
Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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Finally Jenna is rescued but maybe is too late.

She will have her revenge, a very painful revenge.

Jenna moans while she feels the pushes of wolf in her vagina, she feels as her swollen stomach is rocking back and forth. This was the predictable result after many rapes.

The female dog does not know which one of the wolves is the father of the cubs in her stomach, Janae is in front of her is in position of tail with tail with another black wolf. The bastard pants feeling completely satisfied.

Jenna knows that this is going to happen to Janae sooner or later, if something does not happen to avoid that. Jenna closes her eyes when she feels that the spurts of sticky seed hit her vaginal walls again.

A brown wolf is near them, he is masturbating slowly expecting his turn for the action.

The wolf that is on Jenna is panting content and he gets in position of tail with tail with her, the wolf that is with Janae begins to pull out his penis. Janae moans with pain feeling that her vaginal opening stretches and her rapist's penis slips outside.

The seed drips from the pink and abused opening.

"She is free in order that you use her." The black wolf says while he pants and looks at the brown wolf that smiles at him.

"I will wait, I like to fuck pregnant females." The wolf says looking at Jenna and licking his mouth.

She looks with hate at him, but she says absolutely nothing while the wolf that had mated with Janae gets out of the chamber. Around twenty minutes later Jenna moans with pain when the wolf that had raped her begins to pull out his cock.

Jenna closes her eyes while she clenches her teeth, the wolf growls and with a pull his penis stretches the vaginal opening. The penis finally slides outside and Jenna perceives that semen drips from her vagina.

"She is all yours." The wolf says to his friend while he heads toward the way out of the chamber. The brown wolf nods and he mounts Jenna. She growls when he penetrates her and he begins to fuck her while the other wolf gets out of place.

Some seconds later it is heard commotion out of the chamber besides a scream of surprise and pain.

"What the hell is happening there?" The brown wolf says dismounting to Jenna.

"¡¡Balto!!" Jenna shrieks with emotion to see that Balto slides through the hole and enters in the chamber, Balto immediately jumps over the brown wolf and initiates a fight against the rapist.

Jenna takes away to Janae from fight while she sees that her mate is rolling on the floor with the wolf.

The wolf is on Balto and he tries to bite him, but Balto holds the face of the wolf with his forepaws avoiding that he bites his neck. Balto uses his hind legs to push the wolf and he flies in air.

The wolf hits the chamber's stone wall with force and he falls to the floor. He tries to get up, but Balto falls above him and he bites his neck. Jenna's eyes get open completely when the wolf's neck is ripped by the teeth of Balto.

The blood of the wolf stains the face and the forepaws of Balto.

"Balto!" Jenna says lunging forward on Balto and embracing him with force. Balto embraces her feeling as Jenna's tears get his back wet. She cries of emotion to see her mate again, Balto pushes her back softly because they should hurry up and there will be time for the reencounter later.

Both look at each other and Balto looks down, his eyes open wide seeing the stomach of his mate.

Jenna notices the look of surprise of Balto and she looks to other side aside to not to see Balto.

"We must go out from here, quickly!" Balto says taking Jenna's paw to take her out of the chamber.

"Let's go Janae¡" Jenna says looking at her friend. The three go out by the hole and cross the main chamber rapidly. It is completely empty and they do not have obstacles to continue.

The group gets out of the cave and they run around one hundred meters until two wolves of the pack block their way.

Balto shows his teeth and growl while he keeps to Jenna and Janae behind him to protect them.

The two enemies growl while they are ready to attack, but the shrubs at both sides of the two wolves suddenly move. Jenna sees that two unknown wolves jump on the enemies, they are taken by surprise completely.

The unknown wolves need not to fight with the enemies because they kill the wolves so fast without giving them time of reacting. Jenna trembles with fear when the two strangers look at Balto.

She gets surprised when both wolves begin to walk away. The group resumes the escape while Jenna does not understand what happens. She feels that her stomach is rocking uncontrollably in different directions.

"Balto I need to stop." Jenna says feeling pain to have to run in her state. It is difficult due the weight in her paws that step on leafs and little branches on the ground while she breathes agitatedly.

"No, we should continue... resist a little more." Balto says looking at Jenna. Janae positions herself next to Jenna to help her just like Balto. The three keep on running and Jenna sees that a hill that she recognizes.

It is the hill that she never crossed when she tried to flee, they begin to climb and Jenna pants with difficulty for the effort. They are close to get to the tip and they stop when in the top of the hill a white wolf appears, he is a bigger wolf than Lucius and he looks more threatening, his yellow eyes are penetrating and intimidating.

"Is she?" The wolf asks looking at Balto. He nods while he looks at Jenna, she does not take her gaze of the wolf. The wolf raises his right foreleg and moves it forward rapidly, suddenly two columns of wolves get out of nowhere and run down the hill to go deep into the territory of the Boreal Clan.

Balto takes Jenna's paw to pull her and continue forward. Balto, Jenna and Janae pass near the wolf, the group continue walking. Around two hundred meters ahead, the group come across with two black wolves that appear from behind the trees.

Jenna sees that wolves look at Balto and they nod, Balto nods at the same time that the two wolves give way to him. Balto does a grimace to Jenna and the three keep on walking, but in this occasion Balto moves with more calm and slowness.

"What is happening?" Jenna asks catching her breath and walking with to Balto.

"Now we are safe... we are in the territory of clan of the twin peaks. The wolves of the Boreal Clan will not dare to enter here because that is an act of war besides at this moment the clan of the twin peaks is in a large-scale attack against the Boreal clan." Balto says looking at Jenna.

She gets surprised and finally understands why that wolf in the hill did not join to the rape, that wolf was part of this pack and it would not risk a war. Jenna understands that she was close to escape of her torment.

If she would have crossed the hill, she could find refuge with this clan.

"Who she is?" Balto asks looking at Janae.

"She is Janae, her parents were assassinated, and she was taken and abused as me." Jenna responds looking at Balto. He looks at Janae and nods while he smiles in a friendly way at the she-wolf, Janae nods and smiles.

She just like Jenna now is free. The group walks on the forest while Jenna feels the mixture of several emotions in her inside, she cleans a couple of tears of her eyes while she looks at her friend.

Jenna sees that she has tears in her eyes, the female dog stops and licks the girl's tears and she embraces her to comfort her. Balto stops and allows that both embrace a moment before continuing.

Balto understands that they had lived a terrible experience.

The group gets to the foothill of the mountain and Jenna sees that there are two wolves protecting the entrance of a cave, both wolves nod while they look at Balto. Balto nods and he enters in the cave with Janae and Jenna.

They get to an ample place with several wolves around, Jenna sees that some cubs jumping and they pull the tail of a wolf that seems to be their father. The wolf lets off a sigh of fatigue before smiling and getting up, he begins to run in circles and his cubs follow him to catch him.

In another sector there is a couple of wolves, they are just young lads. The boy licks the girl's mouth and closes his eyes while he tries to kiss her. But a bigger wolf suddenly positions himself behind him and with a blow on the head he stops the attempt of the wolf that falls to the ground and moans with pain.

Jenna laughs seeing that the girl complains to the adult wolf that is her father. Jenna imagines Balto making the same thing with a dog that tries the same thing with any one of her daughters. Balto is overprotective at times.

Balto leads to Jenna toward a hole.

"Let's get inside... someone is waiting for you." Balto says while he does a grimace to Jenna. She looks at him confused and she slides through the hole, Jenna crosses with something difficulty until she goes out on the other side.

Jenna's eyes wide open when she sees that her daughter is sitting on the center of the chamber.

"¡¡Mom!!!" Saba shouts at the moment that she gets up and runs toward Jenna. Jenna's heart throbs with force the moment that she and her daughter hug to each other with force.

Both begin to cry with great emotion, Jenna presses strong while she has her closed eyes. Saba also holds her with force, Jenna's nose at last can perceive the aroma of the fur of her daughter again.

Balto smiles while he sees that both hug each other with force, he sits in the meantime Janae also sits and she cleans a couple of tears of her eyes seeing mother's and daughter's encounter. Jenna and Saba separate after a moment.

Jenna with her paw cleans her daughter's tears. The female dog feels completely happy when seeing her little girl again. Saba is using her red bandanna on her shoulders and Jenna smiles noticing that both look very similar.

"I missed you a lot mom." Saba says while she tries to control herself not to cry again.

"And I missed you." Jenna says while she cleans her eyes with her foreleg. The look of Saba downs and she gets surprised seeing the swollen stomach of her mother. Jenna notices that she begins to cry seeing the result of the many rapes.

"Saba... it is ok everything is ok." Jenna says while she embraces Saba to comfort her. Saba feels terrible seeing what had happened to her mother. This would have been her destiny, if she did not take her place.

"Well Balto... I want an explanation. Why Saba is here? In such a dangerous place." Jenna says looking at Balto. She tries to divert the attention from her swollen stomach.

"It is my fault, dad did not know that I was following him." Saba says taking the attitude of a little cub in troubles. Jenna smiles at her daughter and she squeezes Saba's forepaws, Jenna introduces Janae to Saba.

She immediately feels charm with the she-wolf that had been captive with her mother and Janae also feels content to know Saba, the she-wolf feels surprised by the resemblance of Saba and Jenna.

It is the moment of the explanations, Balto sits with Saba and Jenna is in front of them with Janae at her side. Jenna wants to listen what both are going to say because she is interested in knowing how everything happened.

After you left me at the alley, I woke up and went to look for you, but many of our friends told me that wolves had taken you. I tried to go after the wolves, but Kodi and the other ones prevented it according to what I understand under your order." Saba says looking at Jenna.

She nods and smiles knowing that her children had kept her order of taking care of her sister.

"When dad woke up after a couple of days and began to look for you." Saba says with a little bit of discomfort.

Jenna notices that Balto is a little nervous just like Saba.

"I looked for you everywhere I also ask to some friend wolves... well they are just acquaintances than friends. They told me that they saw you next to the wolves, I followed the clues that I had. I went to many parts in different directions." Balto says looking at Jenna.

"Dad faced storms and he returned almost frozen." Saba says looking at her father proudly. Jenna feels content and love for him, she was sure that her mate would not abandon her and he would keep on looking for her.

"I am sorry... Jenna." Balto says looking down with remorse.

"You do not have to apologize, you never stopped looking for me." Jenna says taking steps forward and nuzzling Balto affectionately. He does not reciprocate his mate's caresses.

"I know it, but I was near here when I saw this forest in the distance I refused to continue because I thought that you would not have gotten that far perhaps... I could take you out from there before." Balto says with remorse.

"It is all right." Jenna says licking Balto's face. He permits that she continues.

"But I was not the only one that was looking for you, Dingo and the other ones that are in a team of sleigh looked for clues in each town or place where they went until Kodi found one. He passed somewhere near here and perceived the aroma of a wolf against he had fought during the attack to Nome." Balto says looking at Jenna.

"As soon as he returned to Nome and he informed us, I immediately came here and in half a road I realized that Saba was following me, the wind change and I could perceive her aroma." Balto says while he looks at Saba and frowns.

She smiles soft and culpably. Jenna laughs smoothly seeing the classical body posture of both in front a mischief.

"She refused to return and we arrived here, we got deep into the territory of the clan of the twin peaks, we were fortunate that this clan is more tolerant." Balto says looking at Jenna with some tranquility because he and Saba had much lucky that they were not attacked.

"The wolves took us and with Farran and the council." Balto says while he continues telling the story.

"Who is Farran?" Jenna asks with interest.

"He is the leader of this pack, he is the white wolf that we meet in the hill." Balto says looking at Jenna.

She opens her eyes with a little bit of surprise, but Jenna does not get surprised a lot because that wolf is big and it seems rude; strength is needed to lead a pack of wolves. In her time with Lucius Jenna had understood that the force of a wolf makes it out leader of a pack.

"They confirmed to us that you were with the Boreal clan... a wolf saw that you were raped by a group of wolves." Saba says feeling a knot in the stomach thinking about such a terrible situation.

"Then the rescue came true." Jenna says looking at Balto and Saba. They look at each a moment and they do not say absolutely nothing for some seconds.

"No... this pack refuse to go to war to rescue a complete stranger to them, and an attempt of rescue in loner would be clearly suicidal." Balto says looking at Jenna with remorse because the lines that are next would be the hardest ones.

"We had to pay a ransom in order that the Farran and the council agreed in an attack against the Boreal clan." Balto says looking at Jenna. She looks at him completely confused.

"Why do you mean with ransom? What would like this wolves when you had nothing to pay?" Jenna considering that maybe Balto had been compelled to hunt a caribou or something similar to pay for the help of this pack.

Balto gives a fast look to Saba before looking down shamefacedly and repentance. Jenna's eyes open completely with the understanding of what happened. Balto gets surprised when Jenna rushes at him and he throws him down.

"¡¡How could you, Balto? I got into this to save our daughter and you pushed her in the arms of the wolves!!!" Jenna says growling in a rage that surprises to everyone. Saba at that moment hastens to stop her mother. She with care pushes her mother back to take her off of Balto.

"Mom... dad does not have the blame, he opposed tenaciously, but I accepted the agreement." Saba says looking at Jenna. She gets surprised completely hearing Saba, she smiles smoothly.

"As dad said, this pack would not take a risk to save a foreigner so something should have been paid because the lives of wolves of the clan would be in risk and I do not blame them for putting the safe of their people first. We were between Wolves and clearly they could kill dad and taking me without problems, but they were good with us and in addition they gave us an option Saba says looking at Jenna.

"But... your first time." Jenna says looking at Saba with sadness and sorrow.

"It is ok mom, you told me that the first time should be with love and that way it was; I made it feeling love for my mother knowing that this would bring her back to us." Saba says looking at Jenna. Tears roll on from the eyes of Jenna and she embraces Saba again.

Both cry in silence.

"Your collar with your aroma always was what gave me to forces to continue." Jenna says while she cries on the right shoulder of Saba. Her daughter had done a great sacrifice for her.

"Your bandana also was what always gave me hope." Saba says while she has her closed eyes and tears fall from her eyes. The two females separate after some moments and smile smoothly.

Jenna licks the tears of her daughter, she laughs smoothly feeling the licks.

"And may this seem incredible, but Farran was courteous with me clearly he was eager to take a virgin female, but he was careful and he always asked me, if I was all right. The other wolves of the council also were careful, although of course they are rough at the moment o fuck a female." Saba says smiling smoothly and making a grimace.

Jenna smiles smoothly and also makes a grimace understanding very well that subject.

"But you could get pregnant." Jenna says thinking anxiously that her daughter gets pregnant of a wolf. Saba nods, but she looks calm.

"Fortunately here, the wolves showed me a flower that grows on the forest and it avoids situations like that." Saba says looking at Jenna. She opens her eyes wide with surprise, Jenna had never listened of a plant that has such properties.

"It were two exhausting weeks, fortunately when I was tired... dad took my place." Saba says looking at her father. Jenna gets surprised again and she looks immediately at Balto, he blushes and takes his head down.

She cannot believe that Balto had done it too. Her initial annoyance dies out knowing that he also had done sacrifices to take her out from that terrible place.

Balto raises his the look and both look at each other, he clears the throat with discomfort while he looks to other side. Jenna laughs smoothly noticing that Balto feels uncomfortable.

At that moment by the hole of the chamber Farran enters. Jenna cannot avoid looking at the wolf with look full of hatred and rage. The wolf becomes aware of this, but he does not look affected by this reason.

"Balto, the battle already has come to an end and the Boreal clan has been destroyed." The pack's leader says looking at Balto and the group. Jenna and Janae exchange looks of happiness thinking that the wolves that raped them are dead.

Balto and Saba also feel happy, both would have wished to kill all of them one by one.

"The females were forgiven, and they agreed to join up to our pack. Besides we take prisoner to the Boreal clan's leader." Farran says sitting. Everyone in chamber gets surprised by that reason.

"Let him to me, I will kill him." Balto says in a rage while he growls with hate.

"I am sorry, but I cannot permit that." Farran says standing up while Balto looks at him with surprise and bother. Jenna and the other ones also want dead to that bastard.

"Since your daughter arrived here, my wolves also desire action; so I decided that Lucius will receive a fair punishment. From now on he will suffer the same pain than he caused to your mate, he will be the bitch in order that the wolves of any range use him in the way they desire." Farran says smiling smoothly knowing that Balto would be content with this.

And effectively Balto in addition to Jenna, Janae and Saba feel surprised, but they internally are satisfied thinking that the inferno of the bastard is close to begin, a torture that they expect last for a long time.

"As your mate was offended by his actions, we will concede you be who initiates the punishment." Farran says looking at Balto. He nods feeling impatient to give a spoonful of his own medicine to that wolf.

"No... we will be the first ones... that son of a bitch owes one to us." Jenna says while he stands up and growls in a rage. Everyone in chamber get surprised by the outburst of Jenna.

Farran nods and he cannot avoid smiling thinking that Lucius would have what he deserves. He knew about the despotic and terrible acts of the leader of the rival pack, but he and the council decided that it was not their business.

The pack's leader leads to Balto and the other one to cave that is next to the main cave, all of them get in there, Jenna sees as the sun seeps in through a hole in the roof of the cave. Jenna sees that Lucius is surrounded by some wolves, the wolf's four legs are fastened to shackles that are nail in the cave's ground.

He is giving the back to Jenna and the other ones.

Shackles and chains are rusty and they look very old.

"We found this place filled with human bones and with some ingenuity we discover how those things work." Farran says while he points with his forepaw where the shackles and chains that move are because Lucius tries to get free.

The wolf this hurt and hit with several visible injuries in some parts of his body.

"¡Release me, you are going to regret it!" Lucius says looking at one of the wolves. The wolf is not affected emotionally in front of the threat of Lucius.

"As far as I can see, you are who is going to regret it." Farran says looking at Lucius. He looks over his shoulder and he notices the presence of the other ones.

"You two are my personal bitches and when I get free..." Lucius says before Farran did a grimace to a wolf that gives a strong blow in the stomach of Lucius to shut him up.

"Begin with it." Farran says looking at Jenna. She nods while he comes closer and she positions herself behind Lucius, he has his ass raised on the air while his body recovers from the blow that had leave him breathless.

Jenna without mercy grabs the balls of the wolf and she squeezes them with force. Lucius reacts and he stands up with a jump while he shouts with force feeling a great pain in his balls. Jenna smiles while she squeezes with force.

She never thought about having fun with the balls of Lucius, but she likes this.

Lucius's shouts fill the cavern, he tries to kick Jenna, but the wolves to his around control him.

"I will kill you bitch...." Lucius says before receiving a strong slap on his face. In his cheek there are three marks left by claws, they are bleeding. Jenna releases the balls and she hits them with force using her right forepaw.

Lucius faints for the intense pain, Farran's makes a grimace to a wolf, he takes a bowl of mud filled with water and he empties it on the face of the wolf. Lucius wakes up alarmed and shakes the water of his face.

"I remember when you put your paw in my pussy, I suppose that it is interesting experience. Janae Did you ever put a paw inside the ass somebody?" Jenna asks looking at Janae.

The she-wolf and the other ones open their eyes with surprise understanding Jenna's idea. Janae nods with enthusiasm.

"No... you will not do that, bitch... do not dare." Lucius says growling and revealing his teeth. Farran comes closer and grabs the ears of the wolf.

Jenna looks with pleasure as the leader pulls the ears of Lucius, he growls with pain when the enemy leader obliges him to raise the look to see him.

"The word no is not going to disappear of your mind, now you are a female in heat the only right that you have is to ask for more cum." Farran says looking at the wolf to the eyes. Lucius looks at with fear the penetrating eyes of his enemy.

Farran releases the ears of Lucius and he falls ashore. With a grimace Farran orders to his wolves that he wants them to make. Two wolves nod and they take Lucius's tail to pull it up and the ass of the wolf is raised.

Lucius shrieks with pain to be under obligation to raise his ass. The two wolves hold the legs of the wolf in the meantime one of them bite Lucius's tail to maintain it to one side and to leave his hole visible.

Jenna with pleasure sits behind Lucius she licks her right forepaw slowly to cover it with saliva. She makes it slowly while she enjoys the terror of Lucius that moves his ass to try to get rid of the grasp of the wolves.

"Do not hurt him a lot, my pack has to use its toy for a long time." Farran says while he gets close to Jenna.

"There is no problem, I do not like to break someone else's toys." Jenna says smiling at the pack's leader.

Farran nods and he sits close to Jenna to see this, Janae and the other ones come closer.

Jenna finishes covering her forepaw with saliva, she would like it dry to make this more painful for her rapist.

Jenna raises her foreleg slowly to recline her paw on the posterior hole of her rapist, the ass of the wolf moves with more force and the other wolves holds it. Jenna begins to push her toes on the sphincter.

She finds Lucius's anus, it resists; she does not get surprised and enjoys the terror of wolf. Jenna pushes a toe with force and Lucius growls with pain when the toe enters it in his anus, Jenna feels the pressure of the sphincter.

The female dog moves her toe in different directions while he has fun and Lucius whines with pain.

Jenna pushes other toe and another one more while Lucius moans with pain and he resists, this is something that he never had felt in its life and that now is his turn to be humiliated. Balto sees as Jenna pushes other toe.

She moves her toes inside the anus of the wolf and smiles while she makes more herself comfortable and she gets ready. Saba opens her eyes with surprise because she knows that her mother would not have mercy and clemency with the wolf.

The wolves that hold Lucius make it with more force. Jenna does not miss detail and she pushes her foreleg with force. Balto opens his eyes wide when half foreleg enters violent and rapidly in the wolf.

Lucius shouts with pain and he bucks with force, while he has Jenna's foreleg in his anus. It is a terrible and burning pain like no one. Wolves hold Lucius and control him in the meantime he still shrieks.

Jenna feels that Lucius's entrails squeeze with force his foreleg, he pushes deeper inside and the wolf shrieks with more force. Balto swallows with saliva to see something like that, Jenna has thin legs, but even so this is terrible for the wolf.

Janae and Saba watch the pain of the wolf contentedly. The small pads of the paw of Jenna touch the bottom of the anus. The female dog begins to move her foreleg in and out of the ass of the wolf, she has fun observing as the sphincter of the wolf moves around her foreleg.

She takes the opportunity to examine by touch the entrails of the wolf, she feels something inside and touches it. The body of the wolf shakes and moans, Jenna smiles and caresses it slowly, they all see that Lucius's penis begins to get out of his sheath.

"This bitch already is enjoying something so sick, my wolves will be very happy." Farran says looking at Jenna. She smiles while Lucius feels humiliated feeling that his penis reacts.

When the penis is hanging, Jenna begins to take out his foreleg, Lucius shrieks and shouts while Jenna has fun until he sees that Janae finishes licking her foreleg to cover it with saliva. Jenna of a pull takes out her foreleg.

Lucius screams in pain again. Jenna sees as the wolf's hole this gapping and the she can see the red inside of the entrails. The female moves to give space to Janae.

"Retract your claws." Jenna says while she cleans her foreleg slowly. Janae nods and pushes her foreleg in the anus of Lucius without clemency. The wolf shouts again when the she-wolf begins to take her revenge.

"You are a sadist." Balto says jokingly and looking at Jenna. She smiles impishly at Balto.

Jenna leans on a good place to see what happens. Balto is next to her, he gets surprised when Jenna's left paw catches his sheath and she begins to give it pulls.

"You are next honey, fuck him hard as you know." Jenna says looking at Balto. He nods and closes his eyes when Jenna's paw closes around his member that grows quickly.

Jenna enjoys heat and hardness of the penis of Balto, she feels as if she was touching it for the first time in her life. Balto's penis grows up slowly and the knot takes volume in the base of the cock.

Balto spits saliva on his member and he distributes it lengthwise, he wanted to fuck this wolf without lubrication, but now he belongs to the clan of the twin peaks and Balto cannot hurt him as he wanted.

Janae stops and takes out her foreleg rapidly, Lucius again screams of pain. Balto walks to position himself behind Lucius, now Balto would give this wolf a proof of what he ushered into Jenna.

"Dad's cock is big." Saba says while she is sits next to Jenna.

"Your dad is well-endowed." Jenna says with some pride and fun while she looks at Saba.

"I know it..." Saba says with a tone that raises the eyebrow of Jenna. She says absolutely nothing because after all is said and done with all what happened she is sure that this is not the first time that her daughter saw her father's penis.

Balto positions himself behind the Lucius in the meantime the two wolves still hold him. Jenna sees that her mate mounts the enemy and prepares to penetrate him, Balto's penis is rocking on the air while he moves his hips.

Lucius fights more when the tip of the penis of Balto touches his abused sphincter. Balto smiles maliciously and he pushes his penis sinking his member completely in the rectum of the rapist of his mate.

The wolf shouts with pain when Balto's penis enters in his rectum and now he is raped. Balto begins to move rapidly and fuck Lucius's anus with force.

The anal walls of the wolf squeeze his cock with force, it is sensational and it gives a lot of pleasure to Balto. The spurts of precum sprinkle the anal walls while he pumps up rapidly, Balto's gray balls hit Lucius's testicles.

"I also will kill to you." Lucius says before receiving another slap in order that he controls his tongue.

"You are very tight son of a bitch, these wolves will certainly loose you." Balto says growling in the ear of Lucius. The wolf growls in a rage while Balto's knot touches his sphincter again and again.

Balto does not stop while he enjoys this almost virgin anus. The bastard has a better ass than Jenna, Balto's forepaws hold with more forces Lucius's hips and he pushes his knot.

The scream of pain of Lucius is enjoyed by Jenna. She sees satisfied as her mate growls and drools on the neck of Lucius. Balto moans while he feels that his cock is completely surrounded by the wolf's hot entrails.

Balto's pushes increases and he howls at the moment that he releases his semen in anus of Lucius.

He growls feeling completely humiliated by what is happening with him. Balto gets in position of tail with tail while pants satisfied to have fucked a tight ass and had a good revenge.

"I will return in a moment and I am the next one." Farran says looking at his wolves. They nod and their leader gets out of the cave. Jenna smiles at Balto, he also smiles while her chest fills up with air and deflates while he is breathing fast.

After around twenty minutes Balto begins to pull out his cock, he and Lucius growls until Balto's member slips out of his ass. Saba sees that his father's semen drips from to the dilated hole.

In that Balto moment and the other ones see that Farran enters in the cave. Jenna's eyes open wide seeing the swollen cock between the legs of the wolf, it is immense. It is thicker and bigger than the member of Lucius.

"I cannot believe that both could have taken something like that." Jenna says agitatedly while she sees that the big cock is rocking between the legs of the leader of the pack.

"It was difficult and pleasurable." Saba says while she blushes. Jenna looks at her daughter with surprise and the two female dogs smile with some complicity.

Jenna gets surprised when Janae gets close to Farran and begins to suck the wolf's penis. Farran smiles pleased and permits that the she-wolf continues and she is who helps him to aim his penis into the hole of the wolf while Janae smiles content.

While she is holding on the member, Farran pushes his hips and makes Lucius shouts like an animal that is being disemboweled alive. Lucius faints in repeated occasions, a wolf decides to make good use of the mouth of the wolf and he obliges the captive wolf to give him oral sex.

Jenna passes the rest of the afternoon enjoying the spectacle and observing as Lucius is raped again and again. The female dog has some fun comparing the sizes of the penises of wolves that form a row to rape at their new bitch.

Very late at night Jenna must go with Balto to a chamber to spend the night and to rest, she would like to see like the wolves continue fucking Lucius.

But also she wants to sleep with her mate for the first time in weeks.




Window of opportunity

A few days later Jenna wakes up slowly from her sleep while she feels as semen is dripping of her vagina. She sees that two wolves sleep at her side, they had raped her the previous night. Jenna gets out of the chamber and stretches her body, the...

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It is a calm day for Diggs in his new home with Shane. After his first and exciting mission he wishes to relax, heat outside of the house is unbearable, so Diggs stays in his big house for dog in the patio. He rests on the floor while he sees the...

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