide yet, I'm naked." Lyall explained. He heard Max scurrying closer as if he were eager to see Lyall naked, the rabbit shuddered, but carried on with his plan. Max bumped straight into Lyall's forepaw. "Wait, I need to ask you a question. Is it true that you're... Err... Forceful, when it comes to sex. Like, you err, don't ask for consent and stuff...""Lyall I'm a virgin and you're the only furson I've ever dated. Sure there's been a few rumors, but I'm not really the rape-y sort of guy." Max locked his forepaw with Lyall and squeezed. "Promise.""Good." Lyall relaxed, slumping his shoulders and letting Max in. The fox locked the door behind him and drew the curtains."Hi!" He greeted and turned to look at Lyall. He rose up higher than what Lyall had previously anticipated now that he wasn't slumped over in depression, Lyall didn't even remember how tall Max had been before, but he was sure that Max had grown massively since they'd last observed one another. The fox gazed down on Lyall's naked body, he was fascinated by several things.Max gave a lustful smile to Lyall. "Don't make this dirty." Lyall pleaded."I'm not going to, it would be wrong." Max shook off his more primal and carnal urges to let the more nursing side of his personality take over for a while. "What do you want me to do?" He stepped closer until their faces were almost pressed together. "Max!" Lyall cried and fell backwards, shocked thoroughly by the sudden movement. Max darted forwards, grabbed his arm and waist to stabilize Lyall. "If you hadn't almost killed me this would be romantic." Lyall quipped. Max pulled Lyall to a standing position."Sorry. I was getting close to you so that I couldn't' see your body." The fox felt the temptation to say something cheesy, but didn't. "What do you want me to do?" He asked again as he released Lyall. "Help me to my bed." Lyall requested. He put his arms behind Max's neck for support and walked towards the uncomfortable hospital bed. Max scooped up the rabbit's

legs and lifted him away from the ground like a baby. "Max!" Lyall wailed, infuriated and scared. "I don't like heights!" He complained. Max set him down on the bed after a few strides, he purposely stroked his legs when he took his forepaws away. "Sorry." Max apologized and bowed his head slightly to beg for forgiveness in a more physical way."It's alright. You can go now." Lyall rolled over in his bed and stretched to get his bag, which was way too far away for him to reach safely. Max swooped around the bed, pushed Lyall back into his bed and scowled at him. "Lyall don't be stupid. If you get dizzy again, you'll fall out of bed and hit your head. Let me get the bag." Without Lyall's permission, Max picked up the rabbit's bag and placed it on his bed. "Thank-" Lyall started, but was stunned out of speaking when Max began to dig into his bag. "Hey!" Lyall complained and leaned forwards to stop him. Max pulled out a t-shirt for him and showed it to him. The shirt was decorated with Lyall's favorite band's name and logo: 'Death Valley' and  burning letters reading 'DV' , plastered right on the front along with several patterns around them."Here." Max said and approached Lyall, he lifted it above his head. "Arms up." He ordered, Lyall kept his arm by his side as he sat up."Max, no. I don't wear my band shirts to school; furs will make fun of me." Lyall looked away form Max in shame. "The hell they will." Max growled. "I'm sticking with you today, anyfur messes with you and they mess with you. Do you want to wear it or not?""Go on." Lyall sighed. He put his arms up and Max leaned forwards to put it on over Lyall's head. Curiously, he sniffed to see if Lyall smelt anything like what he remembered. He didn't, he smelt of hospitals, copper, puke and sweat; as if he hadn't showered in years. Max peeled back. "Fuck you stink!" Max complained. Both Lyall's and Max's ears flattened out against their heads. "Shit I'm sorry-""Just get out already." Lyall scowled and kicked at Max with his paw. "Out!" He demanded, Max stayed strong."No." Max said sternly. "You need help getting dressed. I'll pick out your clothes, you go and shower. Come here.""Get off!" Lyall shook about violently when Max picked him up again. "I need to learn how to walk again!" Max stopped and let him roll out of his arms. "Okay, I understand, but if you need support you grab me." The fox stepped backwards as the black lagomorph flipped his legs over the edge of the bed and lowered his paws to the cold floor in an attempt to prove himself. Shakily, he stood up and stumbled forwards, but refused to let Max help him still when the fox offered a forepaw. Step by step he walked over to the bathroom door without taking his eyes off of his paws. "Doors right in front of you." Max called out as he watched closely."I can see that!" Lyall hissed as he opened the door. "I'll be out in a few minutes."

Lyall said and shut the door, he didn't lock it.Max exhaled and sat down on the bed, all he could do was wait.  The sound of pawsteps outside of the door made him nervous, but when it passed he got up and closed the curtains. Now that the flow of natural light was blocked along with his chances of being spotted, Max began to relax. He kicked back on Lyall's bed, he sniffed deep into Lyall's pillow. It had the scent of death and decay, but the rabbit's scent was there somewhere. He found it after a few more quick sniffs and felt arousal growing in his nethers, he groaned as he became tempted to rub one out before Lyall got out of the shower. It was absurd, thinking about such sexual things when he was in a hospital, but his lusts truly were running rampant now thought he was around Lyall.He settled his temptations by rooting through Lyall's bag, Lyall did need something to wear after all. He found Lyall's underwear compartment quickly and greedily grabbed the first pair he could get his forepaws on. He fell backwards, muzzle stuffed into Lyall's boxers and inhaling. He stopped, it smelt nothing like Lyall: chemicals and cleaners were the scent that it carried. Disgusted and annoyed, Max threw Lyall's boxers down onto the bed and dug out a pair of torn skinny jeans for Lyall. Whilst he did this, he checked Lyall's waist size and found it to be 22 inches. Max thought about buying Lyall new clothes, but heard a scream and a crash before he could decide."LYALL!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, jumped off of his feet and dashed into the bathroom. He barged into the door, flung it open and turned to see Lyall collapsed in the shower. He was awake, but clearly pained and shocked. "Are you alright?"  Lyall was leaning against the wall with his eyes shut in pain. "Y-yeah..." A coppery taste awakened in Lyall's mouth. "I got dizzy again." He hit the shower button to stop the water. His fur was covered in shampoo suds and had flattened out thanks to the water. "Don't call a nurse, I'll be perfectly fine." Lyall promised.Frowning, Max stripped down to the nude, the shower was big enough for two even with the supports. "Max!" Lyall cried when Max flaunted his flaccid sheath. "Lyall you hit your head, I am not leaving you alone now." Max got into the shower and knelt down in front of Lyall. He put a forepaw on the rabbit's shoulder. "This isn't some porn flick! You don't have my consent..." Lyall pointed out. "Touch me sexually and you rape me.""I know. And I am not going to touch you sexually. Do you trust me?" Max asked."Yes..." Lyall admitted."Good. Now open your mouth.""What?" Lyall asked, but did it anyway. There was blood welting on Lyall's tongue. His buck teeth had managed to dig through the muscle, it didn't look serious. "You bit your tongue and there's a bit of bleeding, but there's nothing serious." Max said in relief. "Now your head. If you're bleeding there we're calling a nurse."

Max warned. Lyall flinched, but allowed Max to root in his hair for a wound or a bump. "Nothing." Max announced. "If you get dizzy, we report it.""You can leave now." Lyall said as they both stood up, Lyall held onto the railing and turned away from Max."No I can't. You could hurt yourself again." Max pointed out. He took out the shower wand and turned the flow of water back on, he brushed it over Lyall's fur which made him shiver. "Are you alright?" He asked. "If it's too warm or cold I'll change it.""No it's fine." Lyall relaxed, but squeaked when Max started scrubbing him to rid Lyall's fur of the soap suds."Don't worry... Have you conditioned yet?" Max asked stoically. "This is the conditioner now. I let it soak, but that's when I got dizzy and collapsed." Lyall explained."Okay. When we finish washing you, we're going to sit on the floor and clip your pubic fur.""Excuse me!" Lyall cried. "No! I've never clip...""I know. I told you to do it once, hygiene and what not. But I didn't show you, I'm going to teach you today. Did you Dad tell you a single thing about it?" Max asked. Lyall sighed again and didn't say a word."No. He was never around to do it. Mom's strict about nudity as well." Lyall confessed sounding frustrated in a way "Did yours ever do it?""No. Same reason to be honest." Max looked far out suddenly. "I taught myself.""Max all the suds are off." Lyall informed Max to get him out of his day dream. "Really?" Max hit the button and the water turned off. He put the shower wand where it belogned. "I'll comb your back as well..." Max promised when they stepped out of the shower and onto the laminated floor."There's only one towel in here." Lyall pointed out as he leaned over the sink for support, he looked into the sink's mirror to observe his looks; hideous. He'd started to grow facial fur, a small amount of stubble under his chin that was noticeable if you got close enough. He moved his gaze up and looked at his own eyes, tired and lifeless almost. He saw past himself to see Max approaching him with a towel. He put it around the rabbit's waist and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, this made Lyall anxious. The fox stopped. "Beautiful." Max commented as he started drying Lyall's legs, taking his lips away from Lyall entirely. "I'm not... Besides I told you to stop with the pet names.""Sorry." Max sighed, "It's just that I was looking forward to finally being able to hold you and kiss you. Y'know, do what couples do." Max smiled at the thought. "And I'm sorry for taking that from you." Lyall continued to hold the sink as Max moved up to his waist.The fox dried Lyall's sheath furiously, scrubbing at it as if he was trying to remove hard grime. Lyall bit his lip to stop himself from gasping, he almost got an erection. "Look I'm not going to friend zone you for ever... I just... I just want to recover first. Maybe get a few

memories back, that would clear a few things up...""Like what?" Max moved around the sink to dry Lyall's arms."If you really are my boyfriend... Why I did it.""I told you-""Max I know that was bullshit." Lyall cut him off. "My parents are always away, they don't pay attention to me at all. It's like I'm not their cub... I mean. They look different to me, I have my mom's fur, but that's it..." Lyall sniffled. "And I'm nothing like my Dad.""Lyall I can't emphasize with you, but I know what it's like to be ignored at least." Max smiled and dabbed the bunny's tears. "Now why don't we stop thinking about it? I'd say that my story was pretty good for anyfur who doesn't know you.""Oh so it is a story?" Lyall giggled. "You see I didn't really know, I was using reverse psychology. Is that what it's called?" Lyall laughed burst out laughing as Max started to rub Lyall's arm pits to make him laugh. "No you bastard!" Lyall howled with laughter as he threw his head back to let it out. "You always were good at psychology!" Max grinned as he saw Lyall enjoying himself for the first time in what seemed like forever.The both of them were dry in a few minutes and Max tossed the towel aside like a dirty rag. He fetched the grooming kit that all hospital rooms were supplied with and walked back into the bathroom to sit in front of Lyall. "Where did you get that from?" Lyall raised his eyebrow."You're not really experienced with normal life, are you?" Max asked. "You don't order dips, let alone use them and you don't clip your pubic furs. You'll end up looking like a bear when you're older." Max commented."Max it is not normal to carry around kits when you go to school. I know that for a fact." Lyall crossed his arms and legs, but Max was soon pushing on them. "I don't carry one, well, I carry a small pair of scissors and claw clippers, but not a whole set. This..." Max raised the black bag. "Was sitting in your room." Max explained."Right show me your crotch." He demanded as he wielded a pair of short scissors. Lyall felt like complaining, but he knew that he himself had no idea what to do. Max however, did. When Lyall opened his legs for Max, the fox leaned in and stared at the fuzzy fur around and on Lyall's sheath. It looked more like an extra coat of fur to Max, where as Lyall couldn't tell the difference between pubic fur and normal fur. "What's the difference?" Lyall asked when Max started to snip away. "Pubic fur tends to be more coarse and abundant. Your's is hard to see, since all of your fur is black, but others have it easier. You'll learn eventually." Max pulled back as if he were finished."That's it?" Sounding disappointed like a cub who had expected the roller coaster to last longer than 5 minutes."No I want you to have a go." He handed Lyall to scissors and got on his front to look at Lyall's sheath more closely, he could now see that Lyall's pubic fur was yet to leak to

his balls.Lyall lowered the scissors back to himself. "Have... Have I done this before?" He squealed, forepaws shaking way too much to accurately cut away some fur. "Yes, but I suppose that you were more composed. We'll try again when you're not shaking." Max snatched the scissors from Lyall and snipped away lots of fur in a few slashes. "Max! I could have done this myself.""No you couldn't have. You are way too dazed right now. Besides... I don't want you to ruin this precious sheath of yours." Max grinned, Lyall blushed massively and tried not to flinch away.  "I need to hold your sheath, try to stay calm." With that, Max pinched Lyall's sheath with two fingers as he had warned. Lyall let out a squeak, but didn't say anything. A minute later, Lyall's pubic was tamed around his crotch and it was beginning to look better already, but Max would probably have to put his special gel over it to flatten it properly. He'd do that when he brought Lyall to his home. "Arms up!" Max ordered as he got close to Lyall and leaned around him to cut away at his arm pit fur, that part was easy.He was half way through snipping Lyall's other arm pit when the rabbit let out a wail. "Max... Could? Could you take a step back. You're sheath is poking mine. And...""And you have an erection?" Max grinned. "It happens Lyall. Don't feel ashamed, if you want I could give you a handjob." Max suggested."No! Give me the scissors." Lyall stepped backwards and snatched them away from Max, the fox saw that Lyall wasn't lying. He got hot under his own fur and felt the tip of his cock poking out of his sheath, he wasn't ashamed at all and would happily let the rabbit see his arousal. Lyall finished clipping his armpit fur and turned to Max, he raised his arm pit and said: "There! I did it without your help." Max stepped closer and looked. "Sloppy. But I can run a razor over it tonight, along with some gel.""Okay...""Lyall trust me you should always put gel over it and a razor. The razor cuts down the stragglers and the gel flattens it out. It'll look good. Promise." Max explained. "My turn now." Max spread his legs and sat on the toilet as he cut his own fur, Lyall got to see Max's violently red and purple colored cock that looked as if he hadn't climaxed in weeks. He looked at Max's own pubic fur and that his was fuzzier. He also had a happy trail going from his navel, down over his balls and finally disappearing towards his tail hole, which he was cutting down rather quickly.  "You know I might have to ask you to trim my ass one day." Max grinned, "You wouldn't mind would you?""You would have to do a lot for me, but it's not completely out of my limits..." Lyall admitted looking away from Max. "As long as you'd return the favor." Max looked at Lyall and winked which made Lyall shudder. "Umm... Max?" Lyall asked after a moment of silence. "I kind of want to nuzzle it." He confessed with shame."You want to put your muzzle in my ass?" Max raised his eyebrow in question and gave Lyall a quizzical look. "The fuck?""I meant your pubic fur... Fuck that sounds weird now that I've said it." Max chuckled in response."It really does." They stayed in silence afterwards. Lyall moved on to comb his fur and had his back combed by the time Max when the fox had finished cutting his pubic fur. The rabbit stumbled to his bed a few minutes later.  He sat down on his bed and saw the clothes that had been laid out for him... "Max." Lyall grumbled at Max's efforts and pulled on his clothes without further complaint.Whilst Lyall had been waiting for Max to get ready, he'd gone to the nurses and asked for permission to leave; after all he did have everything he'd need for school. It had taken a quick evaluation and two doctor's approvals before they were allowed to leave, but Lyall would have to come back to the hospital on Saturday or if something potential dangerous happened to him. He was given a temporary, plastic walking stick to stabilize him as he walked through Fait's streets. Max hung at the rabbit's side as they walked to school, ready to dart in and support him when needed. Lyall spoke about all the therapy sessions he'd went through over the past few days, how he'd felt terrified when the police started questioning him about suicidal behavior and depression. As he began to sniffle, Max put an arm around his shoulder and stroked him. "Shh... Forget about that crap." Max hummed to him as he took the longest route possible to get to school.Upon entering the gates, Lyall was invited into the headmaster's office to speak about arrangements along with more therapy sessions that would have to be done in school time. He was rather elated when he was told that he'd be missing R.E or P.E every fortnight. Max had waited outside for him the whole time, nervously thanks to the woman at the desk who observed his every move. Max was tempted to hug Lyall when he heard the news, but knew that he shouldn't express his love in front of a camera and several furs he didn't trust.Registration was awkward, there was silence across the class as they tried to understand Lyall's sudden appearance. Everyfur knew the story, Lyall Morrigan found overdosed on rohypnol in his own home. The school itself had torn about Lyall's locker, searching for any evidence which would help the case; they found none. Lyall's exiguous amount of friends had been questioned as well, but a few turned Lyall away when he tried to speak to them and clear things up. It broke his heart, being ignored by whom he had considered a friend was much worse than being ignored by a parent or a stranger.Shattered, Lyall spent first period (Maths) mourning over his losses and occasionally answering a set of algebra questions to keep his teacher off of his back. Lyall and Max were in the same class for maths, so the teacher had

allowed them to sit next to each other; prompting Max to give his friend all of the answers and explanations. Second period was English, so Max and Lyall had gone separate ways, but Max had managed to find a way to get out early and find Lyall. At break time, they hurried outside to find one of Lyall's friends. "Lyall Morrigan you dumbass!" A chubby tabby cat screeched and grabbed one of Lyall's floppy ears. Max stepped forwards to intervene, but saw that Lyall was grinning wildly as the feline continued to chastise him with numerous sentences. "What were you thinking?!" She finished and finally released Lyall's ear. He rubbed it and stayed quiet."Err... I wanted to know what they tasted like?" He joked, the cat didn't seem amused. "Sorry, Beth.""You should be." Beth pouted and turned her attention onto Max. "And why are you here?""Lyall spent a lot of his time... before the accident, with me. So I was hoping... to err...""He also spent time with me." Beth stated. "And I know him better, so clearly I should be the one trying to help him get his memories back." She argued. "As much as I love being fought over, could you both stop? Beth, Max claims to be my boyfriend." Lyall explained The ginger tabby cat seemed taken back, she pushed her auburn hair back to keep it out of her eyes. "Aww! I always knew that you were gay!" She squeezed Lyall and bombarded his head with smooches. "Beth! I don't even remember saying yes to Max...""What?!" Her green eyes locked onto Max, she let out a guttural snarl and held Lyall tight. "That's illegal, manipulating his memories to get what...""I'm not lying to him!" Max stepped forwards, but Beth kicked him in the shin and snarled again."Beth..." Lyall whined. "I was hoping that I would have told you about him, did I not do that?""No you haven't text me for, what, seventeen days counting?""Well I'm sorry, but I've been in a coma for the past two weeks. Anyway... Could you please stop snarling at Max? I trust him..." Lyall admitted."Okay, okay." Beth sighed and stopped hugging Lyall. "But if he does anything, I'll cut his dick off with my claws." She warned and imitated it with her forepaws. "Noted." Max chuckled. "But I don't plan on doing anything bad to Lyall. Unless you count incessant squeezing...""Oh I already do that! In fact... I think he owes me at least fourteen more happy squeezes!" Beth giggled."No!" Lyall laughed and tried to back away, Max held his waist to stop him from escape. "It's really embarrassing!""Too late!" Beth grinned and wrapped her arms around Lyall another time. She squeezed him tight and Max did the same to his waist, he was sandwiched between his two friends; the three of them enjoying themselves thoroughlyOn cue, the bell rang causing the three to separate. "It's performing arts next!" Beth squealed in delight and grabbed Lyall's wrist to pull him towards the theater. "Oh my

god, you're going to love the musical we're doing!""What is it?!" Lyall asked, highly worried that he was about to be plunged into the depths of what could have been the worst musical in existence."Come on!" Beth ignored his question and muttered her words from there on out."Bye Max!" Lyall squeaked as he pulled through the double doors. "I'll be in the theater probably!" Max raised his forepaw to wave, the other slinking into his trouser pocket. When Lyall was out of sight, Max turned a full circle and walked towards P.E hoping that h e would be able to work up a musky sweat within the next hour. Lunch came an hour later, Beth was in a piano lesson and Max had dashed from one side of the school to other in order to find Lyall. Upon entering the 'arts' corridor, Max was hit by the sound of somefur singing backed by a piano. Thanks to the theater doors being wide open, strobe lights and a small amount of fake smoke billowed out into the corridor. He was unable to recognize the song, let alone what it was from, but anyfur could tell that it was from an old musical; the song was slow and boring. Groaning, Max began to slightly regret waiting for Lyall."Alright, Lyall. This is where you come in." The head of drama, Mr. Taylor, shouted over the melody of the piano. Max's ears became alert and he shot up to stand straight, hoping that Lyall was about to sing. Seconds later, Lyall's singing voice came through. It was quiet, but smooth and hypnotizing in a way. The slow melody and Lyall's soft voice made Max want to sway about, but before Max could truly get into the song, the rabbit started violently coughing and spurting. The piano jerked to a halt and chairs screeched. "Sorry guys." Lyall apologized when he had control of himself again. "It's fine, Lyall." Mr. Taylor sighed, "Alright everyfur, the bells about to go so just leave!"A murmur erupted from inside the theater, Max could hear various words, but couldn't decipher whole sentences. Furs began pilling out of the double doors, they didn't pay him any attention and instead walked off down the corridors to god knows where. Lyall wasn't among them. Max peeked around the door and saw the lagomorph limping up the stairs to his bag, his crutches resting next to his chair. "Lyall do you need help?" Somefur called as Max entered the room. A skinny cheetah, ever so slightly taller than Lyall approached him and helped him climb the stairs by allowing the rabbit to lean on him. The feline looked content as he held Lyall close. Lyall looked at him in confusion for a moment, but allowed the feline to help him up the stairs. "Thanks, Marco." Lyall smiled as he sat down in his chair and started to pack his school bag. "No problem." The cheetah dismissed himself and exited out the door that was positioned at the top of the theater, he looked disappointed by Lyall's lack of excitement. Max had entered the room as 'Marco' had started to

chat Lyall up. "Lyall?" Max asked with a small growl. "Who was that?" The fox settled down next to him and tried to help. "His name is Marco." Was all that Lyall said as he stood up and used his walking stick to stabilize himself. "Is my boyfriend getting jealous?" Lyall teased. Max frowned at him. "Sorry, Max." Lyall giggled. "It's alright, I was just worried that he was trying to lie to you." Max falsified. "So where are we going? Beth's in a music lesson right now and then I think that she'll just go to her friends." Lyall said."Do you not like them?""No, not really. Let's just say that Beth has fallen in with... a few dickheads.""Wouldn't they be vagina heads?" Max grinned at his own joke, which made Lyall laugh."Yeah I guess so. Now come on, I need to go to the toilet and then we can go and get something to eat.""Need me to hold your sheath?" Max joked as he escorted Lyall down the stairs."You wish!"Lyall shuffled into the toilet, leaving Max with his walking stick. The fox twiddled it around his wrist, it was surprisingly light. "Oh hey, Max!" A familiar voice hollered, the fox flinched and nearly dropped Lyall's walking stick. "What do you want, Quinn?" Max bared his fangs and growled with his throat. "What you're still mad?" He heard the wolf stand next to him, yet Max didn't even lift his head to look at his shoes. "We should just move on." He tried to suggest. "You almost killed my boyfriend and made him forget about me.""Shit, he has amnesia? Man, I'm sorry... I didn't think that.""Oh lucky you because I've been thinking about it ever since it happened!""Quinn!" The cheetah from earlier whined. "I told you that you should have let him cool off before you...""I know. I know, Marco." Quinn ruffled his boyfriend's hair. "Marco why don't you grab us a seat in the lunch room?""I don't know where that is. You're showing me around, remember?" Quinn threw his head back and laughed loudly to lighten things up."Oh yeah. I forgot. But I want to speak to Lyall, so i thought-""You're not speaking to Lyall." Max argued, cutting Quinn off."Oh please, you don't own him. If he wants to speak to me, he can speak to me. Besides, what am I going to do to him?""Take more photos of him?" Max suggested. "Have you been jerking off to them every night? Hmm?""I destroyed all of them when I heard about what had happened. I'm sorry that it did-""Will a sorry bring back his memories?" Max quipped."Don't be pathetic Max." Quinn scowled. "I'm only trying to be friendly."Marco tugged on Quinn's shirt. "Quinn, why did you want me to leave earlier when you were going to speak to Lyall?""Because I don't want you having... I don't want you to just..." Quinn bit his lower lip as he thought about what he was going to say."You don't want me to walk into one of my triggers?" Marco smiled. "That's sweet, but I don't have a

problem with Lyall. I've already spoken to him-""You what?" Quinn half-growled, squeezing Marco's arm. The cheetah wriggled from his boyfriend's grasp and rubbed his arm to soothe out the smarting. "Quinn, I want to be his friend again." Quinn sighed in response to Marco's begging."Fine, but if the others start freaking out on me I'm blaming this on you. Come on we're leaving." Quinn pushed his boyfriend ahead of him to get him going, but wrapped his arm around the cheetah's waist soon after. Max watched as they went, what had they meant by 'be his friend again?'"Right, where are we going?" The weight of the walking stick was lifted from Max's arm."Lyall have you spoken to Marco before?" Max asked."Not before today. Why?""Curious.""Okay..." Lyall chuckled.  "But if you start turning into one of those creepy controlling boyfriends I'm not going to date you.""So are we dating right now or...""We're somewhere in between. Have I introduced you to my parents yet?""No, but you mentioned them being complete bastards.""Yeah that sounds like me... Or it sounds like them I guess. Anyway, you're coming over my house tonight.""What, why?""We're having a sleepover and you're meeting my parents. Just wait outside the main office, Beth's parents have agreed to drop us off at my house." Lyall informed and then, with his spare forepaw, held Max's forepaw. "Come on then! To the lunch rooms." He grinned at Max's stunned face and dragged the canine down the corridor."Bye Lyall!" Beth shouted, her forepaw waving out of the window as the car sped off down Lyall's street."Bye Beth!" Lyall called back, dropping his walking stick and waving. It crashed to the pavement, Lyall looked it like he'd just dropped a solid gold pendant down a drain. Max laughed and picked it up for him. "There you go, klutz. Can you make it to the door without dropping it again?" Max offered his shoulder in order to support Lyall, but this time Lyall was the one laughing as he limped towards the door."Right I'll go ahead and ask my parents.""You haven't asked them yet?""No... I don't have my phone with me. It should be in between my bed sheets and my mattress.""You keep your phone, under your bed sheets?""Well yes my parents always check my phone. If we truly were dating, I would have hidden the phone and deleted the messages. I don't take chances." Lyall flipped his hair dramatically and once again fell into a fit of laughter. "I'm sorry it was too tempting!" Lyall attempted to open the front door to his home, but found that it was locked.Alarmed, he tried once more as if that would magically break the lock. "My parents must be out..." Lyall frowned. "Oh god! We're locked out!" Lyall whined. "What if they've gone on another mission?!" Lyall suggested panic set in his eyes, they strained as if was about to explode."Lyall calm down we

can just go to my house or you can phone your Grandma...""Oh I'm just fucking with you." Lyall smirked. "Besides you're no fun! Why can't you panic once in a while?" Lyall shook his pocket, the keys rattled. He took them out and unlocked the door. "Still though... If we find their dead bodies you will be my number one suspect.""Ahh crap, you've caught onto my plan already!" Max chuckled and shut the door behind him. He halted Lyall with his forepaw and got onto his knees, offering to un-tie the rabbit's laces. "Max! I can-""Shush I'm already done here." Max said and slipped off Lyall's shoes after making the laces loose enough. "And I will be tying them again tomorrow morning...""Whatever you say, Dad.""Thank god you didn't say Daddy." Max smiled, he stood up and put Lyall's shoes by the door. Lyall giggled and moved into the kitchen."My mom normally leaves little memos- Here!" He stated and picked up a square piece of white paper. He read allowed, "Hi sweety! The hospital called and said that you were getting out early and going to school today, well done kiddo! The hospital dropped off all of you're gifts You're adorable little sister has been feeling sick at school, so we've taken her to the hospital. We'll be late getting back tonight, probably around midnight since we're going to be celebrating her perfect test results!" Lyall's glee had slowly been fading, but now his voice was quiet and despondent again. "Congratulations on getting that part in the school play... Love, Mom." Lyall ended and tore up the note in anger, he had his back to Max, but the fox caught on.He put his arms around Lyall's waist and rocked him gently from side to side. "Am I allowed to kiss you?" He asked kindly, leaning forwards slightly and puckering his lips. Lyall didn't say a word and so Max took his silence as a no. Lyall sighed, "I'm sorry Max. I was just looking forwards to seeing my little sister and now I learn that she won't be back until midnight!" Lyall whined."So you don't care about your parents being horrible?""I guess that I do, but I'm used to it... Now what do you want to do?" Lyall asked. "Like I said there are box of expensive chocolate upstairs...""TV? We could watch those movies again...""Landslide and some other crappy horror flick, no thanks! I don't want to be terrified twice by the same thing. Comedy, or some TV series?""TV series. There's a marathon tonight on Channel.... 10?""I've been in a coma for the past fifteen days, Max. I literally wont't know a thing about it.""Right... Err... I think that we should just watch some movies and binge eat some sweets or chocolate.""Sounds good. call your parents and ask them to drop off some clothes for you and maybe some sweets! Oh and a few DVDS.""Sounds like a plan." Max wandered off into the hall to grab the phone whilst Lyall went upstairs to scour for his phone. Upon entering his

room, he was met with the smell of fresh sheets and cleaning agents; clearly his Grandma had payed his room a long visit with the old duster, cloth and spray. Everything was in order, his desk had been straightened out as had his posters which were normally plastered to his poster diagonally or upside down since it made them look cooler. His desk had also been organized, drawers shut and clothes lined up by color; which wasn't much of a feat considering that most things were black. He noticed a few new additions, all of which were flannel shirts and blue jeans. All of this made Lyall's room seem much more friendly and light. Maybe it was time to re-decorate and move towards a more colorful scheme as somefur had suggested to Lyall. Lyall ran his brain through faces, trying to remember who had suggested it to him, but alas he failed.He took his phone out from the bed sheets and turned it on, he was about to check his messages when he felt his sheath swelling slightly. Uncomfortably, he shuffled to the bathroom in order to use the toilet. "Lyall?" The fox called as he walked up the stairs. "My mom will be here in a minute.""I'm on the toilet!" Lyall called out."Oh, okay." Max muttered and saw Lyall's phone. He remembered the message that Quinn had forwarded to Lyall, the fox dived for the phone. He opened the messages tab and saw it, the last received message. Underneath that he saw what Quinn had sent to Lyall, horrible things and several variations of the photos Quinn had taken of Lyall."I think a bow would look nice on you." Quinn had suggested, then he had sent a picture of Lyall with bows fastened around his ears."Stop!" Lyall had begged. Then he had taken a screenshot. In anger, Max almost broke Lyall's phone in his forepaws. He selected all of the threads that could have reminded Lyall of everything hurtful and deleted all of them. He then opened the photos tab and deleted every last screenshot. He dropped the phone to the bed sheets and looked around Lyall's room. "Max!" Lyall shouted. Max jumped out of his fur and swiveled on his paws, expecting to see Lyall standing in the door having seen everything. "You're mom is outside!" Lyall added before Max went into a state of panic."Thanks for telling me!" Max shouted back, thundering down the stairs and out of the front door to open the boot of the car before Jane had even gotten out of it. "Good to see that you're alive now." His mother teased as she closed the door.She hugged Max tight, "Now you two just need to stay out of trouble!""I will Mom." max chuckled, but wasn't promising anything. He struggled to escape her grasp."I've packed your DVDS, three changes of clothes, some sweets like you asked, a football, lube and condoms...""Mom!" Max choked in surprise."Oh I'm just teasing." Jane smiled. "But there is a corner shop down the road, I could go and get you two some...""That really won't be necessary." Max

fretted, seating terribly already. He slung the body bag over his shoulder. "Bye mom!" He waved and jogged off back into the house. "Tell Lyall that I said hi!"Lyall greeted Max at the top of the stairs. "My parents say that you're allowed over! But they want to ask a few questions..." Lyall covered the phone and walked down the stairs. He leaned towards MAx, "They hate gay furs and those who are older than me. Say that you're younger and straight." Lyall warned. He put the phone to Max's ear and walked off to close the front door."Hello?""Yes this is Lyall's mother. Who are you?""Max Vaughn. I go to Lyall's school, I'm in his year.""Which is?""Year 10. We;re both fifteen." Max stated>"Okay, okay. Now then Max, which... sex..." She spoke the word with venom. "Do you feel attracted to? And don't give me any of that bisexual crap. You're either homosexual or normal.""I'm straight. I like girls." Max lied, feeling a little bit of a stab wound in his heart."Good. Now then, Make sure that Lyall's in bed by ten and don't let him eat too much junk food." She requested. "And lock the doors, then make sure that Lyall takes his pills." The line clicked off, she'd hung up.Max set the phone down and felt conflicted, the bed time was hilarious, but the pills?  They made Max worry. "Lyall!" Max hollered, the rabbit appeared from the kitchen doorway. "Yup?" He asked."You're mother spoke about pills. What's wrong?" Max charged over, preparing his forepaws to grab Lyall."Oh those... They're antidepressants. Nothing serious.""Promise that there's nothing else going on?" Max kneeled in front of Lyall, holding onto the rabbit's for support."I promise.""Have you taken your pills today?""Yes.""Did you need to take any at lunch?""Yes, but I didn't take them." Lyall admitted with shame. "I'm sorry, but they just don't make me feel any better...""When did you get them?""When I woke up.""Then it'll take a while for them to work stupid." Max ruffled Lyall's hair. "Now I'm going to make sure that you take all of your pills from now on. If you miss a deadline, make sure that you don't miss the next. Okay?""Sure." Max squeezed Lyall's waist and stood up at the same time, pulling him in close. "Max!" Lyall laughed as he was lifted from the ground."I've carried you before, now come on we're going to go and have some fun!" Max exclaimed. He carried Lyall to his room and dropped the rabbit onto his bed. He straddled the rabbit from instinct. Their hearts were racing and both of them had a certain urge, but something in Lyall's mind cracked when he saw Max's lustful eyes. he whimpered and cowered away slightly."Don't worry, Lyall. I'm not planning on having sex with you until you want me to." He flattened out, laying on top of Lyall. He kissed the side of rabbit's neck and promised him: "I'll wait for as long as you want me

to.""I want to lose my virginity when I'm sixteen." Lyall admitted. "I know that no other fur wants to wait until then, but I'm not broken! I swear..." Lyall mumbled in shame again, hanging his head slightly and quieting down until he was muttering. "That's fine, but can I be the fur who deflowers your butt?""Sure, so long as we're still dating by then!" Lyall giggled. "I mean...  I guess that we are dating now.""I'd say that we are as well." Max smiled to him and nibbled at Lyall's long hanging ears."So am I allowed to see my boyfriend in his underwear?" Max requested. Lyall blushed."Err... S-sure, but, are you sure that you want to see my body? It's not exactly attractive.""Unless it's made of slime, covered in bile or in some way disgusting, yes I do want to see your body." Max smiled. "Do you want me to take your shirt off for you?" Max asked. He held Lyall's shirt by the hem with both forepaws and lifted it up, so that he could see his navel."Yes, please. Will you strip off as well?" Lyall asked."If you want me to." Max dropped Lyall's shirt to the floor and started on his jeans, soon both of the teenagers were sitting in their underwear.Lyall giggled and blushed at Max's semi-formed six pack, "Do you want to sit on the couch and cuddle? Watch a movie?" Max suggested. "I got my Mom to bring a few." Max opened his bag and took out the newly released sequel to Landslide, banally named 'Landslide 2.'"Sure, but if I get scared don't laugh at me!""I don't think that I can promise that." Max smirked. "You are rather adorable when you get scared, all the curling up and cowering." Mac chukcled and kissed Lyall's nose. "Shut up!" Lyall giggled and tried to usher Max downstairs. "I need to grab a few things, go downstairs.""Fine, fine. I'll go and start the movie." Max said and with that he went downstairs. Lyall followed after him with several boxes of chocolate minutes later, when he arrived he saw junk food scattered across the coffee table and Max lounging on the couch. Lyall took his place next to Max and leaned against him, Max put his arm around his boyfriend. Lyall popped open the first box of chocolates as the title screen started rolling. Neither of them paid attention to the plot, they were too busy feeding each other and cherishing their joy.Thanks For Reading!As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes! If you're enjoying this series, why not favorite and vote, it'll certainly tell me about what you guys want to see more of. ^_^ Also, if you interested in the other things that I'm writing (Two more slice of life stories, one BDSM story and several smutty shorts) why don't you click the watch button? But if you only want to see this series, just subscribe to the folder! ^O^Story, Characters and Locations © Kalebthecat

Teenage Troubles: Chapter 15

Chapter 1518 Mourn Street, City of Fait12th of September, 5:40 AMThe pressure against Tennyson's six pack lifted without warning; the polar bear roared a leonine rumble. "Tenny..." A voice carped as Tennyson reached out with his strong forepaws to take...

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So Still

# Chapter 8 ## Merjuh University, Dorm 6 Room 7 ## 22nd of September, 5:30 AM * * * Jiyeon swept his forepaw over Shaun's clean face furs and gently kissed him on the cheek as the cat began to stir. Considering that Monday night had been filled...

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Teenage Troubles: Chapter 13

Chapter 1320 Grange Lane, City Of Fait4:51 AM, 2nd of MayQuinn was stirred out of his rest by prodding against his stomach, it was hardly painful, but was already extremely annoying. "Is the house burning down?" Quinn put the sarcastic question to the...

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