Down the Road

Story by Mog Moogle on SoFurry

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#7 of Reader's Choice

Down the Road

"I wouldn't mind giving that cooking a try," you tell him. "There's a little wine store down the road. Since you're cooking, it'd only be fair I pick up a few bottles."

"Hmm ... Well, I don't normally invite someone I just met to my place."

"I'll bet you don't normally brag up your cooking to strangers," you counter, "or check them out while they're ordering coffee."

"True, I suppose," he says and then chuckles. "You know what? Let's do it."

"Great!" you reply and you both stand up from the table. Malcolm picks up his shoulder bag and the two of you walk to the door. You exit out onto the sidewalk and hold the door open for the tiger. He offers a polite thanks then the two of you walk up the street toward the wine shop.

The front of the store is rustic, like most of the downtown buildings. When you enter, you see rows of plain wooden shelves that are filled with various bottles in racks made for them. As you walk down one of the rows, you stop at a shelf and pull two bottles from the rack. You glance at Malcolm to try and read his expression about the labels you've picked up, but he doesn't seem too interested in the bottles. You do, however, notice him studying your backside again.

Afterward, you go up to the counter and pay for them. When you leave the store, Malcolm steps in front of you and looks toward on of the side streets about a block up. "I live up this way," he says. "Follow me."

As he walks in about a step and a half in front of you, you take the opportunity to return the favor. His dress slacks hug his backside and his striped tail sways with his steps. His shirt isn't overly tight, but you can see the definition of his muscles through the sleeves. His front isn't as toned, a little bit of pudge in his tummy but he's not fat. Unfortunately, you've yet to get a glance at his package.

After a short walk, he stops at a small storefront with a set of stairs leading to the upper floors that fronts on the sidewalk. Malcolm pulls a set of keys from his pocket and unlocks the deadbolt. You ascend the stairs and step onto the second floor.

It's very open, like it was used for storage once and was just finished to rent out. It has a studio style with only two small rooms in one corner. In the other far corner is a queen sized bed with the covers made up neatly. On the front wall in the corner is a kitchenette with a standing pantry. The range is an old gas stove with a small oven and only three burners staggered on its top.

There's no dining table that you can see, but the living area has a couch with a coffee table. There is a large TV on a small stand in front of it. There's very little in the way of decorations, except for several bookshelves around the apartment in various places that are crammed full of books.

"Looks like a pretty cozy little place," you comment.

"It works for me," Malcolm replies. "I'll get started heating up the water. Make yourself comfortable."

After looking around the studio apartment again, you decide to take a look at his books.

Mostly Anything

**Mostly Anything** You chuckle softly and say, "Most anything, with the right partner," then you sit back easily and grin in a slightly challenging manner. "Well, I don't think I'm quite that easy to please," Malcolm replies then shakes his head....

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A Little Glimpse

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