De-Evolution - Post NaNo 3

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#73 of De-Evolution

(2604 words for this update)

Marco shook Theron's hand and they gripped one another's paws for a moment, then nodded to one another. Marco's other arm held Tisha against him, not really protectively, and yet there was always a feeling to him when he held her, one that said he was protecting her and that was that. He squeezed her against him, while Theron laughed and nodded, "Yes, Tisha, two weddings... I'm all for it." He grinned, smiling at his own bride-to-be and sighing out softly.

Tisha smiled up at Marco, slipping her other arm around him and giving him a kiss. "I can't wait for the ceremonies tonight," she whispered against his lips before laying her cheek against his chest for a moment. Pulling herself from his arms, she grinned at the men. "Okay, Marco and Theron, you two sit and get to know each other some. Saqui and I will get us something to eat so that we can all get ready for tonight."

Marco smiled and nodded, kissing her back and nuzzling her a bit before he let her go, "Sounds good ladies." He stepped away and let Brielle and Tisha move off to the stove, and then he crossed his paws over his chest and shook his head, saying softly, "She's a strong girl..."

Tisha and Brielle got down to making something quick for the four of them to eat while the two anthro males talked. Theron nodded, "She is strong, an inner backbone of steel, but she was sheltered by her parents and brothers. She never got interested in guys like the other girls in her class at school, concentrating on her schoolwork and grades. She even did volunteer work with the elderly at a nursing home. Ian is military and Tristam is police, but neither of them talked about the work they did around her. It probably would have been better had Tris talked to her about how rough the world can be. Then she might not have gotten attacked. Or she still could have, but would have been better prepared to fight them off."

Marco nodded softly, thinking back to his own time in the special forces type of organization that he had been in, "Perhaps...those that are in that type of work often feel that if they can preserve the innocence of the ones they protect, they're doing their job...they probably didn't want to worry her." He fell silent a moment longer, "I know what it's like... but she asked me to train her how to fight, hand to hand especially, but with guns as well. We'll be going back to town tomorrow, a group of us, to pick up supplies... I'll start teaching her on the way."

Theron nodded again, "At least she knows that she needs the help, and I'm sure that you'll be able to train her up right. What was the specific move that made her ask for training? She normally doesn't go for guns or hand to hand, or even knife work past what is needed for hunting." His eyes drift towards Brielle, then briefly landed on Tisha before returning to Marco. "Honestly, how bad had it been for her at night? I don't think she really covered it when she talked to Saqui."

The Husky nodded toward the porch and moved in that direction, deciding to leave the women alone in the kitchen for now so they could go talk. Once they were outside on the porch, but where Marco could look back in the door and see Tisha, he said, "I took out five anthros by myself... Two are dead, the other three were so hurt I don't know how long they would have survived without medical attention." He licked his lips, "Specifically, I picked up a computer CPU, jerked the whole box out of the desk it was in, and slung it across the room into the back of the panther that had raped her..." He sighed and closed his eyes a moment, then opened them. "It was bad at night, Theron... If I'm not right there she trembles and screams. It wasn't so bad after she was able to hold onto me at night."

"Saqui told me that Tisha said something about one that tried to get her to suck his dick. What happened to that one? Was he one of the ones killed?" It was easy to see that Theron was ready to kill those that had hurt Tisha. She was his bride-to-be's cousin, soon to be his cousin by marriage, and he was not one to sit back while anyone in his family was threatened or hurt. "I've heard that Black Elk has been chaperoning the two of you the last few days."

Marco knew the look that was in Theron's eyes. It was the same look that Black Elk had gotten when the story was told to him, and it was the look that perfectly described what he had felt when he saw them raping her. He licked his lips and thought back, remembering how he had attacked them, "There was a Panther, wolf, human, tiger and fox... The Panther was dead or dieing... back broken; the fox I wounded but I'm sure he didn't die... The human I killed... The tiger's arm I broke and the wolf, the one that tried to get her to suck him, I destroyed his genitals with a kick.. If I didn't though, she stomped him in the sheath with a stiletto boot heel." He winced, "I don't know if he was dead... I was more worried about getting her out of there after the fight." He sighed, then nodded, "And yeah, Black Elk has been with us."

Theron chuckled and winced simultaneously. "Well, it's apparent that she didn't take lightly to the fact that she was raped, or that he was trying to force himself into her mouth. When the wedding night comes for the two of you, I hope things are smoother for you and her both." Tisha looked out the door and smiled at Marco. "Lunch is ready, you two. Quit being so serious now. We have a few good joyous ceremonies tonight, and I don't want either of you to make them too solemn."

Marco nodded with a chuckle of his own, and then a sigh, "I hope so as well, I haven't figured out yet how I'll deal with it if she doesn't feel....up to it, if you get me." He sighed again, but then smiled when he heard her voice, "Coming Darling." He turned and winked at Theron, before the two anthros both entered the kitchen and moved to sit down at their places at the table. "Too solemn? I don't think so," Marco said.

Tisha grinned at her soon to be mate, mischief in her eyes. "Just remember, for the rest of the day, you'll be with Theron and the men, while Saqui and I will be with the women. You won't get to see us until tonight. Neither of you will. Tradition must be followed for the weddings. Of course, we'll be somewhere where we can see you during your tribal induction ceremony, Marco." The two girls put plates with strips of cooked rabbit meat on them, along with some fruit, and what looked to be heaven to Marco and Tisha: bread. Small loaves like sub rolls for the meat.

Marco laughed and shook his head, "Well damn, that means I've got to stare at his furry carcass all afternoon." He laughed again and shook his head, then picked up the bread from his plate, "Tisha? What's this? It's been so long I can't remember what it's called!" He grinned and then took a bite off the end, humming and sighing out before opening the bread up and laying the meat inside it.

Tisha laughed and sat next to him, snuggling against his side as she cut her own roll open and put the cooked rabbit meat on it, making her own sandwich. "Silly husky," she said as she leaned towards him and licked his nose. Theron looked at Saqui and grinned at his own mate-to-be, "Why don't you lick my nose like that, Saqui?" The unusually colored tiger turned and looked at the tall husky, "Yeah, you gotta look at my furry carcass, just like I gotta look at your furry carcass!"

Marco chuckled, but smiled when he felt Tisha cuddling up to him, and when she sat up to lick his nose. He took a bite of his sandwich, chuckling some more at Theron's playful words to his soon to be mate, and back at Marco himself, "Yes, I suppose that's true... Kitty." He stuck his tongue out and laughed, then grinned.

Tisha gave Marco's arm a light slap while Brielle reached over to Theron and slapped his arm. "You two behave! It's our wedding day!" the two girls exclaimed in unison, then Tisha slipped into Marco's lap, nuzzling into his neck. "I'm gonna miss you today, Marco. I'm so used to spending the day next to you, working on the ranch, getting things ready for everyone to arrive."

Marco laughed, and it was matched by Theron. It was clear that the two anthros would probably get along very well, and become good friends before too long. Marco took another bite of his sandwich and then felt her slipping into his lap and nuzzling into him. He sighed and kissed her on the forehead, nodding, "I know, Tish... I'm going to miss you too... But we'll see one another soon enough." He nuzzled her and then sighed out, finishing off his sandwich.

Tisha snuggled against Marco while they ate, not even slipping out of his lap until Black Elk appeared in the doorway. Even then, she stayed in Marco's lap for a few minutes while the young Indian got his own plate of food together from the food left on plates next to the sink. "I'm gonna have to steal these two in a couple, Nizhoni and Saqui. Mother will come by to get you two so you can get ready for your weddings. Marco, if you have anything planned to wear for tonight, you might want to go get it soon."

Marco kept her cuddled up to him and was loathe to let her go. He wanted to keep her pressed up against him, but he knew they had to get going, and once Black Elk came in he finally let her off of his lap, "I better go see what I have that could be considered presentable. I didn't grab much in the way of fancy clothes."

Tisha gave Marco a small pout as he slid her from his lap and stood up to get his clothes. Before he left, though, she pulled his head down to hers, kissing him deeply. "I love you, Marco. I wish time would hurry by so we could be getting married now." She grumbled a little more about the wait until the evening, but she knew that things could be worse. They could have been told they had to wait for their wedding. She was just being very impatient about their wedding.

He leaned down willingly when she pulled his head down to him, and his tongue played over her lips before darting inside. He let out a soft groan and then nodded, caressing the side of her face with his paw. "I wish we were getting married now too, but the time will fly, my darling, and soon enough we shall." He smiled and licked her cheek, then turned and with a wink and headed for the stairs to go up and find his clothing.

Tisha followed Marco up the stairs, knowing this was the last time they would have a few private moments before their wedding. "You laid out some clothes this morning, Marco," she said, her voice low enough to only carry to him and not down the stairs to the others in the kitchen. "But if you want, I think Ian or Tris have their summer outfits here, and you could wear one of them."

Marco chuckled softly, turning and walking backwards as she followed him up the stairs. He came to the top landing and waited for her, then took her hand. "Alright, I'll take a look at them and we'll see if they look good on me for a wedding ceremony," he chuckled, then sighed out and lifted her hand to kiss it. "Will you be ok without me for the afternoon? You'll be with the women, right?"

Tisha nodded, "I'll be with the chief's wife and the other women, who will be helping Saqui and I get ready for the weddings tonight. The house is going to be swarming with the women after the three of you leave it to get yourselves ready for the induction and weddings." She slipped her arm around his waist, and headed down the hallway to her brothers' room. "Let's see what we have in here. I'm certain neither of them would mind you borrowing their clothes."

He felt better knowing that she would be with the other women and not around any men, both for her own safety and for the safety of everyone else. He didn't want her hurting herself or being hurt because she freaked out over being around another man. He smiled warmly and nodded, "Good...and I hope they won't. I've been wearing their clothes since I got here." He chuckled, as they moved down and entered one of the other rooms in the house. He let her go then, so she could get out the clothing she thought he could wear.

Tisha pulled out a couple items of Ian's, then some of Tristam's clothes, giving Marco a few things to choose from. In a way, it would make her feel like her brothers were there with her. But most importantly, Marco would be there with her for their wedding. Most people might think she was too young to get married, but she felt that Marco was the one, and she didn't want to spend more time without him as her husband. He was right, the tribe would talk if they found out that Tisha and Marco were sleeping in the same bed together, whether or not they were having sex in that bed, unless they were married. The pants she laid out were Tristam's, while the shirts were Ian's, but the most unusual items she laid out were their tribal ceremonial outfits for weddings and stuff.

With Tisha's whole family having Indian heritage in their roots, it was no surprise that the best outfits she laid out were the ceremonial ones that her brothers had owned. He ran his paw over the material of them and then said, "Would it be right for me to wear one of their tribal outfits? I mean....if they were made specifically for them and only supposed to be used by them, then I wouldn't want to wear them." He looked at the other things she had set out and he noted that all of them were probably nice enough for him to wear. He sighed out as he thought about what he would like to be seen in for the ceremony of his becoming a member of the tribe, and for the wedding...and come to think of it, he had to think about what to do when they got in bed that evening. Everyone would suspect them to have sex, but would she be ready? He was beginning to think of an idea to help her.

De-Evolution - Post NaNo 4

"They were made by my mother for them, but I know they wouldn't mind you wearing them. But if you'd rather wear something else, that's fine as well. I'll just make you some tribal clothes myself," she replied, leaning close to kiss his nose. "Besides,...

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