Attitude Adjustment

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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One middle aged bear has a story to tell...and it involves a young stallion, some unexpected lessons, an ass smacking or two, and a submarine, but not necesarily in that order.


Well, life got a bit crazy, and I lost both energy and confidence in writing to be honest. Thanks to inspiration and support from a certain bear sisco I managed to get back into it, and this is the first one I've finished in a long time.

More to come, a long overdue commission for Toshiba and some others, but at least I am back into it. Thanks again bear, and long may there be bears and ponies.

If you had asked me, a week ago, if I would ever end up like this, I would have laughed in your face. But I had to face reality, or perhaps, unreality. For it seemed entirely unreal.

My arse hurt for starters. That was probably due to the fact I had just had a hard spanking from a 20 year old stallion while I lay draped over his knee. The cunt hadn't held back either, and I had managed a couple of undignified yelps that I would prefer to forget.

Now he was stroking my arse, and the burn was turning to a warm glow that threatened to blossom into a premature sunrise all over his jeans and I was writhing in need and his fingers taunted my hole and I pushed back into his fingers like a total slut and he laughed and shoved them in to the knuckle and stroked my prostate and...


The bastard pulled his fingers out. I had to fight the urge to throttle him and waited him out. He could not know he had me on toast. I feigned superiority.

"Still got a lot to learn pony!"

"Same to you Captain Pugwash. taught me everything I know!"

Bloody young bastard. Still, after the last week, I had to admit he might have a point...


I loved this stretch of road. The mountains were just visible across to my right, the Snowy's in all their Banjo Patterson grandeur, and the perfect line of dual carriage highway snaked away into the distance like a section of grey racetrack made just for me. I could even ignore the fucking traffic and the constant line of trucks that pushed the envelope of physics and pharmacology on their never-ending quest to move shit for less across our wide brown land.

And it was so fucking brown at this time of year. Not even summer, a late November afternoon and it was already dry as a vultures crutch up here in the North of the state. I noticed it most strongly passing Wangaratta, and it was obvious all around now, the brown everywhere. The kangaroos knew it all too well, and they crossed to the median strip of the highway in mobs to find some fodder and ended up splattered across the Hume like cannon fodder from an especially grisly war movie every time a truck went through.

Still, I loved it anyway. Plenty of space, nice gentle curves and hills just right to feel the road without ever getting out of shape, awesome scenery. My Harley didn't do corners so great. Actually, it was a useless piece of shit on corners, like basically anything American with an engine. I had a Shelby Cobra once, long ago when I was a young dumb full of cum naïve bear not long in the Navy and I picked up a wreck for nothing off a Warrant Officer in Townsville. I restored it with love, but lost it to love too, selling it to help out a lover, a big dumb stallion, who had a sure fire business proposition raising ostriches.

Stallions I found, like ostriches, are strictly for the birds. As were Shelby Cobras. Though it went like a bat out of hell and had an engine note that made me cream almost as much as the sight of that stud horse in the shower, it drove like a whale. Amazing to look at, but totally impractical. A perfect metaphor for stallions.

As I gunned my Hog over a hill, leaving a B-Double full of chickens trailing feathers in my wake, I had to let out a soft growl of satisfaction. This was better; a nice fat Harley between my legs, the low rumble of the engine rustling my Jimmies just nice enough to give me a permanent semi stiffy, and the wind whipping what if it also handled like a whale. It was at least a well behaved, awesome looking and sounding whale. And it was even greenhouse friendly...

My reverie was rudely interrupted by a four-stroke burble as something red and sporty sped past. I caught a brief glimpse of a red bike, something obvious and flash and Italian, and then the rider. He was tall, lean, and the cunt gave me a cocky thumbs up as he sped past and then deliberately slowed just in front of me with a little shake of his head. His mane streamed behind, and his well braided tail whipped in the air. The stupid cunt wasn't even wearing leathers, just a pair of faded 501's and a leather jacket. What a total arse.

Arse...the thought lingered, as he rode just ahead. I took my time, enjoying the view, and I didn't mean the mountains. He lifted up a little, before hunching over his bike and gunning the throttle a little, just enough to shoot forward a bit and close on the next truck. His Levis looked like they were painted on, so I got a picture of two perfect mounds of muscled pony arse, with a length of golden tail flapping from a hole. They looked incredible, and I briefly imagined what it might be like to bury my muzzle between those mounds before I shook my head and returned to reality.

The thought made me a little wistful, and that then made me angry. Yeah, I missed it, I had to admit. But some flash young stallion on a Ducati, for that was what it looked like from behind, would never let me buy him a beer let alone bury my muzzle where it wanted to go. Not for a forty-something ex navy NCO. Especially one with a belly and grey in his fur.

I growled again, thinking of the little shit probably boning some hot mare and laughing about the old bear on a Harley he burned off on the Hume. My muzzle set in a grimace, and I hunched forward over the handlebars.

Two can play this game, pony...

His head snapped around as I passed him, and I kept on, taking the truck as it chugged up a hill and then the next one too before we reached the crest. The sun shone bright, and I laughed at the sight of astonished pony I managed to catch as I flew past. Even under a helmet I could tell, he had ear holes, like most equines, and I saw them flick in astonishment. Game, set...

"Brooombumble bumble bumble..."

The red flash of a Ducati sped past like I was sitting still, and the young stallion flashed me the bird as he went for good measure.

Well...I never thought it would be easy.

The next 100 Km went by in a blur. I took him back a couple of times, using traffic to my advantage, but he always got the better of me. Finally, we came to a blockage, where two trucks were crawling forward side by side taking up both lanes, and I rode up beside the cocky little shit.

He looked over at me, and I got a better view. A Ducati all right, all red and Italian and fucking expensive. He looked magnificent on it, I hated to admit, lean, powerful, young. Fucker...I hated him, just a little...

He flipped the visor up, and I copped a flash of green eyes. They twinkled, like emeralds, and I was momentarily struck dumb just seeing that flash of pure beauty before he flipped it back, gave me a jaunty wave of his hand, and gunned it.

Round the inside he went, on the narrow shoulder, barely under control but managing to stay on the pavement, and he let out a revving salute to me and the trucks as he went. The trucks blared their air horns at the stupid young cunt, but he never stopped and by the time I got past them in more sedate fashion he was long gone. I relaxed a bit, reasoning the colt was long gone, and settled into the journey again.

Just North of the border a cop car came out of its hidey hole between two wattle trees on the median and did me for speeding, proving that I had not relaxed quite enough. I had got in the groove racing the stallion, and hadn't realised I was over the limit until the flashing lights and siren brought me back to reality with a $384 and three demerit point thud.

I asked them, just for fun, if they had picked up a stallion on a Ducati.

The senior cop, a vixen with a permanent scowl, broke into a grin, though her companion an even surlier doe just seemed bored.

"Oh, you knew him? Weren't engaging in some racing were you...sir? Well...looks like he might lose his license once the charge gets processed. He did look pretty though, shame about that bike he might not get much of a chance to ride it for a while. Probably a good thing, he looked like trouble that more ways than one..."

I broke into a matching grin at first, one that curdled pretty fast when she continued.

"...and I wouldn't expect a more...mature rider such as yourself to fall for that stupidity though. I suggest you try to do better in future...sir..."

Mature...being patronised by a twenty-something senior constable was about the worst part of the whole experience, and I think steam was coming from my helmet as I mounted up and headed off. It probably was made more galling by the sudden giggle from the doe and the fact the vixen looked about 5 feet five and a hundred pounds dripping wet. I was so worked up I almost stalled the Hog missing a gear change but I managed to avoid that embarrassment and headed back to the road.

I had only just left the cops when the call of nature beckoned. My Jimmies were still nicely rustled too...and the thought of that pony had them in a state of more than usual semi excitement, which was adding horniness to the dull ache of a full bladder. There was always my paw, I reasoned, and maybe I could kill two birds with one stone, and in my fantasy the little shit could do exactly what I wanted him to anyway...and that thought had me at full-on boner long before I pulled off the highway into a truck-stop.

It was a shock then to see the red bike parked nice and casual near the toilet block. As I turned off the engine and pulled off my helmet, I had to shake my head to prove to myself I wasn't seeing things. It was as if I had conjured up the pony from my overheated libido, and he might vaporise in an instant. But no...and a tentative slap to my left cheek made no difference. I wasn't dreaming, he was here, and apparently in the bog...

Not for long though. There was a second vehicle here, a truck with a barrel tanker trailer, and from the sound of the angry moo that came from inside the bogs, the driver was a bovine. This was confirmed shortly afterwards as the pony shot from the toilet block with a terrified look on his face. It was my first look at him without his helmet, and the eyes were green all right, but now they sparkled in fear, an ice cold light very different from the nuclear fire I saw on the road. His eyes went wider still as his hooves slipped on some gravel and he went down in an untidy heap, just as the owner of the angry moo exited at pace and caught him.

The minotaur grabbed the pony by the mane and hauled his head up, but he dropped him suddenly as he caught sight of me. The pony seemed to give a start too, and both of them stared at me for long moments, the minotaur upright but wary, his tongue flicking out nervously to lick his lips, his tail tuft twitching, and the pony now on his knees, staring at me as if the end of the world had come.

"Fuck off...this is none of your business..."

The truck driver had a voice to match his scowl, deep and with as much compassion as a traffic cop. Less, probably...

I played it cool.

"Mate...what's he done?"

The minotaur blinked a couple of times. He took in my form, up and down, a slightly paunchy (even I had to admit) bear with grey in his headfur, standing beside a Harley. No obvious gang symbols on my leathers...I could almost see his brain working. Not a threat...maybe an ally. Things were not looking great for ponyboy, but why...

The minotaur seemed to come to a decision.

"Fucking cunt tried to pick me up in the bog. A fucking faggot..."

I let out a little sigh inside.

Stupid, stupid pony...

It was wrong, I knew, but my Jimmies gave a little extra surge of lust anyway. Still, this would take some careful planning.

I left my helmet on the handlebars, and walked slowly towards the two. The minotaur looked about to go nuts, so I stopped and smiled and gave a chuckle.

"A fairy. Now that's a stroke of luck...and no one to know if we beat the shit out of him..."

The pony looked stricken, and I tried to ignore that. I focussed on the bull...and a slow grin spread over his muzzle.

"Fucking oath mate. Think we should take him into the bog and do it properly?"

I gave him a grin and a nod.

"Sounds like a plan want to pick him up?"

The bull scowled and lifted the pony up by his mane, while the other hand gripped one wrist and pulled it round behind his back. It was the moment I had been waiting for; all hands occupied, maximum distraction.

I swung with all my might, and connected with the bastard's muzzle.


He shook his head, looking slightly quizzical, but he dropped the stallion who didn't even run the stupid fuck, he just lay there kind of dazed and rubbed his sore wrist.

"Psst...pony...trot you useless cunt..."



The truck driver let out his most fearsome bellow and dropped his head and charged. He caught me in the midriff and I went down like a sack of spuds with all the wind knocked out of my sails. He was over me then, and he proceeded to bitch slap my muzzle in a steady, almost leisurely fashion while I cursed and tried to fight back. All my punches seemed to just bounce off though, even when one managed to connect with his nosering. He just snorted out a bloody sneeze and gave me a look like he had cornered the matador and it was payback time. He had me down and out, straddling me, and I knew my goose was cooked.

*Thwop* *Splat*


The bull gave a sudden heave and fell sideways. The pony had got into gear at least, and made it to his hooves. After a moment for reflection and decision, he had used his brains (much as it pained me to admit he might have some) and aimed a nicely turned hoof right between the truck driver's legs. Stallion hoof connected with pendant bull testicles with a satisfying splat and our assailant had retired from the battle momentarily to consider his options and huck out his guts discretely into some saltbush.

"C...come on!"

A pony hand reached for my paw, and I felt myself returned to the vertical in body if not in spirit. The stallion headed for his bike at a nice trot, donning his helmet and motioning frantically for me to do the same. I managed to find my Hog and my helmet, but the starter was proving a little difficult and the blood leaking from my muzzle was really shitting me inside the helmet.

And fuck my head hurt.

The pony shook his head and gunned his Ducati, roaring out of the truck stop at a good clip. I managed to follow, a little unsteadily and for once that wasn't due to the craptacular American engineering of my Hog.

We got a few kilometres away from the scene of the...whatever it was, and the Pony motioned to me to pull over. He flipped his visor, and I could see his eyes spinning like tops.


Fucking kids these days. Can't communicate unless its text or some useless espeak.

"Shut up and listen pony!"


I slapped his helmet, harder a second time when he wouldn't shut up. Finally he sat and waited.

"Right. Chances are your buddy back there has mates out here, and they are all on the radio. I suggest we get off the highway for a bit, sound reasonable? It's late in the day anyway, I'm not going to get to Sydney before night now, and I don't know where you're heading but I suggest maybe laying low for a night is a good idea. Agree?"

He shuddered for a moment, then he nodded, just once. The sparkle was back though, a flash of green from his eyes before he shut the visor.

"Fine. So, next town, we pull off and stay out of sight, comprende?"

Another nod.

I gritted my teeth against the pain and sat the bike for a moment and dismounted. He looked at me as if I had gone stark raving mad, until I managed to scrabble about with the zipper and got my cock out. The stream of steaming piss was probably more impressive than my cock, but I didn't care. I so needed a leak, and my bladder wasn't waiting now, danger or no danger.

The stallion gave a laugh and almost dropped his bike in humour.

" needed to go that bad? Gee those adult incontinence ads weren't bluffing..."

I looked at him with a sour smirk.



"Babbling brooks, tinkling streams, drip...drip...drip..."

His expression darkened, and he let out a frustrated whinny and joined me by the side of the road. I got a look at the instrument in question, and it wasn't half impressive. More like at least three quarters.

"Silly bull..."

He gave a shrug and let out his own powerful stream, and then a wicked smile crossed his features and he began to slowly stroke his soft pink and black mottled horsecock.

I let out a growl and slapped his jeans-clad ass.

"Stupid colt. Haven't you learned anything?"

"No! And I don't plan on doing so either!"

I felt a bit wistful though as I revved the engine. Fucking stallions...

The turnoff wasn't far ahead, and I took it with the pony not far behind. He hadn't tried anything fancy, I was pleased to see, content to ride behind me. When I took a look behind I saw him craning his neck to check behind us. At least he could be sensible a little bit, it seemed, though I wondered how long that could last.

I frowned at that as we pulled into the town.

What the fuck do you care anyway?

What the fuck did I care...the answer eluded me, though I had an inkling.

I recognised the large black object in the centre of town and gave a sudden laugh, shaking my head. The pony pulled over as I came to a halt beside the park and it's namesake attraction. He pulled off his helmet and stared at me.

"What's so fucking funny?"

I waved him towards a motel next to the park, and we coasted over together, the pony still looking at me as if I had lost my marbles. I wasn't mad, just remembering; and it seemed memories of stallions were never to be far behind today.

Still, it wasn't every day you came across one of these a thousand miles from water marooned in a park.

"Nice ship!"

I looked over at the stallion, who was eyeing up the black hull of a submarine keenly.

"Boat" I corrected sternly. Fucking kids, no idea.

He looked at me, a little hurt. "Nah. Surely it's a ship? It's big enough..."

I shook my head in anger. Typical young idiot, no idea but doesn't know it.

"It's a boat. Size has nothing to do with it. All submarines are called boats, even the ones the size of an aircraft carrier. And this little one is nothing like that big anyway; Oberon class, H.M.A.S. Otway."

He looked impressed. "Shit. You know a lot about them then?"

"I should. I served on one. A long time ago."

Now the cocky cunt fell over his handlebars laughing. "Fuck! I didn't think you were that old. Shit, that looks like it was from World War II or something..."

I let him laugh it out a bit, and I was a little hurt too. I had been thinking, well, I don't know what I was thinking. But it seemed there was no point anyway. An ancient mariner bear, that's what I was now. The truth wasn't that far away, though the pony was also incredibly naïve it seemed, like a lot of kids in this country. The truth about our military capability was something we discussed amongst ourselves over a beer in muttered tones, but not something that registered on the IPhone wielding classes. I hoped to shit we never came under serious threat, or one day young pony here would be in for a rude awakening.

"It was decommissioned in 1994. I had a patrol on her, as a young seaman fresh from training. When I was about your age."

He stared at me then, and the submarine. He seemed to be weighing up my words to see if I was joking. I only wished I was. Seeing her here like this brought a lot of odd stuff out of the depths of memory. Including another stallion, one a bit older than the young fool/foal here, but no less enticing.

Ohhh the taste of his cock...that first time with my lips wrapped around his flare, the taste of precum and musk...

"So where the fuck are we?"

I shook my head and nodded at the sub. "Holbrook. Named after an old submariner who won the Victoria Cross. That's why the sub is here. Don't you know any history horse?"

"History is for losers!"

"Yeah, well this loser saved your arse at least."

He seemed to snap out of cocky shit mode for a second and looked suddenly chagrined. "Um...yeah..sorry...I mean..."

I flicked out the rest and settled my Hog in its parking spot, ignoring the pony's uncertainty. Gratitude from a young punk stallion was something I could do without. Besides, the sight of the old lady had my fur all out of joint, and in that sort of mood, stallions were even less welcome than normal.

"Save it pony. Let's see if we can get somewhere to stay."

It was probably inevitable that the only motel in town would have just the one room available. A twin; me and the pony would be sharing. It seemed I was destined not to get away from stallions today.

We both dumped our limited possessions and seemed to mentally shrug our shoulders. The pony had his grin back, and the flash in his eyes, god fucking damn him. My cock disobeyed orders and twitched at the flash of green.

" you want to find out what this town has beside a ship...sorry, boat? I do owe you a beer at least."

I grunted unimpressed but allowed myself to be talked into it. I did feel like a beer. And I wanted to be out of this room, locked in with pony features. If he wasn't careful I was going to forget myself and beg for cock, and that would be unseemly not to mention humiliating.

Beer...always your friend. And the enemy of really, better than your friend!

The pub was rocking; there were at least two people in there and neither was asleep. I wondered where everyone could be, though the carpark at the motel gave the game away a little; trucks and more trucks. About half way between Melbourne and Sydney, the town may have been bypassed by the highway but it was still popular with truckers doing the East Coast regular as a rest stop, and if you could afford it, one of the modest but comfortable motel rooms was a dead sight better than the cab of a prime mover.

I ordered a schooner of Tooheys Old, which was marginally less disgusting than Tooheys New, and a parma and chips. The stallion looked over the menu with a lopsided scowl.

" tofu? Goji berries? Kale?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "It's pretty basic..."

"Nothing wrong with basic pony. Didn't seem to put you off that bull."

That shut him up. He ordered the vegie burger and retreated to a table with a vodka lime and soda. Fuck, even his drink was gay.

We settled down to eat with hunger but no enthusiasm. Thank fuck the booze was plentiful. I decided to find out more about my companion on the road.

"So; would you like to tell me about it?"

He seemed to think for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders and grinned. I wanted to eat those fucking lips, they looked far more tasty than the parma.

It turned out he was a university student, though there was something there he wasn't telling, I caught a hesitation when he spoke about it. Exams were over and he was returning to Sydney and home.

"Long way to go for uni, why didn't you study in Sydney?"

He shrugged and shovelled bean burger into his muzzle. I wasn't getting much of an answer it seemed, so I tried a different tack.

"Do you often pick up truckers in public loos?"

He dropped his knife and fork and got that cute chagrined look again. His forelock fell over his eyes and he tried to hide behind it. I fought the urge to molest him right there.

"No. Couple times; I mean, not truckers, but you know, guys."

"So, what made you try it on with beefy then?"

His eyes glazed a bit as he recounted his exploits. Time had healed the wound a bit, enough to make him look on with a bit of nostalgia, even humour. I envied him, though it angered me a little; he was lucky, the cunt, and he didn't even know it. In my day, things were a lot scarier, a lot more often. Youth is wasted on the young even now.

"I walked into the block and he was there already, at the urinal. I dropped, you know, all the way, ready to piss and I caught him looking. He seemed to stroke his bull meat a bit or something, maybe he was just getting the last drops out, I dunno. But he looked kind of hot, big, all muscle with a bit of a gut, just how I like em'..."

Now I couldn't avoid a low rumble of appreciation. And envy. "Go on..."

"Well, I looked him in the eye, and there was something unreadable there, so I tried it on. 'Want a hand with that, mate?' I thought, what the fuck, and riding always makes me horny anyway, and I thought he was up for it..."

I shook my head. "Mate, you are a long way from home..."

That seemed to make him angry. It was fascinating watching him, ears twitching, nose flaring.

"I don't give a shit. Melbourne, Sydney, or fucking Holbrook, why should I hide it? Why should some fucking Neanderthal get to beat the shit out of me just because I offer him a blowjob?"

I put a hand on his shoulder, but he slapped it away. "Easy horse. Whoah back now..."

"Hey! Enough of the horse shit!"

"Fuck you get riled easy pony."

He settled into sullen silence, his food forgotten for the moment. Finally he eyed me up.

"You're gay."

It was a statement, not a question. I had to give pony credit for getting that right, I tried not to advertise.


"Doesn't it shit you off?"

"Maybe...and how did you know anyway?"

"Don't change the subject...and you were checking out my ass on the bike, I could tell even under the helmet. Had your cock throbbing too didn't I..."

"Seriously pony, you need to get a grip on that cock of yours or it is going to get you in trouble."

That seemed to push him over the edge.

"Really? Like this?"

He stood up and gripped his groin. It was bulging obscenely, so help me God, his cock well dropped inside his tight jeans so you could see every vein and he was stroking it lewdly as he stared at me with anger in his eyes.

I kicked him under the table and hissed. "Fucking sit down!"

He had the good sense to obey at least, though his ears were full of defiance. Fuck I wanted to nibble on them.

"One more outburst like that hoss, and I'm out."

"Nobody saw."

"We're trying to lay low remember?"

"You haven't answered my question."

"Which was?"

"Doesn't it shit you off, being gay and being...the problem? And expected to keep nicely in the closet and not annoy anybody?"

Ahhh, now that was the question, and closer to the heart of the matter than he knew. I munched my chicken.

A hoof reached out and stroked my leg, getting higher the longer I waited the young cunt out.

"A little."

"A little?"

"Ok, a lot, but it was different in my time."

"Sorry Captain Ahab, my apologies to the old sea bear and his crusty crew."

I had enough of the old se bear routine, so I reached over and slapped the bastard on the chest, just once and not hard. He looked shocked, and I wondered whether he might bolt, but he subsided and gave me a grin again. I relaxed.

"I guess I deserved that. I'm supposed to be thanking you for saving me and instead I'm..."

"...being a cunt?"

"Well, at least I'm a cute cunt, aren't I?"


I hated the look of triumph as I realised just a fraction of a second too late he had me trapped. Well, he was cute. Trouble was the fucker knew it.

"I'm cuuuuuute!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Can't take it back now!"

It seemed to sustain him through the rest of dinner, and a rambling recitation of all his latest exploits from his last semester at uni. I tried not to let the envy show, but it did hurt. I had wanted that so much, but I was the worst failure in history at school. Trade school and the navy saved me from a life of dead end jobs, but I still felt the absence.

I wanted to prick his confidence I guess, perhaps to make me feel better.

"From the sound of it, it doesn't seem like you have any time to study."


"How did your exams go anyway?"

He shut up, loudly. I enjoyed my newfound ascendency, and I wasn't afraid to use it.

"That good hey? Daddy isn't going to like that, I bet. Maybe he will take that flash little red buzzbox off you, especially when you have to tell him you lost your license..."

The stallion went icy quiet then, retreating into his shell. His ears twitched, an angry equine twitch. I had found his sore spot, it seemed, as he had found mine.

"You know nothing about my dad..."

I had to acknowledge the point. "I know. I'm sorry...I just..."

"Oh look! Karaoke!"

He seemed determined to change the subject, or the mood. I followed his gaze to see a Karaoke machine, and his eyes blazed with mischief. I growled under my breath but he waved it off and trotted confidently over to the machine.

"Let's liven up this joint shall we?"

I looked around a little nervously. The pub was a lot more lively now already, a reasonable crew of truckers and locals in to enjoy their beer and a feed, and a game of pool. More than lively enough as it was, I thought, and I tried to let the horse know that under my breath, but the Pony placed himself centre stage, something I realised a little forlornly he found natural, and chose some songs on the machine. He skulled a whole vodka, a little ostentatiously, and the music started, and it was only then I realised the true horror.

Abba. Oh God...


"Friday nights and the lights are loooooooow..."

I tried to remain inconspicuous, but the fucker was good. The audience seemed to get into it, at least some of them, but a few had woken up and smelled the lavender. The catcalls and jeers from a couple of the blow-ins were getting more and more unfriendly, but pony just kept on singing, and drinking. He didn't seem to have an off switch this one. Or the common sense God gave to a rock.

It was after a rousing chorus of "Go West" that a canine with a trucker cap and a slight limp finally cracked it, spat and snarled.

"Fucking fag."

Pony wasn't backing down. He stared the husky right in the eye and blew him a kiss.

"Yep, got it in one, puppy. Why, you want some?"

I had time for a soft sigh before the action commenced. The truck driver crossed the floor in an instant and had the pony by the collar. He had a mate beside him, a big ram, and he wasn't being sheepish tonight. I debated the merits of retreat, but screwed up my muzzle and decided the cunt deserved one last shot. At least I remembered to down the remains of my beer before I got into it.

I tapped the husky on the shoulder.

"Piss off!"

"Now mate, I think you had better leave the kid alone..."

"I said piss off!"

"Limited vocabulary there. Or are you just fucking dumb as dogshaaaaaaaaaaaargh!"

Pony had his own ideas about how to deescalate the situation it seemed. The husky let out a snarl and snotted him one on the muzzle. I swung and collected the dog, just as the ram managed to catch me on the muzzle. Of course, he managed to get me right in the same spot as the bull earlier, and I felt decidedly unhappy as I reeled backwards holding my muzzle with blood seeping through my hands.

Things were about to go very bad when we were saved, of a sort.

"Evening gentlemen. I suggest you stop right now, don't you, unless you want some capsicum spray where it will do the most good?"

I was both surprised and a little relieved to find the vixen and her partner from the highway. They looked like they meant business, and the locals at least seemed to know it too as they exchanged glances and headed for the door.

The truckdrivers weren't as easily cowed by a badge, not when it was being held by a petite vixen with a winning smile on her muzzle. The husky thought he had the better of her.

"Out of my way girly..."

It was his last mistake, as he attempted to push her away with a meaty paw to the chest. Before he could recover, his paw was twisted behind his back, he was on his knees, and he was somewhat indisposed thanks to the application of a rubber truncheon to the small of his back. His friend went much more quietly.

By the time we had sorted everything out, I was tired, thirsty, angry, and still horny as fuck. The vixen gave me a knowing smile and a pat on the headfur.

"I did tell you he was trouble..."

Unlike the pony, I was determined to keep my muzzle firmly shut, and I stayed that way all the way back to the motel. Pony was not so smart.

"I would have had them."

"No you fucking wouldn't pony."

"You went down like a preacher's daughter. Useless like your crap piece of American shit hey!"

I pinned him against the wall of the room, not gently, a forearm against his neck. He squirmed, and I pressed my muzzle against his nose and growled. He got the message, finally.

"Pony, I will say this only once. You can spin all the shit you want, but never, ever, insult a man's Hog. Do you understand?"

He gulped. I thought he needed some assistance, so I jabbed his chest with a claw extended to emphasise each word.


He gulped again, and nodded, rapidly. He couldn't resist a grin though.

"Has anyone told you that you are hot when you are angry?"

That did it, and I let out a wild bear roar, baring my teeth wide which I instantly regretted as my muzzle really was fucking sore. That did kind of reduce the impact of my lesson for the pony a bit but I was too busy holding my cheek and cursing him to care.

He slipped away from the wall while I was nursing my pains. I expected him to walk out, but instead he headed for the bar fridge and the ice compartment. I collapsed on the bed, a little defeated, and watched as he carefully wrapped ice cubes in a handtowel and trotted forward with apology in every movement.


I let him look after me, and it felt good. His body smelt incredible, and the heat of his presence was more than alluring. I tried to ignore it, and focus on the pain, but that was lessening as the ice did its work.

"So, you haven't told me much about you Captain Pugwash..."

I snarled, as much as my sore muzzle would allow, and he held up a hand in supplication.

"Sorry...couldn't resist. Come on, tell..."

It seemed boring to me, or if I was being honest, underwhelming. But something about his manner made me want to talk, especially when he raided the minibar and came back with the Johnny Walker Red. I sucked down the rich brown liquid and talked, as the stallion wiped up the blood from my fur, and applied ice to my battered body.

"I ended up in the navy because I had no other real good options. I liked it, I of it."

"Like on the submarines?"

"Yeah, it was a shit too. Cramped, noisy, stinky too. Everything smelt of farts, and cabbage, and sweat, and everything tasted of diesel. Nothing like making a coffee and being unable to get the powdered milk to stir in because the film of diesel on the top stopped it."


"Yeah, but the guys were great too. One especially..."

My stallion, Mark. Older, wiser, sexier. My first, ever.I still remember the look of concern in his eyes when he took my cherry, wanting it to be good, hating it when I gasped in pain. His kisses tasted like spearmint, and his body felt incredible. And his cum inside me..I thought it would last forever...

"So what happened...?"

I shook my head sadly. "You couldn't be gay in the Navy, not back then. I wanted more than he could give, and it hurt. So I left that job, got a post onshore. Logistics...figured the navy would always need someone to move shit around."

"So you ran away!"

That deserved another slap, and he got one, not too hard.

"Watch your muzzle pony. Shit, don't you ever hold back?"



"So what are you doing now? Where were you heading when you rescued a pony in distress?"

"I finally quit the navy after my last relationship went South. Got a job with a shipping company here in Sydney. New start."

"Ran away again..."

"You don't know me at all pony! With your pretty bike and your good looks and your university life and rich parents. You don't fucking know anything!"

His eyes blazed to match mine. "Well you don't fucking know anything about me either bear! Not one motherfucking thing!"

He was almost crying now, and I realised he was trying to hit me but he seriously sucked at it. I grabbed his wrists and held them as he wound down like a clock and just sort of collapsed. Something stirred inside me, something I didn't know I had, and I cuddled him and he relaxed into my arms. We ended up spooned on the bed, just lying there quietly listening to the breeze against the window. Eventually he stirred.

I wanted to apologise, but I didn't think the horse needed that right now. He seemed to be ok somehow, and I thought a change to safer territory might help.

"That's a lot of bike you have for...for"

"For a young idiot?"

"I wasn't going to say that, but yeah."

He nuzzled against my chest and I cracked a smile. It didn't even hurt that much.

"I know. It was a present, my Uncle believes in getting the best. And it looks like I won't be riding it much for a while. Even if I hadn't been caught speeding...well I was probably going to lose it anyway. I flunked out of uni, totally. I went to my first exam, sat down and couldn't write a thing. I didn't even bother for the rest. I stopped going to lectures after mid year, I have no fucking clue what I'm going to do with life.."

"Like everything you do it seems, no holding back but no real plan."

"Fuck yeah. Figured if I was going to lose it, might as well go out in style. The vixen that caught me looked like she was going to tase me she was so pissed off."

"Nothing to lose." I was a little wistful, I realised.

"Maybe. But I do love it...and it is awesome for picking up what was your excuse for following me bear? Your piece of American shit was pushing pretty hard racing me. What gives?"

I was spared by the next door unit. The noise was indistinct at first, but after a few seconds it got louder. The bump of a bed against a wall, the moans, the screams. Over the top screams...and the pony, in his usual way, was easily distracted.

"Fuck that sounds like a porno shoot in there..."

I had to agree with the pony, and it was getting louder and louder and we had to try very hard not to giggle. Still, it did make me feel nostalgic.

"What's with the grin?" Pony looked like a kid being denied an explanation by his parents and worried he was the cause of the amusement. I put him out of his misery.

"Remembering pony. Back in the navy, they gave you an allowance to get to your posting and left it to you. Couple of times I had a posting in Perth, and I took the train across from the East Coast."

"Fuck! Why didn't you fly?"

"Not many flights back then, and the train was cheap and you could pocket the difference. The train stopped in Kalgoorlie, for a few hours, and there were always services personnel onboard, and the servicemen always took advantage of the stop. Brothels, in Hay street, a whole line of them. The guys always thought I was just being all moral not taking part, and I agreed to keep their wallets and stuff while they did the business so they couldn't get ripped off by the hookers. It sounded just like that...the girls wanted to seem, well, enthusiastic for their money."

His eyes went wide, and it seemed like I had just described conditions in a foreign land. I guess it was, for pony 20 years ago was a whole other world.

My stallion...I think that was when I first knew I couldn't have him. He begged me to go in so the guys wouldn't gossip, but I couldn't. He could though, and I got to hear him banging a snow leopard from the Ukraine while she screamed and meowled and I died a little inside. He stank of her all the way into Perth...

"You door...?!"

I smiled at his naivete. It seemed odd to think of the pony as naïve given his antics, but he was in a way. It almost made me sad.

"Yep...probably. This whole town is one big truck stop mate...I bet there are escort agency cards in the motel compendium."

He rose from the bed and opened the leather folder. His grin flashed. "Not bad Captain Pugwash..."

Well, at last I had managed to impress him it seemed. Not enough to make him ditch the barbs, but it was something.

I had managed something else too, or the sounds had. His cock bulged, noticeably. He saw me noticing, and the grin turned feral.

"No way..."

"Awwww cmon...let's give them something to think about...the straights can't have all the fun tonight..."

He closed on me like a predator, which was impressive for a horse, and I put my paws up to hold him back for now and focussed angry eyes on his. I wasn't going to be that easy.

"I said no! I don't even know your name..."


"Fine...Derrick, nice to meet you..."

He was in stitches now. "Derrick? Derrick? My God, what kind of name is that?"

"Seriously pony, is everything a fucking game to you? Do you ever not insult everyone you come across? Are you always such a complete insufferable cunt?"

I had worked myself up a bit, into a nice angry froth, and the pony was all contrite. More than contrite, he seemed genuinely submissive, ears down flat, tail flat between his legs. He drew himself up at attention and looked me in the eye.

"I know I can be a shit...sir..."

"You have that right!"

"But I want to make it up to you. Please. Please?"

His eyes glinted and he reached forward, one hand stroking my leg. The fingers rose higher, just as the action next door reached a crescendo. The girl sounded like she was giving a running commentary, and her guy was definitely scoring as far as she was concerned.


A hand reached my groin and squeezed.

"Stand at attention sailor."

His eyes went wide, but he snapped to obey. It had worked before with this stallion, and it was working now. He responded to authority, or at least the pathetic imitation of it I could provide. Still, who was I to argue.


His ears flicked up a little, just enough, but he obeyed well enough. Jacket, t-shirt, boots, jeans, boxers. The last were removed nice and slow, but they joined the rest of his clothes in an untidy pile. I looked at the pile and growled, and he got the message, folding the clothes neatly and putting them on his bed.

" you want to take a shower first...sir...?"

"No fucking way sailor."

That was definitely not on the cards for me. I loved that scent, ripe young stallion. After a whole day of riding, he should be potent.

Ahhh the scent of stallion. The first time I had my love, we had been on watch together for hours. His scent filled my nose, and when I took him to the hilt, totally unprepared for the taste, I buried my nose in his sheath and sniffed. I nearly passed out it smelt so good...male, rich, sex...

Under the leathers, I would be something else. A little treat for pony boy, to see if he was serious.

But first the hardest test.

"You are a total shit pony."

"Yes sir."

"You have got me beaten up twice, insulted my service, disrespected me, and worst of all, my bike. You are a total fucking disaster. Agreed?"


"No buts pony. You have no discipline, no consideration, and no respect. That makes you a problem, and I don't let problems fuck me."



"Holy Shit! I will be better, I will make it up to you, I promise, seriously..."

"Fine. Get over my knee."

I waited long heartbeats. The idea had come, and with it the boner, but I truly didn't think he would do it. He seemed to swallow, once, twice, but then he gave a little nicker and obeyed, draping his lean form over my knee as I sat on the edge of the bed. He wriggled his ass so invitingly, and spread his hooves a little, and turned his head to look back at me with a little fear and a lot of lust.

"Yes Sir..."

My cock went nuclear,and I almost came right then inside my boxers. The feel of naked stud, separated from my crotch by a little fabric, but his body mine to do with what I wanted. He pressed his nose to the bed and closed his eyes, ears flat. His tail twitched though, daring me.

I gripped his tail and pulled it back. He let out a hiss but stayed in position, though his butt cheeks flexed in anticipation. I had to touch them first, and I let my fingers trace the line of his crack while he moaned. One finger slid deeper, testing his taint. My claw touched pony hole and he let out a nicker.

"Think you can learn to obey pony?"

"Y...yes Sir!"

"We will see. Now don't move until I tell you."

I rubbed his cheeks lovingly while he let out the cutest little noises. The insults, and the shit stirring, and the danger he had got us both into came flooding through, and gave me strength. That and a heady dose of horny bear. I had always wanted to do this, and now the Gods had delivered a hot 20 year old stallion into my arms who was in desperate need of a good ass whipping and seemed to know it. It would be churlish to refuse.

I raised one heavy paw and brought it down hard on his left cheek. A satisfying smack echoed round the room, accompanied by a startled gasp and whinny.

"That's for speeding."

"Aww! But..."

Another heavy slap, this time on his right. He yelped.

"That's for making me speed and get caught."

"Oww....wait, you too? Hahahahahah owwwwww!"

His laughter brought out an extra vicious slap, and I followed up until he was writhing and whimpering. He got the message.

"This is for picking fights and getting us both in the shit!"

"Oww! I'm sorry...really..."

"This is for flunking out of university, fuck you wasting an opportunity like that!"

"Owww! Please! I am sorry!"

"And this is for riding like a fucking maniac just because you were going to lose your bike! You could have got yourself killed you stupid fucker!"

I gave him several hard swats, until he stopped struggling and settled over my knee. He wasn't crying but he was definitely a sorry pony. And he noticed something I wished he hadn't.

"Why do you care if I got killed?"

"Just fucking do. Get over it dipshit."

I wanted to cuddle him, but not just yet. I had other plans.

My paws returned to his ass, but this time with love. Gentle strokes, across bruised stallion ass, caressing his muscled cheeks, and I had to grip his tail extra tight to stop it thrashing around too much. His crevice looked so inviting, and I had to explore, fingertips dancing across his skin and fur and in to reach his taint. I spread his legs wider and opened him up, ignoring his groans as I began to rub his beautiful leather taint. He had just a hint of soft hair there, like down, and I played with them and then his rosebud and felt his whole body jerk when I touched his hole and let one fingertip tease his opening.

"Right...stand up..."

He did, a little unsteadily. And he had dropped, the horny fuck.

"Did I tell you to do that sailor?"

He looked shocked. "Um...but...what else could I do..."

"Get it back where it belongs sailor."

He looked stricken then, but he shrugged and tried his best. It took some squeezing on his cock and a lot of effort, but that beautiful pink and black mottled length disappeared mostly into one very well stuffed sheath. All in good time...

"Right. You will obey every order I give, absolutely, or I am out of here. Understand?"


I gave him an extra swat on the ass for that insolent hesitation. He yelped but gave me that grin. The fucker.

"Right. On the bed, on your back."

He hastened to obey, a little wary, eyes following me in anticipation.

"Now, reach out and grip the bedhead. If you let go, just once, without me ordering you to, we stop. Understand?"


"I am waiting."

"Yes Sir!"

"Spread your hooves."

Ohhh fuck he looked good. Naked and spread out for me, his muscles flexing as he gripped the woodwork, hooves spread, tail between his legs flicking nervously, and his ears too. His eyes were wide, and his sheath...ahhh his sheath...

"Right. Stay like that."

I stripped for him, wondering what reaction I would get. A few pounds excess on the belly, and a few too many streaks of grey in the fur. I needn't have worried though, his eyes getting wider with each new piece of clothing I lost until I stood there naked as he was and his cock poked at the lips of his sheath daring me to notice. I noticed, and growled, and he gulped and retracted as best he could.

"Now...time to earn some more forgiveness..."

I straddled his head, looking down at his hooves. They twitched, as did his tail, flicking up once, twice, and then side to side. His left hoof shook, nervous, excited,maybe a little of both. But he didn't move otherwise, and as I looked back I saw his hands still resolutely gripping the bedhead. The wood flexed a little as I sat down and he moaned, and had a taste of musky bear crack.

I waited, a little anxious. I needn't have been; I felt the warm rush of his breath tickling my taint and then the best feeling of all, wet, warm, a colt tongue lapping at my crack. He gave me a real bath, more enthusiastic than anything, and I sat down hard on his muzzle and forced it deeper into my crack and he went for it, tongue pressed to my hole and then glory of glories, he forced his way into my depths and ate me out as I growled and roared and humped his tongue with my ass.

Looking down his lean spread out form I knew I had to have him. I leaned forward, just enough, never letting him out from under my ass. He had moved his muzzle just enough to work my balls and I gasped then. I had a weakness, and this was it, ball suckling always drove me mental. He sucked each of my nuts into his muzzle, lapping, squeezing, and I tried to ignore the deep need to cum and instead focussed on some pony pleasuring. At my leisure.

My muzzle slid forward, right to his entrance. I sniffed, gently, then deeper, almost passing out from the muzk. Teenage stallion, cum, musk, sweat, all there in his sheath. His cock poked just below the lips but I could see it, pink and angry, demanding to know why it wasn't out and being pleasured. All in good time....


I reached out my tongue to taste, deep into his sheath, forcing my way between his skin and his magnificent cock. Fuck it tasted good, and his cock quivered and jerked, and I got a rich river of pony pre for my pains. He was being a good horse though, and trying not to drop. I could see the pain it was causing him though, and took pity.


I had to say it a couple of times before he heard me. Clearly being buried in bear ass waqs not good for his hearing. When he got the message though, he was eager to obey, his cock shooting from the depths to full length almost immediately, and it was as beautiful as I remembered from the glance beside the highway. Pink and black, quite narrow but long, with a distinct medial and a wide spread flare, that was thickening and broadening as I watched. I could almost see his pulse in it, the beat of life along its length as it filled with blood, and the wide open urethra flexing and closing in anticipation as it dripped.

"Not yet..."

He let out a frustrated whinny but made no other protest. I slapped his cock a little playfully then harder when he seemed to enjoy it, then licked his balls and drank in more of that beautiful taste before finally taking his length into my muzzle.

He was panting now, breaths huffing against the crinkled nub of my ass and his tongue quiet, resting inside my crevice. I could feel the tension in his body. It was obvious in his muscles, from his chest across an abdomen laced with muscle and thighs flexing like a racehorse ready for a sprint. His pre tasted strong in my muzzle, and I felt his balls quiver and draw up. He was so close.

I stopped.

"More licking pony..."

Now his groan was tinged with anger and desperation, but he took the hint. His tongue went back to work, determined it seemed to make my ass suffer. After a lifetime of stallions, that would be hard, but he didn't have to know that. I was enjoying his attempt more than enough, the feel of lips on my taint as he drilled my ass with his tongue more than welcome. I rode him like a bucking bronco, which I guess he was a bit. His hooves were more than twitching now, and his cock lolled against his belly and spat a line of clear pre.

I bent down again and huffed on his length, just gently. He moaned, deep in my crack. There has never been a sexier feeling than that, a guy so turned on he moans into your ass, the vibration of his cry against your hole and your taint. I huffed again, wanting more of that sound, more of that feeling. Magic.

I brought him to the edge and held him there, squeezing his balls until he whimpered and I started again. He was writhing, thrashing, his tail going a hundred miles an hour, but he never let go of the bed. He was learning the price of bear ass.

Finally I took pity, and lifted off. He was breathing so heavily, his chest lifting and falling, nipples pert and fat. I would have plenty of use for those soon enough. But first things first.

"No lube pony...but your tongue and your pre might just do the trick."

I straddled him again, smiling at his quizzical look. I had to kiss his muzzle then, just because.

"I said you would get to fuck me...I didn't say you would be in charge."


Squatting over his length, I hefted his cock in my paw. It felt so alive, so hot, so much in keeping with him. Male, powerful, yet strangely delicate. I ran a clawtip over the flare and watched him wince and shudder, laughing at his reaction, then pressed him to my hole. No regrets, no time wasted. I took him in, muzzle to the ceiling so he wouldn't see me wince and a single tear form in the corner of my eye. He was fucking big, not the biggest, but big enough and I wasn't really well prepared. He went in though, and as I sat in his lap rocking slowly I took him deeper, not even flinching now when the medial spread me wide and rasped inside.

I bent down to kiss him, hard and hungrily at last, tasting my ass and the scent of my sweat on him. And he would taste himself, the tang of young stallion.

I hoped he would enjoy the combination enough to ignore the belly and the grey in my fur. At least I had experience on my side; and after all, youth is wasted on the young.

"Now you can let go, but only on one condition."

His eyes were wide and so very green.


"You know how to jack off right?"

He gave that grin. "Fuck yeah..."

"Good. Get to work."

He looked at me a little dumb, then down, then back to me, then cracked a smile. His hands found my length, and he caressed, one on my head, one on my shaft and playing with my balls. I would hate to be responsible for cleaning pony's sheets, if he could jack off like this all the time they would be dripping in spoo.

I started the ride, a slow walk with occasional breaks into a canter. He felt so good inside me now, hot and heavy, and I felt his sap rising, as much as I saw it in his eyes. Wide open, staring, amazed. Not yet...


I clamped one paw on his balls and squeezed, then pressed a claw against the quivering mass of his scrotum.

"Don't you dare..."

"Awww! Please! Please!"

"When I'm ready..."

I rode him a long time, and my first ejaculation seemed to distract him enough. I shot like a fountain, covering his chest and muzzle and some of his mane with bear cum. He licked his lips and tasted me and dared me to make him wait. Pony needed to learn though, so I did, riding his length to two more cums before I let him unload in my guts and collapsed on his chest with our fur slick from a coating of my cum and the taste and smell of sex in the air.

There was a thump on the wall from next door.

"Will you two perverts give it a rest!"

The girl let out a muffled giggle.

"Dead set shut the fuck up or call an ambulance, your choice cunt!"

I was surprised at my voice, let alone my words. A real snarl, like I hadn't made since I was the pony's age. He stared at me with wide eyes and I felt a bit ashamed. It seemed to work though, there were no more complaints from next door.

The dismount was painful, I had to admit. A long ride of a willing stallion after a long break, this old bear was not ready for such exertion. My ass lips felt like they had been sandpapered before a nice gentle razor blading.

"Urr....something wrong?"

He was all care and consideration on the surface, but I caught the gleam of mischief. He still needed a lesson.

"Get on all fours pony."

He blinked, then he obeyed. I had denied myself the delights of that ass till now. No more denial. Not tonight.

I took him slow, starting with gentle strokes on his fetlocks. He had beautiful light feathering, part of his palomino colouring. The white feathers and buff coat looked delicious, and I explored them both with fingers and tongue. A lick at his hoof. A fingertip just under his low hanging scrotum, barely touching as I watched them dance for me. A lick on his long dark taint, a stroke of his back.

When it was time, and he was begging me to take him, I headed to the little bathroom and found some shower gel. It was not great but it was something, and I wanted him to only feel good. First I got that taste, the deep funk of his pony hole around my tongue that I had wanted the moment I saw him on his bike riding past like the wind, and heard his cries and moans. Then I lubed him up and slid inside him as he collapsed on the bed and I lay over him with my legs rubbing against the inside of his thighs and made love until I felt him shudder and his ass clenched my cock and I lost it inside him and lay there dreaming of the waves.

When I woke it was to the sensation of pony muzzle on my balls. Licking...suckling....nuzzling...

"Want more..."

I groaned, and scratched my sore ass, and burped, and he kept on lapping until I was hard as steel. He didn't seem to understand no, it seemed. I lay back and let him have his way with me, in the end. I doubt anyone would blame me.

He straddled me like I had to him, and took me into his ass in one motion. I winced with his hissing intake of breath, but it felt so warm and tight, like heaven, and he rode me wild with no finesse and no control and no rhythm and it felt glorious all the same. I held his cock and jacked it, feeling the length and the weight and the heat again and marvelling at the way his flare sort of pulsed and his urethra gaped and I came suddenly, way more than I had any right to do after so many, and lay back exhausted.


He squeezed my nipple hard and twisted, a look of pure desperate rage on his muzzle. I tried to slap his hand away, but he twisted again.

"Not fair! I haven't cum yet!"

"Geeze sorry pony...I can jack you off..."

"No! I've done that a couple times already waiting for you to wake up! I need more!"

Well, that would explain his stamina. And the scent of ripe colt semen in the air...

"Fuck you are demanding pony!"

"Yes! So, what are you going to do about it!"

I had a sudden inspiration. "Throw on some clothes."

He had that cute anger still going all the way out. I led him by the hand, out the door, across the park. He didn't twig till I pushed him towards the ladder, and then he giggled like a schoolboy.

"I've always wanted to go down on a submarine."

"It's not as good as it sounds. Usually."

Maybe I was reclaiming some parts of me. Maybe I was just horny. Maybe I was mad. I didn't know, but I laid him on the deck under the moon, and pulled down his jeans. He wasn't wearing any boxers, but I would have been disappointed if he was. I wanted what was mine, and tonight, he was mine.

He tasted of cum still, and my ass, but he also tasted of horse, that tang, the musky taste. I took him to the hilt and cupped his scrotum, squeezing and cajoling his balls to grant me one last wish, a muzzlefull of him. He gripped the steel and lay back, eyes closed, and moaned, his breath coming out in little puffs of steam. Inland it got cold at night, and if this went on too long, I might need a blanket and slippers, but I knew how to make it not take too long.

My finger slid under his scrotum, seeking out my prize. I stroked his taint, higher, higher, till I found his hole and slid inside. He let out a whinny, his head shaking from side to side, as I bobbed on his length, just under the flare, and my tongue lapped at his tip.

His squealing whinny would have woken the dead, were there any so inconsiderate as to be out this night. His tail flagged against the hard steel and he unloaded a river of sweet sweet colt nectar and I drank it all down.

I wanted to savour it, but alas it was not to be. There had been noises, and I had ignored them. Shouts. Angry shouts. The slamming of doors; from the direction of the motel.

"There they fucking are!"

The beautiful, blue and full moon had betrayed us. I looked over to the carpark and spied to my horror something I hadn't seen as I led my pony out to the night. A barrel tanker, with a familiar logo. And there was its owner, one very displeased bull, with a companion. And both of them had baseball bats.

"Fucking cunts!"

Before we could collect ourselves, the two had run across to the submarine. One came along each side, swinging their baseball bats with menace in their eyes and murder in their hearts, or at least maiming. It did appear that we were in the shit something fierce.

"Well...did you miss me that much beefy? Umpfgh!"

I managed to slap a paw over his muzzle but far too late. He gave me a disappointed stare and then gripped his cock, still hanging out of his jeans, and stroked it for our audience. I had to give him maximum points for defiance, but zero for common sense.

"Guys...please...let's just...walk away shall we..."

A smack of baseball bat on steel told me this was not ending that easily. It appeared we were in the shit.

"You think you what that little cunt did to me and just walk away?"

The bull was so angry he was spitting with each word, his friend, a dingo, was just chewing gum and staring but he had an evil glint in his eye. I knew I had to find a way here, and I tried the only one I had left.

"Fine...let him go then. Give me a kicking if you like..."


Before I could intervene the stallion jumped down from the deck. The bull caught him and slammed him against the bulkhead. I let out a snarl and prepared to jump in too.

"That's enough of that."

The lights were really, really bright. I couldn't see, but I could recognise the voice. For the second time I was grateful, more than grateful that night. I would never be rude about cops again, or at least until my next traffic fine.

The bull and dingo whirled to face the duo, our rescuers for the second time. They both had huge grins this time though, which was mildly disconcerting. The vixen gave a wave and eyed up the bull.

"Do you really want me to draw my weapon mate?"

The baseball bats dropped a little lower. I could see the bull thinking, slowly.

"Good choice. Now for a second one. Let's see if you pass..."


"Had a good look at your rig mate. Mud guards...not in accord with section 45 of the interstate haulage regulations 1995. Tail lights, ditto. Rear axle loading...tut tut, I bet it is higher than regulation too. And then your logbook...and of course you will pass a drugs test, wont you..."

She managed to look sweet. I applauded, silently, from above. Then I noticed the twinkle in the stallion's eye, and his muzzle open ready to drop some verbal depth charge into the night.

I managed a flying leap from the deck. My ankle caught some rock and I toppled over in a welter of pain. The stallion looked dumbfounded as I rolled on the grass holding my ankle and cursing stallions. At least he forgot to say whatever it was he was going to say and inevitably fuck everything up, but that was scant comfort to either my body or my ego at that moment.

The doe lost it, laughing up a storm as the two truck drivers shook their heads and the pony gaped. The vixen sighed and eyed up the bull again.

" could leave. Now...because I really hate fuckin paperwork..."

Back at the station, I cursed all stallions, and the truckies, and my ankle, and rocks, and the world in general. The Vixen gave me a cup of tea, and a pat on the head while the pony chatted with her junior at a hundred miles an hour.

I needed to know though.


She smiled. "Ahhh...been a lot of vandalism, you know, the usual stuff. The committee got together and had a surveillance camera installed on the must have missed the warning signs."

I cringed, and not due to my ankle.

She patted my headfur again. "I wanted to thank you. Valerie my little doe loves watching two guys go at it like nothing else. Best head I've had all year from that doe...pity those cunts had to interrupt the show."

My tea splattered all over the floor. Pony was by my side, all solicitous, and I was too busy gasping to answer his questions. Exactly what I would tell him anyway I had no idea.

The vixen pulled me aside on the way out, while the pony went to show the doe his bike.

"I told you he was trouble."


"So, what are you going to do about it?"

I looked her over keenly. She was smiling, and not unkindly now, but firmly. Like a traffic cop again.


"Well, sensible thing would be to go. Like those truckies I guess; before you do something else you may regret."

I nodded.

"I don't save your ass three times. Twice is already over my pay grade...Sir..."

She managed one parting shot at least.

"Oh and...thanks...for the piss off please? You don't think I let those idots go out of pity...I've got plans for tonight and a doe on the boil I don't want to waste."

We trudged back to the motel, while I tried not to imagine what was going on in the police residence attached to the station. The landlord was waiting, and though we hadn't been arrested, some wild stories with at least a grain of truth had come through. Our presence was no longer wanted.

I asked for a couple of hours grace, as it was still the middle of the night. He grudgingly agreed, and I headed into our room with the pony.

Who promptly fell about laughing, the little shit.

I went totally spare then, and threatened to smack his ass again, and he poked it at me and shook it until I hauled him over my knee and gave him a serious smacking until he quietened. Then we ended up on the bed, panting in exhaustion, and he nuzzled against me.

"Your dad should have smacked your arse a long time ago pony."

He gave a sudden start at that and looked at me, eyes wide.

"Maybe. He wasn't around much with work. He kept trying to bribe me with shit, to make up for it, but he didn't take much notice. He died a couple of years ago... Mum shot through when I was young. Bike was a gift from my Uncle, he lives in Sydney and he looks after me now though I grew up in Melbourne. Dad had promised me a bike, my Uncle felt he had to live up to the promise."

Now I wanted to have the ground open up and swallow me.

"Kid..I'm sorry...really..."

"You call me that, but I'm not, not really. I'm 20, old enough to know better, or so you keep telling me."

"I know, and I'm twice your age and more, I should know better still..."

"Maybe you do. I told Dad, before he left for work one day. About me, being gay. He was so angry, he told me we would discuss it when he got home. Never did; smacked his car into a telephone pole and that was that. So maybe you are right; should learn to keep my fucking trap shut"

I held him then as he cried, and I felt him run his fingers through my fur. I told him it was alright, though I knew I had probably made it worse, not better. And the guilt began to build fast, my one constant companion.

Always a fuck up, bear...that's why they always leave. Even beautiful stallion who married a naïve mare to pretend he wasn't what we both knew he was.

"It's ok. I never told anyone before, not even my uncle., you've been good. Better than good. You offered to let them beat the shit out of you and let me go...nobody has done that for me. And you are hot, Derrick..." I hate how much I liked the sound of my name on his lips."and maybe, if I stayed with you, you could sort me out the way my Dad never got the chance to..."

Ohhhhh badly have I fucked up this time...

I stroked his mane, staring at the ceiling, ignoring the building agitation, and the young stallion quietened and fell asleep in my arms. The vixen's words kept batting around in my head, and I made up my mind.

He was dead to the world, the pony. So he didn't notice when I got out of bed and gathered my things. I left money in an envelope, and made sure to check in on the vixen. I made her promise to give him an escort to Tarcutta at least, and she gave me a smile and a wave, and I got on my bike and gunned it out of town like a coward.

Running away again bear...

"No. Fuck you pony! It's a tactical retreat!"

Besides, I'm being sensible. A twenty year old mixed up stallion looking for a daddy replacement...that is not my game at all.

I hated myself all the way to Sydney, but I didn't look back.


My first weekend after starting the new job I wanted to get out and explore Sydney. There had to be good bits, I reasoned, because all the tourist advertisements couldn't lie. The bits I had seen couldn't be all there was, because so far it was a fucking shithole.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to execute my plan just yet. My boss, the owner of the company had set a staff picnic for that Saturday, and we were all to gather at his palatial residence in Mosman by the harbour and BBQ some meat or tofu burgers for the herbivores and drink beer and have awkward conversations.

I managed to hold up my end of the bargain at least, plastering a false smile on my muzzle and chatting and exchanging small talk with all and sundry while I watched the clock and wondered when I could get away without being noticed. That was destined not to happen though, as my new boss pulled me aside for a man to man chat.

He was nervous, that much I could see. It showed in the flick of his mane. He was a large and imposing horse my boss, a Percheron, and everything about him radiated stolid assurance usually. Here he was with ears all twitching and his mane in a knot fixing me a whisky and trying not to drop the tumbler.

"Ahhh Derrick."

"No thanks Gavin. What's up?"

He seemed to come to a decision and fell into his priceless chesterfield with a sigh.

"Got a...delicate problem..."

"Yes?" That had me a little worried. In the world of shipping, that sort of conversation often ended up with 20 to life for trafficking cocaine

"My nephew...a rather difficult young horse, but his heart is in the right place. He has got himself thrown out of university...and I've got to find some way to look after him."

"Oh?" I relaxed a little on one hand, given the lack of Columbian nose candy in the scenario. My fur however rustled, as did my Jimmies, without knowing why. I should have known.

"I have agreed to take him on, show him the business so to speak, and I...well, I was wondering if you would agree to be his mentor? Teach him the ropes, be his manager too for that matter."

"Ah yeah...I guess..."

"One more thing...well, before I bring him in, I should warn you of a few things. I know you were in the navy so you probably expect discipline and such but he can I say this..."


"A total loudmouthed shit!"

The bottom fell out of my stomach, but I still couldn't believe it.

"Ahh...boss...your he a palomino..."

"Yes, takes after his mother, lovely mare you know..."

He was blinking now, and I drained the whisky in one gulp. There was a screech of tyres from outside, and the rev of a four stroke engine. I shook my head and sighed. I did notice the stallion matched my gesture.

"Trouble Boss?"

"Ohh you don't know the half of it. And that bike is going, he doesn't know it but I got a notice from the police yesterday...speeding, over 130 can you believe it..."

"Unc! Derrick?!?!"

I stood and stared, as did the pony. He had come through the door in his usual tangle of limbs and hooves and stopped dead. His hooves slipped on the Bokhara rug and he went down like he had with the bull chasing him and I managed to get him to his hooves and whisper a plea to let me handle it into his ear, but it was to no avail.

The bastard was laughing. Thank God my boss seemed to misread the reason for it.

"You won't be laughing so hard soon Kade. Mister Filing here is going to be your manager....I told you I would take you on on condition that you behave. Well, Mister Filing here was in the navy, so he should know about discipline. I will expect him to keep you under a firm hand."

"Oh yes Derick...I am looking forward to that!"

My boss gave a sudden shrewd look. " how did you both know each other?"

"You must have mentioned him sometime Unc...thanks a bunch..."

The Percheron wasn't buying it, and I tried hard to avoid his gaze. The pony walked forward finally, beaming his widest smile, but with those emerald eyes shining and held out his hand.

"Pleased to meet you Mister Filing."

"Pleased to meet you Kade."

"You have at least learned some respect it seems Kade. We will see if it proves to be enough not to leave me in the dark."

He flashed a grin at me. "Something an old sea bear must have taught me."


The next day I got the visit I was dreading, as the sound of a Ducati filled the street outside my flat. I prepared for the meeting, not knowing what to expect.

He let himself into the kitchen and fixed us both a cup of tea.

"After all, you never got to finish the one the cops gave you I remember. What made you spit it all over the floor anyway?"

"None of your business pony. Now, we had better talk..."

"More secrets eh? You seem to like those. Yeah. I'll start. Cunt."

His eyes blazed, not with amusement. They were angry. I slapped his chest, and he stood tall and stared me out.

"Still a cunt."

I had to nod. "I was trying to do the best for you..."

"I loved you a bit..."

"I know pony, that's why I did it."

He looked thoughtful then, and kissed my cheek.

"O.K. Let's start again then. I think you are pretty nice Mister Filing. And hot, by the way."

"Thanks a heap Kade..."

"Don't mention it. And I'm not looking for a substitute Dad."

I eyed him keenly then. He nodded.

"Well maybe I am a bit, but I know you aren't it now. And I know I'm a little spoilt shit, and I have a lot of growing up to do."

"You do."

He was animated now, his eyes wide and arms flailing. He seemed to think it helped him make a point; it was kind of endearing.

"Well isn't that something? That I at least know it?"

"Yes, but..."

"I wanted to do better, for you. You made me like that, in one night. I wanted to be better, to make you proud. My Dad never managed that, neither did my Uncle."

I wanted to cuddle him then, but he was having none of it. He was angry, and I found that disturbingly erotic.

"So why did you run away? Again?"

I sighed and looked at the floor. I knew, a bit, but I didn't know how to say it.

Partly because it was what I had always done, how I faced my problems. But also partly because of a memory I didn't know how to admit to myself.

About how I ran into my love, Mark, out of the blue for the first time in 20 years, to see he had a colt of his own, a spitting image of the stallion I fell in love with all those years ago. It tore my heart in so many ways. I had told my lover, a kind but limited cat in the airforce with no interest in kids, that I wanted to look at adopting a kid, and the rift that tore in our relationship forced the last retreat, the one that led me here, out of the Navy, and into Sydney.

Only to find a colt who needed a daddy, while my wounds were still fresh. It had drawn me in, and made me bolt in unknown fear.

"You made me care again, Captain Pugwash. Made me feel alive. I want to feel that with you, if you will let me."

And then he kissed me, and I kissed him back.

"I'm not looking for a daddy. I want someone to be my lover. But I could do with someone to guide me...and take me in hand when I get out of bounds."

I found that I believed him, and his wicked smirk made me chuckle.

"And I'm not after a son...but I might be persuaded to take you in hand sailor...if you fuck up."

And I found that I believed me too, mostly. The wounds were still there, but I knew this colt wouldn't be the one to heal them. Maybe other ones though...

"Fairs fair Captain Pugwash. You need a bit of discipline yourself."

That took me by surprise. "Now wait a minute!"

"Speeding, dangerous riding, sex in public..."

"All your fault!"

"But most of all, running away."

That's how it happened, learning my lesson under the loving smacks of an overgrown colt's hand while draped over his lap, and my cock threatened to drill through his knee. He didn't know how to tease me yet, not really, not true evil cunt edging until your balls bleed spunk teasing, so we ended up making love pretty soon until he fell asleep on my chest and drooled in his sleep and I plaited his mane like a teenager because it seemed like the right thing to do.

I guess we both needed some attitude adjustment after all, I mused, while he kicked my leg with his hoof in some coltish dream. And if I have to teach him everything I know, maybe there are some things he can teach me too.

And the learning may do us both the world of good.


I've made enough mistakes in my time, I'll have to admit that. But one I try not to make is falling for the straight guys. Oh, don't get me wrong, they can be hot as fuck and the most fun to play with in the right circumstances, but that's all it is,...

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I love it when a plan comes together. This one took a fair bit of preparation, but it was worth it. The moment I heard that gasp I knew. Then the other noises; horse ears are especially acute, and mine can pick up all sorts of faint noises. A shuffle...

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Candy Wrappers - A Collaboration with DarkSoulsSauron with Characters by TSBellatre

Max woke up to the smell of bedsheets permeated with musk, sweat, and cum. The dingo lay in bed for about twenty minutes, not doing much of anything as he watched the clock turn closer to six in the morning. His ears twitched, but he didn't hear...

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