Double the dosage

Story by Kitsu-senpai on SoFurry

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#5 of The Doctor is in

With his maleness throbbing Cam awoke in a fit of pleasure as his body had begun to overwhelm the bed. After only two days of taking to pills he'd found on the gym floor his body had grown immensely. His shoulders and chest had broadened three maybe four times over allowing for his biceps to mature and develop into nicely formed bulges. As he lay on the bed, the cover barely over his growing body Cam felt another surge in his groin. His thighs were the first to tingle as they expended slowly, creaking lovingly as muscle and bone grew outwards. No sooner had they started his ball-sack enlarged gurgling as it did so. The final change of the day was his now mammoth penis-the girth alone made it harder for him to walk as it had thickened and plumped out nicely.

With a soft groan he finished growing when his mobile rang. Moving a sweat ridden hand over to the bedside table several beads dripped onto the desk whilst more moved over his beach-ball sized gut. His stomach was arguable the biggest thing he had aside from his nut sack and penis. Its hard form gave no sign of stopping when the rest of him grew. The fur around it had begun to stretch out evenly allowing for his body to compensate so its size.

‘Yeah-who is it?' Cam said sluggishly.

‘Dude where have you been? We haven't seen you down here in ages, are you ok?'

‘I'm fine- I'm in bed at the moment, I've just been doing some private workouts' he replied coyly groaning slightly as his stomach expanded a little more.

‘I can't really come over yet-why don't you guys come over here? I have a great new work out to show you!'

‘Dude are you sure you're alright? Not to worry we'll be over in ten!'

With that the phone went dead and Cam moved off of the bed, creaking as he did the mattress dipped as he sat on the edge of the bed his massive cock swinging lovingly between his thick sweat ridden thighs.

Getting up and moving to his wardrobe he grabbed his dressing gown and tied it around his waist. It had stopped fitting the day before as the effects of the double dosage he was taking had made him so large. As he moved around he groaned and flexed more as his body tightened and contracted to its new size. Sweat still glistened on his pecks and abs showing off his definition.

As he walked from the bathroom a knock came at the door and two seconds later a taught looking panther and a husky gorilla entered the room. No sooner had the door closed their pair's jaws hit the floor as they marvelled at Cam's size.

‘Shit dude what the hell happened to you?' Blurted the panther, the gorilla still in awe, his arms still firmly at his sides. The pair walked around Cam checking out every inch of his size, wondering to excess how he managed to gain that much in such a short time.

‘Well I can tell you one thing guys- that' I'm more then a match for the pair of you combined: Alpha Male right here!'

‘Keep dreaming' cut in Kurt, his bulking ape body squaring up just short of Cam.

‘You may look the shit, but I doubt you could take us both' he snarled. The hairs began to rise on Cam's back at this challenge, his hormones kicking in he let it known just how much more male he was. In a flash he wrapped his arms around Kurt squeezing him against his chest and binding him tight in his sweaty grip. The gorilla struggle fruitlessly as Cam chuckled as he watched the ape torture himself.

‘C'mon guys cut it out- we're all dudes here' remarked Jed, trying to defuse the situation. Cam quickly shot him a glance making the panther back down and remain quite all the while the gorilla struggled him Cam's tightening grip. The pressure between the pair was growing making the pair's bodies become heated and sweaty. It wasn't too long before patches started to show under Kurt's arms and Cam's make-shift loin cloth was soaking through. Jed stood back in horror as the pair struggled with one another. But within an instant it was apparent who the winner was- Cam opened his jaws wide and sank his mouth over Kurt's face and head in one bite. The gorilla howled inside the Lion's maw trying feverishly to release himself from the giant male's grip. Jed stood back and fell on the bed with a thud, watching what was unfolding before him. He felt something poking in his gym shorts from behind. Turning around he felt the silicone butt plug that Cam had been using the previous few nights to stave off his burning desire to mount something.

The lion in a fit of testosterone fuelled rage squeezed the gorilla tighter forcing his belly against the ape's squishing them together in a sweaty mound. They rubbed lovingly together sending shivers through both males. Cam was the first to show his excitement as his loin cloth fell revealing his member swelling larger then before. Jed's eyes grew wide as he saw the mammoth cock grow, feeling himself start to peak slightly in his shorts. Kurt couldn't help himself but thrash more as Cam began to slowly work over his neck and shoulders, forcibly cramming the huge ape's body into his maw as instinct took over. Jed had to do something to stop the vorring, and in a fit of panic he grabbed the butt plug and sunk it into Cam's ass. With this the lion yelped, choking slightly on the ape's head as it was forced down into his gullet. Jed pulled back having felt his arm sink a little too far into the lion's ass.

With a muffled tone the lion made it fully known how much he enjoyed the feeling of being full by engulfing more of Kurt's large sweaty torso. His body aching with pleasure as his ball sack dropped to another 2 inches and his cock swell. His gut too had begun to bloat more as the excitement pushed his blood quicker in his body. The pills seemed to have a longer last effect as time wore on, making sustained growth possible. With little difficulty Cam flexed his penis rubbing it against the gorilla's leg and navigating it to the gym shorts Kurt struggled to wear. Near the entrance to the thigh his cock stopped unable to access the land beyond. He groaned as pre leaked copiously from his tip soaking the floor and Kurt's leg. He swallowed again taking in Kurt's left shoulder into his mouth and then a second to ensure he got the right.

Jed still horror struck caught the Lion's eye who motioned to Kurt's leg where his cock had stopped. Jed unable to move began to shake as the lion turned bearing his size on the panther slurping in the gorilla's pecks and upper arms. Growling loudly he urged the panther to make sure he had the access he needed or else he'd be next. Jed did what he was told moved around the pair and pull at Kurt's sopping shorts. The smell from the pair was intense as musk issued forth constantly. The panther struggled under the sexual pressure form the pair as he removed Kurt's underwear. No sooner had he managed this the Lion's cock pushed him aside mounting the gorilla triumphantly purging his ass deeply as the top part of his chest bulged having taken in so much.

Pumping vigorously Cam rammed his cock deeper into Kurt's ass all the while the ape's body worked deeper into his maw. The gorilla groaned loudly in the lion's chest which swelled larger as the body within moved deeper. With a final push Cam drove deep hilting the gorilla and knocking Jed to the floor. The last thing the panther saw was the Lion's immense ball sack contract and pump deep into the gorilla.

Without noticing the panther's absence from the proceedings Cam sprayed the innards of his prey with his seed, and without an exit it flowed like a torrent through Kurt's body, bulging his abdomen and then his stomach. Another gulp and the ape's stomach lodged firmly into the lion's mouth, who had to sit back on the bed behind him. Swallowing hard Kurt's ever bulging stomach entered the lion's gullet breaking the seal Cam's penis had formed in the gorilla's ass. Cum dripped from the lions cock as it exited and thudded on the carpet below. More cum leaked from the helpless Kurt's rump which closed upon itself in a hot, sticky, sweaty mess.

The lion began to struggle as the gorilla renewed his thrashing, the gut was too large to swallow through his own muscles, he propped himself against the head board of his bed and placed a large hand in the gorilla's ass and pushed him hard. The other hand slipped down to his ass, parting his legs to reveal his ass crack where the butt plug hung tightly. With a bit of a clench he sucked it in and out, initiating his need for anal pleasure, and as the other large hand came to the top of his mouth, he pushed with both on the gorilla's now cum ridden ass hard. The silverback's stomach sloshed and squished into the lion's maw as his strong muscular arms forced more of his prey inwards, every squish making Cam groan louder and deeper. His chest billowed out as Kurt's stomach passed through, gravity now working in the lion's favour. Kurt had stopped struggling as his cock moved over the lion's rough tongue, making him blow his loud in the lion's mouth. Groaning loudly the pair simultaneously came again as the last vestiges of Kurt entered Cam's body. His gut bloated outwards and hung low as the gorilla finally hit the stomach. As it did so Cam's body expanded to compensate, making his already massive muscles grow larger and bulkier. His stomach sagged on both sides on his torso, his pecks now more gelatinous blobs then firm hard muscle. His tawny fur glistening with cum and sweat as his body settled into rhythmic breathing.

Tired and spent from his unplanned meal the only thing moving about the lion now was his gut as Kurt moved around inside trying to find freedom to no avail. It was apparent that the Lion had had his first taste of prey and liked it. With a satisfied smirk and a pat on his belly Cam drifted lazily between sleep and awake, eyeing the panther laying half covered in lion seed. Before he succumbed to slumber he reached out and grabbed the bottle on his bedside table, opened it and necked 4 tablets.

‘This proves it' he remarked to himself

‘Alpha male here I am, and nobody is going to get in my way!'

And with that the Lion slumped and let his body go limp all the while his gut churning as Kurt became part of the mass of maleness now sprawling over the bed. Jed on the other hand blissfully unaware of the events the would take place in the next 2 days.

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