I Like to Watch...Third Glance

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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#3 of I Like to Watch

Third in a semi irregular series with a voyeurism theme. And a chance to fight depression with porn. This one sort of grew large...hope you enjoy the greater depth, or smuttiness whichever you prefer.


Neville the successful lawyer fox has a confession. Well, several confessions. It can be like that when you are into cuckolding...or being cuckolded, anyway.

Contains cuckolding, voyeurism, threesomes, age difference, plucking the cherry from teenage stallions, and lots of sex.

The other parts in this series of thematically linked but otherwise separate stories are herehttps://www.sofurry.com/view/875307https://www.sofurry.com/view/879267

They say if you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, the frog will immediately jump out, but if you leave a frog in a pot of cold water and slowly bring it to the boil, the frog won't notice the steadily and gradually increasing danger and will die.

I never used to understand that before, not to mention wondering how some sick fuck managed to work it out in the first place. I get it now though; how you can move through a series of gradual stages, an endless procession of small lines crossed until you find yourself suddenly one day in a world you never imagined.

Lying here now, I get it so much.

Perhaps I should explain I guess.

It started out of the blue, as these things probably do mostly. A normal day, a normal stupid accident. A waitress at a business lunch spilled tomato juice all over my shirt, and I hadn't replaced the one I normally kept in my office for just such an emergency after I got splashed by mud waiting for a taxi at the airport.

My secretary had offered to drive back to my home to get a replacement, but I decided I wanted to get a document I had been marking up in bed and had left by accident and I didn't want my secretary snooping around my home anyway.

With my BMW safely in the driveway, I headed for the back entrance near the rear living area while checking my emails on my smartphone. It was only just as I reached the glass door, my paw gripping the handle, that I looked up and saw it.

My wife was bent over the sofa, a $10,000 custom leather chesterfield we had chosen together. For some reason that was what came into my mind, how much the sofa had cost, the specially sourced leather from Spain, the rich dark colour, the sales patter from the otter at the store who had closed the sale and probably got a nice hefty commission. My wife was the one who made the final decision, of course, and she had run her hands over that immaculately tooled soft leather and smiled and nodded and that really was it.

She seemed to be enjoying the feel of the leather on her hide that afternoon, but not in a way I had seen her test out in the shop. Or with me, for that matter...

She was bent over the back, the cow's muzzle wide open and moaning out deep moos of delight, as she got taken from behind by a big well muscled bull. I realised with a shock that it was the guy we had brought in to remodel our kitchen a month ago. He was doing some remodelling of his own, driving a massive thick cock into my wife's snatch.

Standing there, stunned, I found I couldn't move. All I could do was stare, at the big stud fucking my wife, at her expression of transported bliss, at the pool of moisture on the travertine marble tiles below them and the line of moisture dripping down the back of the expensive leather sofa.

I couldn't tell if it was all just her excitement, or some of his cum. There was enough of it, dripping in a steady stream from her distended snatch as he fucked her with incredible vigor. I boiled inside, watching him; he was everything I wasn't , and I knew it; big, powerful, at ease with his masculinity. The sort of guy who probably played football and went to the pub for beers and could fix an engine or build a house. Or fuck a married cow...

I wanted to do something. Anything really, something to prove I wasn't a total failure as a male, a complete wimp. Instead I watched, fascinated at the raw power of their fucking, and the obvious signs of Angela's orgasm, her wild shuddering cries and the ever growing pool of liquid heat dripping from her pussy.

Then it happened.

My wife turned her head, just enough, and her eyes went wide. Our gaze locked, frozen in a moment. The bull snorted in his effort, nosering bouncing, tail swishing, and he gripped her hips and began to power fuck into her. I watched every muscle on his buff form, biceps, triceps, shoulders, thighs, pectorals, abdominals, hips all straining in the sustained effort he was putting into giving my wife the fucking of her life.

She was smiling. Watching me, watching her, with her eyes half-lidded in ecstacy, tongue extended partly on the brink of release, while the bull reached his crescendo.

And I was hard. Achingly hard. Dripping, needy, confused, sensitive. My paw left the door handle to grip my erection, so pitifully small compared to the bull's mighty organ. Even for a fox, I was a small guy, and in the cock department, I was neither a grower or a shower. In our infrequent attempts at sex, Angela had always told me it didn't matter. Now I knew...now I knew.

The bull reached his peak and bellowed, slamming into her with eyes scrunched tight as his orgasm overwhelmed him. That was enough for me too, and I came in my trousers, paw gripping the fabric to cover up the evidence. It was no use though, and I caught a twinkle in my wife's eye as she focussed on the spreading stain in my crotch.

The bull pulled out, a long, slow, sticky withdrawal letting me see the full majesty of his manhood, and the sloppy mess he had made of my wife's cunt. Bull cum, pussy juice, it flooded out of Angela's distended opening, staining the leather and the tiles as well as my memory.

Before he could catch me, I turned and ran like a coward, and drove away. I never returned to the office that afternoon, in spite of my secretary's frantic calls, I just drove around with my mind in turmoil.

When I got up the courage to face her, I roleplayed what I would say over and over. How angry I would be, but in a controlled way. Reasonable, but forceful.

It lasted about twenty seconds once I got through the door.

"You liked it...you liked to watch..."

The first line had been crossed.

When she confessed to her string of lovers, I took it well. Far too well. For she could tell that a part of me was conjuring up the mental image of the guys she described, some of whom I knew vaguely, some I didn't. She told me about their fucking, what it felt like, how she got them enthralled. And the common factor in all of them; big guys, strong guys, hung guys, with bodies built for fucking and cocks big enough to make her feel good. Confident, manly, often a bit dumb too, not too much going on upstairs but everything going on downstairs that she needed. At ease with themselves. The opposite of me.

The truth hurt, like a motherfucker. We were always an odd couple, and neither her friends nor mine, nor our families, could understand why we got together. The big, bubbly, patrician cow from a wealthy landed family, and the unsure, nerdy, slightly built fox from respectable middle class parents.

I had made it work, somehow, and put my energies into my career and made partner and enough money to not feel inadequate ever again. Except I did, of course, every time I saw some stud eyeing her up, and now she had destroyed the last vestige of my self respect.

"Neville, I know this is a shock..."

Well, that was an understatement.

"Neville...what did you think...when you saw me and Gary..."

That was right. The builder was called Gary...Gary Ryan...he had been recommended by one of the partners at work, did excellent joinery and a dab hand at kitchen benchtops. Apparently he had other talents as well...

"Neville...honey...what did you think..."

She fixed me a scotch and soda, just how I liked, and sat next to me on the leather sofa, still stinking with the scent of her juices and bull cum, and I spilled the beans. How it turned me on, watching them, knowing she could see me. Seeing him...

"He felt so good inside me Neville. So good...you know you can't make me feel like that, don't you..."

I let out a snarl, from somewhere deep inside me I didn't know existed and slapped her. She was stunned, at first, almost more than me, but then she got this incredible expression on her face, heat, anger, and she picked me up by the scruff of the neck and hauled me to the bedroom.

She never let me go, the whole time. First she forced my muzzle against her snatch, and I caught the scent of ripe bull semen and sex and sweat and it made me whimper and almost gag. I felt my muzzle forced against her, unable to breathe, and almost in reflex poked out my tongue and tasted it...so rich, so rich...

The taste of my humiliation.

"Useless fuck...nothing like Gary, are you little foxy...well, lets see if you can earn forgiveness..."

I made her cum three times with my muzzle, lapping up the honey-thick remains of the tradesman bull's pleasure, before she ripped off my suit and pulled me into her. I was harder than ever before in my life, my pathetic little cock straining and my knot already hard, and I fucked her like I never had before, until it hurt and she begged me to stop and I kept on fucking her until I had sent my own inadequate stream of cum in to match the bull's torrent of milk and we collapsed together terrified at the awareness of this thing we had unleashed.

The second line had been crossed. And I didn't feel the heat in the pot.

So it had started, by accident, but there were no more accidents. My wife would find them, at first, some local, some through friends, some on the internet. Always distant though, tradesmen, acquaintances at most, nobody from our circle. Remote enough to be an amusement, not a threat.

I would stand, naked, in the walk in robe in our bedroom, or in the laundry beside the lounge room, and watch through a crack left by an almost closed door and masturbate frantically while I watched the big well-endowed studs fuck my wife. And all through it, there would be her voice.

"Ohhhh you feel so good.....so much better than my husband..."

"So deep...my husband is so small, I can barely feel when he is inside me, but you..."

"You know how to fuck me just right...not like Neville...such a stud..."

As much as her goading hurt, it didn't hurt as much as her screams. I knew when she was faking, and I knew she wasn't with these studs. Her cries, moans, deep moos and bellows of pleasure told me the effect they were having on her, as well as the pleasure of knowing I was there, watching and eating my heart out even as I jacked out load after load into a tissue.

She knew by then, did Angela. She knew the humiliation was part of the pleasure, for both of us. I could cry, and cum, at the same time, and cum harder for it. The bigger and stronger the male, the more it hurt and yet the better it felt.

Then came the night that heralded the next stage in our evolving psychodrama.

She had found him on the internet, through a popular hook-up site. A big guy, youngish, about 25, a wolf. He worked out, a lot, you could tell as soon as she got his leather jacket off. He had turned up on a bike, and everything about him had an edge of danger, as well as that unmistakable aura of masculinity. I found him fascinating from the moment he came through the door, pulled her into a wild hard kiss, and slid his paws up her skirt without breaking stride.

She had his jeans down to his ankles and knelt before him. My wife never went down on me, she had told me she hated oral sex, though she had no problem receiving. It seemed the wolf had changed her mind though, and as she slid to her knees before him, he gave her a wicked smile and ran his fingers through her headfur.

"That's it lovely cow...time for some milk..."

He had the biggest cock I had ever seen on a canine, over twelve inches of throbbing red angry veined cock. She lapped the tip tentatively, then harder, then suckled on his head while he sucked in air in shuddering breaths and hissed out a 'yesssss'.

Then she gripped his sheath, furry and swollen, and slid it back over his shaft to expose the swelling knot. Her tongue drew fresh gasps of approval as she lapped at the engorged flesh, and I shot my wad at the sight of his incredible knot, bigger than my fist, as it filled with blood.

He gave her a wink and a smile.

"Why don't you ask your husband to come out and join us..."

I stopped in mid cum, my paw gripping the shaft, erection throbbing, watching the drama. Angela blinked a few times and stuttered. The wolf just laughed.

"I know he's there. In that room..." and he pointed to the door I was hiding behind."I can smell him...and I can hear him. It's ok, if he wants to watch. I like It when they watch..."

I came out, shuffling unsteadily with my trousers round my ankles, red faced, my tail swishing nervously. He looked me over and gave a knowing smile.

"I can see why you need this...not much of a man, is he..."

"Ohhh no...he's hopeless..."

"Show him how you treat a real cock then cow..."

My wife went to work on his erection, slurping, suckling, using her tongue and lips, growing in confidence. She slid her long bovine tongue inside his sheath, sampling ripe wolf musk, she lapped the tip, she suckled his balls, and all the while he watched me watching them, watching my wife go down on a stranger.

I had my paw on my cock, almost against my will, but a look from the wolf was enough to tell me what I had to do. A look, and a sly, contemptuous grin as he watched me jack my meat and he responded by ostentatiously gripping Angela's head and pulling her down his length until her lips kissed his knot.

He began to muzzle fuck her, faster and faster, and I jacked in time to his thrusts until I saw his tongue lolling and his eyes glazed and his cock gave a sudden twitch and he let out a howl of triumph and flooded my wife's muzzle in jizz until it dripped from her chin onto the tiles.

He never lost his erection even then, just ordered her to lay back on the sofa, and knelt between her legs with her hooves pointed to the ceiling and he slid into her dripping snatch without hesitation and fucked her like a rabbit on steroids while she babbled and clawed his back and dug her fingerhooves into his ass.

"Oh God Neville...he's...ahhhh...so good....oh God...oh God...oh God..."

The wolf sucked on her nipples and then turned to me again and gave me a wink as my wife's orgasms kept filling the room with her cries.

"She's such a hot fuck little foxy..."

When he finally filled her with his load he gave me a thumbs up. I had already painted the floor with my jizz, the shame and humiliation of the display matched only by my arousal. When he suggested moving to the bedroom, I tagged along, unable to resist.

We had a small lounge chair parked in a corner of the bedroom. It was perfectly placed to get a ringside view of the action, and I got that in spades, when the wolf turned my wife a little so I got an end on view of his ass rising and falling as his cock pistoned into her slit. He turned his head to eye me up, still with this same curled smile of contempt on his lips, and lifted his tail ostentatiously so I could see his balls and his ass as he fucked her. I pawed off in spite of the torment in my soul, more turned on than ever in my life, and he powerfucked her until with a final thrust he bust his nut in her again and lay still, with the flood-tide of cum still leaking from her pussy lips and down to her ass.

I could hear them kissing in the aftermath of their wild fucking, and all I could do was paw off until my dick hurt.

When he finally slid from Angela, leaving her lying there dazed and satisfied, he slid his fingers into her and pulled them out coated in a rich sheen of cum. He sauntered past me, sitting in my chair, and rubbed the slick mass on my muzzle. In a trance, I opened my muzzle and licked.

"Good boy..."

Little did he know, I guess, that tasting the cum of my wife's lovers had become part of our ritual. When he was gone, after doing a noisy burnout with his bike in our driveway as another small memento of his stay, I ate her out as hungrily as ever, and our sex seemed to go on for ages, peaking but never cresting until I lay beside her covered in sweat and cum,, mine and his after she used her fingers to paint my chestfur in the last remains of his load.

I began finding some of the guys for my wife myself. I used a gym near our home, one that was always popular and drew a mixed crowd. I knew what I was after, nobody too close, nobody too like our kind of people. That was the deal; as was the other part of our unspoken bargain. One time only; no repeats.

At the gym, I would look for guys, the right kind of guys, and drop the question. I found a few that way, including a big shire horse, a cop, with a muscle gut and a long pink and black mottled penis that had to be seen to be believed.

It was the cop who pushed us over the next line; one facilitated by his handcuffs.

He was up for it, after some persuasion. He was even up for letting me watch. But he was adamant I had to be restrained somehow. In his words, "there is no way I'm gonna fuck you knowing that piece of shit is jacking it watching me do it..."

After refusing to let me promise not to jack it (and in truth I didn't know if I could help myself), he had come up with a solution. Sitting in the lounge chair, with my paws manacled behind the backrest, I couldn't move. All I could do was sit and watch, with my aching hardon demanding attention that would not be allowed it.

He was a totally selfish lover too, which probably wasn't a surprise. If he hadn't had a cock that big, he probably wouldn't have made my wife raise a sweat, but with his magnificent stallionhood in a state of perpetual motion, he managed to make her cum enough times before he whinnied out his own orgasm and shot a mammoth load into her. Afterwards he headed off without a backward glance at my wife, but he did ruffle my headfur on the way past to retrieve his handcuffs.

"Fucking twisted" was his only commentary, then he was gone.

That set a new pattern though. My wife liked having me tied down like that, and from then on, when we she brought a new lover to the bedroom, I would be there already prepared. She had rigged leather straps for my ankles, one to each front leg of the chair, and had acquired new handcuffs for my wrists. I would be left there, naked, hard, needy, awaiting the spectacle to come. Some of them would look at me, some even seemed to perform for me, loving the idea of making me watch, making me suffer.

One of the ones who seemed to enjoy it the most was a big cat, a lion. He was one of the ones I had picked up at the gym, after I saw him soaping up his cock in the shower after a workout. It took a few times seeing him before he agreed, and only after a long phone call with Angela. He rang me up one evening though, a little drunk, a little buzzed on weed, and agreed to the deal.

They got down to it out in the loungeroom, and I heard her moans and cries of pleasure, the peculiar feline meowls as she went down on him. She liked taking the edge off them now with a blowjob, and I heard the cat give her encouragement as she sucked him off like a pro. Then they joined me, and I was already hard and leaking.

He lay her down and went down on her in an instant, and his rough feline tongue had the right effect, my wife's pussy always loved some rough treatment when she was really turned on. He concentrated on her clit, lapping like a cat with a saucer of milk.

When it was time to fuck though, he had a new suggestion. While my cow looked on uncertainly, he sat on the end of the bed, legs spread wide open facing me.

"Now...straddle my cock...and do it facing him..."

We had never tried reverse cowgirl, not with my small cock. But with the lion's long thick meat, it would work a treat. And I got to watch my wife hunched over his groin, the tip of his barbed cock against her slit, and the entire long slide of penetration as she sat down on his length with a deep pleasure filled sigh that seemed to come from her hooves.

She bobbed up and down on his cock for ages, and he leaned his head over to the side slightly so he could watch me. I watched them, in awed fascination, my cock jetting little spurts of precum watching her pussy juices drool down his shaft into his pubes.

He gave me a smile and reached round to touch her clit, drawing a long bellow from my wife, and a torrent of dirty talk. I could see him whispering to her too, and the two of them began a little dialogue, just for me, about how worthless I was, and how hot my wife's pussy felt stretched with a real man's cock.

I saw him cum; the way his balls drew up, the jerk at the base of his cock, the pulse along his cumtube as he filled her. And as he blew his wad, so did I, no paws required. It was the most humiliating moment of a cascade of humiliations. But it was not to be the last.

The first inkling I had of what was to come was my wife singing to herself. She was standing in the kitchen, with me on the sofa reading the paper. It was a typical Saturday in summer, hot, loud, with the sound of cicadas drowned out by the sound of a thousand garden implements. In this case, a lawn mower, coming from our back yard.

Even with the lawn mower droning on, I heard the whistling. It intrigued me, as Angela was not the musical type. She was looking out the window, and whatever she saw seemed to be the source of her mood.

"Neville...had you noticed that Kurt was filling out nicely..."

Innocuous words, but not innocuous when you knew my wife. Still, I didn't catch the significance, not at first.

"Huh? No...what do you mean..?"

"He is quite the young stallion now..."

My stomach went to ice then in a heartbeat. Kurt was our neighbour's son, and only just eighteen. He was still in school for fuck sake, and he was our neighbour's foal. We had seen him grow up, this was too close to home in way too many ways.

But we had crossed so many lines already, and it seemed Angela liked that part of our newfound sexual exploration most of all.

"Ang...you can't..."

"Want to bet?"

"I forbid it!"

I was on my paws now, and the anger had come back, the same anger I found the first time I caught her. She wasn't letting me get away with it though.

"A bit late to pretend to be a real man, Neville..."

She caught my paw in mid flight, and twisted it behind my back. I looked outside the window as she wrenched my arm painfully.

"Doesn't he look so delicious..."

He did. That was the problem.

She was right, of course. He had filled out into quite the young stallion. Broad shoulders, flat belly, chest plump with muscle. He was part shire, part quarter horse, and the bloodline had served him well like all the big casually strong studs I had hated and who fucked my wife so easily. He was always returning from some sort of sport training, football, basketball, and it had helped to craft a body to die for even on one so young.

It was a hot day, and he had removed his polo top while he mowed our lawn. The edge trimmer had done its work, and now he was finishing off. He had worked up quite a sweat, and the beads dripped off his coat. As I watched, one detached itself from his left nipple and dropped to the freshly cut lawn.

He was wearing a pair of baggy khaki cargo shorts, and a baseball cap on backwards. That was all. It showed off his physique to perfection, and I had to admire. Without thinking, I looked at this groin, and weighed up the bulge.

"He would feel so sweet..."

"No! He's a schoolkid, and he's our neighbour!"


"You know the deal! We know Mary and John, we go to the same country club, the same church. These are our people!"

"That's what makes it so sweet...and you know what? I bet he is a virgin..."

My wife was beyond care now. She had her target, and she knew what she wanted. And she proceeded to show me she could get it.

With a twinkle in her eye, she went to the refrigerator and brought out some lemonade. She fixed two glasses, added ice, and swirled, whistling all the time. Then she stripped, right there in front of me, and went into the bedroom returning with a loose robe. I could see her magnificent breasts, the fat nipples tenting the fabric, broad areolae obvious and a generous portion of cleavage.


It was the first time, in all our times, that I begged. She ignored me, and headed outside.

I watched through the window with a sort of curious detachment. Kurt was taken by surprise, but appreciated the cool drink. My wife took up a spot on a banana lounge, and watched him work through heavy-lidded eyes.

The poor colt tried to keep his mind on the task, but it was in vain. He kept sneaking furtive glances at my wife, then at me, then back to Angela. As he went on, the robe spread wider, until my wife's breasts were fully exposed and the colt had no idea what to do. He tried to look at his hooves, but he couldn't resist. Soon he was outright ogling.

And his distended shorts told me all I needed to know.

When he finished the mowing, Angela called him over for a talk. She ran a fingertip over him as they talked, first over his shoulder, with occasional touches on his nose and ears to calm him. Over time they became more adventurous though; the tip of a nipple. The ridge of his abdomen. Then, as I watched his tail flick, she rubbed his groin through the fabric.

When she stood up and took his hand, and led him back towards the kitchen, I knew she had won. The colt couldn't look at me, he tried to hide behind his forelock. I watched them both, aroused and mortified.

"See Kurt. Neville doesn't mind. Besides, we both think you are an amazing young stallion...don't we Neville?"



The colt blushed and hung his head, covering his uncertainty by taking the ice from his drink and swirling it in his muzzle. His erection never wavered though; and after all, what teenager ever could resist the lure of their cock. It seemed to draw all his blood though, leaving precious little for his brain, or for conversation.

"Do you have a girlfriend Kurt?"

"N...no...me and...ahh...Jenny, we broke up just recently and...with all the time I spend studying, and sports, she didn't think I spent enough time on her..."

"Silly girl. She doesn't know what she is missing..."


"Please Kurt, call me Ang..."


"Are you going to show me how you kiss? You promised me at least that young stallion..."

He eyed me up, almost pleading.

"Um...Mister Coleman...um..."

"I told you Kurt. My Neville doesn't mind...in fact he likes it. He likes to watch..."

I saw his gaze lower, his eyes open. I knew what he was seeing; my cock felt painfully hard, throbbing, needy. I could feel the precum already drooling, and cursed my weakness. A single tear dropped from my eye, but thankfully the colt didn't seem to notice, still fixated on my crotch. Not for long though.

"So...let's see then how you kiss..."

He rubbed his muzzle on Angela's, not kissing yet, just barely touching. It was so cute, and so sweet, and when he opened his lips, it was just a little, a slow tentative kiss. My wife let him take his time, before using her hand on the back of his neck to draw him against her muzzle for the first deep kiss. He let out a moan, soft and wary, then deeper as their bodies writhed together and she used her other hand to cup one cheek of his ass and squeeze.

She broke the kiss, with the colt looking almost dazed, his little pink tongue part extended, his eyes glazed.

"So sweet Kurt. Did your girl like you to kiss her like that?"

"Yeah...she liked me to take it...you know, slow and gentle..."

"Hmmm, a young gentlecolt. I'm even more impressed..."


She reached suddenly for his cock, stroking the length through his shorts, and it throbbed and jerked in her grip.

"Did she do this for you Kurt?"

"Ahh! Yeah she...ahh! She would like...jack me off..."

"Did it feel good stud?"

"Ohhhh fuck...I mean, yes ma'am. So good..."

"Hmm...let's see how good I can make you feel then."

She hooked her thumbs under the waistband of his shorts, and slowly pulled them down to his thighs. They finally dropped, forming an untidy pile at his hooves, and he blushed scarlet under his coat as we all saw that he had gone commando. With his shorts down, he was naked, except for the incongruous touch of a red baseball cap.

He seemed about to apologise when the cow gripped his cock, swaying free in midair, and he gave a sudden nicker and his eyes went wide.

"So beautiful stud. And so big...so much bigger than my Neville...isn't he dear?"

"Yes..." a sob in that one word. Oh God he was huge, well over twelve inches already and still in school, thick with a nice taper, and a broad flare already pulsing with life.

"Now let me see if I can please you better than your ex girlfriend Kurt..."


She tightened her grip on him, one hand on his cock, the other now wrapped in his mane. She used this second one to draw his muzzle down to her, not to her own muzzle, but to her breasts. Colt lips opened to suckle her left nipple, then his tongue emerged to lap at the swelling nub and suck on her big breast. Left, then right, as she gave him an expert handjob that had the colt leaking a steady line of precum onto the tiles in our kitchen.

"Now Kurt, did she do this I wonder..."

I had to stifle a whimper as I watched my wife drop to her knees before the teenager and look up at him with longing in her eyes. She stroked his length, while her other hand now cupped his testicles. Massive, low hanging orbs, worthy of a stallion, wrapped in black satin skin.

"So full of life, and so warm! How often do you jack off stud?"

The sudden change of tack caught him off guard, and he answered before he could think.

"Couple times a day...ahhh hey..."

"Don't be embarrassed Kurt. That's impressive, and I bet a stud like you needs his balls drained or you get really needy..."

"Oh fuck...so much..."

Having my wife on her knees before his cock seemed to have cured his politeness. Or he didn't realise he had sworn.

"Then let me take the edge off stud, like your girl used to do..."

She gave one long stroke, fondling his balls all the while. He looked at me just once, his eyes dark and worried, before shutting them and concentrating on the sensations my wife was giving him.

He was soon startled out of that though, as she opened her muzzle and let her tongue out to lick the tip of his cock.


"Aww...didn't she do this for you?"


My wife gave me a wink then. "Kurt...did she go down on you?"

"No...she said she didn't like it..."

"Awwww...poor stallion. Did you go down on her?"

"Yes ma'am. She liked it, and I like the taste of her pussy so it was fun."

"Hmmm...this Jenny really needs her head examined..."


The tongue was back, and now Angela gave him a good long slow tonguebath. Right along the tip of his flare, then his urethra, then down the shaft all the way to his balls and up to delve into his sheath. He whinnied and groaned, feeling a muzzle on his stallionhood for the first time it seemed, and I watched in fascinated awe as the young stud became accustomed to the treatment and began to truly enjoy it.

Angela took him into her muzzle finally, sliding her lips down his shaft. She couldn't get past the medial, but he didn't seem to mind, judging by the hisses and moans and cries from the teenager, and his tail had started swishing madly and sweat was flowing down his chest and belly and down the length of his spine. He was close.

She let his cock out of her muzzle with a pop, then began to lick hard just under his flare, on the underside of his shaft. He clenched his butt tight, and whinnied, and his hands clenched and unclenched as he fought off orgasm.


The last long exclamation went from a cry to a sigh and I saw his ejaculation, the first long rope of cum shot with all the force a teenage stallion can muster, then a second to coat our kitchen floor before Angela got her muzzle into place and caught the third. She then slid down his cock, taking it inside her, licking the oversensitive flesh and he pumped out more shots of teenage sperm while his balls danced and rolled in his sack and the sensations drove him wild and caused him to scream out a whinny of pleasure and pain and his legs began to buckle.

He ended up cross legged on the floor, moaning, his cock still hard as steel, propped on his hands staring at the cow in awe.

"I take it Jenny never did that for you did she stud..."

"No ma'am."

"And before you tell me otherwise, I know you are a virgin Kurt. She never let you mount her, did she."

He could only hang his head and nod.

"Then I think it's time you lost your cherry stud, don't you?"

She pulled him to his hooves, and led him towards the bedroom. She motioned with her eyes for me to follow.

The colt was shaking when I got there, looking around at everything and nothing. His nervousness was not improved when my wife stripped me off in front of him, and he saw my cock already leaking and hard. He didn't back away though, even when Angela sat me down in my seat. He even managed a soft smile when she strapped my ankles.

"Wow...so he cant like move or anything?"

"No. Not even anything stud. He just gets to watch..."

He let out a little gasp as he saw the handcuffs come out. When they closed with a click, I was helpeless, and hard as a rock. My demon cow wife gave my cock a playful stroke, and rubbed her thumb on the tip before she stood and lay back on the bed.

The colt eyed me up, his expression a mask.

"Fuck Mister Coleman...she really does treat you like shit..."

She gave the colt a slap on the ass full of reproach, like her tone. "Don't worry about him Kurt. He likes it. You can see it in his cock..."

The colt nodded and shrugged, but he gave me a look before he turned to the bed. For the first time since this had begun, in all the big studs who had fucked my wife, he was the first who didn't look at me with contempt. I didn't know what it was, but I knew it wasn't that.

"Now stud...let's see if your Jenny taught you how to go down on a woman."

She lay back like she owned his muzzle, and for now she pretty much did. He moved with awkward grace, all hooves and elbows, but he slid across the bed between her thighs sure enough, and his muzzle dipped to her sex and her sighs and moans grew ever more heartfelt.

Her hands were back in his mane, cajoling, guiding, on one occasion holding him tight against her while she came and her pussy bathed his muzzle in her fluids. I knew that taste, and I licked my lips imagining it there, though more often now the taste was mixed with sex and heat and the rich tang of cum. The colt got to experience it at its best right now, and he seemed to be enjoying it. Her cries became heated, and my cock quivered as I watched the display of pussy eating, anticipating the inevitable conclusion.

She made him mount her just like that, so I could see it all from behind. He jabbed his long unwieldy cock against her a couple of times, his callow enthusiasm betraying his virginity as much as his nickers of frustration. Eventually Angela had to grip his cock and guide him to her opening, but once he was in position, he slid in nice and easy all the way, while she sighed and he whinnied and the slither of cock into wet cow pussy filled the room.

"Ohhh God...so big. You are so big Kurt...you feel so good..."

He kissed her neck as he writhed in a slow easy motion, and I watched, fascinated, aroused, appalled. I could see the full length of his cock, disappearing into my wife, her pussy folds distending to take his girth, the slap of heavy balls against her as they compressed, then the long slow withdrawl until just the flare remained inside her and a little trickle of her excited juices flowed down her taint to coat her skin and make it glisten in the light. The scent of heat was in the room, of cow heat and stallion heat, the wild tang of teenage stallion musk filling my nostrils and much as their sighs filled my ears.

He began to thrust harder now, and deeper, and she encouraged him as she normally did, but with an extra edge for our teenage friend.

"So strong...so hard. You feel so good Kurt, more a man than Neville will ever be. I cant belive how big you are stud....ohhh my pussy feels so wet....harder stud...harder...harder...yes...yes...yes...YES!"

Her fingers had made their way down his back, scraping across the muscled expanse, down his spine, until eventually they clenched on the colt's buttocks. Two perfect mounds of muscle, they took the hard treatment in their stride, clenching on each new thrust, the colt looking like he was in training for a race, body all flowing muscles and power.

I watched his tailhole. I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't resist, it looked beautiful. His tail was raised high, and his legs spread wide so he could thrust with as much power as possible, and it had opened his ass and I saw the whole length of his crack. Under his dock, a long expanse of perfect black leathery skin, with the fat muscled ridge of his tailhole, then a silken taint, two fat testicles, and his cock sliding in and out of my wife's cunt. It was impossible to ignore, impossible to not watch in awe.

Then I saw it happening, the moment. His tail flagged, and I saw his tailhole wink at me, once, twice, three times. His balls drew up high and then his cock jerked and I saw the pumping motion as his cumtube pulsed with fresh stallion seed. The colt had become a stallion, losing his cherry buried in my wife's pussy, and the cow felt his cum and cried out her own orgasm in response while her fingers dug into his ass hard enough to draw blood and he kept on thrusting until his hot seed leaked from her pussy lips onto our bed.

A thick line of precum had formed from my cock, all the way to a little puddle in my belly. My cock throbbed so painfully, watching them like that, the moment when the young stud had his first orgasm with a woman, and the answering shuddering cry from my wife. I was so close, so agonisingly close, and I fought back tears as they lay in each other's arms in the afterglow.


The colt looked around, and went to move but Angela held him. He shook his head a little sad.

"Leave him stud...you belong to me now..."

I think that hurt worse than anything.

He was still hard, as only a teenager can be, so she decided to put on a show for me. Sitting on the end of the bed, his hooves swinging, she took him reverse cowgirl. His long penis slid into her easily, with plenty of shaft still there for me to watch, while the flare disappeared into her and she rode his cock and masturbated herself to orgasm and she stared at my helpless form and loved every minute of my erotic torture.

Eventually he couldn't hold out and he let out a loud screaming whinny and I saw his balls dance one last time, and his cock flex as he emptied the last of his balls into her and she collapsed backwards against his chest and he held her, both their chests heaving in exertion.

When he had gone, she held me against her pussy and In got to taste him on her. Rich, almost sweet, I craved it like honey and even as she came I kept lapping it up until I had every last drop. Then I fucked her from behind while she gave me a blow by blow account of how it felt taking the colt's cherry and how good his cock felt until I finally bit into her neck and tied her and came so hard I almost passed out.

She held me and even stroked my headfur as we fell asleep together.

I think we were both aware that new lines had been crossed after that night. I just didn't realise how many, or the fact that it seemed to have removed any last inhibitions for my wife. That it might have done the same for me never occurred either, but I guess I have to admit it now.

The first sign of trouble came on the Thursday. Angela had seen Kurt when he headed off to school that morning, and I wondered at that. I didn't have to wonder any more when he knocked on the door, polite as always, when he came home from basketball training.

He was wearing his shorts and trainers, and a school basketball shirt drenched in sweat. He stank of ripe teenage colt, sweat, musk, cum...

I sniffed him, luxuriating in the scent, as much as it made me shudder.

Angela had been waiting for him, of course.

While the colt made himself a cold drink, I pulled her into the bedroom for a chat. It was no good.

"I thought we had a deal...one time only!"

She shrugged. "Just because we haven't before, doesn't mean we cant. Besides, hes so cute, and so sweet. And a stud like that...he's perfect Neville. Why wouldn't I want more of that?"

Why indeed. Because it was perilously close to an affair, rather than a random fuck? Because he was our neighbour's son, and still in school? Because...

Because it took away one of the last protections I had?

Then she shocked me to the core.

"Besides. You think he's hot too. Admit it...you are turned on by him!"

"No! No...no...no..."

She reached out to grip my wayward cock. The cock that had betrayed me, as confused as I was. It didn't lie, my cock. Unlike my lying cheating wife.

"I know you Neville...and I know you want to watch him as much as I want to fuck him."

The colt was more assured this time. When they kissed, he took the lead, and devoured her muzzle almost as hungrily as she devoured his. When she went down on him, he pulled out at the last moment, wanting it to last, and she stroked his long teenage cock and pumped out his load into her hand instead, fascinated at the power of his ejaculation and the feel of his cock jerking in her hand.

She didn't waste his cum though, and I got to eat it from her hand, the colt watching me with an unreadable expression as I licked every drop of his teenage spunk from her fingers.

The last line had been crossed it seemed. I was part of it now, as far as my wife was concerned, to be used for her and Kurt's enjoyment if it took her fancy. I was to find out how much soon enough.

She let him take her the first time like she had when she took his cherry, and I got that view again. Oh God that view...the slurp of his cock ramming into her, the dance of his balls, the wink of his tailhole. I sat in my needful state, dripping, as her cries of pleasure filled my ears. Again I was weak, and I begged.


They both looked at me, and my cow suddenly got a wicked look on her face.

"Untie him Kurt. I think he has earned something..."

The colt was obedient, that much I knew by now. He trotted over to me, first releasing my ankles, then unlocking my cuffs. I looked at Angela with something like fondness, but I should have known better. Her wicked look had gone especially feral.

"You need to learn some control stud. I think my husband can help..."

So I found a new definition of erotic torture, deputed the task of ensuring my wife's teenage stallion lover didn't cum to soon. As he fucked her, I had to hold his scrotum, and when he got too close to cumming, pull down and squeeze his balls until he lost the urge to shoot. Then he could start again, until the next time. The poor young stud was beside himself, as was I. I felt the heat in his balls, and heard his pleading cries for release, but I knew better than to let him. He would learn too, the stud. Better for him to learn.

Eventually Angela grew tired of the game and wanted him to finish. Unfortunately all the work had made him numb, and he couldn't do it.

"Use your fingers Neville...in his tailhole..."

Oh God. Oh God. I pressed, feeling his muscled ring clench then relax, slick with sweat. I slid into the incredible tight hot depths of a teenage stallion ass, felt him clench even tighter, heard his cry, then his tail flagged wildly and I felt his ejaculation, from inside his body, the most incredible sensation of my life. His muscles clenched, right down his back, and he screamed, and then he shot, on and on, flooding my wife with his spunk.

When he collapsed into her arms, I fell against him too. His coat felt smooth and soft, and I licked the sweat from his back as he shuddered under me. I was still in his ass, my fingers anyway, and I let them explore a little before reluctantly pulling out.

"Now kiss his tailhole..."

The voice was insistent, reasonable. I had to obey.

It felt warm, and moist, and the scent of musk was like a fog. Sweat, pungent and rich from his basketball training and then the long hard fucking I guessed, he probably hadn't showered ebfore bolting over here for his fuck. I licked the long velvet taint, savouring all those tastes, and then the ring of muscle, just lapping softly as the colt moaned.

"Oh God...he's hard again. My stud is hard again..."

His hips moved, jerking, unsteady, but building in rhythm. I gave his balls a lick, tasting them, then let him go for it. There was no need to squeeze his balls this time, he was never going to shoot fast now. This was a long wild ride, and they were both a mess when he finally leaned back with his eyes scrunched tight and let out a groan as an almost painful orgasm emptied the last dregs from his testicles.

When he left we didn't even fuck. I just jacked off, finally, spraying cum all over the floor, and crashed next to Angela.

"I think you need to feel a real male next Neville..."

That Saturday I would find what she meant. Our colt was coming round again, after his basketball game. He had a swagger in his stride now, as he walked into my loungeroom, and a cocky look in his eye. He was a stud, and he knew it. And he knew how to make a grown cow scream with pleasure at the feel of his cock.

Angela didn't suck him off this time.

"I want your first load inside me stud. Just come and take me..."

He didn't need any further encouragement. Shedding his basketball uniform in a moment, he jumped on the bed, cock already dropped and leaking. He was a good colt though, and he went down on my wife until she came and her snatch was nice and wet and ready for his teenage rod before he mounted her. She wanted him to take her doggy style this time, and his hips bunched and bucked as he plowed my wife's cunt while she frigged herself into an orgasm before I got to watch his tailhole wink at me and saw the evidence of his ejaculation leaking from her opening.

"Now release my husband and stand there a moment stud..."

He wasn't sure what she intended, but he obeyed. I had an idea, after our talk waiting for him to come round. One that made me shake all over, close to bolting. But I had crossed so many lines already; what was one more?

She just had to persuade the colt.

"Now Neville...you can taste his cum..."

She lay back on the bed, propped against the bedhead, and I moved easily between her legs to bring my muzzle to her sex. The ripe taste of a young stallion's first ejaculation; fuck it tasted fine. I licked hungrily, from her swollen lips, up to her clit now poking from under her hood all pink and angry. It wasn't angry now, now it was a happy clit, as I ate out her pussy and devoured her teenage lover's jizz while he watched.

Maybe he liked to watch too...

I looked over at the colt, seeing his erection now swaying in the air, the flare twitching. He did, it seemed, though his muzzle was screwed up in distaste.

"Fucking hell..."

"Now Kurt...I want you to fuck him..."

The colt blinked, his ears flicking in surprise.

"You....what....I mean....what?!"

My ass clenched in anticipation, and I whimpered, but I kept on licking her out. Part of me hoped he would refuse.

"I said, fuck him. If you want me ever again, I want you to fuck him. While he goes down on me..."

My wife, it seemed, liked to watch too. And now she wanted to watch my final, complete humiliation. And the colt wasn't saying no...

"You can't be serious..."

"I am Kurt. He wants it. I want it. And I think you want it too..."

His eyes went wide as saucers then, and his cock gave a little jerk. I stared at his cock, and into his eyes. They twinkled.

"They say there's nothing tighter..."

He was on the bed. I felt it, the way it sagged under his muscled weight. I felt it creak and groan, and then I felt his hand on me.

"Let's check..."

He pressed one thick digit on my little hole. God it hurt...and I let out a yip of protest, but he slid in, testing the confines of my virgin tunnel.

"I got to take your cherry stud...now you take my husband's..."

I felt the heat of his cock then, in the cleft of my ass. He gripped my fluffy fox tail, pulling it up but not ungently. His cock-tip slid down my cleft, past the ring of my pucker, across my taint leaving a slick trail of his cum and my wife's pussy juices to coat my fuzzy taint. He had learned though, had our teenage stud, and he gripped his cock to line it up properly, like my wife had shown him.

She pulled my muzzle into her cunt and held me there.

I screamed, and babbled, as I felt the flare spread me so wide. A few inches of thick shaft followed, and I almost fainted.

"Oh God...please...stop...please...."

"Don't listen to him Kurt...just fuck him..."

But the colt it seemed didn't take orders, or at least not entirely. He waited, and I relaxed, and I licked my wife's clit until she forgot to be angry and just watched the infinite pains the young stallion took in fucking her husband's tailhole.

He inched in a bit and stopped, while I drew breath. Then a bit more. I felt the scrape of his flare, deep inside, stretching me more than I could take, but never too fast to adjust.

"Ohhh so tight..."

The words coming in the adolescent nasal twang of a teenage stallion, knowing he was taking my cherry with my wife watching, made me shudder all over, and I couldn't stop shaking as he began to rock back and forward, with one hand stroking my tail, and the other gently patting my butt. I cried out again as I felt his medial take me, then the last lap into nirvana and the kiss of his balls on my taint and I knew he had bottomed out in my well stretched hole.

"Now you really know what a real male feels like Neville..."

I had to agree, even as I ate her pussy. He began to fuck me nice and slow, and I let the feeling take me, the long slow burn in my ass, building and building until I cried out and shot off on the bed and my cow laughed at my loss of control.

"Such a good slut foxy...such a good slut..."

Yes, it seemed I was. And when the stallion's thrusts sped up, and I felt his flare swollen deep inside me, and I felt the burn of his seed in my ass, I knew nothing would ever be the same again.

Angela insisted on taking the stallion once more. She had him reverse cowgirl again, and made me kneel between the colt's legs to get a nice close look at his cock disappearing into her snatch. Then she made me suck his balls and lick her clit until he came and I got to lick his cum from her lips.

We collapsed on the bed together, afterwards. My cow fell asleep, exhausted by her exertions. I was on one side, lost and stunned at the turn of events. Then I felt a hand, and looked over her to see the colt on the other side. He gave me a reassuring smile, and I felt his fingers slide up my crack. He probed my sore hole, and I had to bite my lips to avoid a cry, and then I felt his finger on my lips.

I saw him mouthing the words.

"She really does treat you like shit Mister Coleman..."

I knew he was right. But I also knew I enjoyed it somehow.

Oh fuck...what have I become?

The next morning I threatened to leave if she didn't let him go. She was too far gone though.

"Why would I let him go? He's perfect Neville...studly, polite, obedient. I'd sooner let you go."

That was the choice it seemed. And thought I sat in my car and willed myself to drive away, I never managed to turn the key.

It was more than a surprise then when one day a little notification appeared in my skype.

Contact request from horseykurt99.

I knew I should not, but something told me to go ahead.

Hey Mister Coleman.

He was polite, even deferential. It turned out our Kurt wanted to study law, and he wanted my advice. I agreed to see him, without Angela at home. There would be no way we could talk properly with her there, and it would inevitably end in sex. At least with just the two of us, I could keep some control and be a guide to the youngster. I might even feel less guilty.

He was a sight in his school uniform, blazer, tie, grey shorts, shiny hoofboots. It jarred, reminding me of his youth, and his supposed vulnerability. I had to chuckle at that; this was the vulnerable colt who had become used to plundering my tailhole and fucking my wife.

"So...you are doing the right subjects it seems. I can suggest some good tutors if you like Kurt..."

He had relaxed on the sofa, the one that had been defiled by the bull all those months ago and still God help me stank of bull seed and pussy juice, with one hoof up on his knee jauntily and his legs spread wide to thrust his groin in my general direction. Teens were nothing if not basic. I sat beside him, sipping a coffee while he drank lemonade.

This one had depths I hadn't appreciated though.

"I know Mister Coleman...and don't worry, I am pretty confident of getting into the right uni. I do appreciate your confidence in me though."

He was still polite. Always polite.

"Well, that's great Kurt. But then, how can I help you?"

He gave me a grin, reached across, and pulled me into a kiss. I tasted his muzzle, spearmint, the tang of the lemonade I had given him to drink, and his tongue duelled with mine and I melted into his embrace before falling back in shock.

"You don't think I was quite that innocent did you mister Coleman?"

I spat my coffee, unable to think. He laughed, but it wasn't mocking, more musical, almost affectionate.

"Look up there..."

I followed his finger, on its extended trajectory out the window. It ended somewhere next door, at a window on the upper floor.

"That's my bedroom..."

"Oh fuck..."

From there, our teenage neighbour could have had a pretty good view, if he were interested, of some rather interesting goings on. And I had no doubt now that a certain teenage stallion had.

"You didn't think I would have been that easy for Angela to pull that day without some idea of what was happening, did you?"


"I had fantasised about it for months. Even made sure I took my shirt off when I did the mowing."

"Holy shit!"

"Besides...it wasn't her I was really after..."

That was how I came to be like this, then. He stripped me off, and I let him. He knelt in front of me still in his school uniform, the incongruous combination way too much for my senses. For the first time, I felt another's lips on my cock, as the teenage stallion did his clumsy best to bring me off. It didn't need to be that good, I was so turned on, and I barely managed to give him some warning before I shot my wad. He pulled off at the last second, wanting to watch the eruption of my cock, and his eyes twinkled and his smile at seeing my pleasure was the best drug in history.

Well, except for what I got next, when he laid me back on the kitchen bench and just dropped his shorts enough to pull out a raging stallion cock and he slid nice and slow into my tailhole with the help of some vegetable oil and a lot of patience.

I looked up at him, his neck straining with muscle, his youthful face contorted in adult concentration as he tried not to cum too fast, sweat dripping from his forelock while he nailed my prostate on each thrust, and I lost it, firing a long stream of cum across my chest just before his thrusts became uncoordinated and he lost his nut in my ass and he collapsed forward, muzzle on my chest, absently licking my cum with his long pink colt tongue.

In a state of grace, I let my head fall to the bench, eyes unfocussed for a moment, until something made me focus real fast.

There, with one hand on the doorknob, was Angela. Her expression was priceless, as must mine have been, all those months ago when I saw her for the first time.

Well, it seemed we had crossed more lines than she even knew. So many, I didn't need her any more.

Maybe she will have to learn to like watching, just like I did.

I Like to Watch...Second Glance

The beer tasted so fine, I felt that most strongly for some reason. Oh, I had tasted beer before, no self-respecting stallion could have got to his eighteenth birthday without knowing how to put away a decent amount of booze with his mates, and I was a...

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I Like to Watch...first Glance.

I should have turned away, I know. I should have been angry, repulsed, tormented. I couldn't believe what I was seeing at first; it seemed like some sort of dream. I had a fight with my best friend Natalie when we were supposed to be spending the...

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3:36 P.M.

The water felt so good, I almost didn't want to come in from the ocean. But my bladder had other things on its mind. "Darling...can you get me a mineral water if you are heading in? There's a good colt..." My mum looked up from her copy of Women's...

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