Reunion and decisions

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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The final chapter of the serie.

Jenna returns to Nome where she meets with his family and friends. She takes a decision about the cubs that grow in her.

Two days later Kodi and his brothers are with the rest of the dogs that are in the boiler room to get warm.

"We should not had permitted them went alone." Dingo says looking at his brothers.

It had been two weeks since they did not have a notice their mother neither of their sister and their father.

The brothers already are concerned that something bad would have happened to them. Kodi knows that it is a far place and if something goes wrong, it will take a long time for the help arrive, if it arrives. The four are chatting until their ears raise in alert.

The dogs to their around also get up in alert and they look directly at boiler room's door. The door opens and a dark figure enters in the room. All dogs growl when a black wolf walks toward them.

The wolf moves comes closer with care.

"What do you want?" Doc says asking while he growls and he gets himself in front of the wolf while dogs come closer and slowly they prepare to attack.

"I am looking for four dogs called: Bomer, Dingo, Kodi and. Ryley." The wolf says while his eyes move sideways to side while he sizes up the situation. Kodi and his brothers walk through the multitude and they get close to the wolf.

"What are you looking us?" Dingo asks in a rage and hatred.

"My name is Vern and I am here for orders of the leader of my clan." The wolf says looking at the four and taking down his head lightly to salute respectfully.

"He gave the order that I communicate you that your father Balto and sister Saba are in our territory." Vern says looking at the four brothers. They get surprised completely just like the other dogs, this the first information that they know of Balto and Saba.

"Two days ago my clan, the clan of the twin peaks attacked the Boreal clan and we managed to rescue the female known as Jenna." Vern says looking at Dingo. He gets surprised just like his brothers.

"Is she all right?" Bomer asks while his heart pumps rapidly. This is the news that they had yearn to hear since their mother was kidnapped.

"As far As I know, she is all right." Vern responds looking at the four brothers that burst into joy just like the other dogs that jump for joy hearing that. Dixie and the friends of Jenna get excited a lot by the news.

"When your sister and your father came to our clan, they had a meeting with the leader and the council, it took us two weeks to gather the information of intelligence to prepare the attack... the Boreal clan was completely destroyed." The wolf says looking at Kodi.

Kodi, Bomer and Dingo, Ryley feel complete happiness knowing that those bastards are dead, what they deserve. They would have wished to make it by themselves and bringing pain on all those wolves.

"We captured the enemy leader and our leader decided to impose him an exemplary punishment. Lucius, the enemy leader will receive the same as he forced to stand to your mother and a lot of females... now he is the official bitch of the clan where each wolf will have rights to fuck and to use him as they wish." Vern says looking at Kodi.

This increases the happiness of Kodi and his brothers. The four feel satisfied that justice had fall on that that bastard. He was who is behind everything, his pack would not attacked without an order.

"Your parents are the first ones in fulfill the punishment." Vern says looking at the four brothers that get surprised just like the other dogs. They look at each other with surprise without believe that of Balto and Jenna can torture to somebody.

"When will return?" Dingo asks looking at the wolf.

"They will stay three days more with us to recover and next starting his journey to back here." Vern responds. Kodi and his brothers look content to know that in a couple of days they would see their mother again.

"Why don't you stay to spend the night here? You can depart at dawn before the humans wake up." Dingo asks looking at Vern. He nod while the other dogs in the room nod.

All of them smile and begin to speak content due the news that they had received. Vern leans on the floor close to a chimney to rest after having accomplished the order that has been given to him.

Three days later Jenna is close to Balto and Saba in the limits of the territory of the clan of the twin peaks.

The three prepare to initiate their return trip to Nome, Jenna says good-bye to Janae.

"Are you sure about this?" Jenna asks anxiously in her voice while she sees the young she-wolf.

"Of course, being the alpha female has a lot of advantages. Although I have to win the confidence of the clan, I will work hard to achieve it." Janae says looking at Jenna and smiling.

Jenna smiles and he cannot avoid worrying about the young she-wolf, she and Farran had spent much time together and finally he made the decision to make her his mate.

The female dog feels worried because he is a big wolf and perhaps dangerous, but after all she can do nothing.

"To be honest I fallen in love of that cock." Janae says whispering in the ear of Jenna.

"You are a dirty girl." Jenna says laughing mischievously. Janae also laughs just like the female dog, Balto and Saba look at each other content. Janae and Jenna calm down after some moments.

"Well... I suppose this is the final good-bye." Janae says with sadness while he sees Jenna. She nods lightly and also she feels sad when says good-bye to the she-wolf, but both were together in many bad moments.

"Thank you for everything... you took care of me like a mother does with her daughter in terrible circumstances." Janae says looking at Jenna. She smiles smoothly while she sees at the young female, both do not move and they look at each other.

The eyes of Saba and Balto open completely when Jenna and Janae bring near their mouths and they begin to kiss at the same time that they close their eyes. Jenna pushes her tongue that finds Janae's tongue, their tongues fight and saliva falls to the ground.

After some minutes they break off the kiss and a saliva thread ranges between their mouths.

Jenna breaks the saliva thread with her tongue. Both females look at each other and smile one more time before hugging and saying good-bye. Balto, Jenna and Saba begin to walk to return to Nome, the group walks slowly in silence.

They leave the forest.

"Mom... can I ask...?" Saba asks with a lot of discomfort. She looks at her father that also feels uncomfortable for what he saw.

"I know what you do want to ask... during my captivity many times the wolves obliged me to have sex with Janae to give them a good show. I could not hate her and those were the unique moments where I could enjoy the sex with somebody." Jenna says while she walks in middle of Balto and Saba.

"After being gang-raped, we usually asleep together, it is not agreeable to wake up covered of cum and urine of wolf." Jenna says while she keeps on walking without looking at her mate and her daughter.

Saba trembles hearing her mother, she refuses to imagine such scene, Balto growls in a rage because he is sure that this is just a simple description of what Jenna had experimented in her kidnapping.

"When you live an experience like that, you stick to everything that you can and I did stick to Janae and... well I fallen in love with her." Jenna says while he closes her eyes and sighs with sadness. She sees that her daughter and Balto get surprised and they look at her with surprise.

"But this was last time that I saw her... I love her, but we came from different worlds and I do not love her with the intensity that I love your father." Jenna says making a grimace and looking at her daughter and Balto.

He smiles with discomfort, he does not know what to think about the revelation that Jenna did. The group walks in an uncomfortable silence.

"Saba... What can you tell me of that subject Farran? He does not give me a lot of confidence." Jenna says worried that the leader will hurt to Janae.

"Well in sex he is very good...." Saba says while she says he makes out a facial expression of innocent girl.

Saba laughs seeing that her mother looks at her with surprise, she had obtained the effect that she wanted.

Jenna looks at her with phony anger, the two females laugh and Balto sees this content.

"In spite of his size he is a nice guy, Farran treats well the wolves that are under his orders, besides for what I saw... he takes care of the pups and tries to instruct them when he has time. So far as I know that leaders do not make it because it is something that they consider of wolves of low rank." Saba says looking at her mother.

Jenna looks at Balto and he nods corroborating her daughter's idea about the behavior of the wolves.

"He worries too much for the pups because according to him they would be one day the future of the pack and one of them would become the leader." Saba says looking at her mother. Jenna nods and decides to give a chance to the wolf.

Nome's return is difficult for Jenna, her condition makes her difficult to walk rapidly with total freedom.

She feels the weight of her belly with the cubs of some wolf, a couple of days later Jenna gets excited seeing Nome in the distance.

She with Balto and the other ones walk toward the town with calm, but with a lot of tempers because they are close to their home. The group gets close to Balto's boat, Jenna's eyes open completely when she sees that a great multitude of dogs is waiting for them next to the home of her mate.

Nome's dogs burst into joy while they bark and give a welcome to Jenna again with them. Jenna cries with emotion to see her children, they four embrace her with force while dogs gather to their around.

Jenna cries while he feels the hug of her children, they do not release her for several minutes.

"I am sorry mom... I was not here to protect you." Ryley says while he looks at with remorse at his mother.

He had been out of the town with his team of sleigh at the moment of the attack and when they returned, he received the hard news of the kidnapping.

"It is ok, it made me happy that you were out of danger out of the town." Jenna says looking at her son.

During the attack she only had the poor consolation that one of her children was out of danger at that moment.

Dixie and the friends of Jenna meet with her to welcome her like each dog of the town of Nome. They jump around Jenna with emotion, an emotion that subsides when they and the other ones become aware of the pregnancy of Jenna.

"Jenna..." Dixie says while a tear leaks of her right eye to see that her fears had been done in reality and her friend had been raped by the wolves until they got her pregnant. The other dogs swallow hard and look with sadness to see that something such bad thing happened to a good female dog and friend.

" is all right." Jenna says smiling at her friend. She embraces her a moment.

"Well... did you found some interesting boy while I was not here?" Jenna asks doing a grimace to her friend. Dixie gets surprised by the question.

"Uhmmm... last week a team of sleigh was here and the leader was very attractive." Dixie says looking at Jenna. She smiles and happiness gives back to her the dogs that surround her in addition to the children of Jenna.

The group returns to Nome where Jenna meets with her girl. The girl jumps with joy around Jenna, the female dog feels very happy and he fights not to faint for happiness.

Jenna and Rosy do not separate during the following days, Jenna would not leave her girl alone at no time because all this time she missed her a lot.

A few days later Jenna is with her family in the boiler room, with difficulty she counts everything that happened to her family. Kodi and his brothers feel rage and anger listening the atrocities that their mother suffered in her captivity.

Saba and Balto already had an idea of what it had happened, but hearing details makes them feel sick just like the other ones. At the end of the story Jenna places her right forepaw on her swollen stomach and she caresses it.

"Now is moment of the most important thing." Jenna says looking at her children that are in front of her.

"With some correct maneuvers... we could solve the problem." Dingo says looking at her mother. Jenna gets surprised just like Balto.

"That can hurt your mother a lot." Balto says the thinking reproachfully that an induced abortion would be somewhat terrible and dangerous for Jenna.

"Well... we can leave them at the forest or in a river." Bomer says looking at his brothers, they nod. Jenna looks at her children with surprise, she could not believe that they be willing to make something like that.

"At the beginning I thought in the same as you, but at this point already I can feel them... these cubs are innocent and I have decided that I will bring them up." Jenna says looking at her children, they get surprised just like Saba.

She had remained quiet all this time, but her mouth opens completely hearing her mother's decision about the cubs.

"Dad..." Saba says looking at her father to know what Balto thinks about this.

"Your mother already has made a decision. Regardless of everything I will back her up I know that it will be difficult, but I believe that we can make it." Balto says looking at his children, they look at him and next the four dogs put his attention in Jenna.

"It awaits them a difficult future, these cubs only they will have us to give them a home. It already clear that our friends will not accept them, so I ask you help me to take care and protect them, they have part of me like all of you." Jenna says looking at her family.

"No I cannot, I will not make it." Saba says while she looks at another side. She feels that she could not love to such monsters product of the repeated rape of her mother.

Balto opens his mouth to say something, but Jenna stops him putting her left foreleg on his. She shakes smoothly her head.

"Saba... it is ok, I will not force you to do it, you made a lot to bring me back and I will not ask more." Jenna says looking at her daughter, she smiles softly to her daughter.

Saba and her mother look at each other for some moments and Jenna puts her gaze on the rest of her children.

They look at each other in silence until Dingo takes a deep breathing.

"Ok mom, we will make the best that we can to take care of them just because you ask for it." Dingo says looking at his mother. Jenna smiles content and looks at Balto, he smiles in a soft and affected way.

After the meeting Balto takes Jenna to his boat, he helps to get to the deck. Both go down to the hold's boat and Jenna opens her eyes with surprise seeing the aurora borealis into that place.

"Balto... it is beautiful." Jenna says seeing that lights reflect in the roof, the walls and the floor of the hold. She sees the lamp in front of the multiple many-colored broken bottles that generate those beautiful lights.

Both lean side by side, Balto is behind her. Balto begins to caress Jenna's neck, she feels as the nose of Balto moves on her fur.

She closes her eyes and enjoys the caresses of nose of Balto. He closes its eyes and permits that the aroma of the fur of Jenna fills his blowholes. Balto places forepaw between the legs of Jenna and he begins to caress his mate's crotch.

Balto still nuzzles Jenna's neck while he moves his paw on Jenna's vulva, she whines of pleasure while her juices begin to drip of her pink opening.

Jenna moves and turns over to see at Balto.

Both look at each other to the eyes and Jenna smiles smoothly before bringing closer her mouth to Balto's mouth.

She kisses him smoothly and she pushes her tongue against the mouth of Balto, he pushes his tongue that fights with the tongue of Jenna. Their mouths remain united for a couple of a minute before separating.

The saliva drips of their mouths to the wooden floor, Balto smiles and he begins to nuzzle Jenna with force to oblige her to lean backwards on the floor. Balto gets up and he places himself on Jenna.

Both look at each other and Jenna licks Balto's cheek affectionately, he enjoys the lick of his mate. Balto smiles and he kisses her for some moments, they break the kiss and Balto takes the Bandana and he pulls it.

He pulls it smoothly and the bandana slides out of the neck of the female, Balto drops it with care on the floor. Jenna looks at him seductively and Balto licks his mouth at the moment of beginning to lick his mate's neck.

Licks are tender and slow. Balto moves down his body and he finds Jenna's nipples, she moans when Balto's mouth closes in one of them. The wolf dog begins to suck the nipple smoothly.

Jenna moans with pleasure and closes her eyes perceiving the pleasurable sensation in that place of her body.

Balto covers the nipple with saliva while he hits it with the tip of his tongue, he feels content and he opens mouth. Jenna's eyes open and both look at each other, Balto takes down more his body without losing visual contact with Jenna.

Hiss snout touches the swollen stomach of Jenna, she closes her eyes and looks at other side feeling that the moment had disappeared. Her eyes open when she feels two soft and affectionate licks on her stomach.

She looks at Balto, he looks at her smiling.

"Mates in bad and good moments." Balto says looking at Jenna. She opens her eyes and a tear drips of her left eye.

Balto moves down and his nose touches Jenna's vulva, he takes a deep inspiration in order that the aroma of the slit of his mate fills his sense of smell. It is a delicious aroma that he had not enjoyed in weeks.

Jenna moans with pleasure when the tongue begins to move on her slit, she moans of pleasure feeling that Balto's tongue spread her vagina lips with each lick, the tongue touches her clitoris and the female trembles of pleasure.

Balto perceives the juices that drip from the pink hole of his mate. They are delicious and sweet, he enjoys them completely while his penis appears from the inside of his sheath it and grows slowly.

The tongue of the wolf dog hits the rosy point without stopping, Jenna moans with more pleasure and her body shakes. Balto stops and pushes his tongue against the pink opening, Jenna's eyes open feeling that her mate's tongue penetrates her.

It zigzags in her inside, juices cover Balto's tongue completely. He has his mouth closed around the vulva to not waste a single drop. Jenna moans more noisily and she growls with force shrieking of pleasure, her body contorts while her orgasm comes to each part of her body.

Balto drinks the juices with pleasure, his mouth and chin get wet completely. Balto's tongue moves in the swollen and shining vulva. He stops after some moments and he cleans his mouth.

Jenna breathes agitatedly while she sees the roof, Balto gets up and he positions himself on Jenna, she sees that Balto's crotch is over her face. His thick and swollen penis hangs directly over her mouth.

A drop of precum falls from the tip, Jenna takes out her tongue to receive the first drop, the female closes her eyes and enjoys the taste. Balto descends his hips and his balls touch Jenna's mouth, she begins to lick her mate's furry orbs.

Her slow and tender licks cover the two testicles with saliva, she licks the mid line and she opens her mouth. She closes her mouth around the right testicle and Jenna begins to suck it, she pulls it smoothly.

Balto closes his eyes and he has a good time while Jenna sucks his balls, he feels that the sharp teeth dig in his skin. Jenna uses her left forepaw to caress and to stimulate the other testicle.

Jenna perceives the aroma of the member of Balto, he is intense and excites her a lot. The female dog releases the testicle to suck the other one, Balto moans and he smiles seeing his penis hanging over the face of his mate, Jenna looks him in the eye while she continues sucking the other testicle.

Some minutes later she releases it and begins to lick the knot, the taste of the hard meat stimulates the taste buds in the tongue of Jenna. Balto moans smoothly feeling as the rough tongue covers each part of his knot with saliva.

Jenna's tongue moves through the penis and gets to the tip, Balto shakes when she licks a drop of precum.

Jenna's forepaw closes around his shaft and she aims it down to her mouth. Balto blurts out a growl of pleasure when Jenna's mouth closes around his member.

She begins to suck smoothly and closes her eyes to concentrate on the taste. The hard shaft fills her mouth completely. The spurts of precum hit the entrance of her throat, Jenna moves her head slowly.

Balto moans and look at his mate, she suckles his penis with pleasure. Jenna increases the force of her sucking of the hard penis, Balto's pleasure increases with every moment that pass. Jenna's tongue moves on the tip of his penis.

The sound of sucking fills completely the inside of the hold, Jenna's saliva drips from her chin.

"Jenna. I am going to shoot it..." Balto says at the moment of growling and releasing his sperm. Semen spurts are shoot of the opening in the tip of his member.

Jenna closes her eyes and permits that her mouth fills up, she swallows while she enjoys the seed of her mate. With all of the sperm that she swallowed in her captivity, cum of Balto it is the best and more delicious for her.

Balto moans in the meantime his mate sucks his cock with more force, Jenna caresses Balto's balls trying extracting more semen. After some moments the flow stops and Balto opens his eyes.

Jenna opens her mouth and releases Balto's penis, the hard penis rocks on the air for some moments.

The female smiles and she begins to lick Balto's penis slowly, she licks the knot and Balto's balls.

"Jenna!" Balto says surprised and opening his eyes when he feels a lick on his anus.

Jenna says absolutely nothing while she begins to lick the brown small hole of her mate, Balto moans and pants with pleasure. This this is somewhat new for him, Jenna had never made him.

The posterior hole of the hero of Nome gets wet with warm saliva, the taste is unique and she enjoys it because Balto has a good time. Balto feels that his penis hardens rapidly with each lick.

Balto has a good time while the tip draws circles on his anus. Jenna stops when he feels that a thick drop of precum falls inside her right ear.

"Jenna... that... was amazing." Balto says looking at Jenna.

"I learned some useful tricks." Jenna says smiling impishly. Balto moves and she stands up.

"Balto, take me... claim me and these cubs like yours." Jenna says moving her tail to one side.

Balto rapidly mounts the female dog, he holds Jenna's hips and with a single push he penetrates her. Jenna gasps and moans with force feeling as the member invades her, Balto begins to fuck her with force and speed.

"Ohnnn Jenna. You are so soft as usual." Balto says moaning of pleasure. The vagina walls caress his penis.

Jenna moans with pleasure, she feels as the knot of Balto touches her vulva again and again. After that much time her mate's member penetrates her, she enjoys the feeling in her cave of love.

The female's stomach rocks of backward and forward. Balto pumps up rapidly inside Jenna, his precum mixes in with the juices of his mate making more pleasurable the penetration.

Jenna shakes lightly when the spurts of precum hit her vagina walls. She feels as her mate moves on her rapidly, Jenna moves smoothly her tail to caress the chest and Balto's stomach.

Balto does not stop while he whines of pleasure, his penis moves in out of Jenna's wet vagina. Jenna's juices drip to the floor while the sound of splashing is audible even in the exterior of the boat.

But to that hour of the night nobody can hear it, Jenna opens her mouth and moans when Balto's knot stretches her vaginal opening and it enters in her body. He increments the velocity of his pushes, both moans with pleasure while their mating becomes intense.

"Balto... I am cumming!" Jenna says when a continuous flow of her juices covers Balto's member. He feels the strong squeeze of the vaginal walls on his penis.

The wolf dogs howls with pleasure at the moment of releasing his seed, Jenna trembles with pleasure feeling a great orgasm while she listens the howl, a howl that she loves. The semen spurts are shoot of the penis of the wolf dog.

Some minutes later Balto and Jenna pant while they recover, Jenna feels that Balto's nose caresses her neck affectionately.

"Balto my ass, fuck my ass too." Jenna says panting heavily. Balto licks Jenna's cheek to indicate that he will make it.

After some minutes Balto resumes his pushes in Jenna, she moans while her body rocks. Juices again covers the cock of Balto that recovers its hardness, he stops and pulls out his penis, Jenna and Balto moan of pain.

Jenna's vaginal opening stretches again and the hard cock slips out, semen is dripping of the pink hole.

Balto moves his hips and the tip touches Jenna's anus, he begins to push his penis, Jenna feels the pressure in her posterior hole.

The female closes her eyes to relax, Jenna clenches her teeth when the tip opens her anus and enters in her ass.

Balto feels that heat surrounds its shaft, he pushes his penis slowly and moans with pleasure.

The hot entrails of Jenna surround his cock, Jenna pants while her anal passage is filled slowly up with hard meat. The knot touches Jenna's anus, his mate holds her with more force and he begins his pushes.

Balto growls with force while his penis in and out of the tight hole of Jenna, the anal walls gives him a lot of pleasure. He loves the anal sex with Jenna since their first time, she had shrieked with pain, but even so she asked him to continue.

Jenna moans of pleasure, each powerful Balto's push does that her belly rocks back and forward. Her juices drip of her opening in abundance, Balto's balls hit her vulva and they get wet.

The color of the bodies of both changes due to the great diversity of colors of the lights of the artificial aurora borealis in the hold of the boat. Balto holds with more force Jenna's hips and he pushes his knot.

She clenches her teeth feeling the great pressure in her sphincter, her hole suddenly opens and the knot slides in her anus. Jenna moans with pain, a pain that she enjoys because it is her mate's knot.

Balto's pushes increase in velocity and force while he drools on the neck of Jenna.

The pants of Jenna it becomes heavier, Balto's balls hit her clitoris and it increases her pleasure a lot. Balto suddenly stops and releases his semen that sprinkles Jenna's rectum, she feels an orgasm when the sticky substance bathes her entrails.

In this occasion her howl joins to Balto's howl. The inside of the boat becomes full of with a song of passion and lust of the lovers. The semen spurts fills each crack in the bowels of the rectum of the red female.

Balto does not move while he continues ejaculating in Jenna, the respirations of both are fast and heavy.

Balto and Jenna wait slowly until the knot loses its size, Jenna feels very happy to be knotted to Balto again.

Around twenty minutes later Balto pulls his penis out and he growls just like Jenna. Balto's knot had decreased in size enough to try separating. Jenna clenches her teeth when her mate's member slides out of her.

Balto dismounts to Jenna and he pants rapidly, he sees as his cum drips from the dilated anus of his mate.

Jenna moans when Balto begins to lick her posterior hole to clean it, Jenna's eyes are closed while Balto licks the seed that is dripping. After that is Jenna's turn to lick and suck Balto's cock.

She enjoys the taste of the semen that drips. After the cleanliness, Jenna and Balto lean again to rest and to sleep. Jenna places her forepaw on her belly and she caresses it while he feels some worry.

A caress on her neck surprises her, Balto nuzzles her and puts his forepaw on the forepaw of Jenna that moves on her stomach. Jenna smiles smoothly and her fears are dissipated, she has the support of her family and Balto to raise these cubs.





Jenna moans while she feels the pushes of wolf in her vagina, she feels as her swollen stomach is rocking back and forth. This was the predictable result after many rapes. The female dog does not know which one of the wolves is the father of the cubs...

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Window of opportunity

A few days later Jenna wakes up slowly from her sleep while she feels as semen is dripping of her vagina. She sees that two wolves sleep at her side, they had raped her the previous night. Jenna gets out of the chamber and stretches her body, the...

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It is a calm day for Diggs in his new home with Shane. After his first and exciting mission he wishes to relax, heat outside of the house is unbearable, so Diggs stays in his big house for dog in the patio. He rests on the floor while he sees the...

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