Guidance Of A Horse And Reins

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 6

Merjuh University, Guidance Councillors Officer

20th of September, 12:04 PM


"I don't want to do it..." The white cat mumbled as he and Jiyeon stumbled towards the administration building in the center of campus. The trees around them shook in the wind, dropping their autumn leaves to the ground like a teenager might spit their gum to the pavement. Feral birds whistled melodies in the trees, but stopped and flew off when Shaun shouted. "What's the point!?" Shaun screamed. Other students turned their heads and hurried along upon seeing the cat huddled next to the marble fox. Jiyeon was lost for actions and words, what could he do to calm Shaun down? Physical contact was constantly rejected for fear that the others might label Shaun gay, convincing Shaun to even leave the dorm with Jiyeon had been a task.

"Why?" Shaun addressed the question to Jiyeon by looking up from the pavement for a moment. His teary yellow eyes looked Jiyeon up and down, who smiled and tried to pat Shaun's shoulder; the cat darted away, but returned to his original slumped over position a moment later. Shaun had been like that for the whole morning, questioning 'why' or protesting with quiet noises that were barely audible. But Jiyeon was having none of it. He'd done his best to get Shaun immaculately dressed in casual clothes, the only difficulty was that Shaun didn't own anything which could be classed as smart. No checkered shirts, no earth colors and not even a single blazer or tie in his wardrobe. It was all black denim and dark colors, the only variation was a blue top that was nearing the end of its days. Giving up, Jiyeon had tossed his feline friend a pair of loose, ocean blue jeans that were slightly scuffed on the knees and a black tank top that was far from fancy, but at least it was practical in the September heat.

Before getting dressed, their morning had been filled with cuddles, a shared pizza that had been stolen from the dorm fridge, an ample amount of encouraging words and negligible blowjobs. Although, whenever Jiyeon tried he had constantly been cut short by Shaun's tears and after one lick of Jiyeon's cock, Shaun had burst into tears. "Erik...." Was his, broken dejected response. Immediately, the fox's face had twisted into a wicked smile that was fortunately hidden from Shaun. He had been thinking about making what he would call 'a one liner', something along the tracks of: "Does it taste like Erik? I did put it in his butt a few times..." or, "What's wrong? Is it bigger than yours?" But anything lewd would probably spark tears, or worse: a fight with Shaun. Instead Jiyeon pulled the cat into another cuddle, sung a whispered soft melody into the cat's ear and ended it with: "We'll fix this." But even Jiyeon was starting to doubt that the cat could be fixed.

When Shaun had settled down properly, Jiyeon cajoled him into getting dressed and finding Dr. Rajj. They'd managed to get to the steps without a breakdown, but that was the limit of Shaun's abilities. He now stood sniffling and crying at the bottom of them, as if they were a stair way going to hell and not a set of marble blocks. "Jiyeon I don't want to do this..." Shaun stated with his voice breaking once again. He put his arm around Jiyeon's waist and rested his chin on the vulpine's shoulder, that had become a penchant of his. Remembering that he was in the eye of the public, he pushed away from Jiyeon and snarled at Jiyeon. Despite the hostile behavior, Jiyeon knew that the amity was still there.

Shaun's ears flattened quickly, "I'm sorry..." He whispered and went back to crying into the pads of his forepaw. "Hey! Don't rub your eyes with those, you'll hurt yourself." Jiyeon warned, holding Shaun's wrist and taking them away from his eyes. Shaun hissed again and yanked free of Jiyeon's grip. He lasted about three seconds before his eyes started watering again.

"All this crying isn't necessary." Jiyeon smiled as he sat down next to Shaun, his forepaws getting as close as possible. "She can help. I promise." Jiyeon had repeated that same sentence hundreds of times over, but Shaun wasn't believing a single word. "Can we just get this over with? I'm fucked either way." "You're not. Here let me do this." Jiyeon brushed back the tuft of Shaun's hair that was now covering his face; the cat cringed and balked, but in the end let it happen.

"There will be a few questions to answer, but you're not going to be kicked out. She deals with this type of case all the time, so she knows what to do." Jiyeon stood up and stretched. "But she won't be able to do anything until we ask her to do so. Are you ready for her to fix all of this?" He asked. "We'll see. I still doubt it though." Shaun held out his forepaw, Jiyeon happily helped him to a standing position. The fox made sure that he didn't pull Shaun in too close. "Come on. I'll show you the way." Jiyeon said as he started moving up the steps. Shaun stepped in each and every one of Jiyeon's pawsteps, but was far enough back to not be considered as Jiyeon's friend.

The marble fox opened up the wooden door for Shaun before going in and leading him down what seemed like endless corridors. Each one was bedecked with house plants and fancy floorboards, light streamed through the large windows and illuminated the entire corridor. "So is this what my tuition fees are buying?" Shaun laughed as he tried not to get dirt onto floorboards. Jiyeon however, was perfectly fine with kicking a few specs of dirt onto the expensive wooden boards; he even smiled as he did it.

"That, and a swimming pool, tennis court, state of the art facilities for the faculties and a ton of other shit that a rich guy would love." Jiyeon listed. "So the Dean likes to splash cash does he?" Shaun joked as he caught up to the fox. Jiyeon's tail swished over Shaun's knee as they walked together. "That's how our campus got so big. It's the biggest in western Veden now thanks to him. I heard that they might have to drop a couple of professors or lower wages. But knowing the Dean, he'll just raise the student fees by a few hundred."

"You say it as if it isn't much." Shaun frowned, worried that he might have to bring his studies to an end next year simply because he didn't have enough cash to meet the university's ravenous demands "Shaun. Everyfur who goes to this university either has a ton of money, a scholarship or sucks the right dicks to get in." "Which are you?" Shaun asked, expecting that it would be the latter option. "One and three. If you suck a rich furs cock they might throw a ton of cash your way." Jiyeon winked. "Take my advice, I speak from experience." "For a minute there I thought that you were going to confess to getting it off with the Dean." Shaun chuckled as his shoulder rubbed against Jiyeon's, their tails brushing and dancing over each other. "I'm working towards it. He's prude, but who can resist such a tantalizing booty?" Jiyeon slapped his ass and shook it as he came to a halt.

After a short giggle Jiyeon said, "Right. We're here." He pointed towards the sign on the door that read: 'Dr. Rajj, Head Guidance Councillor.' "What's she like?" Shaun asked, scratching his arm and looking into Jiyeon's eyes. "Nice. She doesn't judge and knows how to do her job. I've spoken to her a few times." Jiyeon had a distant look in his eyes along with a hint of what could have been anger. "Really? What did you speak to her about before?" "I don't want to speak about it, but I promise that I'll tell you about it eventually kitty." Jiyeon said as he put a forepaw on Shaun's shoulder and stroked down his arm. His head was bowed towards Shaun's chest, "She likes to be called Kristen by the way. Don't call her Dr. Rajj for your own sake." Jiyeon put both arms around Shaun and hugged him.

"Are there are any cameras in here?" Shaun asked as he let his forepaws hover over Jiyeon's waist. Ardor, weak, but present, sparked Shaun's eyes. "None. There are few in the hallways, but there aren't any on this floor. No recorders either. Why-" Jiyeon's question was interrupted by the mad cat's amatory kiss. A day ago (hours actually) when Shaun was a heterosexual chauvinist, he would have called kissing another male abhorrent and perhaps when his sickly mind stopped dancing he would go back to loathing males like Jiyeon, but at that moment his broken mentally had gotten the irresistible urge to make his feelings blatant. The kiss lasted only a moment, less than that to be precise, but Shaun savored every second of it. At least, he loved it until Jiyeon landed an accidental blow to his balls, grabbed him by the arm, twisted and floored him faster than he could react.

"The fuck was that for Shaun!?" Jiyeon hissed as he held Shaun's arm above his head. The feline clutched his balls and tried to yank his arm free of Jiyeon's grasp. "Sorry..." Jiyeon apologized and dropped Shaun's arm. "I probably shouldn't have been so extreme." The fox sat down on the floorboards next to Shaun and prodded the cat with a finger. "Was that judo or something?" Shaun asked through gritted teeth and pained loins. "I don't know. I wasn't trained properly, I just know a couple of moves. One of my friends taught me." "Why on earth would they do that?" "For self defense. I... get about a bit. So they thought that it would be useful if I know how to defend myself. They were worried that I might get attacked for being gay or cross-dressing. Although, this was the first time that I've ever used it. Did I do it right?" Jiyeon grinned as he started to take in all of Shaun's signs of pain.

"Were you trying to punch my nuts into my stomach?" Shaun rolled about on the floor in an attempt to look at Jiyeon, groaned in pain and then shielded his crotch from any further attacks. "No." Jiyeon frowned in confusion. "I was trying to wind you." "Jiyeon..." Shaun sat up, still clutching his stomach. "When you wind somefur, you punch them in the stomach. But what you just did hurts way more." Shaun tried to stand up, but quickly sat back down again.

"Oh..... Sorry for doing that. I didn't mean to hurt you so much..." Jiyeon confessed as he got up and held out a forepaw for Shaun to take. "We should probably knock on her door, if somefur comes along they might think that this is a bit weird. I mean... you're holding your balls and I'm on the floor with you... they might think..." "I get the point, Jiyeon!" Shaun laughed as he took the fox's forepaw and helped himself off of the ground.

"Seriously though. I'm glad that you're brave enough to at least try to kiss me." Jiyeon smiled as he patted his friend on the back. "Just don't do it again." "Yeah I'm sorry.... I just thought that I should do it since I was a bit of a jerk this morning. You know, hitting you and stuff." "It's alright. I'm not surprised that you were acting violent; I'd do the same if I were you." "Thanks. It's good to know that I don't have something like an anger issue. But why didn't you use that martial art thingy when I hit you before?" "I wasn't in danger." Jiyeon shrugged. "Your punches didn't hurt that much to be fair." Jiyeon burst into a grin and laughed when Shaun digged him in the arm. "But hey! Get out of this without doing anything stupid and I'll let you kiss me on the lips. Properly." Shaun's cheeks burst into a blush, he looked at Jiyeon through the corner of his eye and entwined his fingers behind his back. "Re-really?" He stuttered. "Yep!" Jiyeon squeezed the cat's forepaw. "I promise. But for now..."

Jiyeon pulled Shaun in closer to give him a decorous kiss on the cheek. Shaun's blush erupted into a wild fire and the alarm bells in his brain started ringing. "We're still only friends though. Like I've told you, it's sex, but not love. So don't be so asinine from now on." "You certainly know how to kill a boner..." Shaun mumbled, he sounded disappointed, but was still happy about being kissed. "It's what we foxes do. We'll fuck just about anyfur, but if somefur tries to put a ring on us, we'll flip." Jiyeon smiled. "Now come on. Dr. Rajj might be the one flipping if we keep her waiting any longer.

Several Minutes Earlier

Dr. Rajj's office was rather cliché, it was beautifully dark and the space looked as if most of the student's fees went into decorating it. Along the walls there were several bookcases, each stocked with a leviathan amount of books that covered hundreds of subjects. There was the occasional globe or small ornament that sat on the shelves, but aside from those everything was either a fact book or an adult fiction book; except for one which she had always held close to her heart ever since her cubhood.

Her room also played host to a numerous amount of other types of furniture: her desk that had been replaced at least three times to keep things interesting, three matching chairs with an odd-one-out tucked in the corner of the room, a large mocha carpet that covered the space in front of her desk, a coffee table and a drinks machine that dispensed either coffee, water or orange juice. Her guests were welcome to drink from it, but should the orange juice reserves run low it would magically disappear from the menu.

As well as being a bookworm, Dr. Rajj was an aesthete. She had an eye for expensive art, but abstract art had no place in her office. A sculpture, a portrait, a perfect snapshot or a painting of a landscape might find its way onto the wall, but they would only have a lifespan of three or four months before Dr. Rajj would become bored of starring down the art. Once, a students work had been nailed to the wall, but when the rumors had started she'd torn it down and burnt it.

At that moment in time, the appaloosa mare had gotten stuck into a work of literature. She hadn't read that particular book before, she'd simply stuffed it onto one of her bookshelves and forgotten about it. Wishing that she'd read it when she'd first bought it, she turned the page with one black forepaw and took a bite out of a green apple. Her quaint glasses rested on the bridge of her nose, tilted forwards as they normally were.

She looked up at the clock that hung above the doorway, 12:00PM exactly, he should have arrived by now. Dr. Rajj sighed, yet again he'd showed her up. Was he doing it on purpose? Dr. Rajj looked down at the watch around her wrist, 12:00PM again. For once, she actually wanted a call to come through on her phone to say that he couldn't make it or that he hated her so much that he couldn't bare to look at her. The mare scratched her ink black spotted white legs with a hoof. He was starting to annoy her, he'd given her a difficult question. She could leave and then he might turn up or she could stay and he might not ever arrive.

There was a quiet knock on the door.

"Jiyeon? Is that you?" Dr. Rajj called out as her luxurious tail hung low. "No it's me!" A feminine squeak came back. "Oh..." Dr. Rajj muttered, too quiet for her guest to hear. "Come in! You know that the door's unlocked!" The mare shouted back as she put down her book and quickly took her hair out of the braid she'd put it in.

The door squeaked as it opened and a cadaverous, ginger tabby cat came in carrying a plate of biscuits and a mug of coffee. "Where do you want them?" She asked as she danced across the brown floorboards. "On the desk please." The mare smiled, "Ruby Walker your name might suggest that you walk a lot, but that doesn't mean that you have to walk all the way from the staff room to bring me coffee. I do have a coffee machine you know." She joked and then pointed to the machine that Miss. Walker was fully aware of. "I know! I know! But..." "Let me guess. The staff room coffee has more flavor?" The mare smirked. "I was going to tell you that the staff room coffee has better taste. That and I enjoy chatting." Miss. Walker's ginger tail flicked about behind her as she took a seat opposite Dr. Rajj. "Synonyms... synonyms..." Dr. Rajj tutted at the latest English teacher to join the university.

Miss. Walker was fresh out of training, she was ready to be chewed up and spat back out by the monstrous amount of marking there was in store for her. "Do feel free to move a chair Miss. Walker, I wouldn't want this to feel like an interrogation." Dr. Rajj smiled. "Thanks Kristen, but I'm fine where I am. Besides, I only came up to give you coffee and to tell you that Jiyeon is outside the main door with a cat. I think that he's crying." "Who Jiyeon?" Dr. Rajj questioned, she nearly shot out of her chair. "No. The cat, his eyes were puffy and he was curling up. Jiyeon looked as if he was trying to comfort the cat, to no avail." "Oh... I suppose that the feline would be my next client." Dr. Rajj suggested, "Do you know anything about him?"

"Doesn't he.. he.... work in a.... that he's..." Miss. Walker didn't really know what to say, it was common knowledge among the teachers that Jiyeon enjoyed life as a sex worker, but Miss. Walker assumed that Dr. Rajj didn't know. "I know that he's a sex worker." "The cat as well? So they travel in packs now, do they?" Dr. Rajj smirked. "Oh! I'm sorry, I thought that we were talking about Jiyeon." Miss. Walker blushed. "I know, I'd be surprised if it turned out that we had two prostitutes on campus. Have you heard about the weekend deal that Damien's Treats are putting on?" Dr. Rajj winked at Miss. Walker.

The feline winked back. "Oh yes.... I err... go there a lot." Miss. Walker giggled and covered her mouth as if she were a cub who had cussed. "As do I. All of the teachers here are their regulars." Dr. Rajj snickered back. "And with a two for one deal I think the admins might show up." "Ah I heard about that. Something to do with the police commissioner and a back alley." Miss. Walker snickered, "I wonder what happened..." "Me too. Do you think that you'll be taking advantage of the deal?" "Not me. Two men at once might be too much for this young thing. That and who would I share with?" "A friend? A boyfriend who bats for his own team?" Dr. Rajj smirked, "There are a few more options." "My boyfriend has never existed and my friends are on the other side of the country. My options aren't exactly that wide."

Dr. Rajj thought for a moment, she stroked her hair and scratched her arm. "Why don't you go out for the night with a few of the teachers?" Dr. Rajj asked. "What no! Don't be absurd, I don't want to see my colleagues naked." Miss. Walker screeched. "Ruby. We were joking about the strip club, weren't we?" "Yeah, but going out and getting drunk probably isn't a good way to set a first impression." "It's freshman week, so long as you're able to walk and speak, you won't get fired. Just don't go touching any of the teachers. It won't end well!" "It sounds as if you speak from experience!" Miss. Walker laughed, Dr. Rajj shot her a scolding look that shifted into a smile.

"I think that I might take you up on that deal though." Miss. Walker said as she got out of her chair. "But for now I must be off. Something about an Erian student needing a Vedish tutor. That'll be fun to sort out..." Miss. Walker rolled her eyes. "Is by any chance the student in need of a tutor a wolf?" "Yes. Why do you ask?" "Ahh... He's coming by my office later with the Dean. Why don't you come along and we can sort things out faster. I've already been looking at a few reliable students who might be able to tutor him." Dr. Rajj flipped through the copious documents that littered her desk. Their order was far from copacetic, how Dr. Rajj managed to work in such un-tidy conditions Miss. Walker didn't know. Finally, Dr. Rajj handed a bundle to the cat. "The meerkat seems to be your best bet." She recommended. "Thanks, this'll help. See you later then!" Miss. Walker waved goodbye with a waggle of her fingers before slipping out of the door as smoothly as she had entered.

Dr. Rajj put her down, going straight back to her book; she didn't have anything better to do.

At least, not until she heard a knock on her door once again. "Jiyeon? Is that you? Door's unlocked..." She called out, not even raising an eye from her book. "Honestly Kristen." Jiyeon tutted as he opened the wooden door, leading a white cat by the forepaw. "If you keep on asking if I'm at the door somefur might start thinking wrongly." "Jiyeon honey, your a gay fox who's half my age and goes about wearing a skirt. I think that we both know full well that no fur with even half a brain would consider us as a couple in anyway." Dr. Rajj folded the corner of her book and put it down on her desk. She set her eyes on Shaun.

The cat shuffled through behind Jiyeon, acquiescing whilst he was being lead by his forepaw as if he were a child or a pet. He looked dejected, his eyes were hollow and his posture was slumped. There wasn't much to comment on regarding anything positive. If not for his overt depression, Dr. Rajj would have mistaken his paleness and his somnolence for sickness. Shaun curled up on a chair next to Jiyeon and shuffled closer to the marble fox, who put his arm around Shaun and patted his shoulder. "Not as bad as you thought is it?" Jiyeon smiled as he comforted Shaun, the cat didn't respond.

"Who's this?" Dr. Rajj asked to Jiyeon as she started scanning Shaun for any scars or fresh wounds. "Shaun. Fletcher is it?" Jiyeon asked to Shaun, hoping to get him involved. Dr. Rajj's eyes lit up at the name, but not enough for the out-of-synch cat to notice. Shaun grunted indecisively. "That's a yes. He's nineteen by the way." Jiyeon answered. Dr. Rajj scribbled words down onto a piece of paper, doing her best to subtle. "Why the fuck am I doing this. I'm fucked anyway..." Dr. Rajj did nothing to stop the feline's cussing. "Shaun. I've told you, everything will be fine." Jiyeon smiled and gave the cat a nudge. "Look up for once."

"Quick question, are you two in a relationship?" Shaun didn't bother to shoot Dr. Rajj a caustic look nor did he cavil, he was simply out of his chair before Dr. Rajj could apologize. He reached the door when Jiyeon spoke, "Sit down Shaun. It's only a question." Jiyeon said strictly. The cat froze up, Jiyeon stayed quiet and let Shaun take the next step. Shaun mumbled something under his breath, but took his seat again; he didn't let Jiyeon touch him any longer. "Get off!" He spat when Jiyeon tried to put an arm around him, Jiyeon withdrew immediately. "And yes my name is Shaun Fletcher." He scowled at Jiyeon and Dr. Rajj. Unbeknownst to Shaun, Dr. Rajj had adroitly scribbled down more short paw notes on his behavior. "We're friends, good friends. But we've never dated, we only just met really." Dr. Rajj made a mental note to write that down later.

"It's alright if you want to be cagey or short here, just try to say a clear answer. Have you had sex at all?" Dr. Rajj addressed to Jiyeon, but he knew that she was talking about Shaun and not him. "Can we make this part off record? I don't think that Shaun wants to keep this clandestine." Jiyeon said before Shaun scarper. "As long as it isn't crucial to the case, then yes." Dr. Rajj nodded as she tore a page out of a note book and wrote down Shaun's name. "Shaun? Am I allowed to share?" The cat nodded, but the far off look didn't go. "We've tried. Multiple times. I've fingered him and we've seen each other naked, but that's it. The fingering wasn't for pleasure, I was.... cleaning him." Jiyeon confessed. Shaun once again went to leave, Jiyeon intercepted.

"Shaun, for fucks sake!" The fox shouted for the first time in a while. "Sit down and let her help. If you don't want to say anything, fine, but you're agreeing or disagreeing to the facts and that means you need to stay here. I will hold your forepaw and make you sit on my lap like a cub if I have to." Jiyeon pushed Shaun back, who once again took his seat. "Yeah... That happened." Was Shaun's mumbled response. "Ever had sexual contact before?" "Shaun you'll have to answer this one." "A few times with girls, but only one of them as meant something.... once with another guy." "Erik Daton." Jiyeon cut in. Dr. Rajj half-sighed and muttered something under her breath. "He's the reason we're here. Go on Shaun, tell Kristen what you told me."

Shaun looked from Jiyeon to Dr. Rajj and then to the door. He looked down at his paws and crunched up his toes in his shoes, a sigh. "Go on Shaun. Imagine how good you'll feel when you get this off your chest." Jiyeon said again. Shaun felt that both of them were looking at him, willing him to speak. "Go on Shaun. Don't dither, don't drawl... You can be a little bit cagey if you want at times, but what matters is that you tell me the important things." Dr. Rajj had reached across the table with a forepaw, her fingers resting just in front of Shaun's own. Pulling his own fingers back and stroking them slowly with his other forepaw, he mumbled. "Off record?" "Off record. Just go on. Say it all." The fox and the horse smiled at him together, it was almost creepy the way it made Shaun want to confess.

Shaun took a deep breath. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead and dripped to the floor. His heart raced in his chest. His tail twitched. His fingers writhed.

He opened his mouth to speak.

Minutes Later

"Is that everything?" Dr. Rajj asked as she looked up from her paper. Shaun nodded weakly, he suddenly felt sick. "Thank you." The horse said as she started collecting up all of the paper she'd used, exactly 15 pages. "I see now that this case is... different from the usual. I suggest that you go to the hospital tomorrow and see if you can get custody of the cub, if you want that of course. After all, that boy will need at least one parent; here's nothing worse than growing up without either of your parents." Dr. Rajj continued, "Sorry." She added, "Don't listen to my ramblings. Put yourself first before this cub, alright? One cub in the orphanage is better than one cub and his dad in the streets."

"It's alright... I'd like to look after him anyway." Shaun smiled as his voice came out of mumbling. He was glad that he and Dr. Rajj agreed on something. Jiyeon however didn't look particular happy, but kept his maw shut. "But if you do I'd like you to know that you will have to move out of the dorms and possibly university." Shaun's smile took a nose dive. "Unless you have somefur who could care for the cub?" Dr. Rajj asked. "My parents might agree... I don't know. I haven't told them." Shaun said under his breath.

Jiyeon returned to his chair and handed a cup of water to Shaun. Shaun's forepaws clasped around it shakily, water spilled out of the sides on occasion. "You should tell them. Wait until the cub's born and then call them, try to arrange something then or do it now or sometime today. You can't put this sort of thing off." Dr. Rajj continued, Jiyeon nodded to agree with her. "If they won't look after the cub, you'll have to drop out of university until you find somefur who will. Or you can put him up for adoption or-" "No!" Shaun howled, the cup flying out of his forepaw and striking the wall behind Dr. Rajj. Water splashed over her desk and the floor boards. Jiyeon flinched and Dr. Rajj was furious, but she at least made herself look calm. There was no point in rebuking the already despondent feline, it would only push him to breaking point.

"Okay then. Have you spoken to Vicky? What does-" Her expression dropped. "Fuck..." She cussed quietly, so that neither of the two could hear. "How do you know her name?" Shaun's visage did the opposite; his ears shot up on alert and his pupils dilated. "I didn't mention her..." He squeaked as his paranoia started to claw at his brain. He got out of his chair and flinched back from the horse as if she was transforming into a monster. "Well for one she's my niece, so I do know a lot about her. Second of all I doubt that there's a lot of other horses who are pregnant with a cat's cub."

"Do-do you know what's going on? Is the cub alright?" Shaun blurted out, he leaned over the desk and kicked his chair backwards by mistake. Dr. Rajj debated in her head for a moment. "Fine." She replied shortly, "Vicky is getting ready to go to hospital now. The cub is due early Tuesday morning, so if you are going I suggest that you turn up at around 6:00 AM. By then the cub should be born, so Vicky won't really have the energy to scream at you. I'm heading out on Monday night to be with her, since she is my family after all." Dr. Rajj explained. "And you?" "Tuesday morning 6;00 AM apparently." Shaun beamed. "This is only advice. You don't actually have to take it." Dr. Rajj frowned. "But I suppose that I can't stop you now."

"Well then." Dr. Rajj said, rising from her chair and shaking Shaun's forepaw. "I'll see you here in my office Wednesday morning." "Okay. I won't forget that." Shaun smiled, "Come on Jiyeon. You said that are some furs that I should meet." The cat grabbed at Jiyeon's forepaw. The marble fox, until then, had been looking from Dr. Rajj to Shaun, unable to understand what was going on.

"You dash ahead." The marble fox laughed, he didn't understand, but was glad to see his friend in a state of elation. "I'm just going to grab a cup of water. Summer heat and what not." He explained. "Okay then." Shaun waved goodbye and hurriedly walked out of the door, "I'll see you in our dorm!" He called out. Jiyeon sighed, waited until Shaun was out of ear shot and looked to Dr. Rajj.

"Jiyeon. I hope that you're not letting these grudges of yours get in the way." Dr. Rajj frowned, "I know that it's frustrating when a case that you filed gets dropped, but I honestly think that you shouldn't keep on chasing down all of Erik's partners. He'll find out eventually and you don't want..." "I know... I know... But I just really think that he needs to be locked up. All of his family are assholes... Rich pricks." Jiyeon cursed, "Look. I know what risks I'm running, but I don't care. If shit gets out, shit gets out, but right now I'm more interested in seeing him behind bars or strapped for funds."

"And if either of those happens to Erik, his father will throw some cash his way and bail him out. He payed off the jury before as well, he'll do it again if you try." "But if the jury just sees what he's done, not just to me, but to Shaun as well they'll have to do something! He's done it to so many furs! Even if they're just amenable, even if they just happen to be related or if they know a sex worker. Bam! Their girlfriend is pregnant, or-or their D-" "Jiyeon! Lower your voice." Dr. Rajj scowled. "I've told you before: it. Won't. Happen!"

"It will!" Jiyeon demurred. "Even if it's just a few days or months of punishment.... I really want this to happen. I just need to take this to somefur higher up, like a judge or the Dean." Jiyeon mumbled like Shaun had been moments ago. "Alright. Alright. If it makes you feel better, I can give the case to the Dean and then he might get Erik suspended or expelled. That can at least do something, but again his father's funds will probably be able to pay off all of the staff or get the university closed down."

"That's the problem with rich furs in this country. They're... what is it, deliquescent. As soon as somefur throws a law suit their way, the jury members suddenly start being lenient or.... they just go on holiday and leave the country. The rich all fucking hate us, just 'cus' my family isn't as rich as them..." Jiyeon mumbled. "Not all of them, there are some kind yet rich furs. Rare and hard to find, but they exist." Dr. Rajj smiled. "That's a beautiful sentence." Jiyeon half-smiled, finally looking up from the floorboards to meet Dr. Rajj's eyes. "Try not to filch that from me, I swear that all of my philosophy has found its way back to me with your name on it instead of mine." Dr. Rajj smiled. "What can I say? They're well crafted words that are forged with thought and time." Jiyeon's tail swished across the floor behind him as he picked up Shaun's chair.

"Another word of advice if you're okay with it, don't go making Erik mad. He'll fuck you over even more. And if you want to know, he's been hurt in his life as well. You're not the only fur out there who gets ruined by something with more influence." "Meaning?" Jiyeon's ears perked up. "His mother died of an STI around the time when he was four. She slept with a prostitute and caught it, I'd like to say that she did it because she knew that she was raising a little shit, but I think that she wanted to make Erik into something better. Anyway, he told me that when he was in here at the start of last week. I managed to convince him not to use his law degree to ruin the lives of sex workers all over the country because some of them don't have a choice. So for now, consider the fight a stalemate and leave him alone."

"Is that why he got his Dad to do it? Because his mother died and he thought that he could use it to justify getting my own D-" "Jiyeon!" Dr. Rajj frowned. "Enough of this already. I'm doing my best to stay neutral here, but if you carry on I won't keep on employing you. This is the only thing that is keeping you out of the Dean's bad books." "Right. I'll... I'll err keep that in mind. Thanks for helping Shaun, it's good to see him smile." Jiyeon went to dart out of the room. "Now if only you'd start doing the smiling for once." Dr. Rajj grinned, "Now run along fox. Shaun might suspect something if you keep him waiting." "Yeah! Yeah! I'm going" Jiyeon waved goodbye and followed after Shaun quickly, determined to close the distance between him and the cat.

"And shut the door!" The mare cried out, but alas Jiyeon had already gotten down the corridor. She rumbled a few curses to herself, but as she did a breeze drifted through into her room. It was cool and relaxing, maybe having the door open a little while longer would be a good idea.

Dr. Rajj smiled to herself and pushed her nose back into her book before Leon arrived.


The crocodile chuckled throatily as he snapped a few more photos of the passed out meerkat. He constantly moved the camera, determined to capture both the meerkat's face, his mate's face and the used condom that had been slapped on his chest. The zebra, who the meerkat had clearly slept with, already had a boyfriend, but Callum didn't care about that. What he wanted was to bribe the hell out of Leonardo, the meerkat. He knew that he wanted to maintain a good, virginal reputation, so that the school would let him become a mentor or better yet a representative. The grades were there, all he needed was the respect. But If he didn't carry out the crocodile's every command, Leonardo wouldn't ever be getting an encomium from the Dean.

Callum quickly turned off his phone, he had enough photos and he didn't want to risk being caught any longer.He slipped into the bathroom and put his phone on the side board. He waited, hoping that a scream or talking would signal when he could come out without the zebra learning of his plans. After all, he didn't want to be the fur to be pounded into a cold, lifeless pulp.

After sluicing his scaled face with freezing water, Callum looked in the mirror and picked off a few loose, pale olive scales. He dropped them in the bin, he hated having scales all over the place. Fortunately, the yellow-green scales that covered his under body didn't shed as much as the harder scales, so at least there wouldn't be musky scales covering the floor.

Picking up his plaid shirt off of the tiles, he pulled it over his body, but left his chest exposed to keep himself cool. It had been fun to toy with his erection, twiddling the thick and spiky tool in his palm whilst observing the two lewd lovebirds. He ran his forepaws in numbing water, hoping to dispose of the scent before Leonardo caught a sniff. He pulled up his boxers to trap and hide away his erection, but instantly his boxers tented and the strain they were put under was almost enough to make them split at the seams. He willed his boxers not to break, he'd already broken a pair whilst thinking about what exactly he was going to do to Leonardo. His plan was perfect.

Callum pulled up his sweat pants and let them sit at his waist for a while. Now the waiting truly began. Callum was a big fan of tight clothes, he liked having smooth fabrics rub against his scales, but his endowment made it difficult to conceal any sexual pleasures. If his boxers were too tight, they'd tear, if his jeans were too tight, they'd tent and if his shirts were too tight they'd get snagged on his scales. Nothing was more of a turn off than getting a scale ripped off whenever he tried to be slow and sexy about stripping down. Swimming had been a nightmare, swimming shorts were banned and tight trunks were his only option. In the changing rooms he often resorted to pulling off scales to keep the beast in its cage.

Callum's sharp teeth exposed themselves in a grin when he heard Leo speaking to the zebra. "The fuck?" She asked, mostly likely spotting the condom. "Did we fuck each other Leo?" She asked to Leonardo, who was just as shocked as she was. "I don't feel good at all. How much did I imbibe?" The equine frowned at him, she didn't understand. "How much did I drink? Can you remember that?" He forced himself to keep a neutral expression, to not roll his eyes at the mare and tell her to stop being stupid. "No. Fuck, do you think that we used a condom?" "Well yes. Judging by the thing that is now stuck to my fur I can safely say that we did." Leonardo grinned as he got off the bed and dropped the condom in the bin. "Thanks for that by the way. I can't remember it, but I'm sure that it was pleasurable."

"Well you're not getting another chance. Thanks for helping me get that paper finished by the way." The zebra said as she searched the floor for her clothes. Callum heard the zebra's hooves hurrying over the carpet as she pulled on her bra and her panties with such haste that you'd think the dorm was burning down around her. In record time that would have impressed a superhero, the zebra tossed her shirt on and got her skirt over her hips before her fling had even returned to the bed. "Thanks Leo." She waved goodbye before leaving in a rush. "It's Leon!" The meerkat shouted after her as he sat down on his bed and stretched. "Not that you know how to spell it..." He grumbled, his anger seeped away quickly.

"Ahh Mary..." Leonardo chuckled as he started to toy with his sheath. Memories of the zebra in high school returned to him as he began to feel something in his chest rising. "Why don't you just leave that prick?" He spoke to himself as his cock started to come out of his sheath again. He gave the head of his cock a prod and gasped, it had been a good while since he'd actually touched himself in anyway. "Mary..." He groaned again, then he heard a chuckle that wasn't his own. Leon stopped and looked over to Callum's bed. "Callum..." The meerkat growled.

"Callum? How many photos did you take?" Leon asked with a calm voice as he moved towards his wardrobe. The stout lizard burst out of the bathroom laughing, the meerkat was far from amused. "Having fun in here?!" He howled with more booming laughter. Digging through his own wardobe and drawers, Leon demanded: "Answer my question!" "Buzz kill...." Callum rumbled. "Only a couple. All of your most pleasing angles were captured, but no fur will see them unless..."

"Or I could go to the Dean with this, blackmail is illegal after all." Leon warned Callum as he pulled a pair of arctic boxers shorts up to conceal his sheath in the small pocket that was provided. The boxers were snug around his hips, comfortably tight as well and far from being loose. "You have an hour to delete all of the photos, prove it to me and apologize to me with something favorable." Leon licked his lips, a large cake or maybe a book or two would do. "Otherwise, like I said, I get the Dean involved."

"And if you do that I'll send these photos out. Want to see them?" Callum took out his phone and waved around, teasing the meerkat. Once more Leon stayed put, he imagined that Callum had already saved them to a separate drive, so even if he did delete them from Callum's phone the lizard would find a way to upload them. "No I don't. Besides, if you do that the police will come knocking." Leon continued when he finished thinking. A smirk formed in the corner of his mouth. "Your mom will probably come knocking as well. But you know who won't? Her. I know that you've caught her eye, you still write to her don't you?"

Leon froze up. He didn't need a name to know who they were talking about.

"Pardon?" He croaked as his body turned numb. His smirk jumped onto Callum's face, his tone made the lizard fill up with pride and satisfaction. "You want to hit it off with her don't you? Have you asked for her number yet?" The lizard chuckled as he started to dig through the bags he'd thrown under his bed. "No." Leon scowled. "Shut up about that. I don't want to go out with her. She's just an interesting furson... " The meerkat pulled his polo shirt over his head and ruffled his furs back into it's usual mess.

"What do you even see in a blue blood like her anyway?" Callum asked from under the bed, his pose made Leon bite his lower lip. It was almost insulting, they were vying and Callum had turned his back as if Leon wasn't a threat; Leon was tempted to show him just how deadly a meerkat could be. "She's smart. She's not stuck up and she doesn't care about my class. You know that I come from a poor family with barely enough money to feed us all at dinner, yet she doesn't care..." Leon smiled. "I remember when I was about.... was it ten? When I sent the first letter and she, being a year younger, responded with another letter that must have been written by a butler or somefur. Then she actually sent me a letter and it was way better than I expected. There were all these fancy words that I hadn't heard of, so I learnt them all. She was intelligent back then and she kept on asking about all the words I was using.... So I taught her. And then she started to be kinder. I haven't met her in person..." "This is getting sickly-" "Cloying would be a better word to use. She taught me that one." Callum shot Leon a vehement look and unlocked his phone.

"WAIT!!" Leon cried out, his forepaws darting out before doing a u-turn to cross over his chest. "I answered your question didn't I?!" "Yes, but you're being a bitch. Bitches get their nudes thrown onto the internet." "I'm trying to be useful! Besides, send it to her and she'll know that I didn't mean for them to be taken. She knows that I'm prude." "That's not something to be proud of." "It is. Everyfur in this university is a sex or a drug or an alcohol addict, or at least they get high off something they shouldn't every day; I stand out. I'm not like them, so I'm better-" "Don't be haughty." Callum smirked, thinking that he'd pushed the meerkat into a corner. The cocky expression faded when Leon replied. "I know that I'm being arrogant and prideful, but it's in a furson's nature to be so, isn't it? Anyway. Go ahead and send her the photos, no damage will be done and she won't even see them." To get his own back, Leon turned away from Callum and delved further into his wardrobe to find clothes.

"O.K then, how about..." Callum, annoyed that Leon had deflected the shots so far, thought for a moment. "Your scholarship. If you misbehave, you lose it. Then there's the matter of the zebra's boyfriend, he'll be pissed... Oh! And she won't be allowed to send over funding if it is found that you aren't as golden as you claim to be." "How the hell do you know so much about me?" Leon questioned, he dropped his jeans to the floor.

Leon scrambled back to the floor and picked up his jeans he got them on quickly. "I can access the school files, it's one of the benefits of knowing how to work a computer. That and I read your mail." Leon sealed his zipper and threaded the button through the gap. "That stuff's private!" Leon howled. The meerkat clenched his fists and did his best not to lash out at the crocodile, Callum was in control completely. "Like these photos, until you misbehave. So are you going to be good and do what I ask?" Callum chuckled. "Do I have a choice?" Came Leon's mumbled response, he could have sworn that just about every porn flick that Callum indulged in played out like this.

"No not really." Callum laughed. "Now strip off!" "Don't be gay Callum!" Leon snarled. "Fucking abhorrent bastard." "I'm not the one who had a used condom on their chest this morning. Besides, you know that I'm bi and that I don't love or you anything." A spark ignited in Callum's eyes as he stood up and paced towards Leon who shuffled backwards onto his bed, terrified that the lizard was about to rape him. "But I do think that you've got a good looking body. Smooth curves, no spiky furs, your head furs look cute and the way you always get nervous when I get naked it just-" "I do not!" Leon howled. "I get disgusted! All the grime between your scales makes me sick!" Callum didn't look too happy. "I'll ignore that for now. If you do what I'll ask, maybe I'll forget about it." "No! I want you to feel hated! I want you to know what it feels like to have somefur that you want hating you!" Leon exclaimed, his eyes were burning with passion; the way they would whenever he opened his favorite book and read a page or more.

Callum backed off, sulking almost, "Strip off already and be quick about it meerkat. We wouldn't want these getting out..." Leon noticed that Callum acted hurt, was he starting to get a grip in the fight? He didn't have anything on Callum, yet. Quickly, Leon devised a short term plan. It seemed best to play along, to obey and do exactly what Callum asked. That way there would be no humiliation, at least not on a massive scale.

"I'm going." Leon said as he took off his grey polo shirt off and tossed it somewhere.

"Now that wasn't arousing at all... Put the shirt back on and make a scene out of it. Get me hard." Callum commanded. "How the fuck am I supposed to make taking off my polo shirt titillating?" Leon asked. He got off of his bed and picked the clothing off of the floor. He pulled it back over his body, making sure that it covered the zipper of his jeans."Tit-a-what?" "It's a synonym for salacious." "Speak Vedish, nerd!" Callum spat. The crocodile sat down on his bed, making it creak and strain under his weight. "You know, I only really sleep with people who have brains. So you're off that list..." "Insult me again and I'll send the pictures to everyfur in our log books. Now tell me what it means!" Leon flinched, but spoke clearly. "Something that is titillating would make somefur sexually interested or aroused. Is that good?" "Right... Be slow about it. That'll make me happy."

Leonardo rolled the hem of his polo shirt up and hooked his forepaws under it. He lifted it up slightly, so that his sand dollar chest fur was exposed. It fluffed out around his crotch, but the brown pubic fur that he should have grown had been trimmed down until it wasn't visible. "Is this good?" Leon asked nervously. "You're not very experienced are you?" Callum asked, sounding thoroughly disappointed. The meerkat shook his head. "Keep on going." The crocodile said as got off the bed and slipped his own shirt off. Doing as he was told, the meerkat continued to slowly pull his polo shirt over his head until his nipples were revealed. Then the fabric came to block his view of Callum, who instantly made his move.

He clasped his forepaws around the sand colored, furry waist. Leonardo jumped and gave out a terrified sound. "Callum!" He cried. He grabbed the croc's wrists and tried to pull him off. "Don't resist. You need to get used to me touching you now." Callum purred in a low voice. "Besides, I'm not going to hurt you on purpose. I might catch you with my claws or my scales, but I'm sorry in advance." Leon had to remind himself that Callum was figuratively holding a gun to his head, he instantly stopped fighting and let the reptile have his way.

Enthralled by the sight of Leon's bare chest, Callum licked his lips and popped the button on Leon's jeans off; he wanted more. The meerkat was sitting on the end of his bed, Callum crouching just in front and slowly sliding down Leon's jeans. He patted Leon's thighs when his jeans were on the floor, the meerkat shook off the denim and kicked them out of harm's ways. Leon's boxers followed a same route. Then Callum stripped Leon of his top and strung it over the banister of his bed.

"What now? Are you going to deflower me of my anal virginity?" The meerkat asked smugly as Callum stood back up. Ignoring Leon's words, Callum's gaze danced about until it saw the disheveled pile of books near to the wall. Pointing to them, he ordered , "Stand up. Go over there. Turn around and put your arms up. Bring them down and I'll have to punish you." Callum warned. His words came fast, but Leon managed to catch all of his demands. The meerkat obeyed, he moved his books aside with his paw and put his arms high above his head. "Are you forepaws close to the peg I put up?" Callum asked, he'd moved back to his bed and was fiddling with something on the bed. "Uhh yeah." Leon responded, "To be honest it's more like a thick nail..." He pointed out. "Do you want me to hold onto it?" "No. I'm going to attach you to it." Callum said as he produced two pairs of handcuffs.

He dexterously applied the cold steel devices, one to each wrist, before sealing them around the peg. With each snap of the cuffs, Leon flinched and realized that he couldn't turn back; there was no way that Leonardo would be able to get free on his own. Callum chuckled to himself, Leon seemed afraid. "What's wrong? Is it such a bad thing to be at my mercy?" "It's painful; keeping my arms up.What are you going to do? How long are you going to take?" The meerkat asked impatiently. "Not long, besides you'll want this to carry on longer when I'm done." "You didn't answer my other question." Leon said with a glower. "I just want to observe my new pet. Get to know his limits, cop a feel... Let's start with that." Callum grinned mischievously.

He started to run a forepaw over Leon's back with long movements. He danced them across the arch of Leon's back, being careful not to touch his spine at all. It stuck out slightly in places, clearly visible from beneath Leon's fur. For a moment, his forepaws rested on Leon's wide hips, his claws tapped the meerkat's front and began to stroke him and down. "You're forepaws are really rough. It's horrible." Leon insulted out of the blue. It was hardly offensive, it almost made Callum laugh. "Watch it you, your tail is exposed to me after all. I might be tempted to pull it." Callum licked his lips and swished a forepaw down towards Leon's tail.

The one that stayed at Leon's waist began to move up and down, tickling him slowly as he stood taut. There was hardly any visible response, but unbeknownst to Callum, Leon was forcing backing his giggles and did his best to not writhe around. Frowning at Leon's lack of reaction, Callum moved his forepaws towards Leon's nethers. He covetously stroked Leon's bubbly, fleshy cheeks and rolled some of the flab between two of his fingers; they were awfully close to Leon's tailhole.

"Are you going to finger me or something?" Leon asked, his nervous tone had returned. Callum didn't take his eyes off of Leon's dark stripes. They were painted across his back going horizontally, the rows ending above his tail. "No... no... I'm only feeling how beautiful your fur is. You furry anthros are so lucky, how do you not spend your whole life stroking your body?" "You get used to it. It's nothing special anyway.." Leon replied modestly. "It is!" Callum cut him off. "Your fur is incredibly soft..." Callum complimented enviously. "Would you mind if I used you as a pillow one night? Or maybe as a cuddly toy? I'd much rather get your consent than force you into everything, pet."

"So is that what I am? A pet?" Callum started prodding the spots on Leon's tail one by one, Leon flinched whenever his tail was bent roughly, but was starting to enjoy being touched. "So long as you agree to be good. Otherwise you might get.... broken." Callum seemed to smile at the latter word, a particularly nasty, salacious thought had crossed his mind.

"Define 'good'. I think that our understandings might differ slightly." "Obedient. Let me put reins on your body and let me guide you from now on. Do what I ask when I ask and you'll be rewarded. How would you like that?" "As long as you keep on stroking my back... It feels weird and ,as demeaning as this is, I like it." Callum chuckled at Leon's strange request, but started let a warm curve form on his lips. "Good. We've already found a reward for you. Would a massage be alright as well?" "That sounds relaxing. Just don't make it sexual and don't start touching my paws." Leon demanded. "And how about new books? Quality ones, rare ones. Anything that I haven't read before." "O.K then. Make me a list of what books you want and I'll get them for you if I think that you're being a good pet." Callum smiled, satisfied that he and Leon had come to a reasonable understanding. So far he'd mistaken Leon's obedience for loyalty and friendship, in truth Leon still loathed Callum and every last bit of him, he just didn't dare to show it.

"Now I'm going to start being kinder, so long as you don't run off." Callum explained as he slipped the key into the locks of Leon's handcuffs, they dropped away. Having his arms above his head for so long, stretched out with no release, had enervated him; helplessly he fell backwards as his head spun. Fortunately, the crocodile caught the meerkat in his scaly arms. Leon couldn't help himself but to rub his back against Callum's chest as if the crocodile were a scratching post. Callum propped him back up straight, unaware to Leon's rubbing. "Careful. I don't want you to knock yourself out just yet..." The crocodile started to collect up his toys. Leonardo saw what Callum had gotten out: a whip, a butt-plug, what looked like a knife and finally a dildo. "Were you going to use all of that on me?" Leon asked nervously.

"Only if you disobeyed. The knife is for tickling and the whip is for... well... whipping. I'm a sadist, so you will have to experience those pains eventually, but it'll only be light if you're good. I'm never going to kill you or put you in the hospital, remember that." Callum said as the handcuffs joined the pile he had on his bed. "That seemed rushed." Leon said, pulling up his boxers and stretching. "It was. I don't want you to go running before I can show you how much fun this will be..."

"Where are you going?" Callum asked when Leon stood up and made a move towards the door. The meerkat was now fully dressed "I've told you yesterday, I have somewhere to be." Leon opened a drawer and took out a key to the room. He placed it into his wallet and shoved that into the jean's pocket. "And that is?" "None of your business." Leon scowled as he opened the door. Callum slammed the door and grabbed Leon by the wrist. The meerkat cried out as Callum twisted, bending him over and causing pain to flare through his arm. "Where are you going?" Callum growled. "To see Miss. Walker!" Leon said with lighting speed. "I have a meeting with her about tutoring!" Callum stopped twisting, but didn't release his pet.

Instead he started to pull down Leon's boxers and jeans. "I don't need to be punished master! Ill be good from now on!" Leon cried out, squirming under Callum's iron grip. "That's right. You will be good and you don't need to be punished. But you do need to put this in." Callum said as he took the butt-plug in his forepaw and pressed it to Leon's tailhole. "Stop clenching!" Callum ordered, Leon did his best, but still his tailhole was locked up. Regardless, Callum forced the plastic inside of Leon and made the meerkat yowl. "FUCK!!!" He bit his lip and tried not to scream, a high pitched noise escaped his lips even with his efforts.

"Calm down and man up. It's only two inches. Is it touching your prostate?" Callum asked as he released the meerkat. Leon instantly pulled his clothes back up and turned away from Callum. "How should I know?" Leon spat. He felt violated and afraid. It had been so sudden and painful, yet now Callum was acting as if nothing had happened; not a single thing about his wicked visage had changed. Nevertheless, the meerkat convalesced quickly and stood up right to force out the alien feeling. "Does it feel weird?" "Yeah." Leon rumbled as he started to caress his aching backside. "Then it is. You'll pop a boner soon by the way, so keep your crotch covered." Callum warned. "Now get going." "T-thanks!" Leon managed to say, stunned by the thought of being found out.

The meerkat scurried out of the room awkwardly, the toy lodged in his tailhole rubbed him both ways; right and wrong.

Thanks For Reading!

I hope that the gap between the last post and this hasn't been too big again, :/

Anyway! 10,000 words according to word processor! (YAY!) So this has either been really good because I spent too much time on it or it'll be really bad because there will have been hundreds of mistakes that I missed. As always, please tell me if you spot any mistakes!

Story, characters and locations © Kalebthecat

Police Dogs

# Prologue ## Central Tort Police Station, Tort ## 6th of March, 10:00 PM * * * "I don't know how it happened..." The cadaverous white tiger mumbled nervously, his paws shifting from one stance to another. His forepaws were clenched between his...

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The Deal

# Chapter 6 ## 4th of January, 4:00PM ## 3 Sugarbreed Mountain * * * "Do you know what to say?" Gale inquired as their rose red car struggled to climb the uneven mountain road. The wolf had been sweltering under his collar for the past 4 hours, he...

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Teenage Troubles: Chapter 12

Chapter 1220 Grange Lane9:10 PM, 1st of May*Quinn*"No fur!" Quinn blurted out as soon as he recovered from the spoken blow. Darting forwards, he snatched the photo out of Leib's forepaws with ease. With his brow overtaken by a sweat, his tail alert...

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