A Brother's Love, Ch 2

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#11 of Incestuous Mates

Part two of a series of stories about Dante and Eirene as brother and sister. Join us as we follow their adventures into becoming Incestuous Mates.

Dante (c) https://vybraxis.sofurry.com/

Eirene (c) me

Story (c) Vybraxis and EireneCrimsonpelt, 2013


REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depicted in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.


At dinner they got some strange looks from their parents, but nothing was said by either of them, and soon enough everyone headed to bed. Eirene waited at her door, dressed for bed, and with a few things in a small bag that she planned on using to make sure her brother knew his place as her bitch.

After hearing their parents retiring for the night, she snuck out of her room and went to his, her hindpaws barely making any sound on the floor as she walked. She opened his door and slipped inside, not wanting to make any noise to alert their parents to what was going on.

It was dark in Dante's room as Eirene enters, not wanting to risk drawing attention to what was going on after all by leaving lights on. However in laying in the dark on his stomach, head turned towards the door, he began to get dozey and infact missed her entry, somewhat oblivious to her presence. He rolled his shoulders a little, shifting on the bed with nothing covering him, his body infact naked at least for the time being.

She stayed by the door for a few moments, letting her eyes adjust to the lack of light in his room. A smirk appeared on her muzzle as she saw her brother laying on the bed. Oh, so tempting a treat. She knew she was going to have to take advantage of his position. Keeping her steps light, she moved to the bed and stopped at the foot, setting the bag down and crouching by it to fish out the first items needed. Swiftly, she slid his paws into the silken restraints, then tied them to the corners of his bed before moving up to do the same with his wrists. Moving back to the bag, she pulled out a leather band and a ballgag. She slipped the ballgag into his mouth and fastened it behind his head, then slipped the leather band, which was actually a collar, around his neck and fastened it. Then she returned to the bag and pulled out a toy she'd yet to break in, since she hadn't had anyone that she was claiming as her bitch. But now... she stepped into the harness of a strap-on and pulled it up into place, settling the other end just inside her pussy. Now to give her brother a good fucking.

Dante came awake pretty rapidly as those restraints went on but they were tight by the time he could do anything about it and he squirmed, eyes going wide and muzzle opening to say something just as the gag was fitted to. He made a few very muffled noises, trying to work out what was going on and then looked over his shoulder. With his low light vision there he watched his sister put that toy on and a certain amount of fear filled him, eyes wider still giving away perhaps that where she was heading for was infact, virgin turf.

She purred as she saw his eyes looking over the strap-on she was wearing. It wasn't the thickest toy she had, not by far. Infact, this one was rather thin, a beginner's toy. But it did have a secondary piece that went inside her pussy and it had a small hole that when she came, she could fill his rear tunnel with her juices. "Don't worry, big brother. I'm not going to tear your tailhole open. But I am going to fuck you, and make sure you know you're my bitch," she purred to him before crouching to the bag again and pulling out a tube of lube. She smeared the toy with the lube and climbed up onto the bed, crawling over her brother, then moved his tail out of the way. "Don't try to hide your sexy rump from me, big brother. I want your tailhole."

Dante made some noises through the gag that could have been a 'why?' and 'you're supposed to be my bitch' but it was hard to distinguish them and what he really ended up doing was drooling around the gag more than anything else. He squirmed on the bed, tugging against the restraints, feeling cool air caress his tight hole as it was exposed making him shiver. Very softly, faintly, a whimper made its way through that gag then as he realised that he couldn't escape from her and she could just take what she wanted.

In her other paw, she held the lube and squeezed some out, letting the cool gel land on his tailhole before dropping the tube to the bed and working the lube in around his tailhole, then eased a lube-coated finger into his tailhole, slowly stretching him and working that lube in as deep as her finger would let her. She twisted and turned her hand, making her finger twist inside his tight tailhole.

A muffled groaning came from him as she worked his hole, the sensation new and he had to admit, not all that unpleasant. The finger pressing into him was definitely something though and he let out a small yelp as it went inside, opening him up briefly causing muscles to tighten and then slowly relax. He was starting to pant a little now, nostrils flaring, still drooling around the gag against the pillow. He was a little glad he'd been gagged really...he'd have hated to have tried to hide enjoying this without it.

Smirking to herself, she smacked his rump hard, then reached back to the end of the bed and pulled the bag up onto the bed with them. She still had something in there that was needed. She fastened a strap of leather around his tail, about six inches from the tip, then hooked another piece of leather between it and the collar around his neck. It would keep his tail lifted and his tailhole nicely presented to her. A leash came from the back as well and was hooked to his collar. She was ready now, and grabbed the bag to put it back on the floor. Getting back into position, she took the base of the strapon in her paw, and grabbed the leash in her other paw. "Get ready, big brother. I'm gonna make you my bitch now," she purred, easing the tip of the toy against his tailhole and slowly pressed her hips forward.

Dante squirmed beneath her as she arranged his body, harnessing his tail and leashing him leaving him entirely trapped and helpless before her on the bed. When she talked about making him her bitch and he felt her approach he whines aloud, even audible through the gag and it turns into a yelp as she starts to feed the toy into him. Lubed up he had no resistance to it and it sank in easily, parting his tight walls making his body arch against the bed and his claws flex, very nearly tearing at the silk strap holding him.

She purred as she felt his tailhole taking the toy inside, and she leaned down over him, sinking more of it into him as she nipped at his ear. "I love being the first inside your tailhole, big brother. And by the time I'm done, you'll love having me fuck you like this. I mean, we both know we loved it in the bathroom earlier. But this time, when I cum, you'll get a tailhole full of my juices. But you can't cum. I don't want any of your seed being wasted on the sheets. You can fuck me after I'm done and give me that load in any hole you want to fill. So hold it in, or I'll have to invest in a cockring to teach you to hold it in." Her hips thrust slowly, pushing and pulling the toy in and out of his tight tailhole, a slow, thorough fucking.

He couldn't respond because of the gag filling his maw but his eyes were wide open as she spoke, staring straight ahead as he felt the slide of that toy in and out of him, nudging something deep inside of him which he really did enjoy the feel of. He was hard, leaking against the bed beneath his body even if she couldn't see it and noises were starting to escape him despite himself, the softest moans and the occasional whimper but they were definitely there now. He wasn't a bitch if he enjoyed this....right? He was kind of glad it wasn't a real cock, he wasn't sure how he'd have felt with a length of real hard flesh taking his backside and creaming him.

She picked up the pace a little, fucking him faster but not hard or rough yet. Her ears had picked up the sounds he was making, listening to him enjoy what she was doing made it so much better as she fucked him. Her voice dropped to a husky purr as she whispered in his ear, "That's my good bitch. Take my cock. Take it like the slut I know you are. My slut!" She nipped at his ear again then dragged her tongue over his muzzle.

As the pace increased so did the volume of the noises he was making, his hands clenched into firsts in the silken straps that held him, his eyes scrunching tight closed to as he felt every slip and slide of the toy abusing his hole. He heard every word she said to with clarity, unable to reply, do anything to deny it and he was certainly in no position to what with him being fucked like a bitch and his cock hard underneath him. He tried to deny it in his head but it just wasn't fitting. At that moment, he really was her slut.

She purred as his sounds of pleasure increased and moved faster, fucking her brother's tailhole as fast as she could while not slamming too hard into him... at least not yet. She wanted him to enjoy getting fucked as much as fucking her. She had some plans in mind, and they'd only work if he enjoyed having his tailhole fucked. She might be his bitch, but on the other side of that coin was him being her bitch. "Just nod or shake your head to answer, big brother. Are you my bitch?" she purred into his ear, slowing her thrusts into him.

His body started to relax at last fully, his hands unclenching in the silk bonds around his wrists and he squirmed, writhed even beneath her from the fucking he was getting. He was even moaning actively now as she worked him over. When she spoke he seemed to hesitate for a moment, still cautious about admittance but well, the nod came anyway, finally giving in to enjoying her fucking him entirely.

She purred again, licking his muzzle and up to his ear. "Good boy," she purred into his ear, letting her hips pick up their pace. This time, though, her thrusts had some force behind them, fucking him hard. She felt her pleasure rising as she fucked her brother, and knew it wouldn't be long before her juices shot into his tailhole. "I'll make a bargain with you, Dante. You can fuck me all you want, anytime you want, but for every three fuckings I get, I give you a thorough workout back here. And you get no say in what I do to your backside, just as I have no say in what you do to me. Deal?"

There was part of him that wanted to protest to that, tell her that he owned her, not the other way around but well...he couldn't bring himself to deny her. He loved his sister after all and wanted her badly after everything he'd seen from her and their cousin. He couldn't help himself. He nodded at last, firmly to give her the assent she wanted but much as she had said he'd get to fuck her after this he could actually feel himself building, getting ready to cum from being fucked just like a real bitch. Oh he'd get his revenge for this alright, he was already planning it.

She purred at his assent and her paw left his hip to slide under him, easily finding his cock, and the leaking pre. She felt how hard he was, and knew he hadn't cum yet, hadn't wasted his seed on the sheets. She wrapped her paw around the base of his cock, right where it emerged from his sheath, and gripped him tightly as she purred in his ear again, "Don't worry, big brother, I'll make sure you follow the rules, since that load churning inside you belongs inside me, not splattered on the bed sheets." She drew her tongue down his neck then bit his shoulder as she hammered his tailhole hard, her orgasm hitting her as she mewled, muffledly, into his shoulder, her juices blasting from the toy into his tailhole, filling him up.

Date whimpered as she gripped down on him but he was also thankful for it, wanting to get to fuck her after this and show her what a real tailhole pounding was like in return. He was panting hard though as she really went to town on him and he gripped the bonds on him tightly when she started to cum, eyes going wide as he got that new sensation of wetness flooding his hole. Not the same as being fucked full of cum perhaps though he had no reference...but interesting certainly. Then he was slumped beneath her, cock leaking precum, backside full.

She panted hard over him, her paw holding his leash coming up to unlatch the gag and pull it from his muzzle. Lifting her head from his shoulder, she licked it to take the sting out of her bite, then moved towards his muzzle, claiming it in a deep, passionate kiss. "I love you, Dante," she purred against his muzzle. She waited for her body to come down from its orgasmic high, then eased the toy from his tailhole. Standing up, she took the harness off her, and put it back into her bag, leaving the lube on the bed. She unfastened the leash between his collar and tail, then took off the strap on his tail, then worked the bonds holding him off, starting with his hindpaws. The only thing left on him was the collar she'd put on him and the leash she used to make sure he knew he was her bitch. "I want my collar to stay on you, Dante. I want everyone to know you're claimed."

He growls at her as he gets free, rubbing his wrists for a moment and then slowly makes to gingerly climb off the bed and get to his feet. His hole was sore, and leaking a little, but he had something in mind. He bent down and reached under his bed in the dark, leaving her waiting as he went for something there and after a few moments of rummaging he stood up in one hand holding a collar as well, black leather with studs on and a ring of metal on the front. "Fuck little Sis...I had one for you as well...now get on your hands and knees. You need to be taught a lesson my little cock loving bitch."

Eirene purrs as she sees the collar he has for her and gracefully dropped to her knees, then smirked as she saw his hard cock right in front of her face. Unable to help herself, she licked his cock, then drew him into her muzzle as she sucked on him, making sure no precum was left on the tip. But she had a little surprise in store for her brother still. Turning her eyes up to look at her brother, she slowly took him deeper into her muzzle, soon feeling his cock against the back of her throat. That mischievous twinkle reappeared in her eye as she slid down further, deep throating him, not stopping until her nose brushed his groin and her muzzle firmly wrapping around him, her lips against his knot.

"Oh sweet fuck..." he groaned as she took his cock down her throat, a brief thought spared to where she'd become so good at doing this sort of thing. Fingers of his free hand tangled in her hair briefly as he started to pant for her, spurting precum down her neck as she worked him over. While he had her like that however he reached down and slid that collar round her, setting it neatly around her throat and putting a small lock on it to keep it in place. He might be able to take his off around their folks but he wasn't giving her that kind of lee-way. "Like the taste of my cock bitch? Cos its going under your tail next."

She purred around his cock, letting the vibrations tell him she loved the taste of his cock, and the taste of his pre sliding over her tongue and down her throat. Easing back some, she bobbed up and down his length fast and sloppily, making sure that his cock had plenty of saliva-style lube on it for her tailhole. Figuring a way to maneuver him into the right position was a little harder to do, but she started moving, making him move with her as she turned, her rump against the bed as she kept his cock in her muzzle. Satisfied, she pulled back, leaving a string of saliva connecting her muzzle to his cock, then stood up and turned around, bending over the bed and lifting her tail out of the way. Her paws slid back to grip her rump cheeks and spread them, presenting herself obediently to her brother.

"Such a good girl.." he mused, watching her spread and display for him, his cock practically dripping with her spit as he moved closer. He did however have one little thing first and he bent down quickly, his muzzle pressing in and he gave a long slow lick over her hole, leaving a trail of saliva of his own over it before he straightened again. That done his precum dripping cock head was wedged against her hole and he pushed with a growl, slowly sinking it into her to stretch her open. "Hows it feel Sis?" he murmurs.

She mewled as she felt him pushing into her tight tailhole. Even though she'd recently had her cousin in her ass, her brother was thicker. Her breath was already coming in short, panting gasps, with mewls and purrs of pleasure in between. Her back arched and she pushed back against him, wanting to feel all of him inside her. "Feels... wonderful," she gasp-purred.

"Careful Sis...don't want to wake the parents," he replies in an amused voice, knowing he could have gagged her with her own ball gag but instead making her suffer by having to try and keep herself quiet. His hands move to grab her hips, holding them firmly as he slides down to his knot in her tight hole then starts to work in and out, grunting a little every time he thrusts inward. He leans over her as he slowly claims her rear, spilling precum in it while he mutters in her ear, "Your ass is mine too now so don't you forget it...my lovely little anal slut. I'm gonna fuck it and your pussy whenever I want, mark you whenever I feel like," he offers, giving her ear a nip then before he whispers, quieter still, "And you know what...I'm going to let Brutus have you as well."

With him inside her tailhole, fucking her, she pulled her paws from her rump and grabbed one on his pillows. His amused warning had reminded her that she needed something to muffle her delighted noises to avoid their parents finding out about their new, sexual relationship. Her eyes widened as her brother said that he was gonna let the family dog have at her, and she rolled them back towards him, looking at him with a question in her eyes, though she wasn't about to lift her muzzle from his pillow, inhaling his scent as she mewled and purred into it.

"Thats right little Sis...I know what you've been watching online too. All those vids of females pinned under large mutts," he offers in a growl, starting to thrust faster, deeper into her abused tailhole. He was panting harder now, banging his knot against her still worked up from getting fucked by her and from the feel of her muzzle wrapped around his throbbing flesh. She felt so good, so hot and tight...it was a wonder he didn't blow his load in her right on entry. It certainly helped she was such a dirty girl to. "I don't know if you've actually done anything yet with him but well...I guess we'll find out tonight."

Her mewls turned into cries of pleasure, muffled by the pillow against her muzzle, as he thrust into her tailhole faster. Her body trembled under his, the pleasure pushing her towards the peak of a second orgasm. But she didn't want to cum so soon. She wanted to last for her brother, to show how much she could take before letting pleasure overcome her. Maybe focusing on his words would help... Damn.. Now she was picturing Brutus mounting her, and the thought of being taken by their dog sent her over the edge, and she screamed in pleasure into the pillow, muffling the sound some, as her tailhole clamped down around his cock.

Dante grunted and groaned as she clamped down on him, her tight ass trying to milk him for his cum and he had to slow his thrusts to push through the extra tightness, driving hard against her though her orgasm. Then his own was close, rising up and he hammered in hard, forcing his thick knot into her ass in one extremely rough motion, locking his throbbing meat in her rear before it started to jerk and spit, hosing her bowels with his hot seed in thick ropey bursts. It flowed and flowed from him till there was nothing left to give and then he slumped on her, planting hands shakily either side of her body to stop from pressing her down to much.

A scream ripped from her, muffled by the pillow, as her brother tied her rear, the sting of the added stretch to her tailhole making her orgasm continue after she normally would have started to come down from that high. It would be awhile before he could pull out of her tailhole, and she squirmed under him until she got them to their sides. Turning her head, she looked at her brother, a wide smile on her muzzle. "Damn, Dante. That was fan-fucking-tastic," she purred, then licked his muzzle, her tail tip flicking behind them. It wouldn't take much, which them in this position, to move her into one where Brutus could take her pussy while Dante was still buried deep inside her tailhole.

Dante slid his arms about her waist as they lay on the bed together, his body curling up around hers with them on their sides, unable to move anywhere with his cock buried under her tail where it would be for a while. He tilted his head up then, looking at the door and frowned a little, suddenly realising that their desire for secrecy would make things all the more difficult. Locked in her he could not get to the door to open it and he could hear their mutt now scratching just beyond the threshold trying to get in. Head came back down then and nuzzled at her neck, a chuckle escaping, "Guess you have to wait for your mounting...at least till I can pop my knot out of you Sis...but fucking hell...you are an amazing lay."

Eirene giggled softly, licking her brother's muzzle. "I'm surprised you didn't already have him in here, Dante. He usually sleeps in your room. But he can wait. It's not like I planned on a fuck and run." She snuggled her back against him, her rump rubbing against his groin. "What's the excuse we use in the morning, if mom and dad catch us both coming from your room in the morning?"

He returns the lick, staining her cheek with saliva as she spoke and then thought on the subject for a few long moments. "Well...we can just say you had a nightmare or something, came to room in with me. Long as you brought something to wear to bed and all after we're errr...done," he offered with a small grin then. His hands moved up her body as he spoke and covered her breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze. "So tell me Sis...when did you start watchin all those dirty vids online? And how much of it have you actually done?"

She purred and grinned at him. "You told me to bring something to 'stay the night' in. So I got something. But I warn you, I don't normally wear anything to bed, Dante. Too... restricting," she giggled then purred as she felt his paws moving to her breasts. "As for.. the online clips.. pinch my nipples, Dante... I've been.. watching for years... haven't been mounted... but love trying... new positions.." she purr-gasped out.

"I sleep naked to but well...if one of them looks in here...or sees us walk out naked...we're in trouble," he offers. As she asked for it, his fingers found those nipples of hers, capturing them and pinching them firmly before tugging them outwards a little bit. "I only...saw them last month...cleaned up the evidence you left on the computer too...its just a secret between you and me," he murmurs. He leans in close then, nipping at the side of her neck. "So were you watching vids to prepare for your chance at fucking me too? How long have you been wanting this?"

A Brother's Love, Ch 3

She nodded in agreement to his statement about getting caught naked in bed together, then mewled as he pinched her nipples. The attention to those little nubs soon had them hard and pebbled, showing how much she was enjoying his touch. "Did the...

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A Brother's Love, Ch 1

Dante hummed to himself as he sat in his room thinking. He could hear the shower going next door and as it did his mind raced. he'd overheard them...his sister and their cousin. He knew now what they were doing and in hearing them well...he'd stroked...

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De-Evolution - Post NaNo 3

Marco shook Theron's hand and they gripped one another's paws for a moment, then nodded to one another. Marco's other arm held Tisha against him, not really protectively, and yet there was always a feeling to him when he held her, one that said he was...

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