I Like to Watch...Second Glance

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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#2 of I Like to Watch

Second in a series of short one off stories on the theme of voyeurism...and for one virgin teenage stallion, a chance to go beyond just watching.

If he dares...

The beer tasted so fine, I felt that most strongly for some reason. Oh, I had tasted beer before, no self-respecting stallion could have got to his eighteenth birthday without knowing how to put away a decent amount of booze with his mates, and I was a self-respecting stallion if nothing else.

Still, it tasted so sweet that night. I had gone out with my footy mates to celebrate my eighteenth, and allowed them to get me quietly drunk until I could barely stand upright on unsteady hooves and they had taken me back to my room in college with a laugh and headed out into the night.

Of course, I had been disposing of most of the beer they brought me into pot plants and buckets and into the street outside the pub. Quietly, without them noticing, and it was probably that which allowed me to taste the beer so well, only having an occasional swallow. That and the sheer feeling of exhilaration at what I was going to do after.

Once my footy mates had left me, I changed into a very different outfit; one suitable for very different venues.

I had heard of them, and in this Internet age, I had of course studied them. Picture after picture on the net showing the delights I would find. Nothing was ever new these days, you pre-experienced it all via the net before you did it for real. That was how I had experienced sex too so far, furtive and tinged with frustration. Not tonight. I was coming out.

Well, not like that but...well, anyway.

The first bar I almost bolted when I got to the door bitch. He was a hard muzzled wolf, and he eyed me up like some sort of meal. My mane twitched under his gaze, and I saw his claws extend and his nostrils flare wide and he closed his eyes and sniffed luxuriously.

"Hmm...fresh meat..."

The whole line outside broke up in gales of laughter and I wanted to hide but he gave me a peck on the cheek and apologised and suddenly I had a hundred brothers and they all wanted to buy me a beer.

The club proved to be a bit like that. It was as if I had found my footy mates except they had all turned 40 and wanted to discuss the City Ballet's latest production or wonderful things to do with Kale and activated almonds.

The letdown was colossal. A kindly badger gave me a peck on the cheek and whispered in my soft equine ear.

"Virgin Mary's..."

I knew the name. Everyone in the city did. Still, I though based on its reputation there was zero chance I would get in, and I told the badger accordingly. He shook his head and kissed my cheek again.

"Tell the guy on the door that Norman sent you. If that's what you want..."

I looked at him puzzled.

"I'm his boyfriend."

With that talisman to protect me, I headed for the promised land, down a narrow alleyway off a back street, around a corner, through a nondescript door to a second floor landing. There was a rhino on the door, with piercings everywhere and his horn broken off in a jagged tear. He looked about to tear me a new one with the remains until I blurted out the magic name.


He shook his head. "That badger is a sentimental shit."

He looked over my license, fresh as new mown hay and gave a big smile.

"Happy Birthday little pony. Welcome to Virgin Mary's"

The club had been in constant threat of closure, partly because of the name. The Catholic Church saw it as some sort of calculated insult, which I had to assume it probably was. Besides, there were unlikely to be many virgins there.

Well, except for one shy closeted eighteen year old stallion who had spent his life pretending to be "just shy when it comes to mares".

I still couldn't believe my parents hadn't twigged, let alone my footy mates who I ogled whenever I got half a chance. I guess it was because when it came to it I had been too scared to actually do anything, instead spending my time furiously jacking my growing stallionhood while my laptop brought me a constant diet of stud porn.

Well, no more. Tonight, this colt was going to become a stallion. I think.

As I settled into the dancefloor, I began to loosen up, and to watch. Another beer, I thought, and even as I did, and prepared to order one from the bar, the bartender handed one to me as if bored.

"Compliments of an admirer..."

I looked around, noticing for the first time a number of admirers. Tall and short, big and small, but I noticed the studs the most. Big, buff, muscles bulging everywhere. Most of them had lost their shirts somewhere, and I could check out their chests, biceps, shoulders...glistening with sweat, bulging with testosterone fuelled bulk.

Compared to them I was still growing, though I had been a dedicated gym junkie since I turned thirteen. I had some bulk, enough to be intriguing, or I hoped. It seemed I was...the big studs were all looking at me.

I threw back the drink, tasting acrid heat. It burned my muzzle and I looked at the bottle...

34% alcohol...


"Was that a request little horse?"

A big guy had sidled up to me, a wolf, and he ran a clawtip across my chest, still safely under my shirt. His claw found my nipple, already hard, and teased.


"Wanna try out the back room stud?"

Suddenly my terror descended again, and I headed for the dancefloor. The beer went down easier this time, and then easier still, and I had finished the bottle. The beat filled my brain, and my body, and I danced as lasers flashed and I watched the podium dancers in their posing pouches gyrate to the music and fuck the air itself.

"Need to pee...?"


I couldn't see who had said it, just a figure in the darkness, lithe, not that tall. I ignored it, but the seed had been planted, and after a while I had to answer the call of nature.

Once outside, I saw the path leading to the toilets. A couple was hanging around near the door of the toilets to the left, smoking, probably pot by the smell. I opened my nostrils and sniffed the pungent smoke, and gave a little knowing wink at the couple who winked back. I wouldn't have them know I was a complete ingénue.

So I headed right.

The sounds that greeted me were not what I was expecting...

"Wanna try out the back room stud?"

"Holy fuck!"

I had stumbled into it, but now I was here, I knew what I wanted.

The entrance was tame enough, just a room, but through a door in the far wall, I could hear the sounds, the sounds that were kind of familiar and not. The pornos sounded kind of like that, but not, somehow different.

Stumbling from room to room, I watched, and listened, and sniffed. Alike yet unalike.

The expressions were different; mixed, ecstatic, pain, pleasure, all of the above but full of real life. And the sounds were different. Nobody yelling "Oh yeah fuck me hard stud fuck me hard yeah right there you stud"

Just sighs, moans, little yelps, cries.

And the other sounds...the sound of a big thick cock disappearing into an ass. A squelch, almost comical, but so hot for all of that. I saw it and I heard it, and sniffed the scent of cum and musk and sweat and piss. Like my teenage bedroom, dialled up to eleven.

Then I found the last room and stopped.

It was dark, with a pale orange light. In the middle, I saw a bull. He was huge, thighs like tree trunks, biceps bulging, and he was sandwiched between two other big guys. A buck and a ram, they were big, but not as big as him. Both had their shirts off, and looked like they worked out more than enough. The buck looked like he could bench 250 with ease, but the bull could snap him like a twig if he wanted.

For now, the bull was kissing him, dancing slowly facing the buck while the ram held him from behind. I realised there was one other small detail though; the bull had something around each wrist, and as I looked, I realised it was a lead, and the lead ran from his wrist all the way to collars on each of the two guys. Leather, with metal studs, attached to a leather lead.

The bull didn't seem to care much, he was enjoying the two enough as it was. His muzzle locked with the stag, and he kissed so powerfully the stag almost couldn't breathe. His little diamond shaped tail fluttered like a hummingbird.

"Magnificent...isn't he..."

A voice came out of the darkness behind me. I gave a sudden start, and began to turn, but the voice seemed annoyed.

"Hey! Don't look at me...watch him! He's far more fun to watch..."

I had to admit that was probably true, and gave a little nicker and settled in to watch like a seasoned perv. I did begin a more searching examination of the bull though, and as I did, found myself feeling hotter.

His whole upper body was covered in an elaborate tribal pattern. I realised it had been branded into his hide, and it must have taken an incredible number of strikes to complete the pattern. The dark swirls flowed across powerful muscles, black against his brown and white fur. His horns had been decorated in silver, and he had silver nipple rings and a big silver nosering to match.

"You should have seen him under the hot brands little horse..."

I gave a little nicker imagining that, and my companion gave a chuckle. It wasn't the wolf though...

"I thought you were the wolf..."

He snorted.

"Hah! Nope...guess again..."

As we watched, the action heated up. The bull had decided enough was enough, and his hands wrapped around the stag's antlers. He pushed, not gently, and the stag seemed to obey in a sort of trance. Before he knew it, he was kneeling before the bull, his tongue out and eyes unfocussed with his muzzle right in front of....

"Oh God..."

"Yes little horse...wait till you see it...it is worth it..."

The mesmerised stag swallowed and reached forward, unzipping the bull's jeans and pulling them slowly to his knees.

Out came the biggest cock I had seen, even in the pornos. As thick as my wrist, and obscenely long, a dark pink mass of bull meat that already dripped with precum he was so excited.

"This is almost the best part little horse..."

I saw the stag lick his lips and look up almost pleading at the bull. The bull gave one slight jerk on the lead, pulling him forward, and his lips touched the tip of that incredible bullcock.

He let out a soft moo, one that turned into a deep bellow as the big stag bent to his task, pleasuring that massive bull cock with his lips and then his tongue and finally, with some coaxing, he opened his muzzle wide and sank gingerly down that shaft.

The ram had been watching unsure what to do at first, but as the stag inched his way down the bull's meat, a jerk on his lead and a firm word saw a second stud on his knees. This one wasn't sure what to do, until the bull raised his tail and spread his legs, eyes glittering as he started at the ram.

I watched the ram push his dainty muzzle forward uncertainly, hesitantly even, forward, back a little, almost like the bull's ass might sting, but he finally screwed up his eyes and went for it, pressing his muzzle between wide spread ass cheeks to lick a pucker presented for the purpose.

He lapped gently at first, then with more hunger as the bull returned to muzzlefucking the stag. He did push his ass back though against the ram, and the ram got the hint, finally ramming his tongue into the bull's hole as hard as he could while his hands caressed a low hanging pair of bull testicles and the bull's tailtuft slapped his head in pleasured rhythmic motions.

The pleasure built, and he used the stag's muzzle like a fucktoy, ramming in as far the guy could take before slipping out and wiggling his hips, letting the ram do some more before sliding slowly back into the hot inviting muzzle. The combined attentions of the two studs were clearly getting to him, and I thought he might blow but just as I saw him lift his muzzle to the ceiling and grimace in impending release, he gripped the stag's antlers and pulled the puzzled cervine off his meat.

The stag didn't have to wait long to know what was coming. The hands gripped harder, and lifted him to his hooves before pushing him forward. The stag stumbled until he hit the brickwork, his knees against a low bench built out of the wall.

"I never tire of seeing this part little horse..."

Under guidance from the bull, the stag took up his position, kneeling on the low bench, his hands against the wall. His little tail was flat against his jeans now, and his muzzle flat against the brickwork. His eyes focussed finally, and he suddenly saw me almost as if I had materialised for him out of the blue. His eyes went wide in shock, surprise, something...

"They love to be watched too, you know, even if they say otherwise..."

The stag didn't have a chance to say anything though. Big hands went to work, pulling down his pants, pushing him hard against the wall. He was wearing a jockstrap, and I gave him a slight roll of the eyes at that. There was obvious and obvious...but still, the bull seemed to like it.

Bull muzzle clamped on stag neck and bit gently, and the stag bleated, then he bleated louder as fingers sought out his white-furred rump and slid into his tailhole. His cock gave a sudden twitch, then another, as the bull found his range, then began to drool as the minotaur gave him long loving caresses and then slid his fingers out, reaching behind to let the ram lick them clean.

I felt a sudden touch on my groin, a paw working dextrously and my own jeans were opened, my straining cock out in the air bulging with blood and need. A paw cupped my flare, feline, delicate, ginger and black striped...

"Impressive little horse...still, when you've had the best..."

I watched the "best" then, as the cat stroked my horsehood. The bull positioned himself behind the kneeling stag, pushing the poor stud flat against the wall. I watched that impossibly huge bullcock approach in fascination, all the while the stag staring at me, his ears twitching to betray his nervousness.

The first touch of thick blunt cocktip against his pucker and he knew it was too much. He opened his muzzle, maybe to cry out, maybe to beg, but he didn't have a chance. The bull pulled his muzzle round in a kiss just as the tip of his cock sank into that poor pucker, and he drove on in until the stag was stuffed full and bleating in protest all the way.

"That however is the best of all little horse...seeing a big stud taken like that..."

Oh God, I had to agree. The stag took it, feeling his tailhole spread impossibly wide, and the bull fucked with a gentle, unhurried bovine grace. As the fucking went on, the ram became bold again, lapping at the swinging bull testicles between his legs as he gave the stag a deep merciless fucking. Finally the stag screamed out a bleat and his cock surged and he sprayed the wall in seed, over and over and still the bull's hips pounded the poor cervine stud.

Only when the stag had cum three times did the bull relent, and then only because of me. The stag's eyes had glazed and he was drooling, from muzzle and cock, still plastered against the wall. The bull had rested his muzzle against the stag's neck then and his eyes suddenly took me in. He watched me with a disturbing intensity as he fucked into the stag, a grin spreading on his muzzle.

"He likes you..."

"T...thanks....but....how do you know..."

The feline kept his stroking up, but now he was showing off too, one paw on my length, one cupping my balls. He hefted them, for the bull to see, and got a moo of appreciation.

"I'm his boyfriend...I should know..."

"Oh fuck..."

The thought of a mere housecat taking that stud made my mind snap. I could barely contemplate it myself...and the stag was clearly struggling, though his cock showed how much he needed it.

"How do you...how do you..." I couldn't even say it, but the cat seemed to know what I meant.

"How do I take him you mean?"


"I don't."

Now I was lost. "Huh...?"

"Dear me little horse...so much to learn. Being a top isn't about this..."he hefted my cock..."Its about this..." and then he stroked my mane. "I'm the top, dear little horse. My stud bull looks incredible bent over taking my cock, I can tell you. But he has needs too...so I let him satisfy them, on one condition."


"Yes...he can fuck other guys if he wants, but only big strong studs like you, little horse. And only if he indulges my weakness..."


"Yes, the same as yours little horse..."

I watched the stag taking that cock, the heave of his chest, the bull now nibbling the velvet from his antlers. He gave a sudden wide-eyed staring look and he ejaculated again, weakly against the wall. It was enough for me though.

I finally climaxed, with the cat stroking me just under the flare, like a firehose, splattering the concrete with horse seed. The bull noticed, and his smile heated up. His thrusts heated up too, until he laid his head back and let out a wild bellow and I saw his cock pulse as he unloaded into the poor buck now collapsed against the wall. I watched it all, then the long, slow, sticky withdrawal as a still erect bull cock pulled from the stag followed by a long spurt of cum.

That made me jerk and shoot again, while the cat behind me chuckled into my ear.

As I watched the bull line the ram up on the same low bench next to the stag, his cock poised at a second tailhole about to be violated, he hesitated a second and gave me the look again. He wanted me to see it, and to watch me watching it...

"See...just like me little horse, you like to watch..."

Bull cock sank slowly into a complaining ram tailhole, while the recipient bleated as pitifully as the stag had done. I never saw it, though I heard the squelch and the bleat and the grunts and cries, and I shot a third load of teenage horse spunk with my eyes never leaving those of the bull. And they twinkled just as I lost it.

I never even felt the collar, wrapped around my neck, until the first jerk from the cat pulled me to my knees.

"I wonder which you will like most little horse...watching, or being watched..."

I had the feeling I was about to find out.

I Like to Watch...first Glance.

I should have turned away, I know. I should have been angry, repulsed, tormented. I couldn't believe what I was seeing at first; it seemed like some sort of dream. I had a fight with my best friend Natalie when we were supposed to be spending the...

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3:36 P.M.

The water felt so good, I almost didn't want to come in from the ocean. But my bladder had other things on its mind. "Darling...can you get me a mineral water if you are heading in? There's a good colt..." My mum looked up from her copy of Women's...

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Attitude Adjustment

If you had asked me, a week ago, if I would ever end up like this, I would have laughed in your face. But I had to face reality, or perhaps, unreality. For it seemed entirely unreal. My arse hurt for starters. That was probably due to the fact I had...

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