Making a Slave Out of Sister (Ch 3)

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#4 of Making a Slave Out of Sister

NOTE: This was written by MasterAaran and Eirene. Trynnia is copyright to Eirene, while Aaran, Frelth, Relenth, and Father are copyright to MasterAaran. Posted with permission from my co-author.

DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depicted in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

When Trynnia woke that afternoon, she would find that the bed was empty beside her. Where he had been laying was an empty space. It was apparent that he let her sleep when he rose, and then the sound of loud voices would be audible from the hallway outside of Aaran's room.

The voices were clearly angry, and it didn't take a magician to find out who they were and what was being argued about. Aaran's voice rose above for a moment, "If you ever do anything to her again without permission, anything like that at all, I swear I'll do something I may regret Frelth! She is my slave, first and foremost... you may have seen it as your right to take her... take her yes, torture her no. She was a mess and I refuse to put up with that kind of treatment of her! When father returns we shall see what he has to say about it!"

Trynnia knew to stay where she was, letting her brother, lover and Master sort this problem out. She still felt a little off from what Frelth had done earlier to her. She pulled the blanket over her, not wanting to face the youngest of her brothers. But she knew what Aaran told her, and she left it loose enough for her to toss it off her as soon as he came back in. She wasn't going to get in trouble for hiding her body from her Master. She wasn't going to give him a reason to punish her again, especially after what she'd dealt with from Frelth earlier. She closed her eyes, trying to pretend she was still sleeping, at least long enough for Frelth to stomp off and leave them alone.

Frelth's angry voice came back at Aaran. He sounded nearly bordering on rage as he screamed at his older brother for the harsh words. Aaran just took it all, sighing softly as he listening to what the youngest male of the family had to say, Aaran tried to reason with him, but Frelth would have none of it and demanded that he could do whatever he wanted to Trynnia. Aaran refused and eventually Frelth left the hall, stomping his feet and slamming a door somewhere in the distance. Aaran sighed softly, then turned and walked down the hallway. His voice could be heard again a few minutes later, talking harshly but not raising his tone.

Another voice was heard a few moments later, and then footsteps sounded returning to the room. The handle was twisted and Aaran stepped in. His head was down and he had a look of concentration on his face, his eyes were focused on the floor for a moment. At last he heaved a sigh and lifted his head, his brown hair swishing a bit and his ears twitching as his eyes fell on her form.

Having heard Frelth leaving the hallway in front of Aaran's room, she had tossed the blanket off her, leaving her laying on top of the bedding, her body bared to her Master's gaze when he came in. Her eyes were opened and the green hues looked at her Master as he entered the room. She rose to her feet slowly, the toll from the earlier rape and beating from Frelth, along with the bondage he'd subjected her to, evident as her legs wobbled under her. "Master? Is everything alright?" She hurried to him, as fast as her still slightly weak legs would carry her. "Shall I draw you a bath and give you a massage, Master?"

Aaran looked at her as she rose from the bed, his own brown eyes looking into her bright green ones and a smile coming to his lips as she came across to him. His hands went to her waist as she came within reach and he said, "Everything is alright...I was simply making it clear to Frelth that he's not going to touch you until father comes home. I'm going to keep you with me from now on...even while I'm working I want you close." he rubbed her sides with his fingers and then said, "A massage sounds nice...though the bath isn't necessary. I can call one of the maids to run that, you look like you might fall over."

She leaned against him, lifting her face to kiss him. "Then the maid can draw it, but I'll bathe you, Master." She looked around the room for a moment, then up at him. "Where is your sandalwood oil, Master? A little of that in the bathwater, and some for when I massage you. You'll have a nice manly scent, and I can work out any kinks in your muscles." Stretching up on her toes again, she kissed him again, whispering against his lips, "Thank you for stopping Frelth from touching me again, Aaran. I know Father will understand, and side with us."

He gave her a smile as she kissed him, and he kissed her back. His hands rubbed her sides some more and he nuzzled her lips, tilting his head to kiss her neck before answering, "The oil... Oh." He motioned to the cabinet in the corner of the room, "I keep it in there." He smiled, and then she was kissing him again and he was nuzzling her back, "You're welcome Trynnia... you're still my slave, but you're also my lover and I really do love you more than anything."

She gave a kitten like purr as he nuzzled her neck, and lead him to the bed. "Then, I'll ring for the maid for you, Master, and get you stripped down for your bath. Now that you've dealt with all the household things, it's time for me to help you relax." After she got him sitting on the bed, she went to the cabinet in the corner, rang the bell for the maid, and opened the cabinet to pull out the sandalwood oil. Soon enough, there was a knock on the door. "Master Aaran?" came the feminine voice of one of the maids. "You rang?"

Hearing the maid, Trynnia went to the door and cracked it open enough for Aaran to see the maid. "Master Aaran would like to get a bath drawn for him, but due to a few circumstances earlier with his brother, he does not want me out of his sight. Could you bring up some water for him so that I may bathe him?"

"Yes, Miss Try-"

Frelth stormed out of his room, furious that the maid was treating Trynnia like she was still a free woman. "DO NOT CALL HER MISS! DO NOT USE HER NAME! SHE IS NOTHING MORE THAN A SLAVE AND A CUNT!" Trynnia scrambled back into the room, her legs quaking as Frelth nearly barged into Aaran's room.

Aaran sat up on the bed and slowly stood, walking over with a tiredness in his limbs that he wasn't used to feeling. He stepped up and pulled the door open, walking out into the hall and gently moving the maid out of the way while he faced his brother, "Frelth...I'm going to ask you're my younger brother and I've always tried to do my best to be patient with you. You're making it rather difficult for us to get along, and I ask you this one last time to calm yourself and act respectfully." he paused, "Mila has done nothing wrong. To her, Trynnia is still miss, the same as I am Master Aaran, or Sir, the same as you are Sir. All the maids called Mother 'Miss' or even 'Mistress'..." He was strained, it was evident in his voice, but he was trying to keep himself calm and mature instead of falling into bickering.

Frelth gave a snarl at Aaran, his anger, his fury at Trynnia and Aaran both rising to the fore. He jumped at Aaran, his hands reaching for his brother's throat. He was going to kill Aaran here and now, and take the Trynnia as his own slave. She'd learn her place fast.

Mila screamed, and Trynnia looked out at them, reaching for the maid to pull her inside the room and out of the way. The two women watched from the doorway as Frelth attacked Aaran, and Trynnia grew pissed. How dare Frelth attack Aaran? She was NOT about to let her youngest brother hurt her lover! She had to think, and think fast! But she was scared that Frelth would win. She knew she'd rather die than let Frelth have her again!

Aaran hadn't been ready for the attack but his instincts kicked in the moment that Frelth lunged at him. The boys were all good at fighting, swordplay, hand to hand, and even a bit of magic. Most of their experience came from dealing with unruly slaves, and the occasional fight amongst themselves like boys do. This was anything but a friendly wrestling match though, Aaran knew that this was it for him if he didn't beat his brother. What had possessed Frelth to attack him was beyond him, but that didn't change the situation.

The pure fury and rage in Frelth's eyes frightened him and yet the scream that Mila gave, and the knowledge that Trynnia hung in the balance...both things bolstered his resolve to win. He deflected one of his brother's grasping hands, knocking it to the side but unable to catch the other as it slammed into the joint of his shoulder and his neck. He stepped back and his fist hammered into Frelth's gut, while he coughed from the force of the blow he had received.

Frelth's weight slammed into him then, and they spun, each brother trying to get the upper hand as the younger used his slightly smaller size to duck around Aaran's blows, and Aaran's greater skill provided him an opportunity to land some. It was a blur of motion, both moving with beyond-human speed as they crashed into a wall, sending a painting falling to the floor, then slammed against the opposite. By this time, the guards had appeared at the end of the hall but only came a few steps closer, unsure who to aid.

"Frelth!" Aaran screamed out, "Stop this madness! Stop it I say!" He growled deeply and shoved his brother back, "This is pointless! Some evil has possessed you!"

Trynnia screamed as she watched Frelth and Aaran fighting, and she looked around the room wildly, trying to find something she could use to protect her Master from their youngest brother. Something that wasn't a weapon, per se, but something that she could use as a slave. An idea hit her, and she ran to the tub, finding the cold water still in it from her bath earlier. Grabbing a bucket, she scooped out some water and ran to the door again, waiting for a moment when Aaran and Frelth separated and she threw the cold water on her youngest brother.

Frelth spluttered as he was doused with cold, soapy water, his murderous gaze swinging towards Trynnia. He headed towards her and just as he made it to the doorway, she slammed the door in his face, the thick wood smashing into his face and breaking his nose. Trynnia was doing everything she could to get him away from Aaran and to leave them alone, but everything she did was just inflaming his fury at her, adding to his opinion of her training. She needed a firmer hand training her, and Aaran was not giving that firm hand. And he was ready to show her her true place, beneath him.

"Open the door, you bitch!" Frelth yelled through the door, trying to open it as Trynnia and Mila held it shut and the noise of the lock being turned could be heard in the hallway. At least Aaran would know that both of the women were safe while he dealt with Frelth.

Aaran didn't know what had gone wrong with Frelth but he knew that he had to stop him or this whole day could end very badly. He spun and pointed to one of the guards, yelling, "Take the fastest horse and see if you can't catch my father before he gets too far away." He spun back and as Frelth pounded on the door, Aaran tackled him. He gripped him by the waist and jerked him away from the door, throwing him to the floor and coming down atop him. The younger boy was flushed with anger and soaked with soap and water from the bucket. The brief time in which Frelth had been concentrated on Trynnia, had given Aaran the chance to gather his wits and his strength.

The two boys crashed to the floor and Frelth screamed again, struggling with the heavier weight as Aaran bore him down to the ground and tried to pin him, "Frelth! This is madness!" He yelled at him, managing at last to pin one arm down while he struggled with the other for a moment. Aaran was already angry but the fact that Frelth would not listen made him all the angrier. His eyes flared and darkened and his voice got deeper and louder, "FRELTH! STOP!" The sound echoed through the room like thunder.

Hearing the crashing in the hallway, Trynnia unlocked the door and peeked out. She ran to the closet and pulled out a leather belt, then ran back to the door. Unlocking it, she cracked it open to hand Aaran the belt so he could tie up Frelth. She moved back into the bedroom until he had everything under control. Just that brief moment when the door had been open, Frelth had glared at her, and if looks could kill, she'd definitely be dead right where she stood.

"Mila, please, grab another piece of rope or something. Master Aaran needs to be able to get his brother under control, and that means his legs need to be tied as well." The maid darted off to look for something in Aaran's room while Trynnia held the door, refusing to open it for anyone other than Aaran or Father.

The guard took off, grabbing the fastest horse in the stables, or at least the fastest one meant to carry an armed guard. The fastest was actually Trynnia's little mare, but she wouldn't be able to carry an armed guard. As Father, Relenth and the guards they took with them had already been out for a few hours, the guards at the house as well as Aaran and Trynnia knew it would be morning before anything could be resolved. The roads could get tricky to navigate at night.

Aaran twisted about and took the belt from Trynnia when she handed it out to him. He grabbed Frelth's hand and tied the belt about his wrist, wrestling with him the whole time. Frelth slipped to the side and his fist broke free of Aaran's grip. Beating at Aaran's side and then reaching up to punch him hard in the face. He followed it with another to Aaran's side which resulted in a cracking noise. Aaran let out a yell of pain and twisted, bringing his elbow around and down, slamming it into the side of Frelth's face and knocking his head into the floor. At last his brother lay still.

Wincing in pain, he swiftly tied Frelth's hands together, rolling him over in the process and tying them behind his back. He slowly stood up, leaning against the far wall and calling softly through the door, "Trynnia....he's out.."

Trynnia cracked open the door, peering out to her Master, then looked down at Frelth's unconscious body. At that moment, Mila found some rope and brought it over to Trynnia. Trynnia opened the door wider, slipping into the hall to her Master's side, rope in hand. "Maybe his feet should be tied as well, Master? That way, he can't run off when he comes to. His hands may be behind his back, but that doesn't mean he won't try to escape. Especially when he's been caught."

She was unaware of the cracked ribs in Aaran's side. And she was used to seeing her brothers leaning against the walls of the hallway, so she didn't remark on that either. It was both a good and bad thing that she came up on the side that was injured. Good because he could use her to lean on to get back into his room. But bad the moment she moved to check out any injuries on him.

Luckily, she remembered her training, and though she wanted to run her hands over him, to make sure he was fine, she held back, not asking verbally, but her eyes asked the questions. Are you hurt? May I touch you to make sure for myself that you're okay?

He took the rope from her hand before he said anything to her, nodding and crouching. He winced again when he did so, his side burning like it was on fire and causing his breath to catch in his throat. He knelt and gripped Frelth's legs, pulling them together and lashing his feet together by the ankles. Once that was done and he was fairly sure the younger male was secure, he sighed out and stood once more, a sweat breaking out on his forehead as he glanced at her. He saw the look in her eye, that begging to know if he was alright.

He swallowed, licking his lip and looking past her then, beckoning to a guard, "You... take My brother to his room and place him on his bed, Lock the door and stand guard, I don't want him leaving before Father returns." he sighed then, short of breath, and looked back at his sister. His hand lifted to gently touch the side of her face, "Let...Ah..." he paused, sucking in a shallow breath, "I need to sit me."

The guard hefted Frelth over his shoulder and headed to his room, putting him in the bed, then stepping back out and locking the door behind him. Trynnia looked up at Aaran, then over at the guard. "He had a key to unlock a cabinet in his room. That was where the potion was that hurt. And I think the other stuff was in his nightstand. Maybe you can have the guard get that key, Master? We don't want that stuff to disappear before Master Father gets home either. I might not have seen which one it was, but I smelled it. I can identify the potion he used."

She slipped herself under his arm, her own arm going around his back to help him back to his room, and waited for his answer before taking him into his room, where she could examine him to her heart's content. She needed to know her love was safe, and she knew he was injured when his breathing turned shallow.

Aaran nodded at her words and looked to the guard, "Search him and see if you can't find that key. Bring it to my room when you have, then ensure that there is a guard at his door at all times, and outside his window as well. I don't want him leaving until Father can return." He looked at Trynnia and then headed for his door, pushing it open with his free hand as she guided him inside. Mila was in the room, but slipped past them, saying she would return with the water.

He headed for the bed with Trynnia helping him, and when he got there he slowly eased himself down onto the edge and laid back with his arms at his sides, "Oh...." he groaned out, wincing once again, "I think he broke ribs..."

The guard nodded and unlocked the door, going back into Frelth's room and searching both the room and the bound, unconscious occupant for the key and finding it. Leaving the room, he locked the door. Calling over another guard from the end of the hallway, he gave the orders that Aaran had given him, sending someone to stand outside Frelth's window. He'd take the first watch on the door after handing Aaran the key. He strode to the door and knocked, though the door was still open.

Aaran glanced aside at the doorway when the guard knocked. He sighed, nodding toward it, "Trynnia, go get the key please...put it on the dresser." He sighed and closed his eyes, feeling tired after the fight, and in pain from his sore ribs and the bruises on his face and elsewhere. It wasn't that he was unused to being fought and a bit beat up, it was that the ones normally attacking him were women, and Frelth was a grown male with muscle. He closed his eyes after giving her that command, and tried to regulate his breathing so that it didn't hurt him so badly. His ribs were going to be sore, and he wondered if he would need a healer.

"Yes, Master," she said, getting to her feet again and going to the doorway. "Master Aaran asked me to get the key. His brother did some damage to him and he can't move easily right now." Of course, his words were loud enough to carry to the guard who handed her the key and made sure she did what he told her, putting it on the dresser. After that, Trynnia went to the cabinet and pulled out a healing potion that was in every room, as well as the sandalwood oil for her Master's bath and massage. She had offered and he had accepted, but before she massaged him, she'd make sure he drank the potion to start the healing on his ribs.

The guard left after giving her the key, returning to his post in front of Frelth's door. Mila came back up with a couple guards who emptied the tub of the old water, which Trynnia was glad hadn't been done while she was recovering from earlier. Then the fresh hot water was poured into the tub, and Trynnia put a little of the sandalwood oil into the water, making the room smell nice. The oil would soak into Aaran's skin when he got in, but wouldn't be enough for the massage she had planned for him for after the bath.

While the tub was being filled up with the water, Trynnia took the healing potion over to her Master and sat on the edge of the bed. "Here, Master. Drink this potion to help get your healing started." She held up the container, showing him that she had indeed brought the healing potion over and leaned down to help him drink it down.

He glanced up at her when she moved over next to him to sit down. His eyes flicked over her body, starting at her hand where she was holding the potion, running up her shapely arm to her neck and then down her tits to her waist and hips. His eyes flicked back to her face and he sat up a bit, smiling as he did so, and though it was painful he reached up to take the potion and lift it to his lips. These things usually tasted horrible, but he drank it down quickly before handing the bottle back to her. He sighed again, "Fuck these ribs hurt..."

Trynnia nodded and looked at him with concern in her eyes. She always hated seeing her brothers hurting, but especially Aaran, with as close as they'd been when they were younger. As much as she wanted to lay next to him, to comfort her lover and Master, she knew she had to make sure that his bath was ready for him, and after taking the potion container back to the dresser, she tested the water in the tub, then looked at Mila.

"Mila, if you would be so kind as to ask the cook to send up the food for dinner to Master Aaran's room. I don't think he's quite ready to dress for dinner or walk down to the table tonight," she asked the maid. "Of course, Miss Trynnia," Mila answered, then looked to Aaran to make sure she hadn't made a mistake by using Trynnia's name in front of him.

Aaran remained seated on his side on the bed, watching the exchange between servant and slave. He gave Mila a soft smile, "I'm not going to get mad at you for calling her 'Miss', always did the same for mother, nothing different here." He sighed out and waved his hand, "Run along." He chuckled, then gave a grunt and a soft "Ahh..." before softly pushing himself straight in the bed and standing to his feet. "Help me get these clothes off will you Trynnia? I don't think I can do it myself until that potion kicks in and kills the pain."

Trynnia hurried to his side, her gaze going to his feet first, seeing he hadn't put on any shoes when he left to deal with Frelth the first time. That was a relief, since she didn't have to try to get them off while he was standing, but she knelt in front of him, her eyes on level with his waist and groin. She unfastened his belt, then looked up at him. "Will you remove the dagger from the belt while I remove it from your waist, Master?"

That stupid fuckin' rule about the daggers not being able to be touched by slaves. They should make exceptions for things like that when it came to Trynnia, but he sighed and reached down to grip the handle of it and pull it loose, tossing it lightly onto the bed and giving her a smile, "There, all done... let's get these clothes off...I ache all over and I know that bath is going to feel good." he shook his head, unable to believe still that Frelth had let himself become so possessed by hatred of Trynnia and himself that he would go so far as to try and kill them.

Trynnia smiled up at him, taking the belt off and unfastening his pants, and pulling them down his legs. "Use my shoulder to keep your balance, Master, while I get your pants off your feet." She was able to see her brother's cock in her face as she helped undress him. Once his pants were off, she rose to her feet and started unlacing his shirt and pulling it off him carefully, not wanting to cause any more pain to his ribs. "Let me help you to the tub, Master," she said. "You just rest in the water, and I'll bathe you and pamper you."

He smiled as she helped get him out of his clothes. His pants went down and he leaned on her a bit while she took them off, then he stayed still while she went for his shirt. Soon enough, he was as naked as she was, though he thought she was much better looking than himself without clothing on. He smiled at her and nodded, "Alright Trynnia..." he leaned on her and slowly moved to the tub, then once they reached it, he stepped in and slowly sank down into the water, sighing as the water caressed his skin, hissing a bit as it's warmth touched his pained side and then he was down on his ass in the water and was able to lean back and relax.

She helped him into the tub, and as he lowered himself into the water, she grabbed the washcloth and started washing him. She scrubbed him clean, though her motions were tender and delicate, not trying to hurt him further, especially with his already busted ribs. He knew that this was her most pissed off state before she forced herself unconscious from the fury in her eyes, but her touch never veered from a gentle, loving touch to her brother and Master.

"HOW DARE HE? Screaming and yelling at Mila for being nice to me? Attacking you? I hope Master Father throws him out with nothing but the clothes on his back!" She was fuming mad, and while her voice was heated, she did keep the volume low, as she was only a slave in the eyes of not just the family, but the guards as well. And until they could make their arrangement permanent, she was going to have to play her role as just a slave.

Aaran remained with his eyes closed in the water as she gently stroked his skin with the cloth. Though her voice was low and her movements soft, he could hear the anger in her voice and even feel the tension in the way she moved a bit. His eyes didn't open, but he did speak, "It would serve him right if that was exactly what father did. I can't help but remember that he is our brother though. I do not know why his fury has been brought to the fore now, why he seems so possessed with hatred." He sighed and his eyes finally opened. He reached out of the tub to gently touch the side of her face and rub down her neck, dripping water on her, "We need to go swimming and bathe in the lake..." he said with a smile.

Trynnia leaned her cheek against his hand as he rubbed her cheek and neck. "I would love to go swimming with you in the lake again. It's been too long, Aaran." She leaned towards him and kissed him softly on the lips. "Maybe it has something to do with me being younger than him? Maybe he thinks he should be the one with me, not you? Whatever it is, I want the full rights to deny him anything he wants from me until he's gone. I know you've told him off and declared me off-limits to him, but I want to know I can deny him without getting punished for it. And just for the purposes of dressing and undressing you, may I have permission to touch your dagger, Aaran? I promise I will never try to use a weapon of any kind against you."

Aaran smiled and gave her a nod, his hand on her neck gently rubbing down to her shoulder and back again, "It has been too long, we'll go soon." He gave her a smile and when she leaned in, he kissed her lips. He sighed, "Perhaps that is why...but I took you and that's how it's going to stay. He shall not have you, that is my word. I do not plan on leaving you alone from now on. You will come with me wherever I go, but if he demands you, you may say no..." He caressed her cheek again, "And yes, you may touch the dagger...for removing my clothing and dressing me."

Trynnia leaned her cheek against his hand as he spoke, giving her permission to deny Frelth and to touch his dagger during the dressing and undressing of her love and Master. She was nearly falling into the tub with him as she washed him and they spoke together. But she knew that if she did fall into the tub, she'd end up jarring his side, most likely, and that was the last thing she wanted to do. After she got his body washed, her attention went to his hair. "Lean forward a little, Aaran, so I can get your hair. But don't strain your ribs. I want you healed up, not making yourself worse!"

He laughed and gave a nod. She was leaning over pretty far, and if it hadn't been for the slightly too-small size of the tub, he would have brought her right in with him. That made up his mind that they either needed a bigger tub, or to go to the lake. He would take her as soon as he could. He winced as the laugh he gave hurt his side, but then he gently leaned forward, tilting his head back a bit so that she could get to his hair and wash that as well, "Yes, Washerwoman..." he laughed.

"Washerwoman?" She gave him a playful glare and dipped her hand into some clean water and flicked it at him. "I'll have you know I've taken a step away from that job, at least somewhat of a step. Today was supposed to be laundry day. I hope one of the maids was able to take care of it while I've been doing other things I need training for." She giggled, then lifted the pitched of clean water to get his hair ready to be lathered up. She poured the water over his head, then got the soap they used for their hair, and scrubbed his hair clean, letting her fingers give him a scalp massage as she worked, relieving some of the stress running through him. "Tilt a little further back for rinsing, Aaran. I don't want to get the lather in your eyes."

Overall, the entire experience had been very relaxing. He was still a bit tense and upset over Frelth, but he managed a laugh or two and was able to smile with it came to Trynnia being with him. He sighed out and nodded, tilting his head back a bit more so that she could dump more clean water over his scalp and let the bubbles and suds run off of him. He sighed as it did so, and once he was sure he was clean, he said, "Alright, let's get me out before I turn into a wet rag and need to be hung out to dry." he laughed.

Trynnia nodded, rising to her feet and helping him to his feet and then onto the small rug next to the tub. She reached over to the dresser and picked up a towel, wrapping him in it as she started to dry him off. He was learning that in the privacy of their room, she was going to touch him whether or not she had permission from him, but she would show him when they left the room again that she knew how to behave outside it. For now, though, she'd already offered a massage, and knew that she already had permission.

Once she had him dried off, she helped him to the bed, and then to lay down on it. Going to the nightstand, she picked up the vial of sandalwood oil and poured a little into her hands. Time to really relax her lover. Her hands went to his neck, massaging it first, then over his shoulders, working the tension out of that area first.

He let her dry him, not bothering to give her permission and letting her hands run over him. That had two effects of course, one, it helped him relax, and two, it made him get hard. He smiled as she dried him completely, and then he moved to the bed and laid out, on his stomach, so that she could massage him. He sighed out deeply and closed his eyes, letting the pain wash away from him, and trying to release the tension in his muscles, or most of them.

"You know, there's going to be a particular type of massage I'm going to need when you're done." he laughed, "One that has to do with a certain long, hard muscle..."

She giggled and leaned down to brush her lips against the tip of his ear, teasing him slightly. "That massage best involve you laying on your back. No straining your ribs. And I'll need you to help me with that, since I have a certain area that needs a certain long, hard muscle deep inside." Straightening back up, she started working on his arm, massaging the muscles in his arm, going all the way to his fingers before starting on the other arm.

He chuckled, "Well, once you're done working on my back, then I'll roll over and we'll see if we can't both satisfy something that needs it." he laughed a bit, "You'll have to do some of the work though. I'm afraid that with these broken ribs, I'm not going to be much good for things that require straining or pushing or bending." He laughed and then sighed, trying to let himself relax for a moment, "We have other areas that I need to stick my muscle in... but those may have to wait a day or two for the potion to fix me up all the way."

She gave a cat-like purr of contentment that at least he was being sensible in wanting to heal up fully before doing other things. "Other areas? Just how many places can your muscle get into? I know between my legs and in my mouth. But where else?" It was obvious that even if they couldn't do it yet, she was willing to learn about it. Finishing with his second arm, she started working down his back, going from top to bottom, then working over his nice, firm ass. Before she let him turn over, though, she massaged down each leg, making sure that he really was relaxed by the time she was done with his backside.

Aaran didn't plan on hurting himself by moving too fast, he only hoped that nothing happened with Frelth before his father and brother came back. If something did happen he could end up hurt worse, being at a disadvantage as he was. He sighed as she rubbed down his arms and then worked his back, making him sigh out softly in contentment, quietly taking it before he answered her, "Other areas, baby...between your legs, your mouth...between your tits perhaps. And you know you have two holes between your legs."

She gasped softly looking down at him as she finished with his feet. "You mean my ass? There is no way that thick, hard muscle of yours will fit in that tiny hole back there!" She moved to the side of the bed and looked at him, admiring the slick look of his back with the oil she'd used to massage him with. "Turn over carefully. I'll massage your front and we'll take care of that hard muscle and my wet one."

"Yes I mean your ass, and yes, Trynnia, it will fit." He smirked, "Believe me, it will fit. It will probably hurt at first, but you will learn to enjoy it." He smiled back at her and then when she asked him to turn over, he did so, slowly and carefully, so as not to strain his side too much. It took him a minute but finally he laid over on his back and tucked one hand behind his head, "Mnn...There we are."

Trynnia looked at him with disbelief, then shook her head. "If you want to play there, do me one favor, Aaran. Don't be as rough as you were when you took my virginity. That hurt like hell." Getting some more oil on her hands, she moved to sit by his head, though she would have preferred to straddle him for this. But she didn't want to aggravate those busted ribs. "Hopefully Father and Relenth will be back tomorrow and can deal with him." She wouldn't even deign to use his name. "I want a peaceful life with you, Aaran, and with him around, I doubt we'd ever have any peace." She started massaging his temples.

He looked up at her as she settled down next to his head to gently massage him some more. He turned his head before she began, and kissed her leg where it was closest to him, "I promise I'll be much more gentle." he said softly, and his eyes for a moment bore hurt and pain, "I'm sorry that I hurt you Trynnia...I should have spoken to you about it, it would have been better that way, instead of taking you all at once." He truly felt bad about what had happened now, he wished he had gone about it differently.

Trynnia leaned down, kissing his forehead before letting her fingers work over him there, her lips moving down to his. When she pulled back from kissing him, she smiled at him. "I know, Aaran. And I forgive you. I forgave you that last night, after you brought me up from dinner. I know you could have punished me at the table, but you didn't. You brought me here, to discipline me in private for a public error I made. There was a lot that I came close to doing at dinner, especially after his words to me. I chose an option that was wrong, but not nearly as wrong as the one that was trying to burst out of me at the time."

She smiled and stroked her hands over his face, cupping his cheeks as she looked him in the eyes. "It was during that punishment that I realized how much I love you, and that I want to be with you. I never would have realized it had you not done things the way you did. I might have been content with being the family's slave, being used by the three of you, without any passion between us. And that would have been a waste of our love for each other."

When she kissed him he let out a soft sigh into her lips, breathing deeply as her mouth covered his. He could smell the oil on his skin and on her fingers, but he could taste her mouth. It was a sweet taste, beautiful, it was her. He looked up at her when she pulled back, and he nodded softly, "I just wanted you to know that I'm truly sorry...though you may have forgiven me, I know that I will regret causing you pain, even if, in the end, it all turned out for the better."

He reached up with one hand and stroked the side of her body softly, rubbing from her hip to her tits and back, then dropping his hand down again. "Thank you for loving me, Trynnia..." he said softly. "Thank you for being mine."

She arched into his hand as he stroked her side. She loved the feel of his hands running over her body, and she knew by the gentleness, the softness of his touch, that he would never hurt her the way Frelth had. While she might need disciplining, or punishment for disobeying, he'd never be mean and vicious about it. But she vowed to herself to never need punishment for disobeying. Aaran meant everything to her, and she would show him by being the best slave, the best lover, he'd ever had.

"I'll always love you, Aaran. And I'll always be yours. No matter what," she said as she leaned down over him again, sliding her hands to massage at his neck, then down over his shoulders again. Slowly, she worked down the front of his arms, working out any knots she might have missed the first time, then moved to his side massaging his chest.

He smiled when she leaned over him and began to give him a further massage with the oils. "I love you Trynnia.." he said with a smile, his happiness back in his eyes after the way she had responded to him. He closed his eyes again and sighed out, letting her rub his neck and shoulders from the front this time, then she started working her way down his chest. "Just be careful with the ribs on that side......" he smiled and then smirked. "And I'm a bit thirsty...if you're going to rub my chest, why don't you at least scoot up here by my head while you do it," he laughed.

Trynnia smiled and lifted her hands from his chest, moving around to kneel over his face, her hands sliding over his chest and stomach, making sure to carefully work around his busted ribs. But her position put her slit over his face as she massaged his front side, working out any knots in his muscles, but only going down to his groin from here. And she was carefully avoiding his long, thick muscle that she could see jumping at the attention she was paying to him. Soon enough, she would give that particular muscle all the attention it deserved and needed.

He smiled as she obeyed him and slipped over to straddle his head, placing her knees on either side of his face. That was the view he wanted of his hot elven sister. His hands lifted to the outside of her thighs and he rubbed up and down them a bit, stroking the skin as he lifted his head and planted a kiss where her clit was tucked beneath its hood. He nuzzled her slit with his nose and then licked from clit to the other end of her petals, making a soft moaning sound at the taste.

Trynnia gave a low moan as she felt his tongue sliding over her slit, her eyes closing as a jolt of pleasure raced through her, though her hands moved over him, still working on massaging him. She was determined not to stop what she was doing, even as he pleasured her. His massage needed to be finished and then she needed to see to his pleasure, even as he worked her over. She lifted one of his legs closer to her, working over his thigh, then up his lower leg to his foot. Finishing that foot, she switched to the other leg, working out the knots from that one as well.

In a way this was a test, though actually Aaran hadn't thought of it that way. What he wanted was to taste her slit and have that hot little hole positioned over his face. It was a test though, because it would see if she was able to forget her pleasure long enough to finish his massage and then get to work on his pleasure in return. He licked his lips and dove in again, sucking on her folds one at a time.

She trembled, moaning as she felt him suckling on her folds, making her hips wiggle slightly as she forced herself to keep her focus on his legs as she worked. Finishing his second leg, she turned her eyes to his pulsing, throbbing, jumping muscle, and her hands avoided it. They were still slick with the oil, and she gently took his balls in her hands and massaged them, working them over with those slick fingers. Her tongue slid over her lips and she grinned, knowing he couldn't see what she was doing. Leaning down just a little, she slowly dragged her tongue over the very tip of his cock, teasing him as her hands kept massaging his balls.

He smiled as she wiggled her hips, trying her best to keep still while he licked and suckled on her folds. Her hot elven pussy was drooling into his mouth, and he was sucking the juices up as fast as they came, drawing them into his mouth and licking her pussy in the process. He felt her finish with his legs, and knew she would probably move on to his cock then, but he felt her instead begin to massage his balls, and then lick the head of his cock, which got a groan out of him, and an extra large throb out of it.

Trynnia heard her lover's groan and grinned to herself, slowly lowering her head to nuzzle his cock, teasing him by not taking him immediately into her mouth, but licking up and down the length of it. Her hands kept massaging his balls as she teased his length, getting him really worked up, ready for her warm, wet mouth to envelop him in its depths. She felt him throbbing and the precum at the tip painted her lips every time she reached it. Finally, she couldn't take it any more. She had to taste him. Her lips parted and she slid her mouth over his tip, taking his pulsing, throbbing cock into her mouth and suckling on him.

She was teasing him well, something that most slaves probably didn't get to do, but then she wasn't just any slave and he was inclined to let her have a bit of play room with him. He gave another soft groan as she tended to his cock, teasing along his length, licking him until she slid down over it. He gave a little gasp and another groan as the warm wetness of her mouth slid over him, and then his mouth attacked her pussy in turn, dragging her hips down closer to his mouth so that he could use his whole mouth over her folds and clit.

She moaned around his cock as he dragged her hips down further, pulling her slit closer to his talented tongue and mouth as he attacked her sensitive nubs and soft, tender folds. Her head bobbed up and down as she suckled on his cock, working him over completely. She wanted to show him just how much she loved him and every moment spent teasing and pleasing him was another moment to show him her love. Her slit was so wet, just dripping her readiness into his mouth and coating his tongue as he ate her out.

He moaned back when she pushed her mouth down further on him. It was almost like being buried in her pussy, but different, as she could swallow and suckle on his cock with her mouth, tasting him as he tasted her. He captured one fold in his lips and sucked on it until it was red and inflamed, then did the same to the other, before lashing her center with his tongue, pushing it deeply into her hole and pulling it out again. He licked her clit a few times, and suckled on it some more, as her pussy drooled into his mouth. He was ready to fuck her, whenever she decided she had had enough of his taste.

Trynnia moaned again as she felt her brother and lover tongue fucking her, drawing out more of her juices from her depths. She was so ready to take him inside her again. Slowly, she pulled her mouth off his length, and looked back at him. "Ready for me to sit on you, Aaran? And do you want me to face you? Or away from you?" She was so close already, she just knew that feeling him pushing into her would set her off the pinnacle of her orgasm.

Aaran pulled his face back, after giving her one more good lick, and he glanced around her thigh to stare up at her, "I'm fuckin ready." he said hotly, nodding, "And I want you to face me..just don't lean on my ribs." He smiled up at her, giving her a wink. He was going to try something while she was bouncing on him, and while it would be easier to do if she was facing away, he wanted to see her face while she bounced on him.

She moved from on top of him, her hands stroking him as she moved into the new position, with her wet slit hovering just over his cock. She leaned down, kissing him as she slowly sank herself onto him, moaning with pleasure into his mouth as their tongues twirled and twined around each other. "I love you, Aaran," she whispered against his lips, her hips sinking down fully to press her groin against his, every inch of his cock buried deep inside her tight, wet, hot tunnel.

He smiled as she shifted down to the proper position to sink her hot cunt over his cock. He closed his eyes, smiling as she then pushed her way down onto his cock. He felt himself be engulfed by her warm wetness and he let out a deep groan, smiling as she leaned down and told him she loved him. His hands went to her sides and held her as she started moving, grinding her cunt over his, "I love you too Trynnia." he said softly, his hands rubbing up her sides and down to her hips, then around to her ass, which he squeezed tightly.

She moaned softly against his lips as his hands worked their way around to her ass, squeezing and fondling the firm globes of her rear after helping her learn the rhythm to ride him at. Her hips rolled against him, low gasps and groans of pleasure slipping from her as she rode him. She looked down into his eyes, letting her face reflect the love she felt for her brother, her Master, her lover. While she couldn't guarantee their father's reaction to what Frelth had done, she did know what he told her this morning, and figured he would side with Aaran in removing Frelth from the household.

Aaran didn't want to break up the family, he didn't want to cause enmity with Frelth, but if it was a fight over Trynnia, Aaran was going to make damn well sure he won. He smiled as she looked down at him, and his hands held tightly to her ass, gripping her and squeezing, lifting her and pushing down while she rode him. Her tight pussy bounced on his dick, slipping up and down, soaking him with her juices as she went, and he groaned out at how good it felt. His hips bucked up to meet hers, and one of his hands began stroking through the crack of her ass with each thrust.

Trynnia moaned even more as she felt his hands fondling her ass even more, her hips still rolling against his, making her tight, wet, hot pussy slide up and down his length. Turning her face towards her brother's neck, she licked him, then moved up a little and nibbled on his earlobe as she rode him. A gasp slipped from her as she felt his hand moving towards her crack and his fingers sliding between her cheeks. It was something completely new to her, feeling anyone touching her there, but almost all of this was new to her. Before yesterday, no one had seen her nude since she started developing into a woman, nor had anyone touched her sexually. But now, she was more open to her brother being in her, fucking her, and definitely touching her.

He gripped her butt harder as she nibbled and licked along his neck, suckling on his earlobe even as he touched her. His fingers kept exploring her body. He wanted to get to know every inch of her and this was one way to do it, while his cock was exploring her pussy. His fingers brushed through her crack and one of them sought out her tiny rosebud, gently rubbing over it with his fingertip while his head turned to capture her mouth with his own. She was his, entirely his, and he owned her heart, soul and body.

Trynnia moaned as he caught her mouth with his own and his tongue slid into her warm, moist recesses. Her body trembled against his as his hands explored her body, learning every touch that made her moan and pant for more. It wasn't long before he had her writhing and squirming against him, trying to keep her focus on rolling her hips against his, wanting to make sure she gave him the pleasure he deserved.

Aaran moaned himself, "'re hot Trynnia... your pussy is so warm." he groaned out, feeling her shuddering as she laid along him, knowing she was coming close, "You have my permission to cum... but you can't stop fucking me." He smiled, his fingers gripping and pinching her ass a bit, and that single finger pushing harder at her tight rosebud, almost as if demanding entrance.

Trynnia moaned and nodded, not once stopping her movements, despite the shuddering and writhing she was doing while riding him. She pressed her mouth against his as she felt him pushing at her tiny, tight pucker. Her rear tried to keep him out, but slowly started to give away under the pressure from his finger against that untouched entrance. Her tongue pushed into his mouth as she kept moving against him, her first orgasm hitting her as his finger pushed into her ass and her hips were fully pressed against his. A scream of pleasure came from her as they kissed, the sound muffled by his mouth. Her walls clamped down around his cock, milking him.

The feeling her her riding him was just amazing, but he wasn't ready to cum yet. Years of conditioning with the slaves had made him good at being able to hold out even when having the most amazing sex ever. He moaned deeply into her mouth as she kept moving with him, cupping his face and kissing him as he held her tightly. His finger inserted itself into her ass and he held it there even though her body tried to push it out. His other hand lightly slapped her ass, then he ran it up her back and down again, stroking her skin while her cunt pulsed around him.

Trynnia kept her hips rolling against his, keeping his cock moving inside her slick, grasping and pulsing cunt. Her juices coated his shaft, and as she kept moving, the pleasure increased within her. She gave a low yelp as she felt him slapping her ass, her tight rosebud clamped hard around his finger. Her lips remained against his, her tongue swirling and twisting in his mouth as she kissed him, pouring every bit of her love into the kiss.

He knew she loved him, it showed in every one of her movements and the looks she gave him with her eyes and the way her body worked with his. Having her hot cunt sliding over his cock was the most amazing feeling in the world. He smirked as she yelped and he slapped her ass again, wiggling the tip of his finger into her tight asshole a bit harder, forcing it in up to the knuckle. He knew it would hurt her at first, but she would eventually get used to it.

She was expecting another smack to her firm ass as she still rolled her hips against his, making her wet cunt slide up and down his cock. She whimpered as he pushed his finger deeper into her tight little asshole, her hands gripping his shoulders as she tried to relax and give him the pleasure he was trying to get our of her. It was going to take her some time to get used to having his finger in her ass, let alone his thick, long cock. Easing her mouth from his, she turned to his neck and nuzzled him, then nibbled his earlobe again.

He knew it might take awhile, they would have to work up to taking his cock in her ass. She was so tight back there that any amount of forcing would hurt her more than he ever wanted to. He was used to having to use some force, especially on resisting slaves, but she was not resisting, and he had promised to go easier on her. He smirked as she kissed him and whimpered, but then she pulled her mouth back and nuzzled his neck, her hips still rocking on his as they fucked right there on the bed. His ribs hurt, but he was able to put it out of his mind while fucking his hot sister.

Trynnia was doing her best not to lean against his busted ribs. Her hands stayed on his shoulders, holding tight to him there as her hips rolled against his and she nibbled on his ear. She felt his finger remaining in her ass, not even pumping into her, just letting her get used to the feel of his finger stretching her ass a little around him. The feel of his cock still in her cunt, sliding in and out of her, brought her to orgasm again, and she screamed in pleasure again as she came, her juices squirting from her to coat his groin.

He groaned as her hips rolled over his some more and his cock thrust into her again and again. He was getting there now, keeping his finger in her ass, hearing her moaning and feeling her bucking on top of him. He smiled and groaned himself, knowing that when she came again he most likely was going to as well, and then it happened, and when she screamed and her cunt gripped his cock, he let out a yell as well and his cock pulsed, throbbing as he unloaded his seed within her.

She held herself above him as she felt his cum flooding her, her hips no longer rolling against him, but jerking and bucking rather violently instead. She collapsed against him, her body falling towards his uninjured side as she panted, trying to catch her breath after two explosive orgasms from her brother, her body spent in ways she couldn't believe. It would take some time for her to get the kind of stamina that sex slaves had. Her life before yesterday hadn't lead her to building that kind of stamina, though she was in excellent shape and health from the work she'd done for her family. She nuzzled his neck for a moment, then passed out in his arms, his cock still buried in her, and his finger in her ass.

As he lay there in the aftermath of their lovemaking, he sighed and smiled, feeling her collapse. She was spent, he could tell, and he was tired out too, from the fight and then from this session with her. Perhaps they would wake and fuck again later, perhaps not, but right now he was content to let her lay atop him and just fall asleep. "Good night Trynnia," he whispered softly, kissing her forehead, before letting his head fall back and his eyes drift shut.

De-Evolution - Post NaNo 2

Brielle was in shock, and as the horses moved on up the path toward the cabin, all she could do was sit there and blink and stare. Her cousin attacked, her aunt and uncle dead, all that had happened in such a short time was too hard to even...

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De-Evolution - Post NaNo 1

Through the telling of the entire tale, the Chief had sat silently. Only small movements let them know that his mind was active and following every word she said. Across from him, his wife was a bit more animated, gasping a time or two and looking...

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De-Evolution - NaNo Day 30

Marco sighed out as he looked out over the grassy fields around them. This valley was a perfect haven, a center of calm in what had to be a dying world around them. People outside were probably living in fear and much worse suffering than they. He knew...

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