[TRADE] Divine Inter-connection -by deltroon1986-

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#5 of Eirene Crimsonpelt

A story based off Kino's image ( https://www.sofurry.com/view/574295 ) from deltroon1986. This was his half of our story for art trade.

Eirene (c) me

Danatrius (c) Vybraxis

Story (c) deltroon1986

Divine Inter-connection

Have you ever wondered if an outside force is behind pushing certain people together? It's also said that when two hearts that are destined to be together nothing can stop them. For one such pairing the winds of fate will do just that in one way or another. Eirene and Danatrius fate has decided that the time to finally be together has come. So let's us find out just what fate has put in place for the two world crossed lovers.

It was another gloomy summer morning as Eirene rolled over to shut off her alarm clock. From there she stood up, kicked her legs over the side of the bed. With a strong growl-like yawn she gets up and saunters her half asleep self towards the bathroom. After a quick stretch of the arms and another yawn she turned the shower faucet on. As the shower head came to life, she discarded her pj's and stepped into the stall.

The luke warm water slowly worked its way into her fur, helping her wake up some more. Thirty minutes later she's all washed up and dried then hangs up her towels. Before making her way back into her bedroom to get ready for work at the coffee shop. She's still hoping that her boss gives her the promotion she's been working her tail off for. Even though the new girl seems to have some kind of hold on him.

Luckily the other day she was able to make him see past her young curvy charms. So hopefully when she comes in today he's made his decision without listening to his second head. As she grabs her purse, keys and locks her front door then heads to work. It was ironic that out of everyone that works she lives within walking distance. About ten minutes later she walks in through the front door and is greeted by everybody.

"Morning, where's Ray I need to talk to him?" She wondered walking behind the counter. Jane told her that he was in his office working on some last minute product request forms. Thanking her as she went through the swinging doors into the kitchen. Sure enough Ray was hard at work filling out forms like Jane told her. "Hey, there Ray gotta a minute to chat?" She asked knocking on the open door.

He looked up from his stack of papers then flagged her in and had her close the door. "What's on your mind, Eirene?" He replied curiously. She took a seat across from his desk before speaking to him. "I hate to be a pest on this particular subject but, I just have to know. Were you able to think about the promotion list, bribery aside?" She asked. Ray put his pen down onto the desk then took a deep breath then answered.

"Yes, I was able to clear my mind and think very clearly about who truly deserves to be promoted. I just sent in your promotion approval form along with Jane and Mikey's. As for Nancy she's just gonna have to work her short little tail off and earn it." He informed. Upon hearing those words Eirene felt a huge weight lift off her shoulders. She got back up, gave him a soft tap on the shoulder and went to punched in.

As the day went on Eirene did her job keeping the staff motivated and the customers happy. When lunch time came around she took her break and got some fresh air. Walking out to her car she grabbed her tablet out from her glove box. She turned it on, waited for it boot up then connect to the shop's Wi-Fi router. From there she logged onto her Skype account and looked to see who was online.

Sure enough her online mate just signed online much to her excitement so she pounced. Sending him a message which caught him off guard as he was just about to check his E-mail. [Hey, there kitten I wasn't expecting you to be online so early. Shouldn't you be at work right about now?] He typed curiously. Naturally she loves to tease him but, this time around she decided just to play coy instead.

[*kisses your cheek affectionately.* Maybe :-p] She replied with a smile. Danatrius couldn't help but, laugh in response her playful comment. [*chuckles.* Now quit playing coy and tell me the truth, love.] He stated. This time around she told him the truth but, still had fun doing so. The two continued to type back and forth until her break was over. With a short and loving goodbye the two signed off then Eirene went back inside.

Danatrius didn't have the heart to tell her via messenger that he had come to see her in person. He would wait until a better time to surprise her perhaps showing up at her job. For now he needs rest after a long ten hour flight from his home in London to the US. So he checked his E-mail and other messages before taking a nice hot shower. Afterwards he dried off crawled into his bed then drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

At the end of a long work day Eirene punched out, said goodbye to everyone and left. She headed home and grabbed some take-out on the way back to her apartment. After unlocking the door she placed her food down then grabbed her mail off the floor. Next she turned on a couple of lights then grabbed her food where she left it. Sitting down on her couch she opened the packages and took a bite of food.

From there she sorted through the junk mail and opened what bills she received. While she ate, she reached over and grabbed her laptop from the nearby stand then turned it on. As the device booted up, she punched in her password and waited a moment. She signed on to check her E-mail, since it was junk she deleted and signed onto Skype. This time around Danatrius wasn't on but, a few of her good friends were.

They spent a good while talking, teasing, joking and laughing at each other. Meanwhile Eirene had opened up a private chat room hoping that Danatrius would sign online. Sadly he never did, she figured that he had other things going on. Eirene said goodnight to all her friends then signed off and grabbed her cell phone. She decided to send him a text message before shutting it off and went to bed for the night.

Around 5am the next morning Danatrius awoke, sat up in bed and looked around. He soon noticed that he had received a text message so he reached over and grabbed it. Flipping the phone open then he read the message that was sent to him. It read: "R U OK, U missed Our Prvt Chat Date. Call me Plz, Eirene. *hugs.*" Feeling rather guilty he sent her an apology text a moment later then went to take a shower.

Elsewhere in the city Eirene was drying off when her phone started buzzing on the nightstand. Sadly by the time she got near her bed the phone stopped already stopped vibrating. She made her bed then sauntered over to the closet and got dressed. The next thing on her list was to grab her phone then to make some breakfast. As she sifted through the cabinets she ended up making herself some toast.

When she finished eating, she tossed the plastic plate into the sink then headed off to work. As she got into her car she checked her phone to see what time it was. Only to realize she got a text message a little while ago so she flipped her phone open. Not wasting a second she punched in her password then opened the message. It took the phone a minute to upload the large message then she read it aloud.

"I'm very sorry luv I had a rough trip and fell asleep that's why I missed our chat date. You have my word of honor that I will make it up to you in a very special way. For now you'll just have to be patient while I prepare your gift for you milady. In the meantime you have a pleasant day at work and I'll catch you later okay, bye." He wrote. Naturally his message made her feel warm all over as she started the engine.

Luckily for her shift didn't start until noon today so she had three hours to run errands. First on that list was to restock her home with food and cleaning supplies. Second she paid the bills that she received in the mail the other night. The last thing on her list was more for fun than actual necessity but, she knew he would enjoy it. Especially when he signed on later tonight and she posed in front of her webcam.

Though she wouldn't be expecting is that Danatrius had something similar planned. The bonus he'd get is the look of shock and excitement when he visits her in person. Granted he couldn't contain his excitement when he appears at her job. Luckily he got the address from her and directions off the internet. Sadly her shift didn't start for at least another hour so he had plenty of time.

After putting everything she purchased away in their proper locations she headed off to work. Meanwhile in another part of the city Danatrius was making some last minute preparations. Before he to headed off to the same place where Eirene was going. Though he took his time getting there this way she could take care of anything. By that time Eirene was working up front on one of the registers helping customers cash out.

Sure enough she was too busy to notice him entering the store and sat down nearby. Jane noticed him out of the corner of her eye as she went towards the kitchen. "Hey, Eirene table seven has a new customer mind getting his order for me, please. Since I've got to pick up and deliver three other orders to the tables over by the restrooms. Thanks." She said. Eirene smiled then grabbed what she needed and made her way over.

Danatrius watched her walk towards through the reflection on the nearby window. Seeing her on the webcam was nothing compared to what he was seeing right now. As she stopped then kindly placed a menu down in front of him and spoke. "Hello, there handsome what can I get for you today?" She asked very politely. He picked up the menu then carefully skimmed through it seeing what they offered.

"Do you have any recommendations, my dear since I'm rather new to the country? I flew in a couple days ago and I just recovered from a bad case of jet lag. This has been the first chance I've had since checking into my hotel to explore the city." He replied. Something about his soft British accent made her heart flutter yet, it sounded very familiar. So she recommended a few things on the menu that he might enjoy.

"The second thing you mentioned sounds very good I'll have that please, luv." He said softly. Eirene wrote his order down then excused herself to go deliver his order. He couldn't help himself, glancing over his shoulder and watched her leave. As she entered the kitchen he smiled then decided to send her a text message.

About a minute later her phone began vibrating in her left back pants pocket. She pulled it out then flipped her phone open and carefully read the message. It read: "*Hugz* I've got a surprise for you luv, can't wait to give it to you. Looking forward to seeing very soon, bye." Eirene smiled broadly then flipped her phone close and put it away. The order she gave the cook didn't take him long to prepare and serve.

Once he rang the bell Eirene walked over, grabbed it then made her way back to his table. As she placed his meal and drink down in front of him, this time around. Something odd tickled her spine as she stood up and asked him if he wanted anything else. When he said no thanks she quietly left him to enjoy his meal in peace. While she took her place back behind the front desk to help Sandy with customers.

He took his time eating while he watched Eirene work, again through the window's reflection. By the time he finished he kindly called a waitress over and asked for his bill. She smiled then politely walked over and got his bill from Eirene a moment later. When she returned with it in hand he pulled his wallet out and gave her the amount. Along with a nice tip for her and the other waitress that took his order.

From there he said his goodbyes then calmly left the cafe without another word. As he walked by the parking lot he waited a few minutes then put his plan into action. Granted when she finally figures out what's going on he might not live long. Though the upside was that he'd have a night that he won't forget with someone he loves. So for now he'll enjoy what small victories that come his way until the finale.

Before leaving this morning he created a series of messages/clues that Eirene would receive. Ten minutes after her shift ends later this evening and will guide her to a pre-selected location. Where he'll be waiting for her to arrive and hug him tightly. That is if she doesn't decide to punch him square in the jaw first for the run around. Either way this little game should prove rather interesting for both parties involved.

As the afternoon dragged on it was getting close to closing time and Eirene couldn't wait. When she finally punched out for the day her phone started to vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it she flipped it open and read the message she received. It said: "Hi, luv you up for a little game that's has a big reward?" Naturally she was curious to see what Danatrius had planned so she replied saying, sounds fun.

His response was: "Alright, then let us begin, first go home, wash up and wear something pretty. Then text me back when you're ready for the next set of instructions." Rolling her eyes briefly but, decided to see where this little game of his will go. So she makes her way home to wash up and find a suitable outfit to wear. Before jumping in the shower she spent a few minutes looking for a hot little number.

Once she found what she was after she placed neatly on the bed then dolled herself up. She spent a good hour in the bathroom taking the extra time to make sure she looked her best. From there she slipped the dress, shoes and jewelry she left out on. Grabbing her phone next she texted him a picture and a reply saying I'm ready. When he got the photo the phone fell out of his hand, though he was quick to recover.

Picking his phone off the floor he wiped his mouth clean then texted her the next set of instructions. He said: "WOW! Please drive into town, go to the popular French restaurant near the big water fountain. Text me back once you've arrived for the next task." Luckily she knew the place he was talking about and swiftly grabbed her car keys. With that both furs made their way to the pre-selected location for a romantic evening.

Danatrius was the first to arrive at the restaurant, he went inside to confirm his reservation. Next he went back outside, crossed the street and waited over by the fountain. A short time later he saw Eirene coming and quickly hid waited close by. As she stood by the fountain she pulled out her phone from her purse then texted him. Sadly he was too allured by her beauty that he forgot about his phone.

When it started to ring and vibrate he jump then yelped in surprise giving himself away. Eirene heard the shocked yelp come from close by so she walked over to investigate. Sure enough she found the source of the noise and the man responsible for the game. Naturally she decided to play by a different set of rules. As she walked silently up behind him while his back was still turned away from her.

She pulled the antenna from her phone all the way out, he was just about to send her another text. When all of a sudden he felt something press gently up against his lower back. Doing the smart thing he calmly raised his hands up and asked not to be harmed. Eirene didn't say anything, instead she sent him a short text message. The second his phone started ringing he opened it with his thumb then read it.

All it said was; You are so busted Danatrius! icon_razz.gif . It was at the point he knew exactly who was standing behind him. "So my luv, how much trouble am I in and how can I make things square?" He asked. This evil little smile came to her face as she rested her chin on his shoulder. "I think a nice romantic dinner and a good foot rub will be payment enough." She replied calmly into his ear.

"Than my dear you're in for a treat for the restaurant I mentioned I've already made reservations. If you'd be so kind as to accompany me I can granted you half that request." He replied. With drawing her phone from his back he took a step forward and turned around. Before he even had a chance to say or do anything she pounced. Wrapping her arm tightly around his waist and kissing his lips deeply.

Leaning into her kiss the two lovers can finally express their deep rooted feelings. The moment doesn't last for very long as he pulls away then escorted her into the restaurant. From there the hostess confirmed his reservations and kindly guided them upstairs. She brought them to a private dining room and handed them each a menu. As the looked through it the prices on some of the meals was a little steep.

So she scanned through the large menu for the least expensive thing she could find. Danatrius watched her looking hard through her menu so he decided to settle her nerves. "Eirene, my dear you needn't worry about money, please order anything you like." He said softly. She looked up from the menu at him and didn't say anything. When their waitress arrived and asked what they wanted to drink.

Danatrius ordered a small bottle of white wine and a small bowl of ice on the side. The waitress also asked them if they were ready to order their meals which they gave her. After writing everything they wanted down she kindly excused herself and left. For some strange reason Eirene felt a little underdressed at this restaurant. Luckily he lifted her spirits taking both her hands into his and squeezing them softly.

Ten minutes later their waitress returns with the bottle of wine and bowl of ice cubes. She tells them their food will be ready by the time she heads back to the kitchen. They'd just have to wait another five minutes then she'll be back with their meals. Danatrius tells her that's fine since he'll be whispering sweet nothings into his girlfriend's ears. As the waitress left, Eirene couldn't hide the blush that suddenly appeared.

"Don't hide those rosy cheeks they make you look even more beautiful my love." He said. Eirene's cheeks burned even brighter as she covered her face with her long bushy tail. Standing up in his seat he reached over moved her tail out of the way. As he looked into her odd colored eyes a soft smile came to his face. Before he could anything further their waitress returned carrying their food in her arms.

She placed the food down then asked if there was anything else the couple needed. Danatrius thanked her, she excused herself then let them eat their dinner in peace. The food was simply divine never before had she tasted such wonderfully prepared meal. Every bite of food she took her taste buds on am intense roller coaster ride. By the time dessert came around Eirene actually declined to have any.

Naturally he wondered why she wasn't in the mood for dessert until the look she gave him said otherwise. "Very, well my dear I did promise to provide you with a wonderful foot rub. Allow me to pay the bill then we can do the next thing on the list." He replied grabbing his wallet. He left a generous tip on the table for the waitress and went downstairs. Seeing the waitress he told her that her tip was on the table.

After paying their bill He asked where she'd like to go next on their little nightly outing. "My place isn't very far and if it's all the same to you I'd feel more comfy there." She said. Of course he was more than fine with her decision and offered to drive her home. Seeing as he walked here from his hotel room about three blocks away. She was a bit shocked to hear that his hotel was so close to where they were.

Since she wanted to go back to her place he was more than happy to oblige her request. So they walked to where she had parked her car then drove off a few minutes later. It was a quiet drive back to Eirene's apartment, though after she parked on the street. As they stepped onto the sidewalk Danatrius simply couldn't keep his hands to himself. Playfully giving her long tail a gentle tug, causing her to turn around.

When she looked into his eyes he then leaned up and kissed her lips softly. Feeling her heart flutter as she eagerly returned his kiss, without warning she felt something. As she pulled away her hand moved up to her neck and felt a collar there. "Moving a bit fast are we my darling, Danatrius?" She wondered looking at him. A smile came to his face as he leaned up and kissed her passionately once more.

"No, this collar is a symbol of our strong bond to each other and this heart tag. Is a physical representation of the piece of my heart, I gave you when we confessed our love. I was going to mail it you but, I decided it was best to be giving in person." He informed. Strangely enough a while back she had done the very same thing. Though the heart tag was the only thing she didn't think of adding it to his gift collar.

"Would you find it rather strange that I got you a similar gift upstairs except for the tag?" She asked. He chuckled warmly in response then he reached into his front pocket. Pulling out a small box he extended his hand up to her then she took it. Opening the box, inside was a golden heart tag with her name inscribed on it. She grabbed the tag on her collar and felt the inscriptions on it, they spelt his name.

With that she took his hand into hers and walked up the stairs to the front door. She quickly unlocked it then brought him inside, instructed him to go sit down on the couch. Doing as she instructed he walked into the living room and sat down on love seat. While she went upstairs to grab his gift and make herself a little more comfortable. Luckily his gift was left out in the open when she entered her bedroom.

Quickly changing out of her formal wear and slipping on something that would blow him away. Before she left she slipped on her baby blue bath robe then went back downstairs. She peeked into the living room to see what he was doing in there. He had made himself at home he had removed his shoes and dress shirt. Licking her lips as she stared at his well muscled chest and abs as he stretched briefly.

As he settled back down he noticed her peeking around the corner of the wide doorframe. He smiled at her as she slowly walked into the room then straddled herself on his lap. The two lovers shared several deep and very passionate kisses with each other. His hands soon began to roam along her sides earning a soft purr from her. She ran her hands through his chest leaving furrows in his soft dark grey fur.

He moved his hands further down her sides and gently groped along her firm butt. Earning a soft gasp as he playfully kneaded into the soft flesh of her perky backside. With a firm grab he held her close then rose to his feet confusing her at first. Until she realized where he what he was actually up to as he headed towards the staircase. She hooked her arms and legs around him so he could climb the stairs safely.

When he reached her bedroom a short time later he carefully laid her down on the mattress. As he pulled away he playfully undressed for her which certainly got her in the mood. Seeing as he was teasingly pulling them down to his ankles and off his body. Her tail really starting wagging when she saw the skimpy pair of undies covering his equipment. So she decided to get in on the fun before he made his next move.

Sliding to the edge of the bed, she rose to her feet then walked over to her nightstand. He watched her fish around in the drawers clearly looking for something to even the scales. She found what she was looking for in her nightstand and attached it to her collar. From there she sashayed sensually over to where he stood and seductively removed her robe. As it fell slowly to the floor his tail wagged at what he saw.

Of course he decided to have a little fun and clutched his heart then fell to the floor. She rushed over to where he was only to see this evil little smirk plastered all over his face. "Jerk, you had me worried that something bad happened to you." She whined punching him in the arm. He couldn't contain his laughter anymore as he calmly sat up. Before he could do anything else she clipped the other end of the leash onto his collar.

Taking the leash into his hand then looked into her eyes with a great deal of curiosity. Before he could ask her why she clipped the leash to him she planted her lips firmly on his. Her hands quickly roamed all over his chest moving their down between his legs. She teasing tickled all along his crotch earning a groan and whine of pleasure. As his erection began straining in his tight undies she decided to really torture him.

Moving her index claw she drew little circles going from the base of his shaft up to the tip. Causing his entire body to shudder as the pleasure crawled up his spine with each pass. The more she teased the more his body squirmed under her rather skillful touch. What she didn't expect was for him to get even with her seeing as she was distracted. He silently reached up and under her bra then gave her pert nipple a good pinch.

She snapped her head up, only to see this evil little grin on his face as he pinched her once more. It was a mixed feeling to have him behaving so badly yet it turned her on just as much. Naturally Eirene returned the favor slightly not wanting to kill the mood. Danatrius jumped a little when she gave his straining erection a gentle pinch. This soft playful growl exited his throat then without warning he pounced.

Gingerly pinning her underneath him then he began nibbling down along her neck. She arched into his mouth as he moved up her neck to her chin driving her crazy. "OOO, Ba...BBY!" She moaned. As he moved back down her neck and continue down to her chest. He stopped just shy of her breasts if only just to tease her in kind. Eirene hooked one arm around his neck then with other pushed him down to her breasts.

He slowly slipped both arms under her body and unhooked her bra then pulled it off her. Tossing it carelessly away then cupped both of her perky C cup breasts into his hands. With a little juggling he suckled both nipples into his mouth and nipped them gingerly. The huge spike of pleasure nearly caused her to launch off the floor. "SOO, DA....MN NaU...GhTy!" She howled clutching the back of his head.

Tugging gently on her nipples while flicking his tongue playfully across them making her fidget. He moved his left hand sensually down along her stomach towards her thong covered sex. As he moved his hand under the fabric, his thumb brushed against her clit. Eirene howled lustfully in response and most nights she dreamed about this. This was too good true and oddly enough this didn't compare to her past romances.

Danatrius looked up to see his love lost in thought and obviously pleasure. So he gave her nipples and clit another gentle pinch snapping her right out of her daydream. She looked down to see him smiling while her nipples were still pinched in his teeth. He let go then slowly slid himself down between her legs then he spread them fully apart. As he exhaled the warm air tickled her clit earning soft pleasured gasp from her.

Though before he dove in, he decided to pick her up and place her on the bed. This way both of them would be far more comfortable for the events that would follow. Once he made sure she was as comfy as possible he moved back down between her legs. Somewhere in the back of their minds they're thankful the leash was long enough. Allowing them plenty of room yet kept them close together at the same time.

He playfully removed her thong and like a rubber band shot it across the room. She could help but, laugh at his moment of immature behavior until his tongue licked her folds. Like a bolt of pure electricity her claws sunk into the fabric as she bucked her hips up. Trying her best to maximize the pleasure coursing through her body. When his warm tongue flicked up against her clit her eyes went wide.

"OOH, FUU...UCK UH, YES, Lo...VeR OH GO Dee...EpeR Uh, Yeah!" She moaned as he kept licking her folds. What came next nearly sent her over the edge as he gently nipped her sensitive clit. The young wolf panther mix did everything in her power to gain control over herself. He could somehow sense she was struggling to keep from cumming. So moved down a little then slithered his tongue deep into her sex.

Sending a tsunami of euphoria shooting up her spine causing her to lurch off the bed. Her hands reached down grabbing the back of his head keeping him in place. Taking the hint he continued exploring her inner walls earning a series of moans and howls of bliss. When he flicked briefly against her extremely touchy G-spot, she grabbed his ears. Eirene felt like she was on fire as her body grew hotter the more he did.

The waves of pleasure continued to grow stronger with each passing second. Her mind was overcharge with pleasure so bad she was having a hard time verbally expressing herself. When he heard gasping for air he wisely back off from eating her out. Luckily she was able to catch her breath after a good few minutes then spoke. "I do believe it's my turn to sample what's on the menu." She cooed.

He pouted a little seeing as he was enjoying providing her with all sorts of pleasure. Though he knew it was only fair that he get to take part in all the sexual fun. So he moved to the head of the bed, kicked his underwear off then gave her full access to his sex. Eirene licked her lips as she crawled over then up between his legs. She gently wrapped her hand around his impressive eight inch long and two inch thick cock.

With her other hand she gingerly cupped his balls into her hands and began to fondle them. "Mmm!" He groaned. As she worked up a nice pace a few drops of pre trickled out. She leaned up a lite then had a unique taste not too salty and not too sweet. That's when she began teasing his cock tip, while he tried not to buck upwards. Before he knew what happened next she took half of his member into her mouth.

One hand kept fondling his balls, while the other teased around the base of his shaft. Sending a strong jolt of pleasure up spine as a strong moan came from his mouth. "OOH! Lu...VeR!" He crooned. Eirene slowly pulled back gently rubbing her teeth along his shaft. Literally making his toes and tail curl as he shuddered under her skilled touch. When her teeth touch the head of his cock she slid back down taking more into her mouth.

She worked up a strong pace from there she firmly wrapped her perky breasts around his member. The feeling of her warm breasts and the softness of her fur felt simply divine. Next she alternated her breasts up and down his shaft as she sucked harder on his head. Danatrius couldn't believe the euphoria coursing through him at the present. "UH, L...ORd Whe..ERE DI YOu LEaRN TH...ISSSS!" He howled.

Giggling to herself she continued for a while longer bringing her lover right to the edge. With one more pass she pulled away from his erection then moved up along his body. Sharing a deep kiss before hooking her legs around his waist then reach down between her legs. Taking his cock into her hand she lined it up with her eager entrance. She took a deep breath before took his member down to the hilt into her sex.

Sparks instantly shot across their now conjoined bodies, he then leaned up and kissed her neck. The soft purr vibrating in her throat grew stronger as he toyed with her breasts again. She slowly raised her hips up a little then sank them back down. When his partially swollen knot brushy firmly against her out folds. Repeating process several more times while her inner walls conformed around his girth.

Danatrius slipped his hands down along her sides and rested them on her butt. As she worked up a steady pace, he then matched her thrusts by meeting her in the middle. Driving a huge well spring of pleasure throughout their bodies like a rail gun. Both lovers howled in bliss as their motions picked up speed and passion. Though they tried to milk the intense waves of pleasure for as long as their bodies would allow.

As her pace quicken Danatrius decided it was time for him to turn the tables a little. Holding her close and with one good strong twist he flipped them over on the bed. Eirene smiled endearingly as she looked up at her lover as he slowly withdrew his cock. Before carefully thrusting himself back in pressing his cock tip against her cervix. The strong jolt of pleasure rocketed through her body like a bullet train.

She placed her legs back around his waist and kept him fully inside her for a moment. Before allowing him to withdraw enough then thrust himself all the back inside her sex. The rhythm he worked up was steady yet slow as not to finish too early to their liking. Little did either lover know is that their bodies were very close to the brink. As they moaned, howled and called out the other's name with such passion.

It would only be a matter of time before either lover would reach their orgasmic limit. "Uh, Ey...Uh, OH, YES, OH, LO...RD, I'm GON...NNA CUMM!" They groaned together. Denarius's thrusts grew shallow and pushed deeper as his climax grew closer. Eirene was lost her the ocean of pleasure much like he was to notice. That they would soon be locked together like their ancient ancestors once did.

To be perfectly honest Eirene really didn't care at this point in the midst of all this euphoria. She wanted to be tied with him mentally, emotionally and of course physically. So naturally she let him know just how badly she wanted that big knot of his. "DAnA...TriUS, Uhny-YEaHH!, AW, GaWD FAstER TIe ME YOu BeaST!"She howled. He was more than happy to grant her request as he began doing as she asked.

"Uh, YES YES I'm GONNA CUM OH BAby HurrY and TIE WITH ME!" She pleaded passionately. Danatrius gave it all he had left and thrusted faster and harder while trying to tie her. Sure enough her labia slowly spread open allowing his knot further into her passage. The resulting pleasure was too strong for even words to truly express it. It would soon all come to an explosive and climatic end when his knot hilted within her.

Though just before her inner walls clamped around his fully swollen knot. He used the slickness of their combine juices to slide right back out of her treasure. Earning a loud pleasurable growl from her as he carefully repeated the process a few times. Sadly the new sexual technique would be their undoing as he hilted once again. That was all it took for her inner walls to instantly clamp down hard around his cock.

As they milked around his entire shaft and knot, a heavy torrent of seed shot forth. Coating every single square inch of her hot sex and eager womb with the life giving liquid. Seconds later a pair of loud orgasmic howls filled the apartment as two hearts finally became one. Unfortunately the pleasure they experienced was so intense as their howls faded. Sleep was almost instantaneous for them as they collapsed onto the bed.

The following morning as Eirene awoke when the rising sun shined through her bedroom window. She rolled over hoping to see her life mate was sleeping soundly besides her. Sure enough much to her shock he wasn't there as she swiftly sat up in bed. Before she could call out his name the bedroom door open and he stepped into the room. He was carrying what looked like a lap tray, he brought her breakfast in bed.

Once he placed the tray across her legs he sat down off to her left and removed the covers. This one question seemed to pop into her mind as she took a bite of her freshly made meal. "Danatrius my love how long are you going to be here for?" She wondered. He smiled as he leaned over kissed her cheek affectionately before he spoke. "I'm here for as long I want or until you get bored with having me around, luv." He smiled.

She nearly tackled him to the floor but, choose not to due to the food on the bed. Granted she would have to clean the sheets and blankets due to last night's climatic events. With a playful smile she happily finished her meal and after she dragged him into the shower. Where they spent a good while washing, scrubbing and some non-scrubbing fun. As the days passed the two lovers forged a life together and made many fond memories.

A Brother's Love, Ch 5

After a few minutes, the dog's knot shrank just enough for him to pull out of her, and Eirene clamped her walls tightly, not wanting to lose any of Dante's 'treat'. The dog moved out of Dante's line of sight, curling up and licking his cock clean as...

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A Brother's Love, Ch 4

Come morning it was pretty gloomy in Dante's room when his eyes opened though that could have been largely due to the blinds that were down to block out as much of the sunlight as possible. His ear twitched as he heard the sound of the outdoors and...

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A Brother's Love, Ch 3

She nodded in agreement to his statement about getting caught naked in bed together, then mewled as he pinched her nipples. The attention to those little nubs soon had them hard and pebbled, showing how much she was enjoying his touch. "Did the...

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