Breaking the Ice

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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Something short and sweet. A Guard Sergeant has to deal with an unexpected prisoner on a cold wintry night...and a young and naïve bull under his command who seems intent on doing his duty.

Can he teach the bull a few new tricks...with the aid of his prisoner?

Porthos rubbed his paws steadily in front of the small fire. It crackled invitingly in the grille, and for the moment the bear managed to forget the weather. Outside a howling Northerly off the sea was whipping the ocean in this seaport city into a frenzy, bringing all activity in the harbor to a halt. The same unfriendly weather had dropped the temperature to a point that even the polar bear found too cold to enjoy, and was presently delivering a dusting of snow to decorate the city.

The bear found that amusing enough to grin a bit. Decorate; it did have a certain decorative quality. The snow covered up all the dirt.

As a senior guard sergeant Porthos was wise enough by now to look after himself. Though the city fathers may insist that patrols keep up even during weather like this, he was far too much of an old paw to go himself. That was what rookies like his new partner were for.

He cracked a smile remembering the look on that overgrown calf's muzzle when he told him to head out. Kirin was too well behaved to argue though, and too fundamentally nice as well. Porthos tended to treat the young bull with extra gruffness just to see if he could prick his outward calm a little. So far he hadn't succeeded, though when the bull opened the door of their small guardhouse to a gust of freezing wind and a flurry of snow, he detected the faintest hint of anger. It was in the tail twitch; by now, Porthos could read a rookie like a particularly bad book and Kirin had a special twitch in his tailtuft that meant anger. He didn't say anything though, just pulled his cloak around himself tight and headed off into the gale.

The polar was not a cruel fur though, and especially not to his men. He had a duty to do, and he did like his amusement, but he wasn't so much of a bastard as to forget to let the bull in on the secret of how to survive these nights.

The city fathers said they must patrol, but they didn't say anything about how. Porthos directed the bull to check out the nearest Tavern, the Wild Crow. There a common room with a raging fire pit and a large pan full of freshly fried potatoes would be waiting for the needy traveller; or a City Guardsman in need of somewhere warm and dry to conduct diligent enquiries about potential thefts of beer for a very, very long time.

Porthos instructed the bull to be extra thorough.

He was about to grab some of the bread he had managed to secure from a local baker and toast it in front of the fire for his supper when he heard a knock on the door. The bear turned his muzzle to stare at the door in surprise. Nobody should be out on a night like this, and surely that stupid calf wasn't stupid enough to leave the warm and inviting confines of the Wild Crow. If he was, the bear was going to send him out again with instructions to return with some fried potatoes this time...

With a scowl the bear crossed the small room and stood before the door. The knocking came again, and he waited five seconds just to show whoever it was that a senior Sergeant of the Guard had his own priorities thank you very much, before lifting the bar and opening the door.

The sight in front of him made an impression at least, enough for the bear to gasp once before he regained control.

His partner was standing there, and he looked especially cold and miserable. He hadn't found a way to get his horns properly under his hood yet, so Kirin had to go bare headed in the weather. That meant he had a nice dusting of white snow decorating his headfur, which was normally a nice homely brown. He was shivering so much his horns shook, and the little tuft of hair at his chin had grown an icicle.

The sight of his partner wasn't what had shocked the bear so much though. That was the second figure next to Kirin.

Standing beside the shivering bull was a much shorter figure, properly hooded and cloaked. Poking out from the hood though was a length of pointed snout, and he could see shining green eyes and mobile eyebrows that danced in amusement. The figure was a fox, and a fox barely containing his sense of humour.

"Well good Guardsman, are you going to let us in?"

Porthos was too shocked to reply, and he just stepped back to let the two into his nice warm room. A pang of loss for the missed delights of toasted bread and honey made him a little more waspish than usual, though he knew in truth waspish was one of his favourite settings.

He turned to his subordinate.

"And just what the fuck are you doing back here you stupid cow?"

Kirin seemed to whither a little under the furious stare, as much as the angry words. The young bull took a single step back, shuffling on his hooves and looking at the floor, while the fox calmly brushed off the snow from his cloak and looked around the room.

"Well, I can see how having to work in a dive like this might make you a bit tetchy, but there is no reason to be a complete unrefined anus now is there Sergeant?"

The fox delivered it with a smile and a sort of bored upper class drawl. It didn't help; the bear was almost snarling with rage.

"And who the fuck do you think you are coming here and speaking to me like that? What the fuck is going on here?"

Porthos had looked at the fox in shock, but as the bear lost his calm, the fox couldn't resist sharing a little conspiratorial grin with Kirin. Porthos caught the grin, and in an instant he was nose to nose with the young Guardsman with his eyes bugging out as he stared manically into those placid brown bovine eyes that were suddenly registering their danger.


The words were calm. They were the only thing that was calm.

Kirin gulped a couple of times to regain some composure, then shook his head a little to clear the snow. It gave his headfur bangs an especially bedraggled look, which managed to emphasise his youth. Porthos calmed down a little. He found it hard to get really angry at someone this young and dumb...


"I'm waiting."

"I was, er, in the Wild Crow as you suggested..."

"Good. Didn't I tell you they had problems with petty theft?"

The bull nodded quickly. "Oh yes. It was amazing. It looked like it would take hours to get through all their stories, I might be there all shift..."

"Imagine that. Go on..."

" I was there though, there was a disturbance out the back. Someone had been found in the storage room, trying to steal a small barrel of beer."

The polar bear looked meaningfully at the fox now. "My my. A barrel of beer you say?"

The bull ploughed on oblivious, just grateful the bear wasn't making his life harder right now. "Yes. A barrel of...ahhh...mild stout, some of the Inn's finest or so the landlord told me."

The fox gave a shrug, and a disarming smile.

"You know, stout is exceedingly good for the constitution. And the coat I might add. You should try some good Sergeant...your fur looks a touch on the grey side in patches, if I may make so bold..."

Porthos ground his teeth. "No you may fucking not. So Kirin, you apprehended the scoundrel I see..."

"Um yes, he didn't put up a fight at all."

Now the fox managed to look contrite. "It's a fair cop Sergeant, you've got me bang to rights..."

Porthos shook his head and swore under his breath. This was rapidly spinning out of control.

"Er...Sarge...the fox here. Isn't he...well..." Kirin had been hiding his secret pride as long as he could, but it was bursting to get out now.

"He's just a common thief Guardsman, nothing to be getting all pleased about..."The bear tried to pour cold water on the bull's enthusiasm, but he wasn't prepared for the fox to make things worse.

"Common indeed! Why Sergeant, you might be an expert on common, but I am anything but common as even young beefy here can tell."

"See Sarge! It's...Corinus...Corellus..."

The fox beamed and gave a fulsome bow. "Close enough good Guard...Cortellus, at your service. Though I must admit service in the City's Guard's company seems a mite disappointing, if you get my meaning..."

Kirin was too thrilled by his catch to be angry at the fox's presumption. Instead he pointed to the bread.

"Some toast?"

"Fuck toast!" the bear growled, flinging the bread into the fire before realising his supper was now slowly combusting. He managed to fetch it from the hearth only a little singed, before he fixed the fox's eyes with his.

"You really are an idiot thief..."

The captive gave him a wink before reaching for the bread. He picked a corner off and nibbled slowly, while looking around a little mournfully.

"Don't suppose you have some wine do you?"

The polar bear shook his head solemnly. "No. Deliveries have been a little interrupted by the weather. So...what are we going to do with you..."

"Errr Sarge. Shouldn't we take him to the holding cells at the central keep?"

The bear fixed him with a sardonic smile. "You volunteering to make the journey Kirin?"

The young bull screwed up his muzzle at that. "Errrrrr..."

"Thought not. And a few small details. Although the legendary Cortellus is renowned for many exploits, how many outstanding warrants do you think he has for his arrest Guardsman?"

"Ahh...I don't know..."

"None. There is a reason he is that good...he doesn't get caught except by the very best..."

"But I caught him!"

The fox beamed at his captor. "And so you did young bull...and well caught too, saved from the demon drink in the nick of time!"

"And, Kirin, what do you think he might get for stealing..."

"Attempting!" The fox winked.

"Sorry, my mistake...attempting to steal a small barrel of stout?"

The bull mulled that for a moment. "I don't know. A spell in the stocks maybe?"

" this weather..."

The bull opened his eyes wide in shock now. "But that...that..."

"Exactly. So, do you really want to do that Kirin?"

", but what else can we do Sarge?"

The fox reached for the bull's tail, tugging gently and altogether respectfully

"Well, there are other services I could, ahh, provide. Both as restitution to the city and, shall we say, a reward for your diligence in adverse conditions! Then you could let me go with a clear conscience."


"Oh, your Sergeant knows well about such things. Though clearly you don't young bull?"


The fox's eyes glazed a little in pleasure. "Oh wonderful!"

Porthos had worked out what the fox intended, and he slumped into a chair at his small guardhouse table and shook his head. He had to hand it to the thief...reluctantly.

"So what services do you mean and Yipes!"

He looked up to see the bull no longer quite so placid. In fact, his eyes were wide open in shock, and his tail tuft was shaking like a leaf along with his horns. The fox seemed most unperturbed though, which was admirable given he was struggling to accommodate a massive length of bull cock in his delicate paws.

Cortellus used his expert touch to rapidly gain access to the young guard bull's assets. A quick flick of the wrist undid the bull's swordbelt, a rapid shimmy slid a paw under the waistband of his uniform trousers, and as they dropped to the startled bull's hooves, his fingers caressed a furry sheath and a pair of low hanging testicles that made the fox whistle in delight. The young bull couldn't resist such handling, and his long pink cock shot to full erection in seconds. He looked at his superior with a half pleading half terrified look, but otherwise stood stock still.

"I have other skills, young Guardsman. As you will find if you let me pay my debt to the city..."


Porthos was too busy admiring the bull's endowment to stop, as the fox had counted on.

"I don't think your Sergeant will be saving you now Kirin...just relax and enjoy..."

"But...but...I've never done...well, anything...before..."

The fox's eyebrows wiggled. "A virgin?"

Kirin nodded. The thief looked over at the Sergeant bear and gave him an appreciative look. "Lucky Porthos."

The bull had no time to wonder what that might mean, as he saw as well as felt a narrow fox muzzle suddenly engulf the tip of his cock. He let out a long loud moo of pleasure as the sensations coursed through him, all the way from the tip of his cock to his tail tuft, which was shuddering from the effect of the fox's oral stimulation.

As he watched entranced, the fox looked up and winked, then slowly slid down his shaft. The bull's moos became deep bellows of pleasure, and he closed his eyes and tried to ignore the fact it was a guy giving him such incredible feelings, and a prisoner at that.

A paw cupped his testicles, pulling down gently on the heavy bull nuts and playing with their bulk. He felt the pleasure spread, filling his body as heat engulfed his cock. One long pointed tongue slid out from a well spread fox muzzle, lapping the underside of his virgin cock, and then poking its way into his sheath to sample the musky depths. Kirin was no stranger to his genitals, he jacked off so much his mother had despaired of ever getting his bedding clean, but nothing quite prepared him for the feel of a tongue between he sheath and his swollen shaft. He let out a deep grunt and his balls clenched and jiggled.

"Enough! My turn I think..."

The senior Guardsman had enough of watching the action. He was after all the ranking member of the shift, and no mere rookie was getting his rocks off before he had his fill.

Kirin opened his eyes again, pleading with the bear. His superior was not taking no for an answer though.

"Time to pay your debts with me thief...and I think I want you bent over that table."

The fox was more than happy to oblige. He stood in front of the over-aroused bull, ignoring the swollen twitching mass of bullcock in front of him as he patted Kirin's wayward headfur. It did look cute after all...but he knew what he wanted most, and it seemed he was going to get it.

With a playful glance at the bear, who was currently stripping down, the thief carefully took off his heavy cloak and hung it from a peg on the wall, followed by his heavy coat. Underneath, he was wearing only a light tunic and trousers, delicately embroidered in gold. The bull gave him a quizzical look.

"Well, even a thief can look elegant my dear Guard..."

"Enough chat, more tailhole!" growled Porthos. Cortellus contented himself with a small eyeroll at the bull.

"Someone is a grumpy guts..."

"Tell me about it..."

The fox presented his rear to the Guard Sergeant, waving a bushy russet coloured tail provocatively, before dropping his trousers to reveal his best assets; one tight pucker, highlighted in white fur against the red of his thighs and rump. He took up a position over the table, with his tail raised high, and turned his head to watch the bear with a sardonic curl of his lip.

"Let me guess...I should respect authority?"

The bear finished applying the last of his butter to one straining bearcock. He figured he wasn't getting any supper now, so he might as well put it to good use. He caught sight of the naïve young bull, no longer quite so naïve now with eyes wide as he took in every detail while his cock still stood straight up and proud waiting for his turn. Quite a piece of beef...but first things first.

"You wouldn't know how to respect authority if it bit you on the ass thief!"

"Ohh...promises promises AHHHHHHHHHH!"

Poprthos gripped the fluffy fox tail and pulled it up tight, stretching the long white-furred taint of the thief and making his pucker wink in invitation. An invitation he wasn't about to deny, pressing his tip against the little opening before he thrust forward using the strength of his ample hips to drive into the resisting depths of the fox in one thrust.

He rested buried to the hilt, with the fox panting with his head resting on the end of the tab le and his fingers curled around the edge for support. One big bear paw slid along the russet fur of the fox's back, feeling the softness and the sweat of need and the slight quiver of muscles as his captive strained to take the deep penetration.

"Ready to pay thief?"

"Always ready to pay my debts Sergeant..."

As the polar bear started a gradual powerful fuck though, the fox had to admit he might have pushed his luck a little far this time. The bear clearly was out to make a point, waiting a fraction of a second with his tip quivering inside the fox's asslips before gripping his hips and ramming in with enough force to push the table slightly across the floor. One thick cock head rubbed his prostate without mercy, and deeper after, plundering his guts with complete wild rutting abandon, and all he could do was hold on tight and try to spread his ass as much as possible and hope the bear lost his load quickly.

Just when he thought the Sergeant was about to burst though, the bastard slowed and slapped his ass instead.

The prisoner turned to look at the bear, a little worried now. The bear poked out his tongue, and gave him another deep thrust and wiggled his hips. He sighed; this might take a while. He had an idea for some fun of his own though. Looking at the stunned bull, he beckoned with his eyes.

"Are you going to let your superior have all the fun Guard?"

Kirin shook his head rapidly, his nosering jingling musically.

"Come over here then."

The bull shuffled forward on his hooves until his length rested just in front of the fox's muzzle. The head swelled to a painfully hard mass, purple and glistening as it leaked a clear line of pre. It looked extremely needy, and the thief couldn't stand to leave a needy cock.

Another deep bellow filled the guardroom, as the bull sank into the heat of a fox muzzle again, welcoming the return of the incredible sensations. He rested one hand on the fox's head, guiding him down to the hilt, watching in awe as every last inch of pink flesh disappeared into heated perfection. The fox slid his tongue out again, this time not slipping inside his sheath, but instead lapping at the underside of his scrotum. The feeling brought him to the edge, and he tried looking elsewhere to stall the inevitable.

He made the mistake of looking up though, and caught a full frontal view of his commander, now naked, ramming into the fox's tailhole with a grimace covering his muzzle and his eyes boring into Kirin's with an inscrutable expression. Their gaze locked for a second, and the fox reached forward to grip the bull's big rump cheeks, slipping slender fingers inside his crack as the heat of a hot muzzle built and the tongue action on his balls grew in intensity.

He couldn't take any more, letting out a loud bellow and unloading a heavy load of bull milk into the eager fox muzzle.

Cortellus gulped it all down as best he could, savouring the taste of thick young bull seed. He could take a lot, but this calf produced more than he was expecting. It dribbled from his lips, onto the floor and down his neck. He pulled off the spent bullcock, licking his lips to take as much as he could, while the bull staggered backwards momentarily dazed after his first orgasm in company.

The bear was just warming up though.

"Now you get to pay, thief..."

Porthos did his best; after all, he was sworn to uphold the law and discourage lawlessness. It was his civic duty.

It took a while though, and he leant over the prone fox, nibbling at the long vulnerable ears and the tuft of fur at the back of the thief's neck while he thrust away into the heat of a well ravished ass. Just as he pushed the bull over the edge though, it was the bull who finally pushed him. He looked up to see Kirin openly masturbating his erect cock, the end still leaking drops of precum and the shaft slick with saliva and the result of his first ejaculation. As he watched, the piss slit seemed to open a little wider, and a spurt of clear jizz flew out and dropped in a long sticky line to the floor.

"Ohhhh yessssss."

His thrusts became short, sharp jabs as he felt the first stirrings of ejaculation, and then his balls danced as the first hot flood of bear cum filled the fox. Several more followed, until the bear lay spent over the fox, both panting and covered in sweat.

The bull looked a little uncertain, but needy. Porthos was in an indulgent mood now, having finally lost his nut.

"Want a go?"

The cute bull muzzle nodded again.

One he was in position though, nerves took over again. Kirin looked up at his commander.

"Seriously, just ram it in."

"But, um..."

Porthos believed in teaching his men, as much as ordering them. It looked like the stupid calf needed some teaching now.

Standing beside his subordinate, he gripped the bull's cock, enjoying the heat and the feel of power for a second, before lining the tip up with a wide open fox pucker, already red and puffy from a good hard fuck and leaking a slight trickle of bear cum.

Kirin gave a slight jump at the feel of a paw on his cock, and another one when he felt his cocktip press against the heat of a tailhole. The bear pressed firmly on his rump.

"Now...ease in and don't stop."

The thief was pleased to find the bull was able to take orders. Though his tailhole screamed from the intrusion, he welcomed the stuffed feeling that came from taking a really big piece of bull meat right to the hilt. The kiss of bull testicles on his own small furry sack was as close to heaven as he ever expected to come, given his profession. And then the long, sticky, withdrawal.

"Now son...enjoy."

Kirin was prepared to admit being a guard might have perks he didn't realise after all.


The next day, Porthos lay in his bed watching the sun try to warm the town with it's anaemic light. Instead it mostly managed to make things feel colder by adding a blue light to the snow and ice covering everything.

He had made his way back to his home after the shift, a small set of rooms above a silversmith's shop. The silversmith felt it was worth his while having a Sergeant of the Guard living there, as it might discourage thieves. So far it had worked, and the polar bear enjoyed lodgings his meagre salary would otherwise not have made possible.

The cold blue light was a far cry from the warm orange light from the fire. He thought about getting up to close the curtains so he could enjoy the warmth better, but he was finding motivation hard to come by. He was thankful then when his companion seemed to come to the same conclusion, and rose daintily to pad over to the window. The room was suddenly rendered a fraction darker, but it was an orange hued comfortable dark.

He felt the bed take the weight of his mate, and the heat of a body next to his again. The fox was spooning against his belly, and he ran one paw over the fox's headfur, just enjoying the feel for now. Still, he felt it was time to say what had been on his mind since the previous night.

"Is my fur really going grey?"

The fox smiled. "Yes sexy, but I like it that way. Makes it distinguished. And me"

The bear grunted, not to be mollified for now. " Trust you...hah. I know you don't like beer."

The fox gave a snort. "Disgusting stuff. I prefer a nice red wine, not too heavily oaked, a hint of blackberry and cinnamon...ahhh, do you remember those bottles from the Reynantar Valley?"

"The ones you stole from the wine merchant in Newtown..."

The fox managed to look hurt, though given his orientation to the bear the look was wasted on any but the unseeing window. "Stole! How unfair...liberated, from uncultured dolts unable to properly appreciate the true majesty..."

"Stole...liberated...took...whatever, and exactly as you were trying to do to the beer in the Wild Crow..."

"Never proven my love! After all, am I in the city jail?"

"From the Wild Crow...which I had told you just yesterday is where I send the rookies on patrol on nights like last night to keep them from freezing to death."

There was silence. Porthos gripped his fox lover tight against his body.

"If you wanted a fuck with the calf, you only had to ask..."

The fox turned now, finally looking a little contrite. Only a little though.

"Really? And would you have said yes?"

"I don't know..."

"I do. I know how much you like the young studs, but I also know how proud you are. But the way you kept on talking about him, how cute and dumb and beefy he was, I couldn't resist. But this way, we get to share him..."

The bear smiled, letting his paw drift down the front of the fox ever so close to his cock. "Really! Corrupting my men now!"

The fox giggled. "In this weather, consider it more... breaking the ice..."

The fox let out a yip as he felt bear paws grip him tight and throw him on his front. As the bear pinioned him to the bed with his bulk, he heard the sound of growling. It made him hard, and sent a tingle of fear down his taint at the same time.

"Mercy love! I've paid my debt to the city already, and my tailhole isn't up to more just yet."

The bear just whispered in his ear. "You've paid your debt when I say so fox...and you owe me for fucking with my work, and for the bad pun. But I'll be mindful of your tailhole..."

As the bear lapped at his red raw hole, the fox let his body relax and enjoyed the sensations. It never failed to make him melt, that feeling of a hot bear muzzle lapping at his entrance. Ever since that first night, when the bear had caught him breaking into the silversmith's shop below, and brought the fox up here and made him an offer. Go straight, or go to jail.

Little did the bear know he had been set up, just as the bull had been tonight. The bear's ego would never let him believe that he had caught the fox through anything other than his own skill. in truth, Cortellus had been admiring the burly Guard for a week before he made his move. He had his weakness, and the big daddy types were his undoing, almost as much as beefy young studs.

Straight...the fox had to laugh.

Never in a million years...and the thought kept him grinning even as the bear replaced his tongue with a thick cock and slid inside the still tender tailhole with a gentleness that belied his gruff words. And if both of them were imagining a young guard bull joining them in their rutting, that was only to be expected

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