Lord Of The Books

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 7

Merjuh University, Varsity Male P.E Changing Rooms

20th of September, 14:04


"Is that the Erian?" An attempted hushed whisper, that was definitely male, asked to somefur behind Teofil. The Erian wild dog scrapped his paws over the dolostone tiles in annoyance. His tail stub twitched whenever the aggravating undertone rung out. A few paces behind him, around the corner of the lockers if he was lucky, was the exact type of furson that he'd wanted to avoid.

Fortunately, the chances of the furson being directly at the back of him were slim; the changing room was split into three sections, two for changing and one for showering. The first and second sections were separated by a column of lockers with wooden panels for doors. Their locking mechanism was simple, put the key into the lock and turn it to lift up the panel that kept the door closed. Then the locker could be used normal, but the user did have to keep hold of the key in order to get their stuff back. '134' was Teofil's locker number, for now.

There were more lockers against every wall, only breaking for a door that lead out into a hallway. In section two, the break in the lockers was also for a door, but that door opened into the showers where the players could perform their post-match ablutions. Teofil was yet to use the showers, but he expected that the whispering male would throw more hurtful comments in his direction if he was to step into the shower naked; not that he'd get an erection over a bunch of nude furs. Unlike most of the others in the changing room, Teofil could control the sexual impulses he got. He imagined that the whispering fur would probably stay flaccid because they were afraid of being labelled gay.

In fact, Teofil could picture them now. Judging from the deep voice, they were most likely of a muscular build or maybe they were chubby; either way they were certainly stout. Their eyes, he imagined would be brown and their hair would be cut short at the sides; a trend that most frat boys in Veden seemed to be addicted to as if the style was made alcohol and nicotine. Next, he pictured the whispering male's clothes; beer stained vest top and some form of khaki pants. Then again, they were in a changing room so perhaps he would have stripped down to his jockstrap by now in order to throw on some expensive sports wear and show it off. That was the problem with try-outs; it often became a day of getting to know the fellow muscly meat heads or showing off the latest billion dollar sports boots that were so bright they put hi-vis jackets to shame.

Teofil had just stopped off at a shoe shop and grabbed the cheapest trainers in stock. They happened to be plain white and clearly they weren't built for professional sports like football or rugby, hell they wouldn't pass for basketball shoes. In fact, they were more like the average high-schooler's shoes for track or an afternoon in town. Fortunately, Teofil couldn't understand what the frat furs around him were saying.

"Fucking must be, who else would buy such cheap shoes?" One asked. "Errr... A poor? A tramp? A homo?" A second suggested, his brain ran dry on suggestions after the last. "Umm.." "Your mom would probably get those shoes!" The fur who had first asked about Teofil's nationality chimed in. The changing room, or at least the group who were questioning Teofil's choice of trainers, burst out into a collective and dragged out "Ooohhhh!" before finally shutting up. Teofil sighed in relief and took his shirt off.

Thanks to his city clothing, Teofil had been saved from the 'Tribal' based insults that the frats would have used if he'd worn the more stereotypical Erian clothes that he owned; purely for nostalgic purposes whilst he was in Veden. Teofil's city clothing consisted of a baggy red t-shirt and light blue denim jeans; both were practical for standing up to Eria's heat.

"Who the fuck has so many colors in their fur?" The frats started up again, this time attacking Teofil's fur patterns. "He looks like a fuckin'..." "He looks like he's got fucking chicken pox!" One howled in laughter, followed by the rest of them. Teofil didn't understand what they were saying at that point, he started blankly at the walls and tried to guess. "Bitch looks like he's got a rainbow on his fuckin' fur!" They were, of course, talking about the Erian Wild Dog's spotted and rather wild fur pattern. There were hints of all kind of colors; fawn and sand, egg nog and alabaster, beige as well. Each were presented as splodges or spots. The most prominent color was rust, it showed on his belly, chin, as a stripe on his tail stub, on his arms and on his knees. To be honest, the other colors interrupted the spread of the main color, but not a single bit of the rust color was below his knees; that area of his body was more like the color of a banana (the part you eat) than anything else. 'Rainbow' was a terrible way to describe his not so bright coloring.

Despite not knowing what was being said, Teofil rolled his eyes and carried on without paying attention to what the Vedish furs were saying. The clock ticked on.

Soon each and every one of them was stripped down and had their jock straps on instead of their normal underwear. Fortunately for the frat boy's fragile masculinity, not a single one of the males in the changing room were out of the closest, so for now they weren't moving to cover their sheaths or slits. Although, if one of them were to stand up and confess to their 'sins' the frats would either tear him apart or make a dive for the nearest towel. They'd called Teofil 'gay' multiple times already, but if they truly believed it they wouldn't have been getting naked with him in the room. Teofil himself didn't know the meaning of the slurs that had been thrown at him, but even he could sense the venom behind the words and so he doubted that what they were saying should be taken as a compliment.

Teofil pulled on his sports top, on the back it read 'Gracz #1!' It was childish, but the shirt fit him perfectly and had played a large part of his childhood. He could remember waving it at every football event, since he didn't own an actual team kit. The others in the changing room probably assumed that 'Gracz' was the name of a player, a goalkeeper because of the number that was underneath the word. Most would come to think that Teofil was a goalkeeper, but in truth he was more of a mid-fielder than anything else. He enjoyed moving about, always staying alert and ready to tackle or advance depending on where the ball was. He liked doing that most, so all of his sports demanded that he stayed on his paw pads: tennis, boxing and karate. Although, archery and javelin were two sports that didn't need movement and yet Teofil managed to enjoy them more than most thing.

After getting his shorts on, Teofil stretched and turned around to face who had been speaking about him. He was instantly faced with a group of six. Their leader appeared to be a lion, behind him there were two equines (A zebra and a breed of horse that Teofil couldn't name), a vituperative looking hyena who was most definitely not Erian, an orca and finally a tonkinese. With the exceptions of the chubby hyena and the rather anorexic feline, all of them were muscled hunks. The orca and the lion were in contest to be the biggest, the orca was taller where the lion was wider, but both of them were beefy. The equines backed them with more muscle, but they didn't seem to be aggressively muscular, but it was hard to tell now that they were wearing clothes. The lion however, was certainly abusing some form of steroids judging by how his forearms were twice the size of Teofil's. Teofil doubted that he'd last in a fight with any of them, but upon sizing him the cat he realized that the feline must have been half his size and easy prey; not that Teofil planned on getting violent.

He turned away from all six of them, viscous words forming in his mind. "Mieso glowas." He hissed to himself with a virulent tone, so quiet that no fur would be able to hear his voice. Just then, he heard a chuckle form his left. His eyes came to meet a brown wolf, dressed in track suit bottoms. He was shirtless at the time, but was digging around in a small, drawstring bag to find his top. "What, do you understand Erian?" Teofil asked with a scowl, he assumed that the wolf was just like everyfur else in the room. "No, but I guess that it wasn't a compliment? That and they do deserve something, even if it's little."

"I know." Teofil looked beyond the wolf and saw a black bull who was staring in their direction. He seemed interested in the curves of the wolf's muscles. Fortunately for him, Teofil failed to notice the slight tent that had formed. "It looks you have an admire." Teofil announced. The wolf turned around and grinned at the bull. He put his forepaw up to wave in a friendly way, but didn't call out to him. Suddenly, the bull was taken by a blush that was strong enough to be seen from under his fur. Awkwardly, the muscular bull crimped his legs and tried to stop his tail from moving. The canine smiled and turned back to Teofil, that way the bull was saved from more embarrassment.

"By any chance did you mean admirer?" The wolf asked. "Yeah. That's the name. Sorry, I make those mistakes sometimes." Teofil admitted without a single look of shame about him. "You know, you probably shouldn't go calling furs out like that. Those guys..." The wolf gestured to the lion's group. "Mason, Dean, Sawyer, Jacob, Tyson and Jake." He listed. "They're not very kind to guys who happen to be into their own gender." It was as if the wolf was afraid of saying the word 'gay.' "So? That bull looked like he could handle himself. Just because he's gay, it doesn't mean that he's weak." Teofil glared at the wolf, disgusted by him. "Against six? Okay, Jake isn't big, but the others would do some damage. And I never mentioned that his sexuality has anything to do with his strength." He pointed out. "They'd beat the crap out of him regardless."

"Do you speak from experience... Umm... What's your name?" Teofil asked, realizing that he'd forgotten to ask. "Luke. Some furs call me Lucian to make me mad, don't do that." Luke frowned, there was a distant look in his ice blue eyes. "I won't. I'm Teofil by the way, so do you, Luke?" Teofil asked. "Do I what?" Luke frowned at Teofil. "Nevermind!" Teofil laughed. "I don't really know how to.... structure... what I'm trying to say." "Think on it for a bit then." Luke said as he sat down and stretched his legs. "We still have a few minutes to talk and I don't mind waiting." "Thanks." Teofil smiled.

There was a silence between the two for a minute. In the background, Mason and his gang were mumbling more insults. More and more furs pilled into the changing room, Luke and Teofil didn't recognize any of them. "So... Do you speak from experience? About Mason beating up gays?" Teofil asked. There were slight gaps when he spoke, but nothing longer than a second. "No I don't. It's sort of just known in our dorm, he beat up a squirrel called Oliver when he was a teenager. There are details to it, but I don't really remember them." Luke said. "Besides, I'm not really out, so I don't think that he as a reason to. Are you?" "Am I gay? Let's not get into that." Teofil smirked. "It's what you would call, 'complicated.'" "Sure. I won't ask; it doesn't matter at all really. But some friendly advice, don't go saying that stuff around Mason and his pals." "I won't out you, I'm not cruel. Promise. And thanks... For the advice." Teofil smiled and held out his forepaw to shake. He pulled it back quickly. "Maybe that isn't such a good idea." He explained. Luke nodded and grunted to Teofil.

"So... What were they saying about me?" Teofil asked to keep the conversation going. "I thought that you understood what they were saying?" "Barely." Teofil chuckled. "What the hell is a rainbow? And chicken pox? And why were they calling me a dog? I mean... I am a dog, but I'm not female." Teofil questioned. "Well.... Err... Saying bitch is more like an insult these days, they weren't actually calling you a girl. Not that there's anything wrong with being female." Luke added before Teofil could get words in. "Chicken pox is when red spots pop up all over your face, you must have had it before?" "I think that I have... I don't remember. Most of the time my parents would just give me some herbs and send me to bed." "Hah! That sounds like something that my mom would do, that or she'd make me take some calpol." Luke grinned as he recalled how much of a fussy cub he'd been when it came to taking medicine.

"My mom did that a lot as well, calpol was the cure-all in her house. Sometimes it was paracetamol." "Yeah, my mom used to carry around that stuff in her purse everywhere. She had tons of the stuff!" The two laughed loudly, but quietened when they drew Mason's attention. "So are you going to tell me what a rainbow is?" Teofil asked. "Dude! I thought that you were joking." Luke bit his lip to stop himself from bursting out into laughter again. "It's like... A road of colors in the sky. I don't know how to explain it, but if I see one anytime soon I'll point it out to you." "Thanks." Teofil smiled. "Could you not tell anyfur about that? I'm guessing that I should know what a rainbow is." "Yeah, you might be the only adult in Veden who doesn't know what a rainbow is. But don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

At that moment, Luke looked down at Teofil's trainers. "I know... They're cheap and terrible. I bought them this morning." "Hah! Don't worry, my boots aren't really that good either." Luke put a paw up onto bench to show Teofil his boots. They were hardly anything special, a flat honey color covered them and the tips were scuffed. "Suddenly, I don't feel bad about my own shoes." Teofil smirked. "Ouch."

"Do you have any shinpads?" Luke asked. "No.... I don't think so. What are they?" "These." Luke said, he held pointed down to the plastic pads over his shins. "You need them to play, safety and what not. Do you have any?" "No. In Eria we didn't really use them, should I go and buy some? Or will I miss try-outs if I go now?" "Yeah. If you go now you won't get a place on the team, unless you're a scholarship student?" "Full scholarship, meals and everything." Teofil gave a wide, prideful smile. "Sport and exercise science is my major, but they are making me take English as my minor." "Isn't that diffuclt? I mean, won't it be hard?" Luke questioned. "Yeah, but I'm supposed to be getting a tutor today. To be truthful, I haven't properly passed my IELTS yet. But if I pass it before the end of this year I don't have to leave the university." "Well, I hope that you do get a good mark on the test. You seem like a good furson."

The two smiled at each other. "So can I go then? If I don't need to do try outs there's no point in me being here." "You probably shouldn't. It's not a good idea to piss off the coach on the first day." "Why would I go to the toilet... That doesn't make any sense." Teofil frowned. "It's a phrase. It means like, to annoy. So if you piss somefur off, you make them mad." Luke explained with another cheesy grin coming to his visage. "Oh... Umm... Will I piss the coach off by not having shin pads?" "Yeah, he seems like the type of fur to get mad at everything. But don't worry, I bought an extra pair with me." Luke said as he took shinpads out of his bags and handed them to Teofil. "Do you know how to put them on?" Luke asked, "They-" "I can figure it out." Teofil said as he fastened one of the straps around his shin and tightened it. "Thanks."

"No problem, anything to help out a fellow scholarship student." "I'm guessing that your scholarship is for something to do with sport?" "Coaching." Luke said. "When I was in high-school I helped the P.E teachers with all of the sports teams and sometimes I stood in for them. I guess that one of them suggested to this uni that they should give me a scholarship. Looks like it worked." "Oh so are you going to do any coaching now? As in, are you coaching any teams?" "Unless it's part of the course, no." "Then why are you here?" Teofil asked. "Fitness mostly. A lot of the furs here aren't really doing sports, they just want to stay fit." "I guess that it makes sense to do that. Are you one of them?" "Yep! I need to burn off my beer gut." Luke grinned massively as he patted his stomach.

"Teofil? Is there a Teofil in here?" A voice called out from the door way. There was a whistle, presumably from Mason or one of his friends. "I'm a teacher!" The voice exclaimed in shock, "So cat-call me again and you'll be out of the uni before you know it!" "Is that your girlfriend?" Luke asked as the calling came closer. "No." Teofil frowned, almost disgusted by Luke's words. "Her name is Miss. Walker and I think that she's arranging my tutor." "Well she won't find any candidates in here." "ALRIGHT GET OUT THERE AND GIVE ME A LAP OF THE TRACK!" The coach ordered before Teofil could reply to Luke's joke. "Looks like that's my train! Catch you later." Luke dismissed Teofil by saluting him before jogging off with the rest of the furs in the changing room.

He was about to move after the wolf, to hug him tightly and thank him for being friendly, when he was tapped on the shoulder. "There you are!" Miss. Walker exclaimed. "Dr. Rajj and Dean Sinberg are waiting to see you now." She smiled at him. "Well, they're interviewing a few of the candidates, but they want to see what you think about them before they force one on you." As if she expected him to follow like a puppy, she moved away as fast as she had entered. Only when she reached the door did she stop.

"Teofil? Come on." She beckoned him to follow by waving her forepaw. "But... Tryouts. I need to do this." Teofil explained, "And I can't leave my stuff." "Bundle it up, stuff it in your bag and go! You can hold onto the bag, hurry!" Miss. Walker fretted. "Dr. Rajj has other things to do apart from finding you a mentor. If you don't show up within the next ten minutes, they'll be leaving you to find a mentor on your own."

Without another word Teofil, crammed what he had into his bag and hurried after the Vedish teacher.


"Nervous, Leonardo?" Miss. Walker asked, handing him a mug of coffee as he sat on the ubiquitous windowsill staring out at everyfur who was walking past the main building. He had an unexplained woebegone look on his face. "You look brooding. Is something concerning you? I'm not Dr. Rajj, but I've been told that I'm good at consoling." The cat leaned against the brick wall just a few paces away from the meerkat. "I would have answered your first question, if you'd let me speak." Leonardo spoke. "Watch it Mr. 'journalism is my minor', the papers that you'll be writing for will be reporting on your murder very soon if you keep on like this." Miss. Walker teased. "That or your Vedish lit grades might drop like a boulder on a piggy." She smiled. "Wish Someone Would Care." Leon smiled, half-expecting Miss. Walker to grab him from the window and pull him into the corridor. She didn't, but instead laughed. "That was good. Obscure, but good. Tremendous, a point to you."

"I think that your joke beats mine, well thought and well played. But will I get marks in an exam for citing movies? No... Perhaps that we should stick to books and works of theater when we make these references." "Very well. I'll warn you though, you might be older Leonardo, but I certainly have more experience with literature. I am, after all, teaching it now." "And I've indulged in more books. I lost count when I got past one hundred..." "So you've cleared the average primary school library? Do you want a gold star?" "Oh, I am slain! My knowledge of theater is certainly better than average as well..." Leonardo smirked with pride and pushed his glasses up his nose. "Yet if I recall, you failed to recognize an obvious oxymoron when analyzing your favorite play?" Miss. Walker shot him down. "Read one hundred books from the campus library and I'll give you a star made of actual gold. I'd say to do the same for one hundred plays, but that might come to be expensive." "Read plays? Miss. Walker, I'm intelligent, but not a miracle worker. It'll be difficult to read a sight." Leon stood up from the windowsill and dropped down onto the floorboards.

"So are you going to tell me what's troubling you now?" Miss. Walker asked. "I've been joking about for the past minute or two, why do you think that something is wrong?" Leon tilted his head to the sighed. "Laughter tends to be a common way to cover up concern or worry, it's something that Dr. Rajj taught me. So am I right in assuming that something is wrong?" Leon sighed and straightened his head out. "Well yeah; I'm in a tight spot..." Leon thought for a moment, 'Should I tell her?' He wanted to get the whole Callum thing off his chest, but he doubted that his 'master' would be happy about him telling his teacher like a cub in primary school.

_"_Money?" She asked. "I thought that you worked in a coffee shop. Is the canteen robbing you of every penny?" "It will." Leon chuckled. "I'm apparently supposed to have money coming out of my ears if I want to eat." "Your dorm has a kitchen, buy some ingredients and cook something up." "Trust me, if I could cook I wouldn't have moved onto campus. Is it possible to survive off pizza for a year?" "That's what's on your mind? Food?" Miss. Walker giggled. "Oh Leon, if it concerns you so much, ask your friend." The cat winked. "She'll be able to help." "I wish. But don't worry, I'll deal with it myself." Leon said, trying to convince himself and Miss. Walker.

The two stood in silence for a moment, Miss. Walker was about to speak up when a very disappointed looking wolf walked out of Dr. Rajj's office. Leon's heart dropped, that was the second furson to be denied entirely. Another trepidation emerged from the depths of Leon's mind: 'Will that happen to me?' " He wanted to mentor Teofil for the money." Miss. Walker pointed out veraciously, "He's intelligent, good grades as well, but he didn't stand a chance." "Is that the Erian's name? Teofil?" "Were you expecting it to be longer? Or harder to pronounce?" Miss. Walker "Both in all honesty. I was also expecting to see him in some kind of Erian garments. You know, headdresses? Gold bands? I was shocked when he walked up the corridor in a football kit." Leon rolled his eyes. "You're very lucky that this is just casual conversation. 'Shocked' is a very basic word for you. In an exam..." "In an exam I'd go crazy and use all sorts of fancy words, you'd need a dictionary." "My vocabulary is just as heterogeneous as yours, Leon." She expected to catch him out, but Leon smiled up at her. "You don't know that many words. You'll need to do better if you want to win this."

Dr. Rajj opened the door to her office and yawned. "Last one now... Come on in Leonardo. You as well Ruby." She said, turning and beckoning already. The appaloosa's tail swished behind her as she moved. "Ruby?" Leon grinned. "Since when do you use your nickname, Rubina?" "Quiet down Leo, otherwise I will be taking your glasses and dropping a boulder onto you. Who needs rules?" Leon sighed, "That's at least three points, but since you've used that boulder one before I suppose that I'll have to deduct a few..."

Dean Sinberg stood behind the desk with Dr. Rajj, Miss. Walker joined the horse and the badger as Leon took a seat next to the wild dog. He looked over at him for a moment, smiled and was given a cold look. "Hah!" Sinberg laughed, "Oh didn't be surly Teofil, he's only trying to be kind. Here." He gestured to Miss. Walker as he stood up from his chair and offered it to her. "No, I'm alright standing. I'd sit on Kristen's desk, but... who knows what I might sit on." "Well if you hadn't sent me, what twenty odd candidates?, I might have cleared my desk by now. Right. Teofil, this is Leonardo Rishi. Leonardo, this is Teofil Wie- Wieceslaw?" Teofil sighed and didn't even bother to teach Dr. Rajj how to say his name. She'd mispronounced it every time, it was evident that there was no hope for her.

Instead he turned to Leonardo, "Hi." He introduced himself curtly. Teofil was shifting through a dictionary that he had cradled in his forepaws. "Hey." Leon smiled at him, the wild dog's expression broke into a smile slightly when the tip of Leon's tongue showed itself. "How are you?" "Formalities can come later." Sinberg interrupted as he adjusted his tie and pulled his blazer back up his black shoulder. "For now..." He cleared his throat. "Miss. Walker, why did you choose Leonardo?" "Plenty of reasons." She answered vaguely, but suavely. "A good knowledge of books and analyzing, an impressive vocabulary. His writing style is certainly a little exotic as well, but if speaking and pronunciation are an issue for Teofil he might want to get a speech coach as well." "Subjects?" Dr. Rajj started typing on her computer and pulled up a program in a few seconds. "English lit as a major and.... Journalism as a minor." Dr. Rajj announced. "Is that correct?" "Yes." Leon answered trying to be as formal as possible, he sounded stuck up in the process. Teofil made a wry face, Leon noticed and tried to put on a voice that sounded less posh.

"Grades?" "A* in English... Another in sociology and an A in geography. Impressive." Miss. Walker smirked with pride. "So do you understand my culture?" Teofil asked out of the blue. "Nah..." Leonardo cleared his throat when Teofil's expression didn't change. "No. I don't know much at all. Apart from that you cut your tail off at a young age, when you er... prove that you're worthy of being a man. Only the females and the boys keep their tails and it's dishonorable to have your tail after the age of ten if you're male." Leon smiled, "Sorry. We focused more on tourism than anything else. But at least I don't think that your country is full of tribes and savages." "Savages?" "Wild furs who don't live by rules. Some eat other furs and some just kill things..." "Oh no. We have those in our country, they're called politicians." Leon instantly burst out laughing at Teofil's joke, he nearly fell of his chair. Sinberg coughed to get their attention. "Ahh... Sorry sir." Leon beamed over to Teofil who grinned back. "Well at least you two are going to get along, Leonardo hates politics as well." Miss. Walker mentioned.

"What about the aptitude tests?" Sinberg asked as he leaned over Dr. Rajj's desk and pointed to something on the screen. "He barely passed his numerical and diagrammatic reasoning tests..." Leon looked down at the floor in shame, maths had never been his strong point. "But...verbal reasoning is outstanding and judgment proves that he's sapient. Well done." Dr. Rajj smiled. "So what do you think about the numbers, Teofil?" "Leon sounds smart." He looked over at the meerkat and smiled, his small tail stub wagging slightly. "Is there.... uh... the thingy..." "What he's going to be teaching you?" Miss. Walker asked. "Well he'll just be teaching the GCSE Vedish lit and the A level courses to catch you up, he'll cover what you do in class as well and then that should be enough for you to pass your IELTS at the end of the year." "Wait... he hasn't passed his test? Isn't it ille-" "We know. Don't speak about it." Sinberg cut him off. "Look, the government has given us until the end of the year to get him a passing mark." "So just get him to band eight and you'll be rewarded." Dr. Rajj added, finishing Sinberg's sentence.

"Sure!" Leon nodded. "What band is he at now?" He inquired before he threw himself into the deep end. "One. Band one. Did I say the number right?" Teofil asked, Leon's jaw nearly dropped. "How the fuck am I supp-" "Leonardo!" Ruby cried out in shock, Sinberg just laughed. Sensing that something had turned sour, Teofil's ears lowered as did his gaze. For a moment they all sat or stood in awkward silence until Leonardo spoke. "What are the rewards?" Leon asked, Teofil's ears perked up at sound of the meerkat's voice. "Well...." Dr. Rajj looked to the Dean for approval. "You'll be paid in cash. Nothing major, but ten for every mark that he gets in the final test. Assuming that he passes. On top of that you'll get a full scholarship for your major and minor. Then of course, you could put tutoring onto your CV?" "That sounds good." Leon smiled. "Will I get to focus on one area? Or did I literally need to teach him everything."

"The GCSE syllabus mostly. Of course, you'll be teaching him the highest level and shouldn't accept anything lower than A standard." Miss. Walker informed. "That sounds way too difficult... I'm not that good at teaching..." Leon frowned doubting himself massively. "And did I mention that if you get him to band five by the Easter holidays you'll be getting all of your meals free from that point forward?" Miss. Walker added. Because of that, Sinberg shot the cat a venomous look. "There would of course be restrictions. Nothing more than one free meal a day. "Starter, main and dessert included of course." The cat smiled at the Dean of students who scowled at her. "Deal!" Leon agreed before the Dean could change anything.

Dr. Rajj who had been typing on her laptop the whole time hit a button on her computer, the printer that the Dean had brought in earlier whirled to life. She got up from her desk and fetched the paper. "This is just a contract really, saying that you won't tell anyfur that he hasn't passed his IELTS yet. It also includes the terms that we just agreed on, so that no fur can back out or try to cheat the other fur." Dr. Rajj set it down on the desk. "No need to read it." She smiled. Regardless, Leon scanned over the document and proved to himself that Dr. Rajj wasn't lying. He signed, 'Leonardo Rishi' at the bottom and pushed the document as well as the pen towards. The wild dog gripped the pen wrong and his handwriting was so bad that the scribble was barely legible, Leon cringed the whole time.

"Try not to fail us." Miss. Walker smiled. "If he doesn't I think that we might all be losing our jobs!" The adults, excluding Leon, laughed together. "I should have spoke before, but because Teofil is here on a scholarship, you'll be wanting to keep his English literature grades above a C at all times." Sinberg smiled as if he'd purposely forgotten to mention that to Leon. "Maybe you'd be wanting to help him with the P.E as well? I mean... You don't look the type to be good at sports, but I'm sure that if Teofil picks up boxing he'd appreciate a punching bag." The badger threw back his head and laughed as he'd done a few moments ago, followed by a laugh from Dr. Rajj, Teofil's belated laugh and a fake laugh from Miss. Walker. Leon quickly joined the laughter to fit in.


"Shit me!" Luke panted as he sat down on the bench and slipped off his boots. He was smelt exactly like the rest of the changing room's occupants; sweaty, musky and with a hint of unpalatable energy drink on their breaths. Removing his damp socks and shin pads that were disgustingly moist, he turned around to Logan. "Feeling tired, bull? I mean, you do weigh a lot and you did run that 100m like you were being chased." The black bull turned around and stretched, stripped down to his boxers already. His red eyes glinted with pride as he spoke, "I've been told that I'm actually fast... Plus all this bulk is muscle." He grinned and was tempted to show off his muscles to Luke, but decided that he might be labeled gay if he put his body on display then and there.

He turned around and wrapped a towel around his waist before putting forepaws up the towel and bringing down his shorts. "Steroids? Protein shakes? What's your secret?" The brown wolf joked as he took off his top. "Actually exercising. Unlike you, I like to run about and get sweaty." Logan winked at Luke. "Was that not what I was doing out there? Running about and destroying you at football?" "You tripped over twice, couldn't tackle me and when we tried rugby you ran the opposite way." The bull listed. "Tactics! I was trying to go around you." Luke tried to explain, but Logan didn't believe a word of it. "Bullshit! You were bricking it when you saw me coming at you." He stated as he secured the towel around his waist and prayed that it would stay there.

Before Luke could protest, the bull moved off towards the showers with his sanitary bag. Hurriedly, the younger wolf stripped down and wrapped a towel around himself before moving into the shower. He threw the towel over the side of the shower and put his bottles on the floor next to Logan. He turned the shower on and washed himself quickly. Logan, who was doing his very best to stay facing the wall, took his time. "I wasn't scared." "Too right, you were terrified." Logan grinned at the wolf. "Need a new diaper?" He offered jocosely in a lowered tone to make sure that the others didn't hear him. "Fuck you, bull. Fuck you." Logan was tempted to say, "You know that you would." but perhaps that was too risque.

The entire changing room was done showering in fifteen minutes. Each and every one of them had a towel wrapped around themselves and was drying their legs without too much care. Luke had fuzzed up already, Logan could hardly keep his snickering in. "Shut up." Luke scowled as he ruffled his hair more, which only made Logan come closer to bursting into hysterics. "Need a comb?" "I'll comb myself when I get back to my room." Luke declared, he flattened out his fur with his forepaws. "Thanks for the offer though."

Luke stood up, accidentally flaunting his sheath in Logan's direction. As if had blinded him, Logan shot around with a blush making it obvious to Luke. The wolf frowned, noticed his own nudity and laughed. "You've seen a sheath before, calm the fuck down! I'm not going to call you gay because I moved and you saw it." Luke smiled. "But if you keep on staring at it? Maybe a guy will get suspicious." "Cool, whatever." Logan mumbled and pulled on his sweatshirt. His shorts came up next as well, then he grabbed his bags and was about to leave.

"Logan!" Luke called out to him. "You forgot something." A few heads turned his way, but they turned back when Luke flipped them off. The wolf pointed to Logan's boxers, that had fallen down the back of the bench. "Shit.." Logan cussed and moved back to his spot, pulling down his shorts already. The blush beneath his fur was easy to see, Luke almost chuckled. Calmly the wolf put on his jeans and his own t-shirt. Then he slipped his hoodie on and picked up his bag. He stood next to Logan, who was fumbling to get his shorts back on.

"Do you want go out for a beer with me? Talk and what not." Luke suggested as the bull was about to leave. "Err..." Logan debated. "I've got..." "Work? Homework? Dude, either of those excuses is bullshit. But it's cool if you don't want to go or something." Luke moved away, feeling unwanted almost. "I've got a bit of a voracious appetite was what I was going to say." Logan corrected him. "It's a strange way of saying it, but my brothers and I used to say it a lot." Luke didn't seem too bothered at all by Logan's method of speech. "We could hit a restaurant. Or find a pub that does food if that would seem like too much of a date?" Logan's tail gave a light flick that resembled one of agitation. "Yeah it would. What about the canteen?" "Closed. It's... six now." Luke said when he checked his watch. "It would have closed by now." "That pub that does food? Where is it?" Logan asked, smirking. "It doesn't sound too bad." "The Gold Swan, on Vennie's Street." Luke suggested. Suddenly, Logan didn't seem too confident about it. Nevertheless, he forced a smile. "Sounds great, but I do need to go and drop off a few things in my room before I go." Logan held up his sports bag. "Same. That'll give us a good excuse to grab Teofil..." "The Erian? No thanks." "Why not? He's cool!" "He seems a bit weird. He's rooming with a fox called Jiyeon and apparently they haven't spoken once." Logan gossiped after a delay. "Err... Okay. Fine." Luke agreed. It was fairly challenging, deciding between the bull the and the dog, but he did know Logan better than Teofil in the end.

"Cool." Logan grinned with happiness. Offended, but glad that Logan hadn't refused on the grounds of Teofil's nationality. The two of them set off towards the dorms and arrived within a minute. Luke was surprised when Logan opened the door to dormitory six. "Oh, great! We're in the same dorm." Luke exclaimed as he followed after Logan. "What room are you in? And who are you with?" Logan asked, even more thrilled that he was only a few steps away from Luke. "Room 7. I'm with a cat called Shaun. It's kind of funny, we're on the bottom floor even though our number implies that we're higher up." "Ten. I'm in room ten, with Corbin. He's a fennec, but he's far from cheerful. He's always looking gloomy no matter what. And I know what you mean, about the number thing, it bugged me as well."

Logan pushed open the door to his room and waved at Luke. "See you at your room." He waved before disappearing inside. There was a slight chatter, it sounded as if Logan was starting to get mad already. Regardless, Luke entered his own room and was greeted with sight of Shaun and Jiyeon in bed together. He closed the door to be polite.

"Hey." He called out with a raised voice to make his presence know. Shaun's tail froze and started lashing about behind him, Jiyeon reached out and stopped it from moving. "Oh calm down." The fox demanded as he sat up. The covers fell away, revealing Jiyeon's titillating, voluptuous and (more importantly) naked body. "Were you two banging?" Luke grinned as he dropped his bag on his bed and went to get changed. The fox pushed his hair out of his face, the long strands had fallen over his muzzle whist he'd been asleep. "No. Just cuddling. Shaun..." Jiyeon looked at the white cat who had his head buried in a pillow. "He's been feeling sick." Jiyeon lied. "Does he want a backrub?" Luke joked as he took out a tony flannel shirt and looked in the mirror at himself. "Checking out clothes that look smart? Coming back half way through the day? Hmmm.... Do you have a date?" Jiyeon grinned. "Kind of. He's a bull, he seems like a nice guy. I wouldn't mind..." Luke blushed, tantamount in embarrassment to the time when Jiyeon had beaten him in an arm wrestle. "Sleeping with him." He admitted as he pulled on the shirt and did up all the buttons. "I think that's he's straight though." "Well I hope that's he's amenable when it comes to sleeping with dick." Jiyeon smiled. "You deserve a nice night for once."

"This doesn't come across as too camp, does it?" Luke asked. "You wouldn't guess that I was trying to suck his dick?" Luke questioned. "Stop worrying, Luke. If he's homophobic, you certainly shouldn't be hanging around him. Guys like that are just bad news." Shaun pushed his fist pathetically against Jiyeon's leg. "But you're not homophobic, you're confused. But don't worry, you'll be fine when this is all over." Jiyeon cradled Shaun's head and rocked him softly. "Won't he throw up if you do that?" "He's not feeling throwy up..." Jiyeon giggled. "We don't really know how to describe how he's feeling. Cuddles are a good medicine though, so I'm administering lots and lots of them. I think that tomorrow will be a cuddle day as well." "Well have fun, cubs." Luke grinned as he pulled up some jeans with wide ankles. He did up the belt buckle. "You look like a farmer." Jiyeon commented as Luke rolled up his sleeves. "Shit... I do. Should I change? I mean... Will he be offended? He's a bull after all. Did I mention that's he's a bull?" "Yes you did. Now stop fretting, he won't be mad if you look a bit country. Just... don't put hay in your mouth and say howdy." Jiyeon advised' albeit it wasn't the most useful of advice nor was it necessary.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. It opened before Luke could get to it. Logan walked in, looking ready for a night out. He was wearing a hollister top and jogging bottoms. Luke blocked his view of the couple in bed. "Ready to go?" Logan asked, observing what Luke was wearing closely. "You look good by the way." "Thanks you do as well. Let's go." Luke walked past Logan, the bull stepped aside and saw Jiyeon. Then he spotted Shaun. Something came to his mind and he looked at Luke. "Hah! Didn't tell me that your roommate was a fag." Logan grinned. Luke stopped dead and Shaun flinched under the cover, clearly annoyed by what had been said.

Luke's pleasure in Logan's company waned quickly, before plummeting like a stalled plane. "You know what? I don't think that I want to go out tonight. Get out." Luke ordered as a visceral feeling riled him. He stepped back and pointed at the door ferociously. Logan looked at him in confusion, Luke scowled at him and repeated what he'd said. "If you're cool with insulting somefur just for liking another guy, you'll be cool with spending the night with the rest of the dickhead frats." Luke pushed Logan by the shoulders. "I'm not okay with that stuff." "Dude it was just a joke!" Logan laughed and tried to play it off, looking to Jiyeon and Shaun for support. The two were stunned, Shaun had even come out from under the covers to observe. "Funny. I was laughing my head off." Luke said. Logan's visage dropped to become depressed. Without another word, he slumped out of the room looking sorry for himself.

"Luke!" Jiyeon cried when the wolf shut the door. The lock clicked into place. "What? He was a dickhead." Luke said as he took off his shirt. "You literally told me a minute ago that guys like him are bad news. And it's true, so here's me staying away from that prick." "He made a joke!" Jiyeon pointed out. "He probably didn't mean it! Go after him and apologize!" "No. I don't care if it was a joke, you saw how Shaun reacted to that." Luke said, Shaun slipped under the covers. Luke was now naked, his sheath hung out completely flaccid with no signs of arousal. "If he's making my friends feel bad, he'll end up doing the same to me." Luke stated as he tapped Shaun's arm with his forepaw. "Budge over Shaun. There's room for one more." Shaun shuffled over and Luke squeezed into the bed.

He rolled onto his side to give the other two more room and put a forepaw on Shaun's shoulder. "Want to lie on my pecs? They're nice and soft." Luke promised to Shaun. Jiyeon put his forepaw on Luke's, settling his fingers between the wolf's. "He's not joking." Jiyeon backed him up. Shaun pushed on Luke to get him to lay down properly. Then he moved his head onto Luke's chest and g gave a somnolent purr that sounded vaguely like snoring. Luke looked over to Jiyeon and smiled massively, prouder than ever before. Jiyeon blew Luke a kiss before ensconcing his head behind Shaun's.

Luke looked down at the two for a moment. He reached over and stroked Jiyeon's hair with his forepaw before resting it on the back of Shaun's head. He put his head back and tried not to lose sleep over turning Logan down so harshly.

Thanks For Reading!

I've mapped out this entire series now, there are still a few changes to make here and there, but the bones are done. ^_^ As always, please tell me if you spot any mistakes.

Story, Characters and Locations © Kalebthecat

A Simple Favor

# Chapter 1 ## Feline Fantasies, Tort ## 6th of March, 5:54 PM * * * Tilted against the brick wall, safely covered by the overhead balcony, Riley lit up another execrable cigarette and placed it to his lips. After a momentary pause, the white tiger...

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# Chapter 7 ## 5th of April, 2:31 PM ## Stable Lane, Annie's Grooming Parlor * * * "Nathaniel..." Soft lips osculated against the white fur on his neck. "Do you know what day it is?" The voice asked with a sexy purr, lips pulled back to reveal the...

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Guidance Of A Horse And Reins

# Chapter 6 ## Merjuh University, Guidance Councillors Officer ## 20th of September, 12:04 PM * * * ## \*Shaun\* "I don't want to do it..." The white cat mumbled as he and Jiyeon stumbled towards the administration building in the center of...

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