
Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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Tyler is a stallion with a plan, and a competitive streak. And an unassuming bull in his class gets to play a starring role in his nefarious scheme.

I love it when a plan comes together. This one took a fair bit of preparation, but it was worth it. The moment I heard that gasp I knew. Then the other noises; horse ears are especially acute, and mine can pick up all sorts of faint noises. A shuffle of hooves on the carpet. The sound of a belt being opened. The slurp of a cock already slick with precum being stroked. The huff of heavy breathing, and the strangled gasp or release. I heard them all, even over the louder noises right in front of me. They sounded...magic.

I was a little occupied at the time though, too busy to do anything and that wasn't the plan anyway. Maybe I should explain.

My dad says I am competitive. I just think that I'm a winner. It's my nature, I don't like to lose. But a challenge is a challenge, and I wanted what was mine. The fact I needed to use some cunning to get it was neither here nor there.

I suppose the plan came to me first while we were changing after football training. I had put in a huge session, leading the attack in match simulations, crunching packs, taking marks, running, chasing, tackling. Like I said, I like to win, even in training drills. The way you learn to win for real is to win when it doesn't count.

At one point the coach threw some easy meat my way. I think our coach likes being a prick, and I knew he didn't much like having to deal with the politics of his job. The object of his ire this afternoon was Neville; big, slow, uncoordinated Neville Norman. Nev to his mates, Dunderhead to most of us.

The chunky bull was almost the worst footballer I had seen. Slow, unable to take a simple mark without breaking a finger, clueless on the field. He had a nice load of padding too, still growing into a big body that had a lot of puppy fat to shed. He always had this earnest expression on his muzzle, like he was using all his will to try really really hard and it always came to nothing. Whatever mistake you could make, Neville made it.

The coach didn't want him in the squad, but our bull was the son of Mister Norman the deputy head of the school and co-ordinator of English, and the deputy head also decided who got what classes. Our Coach wanted an easy life in his classroom duties, so he sucked up to the deputy head as much as he could stomach. That meant calf-sitting Neville.

This afternoon though, our coach had had enough after Neville fucked up another basic drill worse than ever. So he put the problem calf on me for a practice match. I was not in a good mood after a bad morning that had made me frustrated and angry, which in a way was the start of all of this, and I took it out on Neville.

After fifteen minutes the poor guy was on his hands and knees on the turf chucking his guts out. I had run him ragged, smacked him around, and finally crunched him into the turf hard enough to make his horns curl. He just lay there afterwards panting and retching, and I began to take pity I guess. I should have left him, but instead I made sure he was ok and got him off the field to the changerooms. The coach had a shiteating grin on his muzzle like he had just won the lottery.

When we got off the field from training, he was still there lying on a bench. I gave him a smile and a thumbs up and got a little half grin in response. His tail began to swish a little too. I realised the guy had a bit of a hero thing for me; it was kind of sweet.

When I headed for the showers though, I realised it was a little more than that. Lathered up, letting the water wash over me, I felt the tingle on the back on my neck that means someone watching. I smoothed my forelock away from my eyes and opened them just enough to do a quick scan of the room.

Neville had sat up at last, on the bench across from the showers. And he was watching me; eyes a little glazed, tongue just poking from his muzzle, and a nice big bulge in his footy shorts. He caught me looking at him and suddenly stood up with his eyes wide in fear. I just went back to my shower, but the idea began to grow as I soaped up my tail.

I decided to have some fun, and progress my own personal agenda at the same time.

The first step was seeing my coach. He was surprised, I could tell, even astonished. He was also supportive though; I knew how his mind worked. His star player, taking young Neville under my wing, giving him extra personal coaching just the two of us. He could sell it to the deputy head as his own idea, and win extra brown-nose points into the bargain. It never hurt to have coach owing you, and he would owe me big time. That could come in handy one day.

I took his praise for showing leadership in my stride. If he knew the real reason, he might be a little less charitable.

For now though, I got to break the news to Neville. He looked so amazingly happy, the big calf, he was almost crying. His dad would have no say in the matter; Neville was on board.

Our first session was in my garage, just the two of us. Weights, sit-ups, chin-ups. I held his hooves down while he did a punishing set of sit-ups, with a weight from my free weights set as added burden. His abdominals were hopeless, but they looked kind of cute as they fluttered away in pain under his padding. He was so determined, pushing through the pain way beyond what I thought he could take until he couldn't do any more as his muscles went into spasm. He lay on his back panting and gasping, and I stroked his legs in a brotherly way and told him how proud I was.

Then I let my hands stray a little further, past his knees as if by accident, and touched his inner thigh.

His eyes shot open and he stared at me in amazement. I kept my expression the same, encouraging but neutral, and instead told him to try a set on the bench press.

I made sure I spread my legs nice and wide when I spotted for him. Standing there over him, my hands on the bar while he got his own hands in position, I saw his whole body stiffen as he looked up, his eyes right under my groin.

I had made sure to wear nice baggy training shorts, and no underwear. He was getting a nice view of my balls, and I had a pretty impressive pair, which were all glistening with sweat then thanks to our workout. As he lay back watching, I let my cock drop a little, sliding from my sheath and down one leg of my training shorts towards him. His chest rose and fell like he was running a marathon, staring at my flare all the time while he tried to complete the set. His form sucked as always, and he broke on the seventh rep, but I wasn't making it easier for him I knew.

He rested on the bench for a while with his eyes screwed shut as if hoping to make the visions go away so he could pretend he wasn't turned on, but I knew better. The tent in his training shorts told me all I needed to know.

I took him out for an extra punishing run to finish the session. I knew he couldn't make it, but he did his best, muzzle screwed up in that same determined look he always had. He was too exhausted for anything after that, especially riding home on his bike, just as I intended and I knew I would have him to myself for a bit. Alone, tired and vulnerable; a perfect combination.

First I suggested a shower to give him time to recover and remove the sweat. He agreed readily, and I led him to my little ensuite bathroom. He looked over my room like it was a shrine, every poster and football trophy making his eyes go wider. I sent him in first while I did some extra bicep curls on my bed. I had stripped down to nothing, and when he came out wearing a towel round his waist his eyes nearly popped seeing me calmly lying there naked while I worked the weight.

I gave him a great view of my ass as I sauntered into the shower, then struck up a conversation. He was a polite guy, Neville, so he joined me in the bathroom so we could talk. He tried to keep his eyes off my body but he failed. I saw his towel jump and move as his cock responded, unable to contain the excitement. He folded his hands over his groin to try to cover it up but it just called attention to his problem.

Back in my room, I pulled out my laptop.

"Wanna surf some stuff Nev?"

His grin was almost as wide as his shoulders. I dialled up some porn, of course, and watched him squirm while we watched a hot stallion ram a cheetah chick. His eyes were like big brown saucers.

"Fuck I would so love to be with her, what about you mate?"

He gulped and stuttered out a yes. Of course, I knew he would rather be taking it from the guy, but for now we were playing the game.

"Shit, her muzzle looks so fine. And she kisses like a demon. Ever had a girl kiss you like that?"


"What? Nev...have you kissed a girl at all?"

He looked so embarrassed. His cute fluffy headfur bangs jiggled along with his nosering as he tried and failed to cover up the truth. Eventually he just looked stricken.

"I'm shy with...I'm shy. I can't seem to find the courage to ask and...I'm afraid I'll be shit at it and..."

"Awww mate...that's ok. Here...let me teach you!"

He looked from the porn to me and back again, unsure what I meant. "Um...teach me...?"

"Yeah, I can show you how to kiss a girl. So you wont be afraid, you will know that you know how to do it and all."


His eyes kind of shone, and I didn't wait for him to think. I took hold of his hand and pulled him to his hooves in front of my bed.

"Stand can be the girl, and I'll be you."


I let him stand for a second, then I slid one hand round his ample midriff to stroke his back. He almost jumped out of his skin, and he let out the cutest little moo as I ran a fingerghoof along his spine.

Then my other hand reached round the other side and over the towel covering his ass. I cupped his left ass cheek, just gently at first, and pulled him in close. Our groins touched, and I felt his hardness through the towel.

"Like this...bring her in close nice and slow, smile...and rest your muzzle on hers..."

I followed my own instructions while he stood there shaking, and I pressed my muzzle gently on his, feeling the coarse hairs on his muzzle rasping over mine. He had a sweet little tuft under his chin he had been cultivating. It seemed reluctant to grow, but it felt kind of soft and sensual now as I slowly rubbed my muzzle on his, keeping my lips closed for now. Just skin on skin...and he opened his muzzle a fraction to let out a sigh, and a small bit of pink tongue.


He wasn't ready for it, but that can be the hottest of all. I suddenly opened wide and took him, kissing deep, my tongue delving into his startled muzzle while he went all bug eyed and his cock twitched. I distracted him with my hands, letting my right slide down to the hollow of his spine and beyond, circling the base of his tail, before I gripped the towel and let it fall off his hips. His ass was mine now, and I rubbed one fingerhoof down the line of his crevice, probably the first finger to sample the delights of his sensitive crack. Those silken short hairs on the inside of his crevice...ahhh, fuck they felt fine. And when he registered my touch, he gasped, and I took advantage of the shock to ram more tongue down his throat. Soon he was too preoccupied in breathing to fight me off. Besides; he clearly didn't feel the need to be rescued.

Before he could freak too much, I broke the kiss. He had that glazed look, and he licked his lips as if wanting to keep the taste fresh. I gave him a big smile.

"See mate. Easy..."

The next shock almost made him bolt though. I slid my hands round to his front, one cupping his scrotum, the other just holding his shaft nice and gentle. He had a sweet cock, long and thin and very stiff, a perfect piece of bull meat. And his balls; ahhh, it was rare to find a pair bigger than mine, but his were enormous. I hefted them and squeezed, while I slowly jacked him off.


"Shhh...don't worry mate. We're bros, remember? Just two bros having some fun..."

"Ohhhh fuck...ohhh fuck...ohhhh shit...ohhh fuck..."

He was such a polite calf in school, couldn't be anything else with his own dad on the faculty, but I had found out how to make him swear like a dock worker. Just jack his bull meat and fondle his balls. I let them drop for a moment, long enough to find his right hand. It had formed a fist, his fingerhoofs digging into his palm to try to keep some control. I slowly worked his fingers until his hand opened, and I pulled him gently but surely to my own cock.

His palm touched my flare, then his fingers closed by reflex. He gasped.

"Does it feel good mate?"

"Ohh good...fuck..."

"Do it to me, like I'm doing to you..."

He jacked me badly but with enormous determination, like everything he did. Rough and jerking movements, not the smooth caress I was giving him. I reached round his ass again, pulling him against me so we were touching while we jacked off, my horsecock against his thin bull meat. I went exploring down his crevice again, this time searching for his tailhole. It felt incredible, a perfect ridge of muscle protecting treasures within, and I circled it with a fingertip while we frotted.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck!"

I knew he wouldn't last.

His cock gave a jerk, and suddenly there was bull seed everywhere. Thick ropes of bull milk over my belly, over his flabby middle, over the feathering on my legs and on the carpet. He collapsed against me panting with his chest heaving unable to speak. He was still holding my cock but not moving his hand, and I was thankful for small mercies.

When he recovered he gave me the most beaming smile ever, then realised he was still holding me by the shaft, I was still hard and I hadn't cum. He started jacking again, a bit faster and rougher. I gently pushed him off.

"That's enough mate. I don't think I'm gonna cum like that and its starting to hurt a bit..."

He looked crushed, and I reached for his headfur and rubbed and gave him a kiss. Time to see how far I could push this.

"Mate, if you want to do something for me...well..."


"Ever gone down on a guy?"

I could see the wheels turning, the desire and the fear. He gulped a couple of times, and shook his head, but then he screwed up his muzzle and got that determined look and sank to his knees. He took me in his hands, not quite sure what to do, but slowly he brought my flare to his muzzle, opened wide, and tentatively slid my tip into his muzzle.

He wasn't much good, but he was better than he was with his hand. I inched inside, warning him to keep his teeth to himself, and used his muzzle like a pussy. He began to get used to it, and I felt his tongue sort of lapping at the underside of my cock. That felt good; I closed my eyes a bit and enjoyed for the first time, driving my hips to force more horsecock into his virgin muzzle. I kept on until I felt his lips on my medial, the sudden intrusion of that thick ridge of skin too much for him and I pulled back and concentrated on using the first part of my cock to muzzlefuck the bull. He gripped me as tight as he could, lips set in a frown, and began to play with my balls. It was clumsy but kind of hot; I like some harsh treatment on my balls when I get worked up, and he was squeezing way too hard but it felt good.

I gripped his horns and began the money strokes, pistoning into his muzzle until I felt the beginnings of my orgasm. I hesitated, almost going over the edge, but at the last second I pulled out and shot all over his muzzle and chest. I didn't think he was ready to swallow a load from a horse just yet, and I didn't want to put him off. Quite the opposite; this was just the first part of my seduction, and I wanted him coming back for more.

Besides he looked so cute kneeling at my hooves with his face covered in cum. It suited him.

I wanted more, and it took all of my willpower to leave it at that. That wasn't the plan though; for what I wanted, the next session had to be at his place.

He was certainly eager for more, and I had to put him off a few times until I was ready. Friday; it had to be Friday. Then it came, the day, the day I got to hear those noises and know I had won.

We agreed to meet up at his place, and I brought over some light weights to show him some workouts for his shoulders and biceps. Stripped to just his workout shorts, he was sweating up a storm, the glistening drops covering his brown and white coat. He gave off a powerful scent of bull, sweat and musk. I opened my nostrils wide and drank it in, tasting those powerful smells in my throat, and under them a hint of fresh cum.

Standing behind him while I watched his progress, I could see the muscles flexing under skin and fat. He would lose some of that soon enough with more work; he had the determination if he wanted it. I wasn't sure I did though; I liked my guys with some bulk, not skinny little things. I wanted to play rough, and I wanted a guy to feel solid under me while I fucked. One reason I had mostly been with older guys so far; they felt so fine when I plundered their holes. And they knew how to take everything a big shire stallion could give.

Neville was well on the way to the body I loved the most; big, padded, broad. But one thing young guys had all over the older ones was scent. Nothing smells like a teenage bull, and Neville was potent tonight. I watched a droplet of sweat as it came off his matted headfur, dribbling down the length of his spine towards his tail. Then another, then another...and as I sniffed, I caught that hint of cum.

"Did you jack off before I came over mate?"

He let the weight drop to his side and looked over his shoulder with a guilty look in his eyes.


I stepped closer and took the weight from his hand. It was time anyway; and timing was crucial here.

"Don't lie mate. I can smell bull jizz...did you jack it?"

He let his eyes drop and he nodded. He bit his tongue, such a fucking cute gesture too, and I pulled him against me and kissed the back of his neck.

"What were you thinking about..."

I whispered it in his floppy ear. It twitched, at the feel of my muzzle hairs as much as the words.


"Were you thinking about what we did at my place?"

He nodded, still biting his tongue.

I reached around him, running my fingerhooves across his chest. Some nice muscle bulk under there, and his nipples were fat and hard, just as I like them. I played with them, pinching, stroking, squeezing, then ran my hands down his chest and belly while he gasped and mooed. Then I slid one hand under the waistband of his shorts and cupped his swelling cock through his jock.

"Want to do some more?"

He whimpered. He fucking whimpered.

I had him naked in a flash. He was looking round sort of worried, so I kissed him and smiled.

"Worried bout your dad coming home?"

"No...he's supervising someone in detention tonight, he'll be ages."


Another kiss, hotter this time, and I held him against me like I did the last time, a hand on his spine, a hand on his ass. He didn't resist when I gripped the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down until they dropped to his hooves. He was wearing a workout jock, the big pouch barely containing his balls and not at all containing his cock. It had swollen immediately and speared from his sheath and poked above the elastic, a long pink shaft needing attention. I rubbed my groin against him, drawing sighs and moos of pleasure.

"Are you ready for more Neville?"

"Oh fuck yes..."

"Good. Lie on your bed for me."

Now I caught the fear, and the uncertainty. It was suddenly real, not a yifftube fantasy. He screwed up his muzzle though and nodded. I was beginning to love that expression.

He looked fantastic laid out for me. Hooves well spread, they sort of twitched as he jiggled his legs with nerves. I admired the V of his spread legs, coming to an apex at his rear. Still wearing a jock, so I saw the white elastic framing his heavy ass. It was impressive, two big mounds of beef, and a long whippy tail tipped with a gorgeous brown furry tailtuft. His tail was swaying wildly, betraying the butterflies running rampant in his stomach.

I knelt on the bed between his legs and gently stroked his ass. He couldn't help himself, flexing his buns and making them dance as they relaxed and tensed, relaxed and tensed. His tail began to shiver.

"I said relax..." and I gave his rump a casual slap. He tried to obey at least. I looked down to his head; he had his eyes closed, as if expecting something terrible.

"Open your eyes mate..."

He did, and I saw the heat in them when he saw me naked. While he had laid out for me, I had stripped off my workout shorts. Naked, dropped, hard and already dripping with my muscles a little popped from the weights. One big mound of muscled Shire stallion, ready for action. He licked his lips staring at my cock, and I tensed my ass and made my flare spread a little wider and the piss slit opened wide. He gasped.

"See...nothing to fear. Just think of it like one of our training sessions...and I'm here to get you through it."

He relaxed a little, finally, still looking over his shoulder at me with his head slightly to one side. His hands gripped the bedclothes, fingers grasping tight then opening in some automatic stress response. I started by touching his hooves, then the ankles, then up his calves, massaging the muscles and smoothing his fur. He began to moo softly as I went higher, up the tree-trunk thighs, over his mountainous ass to his back, while I shimmied forward to move over the prone bull.

"That's it...enjoy...."

I couldn't resist the need to taste. Leaning forward, I brought my muzzle to his back, right on his spine. The beads of sweat still stood out invitingly, and I lapped all of them up, tasting bull sweat and musk. His skin fluttered like a butterfly's wings under my tongue, all the way up his spine to his neck and down. He gripped the blanket now and wouldn't let go.

Down his spine, around his tail. The taste was muskier now, funkier. I stopped just at the point where his back began to curve out into the twin mounds of his ass, and the crevice opened invitingly. Long slow licks, from just under his tail moving ever lower, between the cheeks. He was groaning now, wildly, and I hooked fingers in the elastic of his jock and pulled it down his legs and off, removing the last barrier between the bull and my touch. He moved his hips trying to find a comfortable way of accommodating an erect bullcock under his bulk but it didn't seem to work. Instead, he cocked one leg a little at the knee and lifted his hip slightly on one side to make room.

I didn't mind. It gave me a better view. I could see down his crack, the long dark furred recess, the ridge of muscle of his virgin hole winking at me, down to the mass of a pair of bull testicles splayed on the bed between his thighs. As I watched, they danced, up, down, rolling under my gaze like a pair of ferrets in a sack.

Bending forward again, I went back to my licking, but this time deeper. When I touched his pucker he rose slightly off the bed, and I pressed down firmly on his ass with my hands to hold him in place. He waited, and I licked again, and he realised the world wouldn't end right now. He would be wrong, of course, but he wouldn't know that. I licked again, longer, down his taint to those mobile balls and suckled each of them before returning to his hole and then pressed harder until his opening reluctantly gave way and I sawed my tongue into his depths.

He didn't moo this time, he bellowed, and he clenched his ass tight but I pressed my lips to his skin and forced my way in, lapping, stretching, caressing. He needed to be nicely stretched and ready.

I had made my preparations well, remembering to pack some lube in my kitbag along with the weights. When I flicked the top, I saw his ears perk up and he looked all nervous again. I held up the bottle.

"Mate, trust me. This will make it feel a whole lot better."

He watched my ever move as I upended the bottle and squeezed out a liberal amount on my fingers. Then I moved over him again, resting on his back, pulled his muzzle round to mine and planted a kiss.

"Now...kiss me..."

He closed his eyes and obeyed, just as I spread his pucker with my fingers and drove in to the knuckle. He bit my lip, almost hard enough to draw blood, but otherwise he took it like a champ. I spread my fingers, stretching his tunnel, and fingered him well and deep until I felt the abused opening start to relax. He was ready.

I knelt back between his legs and pressed my tip on his pucker. He let out a soft hiss and I felt every muscle in his body suddenly go taut, including the one I most needed to relax right then. I waited for him to get over that first moment of panic, and for his hole to open again.

It wasn't easy, but after some pressure I suddenly felt the pop and my flare spread his pucker and slid inside. He let out a soft cry and gripped the bedclothes in a death grip, knuckles white as he tore at the fabric.

" will feel good soon...just relax..."

In....then a bit more...then a little more. He was so tight, and so hot. I had my share of ass, and pussy at times, but nothing as hot and tight as this sweet calf's tunnel. It felt like I was squeezing into the tightest space on earth, and my cock felt every new inch as I plundered his virgin hole. It was so tight I could feel my pulse, each fresh heartbeat an almost painful throb in my cock. He scrabbled at the bed and screwed up his muzzle in that defiant look and took it like an especially hard drill.

I managed to get in to the medial before he lost his nerve a little.

"Oh fuck..please, is it in yet?"

I bent down to kiss his neck. "About half you want me to stop?"

"Oh, just...just do it. Make it fast..."

I had to admire the big fella. Lying over his body now, with my chest on his back, I kissed the back of his head, sucking on his long brown coloured bangs and biting his neck. My hands slid up his side and locked over his, holding him down and comforting the bull. My hips lifted a little, drawing my flare up in his already sore hole, scraping over his prostate. I felt that touch hit home, the way he shook, and the cry of a first contact with his nut. Many more to come soon, I whispered, and rammed my hips down hard.

He bellowed and bit the bedding. My medial spread his pucker, then drove in with the rest of my shaft until I felt my balls resting on his sweat lined taint and he shuddered under me but lay mostly still.

I licked his neck and told him the worst was over. Now it was going to get good. He nodded his head, and gave me a little smile before closing his eyes again with his tongue poking out and his nostrils flared as he sucked in breath and his body heaved under me with the exertion of taking his first fuck.

I took it slow at first. A long, almost too slow withdrawal, measuring the full length of my cock on the way out and then the way in. With a pause on the way in though, to rub his prostate with my flare and get his ass feeling those feelings. Soon I was able to speed up a bit, and he was no longer shaking but pushing back to take more and then I heard the first gasp and tentative plea.


Sweat made the junction of our bodies a slick paradise of heat and fur on fur as I worked into the fucking, wondering when it would happen, living for the danger, and the excitement. Then I heard it.

The gasp.

I had left the door open a touch, enough for someone in the hall outside to see. The gasp came from there, but for now, nothing else. I could hear breathing though, heavy, suppressed gasps.

Neville was in his own world, too far gone to know anything about it. But I knew; my ears twitched, and flicked sideways, and I zeroed in on it even as my big bull mate let out a sudden cry as one more rasp along his prostate forced his first ever anal orgasm into spontaneous fury and he shot a load into the bed coating his special Battlestar Galactica bedsheets in a river of young bull milk.

I let him rest a moment, enjoying the feel of his first cum in the full flight of sex. The breathing was still there. I rested my muzzle at his ear.

"You ok mate?"

"So good..."

"Do you want more?" I said it louder

"Oh God..." well, it wasn't no.

"I you want more beefy?" Now I said it loud. He got the hint.

"Please! Fuck me harder, fuck me and don't stop...ohhhh fuck you feel so good inside me...please!!!" He almost screamed. I gave a wide triumphant smile.

My knees rested for the moment between his legs, against the inside of his own. Now I used them, spreading my bull wider like a frog, his legs now widely spaced, his ass up and crack so wide and vulnerable. I lifted my own body in response, higher and a little up his body, and I lifted my tail. Now the figure watching would get a view of my tailhole and the long dark length of my taint then the pair of stallion balls bouncing as I waited to plunge my cock into one well spread bull hole.

I took it slow, every inch sliding deep into the bull. He moaned, and cried my name, and I gripped his horns for balance as I began to piledrive into his ravished tunnel. Still the breathing remained, and now a new sound...the squelch of a cock getting a workout, slick with pre. The breaths sounded almost like sobs now as I became rougher, and the bull under me begged for more, harder, for my cum. His ass clenched even tighter and began to spasm as his second load coated the bedding and the bull's ample belly.

That hard, milking throb deep in his ass was too much. I arched my back and let out a whinny that shook the window and unloaded into the hot depths of his ass. Shot after shot of thick stallion seed to coat his hole and fill his guts and mark him for all time. And I bit his neck, no longer caring if it hurt, wanting to mark him there too. He seemed to like it.

When I stopped cumming and rested over Neville's body, I could hear the noises outside the door had mostly finished too, though the breathing was still there, soft, shallow. And now my other senses kicked in; I opened my nostrils wide to smell the scent of bull milk, one note rich and young and potent, and another muskier and more complex. With a knowing smile, I raised my body up by doing a push-up, and lifted my hips high to slide my still hard horsecock from his hole with a slurp. The flare slapped against his taint, and I could feel the river of seed now leaking from his hole.

A final gasp, then silence.

It took two more times to totally wear Neville out. One with us muzzle to muzzle, and the calf's hooves over my shoulders and my fingers gripping his shoulders tight enough to leave bruises. He gave as good as he got though, and the bruises on my ass from his deathgrip hurt like fuck and burned real good at the same time. Then a final slow one, with him on his side and one leg raised while I knelt and just rocked back and forward and he stroked his own cock exactly to my commands. Slower...faster...shaft...head...squeeze your balls. He did everything I asked like a champ, all the time with that cute determined expression on his muzzle. He fell asleep, no longer with a care in the world, as I slipped out and headed home.

Monday came bright and cheerful. Except my first lesson wasn't so cheery. Double English...with Mister Norman.

He buttonholed me right away.

"Where the hell were you on Friday after school?"

His muzzle was screwed up tight. It sort of looked like Neville when he concentrated, but with more of a feral tinge. And it definitely was angry; his nosering jiggled as he snorted angry gusts from his nostrils.

"You know where I was."

I just gave him the smile. He staggered a little.

I was right, of course. When I left a snoring Neville, I found the final piece of evidence just outside his room. A small damp patch on the carpet, one that tasted and smelt of mature bull seed. Mister Norman had tried to catch his load but failed it seemed. He probably didn't even know some of his bull milk had betrayed him.

When I got into his office after class, I could see his fear and anger. It reminded me of the day it all happened, the day I first hatched my plan, the day I noticed Neville eyeing me up in the shower.

A Monday, like today, that started with double English. And I had sat bored in the front row under orders from Mister Norman to be there under his gaze. I hated English with a passion, and nothing could make me any good it seemed. I just didn't have the knack unlike with everything else.

Bored, angry, and a little playful, I decided to tune out from the discussion of Death of a Salesman or whatever shit we were doing. I was daydreaming, thinking about the guy I had fucked that weekend, a builder doing a couple of townhouses on the block next to our house. A big beefy bear with an ass that wouldn't quit and a rump that could take a serious hammering from my hips and sounded amazing with the slap slap slap of a hard wild fuck; almost as good as his growls and shouts of encouragement. The thought filled my body and I found myself spreading my legs and pushing out my groin to relieve the tension of a teenage erection tenting out my uniform shorts.

I realised a little late that Mister Normal had stopped talking, and I looked up to see him staring at my groin, with his eyes glazed, his tongue poking out and a little drool on his lips. I gave him a smile, and flexed my ass muscles enough to make my cock jump inside my shorts. He staggered backwards and stammered and turned to the whiteboard all flustered.

I followed him into his office after class, determined to make him mine. I had thought about how hot he might be bent over with my cock stuffing his hole a couple of times, but never seriously thought about doing something about it. But now; ahhh now, he had me wanting. And I always got what I wanted. I was competitive like that.

He couldn't deny he had been staring. He didn't deny he wanted some of what I had to give. But when I gripped his hand, clammy and tense, and rested it on my groin, he snapped out of it and yelled. I was dismissed, and I was lucky only to have detention that Friday and not something more serious.

I was to have been the only one for detention that night. But of course I didn't go...I had other plans. So Mister Norman could go home early in the end...

Now I was back in his office, and he was even more nervous and lost than the last time.

"I know you were there Sir..."


"And I know you enjoyed watching me fuck your son. You came, all over the carpet."

"Oh God..."

"Did you like seeing my ass wink at you while I filled his ass with cum?"

"Oh God..."

"He was so tight...but I made him feel good all the same...just like I would to you...Sir..."

"Oh God!"

"You know you want it, no matter what your head says knew that when you couldn't stop watching me fuck your virgin calf."


"I suppose I could tell him."

"You stay away from him!"

I rested one hand on his ass. Nice and big, like Neville.

"That's ok...I'd rather be with someone else, anyway...and you know you want it, Sir..."

This time he didn't remove his hand.

I had to avoid Neville at lunch. The poor calf was all lovestruck, and I knew I might have a problem here letting him go. He wouldn't be easily dissuaded. Trouble was, he was kind of hot in a geeky, unspoilt way. My mind began to plot again, and as it did, I felt a grin creeping across my muzzle.

Of course, if he saw me fucking his dad...and that might be arranged.

Then came another thought, one that made my grin even wider.

Then again...maybe he might like to join in...

And so it was with thoughts of a young bull sucking off his dad while I pounded his ass running through my brain that Neville found me. He seemed pleased.

"Hey! You look happy Ty...are you...well, are you...happy because you're thinking"

I ruffled his headfur and shook my head.

"In a manner of speaking Nev, yeah."

Candy Wrappers - A Collaboration with DarkSoulsSauron with Characters by TSBellatre

Max woke up to the smell of bedsheets permeated with musk, sweat, and cum. The dingo lay in bed for about twenty minutes, not doing much of anything as he watched the clock turn closer to six in the morning. His ears twitched, but he didn't hear...

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Breaking the Ice

Porthos rubbed his paws steadily in front of the small fire. It crackled invitingly in the grille, and for the moment the bear managed to forget the weather. Outside a howling Northerly off the sea was whipping the ocean in this seaport city into a...

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I Can't Believe It's Not Butter

He really was insufferable. Our home had been a building site for the last five weeks, and I had had just about enough. It was the summer holidays dammit, I was supposed to be getting in some serious quality time vegetating on the couch watching bad...

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