Light Reading

Story by Mog Moogle on SoFurry

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#8 of Reader's Choice

Light Reading

Starting with the bookshelf closest to the stairs, you glance over the spines. It seems to be mostly college books relating to business, accounting and economics. Boring. You go to the next one that is mostly paperbacks with a few hard covers. It's full of sci-fi books running the gamut from simple to hard.

You notice that the shelf is so full that some of the books have been stacked horizontally on top of the vertical books. It looks like Malcolm is pretty a pretty avid sci-fi reader. You move on to the next shelf, closest to his bed. This one has a mix of fantasy novels, some mysteries and thrillers. Though nothing you've seen is organized alphabetically in any way, they are all grouped by genre.

The top shelf catches your attention. There are no books, just binders with loose sheets of printer paper in them. Pulling one off the shelf, you open the cover and flip through the papers to a random page. You look at a line of narrative and start reading it silently.

His broad paws caressed over the cougar's rear as his thumbs parted his pert cheeks. He lined up the tip of his pulsing member and pushed inside as his lover hissed as his virgin-- you look over your shoulder at Malcolm as some pots clatter behind you, pulling your attention from the story. The tiger hasn't noticed you looking at his printed erotic porn. Closing the binder up, you tuck it back in its place on the shelf.

You walk around his bed and over to the kitchenette. "Need any help?" you ask.

"No, I'm okay," he replies as he sets the pot in the small sink and turns on the faucet. Malcolm turns around and faces you while it fills. "Saw you looking at my books. Anything catch your eye?"

Down the Road

**Down the Road** "I wouldn't mind giving that cooking a try," you tell him. "There's a little wine store down the road. Since you're cooking, it'd only be fair I pick up a few bottles." "Hmm ... Well, I don't normally invite someone I just met to...

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Mostly Anything

**Mostly Anything** You chuckle softly and say, "Most anything, with the right partner," then you sit back easily and grin in a slightly challenging manner. "Well, I don't think I'm quite that easy to please," Malcolm replies then shakes his head....

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A Little Glimpse

**A Little Glimpse** After a few moments of silence, Malcolm looks up at you then shakes his head. "Like I said, it's a little complicated," he pauses and looks up at you. "We don't have to discuss it, if you don't want," you say. "No, it's not...

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