A Brother's Love, Ch 4

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#13 of Incestuous Mates

Part four of a series of stories about Dante and Eirene as brother and sister. Join us as we follow their adventures into becoming Incestuous Mates.

Dante (c) https://vybraxis.sofurry.com/

Eirene (c) me

Story (c) Vybraxis and EireneCrimsonpelt, 2013


REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depicted in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.


Come morning it was pretty gloomy in Dante's room when his eyes opened though that could have been largely due to the blinds that were down to block out as much of the sunlight as possible. His ear twitched as he heard the sound of the outdoors and bird song from the window he had left open overnight. As he came awake, Dante took stock of the position he found himself in. He was still spooning his sister who was cuddled up in his arms, the room didn't smell of sex as much anymore but they still both did and even faintly of the marking of the previous day....and he had a sizable case of morning wood lodged against her rump. He chuckled to himself softly at that and nuzzled the back of her neck. It had certainly been an intense 24 hours.

Eirene was slow to wake though a purr slipped from her as she felt her brother nuzzling the back of her neck. Stretching in his arms, her rump pressed against his hardon and a happy mewl slipped from her. Turning her head, she blinked her eyes a few times before fully opening them, staring into her brother's beautiful blue eyes. "Morning, Dante," she purred, pulling him down to kiss him. She knew they didn't have time to play right now... their parents would be by soon to get them up. But after they left for work... Oh, the delicious fun that would be had between the two of them.

Dante met that kiss with a small growl in his throat, leaning over her so he could better reach and he couldn't help himself by shifting a hand and sneaking it under her top so that he could cup one of her furred breasts, rubbing his thumb across her nipple. With it that morning hardon twitched against her backside, a not so subtle reminder. When the kiss broke he didn't let go of her breast, still toying with it. "I should let you go because I really need to pee...but on the other hand part of me wants to pull your shorts down and have you again."

She purred and rubbed her rear against his hardon, teasing him. "You know we don't have the time right now, my Dante. But that part of you will get to do what it wants to me after mom and dad go to work. And I have an idea for our first romp today. Do you trust me enough to know that whatever I plan, you'll like?" She was purring the entire time she spoke as his paw teased her breast, making her nipple harden for him, her body craving more of her delicious brother. Leaning up, she licked his muzzle, purring out, "And leave my collar on, love. Please?"

"You sure Sis? After all...folks see us both wearing collars and it won't be too hard to work things out from there," he says, gently tugging on that pert nipple of hers before he releases it and finally relinquishes to slide his hand out from under her top difficult as it was. He wasn't about to pull his hardon away though and that was firmly wedged against her rump cheeks through their shorts. "I trust you though Sis and you know it...but if I'm gonna be doin things for you then you've gotta do something for me. I don't want you peeing without my permission. If I give it then you can but otherwise....hold it."

She giggled at her brother, flicking her tongue against his muzzle in a loving gesture. "They'd expect it from you, Dante. You could say yours was a fashion statement. It's mine that will raise their eyebrows and questions." Her bicolored eyes looked up at him with the love she felt for him. "I'll hold it as long as I can, Dante, and if I have to go, I'll let you know with a look." She nuzzled into his neck, purring softly. "What cover story can we use on mom and dad about my collar?"

"Well you could always try staying out of their way until they're gone," he offered with a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Failing that if you grab out of my t-shirts I haven't used in a while and a spare pair of my pants...you could try and claim you're thinkin bout goin goth as well and borrowed it from me," he added. He bent his muzzle down then after her nuzzling and went for the side of her neck, nuzzling and giving gentle nips at it while he rocked his hips, pressing that hardon even more firmly to her rear. "Gods I want you so bad..." he offered in a rough husky voice then.

She giggled at his first statement, then nipped at his nose playfully. "As if that would work, big brother. You know they want to see both of us before they go to work in the mornings. But going goth might work. Can you picture their eyes when they imagine both of us goth?" she giggled again, then mewled as he started nuzzling and nipping her neck lightly. She arched her back, pushing her rump against his hard on. "Mmmm, and I want you too, Dante. And we'll have each other very soon. Fifteen minutes after they're gone, my room." She purred and turned to face him, removing her tempting rump from his hardon. "Thanks for letting me crash in here last night, Dante. I hate having nightmares," she said, disentangling herself from him. It was evident by her words that she'd heard one of their parents in the hallway.

He was almost tempted to roll her onto her belly and yank those shorts down when she spoke those words and he was forced to put a leash on his sex drive. He gave her a nod and smile, falling into the act right away. "My pleasure Sis...I'll see you down at breakfast in a while," he offered and then moved to drag himself out of bed. He was still damn hard but he willed himself calm and went about changing into fresh boxers as soon as she left, cramming that hardon of his into them and finding a pair of his loose fitting bondage pants to pull on over them. How he wished his parents would leave sooner...he really wanted Eirene right now.

Eirene grabbed an old pair of his pants, then headed to her room, thinking about the shirt she had that would look so good with it, and the collar. Slipping down the hallway, she entered her room, tossed the pants onto her bed, and hurried to her dresser, looking at her reflection to see the collar around her neck. Her dreams were finally coming true. She belonged to her brother, just as he belonged to her. She gave a soft giggle, her fingers trailing over the studded leather, then slowly sliding over her nightshirt clad body. Turning from the mirror, she went to the closet and pulled out a black and purple bustier she had that she'd not worn yet, and a royal purple mesh shirt. Satisfied with her clothing selection, she grabbed her robe and headed to the bathroom, taking a quick wake up shower, dancing on her paws in the stall as she held herself back from peeing. A deal was a deal, and she was not about to break the rules on his end. Getting out of the water, she dried herself off, then slipped the robe on and hurried back to her room, trying to make sure she didn't run into their parents before she was dressed in the outfit she'd laid out. It would be harder to explain the collar without the outfit. Slipping back into her bedroom, she pulled out a pair of black and purple silk panties and pulled them on, then dressed in the borrowed-from-her-brother pants, bustier and mesh shirt. Shaking her head, she sent her hair to flow around her head, then settle in its normal loose waves before she left her bedroom.

Dante kept his head down in his room before he exited and headed for the shower after his sister, slipping out of the clothes he'd put on to shower himself a bit better smelling before he pulled them back on again. That done he'd pad through the house and head downstairs, arriving down for breakfast a little bit after Eirene. He did his best not to seem any different around her then usual, tousling her hair as he went by and saying hi to their parents, only exchanging a few words with them. They seemed more interested in Eirene anyway and her new mode of dress. That made avoiding them all the simpler for him...he especially didn't want to risk hugging them or anything incase they caught any scent remains in his fur.

It was true that the outfit was completely different than anything else her parents had seen her in, lifting her breasts and 'fluffing' them up a bit, though the mesh over them did offer a sense of modesty, faint though it was. She caught her brother's eye, telling him without words that she really did have to go, but she was holding it in. Turning her attention back to their parents, she sighed. "I'm still trying to figure out just who I am. I like dresses, but I love getting into clothes that are comfortable too. I need to explore my options. Besides, it's not like being a goth is gonna affect my school work or job," she said, her voice getting tinged with exasperation.

Dante couldn't help but chuckle, having heard THAT conversation before after all and when he caught her eye again, he gave his Sister a wink. Grabbing some toast, he calmly hummed as he walked by the whole thing and went and sat down in front of the tv, munching away while he let his sister and their parents sort things out amongst themselves. He put his feet up on a footrest, lounging quite happily while he channel surfed...though his mind was firmly on his sister's gorgeous, naked body and what he'd love to do to it.

Eirene sighed as Dante left her to deal with their parents and their concern about her new style. Since he'd been through it, she knew that he'd be able to help, but he decided his stomach was more important than helping her, at least for now. She'd get his attention to this the hard way. "Seriously, you two just need to calm down. I'm still me. But I don't know who 'me' really is. You put Dante through this when he went goth. Did it affect his grades or his job? No. Why do you think it's going to affect mine? Just because I'm a femme does not mean I can't handle myself as well as Dante. Or anyone else."

Dante lay there for a time, occasionally having to reach down to adjust himself as his mind wanders and then he looks to the clock. He nods slowly to himself then gets up out of his chair, wandering back in the direction of the argument and sticking his head in on it to clear his throat and speak. "I'm sure we'd all love to continue this for longer but Mom... Dad... Time's getting on. Shouldn't you be leaving soon?" he asks, hoping to save his Sister from the conversation as much as get her alone at last.

Dante's words seemed to spur their parents on, both of them rushing to finish their coffee and grab what they needed for their day at work. Eirene looked at her brother with a hint of relief in her eyes, as well as the unspoken question. Could she go use the bathroom? She hadn't gone since before their romp the night before, and she was full to bursting. More proof of that was the fact that she hadn't touched her juice yet this morning. She knew if she did, she'd end up having a larger problem. A couple more minutes, with their parents fussing about her new appearance on their way out the door, and finally, the two siblings were home alone. Well, almost. They just had to wait to hear their parents' cars leave, and they could start their day of fun.

Dante smirked a little at her when he caught that look and shook his head, wanting her to draw it out a little while longer and then he'd be heading to a front facing window, looking out at the cars until they pulled out of the drive and headed away. As soon as that happened he was moving away, stalking back towards his sister with a growl and he reached for her, to grab her by the shoulders, pulling her roughly towards him where his muzzle would dip and lock with hers in a rough almost feral kiss. In doing so he was pushing her back, shoving her up against the wall of the living room, grinding his body against her own.

Eirene had learned that look since yesterday, and when he pulled her towards him, she didn't try to fight or resist, wanting to kiss and claim her brother as much as he wanted to kiss and claim her. Her arms slipped around his neck and one of her legs rose to wrap around his waist, her hindpaw playing with his tail. Her back was flat against the wall as they frantically made out in the living room, both wanting the other. Her bladder was screaming at her to empty it, but she was too busy reveling in her brother's desire for her to pay too much attention to it. Slowly pulling away from him, she licked his muzzle, then tilted her head up just a little, licking and nipping his nose. "I really need to go, Dante. Either let me, or I'll end up peeing in your pants."

As soon as the kiss broke his head dipped down, going for her neck, nipping at it hard again and again as he listened to her speak. He gave her a moment then before his head came back up, meeting her gaze levelly with a wicked smirk of mischief. "Maybe that's the whole point...maybe I want you to be a dirty girl for me," he offered and then moved a paw up between her thighs. Pressing up against the material he cups her pussy through, grinding fingers firmly against her. "Whatchya think Sis? Should I make you let it all go right here?"

She bit her lip as she clamped her lower bladder muscles tight, not wanting to lose it yet. "Having me be a dirty girl is one thing when it's in our rooms or the bathrooms, Dante. But here in the living room? The FIRST room mom and dad come into when they get home? Do you want them to find out? Or were you planning on cleaning up my mess?" Her hips pushed forward, grinding her pussy against his paw.

He can't help but chuckle at her words even as he keeps pressing his fingers up against her pussy, working her though the pants she'd borrowed. "What can I say...I just considered that knowin us, we'd probably be leaving this house in a state anyway with these hours of playtime we have," he offered. His hand slid up then and he quite calmly shifted it down the front of those baggy pants, wanting to feel the dampness of her sex under his touch, letting her grind against it like that instead. "You know I could almost stand here all day...playing with you, if you didn't need to pee so bad and if I didn't need to fuck you so bad."

She nipped at his nose and purred as his paw slid under the pants to play with her slick mound. "I want you just as badly, Dante," she purred out, letting him play with her a few moments more. With a nip to his neck, she pulled herself away from him, slipping under his arm. "Meet me in my room in fifteen minutes. I'll give you what we both need in my room today. Oh, and my door can be left open for Brutus." She tossed the last over her shoulder as she slipped from the room, her tail flicking behind her almost as a "come hither" signal.

Dante watched her go and in doing so, lifted the fingers that had been teasing her to his muzzle so he could lick the taste of her from them and have her scent fill his nose. She was just so delicious. That done he turned about and headed to the front door which he pulled the chain across on, just on the off chance their folks came back at the wrong time later. He didn't want any incidents like that. Being interrupted midcoitus would just be, well, awkward.

He had a little time to kill though and went and got himself a glass of water, topping up his moisture levels for what he assumed would be a draining day and then calmly went back to his room to at least strip out of his t-shirt. He kept his baggy bondage pants on, waiting for the allotted fifteen minutes before he would head to her room bare chested, pushing the door open and leaving it hanging thus.

When he got to her room, he found the room nearly black with just hints of light coming in from around the blankets she'd hung over the window. "Strip those pants off, big brother, and get on the bed," she said from the corner of her room, hiding in the shadows until she was ready to be seen. A couple candles were lit on her dresser, far enough away to prevent anything catching on fire, but adding to the air of the room. And it seemed she'd used some scented candles, as tantalizing aromas that hinted towards sex and love filled the room.

Dante looked around in the gloom, smiling a little as he reached for the front of his pants and undid them to let them drop along with his boxers to the floor. That done he stepped out of the puddle of clothing and moved towards the bed, heading to its center then laying down on his back with an arm behind his head to prop himself up a little to look in the direction of her voice. "I'm surprised Sis...thought you'd be bursting by now...but you've got a beautiful little setup going here. What have you got in mind hm?"

Eirene purred as she watched her brother undressing for her, the only light coming in from the doorway. Slowly, she stepped from the shadows and into the light from the hall, giving her brother a profile view, then turning to face him directly. Black encased her figure, but not all of it. The candlelight gave warm gleams in various areas, reflecting off of silver connections between the black fabric of the outfit. In her paw, she held a flogger. She was ready to have her some fun with her brother. Mischief twinkled in her eyes and she demanded, "Get over here and worship your Mistress!"

Dante was in a little bit of shock that his little sister had gone all...dominatrix on him but damn did she look good dressed like that. His eyes roved over her in the light of the hall and as he heard her words he slowly climbed off the bed he had so been recently ordered onto and padded his way over to her. Before her form he sank down to his knees looking up at her with a small grin, "What would you like then Mistress?"

She looks down at him and purrs, "Pull my panties to the side, and lick my pussy." She appreciated that he was so quick to respond to her commands, just as she was to follow his orders, and lowered her free paw to his head, petting him softly. She had much more in mind for him today than he was anticipating. Her tongue slowly slid over her lips and the edges of her muzzle as she watched and waited.

He took a deep breath, wondering just what his sister was planning though he knew that whatever it was it would be interesting. One hand slowly reached up and he carefully hooks the panties with a finger, drawing them away from her before his muzzle lifts to her pussy. He breathes in again, taking the scent of her, enjoying it before his broad canine tongue came out and gave a long slow drag over that mound. It did so again and again, teasing but also tasting, savouring her flavour.

She purred as she felt his tongue sliding over her wet slit, lapping up the juices she was already producing. Of course, she was eager for her brother, and figured she always would be. Her paw tightened in his hair, pulling him flush against her pussy, her hips bucking and making her pussy rub over his face. She wanted her scent embedded in his nose. No other feminine scent would be as sweet as hers to him. At the same time, she was fighting to hold back her urine, waiting for the right time to let loose.

If only she knew that no other feminine scent ever would be as sweet to him anyway and that it was already embedded. All her smearing on him did was heighten his arousal, his cock throbbing jutting up from his lap. He had actually let the thought of her needing to pee slip from his mind as he focused on working on her with his tongue, letting that long appendage probe upwards into her entrance as she pushed his muzzle against her pussy, letting it delve deep within that soaking sex. She tasted so so good, he felt like he could do this for hours.

Soft purrs and mewls of pleasure slipped from her throat as he licked her and drove his talented tongue into her tight tunnel. Her free paw moved behind her some, the tails of the flogger she held in it draping over his hard cock. "You like being my pussy licker, pet?" she purred at him, twitching the flogger to 'tickle' his cock since she didn't have her paws on it. She had so many ideas, she almost didn't know where to start. Two really stood out to her at the moment, though. She just had to decide which one she was gonna act on.

Dante couldn't exactly respond with his tongue buried inside of her pussy and so what Eirene got was just a noise that came across as an affirmative, his tongue plunging in and out of her faster as he devoured the juices that flowed from her core. Moving his hands he rested them on her thighs, eyes closing as he savoured every drop of her, the scent and flavour of her body all that he could taste or smell.

Her paw tightened in his hair and dragged his muzzle from between her legs, smirking as she saw what a mess his muzzle was from all her juices. "You look good wearing my juices, pet. But now, you're going to sit in that chair in the corner." Oh, the plan was decided, and now, he was going to see what she planned for the first romp of the day.

Dante licked his lips as he pulled back from her, sliding his hands from her thighs as he looked up with his muzzle fur damp with her juices. He couldn't help but chuckle as he regards her, head canting for a moment but he did as bade again and slowly got to his feet. With cock swaying before him he made his way over to the chair in the corner, sitting down in the darker patch and lounging there, waiting for her next command...or just staying put if that was all she wanted of him.

She purred as she watched him move to the chair, and followed him, pulling something off the small table next to the chair. "I don't want you cumming just yet, pet, so..." she purred as she fastened a cockring around the base of his cock. "You'll be kept on edge until I allow you to cum, pet." Moving behind him, she restrained him to the chair with a grin and put a set of blinders on him, so he wouldn't get distracted by anything other than the show she was about to give him. Leaning towards his ear, she purred, "Just as I've been holding back from peeing, you'll be forced to hold back your cum." She dragged her claws lightly over his neck, then moved out of his range of sight.

Dante tugged experimentally at the bonds as she fastened him to the chair, hands behind him tied to the back and legs strapped to the chair legs. He moved his head as well, noting the narrowness of vision and so simply settled himself back, licking his lips again to remind himself of the taste on his lips while he waited to enjoy the show. "Whatever you wish, Mistress," he offered in reply to her.

She purred at his words, then came back into view, her panties stripped off. Getting onto all fours, she gave a whistle, and the clicking of canine claws on the floor could be heard before Brutus blocked his view of Eirene's puffy, slick pussy. The dog licked her pussy, finding her ready for him, and swiftly mounted her, jabbing his emerging cock at her thighs a couple times, then shifted and hit between her pussy and tailhole, then angled himself again and sank his cock into her pussy, making her mewl in pleasure, her hips bucking back against the feral.

Dante took a deep breath as he heard what was incoming, his cock throbbing and twitching in the ring on it until that big mutt of theirs appeared and he watched his sister get on her hands and knees and submit to it from afar. He squirmed in his bonds, really wishing he could stroke himself to get away or join in but he was stuck fast. He just had to pant as at first she was licked and moaning and then the mewl when he knew that cock had hit home and she was getting stuffed full like the dog's bitch again. "Oh fuck..." he muttered hotly to himself.

"I bet this was you, pet, sinking your cock into my pussy, fucking me like your bitch," she teased and taunted Dante. Their dog started thrusting hard and fast, making her moan and purr in pleasure, the force of his thrusts making her still her hips. Her tail twitched over the pair on the floor, a signal of her eager submission to the dog's cock. He could see the dog's knot starting to swell already, battering at her stuffed pussy, eager to tie her and breed her like the bitch she was for him. The dog was grunting and growling and panting hotly into her ear, making her whine up at him submissively. The wolfhound lowered his muzzle to her shoulder and nosed her a couple times before opening his maw and clamping down on her shoulder to keep her in place as he slammed his knot against her entrance. A yowl slipped from her as it sank into her, and his thrusts became faster and shorter. "He's gonna breed me soon, pet," she gasped out, her body on the edge of orgasm, seemingly waiting for the dog to fill her with his seed before joining him in orgasmic bliss.

Dante was straining against the bonds as it went on and on. First simply relaxed to watch, the relentless fucking combined with her mewls and taunting words made it impossible for him not to want to join in...to stifle the sounds she made with his hard cock down her throat. He couldn't get away though, couldn't do anything as he sat there, hard and near aching. His gaze was intent though, watching the rough canine coupling, nostrils flaring with every heavy breath he made.

Nearly simultaneously, the pair fucking came, the dog howling out his pleasure a moment before Eirene joined in with her own yowl of delight. Thick ropes of dog cum sprayed her clamping walls as she milked him for every drop of his cum. His haunches humped her as he tried to force more cum deeper into her pussy. "Good boy, Brutus," she purred at the canine over her. Looking over her shoulder, she looked at Dante, a teasing gleam in her eye. "I bet you wish that had been you, pet." Of course, she still had plans for what was going to happen. This was far from over.

Dante's eyes went wide as he listened to his sister and their dog cumming, seeing her be knotted and gushed full of seed like she really was being bred...which he hoped wouldn't be the actual case although he had fucked her full enough himself with that being the risk. He was so aroused though now he was trembling with pent up desire and if his cock weren't so firmly ringed he would have been gushing precum everywhere. "Oh fuck Sis...that was hot as hell," he offered.

She purred and licked her muzzle as their dog turned, his leg lifting and sliding over her back so they could stand butt to butt while waiting for his knot to shrink. Of course, this put the dog within easy licking range of Dante's cock, which he did, giving Dante a few licks before looking up at him and growling. Apparently, the dog had found something else he liked.

A Brother's Love, Ch 5

After a few minutes, the dog's knot shrank just enough for him to pull out of her, and Eirene clamped her walls tightly, not wanting to lose any of Dante's 'treat'. The dog moved out of Dante's line of sight, curling up and licking his cock clean as...

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A Brother's Love, Ch 3

She nodded in agreement to his statement about getting caught naked in bed together, then mewled as he pinched her nipples. The attention to those little nubs soon had them hard and pebbled, showing how much she was enjoying his touch. "Did the...

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A Brother's Love, Ch 2

At dinner they got some strange looks from their parents, but nothing was said by either of them, and soon enough everyone headed to bed. Eirene waited at her door, dressed for bed, and with a few things in a small bag that she planned on using to make...

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