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#3 of The celebration

Little John begins to prepare they party, he needs to do the necessary arrangements and look for a place.

Little John arrives there after some minutes, when he enters in the room Little John sees that Faron Troy, the person in charge of finance already was waiting for him. He is a young cat that is very intelligent for issues of organization.

"Good afternoon, my lord." Faron says making a curtsy while he sees to Little John. He nods and he sits on his chair.

"As you asked, I did the necessary calculations for the celebration that you ordered." The raccoon says passing to Little John a couple of papers, in them there are price lists and products of the market.

"Everything is ready to go and buy them, the rest is will be prepare the packs for the soldiers of the list A, we can do it in three days." Faron says looking at Little John. He nods while he checks the jottings of the cat.

The possible options of packs with different products are marked in the first papers in the other are quantities of rations that would be given to each soldier. The costs also are included and other details.

"Faron, this is a good job, as always you are very efficient at the moment of rendering your services to me." Little John says while he places papers at the table and looks at the cat approvingly.

"Thank you my lord, but regrettably I could not complete what required me." Faron says with discomfort and some nervousness.

"I ummm... I dont have the necessary experience to calculate the other requests for the celebration." Faron says shamefacedly and discomfort of having failed to do what Little John asked him.

He looks at the cat with confusion and he bursts out laughing some moments later.

"Well... if that is the problem, I will take care of that subject." Little John says looking at the cat, he gets surprised and that nods while he makes a curtsy.

"Only I need that you quote the price of a couple of beer barrels and a bite to eat, I do not want it to be a lot of beer in order that men do not get drunk." Little John instructs looking at the man.

Faron nods while Little John stands up and stretches his body. Blood gets to each part of his body

"If that is all, you can go, I will stay for a while to finish some things." Little John says while he looks at the cat. He does a reverence in front of Little John.

"There is something more that do you want to discuss?" Little John asks noticing that the man seems that he wants to say something, but he is concerned.

"My Lord... as I said before, I do not have experience on the necessary matters to prepare the celebration and... well I know that it is for your soldiers, but I wanted... see... if I can participate too." The cat says while he blushes showily and avoids looking at Little John directly.

"Of course, I do not have problems with that; until now you have not disappointed me and you can also be more useful to me that you gain experience in these matters. Begin to buy the necessary for the men." Little John says doing a friendly face to the cat.

Faron gets surprised and smiles before doing a final reverence before getting out of the room.

Little John sits and begins to think about the celebration for his men, he rapidly realizes that the organization of the party would be a little hard due to the crucial factor of women.

There are attractive women in Nottingham and the surroundings. He has a good relation with some of them, but asking them if they want to take part in an orgy it is something else. To the noon Little John works to finish pending business and take the day off.

But he feels restless and his mind is thinking the possibilities. He finally feels that his stomach growls with hunger, he takes his cape and he places it on his shoulders.

Little John says good-bye to the people while he is heading for the central patio where he finds his carriage waiting for him. When going out Little John feels one the intense heat of the day, he growls while he gets close to the carriage, Garrett greets him and Little John gives back the greeting with a motion of his head.

He gets in the carriage and closes the door.

Little John sits at the moment that the carriage begins to move, Little John sees as the streets of Nottingham by the window, the people go and come. After some minutes the carriage enters in the forest.

Little John's thoughts are concentrated in the party, he cannot fail his men because that would be very adverse for him. He had promised to them something and failing to keep it could cause him problems of disloyalty in the future.

The carriage gets to Little John's home and it stops in the main patio, Little John steps down of the carriage and he says good-bye to Garrett. He nods before going on the way out front door and returning to his home.

Little John smiles feeling the aroma of a delicious food. He enters in the kitchen and sees that Marian and women are cooking food.

"I am back." Little John says while he enters in the kitchen. He playfully catches Dana and raises her of the floor, he kisses her on the mouth. She does not resist and kisses to Little John passionately, he puts her on the floor and grabs to Ruth and he kisses her.

She closes her eyes while she responds the kiss of the bear. Both break off the kiss and Ruth blushes a little.

"Is it my turn, now?" Marian says while she laughs and continues moving a ladle in a pot. Little John smiles and he gets close to her to kiss her on the mouth, they break the kiss a moment later.

"The truth was expecting something to drink for this heat." Little John placing on his hands the breasts of Marian and giving them a soft squeeze. She gets surprised and says absolutely nothing at the moment of opening her dress and taking out her breasts.

"Make it fast, boys not take long in coming." Marian says. She laughs when Little John closes his mouth around her right nipple and begins to suck. He sucks the warm and delicious milk that gets out of the tit of the wife of Robin with pleasure.

Marian moans smoothly, she sees the other two women. Dana and her mother smile at her while they continue setting the table for lunch. Little John stops and rapidly he moves when he listens steps in the upper floor.

Marian rapidly closes her dress, just before Skippy and Matilde entered in the kitchen.

Little John greets the two, they greet him and they hang from his neck for some moments. The lunch is served and all of them sit down to eat, Little John eats with pleasure, but he has still his mind at the party.

Little John is the first to finish his food.

"I will go to rest a moment, it was a hard day and please do not bother me." Little John says while he stands up. The other ones nod while he stirs Skippy's hair before heading for his bedroom.

He goes up the stairs and next he walks toward his bedroom, he gets there and closes the door behind him.

Little John gets undressed completely and throws himself on the bed. He exhales with pleasure feeling that his body is not finally covered with that annoying clothing in this heat. Little John opens his eyes when he hears that somebody knocks at the door smoothly.

He covers himself up immediately when the door opens, Ruth's head appears. Little John calms down a little seeing this, the woman enters in the bedroom and closes the door behind her.

"I saw you a little worried during lunch and I thought that I could make something to relieve your worry." Ruth says at the moment of beginning to take off her dress that falls on the floor.

"It is just what I need." Little John says seeing the woman's naked body. He looks at her with desire, Ruth walks toward the bed and climbs on it while the bears takes off the bedspread. The woman crawls to position herself between the opened legs of Little John.

He puts his head on his crossed arms behind his head. Ruth watches him a moment and smiles before beginning to lick Little John's two balls. He closes his eyes and enjoys the feeling, his right testicle is licked slowly by the woman.

Ruth licks the middle line and takes Little John's penis, he feels that his member begins to harden by the caresses. Ruth looks at him before opening her mouth and closing her lips around the right ball.

She sucks the best that she can the big orb. Her hand moves up and down on the swollen shaft of the father of her children. The sound of sucking is heard while she sucks the testicle for some moments before releasing it.

The woman does the same thing with the other testicle before licking it again. Her tongue moves in all the ball, she takes down more her tongue and moves it in the perineum of the bear.

Little John raises his legs and ass.

"Ohhh my ass!" Little John says moaning the moment that the woman's tongue touches his anus. Ruth spreads the cheeks of the bear and licks the brown hole of slow way with pleasure, she perceives the taste to which already she is accustomed.

Her tongue moves between the buttocks of Little John again and again, he moans and feels that her precum oozes in more quantity and falls on his stomach. Ruth stops and moves her tongue from the anus to the base the penis of Little John.

She begins to lick the great shaft of the bear completely.

"What does worry you?" Ruth asks while she gives taps with her tongue at the head of the penis of Little John.

"Uhmmm. It is something... I am organizing a party for my men, a party with beer and women." Little John says while he moans and sees that Skippy's mother closes her lips around the head of his penis and she sucks him smoothly.

Ruth begins to move his head and Little John's penis enters and gets out of her mouth. She perceives the taste of the precum that falls on her tongue, it is a taste that she enjoys a lot. Her hand caresses and stimulates the testicles of the bear.

Little John moans while the woman gives him a good oral sex. He feels as the tongue moves on the tip of his penis of slow and soft way. Ruth slowly begins to take out the penis from her mouth, Little John feels that his penis gets out of Ruth's mouth and it hits his stomach.

His member shines completely by the saliva of Ruth.

"What is the problem?" Ruth asks while she looks and masturbates to Little John slowly. Her hand moves up and down slowly.

"Finding women for the men, women willing to satisfy them completely, in addition not to have a good place for the party... a discrete place." Little John says looking at Ruth. She looks at him and listens attentively, the woman smiles while she moves to position herself over the crotch of the bear.

"Didn't you think about me and my daughter? An orgy sounds exciting." Ruth asks while she takes down her hips slowly and holds Little John's cock with a hand. Little John sees that his penis head touches the woman's vulva and divides the vaginal lips.

Ruth moans and opens his mouth when the penis head enters in her vagina.

"Of course that not, you two are my woman and nobody except Skippy can fuck you, Robin also counts of course when he returns." Little John says while he moans and feels that his penis slowly enters in the soft and tight vagina of the female.

Ruth takes down more her hips and her vulva touches the base of the shaft of Little John. She feels that the penis head touches the entrance of her cervix.

"Well I do not know why you did not think about Ruby and her girls..." Ruth says while he moans at the moment that she begins to move slowly. Little John's penis in and out of her vagina providing her pleasure.

Little John gets surprised because he did not thought about Ruby. She directs the brothel that is in the outskirts of Nottingham. This is best because she neither Little John wanted to expose the more young people to this kind of place.

"She is smart and business woman. If you propose her a good deal, she will help you with pleasure." Ruth says while he continues riding the bear. Little John gets up to begin to suck Ruth's right nipple, he perceives as the warm and delicious milk spurts fill her mouth.

"How do you know it?" Little John asks the moment that he releases the nipple and begins to suck the other tit teat. He moans while he feels as the swollen stomach of Ruth rubs on his stomach with each motion.

His penis is caressed by the vaginal walls of the woman that secrete juices. His penis is covered by them.

"I know her because I worked for her a short period of time." Ruth says while she downs the look to not see the Little John. She did not know how he would react to this revelation.

"Hard times?" Little John asks while he moves his right hand on the back of the woman. She gasps when Little John's hand gets in the crack of her ass, in a strong push the bear's forefinger enters in her rectum.

Little John moves his finger feeling that the woman's anus squeezes his finger with force.

"It had to get money or giving Dana to the sheriff." Ruth says shaking with fear thinking that the wicked wolf had proposed her that in an occasion.

"I like that, it proves to me that you are a disposed mother to do anything for your children." Little John says releasing the nipple and kissing Ruth passionately. She closes her eyes and responds the kiss while she has her hands reclined on the bear's shoulders.

They break off the kiss and Little John leans back in bed to permit that Ruth takes control, he grabs the tits of the doe and he squeezes them. The bear smiles when some milk spurt fly on airs and fall his chest.

Ruth bounces her ass with more speed, she moans while her pleasure grows and her juices get wet Little John's balls. He closes his eyes while he takes down his hands and places them on the swollen stomach of the mother rabbit.

He caresses it thinking that one of his cubs grows up inside her. The moans of both increase and fill the bedroom. Ruth takes down her ass once and Little John growls when he releases his semen.

Ruth shrieks with pleasure when the seed of the bear bathes her vagina walls. Her body convulses when pleasure fills it completely. The fingers of her feet contract and distend uncontrollably.

Little John moans while he catches the woman to prevent that he fell down, the bear growls while he continues emptying his balls in the woman. He feels the strong squeeze around his cock.

Ruth's orgasm disappears slowly and she moves to lean back next to the bear, he feels that his balls are wet in juices and his own semen.

"And if you need a place... you can use the Hall that is near here, after all it belongs to you." Ruth says panting while she turns over seeing Little John.

"Smart woman." Little John says smiling while he sees Ruth. She in a few minutes had found the solution to his problem.

Little John kisses her on her mouth and caresses her stomach softly. Both break off the kiss and move to take their clothes and to begin to get dressed.

"I will go to inspect the hall." Little John says while he finishes getting dressed.

"Dana wants to spend tonight with you." Ruth says while she turns over and she sees Little John while she fixes her dress.

"No problem." Little John the moment that he gets up. Ruth smiles content and she gets out of the bedroom with Little John, both go down to the kitchen and see that Marian is finishing the cleaning.

"You managed to cheer him up." Marian says while she laughs mischievously. Little John smiles smoothly and look at once Ruth with gratitude, she smiles content. Little John looks up in all keys and takes a pair that he thinks are keys of the hall.

He goes out to the patio and sees that Skippy and his sisters are playing. Little John comes closer and says hello.

"I will go to see the hall that is near here. Do you want to accompany me?" Little John asks looking at three rabbits.

"Sure!" Skippy says with emotion while he sees at his sisters. The two girls nod. Little John smiles and with the three siblings gets out of his home, he begins to walk east, toward the forest.

Little John catches Matilde and sits her on his shoulders. The girl gets excited while he charges her content.

For him the three rabbits are a part of his family now, besides he would be father in a couple of months and he likes idea of beginning to get used to that role. Skippy jumps with emotion while he walks in front of Little John.

Dana continues follows him content. The group rapidly sees the big hall that is to some meters ahead of them. It is a hall made of stone, walls are completely tall and large, and the windows are big.

In the doors is carver with coat of arms of the family of the king Richard. Little John had never entered on this hall because only it was reserved for the nobility and besides the prince John did not have a lot of friends to make parties.

Little John places Matilde on the ground and looks for the correct key for the padlock of the door. The firsts four keys do not open the padlock, but the fifth and last key opens the padlock.

With a push Little John opens the door and the dust rises up of the floor. He enters with the boys, they walk on a short corridor, and their footsteps resound in the completely empty place.

Skippy and his sisters look at the place while they walk next to the bear. Everything is semi-dark, Little John gets to a second door and pushes it. The door opens with a slow and noisy crushing sound until it is wide open.

Light seeps in through the large windows and illuminates place completely. The group gets in the hall, the floor this carpeted and covered of dust just like the tables and banks of the dinner guests.

The arches of stone on close-fitting columns are creating corridors that run to the hall's sides where there are tables and banks. Little John permits that boys explore the place, he goes at the bottom and sees that there is a chair very well adorned, clearly to highlight the presence of the host.

There are two pairs of chimneys in opposite sides of the hall.

Little John sees two doors in the wall where the chair is backed up, he opens the left door and enters, he finds a kitchen equipped with pots and various gadgetry to cook. It is a very extensive kitchen and Little John sees that the other door also leads to the kitchen.

He supposes that a door is in order that serfs enter with the empty dishes and go out with for the other one charging full food dishes. Like everything in the hall, the kitchen and the rangetops are covered by a fine dust layer.

There are some cobwebs in the roof and the beams. Skippy and his sisters enter to the kitchen and explore it completely. After around twenty minutes Little John and the siblings go out the hall and again he closes the door.

He smiles thinking that this is a good idea, the hall is comfortable enough and ample for his purposes, but needs to be clean-out and equipped. He and the other ones begin to return to Little John's home.

Skippy gets ahead while he leads by the hand to Matilde. Little John and Dana walk together.

"Your mother told me that you want to spend the night with me." Little John says looking at Dana. She nods while she feels content.

"Definitely I want to feel you in me again." Dana says looking at Little John. He smiles smoothly and he does not get surprised for that reason.

"There is no problem, I have always time for every one of my women." Little John says looking at Dana.

She feels content for that affirmation.

"Mister...Will you also fuck Matilde?" Dana asks with some discomfort and worry.

"No, she is very young for that... you and your family for me is more than incredible sex, Skippy has a tight ass just like you and your mom in addition to Marian. You live now in my home and therefore you are my responsibility besides I regard all of you as my family and I would not hurt you at no time." Little John says looking at Dana.

"What happened in the birthday of your brother is something that got out of control, I love fuck too much and I never thought that that night would bring bigger consequences. Now you and your mother charge my cubs, that converts you in my woman and I cannot feel happier." Little John says looking at Dana.

She laughs smoothly and she feels content.

"Between all us we have a secret which we felt comfortable, if the occasion arises in which Matilde wants to participate it will be OK, but she does not enter in the deal will not be problem." Little John says looking at Dana.

She looks content and places her hands in her swollen stomach. She caresses it softly and she feels happy.

When Little John get to the castle he changes his clothes and gets out to Nottingham to hire people that accomplish the cleanliness of the hall. The rest of the afternoon Little John supervises the cleanliness of the great hall, close to the sunset he begins to pay the people for their work.

He feels satisfied when he gives a final walkthrough and sees that now everything is clean to be in use, only should make the most important thing, but he will make it tomorrow. Little John returns to his home and enjoys a good dinner and a night of games with the family of Skippy and Marian.

Close to the ten o'clock Matilde closes her eyes and she falls asleep in the sofa. Marian makes Ruth a grimace and she nods smiling smoothly while she takes her daughter and charges her to her bedroom.

Little John meets with the guards to know who of they would be in charge of the guard that night, after doing the necessary arrangements he returns to his bedroom. When he gets there Little John takes off his clothes and he leans on his bed to wait.

He looks at his bedroom roof until somebody knocks at the door, he smiles and the door opens sees. Dana enters in the bedroom and for surprise of Little John Skippy he follows her, he closes the door.

"I crossed with Skippy and I thought that maybe he wanted to come." Dana says looking at Little John expecting that he does not get upset. Skippy looks at the bear with plea.

"Of course, there is problem." Little John says doing a friendly face to the two brothers. Both look content and their pajamas rapidly fly through the air before they jump in bed.

Little John smiles seeing that both bounce a moment. He makes himself comfortable and opens his legs largely. He sees that Skippy and Dana kneel down between his legs, Dana begins to lick his balls slowly.

The bear feels that Skippy's hand closes around his sheath and he begins to give some pulls, Little John closes his eyes and feels that his penis slowly begins to grow up. He feels that two hands close around his shaft and they masturbate him slowly.

Skippy moves his hands on Little John's growing cock. He feels the hardness of the member of the bear, Dana takes massages Little John's brown big balls.

"Mmm that is good." Little John says looking at to the siblings. Skippy opens his mouth and closes it around the penis of Little John. He moans and sees that the boy moves his head slowly while sucks his erection.

Skippy savors a drop of precum that drips of the opening, Dana licks the rest of the penis of slow way while Little John moans with pleasure feeling that the brother and sister work on his penis.

Skippy moves his head down and Little John moans when his penis enters in the throat of the boy. The muscles of the throat squeezes his hard cock on a great way.

Dana massages his two testicles and she stops after some moments, she sees at her brother a moment and he takes out the penis from his mouth to pass it on to his sister. Dana licks the member's head, her tongue picks up the precum and he savors it with pleasure.

She closes her lips around the hard cock and begins to suck it.

Little John moans while he sees that the girl gives him oral sex, Skippy caresses his penis while he sees that his sister moves her head on the penis of the bear. The saliva drips to the balls of Little John.

He smiles and with his hand points to Dana's back. Skippy nods and he crawls to position himself behind his sister. The raised ass of Dana gives a perfect sight to Skippy of the pink opening and his sister's anus.

She moans of pleasure the moment that her brother's tongue touches her clitoris, Skippy licks her sister's vulva smoothly, his tongue divides the vaginal lips. The juices of Dana begin to be dripping from her opening.

Skippy licks the slit and his tongue gets inside between the buttocks of his sister, she quivers when the tongue touches her anus. Her brother's hands spread her buttocks and he begins to eat the anus with pleasure.

Little John moans and caresses the head of Dana, she watches him content while she moves his head and the penis in and out of her mouth. She enjoys the taste of the precum that falls on her tongue, it is delicious for her.

The bear stops Dana after some moments and he grabs her to lean her backwards in bed. Dana opens her legs largely for Little John, he positions himself between the thighs of Dana and rubs his penis head in the pink slit of the girl.

Dana closes her eyes and moans when the penis tip divides her vagina lips and the bear's penis enters in her. Little John moans perceiving that the girl's vaginal soft walls surround his cock.

Dana opens her mouth when the penis tip touches the entrance of her cervix. Little John begins to move inside and out of the girl. Juices make everything be more pleasurable and easy.

The breasts of Dana wobble uncontrollably by the strong pushes of her lover, she moans and pants while the great member gives her an incredible pleasure. She sees that her brother is masturbating near to her.

Little John does a facial expression to Skippy, he nods and with enthusiasm pushes his penis in the mouth of his sister. The boy moans when she begins to give him oral sex, Dana sucks smoothly his brother's penis without difficulty since it is not as big as the one of Little John.

Little John's moans are stronger than the one of the siblings. His precum covers the vaginal walls of the girl, he feels that his balls get wet with the juices that are dripping from the vulva of Dana.

Little John's pleasure grows and he stops. Little John takes out his penis slowly until the head slips out of the vagina of the girl. Little John leans backwards and shakes his penis, Dana nods and she positions herself on the crotch of the bear.

He keeps his penis in position for Dana, she slowly sits and moans when the penis again enters in her vagina. She takes down her hips until her groin surrounds the base of the penis of the bear.

Dana places her hands on the chest of Little John and begins to ride him with pleasure, Little John seizes the tits and squeezes them. Two milk spurts get out of the nipples and fly through the air.

Little John laughs when the spurts fall on his face. Skippy kneels down next to Little John and he closes his mouth around the right nipple of his sister, he sucks the milk that slowly fills his mouth.

Little John's penis gets a little more hard. The ass of Dana bounces while she moans of pleasure. Skippy stops after some moments and he moves to position himself behind his sister.

Little John grabs to Dana and obliges her to lean forward. Skippy looks as the swollen stomach projects out below her. The boy spits saliva in his hand and with it covers his penis.

Dana looks at Little John and he smiles, she feels as her brother's two hands spread her buttocks and shortly afterwards his penis tip touches her anus. Skippy pushes his penis and he opens his mouth when his penis is surrounded by hot anal walls.

Through the thin membrane that divides the two tunnels, Little John feels that Skippy's penis enters in Dana, she pants while she has her closed eyes. After some moments Skippy's groin touches the buttocks of Dana.

Little John looks at the boy and makes a grimace, Skippy nods and he begins to move inside his sister. The bear also begins to move, Dana moans and closes her eyes feeling as the two penises move in and get out of her body.

Pleasure is continuous while when Little John takes out his penis, Skippy pushes his cock. Little John feels that the breasts of Dana are pressing his chest that gets wet with the warm milk that gets out of both tits.

Dana moans and feels that her buttocks shake when her brother's groin hits them in each push. Little John squeezes the buttocks of Dana and kneads them while he continuous fucking her.

The three moan and pant with pleasure, while their bodies are united in one. Little John moves with more speed and growling and surpassing in volume the moans and heavy breathing of both brothers. The bear gives a final push and a powerful sperm spurts hits the entrance of her cervix of Dana.

"Ohhh my lord." Dana says moaning the moment that he feels the impact of the semen in her vagina and her orgasm breaks out. Little John feels that the vaginal walls squeeze with more force his penis and the juice drips his balls.

Skippy moans and pushes his penis with force, his sister's anal spasms make that he ejaculates in her.

Dana moans with pleasure while the two males continue ejaculating inside her. Skippy moves back and falls sit in bed, he breathes agitatedly and his heart pumps with force.

"Wash that kid, we have not finished yet." Little John says doing a face to Skippy. He nods with enthusiasm and takes his pajamas to scramble into his clothes and to go out of the bedroom. Little John raises Dana's chin and kisses her.

He pushes his tongue that enters in the mouth of the girl, she responds the kiss and her tongue fight with the tongue of Little John. She breaks off the kiss and begin to ride Little John slowly.

"Your brother's ass is next." Little John says looking at Dana. She nods while he closes her eyes and feels that the bear's penis recovers its hardness in her inside. Both moan of pleasure for several minutes until the bedroom door opens and Skippy enters.

He closes the door and he takes off the pajamas before getting on the bed, Dana moves and Little John's penis hits his stomach when the tip slips of the inside of the vagina. Skippy gets surprised a little when his sister positions herself behind him and she pushes him forward.

"Ohhh yes..." Skippy moans when the tongue of Dana begins to move in his crack. He feels as the tongue of his sister licks his hole circularly to get it wet with saliva.

Dana keeps Skippy's buttocks spread, she moans when he feels that Little John's penis enters in her vagina again. Little John holds with force the hips of the girl and begins to fuck her slowly.

He feels as juices covers his penis completely, Skippy moans and closes his eyes when his sister pushes her tongue and penetrates him. Dana feels as her tongue is squeeze with force, her tongue soaks with saliva her brother's provinces.

Dana stops when Little John gives two soft spanks in her ass, she moves and makes room for Little John.

He positions himself behind Skippy he aims his penis at the middle of the crack of the boy, he feels the head soaked in juices touches his anus.

Little John begins to push his penis, he feels that the boy's sphincter resists. Skippy closes his eyes and he relaxes. Dana sees that her brother moans with pain and clenches his teeth when the bear's member enters in her brother.

"Boy you have one of the best anuses of Nottingham." Little John moans feeling the pressure of the anal walls around his cock. Little John pushes his penis and slowly sinks it in middle of the buttocks of the boy.

Skippy pants and squeezes the bedspreads feeling as the walls of his rectum conform to the mold to the thickness of the member of the bear. Little John feels that his penis no longer can enter more. He begins to pump his penis inside and out of Skippy.

The boy moans of pleasure with each push, Little John's penis touches his ass bottom on every occasion.

Dana sits and masturbates while she sees as her brother is fuck by the big bear.

Little John's penis caresses the prostate of the boy with each push, Skippy moans while he feels that his penis hardens more and he rocks on the air. Little John makes a grimace to Dana and she understands.

Skippy opens his eyes when he feels motion and sees that his sister's crotch to be in front of his face. He begins to lick the pink and swollen slit of his sister, Dana moans and pants with pleasure each time his brother's tongue touches his clitoris.

The semen mixed with juices get to Skippy's tongue, he savors the mixture while Little John's groin hits his buttocks. Little John spreads more the white cheeks and looks as the sphincter of the boy moves on his shaft.

Dana squeezes her tits while she pants and sees that her brother eats up her vagina, she sees that Little John has closed eyes while he continues moving. An intense pleasure suddenly takes possession of her body and she shrieks the moment that she has another orgasm.

Little John sees that the girl quivers uncontrollably, he expedites his pushes. His moans become intense just like the moans of Skippy. He moves a little and without looking for it his penis tip of Little John hits his prostate.

The boy moans and clenches his teeth when his semen is shoot out of the tip of his penis, Skippy's anal walls squeezes with more force Little John's cock. He gives a final push and growls at the moment of releasing his semen in the rectum of Skippy.

Spurt behind spurt of seed cover Skippy's anal walls. Little John laughs seeing that Skippy has his body reclined forward while he has a lost stare due to pleasure.

Little John takes out slowly his penis from the anus of Skippy, when his penis tip gets out a great quantity of semen drips from the dilated anus of the boy. The bear takes the siblings below the bedspread while he positions himself in middle of both.

He turns off the candle that is in the bedside table and that makes himself comfortable to sleep. On the following day Little John wakes up feeling that the ass of Dana touches his crotch. He feels that his penis gets hard with blood again.

The bear sees behind him and notices that Skippy was not with them. Little John puts his attention in Dana, he caresses the girl's body slowly. He gives some soft squeezes to the white buttocks and later caressing and squeezing the breasts.

But the swollen stomach is what attracts him more, he delicately caresses that place. His cubs grow up inside the girl. Little John scrubs his penis in the buttocks of Dana, he spits saliva in his hand and scatters it on his penis.

Little John grabs his swollen cock to introduce the tip between the buttocks of the girl, he with calm tracks the girl's posterior hole. Some moments later Little John begins to push when his glans touches Dana's sphincter.

He pushes with calm and firmness, the bear moans when girl's sphincter closes around the head of his penis.

Little John begins to move inside and out of the tight anus, Dana opens her eyes when she feels that the hard shaft moves in her rectum.

"Fuck me my lord." Dana moans when the penis tip touches the bottom of her anus. Little John pumps with more force and moans with pleasure, he places his hand between the tights of the girl. Dana moans with pleasure when the bear begins to caress her clitoris.

Moans are heard inside the bedroom, Little John pushes two fingers in the vagina of Dana.

She whines with pleasure while minutes pass, Little John pumps with force inside the anus of girl, he feels that juices get his fingers wet completely. The precum gets the anal walls wet and does easiest the penetration.

Little John expedites the rhythm of his pushes and the moans of Dana grow in intensity, the bear growls with force the moment that he releases his semen inside Dana. She quivers feeling as the sperm spurts hit the walls of her rectum, she has her own orgasm when the palm of the hand of Little John rubs on her clitoris for the last time.

The bear feels that his fingers are squeezed with force inside the vagina of the girl. Little John kisses Dana's neck delicately from behind. She breathes agitatedly feeling content, both get comfortable and they fall asleep again in the meantime Little John's penis still is in the ass of the girl.

One hour later Little John wakes up again, the bear sees that he is alone in bed. He yawns largely and he scratches his crotch a moment before looking for his clothing and getting dressed to go to the quarters.

Little John goes down to the kitchen and he founds that they all are having breakfast. He joins up and enjoys a good breakfast with Marian and the rests of his family.

When Little John finish he takes a bath and later says good-bye before getting on the carriage. Garret is waiting for him, he gives the order and horses begin to move. Little John gets to the quarters after a half-hour, he talks with the captain of his men to know if there is any new thing.

Fortunately there is no new thing, since the destruction of the gang of thieves everything is calm. Little John moves the rest of the morning checking some documents, when Little John finish off the last paper he feel that his stomach growls of hunger.

He gets up of his chair and stretches his body a moment in order that blood gets to each part of his body.

He takes his cape and he decides to return at home, he says good-bye to his men before getting on the carriage that takes him to his home.

When he gets there Little John enjoys a delicious lunch prepared by Marian and Ruth. He eats it with pleasure in the meantime listen what all of them had done in the morning.

After lunch Little John gets some rest and he relaxes. Around two hours later Little John prepares to go out again. He goes down to the kitchen to take a glass of water, while he drinks it he listens to a strange sound that comes from the pantry.

He gets close to the door and glues his ear on it. He listens to a pant of pleasure, Little John with calm opens the door and look inside

His eyes get open wide seeing that Marian has her hands leant in the cupboard while she moans of pleasure.

Skippy is behind her, he is fucking her with force, the boy pumps rapidly while Marian's tits rock uncontrollably.

Little John closes the door with care and he goes away toward the patio where he finds Ruth and her daughters.

He says good-bye to them and him with disguise he warns Ruth about what happens on the kitchen between Marian and Skippy. Skippy's mother laughs impishly and nods while he sees that her two daughters play together.

"I will see that Matilde not come closer there." Ruth says in a low voice. Little John nods and says goodbye to the girls before heading toward his carriage that waits him. He gets in it and closes the door.

"Take me to the sugar house." Little John says sticking his head out of the window and looking at Garrett.

The bear smiles a little when Garrett hears him, he nods while he feels uncomfortable. Little John makes himself comfortable inside the carriage that begins to move over to the way out of the castle.

Little John relaxes and closes his eyes, the road potholes do not bother him while he sleeps for some minutes until the carriage stops. A groan of bother escapes of Little John when he feels that the carriage stops suddenly.

Some moments later the door opens and Garrett bows to Little John. He comes down from the carriage and sees a big house in front of him.

"Return for me in a while." Little John says looking at his driver. Garrett nods and gets on the carriage, he gives a pull to the reins and the carriage begins to go away.

Little John climbs some steps of stair of stone and knocks the front door. He waits for some minutes until a young she-wolf opens the door. She gets surprised seeing him standing there, Little John greets her and he takes off the hat before go inside the house.

"Oh my lord... this is a surprise and be welcome to the sugar house." The she-wolf says while he bows and invites to Little John to enter. He gets in the reception and sees that is a room very large and is very tall, the floor is carpeted in addition to that walls are coated with red plush and showy cloth.

The inside is lightly illuminated for some large windows that are half-closed to enable only the necessary step of light. When he gives two steps more in the inside rapidly he is surrounded by several women.

"Choose me my Lord" A woman says taking Little John's hands and placing them on her breasts, but another woman seizes the hands of the bear to place them on her own breasts.

"I will suck you all afternoon." Another woman says another one while he rubs her body on Little John. He feels that women touch him and some of them caress his crotch. The bear feels content in the meantime the girls try to take his attention.

"Girls leave alone to our Lord." A woman says with authority and some laughter. Little John looks up and sees a tigress wearing a black tight and revealing dress. She is a thin woman and her tail moves slowly.

Little John sees to Ruby, she is the owner of the brothel and therefore the other women are at her service.

She is standing in the entrance of another room that has a bar.

Girls rapidly move away from Little John while the tigress gets close to him, she is moving with a slow and seductive way while he smiles at Little John.

"Good afternoon Ruby, I love to see you again after much time." Little John says thinking that he had not seen this woman in a long time.

"What can I do for you? My girls can fulfill all your desires." Ruby says while she looks at Little John and blinks seductively and she caresses softly Little John's stomach with her forefinger, she looks to the right. Little John directs his look where is looking the woman.

He sees that all girls are half-naked of the waist up, they do subtle facial expressions and some lick their lips to invite him to choose them.

"The truth is that I am here for business." Little John says looking at the tigress.

"For you... I will cheapen the price of a trio." Ruby says looking at the bear. Little John smiles smoothly because this idea is not disagreeable.

"No, this is something bigger." Little John says looking at the tigress. He notices that the woman's eyes gleam with interest.

"Let's go to my office." She says looking at Little John. He nods and follows her to the next room, just like the other room, this is tenuous illuminated; there is a little stage to the right where girls certainly accomplish spectacles for customers.

The tigress leads to Little John to a door that is next to the stage. Ruby opens the door and she invites Little John to enter, he crosses by the door and he is in a room with a desk and two chairs.

The floor this carpeted and there is a window that permit that enter a lot of light, there are two furniture at both sides of the room and two pictures of naked women hanging above of them. They a pictures of a she-wolf and a rabbit.

Little John sits on a chair while Ruby empties some wine in glass and she invites it to Little John, he smiles and takes a sip while the woman sits on the opposed chair and places a glass for her at the table.

"Well my lord. What is business?" Ruby asks while she leans lightly forward and takes a sip.

"As you know the gang of thieves had been defeated." Little John says looking at the tigress. She nods in silence.

"I know, I lost two friends in one of the assaults." Ruby says with some sadness. Little John nods understanding those words. Some of the victims of the attackers had been women that went by that point with to a group that returned of another city.

"I am organizing a party to reward my men, and I thought that your girls would give them the fun that they require." Little John says looking at the tigress. She smiles smoothly while she feels content.

The profits are low in this moment and this could be what she and her girls need to be OK for a good time.

"That is a good reward, but what are proposing exactly?" Ruby asks purring with some enthusiasm.

"The same old story, I need that your girls are willing to please my men in all the night, what they want." Little John says before drinking another sip of wine.

"Mmmm would not have problem with that, all my girls know what they should make and perhaps I would need to hire a pair more. This will be a little expensive." Ruby says while he takes a piece of paper and writes in it with a quill before passing it to Little John.

He reads the piece of paper and he does not look surprised.

"I see nothing bad in this number, it seems fine for me." Little John says smiling at the woman.

Ruby smiles and she feels content that money would finally come to business. In addition to everything it would be interesting.

"The only problem is that this big house is not ample enough for all your men." Ruby says looking at Little John. He smiles smoothly and nods showing that he agrees.

"There will be no problems with that, the party will be in the hall is near my home, I will also be there to see that no one of my men hurts the girls. They will be completely safe." Little John says looking at Ruby.

"Then it is a deal." Ruby says smiling smoothly at Little John. He smiles content and a quieter little since everything is resolute.

"We can discuss details tomorrow, the party will be the Friday of next week." Little John says looking at the woman. She nods and begins to think to some possibilities in order that everything comes out all right.

"To close the deal personally I will give you a good time." Ruby says looking at Little John. He opens his eyes with surprise and nods content at the same time that his penis begins to harden.

The tigress gets up and asks to Little John follow her, they get out of the room and they head toward the reception room. Girls again get excited seeing Little John, he looks up and down the bodies of women.

"We will take the room ten." Ruby says taking a key ring from the bar, she looks at the girls a moment.

Women nod while they get disappointed thinking that their boss would monopolize their lord's, some money that would be very good.

Ruby takes Little John to the stairs and they go up the stairs until the first floor of the big house. When Little John gives the last step he sees two long corridors with several doors to their sides. The tigress begins to walk for one of the corridors and Little John follows her.

She takes him to a room at the end of the corridor, in the door is painted the number ten, Ruby places the key on the lock and turns it before opening the door.

"Please my lord." Ruby says inviting to Little John to enter in the bedroom. He enters in there, the floor is completely carpeted, the bed is ample and has drapes at its around.

She begins to take off her clothes in front of Little John, she winks at him in the meantime slowly she gets undressed. Little John also begins to take off his clothes that he keeps on placing in a cupboard that is near.

He his naked, he places his clothing in the cupboard before turning over and seeing Ruby, she already is naked and waiting for him in bed. Little John gets on the bed and he leans next to the woman, he lies on his right side confronting her.

"Oh my lord... that looks amazing." Ruby says when he sees the bear's erect penis. She stretches her hand and catches the cock, Little John moans when she begins to caress his penis slowly.

Her hand moves forward and back slowly on her shaft, she squeezes it smoothly. Little John sees the woman, she is attractive and with a good pair of white tits. Little John places his hand on the right breast and gives a squeeze.

He feels its firmness and he begins to caress the breasts of the tigress, she watches this and smiles smoothly.

Ruby perceives the hardness of the member in her hand, she moves her hand and caresses the penis head.

The precum is dripping from the opening getting his fingers wet. Little John leans backwards and the tigress positions herself on him. She moves her long tail of slow way before kissing Little John on mouth.

He joins his tongue to Ruby's tongue, he grasps the two tits and squeezes them with pleasure. Ruby moans when Little John twists her nipples smoothly while he pushes her tongue against the tongue of the tigress.

She breaks off the kiss after some moments and looks at Little John smiling directly. Ruby takes down her body and kisses Little John's chest smoothly, her mouth steps down further down while she kisses each part that she finds.

Little John moans when she gives a kiss to his penis's tip, Ruby feels that the precum gets her lips wet, she savors it with pleasure. Her tongue begins to move on the erection of the bear going over the whole length to get to the balls.

She licks her two testicles with calm, Little John enjoys the licks on his balls while he sees as the woman gives him oral sex. Ruby opens her mouth and closes it around the right testicle, he moans when he feels that the sharp teeth of the tigress digs in his soft skin.

Ruby sucks and pulls the testicle while she stretches her hand and takes the shaft. She begins to masturbate to Little John slowly. He closes his eyes enjoying the job of the tigress, she releases the testicle after a while and sucks the other one.

Little John moans with pleasure while he sees the bedroom roof, there is a mirror hanging of the roof, it allows seeing everything with attention to detail. Ruby moves her head a little more and closes her mouth on the penis of Little John.

He moans feeling that the lips move on his cock, Ruby moves his head slowly perceiving the taste of the hard meat of the bear. She had sucked a hundred of man in all these years and she enjoys the taste of every one.

Ruby looks at Little John while she moves her tail slowly, the spurts of precum fall on her tongue continuously. Little John moans and pants with pleasure, he places his hand on the nape of the neck of the tigress and pushes it down.

He closes his eyes when his penis enters in the throat of the woman, he enjoys the squeeze of the muscles around his shaft. Ruby maintains her lips glue on the groin of the bear while she permits that the muscles in her throat give pleasure to the man.

The female's saliva gets wet the fur around the member of Little John, he feels that his pleasure increases and releases the head of the tigress. Ruby slowly moves her head back until the penis covered of saliva leaves her mouth.

Ruby purrs in the meantime she crawls to position herself on the penis of Little John. The woman moves her hips slowly caressing with her swollen and wet vulva the penis of Little John. He licks his mouth and looks at the tigress.

She smiles and growls mischievously the moment that she takes the cock and aims it to her vagina. She takes down her hips and she pants when the member invades her pussy. Little John moans with pleasure and growls feeling as the vaginal soft walls surrounds his cock.

Ruby begins to move her hips, she moans of pleasure. Little John's penis is big and pleasurable, the spurts of precum coat their vagina, Little John has closed eyes enjoying the moment, his penis enters and goes out slowly of Ruby.

He looks as the tigress rides him with pleasure, her tail is moving from one side to another showing that she is moves having a good time. Little John grasp the two breasts that are rocking and he pinches them with pleasure, Ruby opens her eyes and purrs while it continues moving.

Ruby enjoys the penis in her vagina, her juices covers it. Both moan of pleasure that increases rapidly, Little John clenches his teeth and growls when a semen spurts is shoot out from the opening of his penis.

The tigress stops and moans with force at the moment that her inside is bathed with semen, her orgasm gains control of her body completely. She falls on Little John and moans while the ejaculation of the bear oozes of the opening of her vagina.

Both breathe agitatedly while they recover. Little John pants and places his hands on the ass of the woman, he gives them a soft squeeze.

"My lord. Do you want to fuck my ass?" Ruby asks whispering in Little John's ear. He nods silently in the meantime looks at the tigress.

Ruby smiles and she moves to one side, Little John's member leaves her vagina. Semen drips from her opening and stains the bed bedspreads. The woman leans forward and puts the flaccid penis into her mouth.

Little John moans while she sucks her sensitive cock, Ruby perceives the taste of her juices and the bear's semen, it is a delicious mixture. Her tongue moves on the head of the penis slowly, Little John closes his eyes feeling as his member slowly recovers its hardness inside of the mouth of the tigress.

His precum oozes of the opening of his penis and it is licked by the woman, she using her left hand caresses the testicles of the bear slowly for some moments. Ruby opens her mouth and the penis covered of saliva slides outside.

She licks the head and the length of the member to the balls, she begins to suck Little John's balls with calm. He moans feeling that the sharp teeth of the tigress dive in his skin smoothly.

The woman has fun with both balls.

"Would you like that I eat your ass, my lord?" Ruby asks slowly while she massages Little John's balls besides she masturbates him with her other available hand.

"I love that a lot." Little John says smiling and looking at the tigress. She smiles smoothly and again sucks the cock of the bear for some moments, she releases the cock and Little John leans upon his chest.

Ruby smiling positions herself behind Little John and with her hands knead the buttocks of the bear, she digs her fingernails into the ass of the bear. Little John closes his eyes while he feels that the woman's hands kneads his buttocks.

The woman moves her hands slowly and spreads the buttocks, she sees Little John's hole in middle of the crack. Ruby licks her mouth and introduces her snout between the buttocks of Little John.

He moans when the tigress licks his hole slowly, Ruby perceives the taste while he licks the sphincter slowly, she makes it delicately while she knows that this is very enjoyed by her customers.

Her tongue moves circularly while she gets wet the bear's crack, Little John feels that her penis hardens more feeling as the tongue tip touches his anus again and again, Ruby moves her tongue on the hole of the bear circularly.

She pushes her tongue against the anus of Little John, he relax and opens his mouth when the tongue enters in his inside. Ruby feels that the anal walls squeeze her tongue with force, she moves her tongue covering the bear's rectum with saliva.

"Mmmm you know what you are doing." Little John says while he leans on his knees and elbows. The woman pushes her tongue with more force and penetrates more into Little John. The tigress introduces her hand between the tights of bear and catches the penis.

Her tongue continues moving inside the rectum of Little John while she masturbates him slowly.

Her hand moves back and forward on the shaft of the bear, the precum drips from the opening of the penis and falls in bed. Little John moans and growls with more force until the woman stops and takes out her tongue.

A thick yarn of saliva ranges from the hole of Little John to the tigress's tongue. Little John looks at the woman over his shoulder, she smiles and purrs while he crawls to get herself in front of the bear.

Ruby leans forward and moves her ass while she smiles at Little John and she licks a finger sensually.

Little John licks his mouth and places his hands on the buttocks of the tigress, he spreads them.

Little John sees the little hole in the crack, he takes his penis and puts it in position. Ruby moans when he begins to push his cock against her little hole, she embraces the pillow and moans while Little John pushes with force.

He pushes with a little more force and closes his eyes when the tigress's sphincter hedges the head of his penis. He pushes a little more and his member gets inside the female, Ruby moans with pain feeling that the shaft of the bear enters in her rectum.

She is used to the anal sex, but there are few men with as big penises as the one of Little John. He pushes his penis slowly while he moans and enjoys the internal heat of the anus of the tigress.

Ruby's anal walls slowly conform to the mold to the thickness of the member of Little John that invades her, the spurts of precum sprinkle her bowels.

"Your member is going to split me by half, my lord." Ruby says moaning and biting the pillow. Each centimeter of her rectum is touched by the penis of Little John.

Some moments later the bear's groin touches the woman's buttocks. He enjoys the sensation some moments before beginning to move, Little John moans with pleasure with each push, his penis is stimulated by the anal walls of the tigress.

After all this time of working, she still has a tight ass. Ruby moans feeling that her buttocks are hit by the groin of the bear, she feels as the thick and hard member moves in and out rapidly of her anus.

Ruby moans with pleasure with each push, she moves her hand to introduce it between her thighs. Little John gets surprised when the woman grabs his balls and begins to massage them. She pulls and plays with the balls of the bear slowly.

Little John pumps up his penis rapidly, he leans forward to grab the oscillating tits by the tigress. Ruby moans when he twists the nipples pleasantly, the big hands of the bear knead her breasts at times.

After some moments Little John stops and takes out his penis with a pull, he rapidly turns the body of the tigress. Ruby moans while she sees that the bear positions himself between her legs, Little John takes his penis and pushes it.

Ruby moans when the penis again enters in her ass, Little John positions himself above her and begins to fuck her with force in the missionary position. The bed squeaks and Little John closes her mouth around the right nipple.

He sucks with pleasure and Ruby closes her arms around the body of the bear. She moans with each powerful push, she feels that the penis tip touches the bottom of her rectum and sprinkles it with precum.

Little John moans and with his right hand begin to caress the woman's clitoris, the tigress moans with more pleasure. She sees that the bear sucks her tits with true pleasure and desire, Little John begins to growl with more force and his balls release his semen.

He growls at the moment that spurts of seed are shoot out of the opening his penis and splatters the anal walls of the tigress. Ruby feels as the sticky spurts hit her bowels, she roars with force the moment that an orgasm breaks out in her body.

Her body shakes uncontrollably and she digs her fingernails in the back of Little John. He moans with pain when the long fingernails penetrates in the skin of his back. The semen spurts run out at the same time that the intense orgasm of the tigress disappears slowly.

"That was incredible, my lord." Ruby says panting and looking at Little John.

"Well I was not the only one that acted incredibly today." Little John says while he looks at the tigress while his chest fills up with air and deflates rapidly. The woman smiles at him and both are kissing passionately before separating.

Little John takes out his flaccid penis and he leans back next to Ruby. Both breathe agitatedly.

"Mmm... Would you like fix the hall for the celebration? My men cannot fuck standing." Little John asks looking at the tigress, she laughs softly.

"That will have an extra cost, my lord." Ruby says smiling and catching Little John's member to give it some pulls.

Little John laughs and rests for some minutes until he believes he is time to leave. He catches his clothes and he gets dressed just like the woman, this was a nice moment for him. When they are ready, Little John and Ruby go down to the reception.

He says good-bye to the woman and of the girls before getting out of the big house, and he half-closes his eyes when sunbeams hit his face.

Little John sees that Garret has not yet come back for him. He downs the steps and feels the ground below his feet.

"Good afternoon, my lord." One voice says, he recognizes it immediately. Little John gets surprised seeing to Eryn at some meters of him.

"Good afternoon." Little John says a little surprised seeing the woman there.

"What are you doing for here?" Little John asks while he gets close to the she-wolf. She smiled uncomfortably.

"I was thinking that I could get a job, I need some extra money." Eryn responds smiling with discomfort.

"I hear that here someone can earn well, but I do not know if they would accept me. Although if you are here I perhaps may give you what you want." Eryn says while she blushes. Little John gets surprised by the declaration of Eryn.

"I am waiting my carriage." Little John says looking at the she-wolf, she gets disappointed a little seeing that she could not earn some money with Little John.

"Well, certainly you will be accepted." Little John says while he does a face to the woman. She smiles smoothly.

"Why are you sure?" She asks with some interest.

"Well...what I will say you is a secret that I do not desire that spreads in Nottingham... I am organizing a party for my men like reward to have defeated the gang of thieves, so Ruby and her girls will be in charge of give them the necessary fun, she told me that maybe she will need a couple of women more." Little John says looking at the she-wolf while he rubs the neck with discomfort.

"I see, there is a good money in this." Eryn says while her eyes gleam with emotion in front the opportunity to earn a good money.

"Perhaps it will not be the correct thing for you... I mean that it can be something very savage... it can happen that three men want to have sex with you at the same time or something similar." Little John says while he clears his throat with some shame.

"That sounds interesting, since the afternoon which you visited me I have felt an itch down there." Eryn says feeling ashamed and blushing while she sees Little John. He gets surprised by the words of the woman.

"Well some women says that to me often." Little John says smiling smoothly. Eryn also smiles ashamed.

They look at each other a moment and smile with discomfort.

"Well... your carriage has not returned. How about a quickie?" Eryn says while she tries not to blush.

"Well... it will not hurt." Little John says while he smiles at the she-wolf. Eryn feels content and nods.

"Let's go behind." Little John says doing a grimace to the woman. She nods and with care they go behind the big house, Little John looks around and he reclines against the wall while he sees that the she-wolf kneels down before him.

She takes Little John's sheath and begins to caress it, slowly the cock begins to get out of the brown sheath and Eryn closes her hand on the flaccid shaft to masturbate it. Little John's member gets hard rapidly in the hand of the she-wolf, Eryn looks at this with joy.

Some moments later Little John's penis is completely erect, Eryn opens her mouth and closes it around the cock. Little John moans when the woman begins to suck his penis, she moves her head rapidly perceiving the spurts of precum on her tongue.

Little John closes his eyes while he enjoys the pleasure on his penis, Eryn's saliva gets his shaft wet completely, the lips of the she-wolf touch his penis base again and again. The sound of sucking is heard at the place.

The bear sees as the she-wolf sucks his penis with pleasure, Eryn caresses Little John's balls with her hand.

She pulls and massages them with care, the saliva drips from the cock of the bear; after some minutes Eryn takes out the member of her mouth.

She licks it from the tip to the base enjoying the taste of the hard meat, from her encounter with the bear she had wished to savor it. Each lick makes that Little John shake with pleasure, the woman licks his penis head picking up the precum that stems from the opening.

Little John pushes his penis in the mouth of the mother, she sucks with pleasure and she does not resist when Little John's hands grabs her head and he pushes it toward his groin. The member enters in the throat of Eryn, she continues sucking while the precum slides right down to her stomach.

Little John moans with more force and his pleasure increases, he takes out his cock with a pull. The saliva drips abundantly of his penis and falls on his feet. Eryn stands up and smiles while she reclines her hands to the wall of the big house.

She moves her tail and smiles while he sees Little John. He positions himself behind her and rapidly raises the woman's skirt, she closes her eyes when Little John's hands take possession of her buttocks, and he kneads and squeezes them with pleasure.

"Put it in my ass, sir." Eryn asks looking at Little John over her shoulder. He was not going to resist and accommodates his penis head between the buttocks of the woman, he moves his penis until the tip touches the woman's sphincter.

Little John begins to push his penis against the she-wolf's tiny hole, she moans feeling the pressure in her posterior hole. The she-wolf closes her eyes and relaxes trying thinking about the great pleasure that the hard member gave her the previous time.

Eryn's eyes open and she moans with pain when the member's tip enters in her anal passage. Little John pushes his penis slowly while he has his closed eyes enjoying the entrails of the she-wolf.

The penis sinks slowly in the rectum and the anal walls caress his penis that slowly disappears between the buttocks of the woman. Eryn moans smoothly and her vagina releases more juices feeling that she is penetrated anally.

This is second time that she feels it and she enjoys it, Little John's groin touches her buttocks. Little John does not move enjoying the heat that surrounds his penis, he holds the hips of the she-wolf and he begins to move.

Eryn moans every time that the penis enters and gets out of her anus, the walls of her rectum are stimulated and covered of precum. Little John pumps up slowly enjoying the tight and delicious anus.

"How are those boys behaving?" Little John asks while he pushes his hips and his penis gets in the rectum the woman.

"They are behaving properly that lesson that they got was very effective." Eryn responds moaning of pleasure. The tip of the penis of Little John hits the bottom of her anus and provides her pleasure.

Little John stops when he listens the wheels of the carriage that comes closer.

"Oh shit." Little John says at the moment of beginning to pump his penis with more speed inside the woman.

Eryn moans and introduces her right hand between her legs, she masturbates rapidly while she feels that her buttocks shake when the bear's groin hits them.

The pleasure between the legs of the she-wolf increases rapidly. Little John moans and pants pushing with more force his penis, he closes his eyes and clenches his teeth at the moment that he releases his semen in the rectum of the woman.

Eryn feels as the semen spurts bathe her entrails completely, she moans and controls herself not to howl when her orgasm fills completely her body with placer. Her hand gets wet with her juices and they drip to the ground.

Little John with fast pull extracts his penis that is covered with cum, he rapidly scrubs it on the buttocks of Eryn to clean it. Eryn does not move in the meantime she quivers by her sudden orgasm, by chance Little John observes up and sees that Ruby is looking at him from a window in the first floor.

The tigress looks at him and makes a grimace, Little John shrug his shoulders before fixing his clothing.

He puts his hands into his pockets and takes out a couple of coins that he gives to the she-wolf, she gets excited seeing the coins that are of great worth and help her in her purpose to fix some parts of her home that needs emergency repairs.

"Thank you my lord." Eryn says with emotion while she looks content to Little John. He smiles and greets with his hat to say good-bye.

"If you really wants to work at the party... well... I do not think that Ruby would resist." Little John says smiling.

He says good-bye again and he heads toward the carriage. He greets Garrett.

He nods and he has a look of complicity. Little John smiles while he gets on the carriage and closes the door. He sits at the same time that the carriage begins to move, the bear relaxes knowing that he just need to wait the celebration.

Little John, Marian © Disney.

Eryn, Garret** , Arlen, Wilton, **** Faron Troy and Ruby **** are my characters**

Writen by Janus Oberoth


On the following day Jenna wakes up feeling Lucius's hug, he holds her while his nose is resting in the neck of the female. His hot respiration stirs Jenna's fur, she moves to separate from the wolf. She notices that a little sunbeam enters in the...

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The punishment

Next morning after finishing unfinished matters of the previous day, Little John heads toward the dungeon of the quarters. He crosses the patio while his mind thinks about his plans to construct some hospital or center of healing for sick persons of...

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A grateful mother

Little John was content while he observes the map of Nottingham and its surroundings. The gang of thieves had finally been destroyed and the survivors sentenced to the gallows, Little John had made it without seeing names, according to the Captain...

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