The Taming of Space

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#4 of Old Stories That Might Be Continued

Chapter 1.

Written by Eirene Crimsonpelt and Damion Ozymandias




A Dominance and submission story by:

Valentyna Laurent & Damion Ozymandias


Please note, both the Space Dragon, AND the Omniternal Dragon species are closed.

They are not to be copied, slandered, or otherwise fraudulated.


The young dragoness heard the calls of the auctioneer and the constant buzz of voices as people outbid each other for the current fur on stage. She hadn't looked at those taken up before her, she just wanted to get her freedom back and was trying to figure out how to escape before it was her turn. Her black scales gleamed with health, and in a few areas seemed to shine aqua, while others gleamed purple, and she kept her wings tight to her body. She didn't want to get hurt, especially if she could escape. She would need her wings to help her fly out of here. Her amethyst eyes looked around, taking everything in as she tried to find a way to escape this... meat market. A loud bang from the other room made her jump as the sale of the last fur before her was completed.

A bouncer type fur, lots of muscle, but limited brains, came to get her. He lifted a device in his paw that made her cringe inwardly. If he.... She collapsed to her knees as a keen of pain tore from her. Electric shocks went through her from the collar around her neck. Several pairs of paws entered her limited field of vision as she was decked out in belly chains and bracelets and stuff to make her more "valuable" to whoever was out in that audience.

When the guard was satisfied, he lifted the device again and pushed another button, this one ending the painful electric shocks that had kept her immobile while they dolled her up for this presentation. Fury flashed in her deep purple hues before she masked the look of hatred for the whole business. A leash was attached to the collar around her neck and she was led from the back room.

"And now, we have our last item for sale. And she is a good one," the auctioneer said into his microphone as she was lead onto the stage. A second handler joined the first one, and they each took a wing, spreading them wide and showing off the cosmic pattern on the inside. She'd been stopped on a rotating platform on the stage and the two handlers were on the edge of the platform, since her backside would also be shown off to the slavers' benefit. The backs of her wings just had a few stars, while the insides had galaxies hiding in them. She struggled against the handlers as one moved to lift her tail to show off her rump.

"As you can see, she is still very feisty, having just been caught and brought to the slave house earlier this morning. She is untouched and untrained, so you'll have your hands full with this one. She is a rare Space Dragon. As much as I have dealt with dragons, both on sale and buying, she is only the second Space Dragon I have met. Bidding will start for this young beauty at $5 Million."

"$5 Million!"

"$6 Million!"

"$7.5 Million!"

"$20 Million!"

"$50 Million!"

"$100 Million!"

"$200 Million!"

"$500 Million!"

"$1 Billion!"

"$5 Billion!"

"$10 Billion!"

"$20 Billion!"

She couldn't believe she was hearing right. The bidding prices were outrageous! Especially for someone who was going to escape at her first opportunity. But the bidding wasn't stopping yet.

"$50 Billion!"

"$100 Billion!"

Damion Ozymandias hadn't bought anyone all day. He'd merely been here to check out what kind of 'meat' they had. But when the young dragoness had been brought out, he was captivated. Her marvelous beauty called to something deep inside him, and he knew he had to have her.

The bidding was going up fast, but that wasn't a problem for him. He smirked as they called out their bids, and once it hit 100 billion, he outright laughed. Getting to his feet, he raised his paw. "Such splendor, such beauty. Such a pristine form of purity and grace, and you bid so low! I place my bid at one trillion dollars!" He called loudly, bringing a hush to the crowd.

He would win, simply because no one else in the world could stomach such expenditure without gross reprisal. The auctioneer called it, and Damion stepped forward. The first thing he did was hand the auctioneer his credit card, and the second was to approach the female that was being so non-chalantly displayed.

He gazed down at her with a caring eye, but he could tell she wanted to escape. He couldn't allow it. Pulling a leather thong from his pocket, he signalled the men to bring her wings in. Her beautiful wings. Once they were folded comfortably, he wrapped the thong around her belly, and her wings, locking it with a padlock, and sliding the key onto his necklace. He continued to stare down at her, even as he placed a collar with a thick, burned leather leash around her neck.

"Do not try to overpower me, escape, nor disobey me, and you shall be treated like a queen in my house. Is that clear?" He asked, putting a gentle paw on her shoulder.

Her eyes widened as she heard his bid. Who had a trillion dollars to spend on BUYING another fur? She thought slavery had long since been abolished, but here she was, being sold like nothing more than just a possession for someone else. His other words though made her blush. She hadn't gotten a lot of compliments in her life.

As he approached her, she tried to hide her anxiety and her plans, but she apparently didn't hide her intentions of escaping this new life she was in for. Her wings were folded to her and strapped down, the feel of them being restrained against her making her growl at the handlers. With her clawed hands bound, it wasn't like she could fight them off, so the growl was the only sign of her displeasure of having her wings restrained.

It might look like they were resting comfortably, but in reality, having her wings restrained like that hurt. She could tell that the leather strap was loose enough not to crush her wings to her, but her wings needed their space to stretch out to be truly comfortable. Her amethyst eyes flashed her anger, her displeasure and her fear, all mixed together.

She hated the collar, the thong, the whole situation she was in. She wanted her freedom! To coast in the sky without retribution for stretching her wings out. She couldn't remain earthbound. It would kill her spirit, her essence. She was meant to fly, to soar in the sky with the breeze stroking her body.

A shiver raced through her as he spoke to her, his paw resting gently on her shoulder. She lowered her head, her eyes moving to the ground in answer. Let him think what she meant by her actions. She'd hatched a free dragon, and she would be a free dragon again. Even if it meant dying to gain her freedom!

Damion knew her thoughts and her feelings. He smiled lightly, and reached out, taking her chin with his paw, forcing her to look at him. He stared into her eyes, and something about his own showed a familiarity. He too was unique... One of a kind.

"You want to kill them." He said quietly, reaching for her manacles. With a smile, he broke the chains as easily as if they were paper. "Kill them, my dear, kill them for the way they have handled you, for the way they have captured you...But first, I would like to thank them for bringing your beauty to me."

He turned and gave the Caller a bow, then nodded to the handlers, then gave her a motion with his paw to do as she wished. He was enraged himself, at her being brought here, but he was glad to take her away as his Pet, not as a belonging, but as someone to be cared for and treasured, someone to be taught and accustomed to his way of life. He would allow her her freedoms, once he'd bound her to him in irrevocable ways, to the point she wanted to come back and be his.

He turned to the crowd, and waved a paw for them to be gone. The crowd dispersed quickly, seeing the pet freed of her shackles, though her collar still remained in his paw.

She looked into his eyes and something in them reassured her that he meant what he said about killing them. She had two things that could kill them, but he'd restricted her to one by binding her wings to her body. The biggest problem with her killing them was that it went against her personal ethics.

Without moving from his side, she turned to look at the slavers and then looked up at him, a wicked little smile forming on her muzzle. "Why kill them, when I can make them pay another way?"

Her powers wouldn't work on him, since he had her collar, and it was only because the slavers had collared her before that kept them alive.... until now.

Unleashing her potent psychic powers, everyone in the building, besides him and herself, suddenly dropped to the ground clutching their heads and screaming. The edge of her power caressed Damion and the dragoness in a warm glow, while slavers, potential buyers that hadn't left, ... hell, even the other slaves still in the building, started foaming at the mouth/muzzle as their brains were scrambled by the onslaught of powerful psychic powers.

Since she wasn't wearing her amplifying and focusing armor, the power attacked everyone but the two of them. Them her clawed hand gripped his arm as she dropped to her knees.

"Oohhh..." she murred, near exhaustion.

Damion pat her lightly, then turned away from the crowd. "...Not really pleased here, I could have done without the screaming." He teased, giving the screamers a look and then turning his face to her. "Next time, just use your claws, rip and shred only those who have mistreated you." He commanded, then turned for the doors.

He knew she was exhausted now, but she'd rest better in his car, or his home. He might even allow her to fly once there. He had to check on his latest project to see if it was done. She would be able to fly without escaping once it was complete. He continued walking, right past the twitching bodies and out into the parking garage.

Lucky he'd brought the truck today. Her wings would never have fit in the bugatti. He couldn't wait to let her stretch them, to look into the stars while he was buried in her depths, cumming his brains out.

She followed his lead, still holding onto him. Using her power without her armor caused her to feel weak. Every time. The armor helped both amplify and focus her power. She paused her step, looking up at him. "Will you take me to get my armor? It helps focus and control the psychic powers I have. If I'd had it on today, there would have been no screaming. Just them dropping to the floor as they foamed, going insane."

She looked down then back up at him. "I've never killed anyone. It's a personal choice I'd made. While my claws can rip into those who offend me, my powers and my wings can kill them outright, and I've always been cautious about controlling my reactions. It's why I was trying not to show the fury inside me. I knew I was losing control."

"Your things will be sent ahead to my home, and, if you behave, you may earn the right to them. I am not a cruel Master," he said coolly. But he was intelligent, as evidence by having her things sent ahead. There would be no risk of a fight from her until she had them all back, and he knew as much.

He wasn't normal, in any way. It was as if knowledge and cunning were part of his genetic make-up, and in a way, they were. He was an Omni-Dragon, and his genetic memory mapping allowed him to remember anything any of his ancestors had ever learned. He was stronger, faster, and tougher than almost anything alive. His one and only drawback was his lack of wings.

He remember eons ago when his species had had wings, and remembered the glory of flight, forever unattainable to himself. He wished to fly, and hoped one day she would grace him by taking him to the sky with her, that he could look up and see such glorious galaxies above him. He knew it was unlikely. She probably wasn't even strong enough to budge him, let alone lift him with herself, but he could dream.

He gave her leash a gentle tug, and took her clawed fingers in his own, bringing her knuckles to his lips. "Would that you were able to roam the skies forever free, my dear. But alas, I am unable to let such beauty as yours be long from my presence," he said quietly, then ran his thumb gently over her cheek.

He sounded almost wistful to her at the end, talking about her flying free, and she looked into his eyes. While she looked delicate, she was a dragon. Her wings were accustomed to being used for flight, and while she might not be able to take off from the ground holding him, she should be able to jump off a cliff with him and fly. She smiled at him, planning a trip in her mind, if she could talk him into taking her on that trip. She would give him what his voice told her he wanted.

She didn't want to be a slave, but he seemed nice enough, and she leaned her cheek against his hand. "I'll give you a chance to show me that this arrangement will be good for me. And I promise on the shell fragments of my egg that I will not try to escape unless this arrangement is not good for me."

He took a long look into her eyes, and gave her a smile. "You and I are one of a kind, love. If ever you deem me an unfit Master, bring it to my attention. I would be glad to try you as my mate, once you've learned to obey me," he crooned, then took the key from his necklace, unlocked the padlock, and grabbed the edge of her wing gently, unfurling it and gazing into the endless galaxy that she was graced with. Somehow, his eyes reflected every star, as if they were trapped there, in his gaze. He knew this species, in some intimate way, as if it had been born into his genetic memory somewhere in history, or had been one of his ancestors mates. There was still mystery there, so he assumed the latter. But the sight of so much beauty nearly brought him to tears.

"Fly. Fly over me as I show you the way to your new home, to our home. And know that when you land upon my front steps, you shall be greeted as I myself would be," he said gently, then leaned in and kissed her forehead lightly. He would treat her as a Queen, that was clear, but he was still her Master, and expected respect and obedience. His posture revealed a hard nature beneath his loving exterior, and it showed that he WOULD punish her, if the need arose, but only to correct her, and not to torture her. "Wait until we are out sight of this place, and ensure your collar and leash are fully visible to all, lest they try to capture you again."

He smiled and pulled a tag from his pocket. It was pure gold, engraved with the letters D.O.. He clipped it to her collar, and smiled. "You are mine," he crooned, leaning in once again, this time kissing the corner of her lips.

The faint pain she was feeling from the binding of her wings eased as he undid the bindings around them, then stretched one out fully. She stretched out the other wing, moving it back and forth some to work out the kinks caused from the bindings. Pleasure shot through her as he told her to fly back to their home. The one she was now going to be living at.

His kiss surprised her, though the tag on the collar didn't. He knew exactly how to make sure she didn't harm him. First the collar, then the tag showing she belonged to him. Taking hold of the leash, she tucked it under the belly chains the slavers had put on her. When she took flight, she didn't want it to tangle with her wings, legs or tail. "I take it that I should ride in the bed of the truck so I can take flight easier?"

"Unless you'd like to die before we get that far, because your wings would be in my face, and I, transfixed by their beauty, would not be able to drive," he intoned with a gentle stroke of her cheek. He started towards the parking lot, and it wasn't long before he had her comfortably sitting in the back of his F350. He secured a second collar around her neck, one chained to the bed, then handed her the key.

"Undo it once we've gone about 20 miles, then follow the truck. If you run, remember, you new Master had ONE trillion to BUY you. Imagine how much he has to FIND you if you run..." He said. It wasn't a threat, more of an example of just how filthy rich he was, and it was clear that he would come after her, but not because she was an escaped pet. He would pursue her relentlessly because they were of a kind. They were anomalies in this world, and they should be close to each other, to protect each other.

She leaned against the cab of the truck, tucking her wings against her body. She knew just where to stop her wings so they wouldn't hurt. Looking into the cab, she watched as he climbed in and started the engine. She was tempted to unlock the second collar now, to show that she wasn't going to run. The first collar, with his tag, was enough to keep her with him. So far, he hadn't done anything to make her think she would be mistreated with him, so she was staying with him for a bit. She was a dragoness of her word. Lifting her hand, she unfastened the second collar and settled back for the ride.

He took it gently until they were out on the highway, then he reached back and tapped the window, signalling she could take off. He slowed to a safe speed, and looked back, yearning to see her wings wide. The cosmos was one thing that intrigued him.

He was beyond intelligent, and knew almost all there was to know. By 20 years of age, he had graduated college with a dozen different Master's Degrees, and he'd done nothing but make money since. He had a lot to show for all his work, but now he realized, that the one thing he wanted more than anything, was to fly up into the sky with her, dance among the clouds with his own wings, dance with her, flirt with the ground in an ancient and engrained ritual that was the epitome of synchronized beauty. He was only going about 40, waiting to see her wings unfurl and catch the air.

When she heard him tapping the window, she stood up in the bed of the truck, the wind rushing against her scales with a lover's caress. She opened her wings wide, giving a couple strokes with them before jumping upwards from the bed, her wings helping her to gain altitude as they beat downwards. She flew up into the air about 50 feet, then circled the truck before flying behind him, following them back home. It was daytime out, and as he gazed up at her, he could see the "night sky" following him in those wings.

The underside of her wings, easily visible by him, showed just one pocket of space, her own comfort of what she knew she could do as part of her race. She could fly in space without any trouble breathing, though she didn't know if she could help another breathe in space without some kind of apparatus. And should someone attack her from in front of her while her wings were spread, she could cause them to vanish into the dimension of space shown in her wings. Of course, if that happened, the foolish one would die, since no air would be available to them. It was the one reason she tended to keep her wings close to her when she had to fight, or use her psychic powers first and foremost.

What she couldn't know, was that he was of a more ancient breed. His breed could go hours and days, even weeks, without taking in any oxygen at all. As he drove, he gazed up into her wings, the splendor of them catching his eye and his heart. He sped up, wondering just how fast she could go. The speedometer was passing 90, 100, 110, and only once he reached 120 did he let it even out and hold the pace. He looked up to see her easily keeping pace. It was no surprise. The distances of space were vast, and she could probably fly just as fast as he could move. It only took about 45 minutes at this speed.

From her perspective, the Chateaux would be a spread of wonderful, interconnecting building that covered nearly half a mile of land right up against a cliff that dropped 300 feet into the salty depths of the ocean. The words 'Chateaux Ozymandias' were inscribed above the gates, fully a mile from the complex. He pulled into the drive and parked the truck just outside the front doors of the main building, then hopped out of the truck and handed the keys to a subservient male, who then drove the truck off and around the complex.

Damion turned and held his arms open, his voice ringing through the heavens as if he spoke through a megaphone. "Welcome home, dear one. Welcome to my life!" He boomed, then snapped his fingers. The front door opened, and out poured eight furs. Each of them wore a collar, and each stood respectfully dressed. They were all pets, but a variety of pet one did not often see.

They were more, they were happy to serve their master, and most had adornments that other pets did not. Things they had bought with money given by their mutual Master. Earrings or necklaces, rings or bracelets, all of them had something, and each of them smiled happily as they chanted. "Welcome home, Master!" Three males and five females stood there, and when he pointed up, they all looked, and opened their arms. "Master brings us a new sister! Welcome sister!" They said in unison. It was ALMOST creepy, but it something new and different, for sure. Something exciting.

The sight below her made her hover for a few moments. There were others. She was already scared by what was going on, and now, on top of her already formed fear, there were more possessions she would have to deal with. She was tempted to fly off, but her ire was too high for her to storm off like a frightened child. High enough that she wanted to slap him for not warning her.

Carefully maneuvering herself through the trees, she landed lightly on a branch, looking over the others, her gaze taking in the adornments on them. She didn't know what she expected, but seeing all these others was not it. She took a breath, looking to draw up her courage. She'd always been a loner, having only had her mother with her while she was growing up. She wasn't sure what to expect with all these others around.

Jumping down from the tree, she wrapped her wings around her, hiding her body, and the cosmos within her wings, but still showing off the random stars in her outer wings. Then she leaned back against the tree she'd just been in, watching. She wanted to see what happened with the others before moving forward.

The group of other pets gazed at her for a moment, then turned to Damion. It was clear they made her uncomfortable, so he ordered them away, and approached her by the tree. He put a paw on the trunk beside her head and leaned in. "If they make you uncomfortable, you don't have to see them. You are above them. You may give them any order you wish, within reason, and they will see it obeyed, or have me to deal with..." He teased lightly, then touched his forehead to hers.

"I have a secret to tell you, dear. Something you probably already guessed. You're not the only one here that's unique, though your unique qualities are far more beautiful than my own. I'm the only one of my kind as well, though that is merely because I haven't reproduced. I haven't found someone I thought might be worthy, until now. I would like to see if you are worthy of that....What do you say? Would you help me try to give the wings back to my species...?" He finished quietly, his face close to hers, though it was entirely romantic, and not the least threatening. His paw went to her cheek, his thumb running across the corner of her lips.

She closed her eyes, taking a moment to inhale his scent before opening her amethyst hues and looking at him, her temper calmed for him. Just being with him seemed to reach a part of her that had never been touched by anyone, keeping her on an even keel. "I... I didn't expect that greeting. It overwhelmed me. Maybe I should meet them one at a time, so I don't get so tense, or overwhelmed again," she said, in her own way apologizing for her reaction to his little group of pets. She knew he had the funds to buy many pets, as evidenced by the price he paid for her. But seeing all of them at once threw her for a loop.

Tilting her head slightly, she pressed her muzzle into his paw as his thumb stroked the corner of her lip. "I'm not the only one of my kind, though. My species is just very rare, only one per section of the universe at a time. Normally. I have heard of one other, though I have never met the other one. My mother tried to explain it to me. She was gifted an egg from the cosmos. My egg. She wasn't anywhere near my species, though she was a dragon. She was just a Western finned silver dragon. It was from her that I got the fins on my head and my eye color. But my body coloring is nothing like hers. And I'd never seen any other with wings like mine."

Her eyes dropped for a moment, then she looked back at him, sadness in her eyes. "I was bullied at my school for being different than the other dragons there. By both Western and Eastern dragons, as well as non-dragons. I hated being so different. I think my past is part of the reason I didn't like the sudden influx of your pets. Until you, no one has thought I was beautiful." Turning her head slightly, she placed a kiss into the palm of his paw. "I'd be honored to try to give wings back to your species."

He smiled and leaned in, gently kissing her lips before he pulled back slowly. "You honor me. But please, you look uncomfortable. Head inside and remove your garments. Bathe in the hotsprings, if you like. Seek me out... I will have something befitting a Queen for you to wear," he crooned, running a paw down between her breasts gently, then clinking his claw against her metal bikini, then grinning lightly. He pulled his paw back up slowly, cradling her face in it. "My flying beauty," he teased.

She loved the compliments he was giving her, soaking up the words like a desert soaked up rain. She was parched with the lack of compliments in her life. She smiled at him at his teasing tone, loving it, and leaned in, giving him a hesitant nuzzle and shy kiss on his neck. "Where should I go inside? Remember, I don't know the house yet," she said, gently reminding him that she was new, not only to the house, but to the overwhelming welcome she'd gotten as well as to himself. "My name is Valentyna, but I go by Tyna most of the time." She'd realized that nothing was said about a name at the auction, as they never bothered to learn her name there.

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