The Conception

Story by Lithier on SoFurry

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The first TagIt story is complete! This is the product of a reader survey, in which the winning tags, in descending order, were: Knots, Deep penetration, Breeding, Hermaphrodite, Gay, Transformation, Cock/ball worship, and Public sex.

If you like how this story came out, or if you've got something you want me to write about, check out my journal for the second! Tags are on sale now, so you only have to make a small payment to make sure I'm covering your favorite kink, or even working your character into my next story. Check out the sale here, or take a look at the full explanation here!

It was pretty neat tackling this from a new angle, and I think the story benefited from it overall. Once you've given it a read, I'd invite you to check out my personal blog for a more in-depth discussion of how I put it together!

A little shock still ran through Susan the first time she saw her each visit. Never so bad as the first time, of course, but she wasn't sure she'd ever quite get used to the sight of Vela bounding onto the scene.

The first time, she was told, had been a complete accident. The elves were usually very careful, or as careful as elves ever can be, to present themselves well on Visitation Day, meaning clothes, and putting away whatever they thought might be offensive to stuffy human sensibilities. Vela, apparently, fell under this heading. Rather accurately, as it turned out.

She could still remember that peculiar mixture of stark terror and incredulous confusion. Susan had just been closing up her little stand for the day when a creature, rich reddish brown, covered in fur, loped abruptly into the middle of the square, carrying a dead chicken in her mouth.

Susan had screamed. She'd heard tales of werewolves, terrible beasts that stalked the night, a cross between man and wolf created by dread witches as bodyguards and weapons. She'd recognized the creature as something out of nightmares and flung herself behind her cart.

At the time, most of the elves had found it quite amusing, and Vela's handlers had been embarrassed they'd let her slip free. Vela herself had been confused and intrigued, and she'd tried to offer the cowering human behind the cart her fowl bounty. Shaking, Susan had stared at her, her legs utterly useless under her. Under the terror, she couldn't help but wonder-- why did this werewolf have such absurdly large breasts, and a--

Well, these days, Vela wore a wrap round her chest and a sturdy loincloth. She refused to wear more, as it became too stifling and hot, but it was enough to let Susan look at her without blushing. When that wasn't an issue for other reasons.

Today, Vela had come to help Susan sell her bread in the city square, as had become the tradition for every Visitation Day. Susan shared a small smile with her as she put up her sign, shaking off that little shock, though she was no longer sure this warm bump that rose in the heart of her was quite the same as that she'd felt back then.

In the early days, the constant nudity and spontaneous orgies common to elvish culture had apparently made diplomacy with human visitors... difficult. So one day a week, the elvish forest city of Sieled put on a friendly guise to make their human visitors feel welcome, and to encourage trade and contact between the city and the small human town on the edge of the forest, Elfton.

Elfton had been founded for little more purpose than maintaining a tenuous point of contact with the eccentric but powerful controllers of the woods, and of all things, the town baker had proven to become the most stable point of contact between the two civilizations. While others visited only on occasion, every week Susan would drive her cart into the woods stuffed with bread, and many of the elves would come out to sample these fruits of the open fields.

If anything, many of the elves treated Visitation Day as something of a game --as they tended to treat most things-- and would dress in extravagant and largely useless outfits tailored solely to tantalize without showing what they were led to believe was objectionable. How well they covered the basics for modesty varied wildly by Susan's eye, but over time she had largely learned to not let it bother her, in no small part because some of them delighted in seeing her get embarrassed.

So compared to her elven companions, Vela's state of dress was arguably quite functional. And while the elves were friendly, they always seemed to be looking down on her (in several senses) and putting on various acts around her, whether to seem friendly and reasonable or to shock and tease her. It was exhausting, honestly. But Vela was always direct, and always happy to see her. Perhaps it was just that they were technically the only two mortals for miles, but Susan found herself smiling as she worked side by side with the... well, the creature.

"What's this one, Susan?" The wolfthing turned suddenly on her, and if Susan had been any other woman, surely the sight of a hulking creature on two legs with the head of a wolf, yet bearing intelligent eyes over those countless glistening teeth... surely any other woman would have quailed. But Susan was busy, and Vela was hefting a loaf she'd found in the cart.

"It's cinnamon bread. Sweet, but a little spicy." The human spread a stout tablecloth and hefted a heaping basket on top of it. Already a line was forming, the elves chattering excitedly among themselves. While the elves could make their own breads, they were mostly heavy, tasteless biscuits-- good for traveling, but poor fare for the elves' tastes. Human bread, though, could be light and flavored delicately or extravagantly, and the immortals seemed to love it. Susan made an embarrassingly good living for a baker, actually. Especially since elven coin was so highly valued in human lands-- she pulled in nearly as much as the smiths, and more than the fishmongers, and she saw more of the elves than just about anyone else did, even their official ambassadors. It was a strange life, but an enjoyable one.

"Okay." Vela sniffed at the bread a little, wrinkled her nose, and offered it to one of the elves loitering closest to the table. "It's cinnamon bread! Sweet, but spicy! It's new!" As the only resident in all of Sieled that didn't eat bread, she was probably the only one Susan could trust to hand it out, really. And all the elves seemed to like her-- she'd come to notice that while some of them haggled incessantly with Susan, they always accepted Vela's price.

Between the two of them, they did their best to satisfy the burgeoning crowd. The new cinnamon bread seemed to be quite popular --the elves did so love new things, and new fads popped up incessantly-- and they ran out quickly, soon having to apologize with nearly every sale. Still, Vela smiled whenever Susan glanced her way, and the time passed quickly.

Suddenly the cart was empty, and her coffer full, and they had to tell those few remaining to come again next week. The demand always seemed to be rising, and she was considering buying a full two-horse cart, ludicrous as it seemed to haul that much bread anywhere. Vela took a luxurious stretch as the work finally came to an end, which was... a sight to behold. They had to work together to haul the weighty coffer back into the cart, one on each side, though Vela nearly dropped it when an approaching voice caught her ear, which swiveled an instant before her head followed.

"Daledain!" She called excitedly, and Susan floundered a moment as the coffer lurched downward in the wolf creature's distraction. Her desperate grunt drew Vela's attention back, though, and the canine hurriedly pushed the coffer up into the cart proper, nearly on her own. It was still clinking as she bounded over to the elf, one of her handlers. The other was close behind, and the two endured her enthusiastic hugs, giving her a few scritches behind the ears. "Lots of people today. We ran out of bread again."

"Again? Will wonders ever cease." The dark-haired elf smiled warmly as he finally eased the wolf down, and she drifted back to Susan as he and his pale partner approached. Susan had sold out every week for months, now. "Susan. How are you today? Not too tired, I hope." He folded his hands delicately in front of him, meeting her eyes.

She might have liked very much to lie down with something to drink, but exhaustion was another one of those things elves were only familiar with in passing, and she felt obligated somehow to put on a good front for humankind. She straightened, rolling one shoulder casually. "I'm well, Daledain. And yourself...?" She noticed, after a moment, something odd in the air. Daledain and Lonendaren were both watching her rather intently, and... the other elves in the town square seemed rather... interested. She was something of a draw for attention any time she came, but usually the crowds dissipated quickly enough after she was sold out. Today, the elves... lingered. "Is... something the matter?"

Daledain glanced around at her uncertain gaze, and smiled apologetically. "I am very well. But we would like to talk with you a while, if you don't mind. I have put aside a room where we can have a little privacy..."

Something was definitely strange, now. Privacy was not really an elven concept, and she could not imagine what would prompt an elf to want to talk to someone behind closed doors. Had she done something wrong? Was there some sort of problem with her visits? If her trips here were disrupted, her business...! And... Susan glanced to Vela, who just looked curious, as she was about most things. "Ah... yes, of course. Lead the way."

The crowds split to let them through, and the elves did a very poor job pretending to be busy or admiring the sweeping, mighty trunks and elevated walkways that made up their city. They were pointedly not staring as she came near, but at a distance, they watched, and whispered.

They climbed a few curved staircases, ascending along the broad sides of mighty trees until they finally came to what amounted to little more than a fancy hut balanced at the crook of a great tree limb. In such a temperate climate, the elves barely bothered with shelter beyond the canopies themselves. Unless she missed her guess, this was actually a place for keeping the sick-- several beds and a few chairs lay within, past the doorless entry and glassless windows. Nearly a shelter more than a hut, really, but it seemed private enough.

Lonendaren murmured something to Vela as they approached the doorway, and the two of them turned away to let Daledain and Susan enter alone. The tall, dark elf selected a chair and reclined, gesturing her to another facing his. "Please, be at ease." Susan took the chair quietly, unsure if she was about to be seduced or exiled. It could end about the same either way, really. Her nerves were taut as he stared at her, leaning in his chair several times from one stance of graceful, thoughtful repose to another. The rustle of leaves in the wind and the occasional, gentle creak of wood crept up as the silence stretched. Finally-- "what have we told you about Vela?" His brow was furrowed thoughtfully.

Vela?... Susan shifted in her seat and sat back. "Well... not very much. That you hadn't meant for me to see her, but it wasn't much harm now that I had? You asked me not to mention it to my people if I could help it. I don't think I've let anything slip...?"

He smiled gently and raised a hand. "You've done well, and I thank you, Susan. In fact, I think it may be time you understood rather more about her. But first... how do you feel about our dear, canine friend?"

She blinked, and after a moment, loosened her hands on the armrests. How... "I... well, I've always been grateful to have her help with the day's sales. She's very honest and direct, which is refreshing. I must admit she's turned out to be a much better person than I might have ever imagined on first seeing her." The human fidgeted a little with a seam in her dress, her eyes low.

The elf was quiet a moment, then leaned in slightly. "And... is that all?"

Susan paused, and blushed a little for some reason. "Well... I'm always happy to see her. I feel more at ease with her than with anyone else in the city, if you won't take offense. She acts a bit simple, but I feel... she has a good soul. I look forward to seeing her again, when I'm making the bread for my next trip." She hadn't really thought about it, but she supposed it was true. They were really very good friends, though they didn't see each other as much as she might have liked.

He hummed softly in thought. "So..." He sat his chin on one knuckle with an impish smile. "Would you say that she's attractive?"

She huffed deeply. "Daledain, what is this about?" Her cheeks were terribly hot now!

"It's the last question, I promise. Then I'll explain. Please." He gave an apologetic little shrug, still smiling a bit eagerly.

Sighing slowly, she folded her hands together and considered a moment. "Well, I mean... she's... I never would've... she's always been... a very healthy woman. It's odd to look into a wolf's face and see joy, and affection, and... Well, you know, she's cute, i-in a wolfy way. And she certainly has the assets to, er, make a man very happy." Well, she had rather more than a man needed of a woman, didn't she? But besides that, she was quite a shapely creature, and if they knew not to fear her as Susan did, she thought the men might flock to her. I-if they didn't mind the whole wolf thing.

After a moment's consideration, the elf's head tilted a hint. "...Or a woman?"

"Wh-- Dal!" She sat up, voice nearly cracking with indignation. "Will you please just explain what's going on here!"

He folded one leg over the other and waved calmingly. "Yes, of course. Of course! Let us proceed. Let's see." His hand pressed to his mouth a moment as he considered his words, but it still failed to hide his smile. "Well. Let us start at the very beginning. Do you know about the Bloodbond?" Susan blinked at him uncertainly, and he smiled rather more politely. "I didn't think so. We don't speak of it much. Well. A few thousand years ago, when it became clear that humanity wasn't just going to fade away, we realized --as a species-- that it was up to us to try and give you the room to grow up properly, if you will. And at that point, we'd already had something of a problem. It had been a good millennium since the last war involving an elf, and illness hasn't really been an issue for some time. We were simply running out of ways to die, if you will. So, we decided that it was only proper that we stop making more elves, before we choked the whole planet off." He smiled wryly. "I know, it's hard to imagine, but the world isn't quite so big as it seems sometimes. If we just kept breeding --and we can certainly do so at a good clip, believe me-- then there would come a day when there simply wouldn't be enough land, enough space, enough food and water for all of us, let alone for us and all the humans."

He drew a deep breath, and sighed at length. "So. We came to decide we must stop. That what we had was enough, and we needed no more. It certainly seemed a more painless solution than, say, snuffing out our oldest or finding some other way to make sure we kept dying." He smiled ruefully. "So we worked a great magic that bound our blood, that another elf may never be born. We knew the temptation might be great with time, and many might disagree or change their minds, but we honestly believed it to be for the best." He rubbed two fingers together, examining them. "And we still do. But... it does.. chafe."

"Make no mistake, it's wonderful to have all the sex we want without worrying about, you know, getting weighed down with children and the like, or about doing our part to make sure we have more children, even. It's opened up so much room for experimentation, you know! Back in the day, I might never have dreamed of engaging another man, but Lonendaren has been just wonderful, we've been together a couple decades already." He drew a lock of dark hair firmly behind the point of his ear. "But... yes. We've found that, with time, we have the desire to create more of our own. To raise children, and to educate them, and to send them out into the world. Many of our kind have been gripped by this need, and they've tried many solutions."

"Some have tried to help the humans, to take them under their wings, so to speak. Your wizards are largely the product of elves simply wanting to teach and raise whelps into dignified creatures. Many have taken pets, and some, well, some just enjoy a good roleplay." He smiled wistfully. "But... Lonendaren and I... tried something a little unusual. We knew this wolf-- a beautiful old red, she was the most amazing sweetheart. And we asked her one day --she was getting on, understand, and she'd already borne several litters, and we thought she might enjoy something quite... quite different-- and well, she agreed. It was..." He smiled fondly. "It was a very interesting experience. A good deal of magic was involved, of course." He exhaled slowly.

Susan stared.

"Well! It took well, and she bore a single, healthy pup. Vela." He smiled quite warmly. "With a little from both of us, and a healthy helping of wolf, she was not an elf, but she was ours. She was something new. We had many hopes for her, and she's exceeded all of them. She's intelligent, and she's so friendly, and she's certainly exotic. Many of my friends have begged to spend some time with her, but oh, I couldn't-- I'm very protective of her, you see. We both are. And... we're not sure what would happen if she happened to breed with an elf. The Bloodbond might merely stop it, or it might... interfere somehow. Either way, it would certainly tread much more heavily on the intention of this promise we've made as a species than we've ever intended. As far as we can tell, she's perfectly mortal, and indeed only a little longer-lived than a human." Here he finally paused for a moment, considering his next words.

"Dal." Susan's voice was a little uneven. "Why are you telling me all this...?"

The elf glanced up at her, then looked away. "So we've finally had a child, and it's mortal, and she's amazing and we love her so very much. But... she's mortal. She will age, and she will die, and then where will we be? Broken-hearted and back where we began. And worse..." He drew a deep breath. "She's alone. Everyone likes her, but she's still... or she was... alone." Finally, he met her eyes. "...She's really very fond of you, Susan."

She was blushing again. "Why are you telling me this, Daledain." Her voice was a bit heated.

"She speaks of you all the time. We taught her to keep a calendar just so she could count the days until Visitation. It's the first thing she does every morning, it's very cute, you know." He smiled warmly, eyes glistening a hint as he met her gaze. "And I've seen the way you look at each other." He drew a deep breath. "We hadn't dared to hope, but we're so happy it's come to this."

"Why are you--" her voice was desperate, and her eyes were watering a little. "Come to WHAT?!" He couldn't POSSIBLY mean that... that she and Vela...?!

He looked up, to the window, and raised his voice. "Vela!"

Barely a second, and she was bounding in, scrabbling at the wooden flooring. Susan's heart lurched in her chest, and she looked away, blushing furiously. Oh, gods!

"Please," Daledain said, "sit with us, Vela." The canine immediately hunkered down on the floor-- "ah ah. Please." The elf gestured to a chair, and the wolf smiled apologetically and rose, pulling the chair over nearer Susan before having a seat. "Now. Vela. You like Susan, yes?"

She smiled brightly, countless fangs gleaming under golden eyes that somehow held nothing but the most tender affection. "Oh, yes! She is my favorite. Always." Susan shifted in her seat.

"Do you find her..." He paused, and smiled. "Do you want to mate with her?" The wolf opened her mouth, and paused, looking uncertainly to Susan. The human was bright red. "It's okay, Vela." Daledain was smiling intently. "You can say it."

"I want to mate with her every day! Some days it's all I can think about, and I have to go run in the woods until I feel better. Sometimes, on Visitation day, I have to try really hard not to just mate with her as soon as I see her. It... it hurts, sometimes. But I know I shouldn't, so I don't."

Daledain nodded slowly. "And... is there anybody else you would like to mate with?"

"No. Sometimes I want to mate really, really badly, but I don't want it to be anybody else. Sometimes I think I catch a whiff of her smell and I just about go crazy. It has to be..." She finally looked over to the human. "...her."

Susan was a beet. Her hands were folded tightly over her mouth, and her cheeks were a little wet. Gods, Daledain, why are you doing this...

"Vela..." The elf's voice was low. "I asked Susan about you before you came in. She's a little embarrassed right now, you know how shy she can be, but do you know? She said you're cute."

The human felt naked suddenly, her skin tingling. But that was absurd, that wasn't even-- that wasn't that big a thing to say!

The wolf perked her ears high, and looked to Susan again, and she grabbed the armrests of her chair and scooted it over noisily until it bumped Susan's, pinching her fingers a little. She hissed a little and shook her paw, but she leaned over quickly, and her voice was low. "Susan... did you say that?"

She looked at the wolf. Her mouth was a tiny o of wonder, her eyes big and beautiful, excited and scared, her gentle brow drawn up in the middle. How could a wolf look so terribly... cute? Susan swallowed, and nodded, silent.

Vela rocked in her seat, paws tightening on the armrests until they creaked. "Susan..." She almost whispered. "Can I hug you?"

She'd glanced away, but her eyes rose inevitably to the wolf's again. Susan leaked a tiny whimper, and threw her arms open. And she was swept up, the wolf's chair clattering to one side as she was enveloped in warm, soft fur, and she found she was crying into the wolf's shoulder, shaking a little against her, and slowly, she hugged that beautiful creature back. She was so warm, and she smelled like the last warm day in autumn.

She wasn't sure how long they embraced like that, but her face came away mostly dry, and she felt a little more... clear-headed. She patted the great wolf gently and sat back in her chair with a shaky sigh. Vela glanced around uncertainly, though her tail was still wagging about behind her as she righted her chair and sat it down right next to Susan's.

"So..." The human murmured in Daledain's direction, "what? You've got two women that... that like each other. Well, I mean, women?" She glanced a little uncertainly at Vela. "Either way, it's not natural, something like this, not to mention we're not even close in species. You want me to bear her children for you and... give you something new to raise?" She found her voice was bitter, and she felt awfully tired. "I don't think it will work..." A lot of feelings she'd never really acknowledged were falling into place in her mind, and she could only think she would have been better off not knowing this about herself.

Daledain was not smiling, now. But it was not he that spoke.

"Unnatural?" Lonendaren took the last chair, next to Daledain. When had he entered? The pale, silver-haired elf was watching her intently. "Your fellow humans might claim there's something wrong with two women falling in love, but I assure you, nature holds no such objections. Daledain and I have enjoyed a fair deal of life together without suffering any maladies, be they of the soul, of fate, or otherwise. We are far from alone in this. And if it's a matter of reproduction, that which many of you might consider the crux of a relationship..." He rested a hand on Daledain's, and the dark-haired elf's expression softened. "Your genders are no barrier, as I believe you've noticed. Your difference in species may be a larger obstacle, but... not an insurmountable one."

She swallowed slowly. "...Magic?"

Daledain nodded.

She didn't consider herself superstitious, but the prospect of having magic worked on her directly was... unnerving, on top of everything else. Certainly none would be better equipped to handle it than the elves, but this did not sound precisely common. She was considering the prospect of being enchanted, and suddenly caught herself up. She couldn't really be considering this! "Do you know how crazy this sounds? E-even if... if Vela and I became... something more. I couldn't take her back to Elfton, they would have torches, and..." She shook her head.

"You can live here. The city will be happy to provide for you." Lonendaren smiled slowly. "Although from what I understand, you could likely live well enough simply on what you've made already without working another day. I'm sure you could employ a few people to take over the bakery for you. You would not need to make the deliveries yourself, I think, if you no longer needed an excuse to come here." His smile was just a little mischievous as he glanced at Vela.

"The city...?" She remembered suddenly. All the elves, staring in the square. "Just what is the city's interest in... all this? I thought this was just the two of you, but it's not, is it?"

Daledain's mouth tightened, and his partner leaned back in his seat. They glanced to each other, and the dark-haired elf leaned closer. "This isn't just about Vela's comfort, or our desire to raise someone with a little of our blood in them. This is... much larger than the four of us."

"Twenty years ago," Lonendaren murmured with a quiet note of pride, "this was all seen as foolishness. But when Vela grew up strong and promising, we caused quite a stir, not just in Sieled but in all the elflands. We had many visitors to study her, and to take down the exact details of our methods. Vela has many brothers and sisters in nature growing up across the land-- younger incarnations, attempted with other species. Vela was the first, and she is fully mature and ready for... the real test."

The wolf was listening intently, and at that she blinked, ears flicking. She might have been struggling just a little to keep up, but she did not interrupt.

Daledain examined his hands. "We believe it will be possible, but a little more... massaging may be necessary. It's our sincere hope that with this last step, it will become... continuous." His eyes finally rose to Susan's. "Vela will become not an oddity or a pet, but the beginning of a new species. Vela and... yourself."

Susan stared at him blankly. She could not begin to process that. She leaned in just a hint. "...Are you... serious?" Dull incredulity tainted her voice.

Lonendaren gestured with his hands as he explained a bit hastily, "if one of the others was a little older, and Vela willing, they might be able to try it, but we think it best we lean toward a little less elfblood, just to be safe. A little bit of human would be excellent for the mix, we think. And if we can demonstrate full, unassisted reproduction, then-- well, we're still seen as a little eccentric, but with that, we would be able to garner full respect and support from the larger houses and begin large scale projects. It would be-- amazing. But if we wait another five or ten years for a good pair to take, well, there are counter-groups, and they might--"

The human was waving it all away dismissively. "I can't even keep track of human politics. Just-- but-- unassisted? I thought you would be... magicking up our... the..."

Here the elves shifted in their seats and exchanged another one of those meaningful glances. Susan found she was grinding her teeth a little.

"The union itself would have to be completely unassisted for it to mean anything." Daledain laced his fingers in an arch before him. "So anything we were to do would have to be ahead of time, and fully approved by a neutral party. It would have to be..." He glanced down, and to Lonendaren, and back up to her. "We would need to change you, Susan. You would become... like Vela. Permanently."

Her mouth fell open. She had been incredulous before, now she could only wish she could believe they were joking. "Wh... I... How..." She glanced incredulously at Vela, who also seemed surprised, but her tail was thumping at the chair a little. "B... you can't... L-like Vela? Like, a wolf? You would make me a wolf??"

"Essentially, yes." Lonendaren was sitting up, fidgeting almost excitedly. "The very best odds are between two partners with animal sides as similar as possible. The other part doesn't matter as much, we've found. We don't talk about it, but elves and humans can actually interbreed quite easily, just that that's commonly considered horribly gauche." He offered a brief, apologetic smile, and she felt she might be going cross-eyed. "So the hard part is the animal, and the exact mix. Vela is a template. We can open you to an imprint, and with Vela's example, you will become just like Vela, but a cross between human and wolf in exactly the same mix. We've considered many, many possibilities, but we think that would get us the best chances of a successful breed, and one that's hardy, self-continuing, and not trampling too heavily on the Bloodbond. It's got to be you two."

"So you just--?!" Susan started to flare, caught herself, and glanced to Vela. The wolf was wide-eyed. She reached over and squeezed the wolf's paw. It felt strange, but somehow it helped, even though she meant it to comfort the wolf. "So, you just... you expect me to drop my life, turn into a wolf, and bear you litters for your plans to play at gods?" She tried to keep her voice even, but that only seemed to make the words more venomous even than she'd intended.

Lonendaren swallowed, taken aback a hint, but Daledain maintained a bluff face. "How old are you, Susan?" His voice was quiet, though not quite soft.

She paused a moment. "Twenty-nine."

"When do human women typically marry?"

She looked away. She'd gotten questioning looks and teasing questions after 22 or so, but they had stopped. Men still inquired occasionally, some visitors even wondering if she might be a young widow.

"You're attractive for a human, surely you've had opportunities. I imagine many men have sought to catch your eye over the years." He sat back slowly, letting that hang in the air a few moments before finally adding, "it must be hard to find other women. It's not a very large town." He looked to Vela with a warm smile. "Not that I think you would exactly be scraping the bottom of the barrel here. I do not believe you think so either." He leaned forward, voice lowering. "So. I would ask you not to think of this as some great task we're foisting upon you, but an opportunity. A chance to leave behind those that might judge you, or at best isolate you, if they knew the truth, and instead start a new life-- here, with a woman you love, among friends and many who would be ready to support you every step of the way in becoming a mother to something truly amazing." His eyes crinkled a little as he smiled, sharing a quiet secret with her. "You've wanted to start a family, haven't you, Susan?"

She ached, beneath her breast. Her eyes fell shut.

Sitting back, she drew a deep breath, and she tried to stop and really, sincerely think this over. But her eyes cracked open, and she found she didn't really need to. She gave a tiny nod of her head.

The elves sighed, drawing closer together, radiating a quiet excitement. They had read it in her, somewhere between the slouch of surrender and the quiver of uncertain hope. They had their wish.

"Now," Daledain mentioned quietly, "there is one part you may not like."

She stooped to rub at her eyes.


Morning in the forest was beautiful. The enormous city trees the elves had grown solely to live in and on supported a lush canopy high above, and under the slowly brightening sky, the rising sun cast slanted rays of green and gold across the many bridges, branches, and platforms all around her, and over the vegetation and open living spaces far below. The canopy still held most of them in shadow, but pools of sunlight splashed over every surface at random, slowly drifting with the sun's ascent.

The elves were milling about everywhere, and Susan could see that every last one was naked today. Visitation Day was over, after all. The only vestige of human presence that remained here was her. What other strange little secrets might the elves have been keeping that she could stumble upon now...?

She saw quickly to her light breakfast, kindly brought by the smiling Daledain, though she suspected it was not just out of kindness, but to make sure she hadn't run off in the night or anything. Still, she couldn't help but wonder that, for a race of immortals, they were so impatient to see this thing done. She was trying to relax, to draw some deep breaths as she stared at her empty bowl, but she could hear the elf fidgeting and mumbling just outside the window. She sighed, and rose.

It really was a beautiful city. She found herself nearly missing her steps descending the long, winding stairs just to stare out over the verdant reaches, the rolling terrain of roots and brush somehow sculpted into a stately chaos, guiding the flow of the elves on the forest floor. Many of them, she couldn't help but notice, were going the same way.

The town square. She was certainly familiar with it, and well-acquainted with the many layers of bridges, balconies, and platforms that seemed to center around the single, massive, ancient stump. Many, many eyes could fill those spaces, and they were packed in now as Susan crossed the last, broad bridge to step onto the square itself. It was, of course, round, and perfectly flat, the wood long since worn smooth by the endless passing of immortal feet. A few tables and benches ringed the edges, but the center was a broad, open space, larger than the square in Elfton easily, ideal for putting on great plays or any other kind of spectacle. Apparently, today's performance was a highly anticipated one.

Facing her in the center of the stump was a small group of elves, only one of which she recognized as Lonendaren, and to one side, Vela was smiling at her. The other elves were solemn, and as she drew closer, she found they looked... old. She'd never seen an elf that actually looked older than, say, thirty years. She suddenly felt... small.

They didn't wear anything to indicate their office, of course. There had to be at least several hundred elves watching on, and hers was the only skin obscured by cloth. She'd never thought she would feel so out of place just wearing clothes, and part of her wanted to strip, but she suspected now was not the time. Even Vela was naked. She looked... good.

Daledain drew up beside her and spoke quietly to one of the elders. He was smiling softly, and his voice was confident, though respectful. Susan couldn't understand a word, of course. She took hold of her wrist in front of her before she started fidgeting. She glanced to Vela, and the wolf smiled at her, eyes glittering excitedly, tail wagging.

Gods. She couldn't believe she was doing this. But... Susan swallowed, and managed a small, queasy smile in return. Daledain had been right about one thing. At least she'd finally found the right person to do it with. Even if all the other circumstances were... insane.

The elder spoke back, slowly and with a gravitas that made her heart shudder in her chest. The aged elf woman looked to Susan for just an instant, leaving her frozen on the spot as she then looked up, and her voice boomed suddenly through the trees, assisted by some kind of elven magic. The many onlookers stirred and murmured among themselves as Daledain turned to whisper in Susan's ear.

"Are you alright? You look a bit ill."

"I'm not sure if you'd be familiar with the concept of heart attacks, but I'm trying not to have one. Do we really have to do this in front of EVERY elf in Sieled?" She tried to keep her voice restrained to a tiny, shrill whisper.

He chuckled faintly. "That would be quite a feat. No, many are regretfully forced to listen from afar, or use some kind of scrying or distance-seeing device. Those gathered here are but a fraction, and many are from other influential cities across the world. You should feel honored, Susan." He was smiling bemusedly at the mixture of terror and fury in her eyes. "Now, now. I've seen how close you two are. I'm sure once you get into it, you'll forget all about us anyway. Young love and all that." He was smiling quite widely now. "Anyway. It will give us the best chances if everyone that's anyone can see how it went down. You wouldn't want to have to do it on display a second time just to make sure we had enough witnesses, would you?"

She sighed sharply, formulating a reply, when the elder woman's gaze fell on her again, and her mouth clamped shut. The elder spoke to her, her voice still somewhat amplified.

Daledain leaned close again. "She asks if you understand that many magics will be worked on you, some of them irreversible."

Her skin tingled a little. She swallowed, and met those dark, deep-set eyes. "I do."

The male relayed her answer, and the elder turned and spoke to one of her companions. Daledain stepped away from her, drawing a deep breath. "They're going to inspect you, to make sure no magics have already been worked on you. Just relax."

Relax. Yes, she'd get right on that. Susan glanced up at the crowds staring down at her from every side, and straightened as an elder male approached. He held up a stone, angling it before his eye as if to peer at her through it, and it began to glow. She thought she might have felt a faint warmth wash through her as he tilted his head, looking her up and down. She was still wearing her clothes from yesterday, yet she felt the urge to cover herself.

He stepped back, and spoke to the others. The elder woman nodded, and spoke to another companion. This man stepped forward, and gestured to Vela. The wolf padded quickly to Vela, smiling, and breathed an eager little, "hi!"

Susan puffed a sigh, laughter gurgling up in her throat, and suddenly her eyes were stinging. "H-hi, Vela," she managed to mumble, and after a moment, she touched the wolf's arm, giving her a squeeze.

Daledain cleared his throat. "When you're ready, you should go ahead and strip. Fenednor will lay the enchantment on you, and you will be ready to take Vela's template."

She let a controlled breath wind out of her. Right. She started to undo the buttons on her blouse. "So... we're just... supposed to do it, right here? On the wood?"

He paused, and she glanced over to see his brow risen in a moment of surprise. "Would you like us to bring you a cot?"

She paused, and giggled nervously. No, that really wouldn't make it any less awkward, she supposed. "I suppose it's been more than good enough as a seat for many spread elven behinds over the years. I shouldn't complain." His low chuckle was answer enough, and she finally peeled her top up and off, then her shift after just a moment's hesitation.

Vela made a barely audible noise low in her throat, those big, warm eyes fixed to her. Her expression was affectionate, but Susan couldn't help but see something... predatory in it. She undid her pants and wriggled out of them, supposing it would be just what she needed right now to get tangled in a leg and fall over while all these elves waited for her to do something amazing.

Finally, she peeled off her bloomers and shivered faintly, straightening, naked in the morning breeze. She expected a wave of fear, but as Vela's smile widened warmly, she found she didn't care too much who else was looking at her, so long as the wolfess looked at her like that. Their bodies drew close.

Daledain cleared his throat again, and they stilled. Vela sheltered her a little from the breeze, and she thought she could almost feel the warmth of that great, furry body looming over her. The elder male drew closer, and drew something from a pouch. He murmured something in a low, creaky voice, and she thought she felt something... slide... within her. Not in any part of her, but all of her. He raised his hand, and he cast a spray of white ash over her as his little speech reached a climax.

The ash touched her skin, and the world lurched out of place, like a limb popping from its socket. She felt-- loose, dangling, not quite in place. She thought if she looked around quickly, she might see a black nothing just at the edge between the world she could see and what she couldn't. It took her a moment to place the noise she was hearing as Daledain's voice.

"Grab her. Careful. Only you can touch her now." Warm arms drew her up from freefall, and she sighed faintly. Slowly, the world became a little more cooperative. "Susan? You're okay. You're ready to take Vela's template now."

Her head fell back, and Vela's face filled her vision, smiling, brow furrowed just a hint in concern. Susan smiled a bit foolishly, her arms and legs dangling uselessly. The wolf leaned in, those golden discs swelling close, then almost disappearing under heavy lids. A breath spread across her lips a moment before the wolf followed, kissing her gently. An odd taste broke in her mouth as a foreign tongue played across her lips, and after a moment, slid between them, into the shuddering human's mouth.

Something snarled inside Susan, though she wasn't sure anybody else had heard. Her legs were solid again, slowly pressing to the ground, and her hands drew up to grasp at the wolf. She suckled faintly at that long, slick tongue, letting her own press up to slide along it as she leaned into the kiss. Vela... Her arms curled around the hulking wolf, fingers slowly digging into the soft shag near her shoulders, and she huffed deeply as she pressed her tongue into the wolf's mouth in return. She almost thought she might as well go limp again, and just hang by that warm point, the tender meeting of their bodies.

But something was stirring in her belly, and a heated tension was creeping up her spine. She was... hungry? Her fingers curled and dug through that warm shag, pulling at the wolf covetously as gravity itself seemed to tilt in the direction of that big, powerful creature, wreathed in the scent of the wild, of power and potent need, of... she almost thought she could smell Vela's love. But that wasn't what was making her mouth water as she fell panting from the kiss, her tongue squirming behind her teeth. Her legs were tense, drawing her close against that hulking form, and her eyes skittered down the creature bare before her.

Vela was well over six feet tall, perhaps closer to seven, and every inch of her was raw power, her body a sleek and well-proportioned spread of taut muscle, tender curves, and thick, surprisingly soft fur, reddish brown and bristling. This much she already knew well enough, but she couldn't help but take in the whole of her: broad shoulders and long arms, ready to lope on all fours as easily as on two, her paws barely lengthened into finger-like shapes with dark pads and claws. Her head was that of a wolf, yet human expressions shone through, and the fur atop her head grew out heavy, flopping to one side or the other. Her eyes were always curious, and around Susan, always shining with happiness, golden and brilliant.

Below... she had no idea where it had come from, but her bust was prodigious. More, it hung firm and taut as if still straining with its own volume, despite her overly active lifestyle. Now, two dark, reddish studs peeked from her fur, capping those fearsome mounds, pointing up and to either side happily as they perked with Vela's excitement. Her belly held just a hint of a curve from her gluttonous tendencies, which was also impressive given how much time she spent running about, and her hips were broad, both powerful and fertile. Her legs bent twice, ending in full on wolf's paws rather than anything similar to human feet. But, in the center of it all...

Red. Deep, bright red, shot through with dark, pulsing veins. Susan's breath wound from her in a sigh of quiet awe. She thought it had to be almost as long as her arm, from the elbow, and it tapered between intimidatingly thick and perhaps approaching reasonable in a strange way. This was nothing human. She'd seen a few, and this was...

Her stomach groaned. This was... the most... delicious thing she'd ever seen. Her head was thumping, and it was difficult to form thoughts, but she knew-- men's things had repulsed her. But this... this was Vela's... its every bob was to the beat of Vela's own heart, and if it twitched and drooled thin juices down its own underside, that was because Vela was staring at her, wanting her, more than anything in this world... This was... her wolf's... and it was hers.

And she wanted it. She didn't know if that was just this bloody magic, but she needed it, she had to... She...

Her hands were shaking as they hovered to either side of that length, framing it. Vela gave a soft, uncertain whine as Susan stumbled down to her knees, letting that heavy creature loom over her. Someone in the distance said something, and the wolf shifted, stepping back and lying down, spreading those powerful legs. Broad, delicate orbs rolled down to sit on the wood as she settled before the shivering human, who found herself drawn in, crawling between the wolf's legs.

Her sack was... soft. It almost shocked her to find her fingers curling around those orbs, but they had looked so incredibly soft... and the fur, the silken, downy stretch of hide, it embraced her fingers, her palms, warming her, and she thought she could feel the life stirring inside, waiting to be born. Her head was swirling, and she was growing dizzy, but she found, when she pressed her nose in between those soft, snuggly weights, when she buried her face against her Vela's musky center and breathed of her, and felt the pulse of her against her brow, she felt... clear, and at peace. Hungry, but no longer confused.


Her lips spread, suckling at that velvet sac, lips pressing, pulling, massaging over the creatures within. Her eyes juttered upward, and she saw Vela, staring down at her, her mouth hanging open as she panted and leaked noises slipping between animalistic whirs and more familiar moans. When those golds finally cleared enough to recognize Susan's gaze in turn, the wolf managed a loose, almost embarrassed smile. Looming between the two of them, that dark creature wagged with thick, eager pulses, slowly coating itself in musky juices. The runoff even managed to trickle down across her lips, and her tongue spread across that warm moisture.

A groan yanked from her throat, and she suckled tightly at that hide, dragging those juices up out of her fur, and her teeth pressed to the underside of that sheath as she filtered out the salty sweetness of Vela's essence. How could that taste so good...! How could ANYTHING taste this good? Her hands slowly scooped up each of those plump spheres, giving them a few covetous squeezes as her lips and tongue dragged upward, drawn helplessly to follow this endless flow of juices.

Hot, raw, subtly textured flesh spread under her tongue. The juices were everywhere. Veins bulged against her taste buds, and she curled subtly around each to slurp them clean as she traced a sloppy zig zag around the sides and belly of that length, climbing it with low, shuddering pants and gasps, lashing up every glistening drop of the wolf's produce that she could find. But this was only a distraction, for she knew her destination-- her eyes were locked to that tip, where a fat bead of cloudy wolf essence glittered in the morning light, trembling with the beat of the beast's heart and with the little tickling motions of her own tongue and lips. It shivered, and leaned-- and her lips pounced up over it, consuming it, and that fat cockhead along with it.

A throaty groan rattled around that broad creature as her lips strained and pulled at its bulk. It was absolutely coated in this delicious mess, and her tongue lathered hungrily, unable to keep up as the stuff only seemed to spill out all the more rapidly under her attention, the wolfess panting sharply somewhere beyond that delectable meal. Susan gulped down a thick, messy wad of pre as it became more than she could balance on her tongue, instead scooping up fresh juices still hot from those orbs twitching lazily in her palms. Greedy, her lips spread and strained against the blunt of that wolf dick, the point poking its way firmly down her tongue to paint the back of her throat with small spurts of those eager juices, the musk washing up her nose as her eyes rolled up under lids sliding shut. She drank it all down, her belly warm and churning slowly, and the warmth seemed to soak right down her middle until her thighs were flexing and rubbing together, her hips swaying slowly from side to side.

When her eyes cracked open again, she dimly realized that her nose had become a dark little button to match Vela's. It was beginning... She looked up to Vela uncertainly, and the wolfess was staring down at her, fascinated, still smiling, still panting with need. Susan drew her brow together with a sloppy little attempt at a smile around that heavy hunk of flesh. Okay.

Her stomach was burning with hunger, and that raw, driving need guided her, leaving little room for her to worry. Her hands dragged up to wrap around what little of that shaft they could manage, stroking firmly, pulling at it, milking the wolfess as her tongue lapped needily at the slit leaking all these juices, a meaty little divot in the center of a flat brunt, just above the pointed tip of that beast. She found that a nice, dragging squeeze up the bottom pumped a thick wad of wolf juice onto her waiting tongue, setting her shivering and groaning as she swallowed it down and worked her for more. But... it wasn't enough.

Her mouth was feeling funny, and it seemed to have stretched out a little. She had a bit of a muzzle. But her hands still looked quite human running down that thick, red creature, and the rest of her didn't really feel changed, just... terribly warm, and needy, in more ways than she'd known possible. She needed the real thing. Just daring to think about it, about what the wolfess might be able to give her, seemed to make something crash in her skull, and her fingers tightened covetously around that shaft as she thrust forward, hungrily consuming inch after inch of that beast.

The tip butted harshly at the back of her throat, making her body seize a moment, and still she was tempted to go further, to feast on this wolf flesh until she had what her body demanded, but in the space of her quivering hesitation, a large paw spread in her fuzzy vision. Vela pressed a rugged palmpad to her cheek, fingers tenderly sliding through her hair to grasp the side of her face. Susan dragged her gaze up again, and the wolfess was smiling tremulously down at her, her breasts heaving with her deep, anxious breaths.

That great paw pressed her gently up, off the heavy bulk of that cock, and for a moment she resisted, almost out of reflex. N-no, she wasn't done! She had to--! But that soft, firm pressure guided her, dragging her lips up to release glazed, bright red inches, until her mouth just started to ease closed around the narrowing taper of the head. Powerful fingers flexed slowly across her scalp as the great wolfess drew a deep breath, and she pulled.

For just an instant fear skittered through Susan's mind as that hot, stony bulk ground down her tongue, suddenly an inexorable presence pushing into her skull under the weight of that paw-- and even as that thrill of terror somehow inverted into a surge of heat down between her legs, she realized that it was foolish to be afraid. This was Vela. She might have been fearsomely powerful, but she was the most tender, kind...

Cockmeat jutted against her throat, and for one more moment she quivered with uncertainty, the wolfess leaking a heavy sigh... Before she drew her up again. Trembles ran down her back, and a chill on the inside of her thigh with the next soft breeze informed her that a bead of moisture was running down her skin.

Moving smoothly with the press of that firm paw, she worked up and down the bulk of about a third of that heavy crimson creature, steadily picking up the rhythm, the whisper of hard flesh dragging back along the roof of her mouth, her jaw easing up a moment as her lips closed around the peculiar shape of that head, just before spreading and dropping her jaw again to take a fresh, hot push rolling down her tongue, often with a salty mess painting the way down to snuggle in at her throat, every motion a smooth, quiet, intimate press of flesh on flesh. The pace quickened almost imperceptibly, and she found herself relishing every hungry push, the heavy throbs of Vela's pleasure shoving against her tongue. She thought she could feel the building, ferocious drive underneath that veil of control.

Part of her wanted the wolf to push even harder-- for her to violate the straining girl's throat, that she could feel that beast mate with her fully. But the rest of her recoiled in terror, largely because it was completely obvious at this point that she could not take this thing into her neck without... breaking. Her jaw was already sore trying to contain it, even now that it was a little longer and had more breadth to offer, and she had trouble handling the thicker, more potent pulses running up that heavy length pumping along her tongue. Those potent spasms were coming quicker now, like a fervent heartbeat solely belonging to this heavy creature, pushing thick, delicious waves of that savory juice down her tongue ahead of that broad head.

Her stomach groaned. She could feel a burn in every muscle in her body-- she needed it, desperately. Her body ached in every fiber for this thing that only Vela could give her... Her hands tightened around that broad shaft, working to stroke roughly over every inch, pleading, demanding her meal, her missing piece. Her fingers stretched low, and bumped into something hot. Eyes cracking open, she blinked at it fuzzily, and took a heady rush when she recognized-- it was an immense knot! Th-that meant she was getting close, right? That Vela was trying to breed her face, and she wanted to lock inside it and make sure it all stayed in!

Well, she wasn't going to be able to handle quite all that, but Susan made a silent promise, not a drop would go to waste. Her fingers spread and slid down that bulging, vein-chased length covetously, curling up over that knot, massaging at it. A low snarl cut suddenly through the wolf's throat, and her paw tightened on the human's skull. You like that? Susan quivered, and her hands flexed in, rubbing tight over that knot experimentally. If you want to lock in me... then maybe... Her fingers curled around the back, and she found that it was just narrow enough back there for her hands to draw together in a tight ring, jammed in tight behind that great, bulbous mass. Her hands just about disappeared from view behind that red monster, and her fingers were halfway buried in the warm, wet folds of her sheath.

Tight, heavy pants ratcheted up quickly in the wolf's breast as those fingers interlocked, the canine's throat crackling like piling firewood-- and finally, she blazed up in a roar, claws digging in at her lover's skull, and Susan's head lurched downward. Searing steely flesh jutted through the folds of her throat, and half the bulk of that flaring head jammed right into her neck proper-- it was more than she could take, and she couldn't breathe, and her eyes were welling up, she couldn't...!

Molten seed burst in her throat, carving a curling path down her chest, tangibly striking her belly. It came in a thundering cascade, and she could feel her neck straining rhythmically, her eyes bulging wide, as that monstrous breeder rod pulsed between her teeth and forced its payload right down her throat. That fat cockhead was jammed halfway into her neck in a perfect seal, flesh conforming immaculately to flesh, and the full wrath of Vela's howling, scrabbling, snarling orgasm speared right down into her aching stomach.

She went from starving to achingly full in seconds. She clutched to that knot like a lifeline, starting to quiver all over as two heavy orbs nudged at her wrists with their own rolling motions. The raw heat of that load was soaking through her body, and she broke out in a sweat, her arms and legs aching, her muscles twitching and flexing. Her eyes rose, fearful, searching, but Vela was a blur, thrashing and panting and moaning. She could only ride that fountainous pillar, and do her best to accept Vela's love, her lust, her breeding ecstasy. Her template.

Her neck was still bulging with those heavy pulses when her skin rose in goosebumps. She shivered even as she sweltered, her body confused. Then, though she could not see it, she felt the change begin in earnest. And she could hear it. Like slowly tearing out a fistful of grass, a whispering series of pops echoed through her body, ringing up her inner ear as her skin tingled and strained.

Her belly was about to burst. She pulled urgently at that spasming paw, and Vela barely had the presence of mind to let her slip free. Susan reared up, shoving off the wolf's crotch by that double handful of pulsing flesh, coughing fitfully. Her eyes seized shut as still more hot seed splattered across her face, and her breasts, loose ropes grazing her hair and curling, thick and sticky, to roll hot and clinging down her back. It was all she could do to pull desperate little gasps of air around a thick, overflowing mouthful, her lover's essence spilling down her chin in thick gouts even as she weakly attempted to swallow.

The tingling warmth was rapidly becoming a blaze. Her eyes shot open, and she finally broke her grasp on that beast to shield her vision, though Vela only had a few more panting shots to paint across her belly. Her arm, though-- fur was surging up from her skin, spreading in thick patches, centered on that creamy mess. Glancing down, she found the web of spunk crossing her chest was slowly disappearing in the thick spread of dark, reddish brown fur rising on her breasts, steadily expanding to fill the gaps. She gasped sharply at these lines spread across her nipples, the pink tips already hard but thickening, darkening as fur rose around them. Her hands rose to rub shakily at her body-- her arms, her chest, her shoulders, her face, it was all burning with this new, wondrous heat. For a moment, she indulged herself and scrubbed over her breasts, marveling at the strange sensation of thick fur spreading round her fingers. She gave a soft squeak when she nearly nicked herself, though-- her nails were narrowing into claws!

Her belly was churning anxiously around its heavy burden, and soon drew her attention south. She groaned heavily as the heat spread slowly but steadily, with growing urgency, from her very core. Her muscles trembled and flexed, some sliding around each other, rearranging, thickening, lengthening. Something crackled, and she gasped, falling forward to clutch at the wood to either side of Vela, quivering on all fours. Her spine was-- vibrating! Something just above her rear was straining, stretching almost painfully-- until it surged out with a lurch. She shrieked faintly, struggling to pull her head up and back, to peer over her shoulder. Her spine was popping and rattling wildly in her ears as it pushed out, extending brand new bones and joints in a slender addition, squirming up into the air, pale and rather lewd-looking for just a moment but soon bristling with fresh fur that grew and grew. Soon it bristled into a fluffy mess of a tail, and she could only stare incredulously. Tentatively, she flexed, and it twitched just a little to one side.

A heavy groan lurched from her throat as seething heat came to the fore between her legs-- in front, this time. What--?! She squirmed around and finally collapsed on her back across Vela's lap and her spent shaft. The great wolf tenderly drew her up against her, hugging her close, and Susan found the panic leaching from her even as she stared wide-eyed at her crotch. Her mons was bulging out, and she found her hips jerking and bucking up until-- the skin split. She screamed, though it took her a moment to realize it hadn't hurt. Fur was crawling across the region, steadily thickening, setting her lips below tingling fiercely, and that bulge grew into three separate bulges-- one pointed up at her, split right in the center, and two smaller slowly welling up below. Something red stirred beneath that furred hide. She panted wildly, coughing and swallowing and clutching at the wolfess pressed to her back. Something was coming.

It hit her womb. She arched suddenly, screaming, one paw clutching at her belly as her most sacred region slowly turned, melted and reformed. Her hips rolled and thrust, and she wasn't sure what she was doing, but something was wagging through her vision-- Vela's red, crimson pillar was swinging around wildly, but... it was a little smaller, and... sprouting up steadily from her own hide. She stared, eyes jittering up and down that thick, veiny creature. T-this wasn't... supposed to...? She shivered. The breeze was nice enough with how overheated she felt, but on that shaft, it was suddenly rather unwelcome! She reached out for that alien creature gingerly, trying to shield it a little from the chill, and the first graze of her finger sent a shudder through the whole of her, her toes curling even as they darkened and grew stout pads and claws. Her body, inside and out, was slowly easing, the fire fading into a simple, aching warmth, largely focused in her somewhat swollen belly.

But this... thing... it demanded to be touched. It leapt with her shaky breaths, especially as her paw eased in around it. Her fingertips barely landed, and she swallowed a whine, her thighs drawing tense, her hips waggling in little bucks. She could only barely stand to run her fingertips over it, though she found part of her desperately wanting more. Still, when Vela's larger paw curled in around her, reaching for that pulsing, crimson creature, she squeaked in fear, giving a little shake of her head.

But there was no stopping her. A huge, powerful paw closed fully around her, and she found herself gasping noisily, body drawing up in a tight arch, shoving her hips up into that grip before the wolf's-- the greater wolf's other paw pulled her down and snug again, holding her steady as that knot of sensation worked smoothly up and down her length. Whimpering, panting tightly, chewing roughly over her lip, she struggled and squirmed as her freshly formed testicles churned and drew close, a squirming heat trickling down the insides of her hips toward that needy creature growing from her middle. Her breath broke into rapid, high-pitched moans and cries, the sounds rising and falling, inverting and going on with her every gasp, and she clawed into those powerful arms framing her as her fur bristled and her body drew taut.

A single, sincere scream, claws scrabbling at wood, and she watched her own seed arc through the morning air as raw, strange and unendurable pleasure tunneled up her belly, scored across her breasts and burst in her skull, this bizarre connection flaring through her, forging the seal on something new and extraordinary. She collapsed into her lover's arms, panting, staring into the golden green morning canopy, and her new body stretched out before her as her eyes fell.

She was... sleek, yet muscled; even through her fur it was clear. She thought some other parts might have gotten bigger, as well. She blinked dully at her breasts, frowning accusingly at them a moment. They were definitely larger. Her hips looked silly, stretching out broadly to either side. Surely she was going to wobble when she walked. And she wasn't certain just from feel, but she suspected her rear had swollen as well. Moving around was going to be very strange. But for now, she simply lay in a daze, thinking silly thoughts, slowly absorbing everything that had happened.

As the rush of twitching muscles and thumping heart faded, though, other sensations flooded in. The air was suddenly alive with a hundred scents, setting her wriggling her dark little nose and blinking around. Trees, flowers, the many elves around them, even a few distant animals tickled at her memory, barely recognized but slowly coming back. But all of it was only filtered through a heavy, constant presence, so oppressive it took her a moment to place it. The more she focused on it, the warmer she seemed to grow, just as she'd been starting to cool. Under the fluffy weight of her new balls, her original sex was stirring, unsatisfied and suddenly growing very sensitive. She squirmed, partly at the odd feeling of her sack tickling at her lips, and partly at the large, steadily hardening lump in her bed.

A deep growl vibrated against her back, and her heart lurched-- not with fear, but with something seizing her from nearly as deep down. Instinct. Need. A furry muzzle loomed over her, a hungry smile just barely visible. She could feel Vela's desire throbbing against her back, and those heavy arms drew in.

Fur bristling, Susan pushed herself up, turning over suddenly. She faced the greater wolf with a snarl of her own, the sound rolling easily from her throat as her hackles rose. She didn't know why, but she felt the need to-- to fight! Her body trembled, muscles heating, as she squirmed away from those reaching paws and even snapped at them with her teeth. Vela's eyes widened a moment, then quickly narrowed. Those growls swelled up, almost numbing her paws on the great wolf's chest. Freed, that heavy pole below swung about behind her eagerly-- and even managed to graze between her legs, just kissing across her lips.

Susan was almost paralyzed with need, feeling that creature nip at her swollen, overheated sex, and in the same moment she was compelled, trembling and absolutely, to attack! She leaked a tremulous snarl and lunged in, head turning, maw wide, aiming to claim the greater wolf's neck!

The world heaved, and suddenly the smooth wood of the elven square plastered to her back. She was trapped, the greater wolfess looming over her, and Vela's maw split in her face in a furious roar. She was terrified. And, somehow, more desperate for this amazing beast's touch than ever before. Gleaming fangs descended, and she felt the bristle of countless razor-sharp tips combing through the fur on either side of her neck, slowly closing to seize her flesh, her very life, in the massive wolf's powerful grip. So much as a twitch, now, and she would have died almost instantly. She leaked a faint moan, her body slowly going slack as heat flushed every part of her, her fur bristling and rolling as Vela's hot breath rolled across her throat. Her life was claimed.

Satisfied, the great wolf released her, lapping over her neck once or twice and shifting down... That familiar weight punched to her belly, shoving a low grunt from the smaller wolfess as she squirmed. Yes... this was what she really needed... Her nethers felt crowded and sweltering, and she could feel the heat of her nether lips practically roasting her balls atop them. She could never get used to having both, they kept mashing against each other, it was driving her insane just lying on her back!

A broad paw seized her hip and dragged her up onto her shoulder blades until her sack flopped up over her sheath-- and she was aligned with that dread creature, the head mashing to her lips, spreading them roughly as a throaty cry burst from her. She could only stare down at that intimidating girth nestling at her entrance, but... the wolf looming over her, pinning and angling her to be used, was suddenly still. Susan twitched and squirmed and finally looked up.

Vela was staring down at her, eyes warm, and she crooned softly. The former human blinked, panting softly, and offered a trembling, eager smile. The great wolf returned it.

Her legs jerked and spasmed as the wolf speared into her, waves of violent heat rolling through her body as she strained around that beautiful monster, and she slowly, achingly drew her legs together around the greater wolf's hips, moaning noisily, breaking into pants and gasps only to moan out again every time that wolf cock stirred to work deeper into her gut. Yes. Yes!! It hurt, but it felt better than it had ever been with-- with the human men. Her eyes were wet, but she was still smiling, clawing into the greater wolfess' sides as she took those slow, firm, rolling thrusts deep into her core, stretching her out as she'd never imagined possible. Her new equipment was starting to spill across her belly, swollen and needy, bouncing a little with the shudder and buck of her hips around that rolling, shoving mass stretching her lips into a taut span.

Strange things had happened to her body, to every inch of her, but she'd never felt anything remotely like this before-- Vela was moving through her, pressing not just a piece of her but a presence, hot and pulsing with her heartbeat, deep into Susan's fitfully trembling form. Her eyes rolled wildly as waves of tremors surged up from her hips, but she glimpsed the massive wolfess over her, still staring down at her new mate with raw, rending affection, helpless love. She found her arms falling upward, curling around those broad shoulders, and slowly, they drew together.

Kissing was... confusing. She tried to draw the wolfess into a proper kiss, but it soon turned into eager lapping and nuzzling, and she could only giggle breathlessly and return it, nipping at each other as their bodies rocked with the eager but patient crush of those powerful hips digging, scooping into her, forging a path into her flesh. When the head finally butted against her inner limit she cried out, legs tensing as though to still the great wolfess, though she could not hope to even slow her. But the great wolfess paused.

Those golden eyes flicked between hers, and a low rumble rolled in Vela's throat. There was dark, desperate hunger in those eyes still, but she could yet hold back for her. Susan bit down on her lip, taking a moment to flex slowly around this insurmountable creature, feeling every flared vein dig against her tightening flesh. The great wolf puffed a steamy breath over her mount under the increasing pressure, and a thick pulse rolled up that girth in answer, ending with a subtle burst of wet warmth deep, deep inside her, touching suddenly to that place she only truly became aware of in the worst of times-- but now, it burned and ached as it never had before, and the taste of her mate's essence sent a dizzying wave of raw, undeniable need through her. She whined, thighs trembling taut against the wolfess' hips, and she shifted slowly, rolling her hips round to one side, then the other, grinding that bulk across her cervix slowly.

The great wolf took up the motions with a low rumble, following her lead, unable to sit still in such an embrace. She ground steadily widening spirals through the core of her, driving first shaky sighs from the little wolf, then cracking groans, then --as her belly started to rise and fall obviously with the motions-- frantic, panting cries, her feet kicking out at the air, at the great, fluffy, wagging tail flagging the pair's eagerness to their increasingly noisy audience.

It was only when she arched back, desperate for a gasp of cool air as their bodies created a heavy cloud of musky heat around them, that she glimpsed the world outside their little bubble of animal lust. The other elves... they were hardly even watching anymore. The walkways and platforms everywhere were full of squirming and heaving bodies, graceful and lithe, sometimes in great tangles that somehow moved naturally, effortlessly in unison. The forest was joining them in carnal unison. She even glimpsed the older, severe elf woman, still watching over them, with the male stooped between her legs.

The world heaved around, and she screamed a moment, clinging desperately at the great wolf as they swung and landed-- upright, her suspended over the great beast's lap. Vela grinned eagerly down at her, pulling her snug against her bountiful chest, holding her still quite impaled on that heavy wolf cock. Now her own weight kept her pressed quite snug to the head, and she shuddered, burying her brow against Vela's breasts to peer down between their heaving bellies. There was still so much more of that red, angry flesh lying bare, with that deflated, naked knot lying at the very base. She shivered. She... she needed... all of it. That knot... her womb cramped with the dire knowledge. She couldn't be satisfied without that knot inside her. Ever.

She whined faintly, puffing deep breaths, trying to relax for what she suddenly knew she must do. She looked up to the greater wolf, and Vela saw something in her eyes that brought a new, feral hunger to her own. Susan gripped at her, shifting her feet to plant on the wood below and get a steadier bearing. She leaned into the great wolf, panting out noisily, and she started to roll her hips firmly, grinding her forbidden gateway around the head of that beast, working at herself, trying to feel out the muscles, the sensations, what she could do to... relax... just a little. She tried to focus her raw, aching needs-- she needed it. She needed all of it. She had to take more... she had to... open...

The point of that tip caught against her opening for just an instant, and they drew tight, hissing breaths together. Hard claws closed around her shoulders as a distant thunder brewed in the great wolf's belly. They shifted slowly together, hugging close, bodies wriggling and angling against each other, fumbling to pick the lock that mother nature had closed. High whimpers tore from Susan's throat as that tip caught at her again, and again, each time lingering just a hint longer. She thought she was getting closer... that she might be opening... Her tiny squeaks played fervent counterpoint to the steadily swelling bass of Vela's intent hunger, the storm brewing in her monstrous lover.

She caught. For the span of an entire heartbeat, that tender little ring slung across the bulk of that fat wolfcock, hooked on the tip and riding its eager throb. Claws seized tight, and she screamed as the earth roared, a furious steel of heat and pulsing juices straining against her, giving slow, rolling trembles as the dread wolf pumped and pumped her pre juices into her, not daring to ease even a hair, only dragging her slowly downward, against that furious bulk, and-- she could feel herself giving way, bit by bit. Her tongue thrust from her mouth in a debased moan, her eyes were sightless, her claws rent into thick, shaggy hide, and her womb at once rejoiced and tremored in terror.

Then it hit. She was without gravity for a half a second, then the air shoved from her lungs in an undignified heave as her aching walls took a single, furious blow-- raw, pulsing, angry flesh speared into her most sacred place, stabbing into the deepest wall and stretching her utterly taut as inch after hot, fresh inch crawled up past her lips, her belly swollen in a single, fat column running up under her navel and well past. And for one moment, reeling and incapable of thought, she knew satisfaction.

Then she realized she was still sitting on that knot. The bulk of that delicious monster nuzzled now to her lips, and she honestly couldn't believe she'd even fit this much inside her, but she NEEDED more. She felt it, it was so close, she was already starting to drool juices down its knobby bulk, but she was already... so...

She finally retched out a shallow breath, gasping weakly, dragging her head back to try and grab for air. Vela leaned in to tenderly lap at her neck, and she grabbed at that broad head as if to stay afloat, the great wolf enduring her desperate, clawing grasp as she stroked down the skewered woman's back, rubbing her firmly, pressing the trembling tension out of her spine like so much dough under the pin. The poor little creature gurgled faintly, and sagged, slowly coming out of her shock. It... hurt... But every inch of it, every vein, it nourished her-- it felt like it was something she'd been needing, craving for her entire life, clueless and wandering in misery, until now. She was filled. And there was still... a little bit... more.

Her body flexed and pressed without thought to try to push against that bulk, to claim it, but her muscles cramped-- where her belly tried to flex, that hot bulk blocked the way. She could hardly move around it! Head spinning, she clumsily started to push against the great wolfess' head, to lever her body down. Vela eased back with a throaty rumble of uncertainty, still panting with the throbbing ecstasy of knowing her womb intimately, to the last inch. Impatient and running out of brainpower, Susan finally dragged one of those heavy paws down to wrap around her hip. The great, seated wolf rumbled out a low murr and slowly tightened her grip, pulling the little wolf's hips into one firm roll around that tree trunk, stirring through her core with many little gurgles and straining that knot against her lips just a hint. She groaned out weakly, and dragged the other broad paw down, to her other hip. A beat, and and the great wolfess gave her a wide, hungry grin, her paws tightening to take hold of her pelvis through her aching hide.

That red monster lurched down and out of her, dragging her lips sloppy and swollen after it, and for a bare flutter she felt betrayed. But claws dug into her flanks, and she drove down bodily to take that unbearable girth straight to her limit and beyond in an instant, her breath driven from her in a windy yelp. She barely started to stoop over, reeling with the fresh impact to her womb, when she was heaving up in the air to slam down again, and again, her breath rushing in and out of her forcefully in sputtering gasps and groaning screams as she seized the fat wolf tits rolling up at her face, trying to steady herself. A thick snarl answered her touch, though, and before she could realize her mistake, the pace nearly doubled-- she was screaming properly now, the sound lurching inverted as her lungs filled and deflated mid-shriek, her body bouncing violently to mash down atop that knot, straining deliciously at her sore slit, but never even coming close to stuffing inside! Her eyes rolled up in her skull as her body gave in to the overwhelming feeling of being used, her womb straining, forming to her lover, retaining her shape in the split second she withdrew before matching her perfectly on the next thrust. But it wasn't enough! Her womb was surely being virtually destroyed, but the deepest ache in that tender place was to feel that knot slide home and claim her fully. She felt like she was going to fall apart, but she needed more! Her claws dug into those fat, rolling breasts heaving up with the great wolf's motions, whether with any knowledge or purpose or not she could never say.

A strained roar burst from the creature that was her lover, and the world lurched-- or rather, it stopped lurching, for just a moment, which was just as confusing. Her head lolled back, mouth hanging open, making one weak attempt at a gasp-- before she was spun round, several fat inches dragging suddenly sideways across her inner walls until she was facing away from the great wolf and swinging downward. The wood met her, and she collapsed against it in a heap as impatient paws dragged her into the proper position, propping her knees and rattly arms against the smooth surface. The warm press of fur and muscle closed around her back, and something opened inside her. A fire bloomed, and she was suddenly stupid with glee. Yes. Mount me. Mate me. Fill me.

Heavy teats weighed on her shoulders, hot breath rolled over her quivering ears, and one paw held her hip steady. The first stroke came in a rush of searing flesh across flesh, and the terrible shock of it rippled through the whole of her and back again when that broad knot collided with her lips. She was trapped, now, pinned to the wood, and there would be no yielding under the weight and power of her monstrous mate. Her mouth formed a moan she could not voice as her cunt bloomed with heat, a small orgasm seizing her suddenly. The next blow came, and stirred that heat suddenly into an inferno, forcing a lurching scream from her as her eyes fluttered wide, askew, and she chewed on her tongue as she hissed for air, thighs flexing fitfully as she milked at that wrathful length pumping through her, the full of her insides spasming and seizing, begging of that length, wringing over every inch as her orgasm was forcibly extended, expanded into something she could not fully comprehend. But the blows were only coming faster and faster. Vela was only getting started.

The world turned white and stormy for a time, and Susan lost track of everything, lost in the debased, relentless, cascading sensation until finally, it melted into something new. Her every nerve was keen, and she could feel even the faintest breeze tickling at her fur, every catch and interlock of bristling hairs between her back and her wonderful monster's belly. Her entire body was becoming charged, the whole of her felt like a part in need of stroking, yet she could barely stand even the lightest touches, the fine grain of the wood under her paws. And her pussy... it was a beaten, trembling thing, finally giving in fully to the onslaught of this creature reaming through it, yet somehow, even her distended, displaced womb still craved that final appeasement, that which she needed more than anything else. To be bred, fully and properly.

It took her a few moments to realize what was happening at her lips, though. Vela was panting tightly now, and she could tell in the way her bones creaked that she was driving her down into the broad trunk with deadly force, wrestling-- with her battered flesh. Cruelly, every moment it almost seemed like she might have stretched wide enough, that knot seemed to throb just a little thicker with its eagerness to be inside her. Tears rolled down the wolfess' cheeks as her belly churned out violently underneath her, her cunt absolutely wrecked and still not opening quite wide enough. She tried to relax, but when it drew close, so damned close, she actually squeezed, as if she thought she might have caught it and had to seize close lest it pop free! She couldn't stop trying to seize at it with what was left of her internal muscles, and her lurching breaths rolled out in needy sobs. Do it! DO IT! Mate me! Please!!

Her arms were swept out from under her suddenly and she was mashed face first into the wood, her body suddenly a set of props to hold her fuckhole up in offering, and she screamed inside her skull in the affirmative as that searing dreadnought powered through her, brutalized her, tried to pull the very ligaments from her bones with every crushing blow.

And for a moment she thought she might have simply torn apart.

Flesh filled her utterly, and her entire pelvis was on fire, a senseless mass of agony and churning, rolling flesh.

A howl cut through the forest, as the fury of the storms channeling through a dark mountain pass, and the beat of the world changed.

Deep strokes cut into rapid, senseless, blurring grinds. A hot, flexing belly pressed fully to her back.

Claws seized into her flesh. Fangs grazed her neck. And she knew.

It was done.

Sightless, her head upturned, she cried with joy as her womb struggled with its last scrap of life to contain the full bulk of her lover, every inch of her wonderful and terrible tool finally, finally claimed, right down to the abominable knot churning and brawling about between her hipbones, struggling to drag free, but it was hers. She had finally claimed it, and no force would take this knot from her. Her vertebrae popped as fangs tightened around her throat, and she began to enter a new climax, one defined by every heavy throb of that wolf cock swelling in her womb, every lurch of those sloppy, dragging balls rising taut against her own.

The first swell, and that knot dug into her bones on both sides. Vela was a steel mountain inside her. And then there came the boiling fire.

Seed burst, driving her womb outward and flowing tightly to fill every worn gap in an instant, and her belly punched outward in a dome. It came in waves of raw heat, and she broke out in a soaking sweat in seconds as the surge and rush and slosh rattled up her spine into her ears, her body slowly changing shape with the full burden, the full swell of her mate's love made material. Her mouth hung open, strained wide, her neck a taut length of cords straining dangerously between digging fangs, her claws digging gouges in the wood as she took her sweet reward, struggling to maintain consciousness long enough to experience it. She didn't notice her own length blasting a load across her squashed tits. She didn't even notice her inner walls convulsing in fresh orgasm. Her mind, and her body, was dominated by the breeding.

Cool wood kissed to her hide, and slowly spread out to meet her expanding stomach, filling the last tiny gap of air in the great mound of panting, musky, radiant wolf flesh that was Sieled's newest happy couple. Susan's eyes did not close, but her mind slowly collapsed, be it under the countless assaults on every nerve in her body, the raw, titanic satisfaction of finally taking a fully knotted wombful of her loving mate's seed, or simply paralyzing exhaustion. She was more than satisfied to be just a sated body for a while, and her mind drifted into deep, primal dreams.


While her burden had eased after several days' bed rest, Susan had not expected to swell up to nearly the same size in the months to follow. She was a little grouchy and sometimes grumbled that nobody had told her she really would be bearing an entire litter, but anyone could see the contentment radiating off the two when they drew together, Vela's big paws tenderly holding up that gravid stretch of fur, the two giggling softly together when something stirred or kicked within.

The demonstration was successful, and the news, along with some rather graphic accounts, spread as a fire through the forest folk. In ten years, there were small swarms of new, strange creatures running about the forest floors, and elven cities knew fresh, joyous life. In twenty years, it became fashionable to find the rarest, most unlikely of animals to charm into creating something new and fascinating. A rainbow of sentients sprang up.

After roughly one hundred years, disease struck, as never before.

After two hundred years, the elves were but a few. They knew they could have discarded their old oaths and repopulated their species, but by now, they had no desire. They already had children to carry on their legacy. Beautiful children, of every shape and shade imaginable, ready to go out and spread a little joy in a world that the humans were trying to make just a little too serious.

Eventually, Susan and Vela were forgotten. But the world would forever feel the mark of their fearful, trembling love.

Consume Pt 1

A single beam of alien moonlight sliced through the foliage to kiss glimmering luster across an immense, impossible booty. Now, even in his heavily inebriated state, Jeb knew that there was no way he was going to find a massive, beautiful ass just...

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The Girls' Pt. 8

Stashed in the back of the closet, buried in a box under a few magazines and brochures for sex toys and bondage equipment, the DVD was simply marked "Naira + Ardanis," with a small heart. At first Ardanis had gone looking for it on a whim, but when it...

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Mother of All

M: Hey, you must be the new guy. E: Shepherd Eric Taylor reporting for duty, sir! I'm sorry I'm late, I had trouble finding-- M: Whoa, easy bud. I'm not your boss. You're gonna be replacing me here, right? E: Uh... yeah, I was told I'd be...

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