Take these twice a day

Story by Kitsu-senpai on SoFurry

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#4 of The Doctor is in

Fynn walked into the showers after his workout in the gym, turning the nozzle to full. The warm water trickled down each crest and fall of his brutish physique, tingling his fur as he relaxed under the building heat. He stretched out his arms above his head showing the full mass of each bicep as he lazily washed the sweat from his body.

As these were public showers on campus he was used to other guys checking him out after his visit to the Doctor, none of whom could fathom how ripped he got in such a short time. One in particular was Cam a large (by any standard for his species) Lion, who had been the biggest on campus until Fynn had returned.

Fynn rubbed down his torso with soap, moving it slowly between his deepest crevices making sure to lather himself thoroughly for his afternoon at the surgery. As he did so he heard approaching voices one all too familiar amongst them. Cam walked in first with the towel around his waist drooping it low so it showed his defined waist and the crevice of his pert rump. The sweat and steam reacted to one another quickly making the Lion's ample torso sweat bead quickly and trickle lovingly down over his developing roid gut. With each breathe more trickled down his body, slowly pooling atop his gut then as he moved towards the showers it fell over the furry bump soaking the towel above the crotch.

‘Fuck- good showers r' already taken.' The lion audibly moaned to the pair of stooges behind him. Fynn ignored this and continued to rinse his grey speckled fur.

The lion began to shower as the other two muscled guys with him did the same. Fynn stood motionless for a moment sizing the three up as they had their backs turned, each looking like a great patient if ever the Doctor were to see them. He turned back towards the nozzle and turned it off, shaking himself he walked towards the doorway when he heard Cam's voice follow him.

‘You know whatever it was that happened I'll find out what you did and do it better! Alpha Male here runt and don't you fucking forget it!' Finishing with a snarl the lion laughed loudly encouraging the other two to do the same his pecks and roid gut shaking as he did so. Fynn walked out, dried himself off remembering to alleviate his locker of his things into his bag, without noticing however he missed a subtle ‘clack' as something hit the floor. Without registering he then walked out the locker room and onto work- his week had only just begun.

Cam walked from the showers dripping still, leaving his companions behind to finish he walked over to the mirror by the door and flexed hard showing every inch of his body off irregardless of anyone else in the room. His cock hung low, a 9 inch long and as amply thick in girth, swaying as he walked and posed in the mirror. He moaned as he stretched letting his body draw itself up as he shot a pose. He strained his muscles hard making every group tense and relax letting him feel every twinge as his frame rippled and crunched. Momentarily he rubbed his protruding gut a sure fire sign of steroid use. It had grown gradually as he'd taken the roids to make his frame larger and in an attempt ot gain more weight he'd binge on supplements to help him bloat more.

‘Man I wish there was an easier way to looking this good' he said with an arrogant smirk on his face.

‘Jus' wish I knew how that lynx did it- especially without the gut!' Cursing as he walked back to his locker he noticed a small capsule on the locker room floor labelled with a prescription-printed clearly with the name ‘Fynn Lytern' on the bottle.

‘So the fuck was taking roids- how'd he get rid of the gut?' The lion looked over the bottle for the name of the drug but could only find the initials ‘S.I.T.R' and the dosage of two per day. The lion looked at the initials carefully trying to figure out what they meant, but gave up shortly after realising it didn't matter as long as he could beat the runt at his own game. Suddenly a noise from the showers alerted him that his friends had finished their wash and were coming out. Hiding the bottle in his gym bag Cam went back to posing.

‘Dude put ‘em away!' said the tiger

‘That or stow the weapon' followed the baboon

‘S'only cuz you wanna piece of this' with that Cam faced them and flexed his muscles hard showing his enormity off fully. With that the pair who'd come from the shower turned and walked to their respective lockers and begun to change and dry off and in suit Cam did the same. They all left after one another eyeing up the competition as they went through the gym into the campus parking lot and then off their separate ways.

Cam got in his dorm room, closed and locked the door and riffled through his bag for the bottle of pills head found. Playing with the bottle in his hands he opened the lid and shook it out the contents into his large paws.

‘If that sinewy fuck can go from tiny to god in 3 weeks on these twice a day then why can't I do the same in a week!' With that the lion took four of the pills and necked each hurriedly. Walking to the mirror he looked over his body expecting something but nothing happened. He flexed and moved aching for something to happen but nothing came. With annoyance he turned away and closed the bottle and put it on his dresser, then turned to the kitchen- he'd built up a huge hunger working out.

Cam's diet had been just protein shakes and carbs for the most part and so his build showed, his gut had ballooned because of this and he like the fact that there was something about him that he could see growing more visibly then his muscles. He grabbed one of the shakes from the fridge then glugged it down quickly. It wasn't enough- it was never enough so he picked out two more and moved to the bedroom and settled on the bed in front the TV for an evening of flicking and boredom.

At about midnight Cam felt oddly full and sleepy, so in a moment of clarity he picked himself up off the bed went to the light switch across the room but before he made it he noticed something in the mirror. His gut looked oddly bigger as did his thighs in their polyester pj bottoms. His poked his belly which in return gurgled and inflated slightly as he released the pressure. He felt a brief twinge in his loins as his cock enjoyed the pressure above it. I looked harder to see his pecks widen and his shoulders broaden slightly as he flexed.

‘This is more fucking like it!' he exclaimed watching himself slowly get bigger. More focus was put on his chest and arms and less on his now more obvious roid gut that had gone from bump to football in a matter of minutes.

‘I'm liking what I see here' moving around he flexed and posed more as he felt the tingling stop. He felt tiredness come on quicker so with his excitement abated he clicked the light and went to bed. Under the covers he felt his new mass rub against his bottoms and the duvet, all the while exciting his senses. His cock twinged again and in response a large paw moved slowly down under his waist line, over his gut to stroke his cock.

Hmmm...looks like other muscles get bigger too. I like this stuff' the lion said breathlessly as he pawed himself off under the covers.

He moaned slightly as his body was swathed in pleasure. Fumbling in the dark he reached to his bedside table and grabbed a butt plug from the drawer and began to slowly insert it into his now fleshier rump.

As the head moved inwards the lion gasped as his cock danced and jerked widely from the new found pleasure that had been inserted. Cam's hands wandered feeling every part of his newly built body, exploring all parts as he could feel himself getting closer to the edge. His brain swam as the butt plug became fully wedged in his fleshy ring, his anal muscles tightly contracting over it as he came closer to cumming. The odd tingling feeling returned to his gut as he felt it expand again this time pushing the elastic on his trousers further away from his waist. The joy of knowing he was growing bigger even when masturbating gave him more drive to continue. He sat up and rocked back and forth on top the but plug, rubbing his innards lovingly he watched as the his silhouette on the wall grew larger, relishing his new found love for the little pills the lynx had dropped.

Finally he came as his rocked forwards on the butt plug, hitting is prostate in the process. As he did so his ring clenched h around the toy and made the feeling all the more intense, the lion roared as pleasure overcame him loving every minute of this experience. His body quivered as he heaved breathlessly as he came off the high. Sweat trickled over his now limp cock, more running over his soccer ball gut adding to the receding pleasure. Moving sluggishly the lion removed his toy from his ass with a lewd squish, feeling the tender ring follow the contours of the plug until it closed completely dropping it on the floor beside his bed. Placing a hand on his gut and tenderly feeling its size he murred gratefully to himself, pleased with his efforts and his new found appreciation for the S.I.T.R's he'd liberated from the gym floor.

Drifting softly to sleep he thought how much he was going to look forward to showing off in front of the guys in the showers and how he'd finally get one over on that smug runt of a lynx. Cam's week was just beginning.

A Probing Physical Part 2

The car rolled bumped vigorously across the rough lane towards the surgery, dipping into the potholes and breaks in the road. Bluke had begun to come accustom to the vibrations, but the dips and bumps in the road were making it difficult to concentrate...

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A Probing Physical

A Probing Physical Bluke looked down at the silver egg shaped bullet, gently caressing it between his silken paws. His sensitive fingers brushed against it with a modicum of hesitation as if he were afraid of the small device. ‘This is...

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Fynn had been on his way home from university when his moped had hit a pothole in the road before he had found himself in a large bed with bandages over his left eye, arm and chest. The last thing he remembered was turning the corner along the back...

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