To Hold On To Pt 1

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#1 of To Hold On To

Hey! If you haven't heard, I'm looking for help with the writing for My Very Own Lith! It's a sort of editing and writing position I call Variant Writer. The idea is that I give you the raw code for a scene in the game, and you go through it finding good spots where the words can be subtly changed to mention the player's species, or Lith's dominance, or things like that. I will give you the tools to make those variants as easily as possible-- I never add enough of these to the game myself when I'm in the flow, and I'm not very good at coming up with good variants anyway. If you think that sounds interesting, you can get all the details on my blog, including samples of the work you can go over and email me to show me what you can do! If I choose you for the position, I'll be happy to pay for the privilege of working with you!

This story came together as a little fantasy of mine. It's actually kinda silly... The basic idea behind it is very simple, very primal and sexual in its own way, but when it came time to put it down on paper, I found it ended up starting with a whole lot of setup, and only a little of it sexual. It feels like it has a lot more setup than a lot of my stories, and for (so far at least) a deal less actual sexual content than usual. I guess that might mean that, while it's the smutty stuff I'm intending to get into later that really interests me, I still have it loaded up with a lot of emotional context, and I want to make sure that's all packed into the experience for the reader :3 And don't worry, I do intend for this to get quite... interesting later on x3 It just... feels right to give it a nice, slow buildup. Reading through it, it kinda feels like I still rushed it some, but I suspect my readers may feel otherwise ^.^; Anyway, I hope you enjoy! It's sort of a sketch story, another just-for-me piece to relax and indulge myself, but I think at least some folk may like it.

Little Tyler isn't sure what to make of his next-door neighbor, a woman larger and curvier than anybody he's ever seen before. And she's got something strange under her skirt that smells really nice. But when Tyler's troubles bring him to spend time at her house, maybe he'll get the chance to find out...

The first time he saw Mrs. Hutchinson, Tyler had been crying. He had sat down behind a box and just buried his face in his paws, wishing, without knowing for what. Then the doorbell rang.

The front door opened in the next room, and his mother spoke. "Oh! Uh, hello!" A nervous laugh.

"Hello! Welcome to the neighborhood." A woman's voice, but deeper, and filled with honest kindness. "I'm Eva, I live next door. It's lovely to meet you."

His dad's voice approached. "Who is it? Oh! He-- Whoa."

His mom tsked. "Dear! It's very nice to meet you, Eva." She started making introductions, and paused. "Hold on. Tyler!" She called for him, pitching to try and reach upstairs. "Tyler, come and meet our neighbor!"

The young husky scrubbed at his face hurriedly, grumbling to himself. Strangers and strange places. He just wanted to go back to before, when everything was quiet and comfortable and nobody yelled and he knew where all his stuff was. But when his mom called again, he rose and trudged out into the living room.

And he stopped. Filling the doorway was a woman, a red panda in a blue dress traced with green, which was strained taut around a body wider than both his parents together, judging by the lot of them side by side. His mother was thin enough to poke bones at him anytime they hugged, and his father was a little more solid but still slender. But the woman in the doorway-- she must have almost literally filled it. Her hips were expansive, her shoulders firm if not broad, her face wide and kind, her calves solid where they peeked under her dress. Her breasts were larger than he'd known was possible. Mom's friends came over sometimes --had, before-- but they were all about as thin as her, and only one had really had breasts to speak of. He mostly learned what women had on their chests from movies, and this much just looked... absurd. But that wasn't what had captured his attention so completely that he'd forgotten to keep walking.

Below the broad shadows of her breasts, another dual set of mounds rose between her thick thighs, almost like a second set of breasts, and they didn't look much smaller. What the heck was that? Women didn't have more boobs that he didn't know about, did they? He stared.

His mother cleared her throat sharply, and summoned him again. He stepped quietly to their side, dragging his eyes up to the red panda's, but they inevitably rolled down her curving, wide-ranging form again. He had seen a cartoon with a person that was absurdly huge and nasty-looking, but he never thought people really got anywhere near this big, and... she didn't look nasty. She looked... soft. His nose twitched.

"This is Tyler. He's a little upset with the move, you know, but you'll fall in love with him once you get to know him." His mother rubbed over his head fondly. "That's all of us. Is it just you over there, Eva...?"

"Hutchinson. And, yes. It's just me these days." She smiled, but her eyes looked sad, when he looked up.

"Aw! Well, maybe you should come over sometime, once we have things cleaned up a little, and we could all get to know each other."

Her smile touched her eyes just a little this time. "That would be lovely. Here... I brought some cookies. I hope you don't mind, I'll take any excuse to bake these days."

"Oh! Well... thank you very much!" The hesitation in her voice confirmed what he already knew. Tyler wouldn't be seeing any of those cookies. But then, Tyler didn't understand why anyone would want them. Grown-ups were strange. But he didn't think much of that. Tyler mostly wondered what was under Mrs. Hutchinson's dress. He didn't get to find out by the time she left, though.

The second time Tyler saw Mrs. Hutchinson, he wasn't hiding his tears anymore. Pulled along firmly by his mother's brittle grip on his wrist, he followed her up the walk to the neighbor's front door. She knocked briskly and sighed to herself.

A moment, and the door opened. There she was-- in a different dress, but with all the same strange shapes. "Oh! Good evening, dear. Is... everything alright?" Tyler wasn't sobbing now, but he stared up at her through tears, his cheeks furrowed with little wet trails. His eyes burned, but he kept his mouth firmly shut and his eyes open.

"Hi, Eva. I'm sorry this is so sudden, but could you watch Tyler for a little while? We need some... time to talk."

"Oh!" Her eyes flitted down to the boy. "Oh, of course! Not a problem, really, I wasn't doing anything tonight. Ah... is there anything I should know? For Tyler, I mean." They talked a few moments of allergies and such as he glanced back at the other house. Not his home. Just a house they'd put all their stuff in.

They wrapped up quickly. "Thank you, Eva. We're just... it's been a really big, crazy deal with the move, you know? So we're both pretty tense, and there's been... we just need to talk things out a while."

"Don't you worry, honey. I know it can be hard sometimes. You two will figure things out. And I'll be happy to keep Tyler company in the meantime."

His mother thanked her a few more times, and finally gently pressed the pup forward. "Just wait here a little while, okay baby? I don't want you to... Just wait a little while." She gave his wrist a squeeze, and then she was striding down the walk again. Leaving him in another strange doorway.

"Well!" Mrs. Hutchinson smiled down at him, though looming over him this closely, he could barely see her face over her boobs. "Come on, honey. Let's get you inside and cleaned up."

She quickly had him settled down on the couch with some tissues, bustling in the kitchen a moment. After a moment she called in, "Tyler dear, did you like those cookies I gave you earlier?"

He mumbled faintly that he hadn't had any, and she tsked. While she was busy in the kitchen, the little husky blew his nose and peered around. Another strange house. This one smelled strange. Not bad, but kinda like... plants. It smelled warm, and kinda comfy, but in a way that made it feel a little hard to breathe, like the air itself was thick. Or like he was in the middle of a big hug. The furniture was all covered with little blankets with flower patterns, and there were knitted cozies under everything. There were lots of pictures on the wall opposite, above the TV, and on the table by the couch there was one of a young red panda, a boy maybe a little younger than he. The whole place was really clean. He didn't think he'd ever seen a place kept so tidy, not one that people actually lived in.

It took a little while for him to register the scents coming from the kitchen, to separate them from the thick smell of the living room-- the bulk of which, he soon found, came from a little bowl of dried up plant stuff up on a shelf. Weird. But the smell from the kitchen... it was sweet, an aroma that made his mouth water. What was that...? Stuffing his little wad of used tissues into one corner of the sofa, Tyler got up and moved quietly to peek into the kitchen.

Mrs. Hutchinson was at the sink, washing a few dishes and humming softly to herself. The oven was emitting the faint whoosh of natural gas, and the room was filled with that enticing scent. She finally noticed him when he stepped fully into the doorway, and smiled down at him. "They're almost ready, dear. Cookies are better fresh, anyway."

The pup wrinkled up his nose. "I don't like cookies."

At that she arched her brow. "You don't? I haven't met a single boy that didn't like my cookies." She smiled a bit deviously. "You may be surprised."

He folded his arms. "Cookies are gross." He didn't know much, but he knew that. That smell, though...

"Hmmm. Well, if you say so..." She glanced at a timer, smiled, and turned to open the oven. The smell buffeted him, and his stomach growled. Readying fluffy mitts, she pulled a tray out bearing cookies such as he'd never seen, golden and smooth, almost gleaming, with little pockets of rich, dark brown that might have jiggled as the tray shifted in her grasp. She swung to put them up on the counter, just barely out of his sight, and he half-stumbled into the kitchen to follow those wondrous creations before he could think. "I suppose I'll just have to eat all of these on my own, then." She gave a little shrug, not sounding all that disappointed at the prospect.

"Uh..." He swallowed a mouthful of drool. "I mean... I guess I could try one..."

And so it was that little Tyler learned the difference between sugar-free walnut-granola cookies and the honest, buttery, calorie-packed goodness of a chocolate chip cookie made with love. He'd nearly burned his tongue three times, but he couldn't stop feasting on the sweet delights until Mrs. Hutchinson gently eased him off with a firm word and a giggle. Finally, they settled down on the couch again, Tyler with a large glass of milk, which he half-emptied with a long sigh before contenting himself to sip at it slowly. His belly was warm, now. For a few moments, he was even smiling, but when he glanced out the window at the house that was supposed to be his, that faded.

Mrs. Hutchinson had been watching him, and after a moment, she spoke softly. "I know it must be scary when your parents... are angry, dear. But it's not your fault, and they still love you."

He pulled his feet up under himself, hunching around his glass of milk. For a few moments, he just sipped occasionally and stared at the blank TV screen.

"...Would you like to watch something?" Her voice was a bit more brisk, but still sounded sad.

He looked down, at his milk. "I thought they'd stop when we... when the move was over." His throat kept trying to close up, and he blinked a few times. "But it's just... getting worse..." His voice nearly cut off in a faltering rasp.

And in barely a breath she was pressing close, gently pulling the milk from his paws to set on the table and slip her arms around him. She pulled him up into a warm hug, and even with everything, he couldn't stop thinking about how soft her boobs were against his belly and chest-- and how huge they were! He blushed a little, even as he quivered with a few tiny sobs. She hushed him softly, stroking down the back of his head. "It's alright, honey. It's all going to be alright..." And she held him close as the shaking got worse, and just below her neck, noises came out of him, muffled and shaky, his little paws grabbing at her. And when they passed, she still held him, half-smothered in the warm, soft embrace of her body. He finally pulled his head up, a little dizzy, to get a bit of fresh air, and she let him down and offered him the tissues again. She took a few herself for her dress, for that matter.

Settling down sitting snug against the side of one of her broad thighs, the pup huffed a deep breath and wiped just a little more at his face with a tissue. That had felt... weird... but nice. His parents hugged him sometimes, but never like that, and they'd certainly never... felt like that. His head spun a little with lots of strange thoughts and feelings, but he did feel... better. He cleared his throat a little. "Um... what do you...?" He pointed a meek finger at the TV.

Mrs. Hutchinson smiled and took up a remote.

After a little fussing over what to watch, they settled on an old, silly sitcom they both liked, and soon, he leaned into her side, watching under hooded eyes. She was so soft... like a big, warm bed. He grew more relaxed, and without a word, the pup flopped down into her lap, sprawled across one thick thigh, resting his head half-atop one of those big, mysterious lumps in her skirt, like a well-placed pillow to keep his head just high enough to watch the show properly. He thought she might have stiffened a moment, maybe made a small noise, but she didn't say anything. A few slow, deep breaths rose above him, and a paw stroked gently over his head again.

It wasn't long before his eyelids were growing too heavy for even the show to entice him to keep them open. His head rolled slowly, and he buried his face against that warm mystery pillow, pulling a deep breath and yawning into her skirt. Mmmnh... that actually... smelled really good. Not like the warm scent of the plant stuff, or even the sweet scent of cookies better than cookies, but something... spicy, like a weighty warmth right in the bottom of his nostrils, a scent that seemed to buzz subtly right along his snout, all the way into the back of his brain. It did make him feel warm, too... and maybe a little... hungry? He wasn't sure. But it smelled good, and he kept his face buried there, lazily resisting when Mrs. Hutchinson tried to ease him over somewhere else in her lap, away from his big, round pillow. Finally she drew a deep, shaky breath and sighed, perhaps breathing a hint of a giggle. He knew he was sleepy, but he lay there not quite going under, breathing in that warm musk a long time. His body didn't really seem to want to hold still, his muscles slowly growing tense and ready for action even though he could barely open his eyes. It was strange. But finally, slowly, sleep came.

Tyler woke in his own bed, and memory foam seemed a poor substitute as a pillow. He grumbled faintly under the sheets.

The house was quiet in the morning. Well, it was noisy. His parents were rushing about getting ready for their days, but they were so silent, they spoke so little, that every clatter and rustle seemed loud. He got the feeling he wasn't supposed to talk either. He got angry, for some reason.

So his mother didn't ask him about his time at Mrs. Hutchinson's until she was driving him to school. When he said he wanted to go over there again, she looked at him, rather shocked. He didn't like strange people, mostly. His mother's friends had always been trying to be nice to him, but they were always so creepy about it. But she was soon smiling and saying they'd see.

So the next day, he was hanging from his mother's grip on her wrist again on Mrs. Hutchinson's front porch while his mother apologized a lot. She even offered to give the red panda money, but Mrs. Hutchinson wouldn't let her. So, soon, his mother was kissing him on the forehead and telling him to be good, and that she'd pick him up in a few hours. He didn't smile until she was gone.

Mrs. Hutchinson smiled back.

She did agree to make him more cookies, but she pointed out that his mother had mentioned he hadn't eaten, and she'd only make them if he ate everything she gave him first. This turned out to be quite the shrewd bargain, for the meal she presented him, besides looking quite strange all round, had a big heap of vegetables. But they tasted better than the veggies his mother forced on him, with salt and butter, so he powered through them with only a little grumbling. Mrs. Hutchinson asked about school, and he answered with half his attention, often around a big mouthful of strange but tasty food. Finally, the last green foe was vanquished, and he thanked her by rote for the meal, though perhaps with a little more sincerity than he might have usually offered. She complimented him on his manners.

He jumped down from his seat, but as she rose, he watched. She was many times his size in just about every way, and her every movement seemed to set subtle sways and ripples through her body, especially her breasts, and those great mounds below. She was a great mountain of curves, but those were the ones that seemed to draw his eyes most. Even when she turned away, carrying the dishes, her massive rear seemed to drag his eyes from side to side with its subtle, heavy sway. He never woulda believed one person could have so much... person. What did she look like, under...? He blinked, and blushed a little as he ran into the living room to crash on the sofa.

He picked up the remote, but those thoughts... lingered. She was unlike anyone he'd met before. She was nicer, sure, but her shape...! The sways, the strain of fabric drawn taut around a bulge, the line of a low-hanging curve... Strange, vague thoughts floated through his mind as he lay on his belly, and he felt a warmth deep down inside, and something might have stirred down there, making him squirm. He didn't know how long he spent just... thinking... but suddenly Mrs. Hutchinson was stepping in with a sigh.

"Alright! The cookies are in the oven. ...Are you alright, honey?"

He sprang up, scooting over to make room for her. "Uh huh! Whatcha wanna watch?" He turned the TV on, and she joined him with a faint chuckle. As soon as she sat, he resolutely flopped over to plant his head straight on his nice, comfy pillow.

This time, however, she didn't just tense. A heavy grunt strained out of her, and her paw was suddenly on his head, gingerly lifting it. "Nnh... ah... Tyler. I... I didn't want to say anything, but I think it would be better if you didn't put your head there.

He sat up begrudgingly, but when he looked up, her eyes looked a little tight, and she rubbed briefly over the broad mound he's swung his head onto. "...Did... Did I hurt you?" He hadn't even thought of that. "I'm sorry..."

She smiled a bit fretfully. "I'm pretty tender there. That's one reason. I don't mind if you lean on me, but um... Well, I could use a throw pillow or something if you want to lie down." She reached over and plucked up a big, puffy square pillow with a smile.

He pouted. "But... I really liked it there. What if I promise to be really careful? Really really careful. I didn't hurt you last time, did I?" He leaned closer, grasping a little pawful of her sweater.

She swallowed, looking kinda... nervous? For some reason. "I... shouldn't. No." He barely started to whine a question when she went on, trying to make her face and voice hard, though it didn't suit her. "It wouldn't be appropriate, Tyler. I'm... sorry, but..." A bell started to ring in the kitchen, and she shifted forward to rise. "Mmfh. Just... No, Tyler. We'll find some other way to make you comfy, alright?" And with that, she disappeared into the kitchen. She'd sounded so strange.

Tyler was left to stew on that for several moments, slowly frowning deeper and deeper. The cookies smelled good, but part of him knew that that other smell had been... better, somehow. When he'd been lying on his belly feeling strange and good --he only realized now how good that had felt-- that smell had been threaded through that, somehow. That smell, and feeling good, and curves, and... He didn't understand it, but he couldn't give up on that.

When she returned with the cookies and saw his dramatic frown, she chuckled and made a few little teasing jokes about his stern face, but he just frowned on, even if his cheeks did heat a little. She offered the platter to him, and he took a cookie, frowned at it, and took a single bite. It tasted amazing. But he just held it, and frowned, chewing, swallowing, and frowning more. She turned on the TV, growing a little quiet, and he frowned at the TV. The audience laughed in the studio, but in the living room, it was silent.

Mrs. Hutchinson shifted on the couch. She fussed with her hair. She straightened her sweater. The show carried on, and the only sound was the blare of the speakers carrying words and laughter to die before a child's frown. Mrs. Hutchinson drew a deep breath, and she barely started to make a sound, then stopped. Like she was gonna talk, but changed her mind. She did that two more times. Finally, she threw up her paws.

"Alright! If you're VERY careful, young man." She sighed at length. "And!" She held up a finger as he perked up, already scooting closer. She brought that finger under his chin and pulled his eyes up to meet hers. There was a hint of red in her cheeks, though it half-disappeared in the stripes on her cheeks. "It's got to be a secret. Okay? It's not something you're supposed to do, and if you tell anyone I let you, your parents might not let you see me anymore."

"I'll be super careful." He nodded against her finger. "I won't tell anybody." He smiled brightly, and she answered with a tiny, abashed smile, looking away a moment.

"Honestly. I don't even know why you'd..." Her words faltered as he snuggled up against her and, with utmost care, slipped both his arms around the broad swell closest to him, hugging it in her lap and carefully laying his head down atop it with deliberate slowness. "That's not...!" She started a bit breathily as he wriggled a little, getting nice and comfy snuggled up with the great mound, his belly snug against her thigh, one leg almost tucked underneath hers.

He only stirred an ear once he was snuggled in, turning it in her direction. "Did that hurt...?"

She was silent a moment. "Well... no, but..." She seemed to be trying to say something, but finally, she puffed a deep breath. "Just... don't... move around too much, okay?"

"Yes, Mrs. Hutchinson," he said in his best obedient child voice. She chuckled a bit dryly and stroked his head, carefully.

He turned slowly to peer at the TV over the horizon of her bulging skirt, and they settled slowly together to watch the show. The pup buried his nose deep in the warm fabric and savored the strange scent, not minding if his pants got kinda tight and uncomfortable after a while. She smelled so good down here... She shifted occasionally, and any time that dragged him across his pillow a little he heard her breath catch a little. Anytime he moved a little, she tensed under him, that broad thigh turning firm and pressing up into his belly. He tried to be still, but... was it his imagination, or was the smell getting stronger?

Once, when he'd managed to get absorbed in the show, Tyler forgot himself enough to laugh out loud, jostling his pillow roughly. The cry that broke from Mrs. Hutchinson's throat wasn't pained, but... it was a strange, throaty sound that seemed to reach deep down into him and grab something. He blinked, feeling a little dazed himself as he turned just enough to peek up at her. "S-sorry..." She was blushing! Like, a lot!

He didn't know what that was about, but when she looked away, he did too. Maybe she was just embarrassed to make a weird noise like that. But when he started to settle down again, something seemed to be... in the way. Between the dual mounds and her belly, it was like there was a third mound all of a sudden-- just barely there, but in a moment, it seemed to be bigger, and already firmer than the others. He nudged it a little with his elbow to tell that much, trying to reckon if he should try slipping his arm between it and the others or around the whole lot, when Mrs. Hutchinson gave a strangled laugh. "Alright, hon. It's getting awfully late!" She scooped him up out of her lap. "You'd better be on your way home, or your mother will have a fit!" She was breathless, and the words seemed just a hint reluctant. He pounced on that.

"Couldn't I stay just a little while longer? Just to finish the episode! I wanna see what happens!" His eyes might have darted to her lap again an instant.

"No, young man. We can pick up from here next time, but right now, it's time you go home." He whined and protested, but she ushered him quickly to the door and onto the front porch. "I'm sure you can come over again soon, but it won't do for you to miss sleep. Or to forget to do your homework! Good night, Tyler."

He looked back, glancing at her eyes, then down. She had one paw hanging casually over those bulges, but it couldn't hide the third shape atop them now-- it looked even bigger than the others, jutting out against her palm. She blushed furiously and ducked back into the house, bidding him good night once more before slamming the door shut. What the heck was that?

Once he was home, or in the house his parents had brought him to at least, Tyler was distracted, and his parents noticed. He didn't even protest when they told him to wash up and go to bed; he just wandered off in that direction, staring at nothing. Before hopping in the shower, he stopped to rub slowly at his face. He could still smell her. He thought about skipping the shower, but his parents had caught wise to that trick a year or two ago. So he just scrubbed at his face and sniffed a few more times, until he couldn't really tell her scent from his own, and finally, reluctantly stepped into the water.

It was in bed, in the dark, that he was undistracted enough to really think about it. Or rather, to not think, but to let his mind drift, to follow the warm currents that seemed to be tangled up in the back of his mind, flowing down into his belly, and...

His paws rubbed down, stuffing into his jammies. He'd just washed here and it hadn't felt like it did now... Now, his hide was warm, as the sound of that sudden cry of hers, at the very end, rang in the back of his head, slowly stretching out into a moan. He thought about that smell, and the curves, and the bulges, and the wonderful softness of those great mounds under his cheek, under his nose, just letting his paws rub and spread and feel and stroke wherever they would. His thing was hard, and it felt good to touch it... And his balls... he followed the trembling tension down, and he was surprised to find the pleasure ran all the way back, between his cheeks. He dragged one paw out, then twisted his shoulder back to stuff in the back of his soft pants. It didn't quite go up to his tail, really... it ended... here. A soft, sharp gasp rose from under the heaving blankets as he prodded at a little bud of muscle, and he quivered, eyes staring into the darkness, not understanding anything, but just cycling the thoughts of her voice, her body, her look, her touch, her scent through his mind as his paws worked and worked to keep that wonderful sensation up, the warmth that soaked through him, spreading from his core in waves. He slowly worked himself deeper and deeper, giving a tiny squeak as his finger slipped inside himself, finding that this seemed to work even better. Suddenly he was tensing, shuddering, jerking, and stars exploded in his vision, the darkness glowing, and he slumped, panting softly, ignoring the small ache in his shoulder as he clutched at his own finger. Everything felt good... He jerked awake a moment when he finally slipped free, giving a single, soft whine, but fell asleep again quickly.

The next day, his parents said he couldn't go over to Mrs. Hutchinson's because he had to do his homework. Tyler sat down and did what would usually take two hours of sulking and squirming and wandering off to accomplish, and completed his work in half an hour. Shocked, his parents let him scurry out the door, not even thinking to accompany him.

His tiny fist had little effect on the door, but he could reach the doorbell with a good six inches to spare, and that brought her to fill the door, blinking in surprise and smiling down at him with what might have been a hint of nervousness. "Why, Tyler! I didn't think I'd see you again so soon!"

"My mom said I could come over!" He answered quickly, but for some reason that only seemed to make her look more suspicious.

"I see... Well, come in, dear. Are you hungry?" She turned away, and he watched the silhouette of her curves rise and fall with her revolution.

"Not right now," he lied. "I thought we might watch a little TV." His voice was overly casual, and he thought he might have seen her tense a little, her back to him.

"Ah... close the door, would you, dear?" Her voice was a little faint. She stepped quietly to the couch as he did and turned on the TV. She was blushing again! He never knew a grown-up could blush so much.

All the same, he wasted no time crawling up onto the couch and flopping against her side, snuggling into her. She was silent for a moment, then a certain tension seemed to drain out of her as he just settled in sitting up close against her side. She couldn't really see him, half obscured under the broad curves of her own body, but he was staring at those mounds in her lap. The show started up, but he didn't look up.

What WERE those things? How could they smell so good? Not just smell good, but smell... right. Like they were... important to him. Like he never knew what food was before and suddenly he'd smelled some. It didn't make any sense. And all the things he'd been feeling, everything that had gone through him last night... He'd never felt so good. There was something about her, something going on here. He didn't understand, but he thought maybe she did... and maybe she didn't want to tell him. She was getting all tense and embarrassed just when he was really excited for more, to know more, to feel more. Grown-ups never told him anything he really wanted to know, they always said he wouldn't understand, or to wait till he was older. But... maybe Mrs. Hutchinson was different? She sure seemed different from every grown-up he'd met before, in just about every way. She was like, a whole nother kind of grown-up. But... maybe just to be safe...

"Mrs. Hutchinson?" He made his voice meek, but plaintive enough that she blinked and paused the show, one paw rising to her own breast to ease it aside so she could peer down at him. He waited obligingly to just meet her eyes, before letting them fall away bashfully. "I just... wanted to say thank you. It's been awful confusing since I got here, and kinda scary." He was getting a little too honest, and something tugged at his chest, at his throat. Move on. "But here, with you, I feel safe. I know I just met you, but I feel like I can... trust you." He looked up finally with an embarrassed smile, blushing, and the unshed tears in his eyes certainly helped. Moisture rose in her own eyes as well, and she answered with her own trembling smile. Perfect. "I hope this isn't rude, but I feel like I can talk to you about this more than to mom or dad... could I ask you a... a question or two? Maybe a favor?" He put on his biggest, most vulnerable eyes.

She stared down at him, and swallowed, slipping her arm around him to hug him into her breast, smothering him in the soft warmth of her body. Well, he hadn't expected that, but he certainly didn't mind! "Of course," she murmured after a moment, a little choked. "Of course, dear. Anything you want, I'll do my best..."

Alright. Now, he'd have to be careful... He reached up, and carefully spread his paws on his breast to push up out of her embrace enough to smile up at her. "Thank you." She eased her hold, and he settled back, leaning into her arm. "It's... I've really enjoyed lying down in your lap, it's really comfy." He glanced up at her, and sure enough, she was starting to blush again. "But I really wanna know... What..." His paws gently landed on one of those broad mounds in her lap, cupping what little they could cover of its broad, curved top. "What ARE these?" He was pretty sure it was two separate things. He'd watched the way they rolled when she walked more than once, and they seemed to be at least a little separate.

Her breath caught at his touch, and for a long moment she was silent. He stared at the broad, warm mass under his paws for a long stretch himself, before finally looking up to her, ears pinned back, eyes quietly pleading. She bit down slowly on her lip and chewed under his gaze, her own ears twitching about a little as she shifted and fidgeted, eyes pulling away, to the far wall. "Well..." She finally murmured, her tone a bit troubled, "I... I don't know how much your parents have told you, but... Heh, by the looks of them they might not know about me either..." She actually grinned, though starting to blush again. She still wasn't meeting his eyes. "You remember I told you to keep it a secret, putting your head there. Well, if you want me to tell you, you can't tell anyone what I've told you either, okay? All of this has to be our little secret." She finally looked down to him, smiling quite nervously. "You might not want to put your head there anymore once you know, though." She might have smirked, but something in her eyes spoke of... a different kind of worry?

He shook his head firmly. "Nuh uh. They smell way too good, I wouldn't stop for nothing." For some reason she turned positively crimson at that. "But I won't tell anyone. Ever." He smiled, trying not to look too eager.

She cleared her throat, her tail giving a dull thump against the couch on the far side, the great, puffy thing twitching about by now. "Well... good." A smile rose and fell several times on her lips as her eyes darted around. She muttered something to herself and straightened. "Right. Well... The truth is... They're the same things you have, actually." He blinked at her. No way did he have anything like those... those wonderful things! "Because you're a boy, you have different parts... down there... than girls-- uh, most girls-- have. You have... your penis," the word sounded strange in her mouth, "and two balls under that, in your, uh, scrotum." She gave an awkward little smile. "And uh... these..." She lowered her other paw to the mound he wasn't already touching, giving it a slight jostle, "these are my balls." She smiled, a bit queasy. "I'm what's called a hermaphrodite. And that means I have the things girls have, plus the things boys have. Though, in my case," she smiled ruefully down at her lap, "they turned out a lot bigger than most boys get."

He listened avidly, face blank, blinking slowly. When she gestured, he looked down to those mysterious creatures once more. Balls...? He'd rubbed over his own a little just last night. They had felt a little sensitive, he supposed. But those were... they were hardly the size of golf balls! While these... These couldn't be. They had to be nearly as big as he was, whole! And so soft, and...! His paws pressed and kneaded into them without thinking, and she leaked a gasp and a tiny coo.

"Tyler... be careful. They're sensitive, even through my dress. And I don't want to get..." She swallowed slowly. "Well. That answers your question. You..." She frowned slowly, and tilted her head a little. "You don't... You're not... They're my balls, Tyler. You probably shouldn't be touching them." She blinked, and tsked. "I mean, you REALLY shouldn't be touching them. We'd both get in trouble if anyone knew." Her tail was giving little thumps again.

He looked up to her and smiled. "Can I see them?"

She sat straight up. "What! N-no!"

He half climbed up her, paws clutching at her breasts, taking little fistfuls of her sweater. "You said you'd do me a favor! And anyway, I can't believe those are balls! They're like a zillion times the size of mine! And even if I am a kid, there's no way my dad has anything like that!" He pouted dramatically. "I bet you're just teasing me or something! I don't think there's balls under there at all, and you're making fun of me!" She barely started to protest when he went on. "Anyway, it'd be important to like, my education! Now I'm thinking lots about balls! Something smells really good under there. You want me to go try and start finding other people's balls to smell to see if they smell the same?" He gave his best disapproving frown, and her eyes widened in horror. "You started this, Mrs. Hutchinson! This is my favor, and it's up to you to prove what you say!"

She sputtered and squirmed on the spot, eyes darting around. His parents had already gotten used to this routine four months ago, but he was pleased to see most of his tricks worked well on her. "I-- oh-- FINE!" She finally huffed, brow drawing down. "You're a little young for sexual education, but I suppose it can't be helped if I can't even hide them in a skirt, can it? Just... just remember, you can't tell ANYONE about this. Not your parents, not your teacher, nobody." He nodded eagerly, and she sighed. "I just hope that when you're older, you look back on this and remember you're the one that pushed me into this, and not..." She shook her head. "Alright."

She sat back on the sofa and wriggled a little, slouching down into the seat, sliding her massive rear a bit closer to the edge as her paws spread on her skirt. "Just a look," she murmured as a reminder, and slowly, she dragged her skirt up, bunching it up, then pulling the bunch to her waist. She had to lean up a moment to hitch up the back of her skirt a few times, and the pup watched on eagerly at her side as the hem of that warm green skirt slid slowly up to reveal her knees. Already that hem was ruffling, a fold running down from those broad mounds to make the edge crook upward between her knees, and soon the hem rose higher and higher in anticipation of that bulk. She paused once more with her skirt just barely covering the far edge of those fat mountains to hitch the underside of her skirt up one more time, making the little canine squirm in anxiety, the temptation rising to just yank her skirt up on his own!

But finally, her fingers constricted, and amidst the black fur of her thick thighs, just barely starting to stain with red, a spread of short, fine fur, black but blending gradually with cream and red in little waves and speckles, stretched taut across two enormous orbs snuggled in tight between her legs, already obviously squished in just to fit between her thick thighs even spread as they were. The domes she'd cast in her skirt weren't even half of the whole bulk squeezed in here: two soft, finely furred spheres, easily larger than his body entire together, half-sunk in her lap, wrapped in a taut sac of thin, tender hide. Her skirts were bunched up tightly just above them, hiding whatever the source of that third bulge had been, but he didn't care right now.

Without another thought, the boy dove in.

The red panda gave a yelp, but he already had his face buried in the most luxurious softness he'd ever known, his arms sliding in, delving down and around those monsters to hug them up bodily, to wrap around all of them that he could. He turned his head vigorously, nuzzling in, burrowing, boring into that lush hide and yielding flesh. This smell! This... musk! It was everything he'd practically drooled over, but now it was so much sharper, so much clearer, he could pick up all the subtle undertones of the spicy, salty aroma. His stomach growled for some reason, and his pants felt fit to burst, though he didn't much notice he was prodding firmly into her thigh. He scrubbed his face into that musk, he buried his nose tight against her hide and inhaled deep, letting it flood him. His paws grabbed and scritched and scrubbed at the deep reaches of that sac, snug between thighs and heavy orbs, where a trace of dampness made her hide cling to his fingers, to kiss the warmth of her body directly into his. He embraced those broad creatures, and felt as though some part of his world had just slid firmly into place at last. He didn't even let it bother him that Mrs. Hutchinson was trying to drag him off.

"T-Tyler, I SAID only-- j-just a t-- I mean, a look! You can't...!" She panted tightly, big paws knotting in his shirt, tugging at him, but he couldn't be dislodged, and she didn't pull any harder. Indeed, as he opened his mouth and huffed deep into her flesh and drew a deep breath of her, letting the musk roll over his tongue as his fingers kneaded into the broad walls of these orbs from below, her yanking faltered bit by bit. "Y-you can't... It's not..." She panted weakly, almost whining.

He heard the defeat in her voice, and he just snuggled up tighter with his prizes, slowly catching the fine fur between his lips to give it little suckles, to taste it slowly, maybe giving little tugs. She gave a faint whimper now and then, and her paws finally slipped away from him. He thought he felt something stirring against his side-- that third lump again? But her paws were quite firm about keeping him away from there, adjusting her skirt and even her sweater quite studiously as she muttered and grumbled things he couldn't catch.

The pup did want to know about that third lump too, though in the back of his mind a suspicion was starting to form, but right this moment those enormous globes filling his arms were the whole of his world. He wriggled up slowly until, leaning down, he could bury his face snug between the pair, pushing that snug sac taut around his muzzle, till her warm hide was hugging the whole of his face, the pressure of those broad, curved walls pressing in at his brow and under his chin, mashing in around him. He barely heard her breathing growing deep and a little shaky overhead, but he did feel her flexing under him, her thigh quivering and bulging with tension against him, crushing his hard thing a little now and then. But that was okay. He was shoving his arms in nice and snug around those monsters, working now to try and capture both of them fully, one around each nut, crushing them together around his head and rubbing tight against each other, his fingers digging in to try and keep them in place. He thought he might have heard her whining faintly, but she wasn't stopping him...

When his head started to get fuzzy, Tyler reluctantly dragged himself up for air, panting and gasping, though the musk of her was a thick cloud even a few inches above, now. Her fur was getting kinda wet and hot, and his own fur chilled a little from the moisture that had soaked into his arms. His shirt was sodden, too. His eyes glanced up just as he was getting ready to dive in, and he stopped, blinking several times. That lump...

One big paw clutched at her skirt just beside him, holding it in place in a huge wad, but that lump... it looked like it was running right up... and under her sweater! A swell, a ridge nearly as wide as his waist was running up her belly now, straining her sweater out, which she held down tight over her skirt with her own paw as she panted and squirmed, eyes shut tight, chewing anxiously at her lip. That bulge went all the way up... and into the bulge of her chest, disappearing between her breasts. He blinked again. Somehow, that looked... appropriate? Like all the crazy huge bulges on her front were finally connected, kinda. As he stared, finally still a moment, she eventually dragged her head up enough, cheeks glowing red, to peek down at him with one eye. "Wh... T-Tyler...?" Her voice was tiny, and tight little quivers were running through the whole of her body.

He wanted to go back to his feasting, but his curiosity was overwhelming. His head tilted slowly to one side, but he could only manage one question just now. With a devious little smile, he peered up at her. "Mrs. Hutchinson, are you... having fun?"

She blinked, and swallowed audibly, paws flexing slowly over the clothes she was struggling with. Her gaze darted away, and after a moment, she murmured, "y, you can... keep going... if that's what you..." She started to squirm a little, and those broad hips rolled up a little as if to push those broad balls up toward him.

The temptation was fierce, but he held off. "I wanna know..."

Her eyes drew back to him reluctantly, and she gave a tiny frown. "O-of course I am..." the words seemed to tear from her. "It feels good, just, we shouldn't-- nhaahhh!" She broke off, her entire body jumping taut as he buried his face against those heavy creatures, wrapping his arms tight around them once more, burrowing his little paws in until his chest was pulled tight against that broad curve, his heart beating against her sack. The musk, and... his mouth slipped open slowly, and he captured a fold of that loose hide, at once thick and strong to contain such creatures, yet velvety soft and seeming paper thin compared to the orbs themselves. He captured it tenderly in his lips and teeth and suckled at her, tongue washing over the fine fur, scrubbing into the hide underneath, filling his tongue with the deep taste of her flesh, and her moans rose rapidly in his ears.

They were soft, but they were also firm. His arms flexing over them, he could feel the immense pressure, the way they would only yield so far, or so wide, before they were like stone, but just a little push and they were almost like jelly. If he eased off and just used one paw, one little fist, he could push it in carefully till he was nearly swallowed to the wrist, but his whole arm banding across it could only sink in a little. He could just about bury his whole face in one, if he pulled the fat orb up off her leg a little. And under the thick veins rolling in that hide, the spheres themselves were so smooth... When he started scrubbing his arms across wide swaths of them though, gripping hold of her sack and just feeling out the creatures underneath with deep, swiping massages, that's when the whole world, er, her entire body, started to heave and lurch, her hips jerking up to try and shove him into the air, leaving him suspended just an instant with her fat balls before they yanked him back down into her lap. She was screaming!

High, frantic cries broke into rapid, short little bursts of moans and whimpers, and he felt her balls-- lurch up, snug against her, nearly throwing him into her belly. The hide was tighter than ever, so tight he could hardly shift it around those thick creatures, and he thought he might have heard something.... liquid, moving around, sloshing inside. He glanced up, and his eyes widened.

The top of her sweater, between her breasts, jerked up before her face as she grit her teeth, like something was trying to jump out! It disappeared as soon as it came, but then it did it again, and again as she howled and barked, those great balls jerking around under him each time, and her sweater quickly darkened, soaking wet in that spot and soon spreading over her breasts and rolling down her belly. Staring up at her, panting, head spinning, Tyler's nose twitched. A new smell... like the one he loved so much, but... stronger, saltier, more bitter. A powerful scent. His own head was pounding, and familiar feelings jerked through his body as he rolled sluggishly back and forth with the tensing of her balls. The insides of his pants were sticky.

Mrs. Hutchinson moaned heavily and slumped back a moment, panting out, paws quivering as they let slip of cloth. Under the edge of her sweater, above the strained waist of her skirt, he glimpsed something dark and reddish. Smooth flesh.

The enormous red panda jerked upright with a deep, shuddering breath. "I--! I need to... I have to go wash up. You... you stay here, Tyler." There was regret in her voice, though he wasn't sure if it was all for having done what they had. She gently but insistently pulled his arms out from around those fat orbs and pressed him down onto the couch as quickly and carefully as she could before leaping to her feet and scuttling out of the room, walking quite strangely, giving little groans.

He watched her go, then looked down. On the seat of the couch, there was a thick puddle of some kind of white goo as big as the palm of his paw. It must have leaked out of her sweater at one side, by the location. He leaned down and sniffed at it. That strong, salty musk. His tongue worked in his mouth a moment before he leaned down... and tasted it.

His paws fell out from under him before he thought of it, pulling at his pants, trying to get at those parts of him he's rubbed at last night, they felt like they were on fire! But he was clumsy and dizzy and he couldn't. He didn't even realize he was licking up the whole mess until he managed to drag his paws away again, and by then it was all gone, though his face was a mess. He pushed himself up and sat back on the sofa, quivering, his thing hurting really badly for shoving at the insides of his pants, grinding around through the sticky stuff down there, but he just licked his lips, then slowly started scraping the mess off his face and licking his fingers clean, preening, savoring every drop he could squeeze from his whiskers. He was wiggling his hips, pushing his butt down tight against the couch until the cushioning pushed up just enough between his cheeks to make his underpants tickle at that spot, to scratch the itch there... just a little... He huffed thickly, wiggling on the spot, grinding down on nothing at all, licking his lips, then his teeth, then his gums, that musk and that taste lingering in his mind but already gone and sorely missed on his tongue and in his nose.

He heard Mrs. Hutchinson returning, the house creaking faintly with the passing of her imposing form, but she didn't return to the couch. He looked up, and saw she stood at the entry to the hallway, staring at him, her cheeks still faintly flushed around those stripes of red, her eyes... he thought she looked afraid, but maybe kinda happy too? And rather than her usual thick sweater and sturdy skirt, she was wearing a gown, thinner and clinging just a little to her curves-- likely few garments could be found that didn't. The bulge at her middle looked normal again, though in the thinner garb, he thought he might have seen a hint of that third bulge. Could that really have been her-- what had she called it. Penis?

But she must have noticed his eyes, because her paws fell to clasp in front of that bulge and she moved quickly to the kitchen. "I'll... start dinner." She sounded distracted. Well, it was true he had already been hungry, and he'd certainly worked up his appetite now, though he couldn't stop thinking of that thick, clinging syrup she'd left behind rather than anything else. After a moment, he went to the kitchen, but she seemed to tense a little, and told him quietly that she didn't need any help, and he could just watch TV. So he did, frowning uncertainly. Was she mad at him after all? She'd said she liked it...

Dinner was quiet, sitting at the table across from her. He was wondering if she'd let him see those wonderful... her balls again after dinner, but he had the feeling she probably wouldn't. When he finished his meal, and she was picking at hers, she spoke of much worse things.

"We can't do that again." Her voice was quiet, and miserable. She didn't look up from her plate.

He took the blow with a blink. He wouldn't cry. He ignored the twisting ache in his stomach and told himself she was wrong. He'd have to fight to prove it, though. "I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, ever, and I won't. We won't get in trouble."

She was shaking her head slowly. "It doesn't matter. It's... wrong. And even if it wasn't, it's really, really... REALLY bad." She let her face fall into her paw, and after a moment, she spoke through her fingers. "If anyone found out, any way at all, even if you kept the secret, it'd be... I'd be... I-it's illegal, Tyler. Really illegal. I've committed a crime." Her voice cracked.

He jerked up a little. A crime? "What? That's dumb. You didn't hurt anybody or anything. I don't... think I hurt you...?"

The voluptuous red panda breathed a shaky little laugh. "I'm fine. But you're... you're way too young, and I'm too old, and you don't know enough about all of this, and if anyone, anyone at all even suspected that MAYBE something like this happened, it'd be... prison." She drew a deep breath, and scrubbed at her face with both paws, trying to compose herself. "Anyway, it's wrong and that does matter. So. I'm sorry. I was too... too weak."

Frowning even deeper, the husky pushed his plate aside. "Mrs. Hutchinson... I said I trust you, and I mean it. You're really nice, and I don't think you'd ever do anything bad to me. And what we just did was definitely, waaay not bad. It was probably the best thing I ever did. And you liked it too. A lot. Nobody got hurt, and everybody here had a great time. What's it matter? Why should...?" Well, why didn't mean anything to laws. But there was no way this was wrong.

"I don't know everything," he admitted, "but I think I know enough to know right and wrong. I've done things that maybe were wrong, but I could tell, cause I felt it in my heart." He paused, and finally looked down himself. "When I... when I convinced you to let me see them, even though you didn't want to, that was a little wrong. And I felt it." He scritched at his chest through his shirt, though that brought a waft of her wonderful scent to his nostrils, from where her sweat had soaked into him. "But what we did after... I've never felt so... right. Like everything was right, more right than it had ever been. For just a little while, it felt like..." He reached up to scratch over his head. "Like I was really home. More even than before we moved. Like I... belonged. Like I was safe..." His voice faded softly, and when his eyes rose, she was staring at him, a tiny smile almost hidden behind her paws, but she looked about to cry.

Mrs. Hutchinson sighed deeply, and rubbed at her face a little, wiping away a bit of moisture. "Your parents..." she started, murmuring at first, "seem to be having a few fights, but I think they'll work it out and stay together. But I-- used to be married. And it... it didn't work out. There was still love, but I did things that I shouldn't have." She shifted slowly in her seat, pushing her plate aside as well, and her voice took a ragged edge. "This body... I don't know if all this just makes me want it more, or if it feels better than for other people, but I can't blame anything but myself. I have... lots of... needs. To do things like..." She glanced at the living room, and smiled weakly. "Like that. I can't ever seem to get enough of it."

"But when you're married," she sighed, "you're only supposed to do any of that with the person you married. You're supposed to stick with just him and be satisfied. But I... didn't." Her eyes fell again. "And that wasn't fair to him. Or to my son." Her eyes started to rise with a sad smile, but they still couldn't quite leave the table. "So they... left. To live a normal life, where people can... control themselves. And I..." Her smile turned bitter now. "After that, I..." She actually laughed, one or two little curdled chuckles. "I couldn't stop for the man I loved, but when he finally left me, I couldn't bear to do it anymore. So I've just... put it behind me. Put it all away. Tried to just... live." Her eyes finally rose solemnly to Tyler's. "But you... you look just a little like him. My son. And you wanted..." She shook her head, grimacing, eyes glittering mournfully, "I couldn't... no. I made you feel that way. I brought it out in you. When I want something so much, sometimes people just kind of..." She made a vague gesture. "You shouldn't... have anything to do with me anymore, Tyler. I'm a m... a monster."

The clatter of him shoving his chair back seemed loud in the quiet of her agonized confession, as did the little stomping steps the frowning child took as he circled the table. She looked down at him with almost fear, paws barely rising to fend him away, but he batted them aside and crawled up on top of her. "Don't ever even say that! Mrs. Hutchinson, you're beautiful and wonderful and if you weren't here, I-I'd probably be-- be crying in my room right now, and probly every night, and my parents would probly be-- be leaving each other right now or something. They were real mad, but they've been doing better since I started coming over here, and I feel so much better just having you, to have a real f-f--" He hiccupped, his face wrinkling up as he fought it down. "Y-you're my friend and I wanna have lotsa fun with you and I won't let you stop me if I gotta-- I'll-- I won't let you stop me!" He couldn't seem to decide if he was trying to hug at her as she meekly pushed him away or just to bash his little fists weakly at her breasts. "You just try and, and keep me away, or say all those mean things about yourself, and I'll... I'll kick your balls! And then I'll hug them and kiss them and make them feel better." He angled a foot menacingly, though that left him perched quite precariously in her resisting lap, and her fending paws paused.

"Tyler... This is very serious." She tried to take a stern tone.

"I'M very serious!" He finally squirmed past her paws to sit down heavily atop those broad orbs, though he had to grab hold of her tits and drag them down a little so he could glare up at her over them while she winced. "If you want so much to do those things, then I'll do them! I WANNA do them! I wanna learn, and I wanna feel good, and I wanna feel good with you! Just you." He swallowed. "And if I... if I look kinda like your son. Well. You feel like more of a mom to me than..." His voice trailed off, and he looked away, a little ashamed, his paws curling into little fists around her tender flesh until her squeak made him loosen his grip.

"Tyler, I'm not your mother, and you're not--"

"I KNOW that! But together, we--" He sighed impatiently and leaned in a little as he looked up at her, determined, brow furrowed in a tiny plea. "There are a lot of wrong things in the world, but what you've got, and I need, and what you need, and I got, it's just-- it's perfect. I dunno how wrong it'd be if somebody else, some other lady and boy tried to do this, but you and me? This is right. I know it." He spared one paw to press to his chest. "I can feel it. And..." His paw rose, and he scooted up onto his knees straddling her balls to try and reach up enough, clutching to her soft chest to push his paw to the top of her left breast, mashing deep into the softness roughly around her heart. "I think you feel it too." He met her eyes. She stared back at him, and after a moment, he smiled.

She drew a slow, shaky breath, and her arms rose. He barely thought of trying to resist being fended off again, but they wrapped around him, nearly burying him between those heavy breasts as she sighed over his head, pressing it firm under her chin. "Some day," she murmured, the rumble of her words rising under his chin, filling her chest, "you're gonna be a real heartbreaker. No doubt about that." She breathed a faint, tremulous chuckle. "Oh, gods... I'm gonna be--"

"No." He squirmed a little, and she let him loose with a surprised expression to let him push up and meet her nearly eye to eye. "No more of that allowed. No talking about how much trouble we're gonna be in, or what's wrong, or even what I'll think later. This is what's important." He clasped her paw in his, or at least tried to, her palm easily engulfing his grasp. His other paw pressed to her breast again, over her heart. "You and me. Feeling good. Together. We'll hold each other together, and leave the sad stuff and the bad stuff outside while we're together. Okay?" It didn't even sound like a question. He stared into her eyes, and slowly, she nodded.

He smiled at last. "Good. Now... I dunno about you, but I'm kinda sleepy." He eased back and down slowly, and a beat later, he rose an arm to cover a yawn at the admission. "You wanna take a nap?" He offered a wide smile.

She was still staring at him in what might have been quiet shock, but after a moment, she nodded a little, again. "I'll just... take care of the dishes."

"The dishes can wait." He wrapped his paw around her thumb and hopped down, giving her a little tug with a grin. "C'mon!" She frowned a little, but rose slowly, drawing his arm up, especially as he pattered ahead and pulled at her impatiently. She sighed softly and followed him into the living room. They reached the couch and she stopped, but he kept tugging. "Nooo, not here!"

"What?" She stepped slowly to follow his tugging, and he led her into the hall. "Tyler, I--"

"Your bedroom's this way, right? There'll be more room that way." He offered it as a perfectly rational, obvious explanation. It was enough to get her into the bedroom before she tried again.

"Don't you think--?"

"Mrs. Hutchinson," he chided in the near darkness, peering up at her. "You're already wearing clothes for bed, arentcha?"

She could only answer that, after a flustered moment, with a little huff. She followed his tugging and finally crawled onto the bed proper, rolling onto her back with a sigh. "Is this really-- ah! Tyler!"

Before she could start worrying again, he dove down-- and crawled right up under the hem of her gown. She gasped and squirmed as his little paws snatched hold of her legs, and his cool nose grazed a few times here and there as he wriggled up, pulling the garment rather tight, but there was still enough room in a gown meant to flow at least a little around her for the little boy to easily crawl past her waist, though those heavy orbs had gotten more than a few nuzzles and pats before he got that far. Finally he squeezed up into the narrow space between her breasts, rolling to each side in this position to open a gap between gown and chest, and he peeked up at her through her own neckline in the dim light with a grin. "You're really soft n comfy, Mrs. Hutchinson. You make a way better bed than anything else could." He nuzzled down into the soft expanse of her spread cleavage, his arms slipping up to hug around her middle-- up around the sides of her breasts, effectively hugging them as well. His belly was spread snug, bowed over the curve of hers, his legs falling spread around her waist, knees not quite reaching her broad hips.

She huffed and mumbled something about part of her not being so soft, and he perked. "Hmmm?" But he was already growing sleepy, and she murmured that it was nothing. His head settled in slowly, and he hoped that he'd done enough. This was the start of something wonderful, if he could just get her to stop worrying. It felt good to hope... to have something to look forward to.

The child's breathing evened, and Eva stared down at the strange little boy in the darkness, arms closed gently around his waist. How had she let it come to this? For a child, he really had... something powerful to him. Or was it that she was just that weak, that needy, that the rambling of a child took her in enough to let her need get the better of her? Her eyes shut slowly. May the gods forgive her, but... She did need this. She needed it so terribly. If need be, she would pay the price when it came. Just let her have this, for as long as she could... Let her forget, and believe his little lie, that this was right and good and all that really mattered in the world. She clung tightly to the child, and trembled a moment before sinking into a troubled sleep.

To Hold On To Pt 2

No real dreams came to Tyler, though his sleep was deeper and more contented than in quite a while. Instead, vague images and sensations drifted through him, melting from one into the other, connected more by the way they made him feel than by any...

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Consume Pt 2

She was so... empty. Her belly might have been round, but it was mournfully hollow. She sobbed silently to herself and ground her gash to the warm metal, shivering in delight when electric shorts skittered across her sensitive flesh. Why did they hide...

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The Conception

A little shock still ran through Susan the first time she saw her each visit. Never so bad as the first time, of course, but she wasn't sure she'd ever quite get used to the sight of Vela bounding onto the scene. The first time, she was told, had...

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