The Power of Time

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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A Dominance and submission series by:

Valentyna Laurent & Damion Ozymandias


Please note, both the Space Dragon, AND the Omniternal Dragon species are closed.

They are not to be copied, slandered, or otherwise fraudulated.

Damion chuckled as she leaned in and kissed his neck, but he cradled her against his chest gently, his strong arms wrapping around her waist and lower back, and his fingertips met the base of her wings. "Ah, have Maurice show you, Love, or you can come bathe with me. The choice is yours. Also, Val...You must call me Master..." He said quietly, giving her a new nickname that only he would use., He then released her and turned, starting towards the mansion, lest he succumb to his base instinct and take her against that tree. He had longed to do it. Something about her called to the depths of his soul. Perhaps it was because he'd never really had many dragonesses that were actually willing to give him more than a quick fuck. In his long life, he'd had well over a thousand partners, and most of those were just the ones whose names he could remember. He looked back to see if she was following him as he wandered down dark stairwells that lead underground. Here, the walls smelled of limestone and sea-salt. It was clear they were descending very low, and had probably already dropped one-hundred-and-fifty feet, an even halfway down to the water. When he finally took one of the side corridors, he quickly reached an old, damp wooden door. It was redwood, and obviously older than Damion was, well, older than the male LOOKED, anyway. Damion was a bit older than the door, though not much. When he had been a child, he'd come here, and finding a small cave, had followed it down to this point. Beyond the door was a large room. The watery pool in the center bubbled freely, though it was clear Damion had smoothed the basin to a beautiful finish. One would think it had been done with tools, but the male's own paws and claws were what had REALLY done the work, as well as his fire. He'd heated the rock with the fire from his maw until it was malleable, then gently worked it until it was as smooth as a slingstone. He was very proud of the work he'd done molding the earth, and he started to undo his shirt immediately once he was in the room.

She had followed him, having grown comfortable in his presence. She was nervous about being around the others, but not around him. Calling him Master seemed like a big deal, but she wasn't sure if she could do it always. She let the thoughts tumble around in her mind as they walked, and when they reached the room at the bottom, her eyes widened as she looked around the area, admiring the stone work, both the rough walls as well as the smooth, polished basin of the pool. "This is beautiful," she breathed softly, turning in a slow circle to look at everything in the room. When she once again was looking at him, she blushed, her silver scales on her chest the only area showing a hint of her blush on the upper portion, going up her neck. She'd never seen a nude male, and now, she was about to see him fully nude. Remembering his words about getting out of the outfit put on her at the market, she fumbled to get all the metal off her body. Lowering her eyes as she took off the bottom of the chainmail bikini, she said softly, "I-I'll try to remember to call you that, but it's not something I'm comfortable with. But at least in public and around the others, I will. But I may often forget to when we're alone. I'm used to freely speaking my mind and calling others by their names. I can be blunt as well as subtle, depending on the situation, when I speak my mind. And I can't change that at the drop of a hat." She shook her head, having gotten the bottoms off, then started pulling the gold bracelets and adornments off as she looked over at him. "I promise not to be rude or disrespectful in any way, shape or form. But it will take some getting used to."

Damion was facing her when she looked up, and an appreciative smile was on his lips as he gazed at her body. He smirked lightly as he moved closer, his massive cock only slightly hard, but already he was over ten inches long, and three inches thick. He reached out and ran a paw up between her bare breasts, checking the softness of her scales. He smiled lightly to her, then pulled her bare body up against his own and hugged her close. "Silly girl... Public is the only place you need call me Master until you are ready to call me it forever~" He teased, running his paws down to her rump and giving the cheek a gentle squeeze, to test them. He always did this. He was simultaneously checking her body for it's quality, as well as checking her over for injuries. She seemed to be of the highest quality he had ever felt, and he'd felt many females before...

She bore no injuries, despite the rather rough treatment from the slavers. She'd never been touched the way he was touching her, but she churred softly at his touch, not even once stiffening in his arms. In fact, her body seemed to flare to life at his touch. It was as if her body had been hardwired at birth to allow his touch without any fuss. She felt herself leaning towards him as he held her close, lifting her muzzle to nuzzle his neck again, breathing in his unique scent. It was almost addictive to her, making her body react in ways it never had before. Her nipples hardened against his chest as he held her, and a dampness formed between her legs.

Damion smiled as he smelled her newfound arousal. It brought his cock to life, making it throb against her belly as he held her. He soon let go, but grabbed her paw and pulled her into the pool with him. It was surprisingly deep, taking her up to the waist in the center,but he immediately pushed her over to the side. He pinned her gently against the low edge, making her sit back. The rim was shallow, only a few inches deep, and didn't even fully cover her slit as he pressed himself lightly between her thighs. "Please, don't think me abrupt. I just wish to check the quality of my new Queen~" He teased, then let his maw dip between her thighs. He took a long sniff at her slit, his eyes staying on her face to watch how she reacted to such new and romantic acts. Slowly, so slowly as to be agonizing, his tongue trailed out and licked the excess water and juice from the outside of her lips...

The warm water felt wonderful against her body, but before she had much chance to let it soak in, he maneuvered her to the side and had her sitting in some of the shallowest water there. She looked down at him as his head dipped between her legs and a startled sound slipped from her as she felt his tongue licking up her mound. Not yet delving in to find the source of the honey flowing from her depths. Just close, and enough to make her shiver in anticipation as well as arousing her more. Her wings stretched out behind her, showing him the cosmos as her clawed hand slid to his head, lightly stroking him as she keened softly, wordlessly begging for more.

Damion licked her lightly a few more times, then flicked his tongue harder, sending it gently between her lips and against her little pleasure button. He was an expert in female anatomy, and he would show her every possible pleasure he could. But he wouldn't fill her with his seed, not yet. No matter how badly they both wanted it in the heat of the moment. She wasn't in season yet, so his seed was fertile. When she went into season, he would become all but potent, and he would have to stay away from her until they were sure they were ready for children to come to them. He had several rooms set aside, mostly for himself, that wouldn't allow him to exit while she, or one of his other pets, was in heat. His tongue played lovingly against her nub, even as his paws wandered to her hips, his lethal claws leaving a harsh trail across the scales on her left hip. As good a mark as one could ask for, though he would be sure to claim her shoulder when she was ready to be his mate. He pulled up from her slit and gave her a grin. "Not once has a new pet had my services before I received such from them, Love~" he crooned, then dropped his eyes down to her tight lips. "Of course, I must say, I've rarely seen so sweet a pussy, either~" He grinned and buried his muzzles against her, letting his tongue slide out 3 inches before he laid it lightly across most of her slit. He was uniquely gifted to please a female. His tongue was hot, and it throbbed like a miniature cock as he let it rest against the outside of her lips, just barely spreading her.

Her head thrashed from side to side as he found his way between her lower lips, parting them to find the center of her pleasure - the tiny bundle of nerves just above her virgin slit. Her clawed hands fell to her sides, gripping the edge of the pool as wave after wave of delicious pleasure rolled through her, each one crashing a little higher, driving her up the wall with the need to find bliss. His words sent more pleasure through her, being the first female that he's pleasured before getting his own pleasure making her very pleased. She didn't want this time to just be about her, but she wasn't even sure what she should be doing. She was, after all, still a virgin, in every way. During high school, when all her classmates were having their first experiences, she was on the sidelines, being pushed aside for more 'normal' girls. Not some strange one with wings holding the cosmos inside them. She never let it bother her then, and she wasn't about to let it bother her now. He would have the pleasure of training her to do exactly what he liked, and no other teachings would have to be erased from her memory. Fresh dragoness. Fresh slate. Nothing to reteach.

Damion smiled as he pulled away again, leaving her close, he knew. He shifted, bringing one paw up and gently caressing her lips with a finger as the claw retracted, before sliding the tip of the digit just inside them. He didn't penetrate her with it, but he pressed the thick digit against her entrance lightly as his tongue went back to her clitoris. He gently prodded at her entrance as his tongue played a gentle, loving melody against and around the little nerve cluster, though his eyes went up her body to watch her. He loved every reaction she gave him, and every instinct told him to hurry up and claim her, but he knew she was already his, in more ways than Master and pet. He could tell she was falling in love with him already, even if she didn't know it yet. His finger pressured her a little harder, and she began to spread open to accept the thickness. He was a large male, and even a finger was the size of an average male's cock, being about seven inches long, and over an inch thick at the base.

Valentyna moaned as the tasting turned into a slight pressing against her entrance and his tongue went to work on her overly sensitized clit. He'd only just started on her clit and she was bucking from the intense pleasure shooting through her. Her back arched, thrusting her breasts upwards as she churred and moaned from the teasing torment being laved on her by him. Soon he had her begging for more, wanting to feel him inside her, taking her, claiming her fully. Her thumb claws dug into the stone around the bathing basin, gouging out furrows as bliss threatened to shoot her over the edge of the cliff into the clouds of pure sensation. And then it happened. A scream tore from her as she came, her first orgasm rocking her world and making the cosmos in her wings tremble. Suddenly, the stars in her wings started to grow, then explode.

Damion stared into her wings as the cosmos rocked and exploded. He knew he was good, but he wasn't aware he was good enough to break the known universe. He continued to play with her through her orgasm, taking her higher, and higher, until he could tell she could barely breathe. That was when he shifted his body again. He gave her a gentle shove, pushing her back gently against the floor, and brought his body over top of hers, He aligned his tip with her slit gently. He was massive, and he knew this would hurt her, but she was wet as all the oceans now, so this was the time to do it. He pressed his tip against her entrance as he gazed down into her eyes, feeling her breathlessness as she struggled to regain her lungs beneath him.

She looked up at him, trusting him. Her first time might hurt, but he'd been nothing but gentle with her up until now, and she had no reason to believe he would get rough with her all of a sudden. His cock was huge, though she didn't have first hand knowledge of just how big he was compared to other males. Her legs moved of their own volition to wrap around his waist, signalling her acceptance and readiness to have him inside her. Her breath was coming in fast, shallow pants from her first orgasm. And she had a gut feeling the next one would be even bigger. While her slick entrance was adjusting to his girth opening her, she was, in her own way, greedy. She wanted all of him inside her and her hips gave a small buck, wordlessly begging for him to take her. Now.

Damion groaned as he pressed himself close to her. Her little buck had made him smirk knowingly. The greedy little femme didn't mind a little pain if it meant she belonged to him, and he liked that. He liked it alot. He pressed his hips forward, making his cock inch it's way deeper. He was slow, and gentle, never pressing more than half an inch within a second. He could feel her utter tightness. Not only was he her first, but she'd probably never even stuck ANYTHING in this hole, not a toy, nor her fingers. She just felt that tight, and he savored the feel of it. He knew eventually her walls would stretch to fit him, and she would still be tight, but nothing like the crushing vice he felt right now. As he came to her barrier, he stopped, gazing down at her. This was her one, and only, chance to stop him from taking her purity. She would never have another, not for real, and he had enough respect to see if she wished him to have it.

Valentyna moaned as he slid into her, slowly working his way deeper into her virgin tunnel. Pleasure was still coursing through her veins from the orgasm he gave her with his fingers and tongue, and her gaze was on his face, not trying to hide any of the bliss he was giving her. When he paused at her barrier, she whined softly, bucking her hips up, pushing herself further onto his thick shaft, a keen of pain slipping from her as his cock breached that thin membrane, her purity given to the only male to see her for herself - a beautiful, strong dragoness, not some freak to be gawked at or bullied. Taking a little initiative, she leaned up and kissed him, tasting herself on his muzzle.

Damion kissed her back passionately as he felt her insides grow warmer and moister. Her virgin blood was flowing, easing his trip, and he slid deeper, his shaft spreading her wide as it went. He moaned against her lips, pressing her head down against the stone floor as he leaned in. He let himself down, resting only on one elbow, that paw curling hungrily in her hair, his other paw finding her right hip and letting his claws scrape gently across her scaled ass, leaving another track of marks. She'd have to be careful how aroused she made him, or she might end up with these drags all over her body. He pressed his body against her harder, more fervently as he slipped deeper. He was almost halfway now, and she was tightening more and more. He was sure he wouldn't be able to fit completely, but he wasn't against slipping it past her cervix if he needed to.

The feel of his paw in her hair, gently tugging at her head as his fingers curled in the jet black locks, made her moan in pleasure. The light raking of his claws against her scales made her shiver in delight. Her own clawed paws lifted from the ground to tangle, one in his hair, the other curling over his shoulder as she tried to anchor herself as wave after wave of unadulterated bliss crashed through her. Her muzzle parted under his, giving him access to the warm recesses of her maw, while her legs tightened around his waist, trying to pull him in deeper. Her utter surrender to him was being offered on a silver platter as he took her to heights she'd never imagined before. The feel of his cock sliding deeper into her tight tunnel, only her virgin blood and her juices slickening him enough to make his path easier, brought a keen from the depths of her soul. She loved the sensation of him stretching her walls, claiming her body, heart and soul as his. Each inch he pushed in met with a hint of resistance before her walls parted, taking him in deeper.

That resistance only made him want in all the more. He was a highly dominant male, and he didn't like being told no. He pressed harder, sliding three inches into her at once as his body shifted. His fingers tensed in her hair, tugging gently, and on her hip,gouging the scales deeply as he paused, fighting the urge to cum on the spot as his cock bumped against her cervix roughly. He pulled back from the kiss, taking a sharp breath as he closed his eyes tightly. He was nearly there...only a few inches left, but he knew this would hurt like hell for her. Hopefully once her body attuned to his, she would deepen out and it wouldn't be necessary to penetrate it, but he could not deny his adamant lust to be completely inside her, to knot her. He grit his teeth and ground his tip against this barrier, feeling his tip tickling at the tiny entrance.

A whimper escaped her as he found her cervix and bumped it. It was only a fleeting pain, for now. Her head tilted back under the tugging, baring her throat to him as she moaned, unable to see his face with her head tilted back. She was trying not to fight his possession of her, even wanting it more than she knew was possible. The only way she could encourage him now was to moan out, "Please.. Don't stop.. I need to feel you fully, firmly seated inside me. I need you to completely fill me, mark every inch of me as yours." Her back arched and she tried to buck up to take him deeper, not even aware that pain would follow from the breaching of her cervix. She just knew she wanted him completely inside her tight sheath.

He swallowed hard as he stared at her exposed throat, his tip pressing roughly against her cervix again. "It's gonna hurt..." He warned, but his maw went to her throat, and his teeth lipped gently at her trachea, his sharp fangs dragging subtly across her tender neck scales. He wanted the same as she did, and with a gentle buck, his head started to spread it wide. He felt it giving, and decided not to drag out her agony. He pushed through quickly, letting out a load moan as her cervix encompassed his head. He felt his balls resting firmly against her rump, he was fully inside, and a good thing too. Any more, and her stomach would have started to bulge from the insertion. He shuddered as his cock throbbed harshly against the tight enclosure. He could feel his knot starting to bulge. He was sure he wouldn't last much longer, not with her cervical entrance crushing and pulsing around the base of his crown.

A scream tore from her as he pushed through her cervix, the pain like nothing she'd ever felt before. But hot on the heels of that pain, pure ecstasy flowed through her as she felt him pressed fully against the cradle of her thighs. He was buried deep, completely sheathed in her hungry tunnel. As she figured, her orgasm hit her harder than the previous one, dragging a draconic roar of submission and fulfillment from her. Her walls pulsed around him as her cervix clamped down around him, trying to milk his release from him. Every fiber of her being craved the heated blast of his cum deep within her body.

Despite his previous promise to himself, he couldn't stop it. He felt his knot ballooning out as he tossed his head. His cock throbbed thicker as his load welled up inside it, pumping through him. The first blast was thick and copious, A veritable half an ounce of cum erupted from him and painted her womb pearly white. He bucked against her as he felt her climax rolling roughly over his cock, and his deep, powerful bass roar shook the earth around them with it's intensity. He was Master, of her, of the earth around them, and of whatever else he chose to take under his dominion. His paw left her hip, thankfully, before settling on the floor, his claws gouging the earth in furrows as he let himself be pushed beyond any orgasm he'd felt before. She was his link to pure, cosmic bliss, and he would never let that go. Not for a thousand years would another male look at her without earning his ire, and god help the ones that teased her, Satan keep the one that harmed her. He would give his life to see her safe. His lips met hers as a deep thrum rolled through his chest, his full six inch oral muscle sliding into her mouth and playing with hers sensually. More cum was rocketing from his tip, and his knot was wide, pressed against her g-spot as he continued to buck against her in the throes of his own climax.

Pleasure raced through her along with his cum, the pressure of his knot against her g-spot keeping her orgasm going. She keened her delight softly, her sounds a complement to his louder, dominant roar of bliss. Every blast of his cum into her was felt rippling across her walls as it sped from his heavy, seed filled testicles up the massive length of his cock. The insistent throbbing of his shaft as he filled her drew even more submissive noises from her as she gave herself fully to him. Only one thing would make it even more perfect, and that one thing was something she couldn't stop from coming out. "MASTER!"

Damion let the complete and utter passion of his dominance flow through him as he reached up and gripped her collar. In his bliss, he dug his claw through the beautiful leather and slashed a gash in it. He repeated the process a few times, until the word ''MINE" was torn in it roughly. He regretted the choice after it was done, and made a mental note to get her a new one, properly worked. He would spare no expense in the matter. This creature that had satisfied him so completely deserved nothing but the finest things in life, and she would receive every one of them under his care. His cock still throbbed roughly inside her, though his flow of seed had slowed considerably. All-in-all, if it was measured out, he'd probably pounded over four ounces of cum into her depths by the time he was done. His breath came ragged. He'd never cum so quickly, nor been so undeniably at ease after having sex. Something about her fulfilled his deepest wishes, brought to realization limits he'd never known before. He was actually, for the first time in his life, completely satisfied. There was nothing that could make it better, unless she were wearing the mark of his teeth upon her slender shoulder.

After her scream, she blacked out for a moment, the ecstasy of his claiming almost too much for her to handle. Like most dragons, she was hardwired to expect the claiming bite. But the position they were in didn't make it easy to give that bite. As she came to after her la petite mort, she licked his muzzle shyly. She knew that the experience was completely mind blowing for her, but she wasn't sure how it had affected him. Her legs held him tight to her, and her arms were wrapped around his shoulders and one clawed paw was tangled in his hair. "Mmmm.." was as much as she could get out of her throat, her body still drifting slowly down from the clouds of bliss that he'd taken her to. A slowly spreading smile crossed her muzzle and she churred softly, "When can we do that again?"

His breath came ragged as he lay there, his paw still clutching her hair, the other all but knuckle deep in the stone. He looked to her with a small smirk. "As soon as my knot shrinks~" He teased, ever so gently rocking his hips against, making that hot, throbbing bulge writhe across her g-spot. He shifted his hips, sitting back and bringing her up onto his lap. With a gentle paw, he caressed her shoulder, then moved both paws to her wings and spread them. His eyes went to the cosmos, seemingly more brilliant and in a wider variety of color than before. He pulled them wide, then closed them around the pair of them, enclosing them in the void. His eyes were bright as he stared around. Everywhere around them were stars. He shuddered in delight, then blew a small breath, blowing out a small spit of flame into his paw. He let it catch among the flame-retardant fur, and held it there in his palm. He smiled as he looked to her, holding the flame up. "This day, we shall mark down as a historical event, and every year on this day, we shall celebrate our union." He said quietly, then claimed her lips with his own.

She kissed him back, any thoughts of holding back long since gone. He'd won her heart when he gave her leave to kill those slavers. He'd won her spirit when he gave her leave to fly home. He'd won her mind and body when he instinctively understood her fear of large groups and sent the others off. But most importantly, he'd won her soul by showing her the pleasure, the bliss they would have every time they joined. She was utterly his. Pulling back from the kiss slightly, she churred, "I love you, Master."

She snuggled against him, giving them the time needed for his knot to shrink, knowing that the next round would have him giving her his claiming bite. Those marks would be worn with pride by her, and she would never try to leave him. And should anyone try to take her from him, she would kill them to get back to him, her own reluctance to kill pushed aside. Her place was by his side, as both his pet and his mate.

The Taming of Space

**TIME &** ** SPACE** Or **THE LOVE OF DRAGONS** A Dominance and submission story by: Valentyna Laurent & Damion Ozymandias Foreword: Please note, both the Space Dragon, AND the Omniternal Dragon species are closed. They are not to be...

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