De-Evolution - Post NaNo 2

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#72 of De-Evolution

(3384 words for this portion of the continuation)

Brielle was in shock, and as the horses moved on up the path toward the cabin, all she could do was sit there and blink and stare. Her cousin attacked, her aunt and uncle dead, all that had happened in such a short time was too hard to even contemplate. People she had known her whole life were suddenly gone, or hurt...the whole fuckin world was going to shit.

She gasped a moment, her cheeks wet with tears as she turned to her cousin, "Oh Tisha...your parents...I'm..." She sniffed and then said, "What about Ian and Tris? Where are they? Do you have any idea?" She looked back toward where the wagon was behind them and then ahead. She bit her lip and said, "This is all so....I don't know how to even think about all of it... it's too hard to comprehend." She gasped, then said, "You want to marry tonight...we're getting married tonight...but...I guess if they make Marco a part of the tribe...I don't know."

Tisha shook her head. "I'm not sure where Ian and Tris are. Marco saw a picture of me with Mom and Dad and the boys, but he said the other guy in the house didn't match up with either Ian or Tris, so we've decided to believe that they're safe, and will find their way here. I'm pretty certain your father isn't going to say no, and Chief Nahuel has already said yes. But he wanted to talk to the other elders before doing it, since the world is so crazy right now." She looked at her cousin. "Please, Bri. We always planned to have our weddings on the same day. And there's no way Black Elk and I could get married. We're more like brother and sister. But Marco... I've been sleeping with him at night, with him holding me so I don't have nightmares about what happened. He's worked next to me getting the ranch ready for the tribe's arrival. And we've planned on getting more food... Oh yeah... tomorrow, you and Theron are being put to work with Marco, Black Elk and I, and most likely some of the other younger members of the tribe, to get supplies we need, which I made a list of. And Marco and I need to get his family up at the cabin."

Brielle was still shocked to say the least, but she was thinking all of this through. Even with the news of the death of her aunt and uncle she kept thinking and didn't allow the feelings of sorrow to overwhelm her. She nodded, "We'll hope that Ian and Tris are safe then..." she said softly, sighing out and then saying, "If Father and The Chief and the elders make him a part of the Tribe...." She trailed off, sighing, "It's just that when we were kids we were always together and I fell in love with Theron... I thought you would with Black Elk. But what's not meant to be can't be forced. If Marco becomes part of the tribe then I can't say wouldn't be right to push off your happiness to put mine first..." She licked her lips, "He's been sleeping with you though... isn't that some sort of....I don't know, problem?"

Tisha gripped her cousin's hand. "Black Elk and I knew years ago that we weren't meant for each other. Otherwise, we would have fallen in love years ago, like you and Theron did. But that hasn't stopped us from being like family. And I know that Black Elk will find the one meant for him when the time is right. As for Tris and Ian, they know how to survive, and with one of them a cop and the other in the military, they'll definitely survive and find their way to us. As for me and Marco sleeping together, it's been perfectly innocent. There's been no hanky-panky between us. There's only been one night where we've been together without someone else with us. The first night, Selina was with us. The next night we were alone at the cabin, but since then, Black Elk has been with us at the cabin. Besides, Marco saw what happened to me when he rescued me. Even saw the leader of the gang raping me. He knows I probably can't handle that yet, but he's just held me through the night to keep the nightmares away."

Brielle squeezed her hand in return, nodding and sighing out, "I know that you two are close, but I guess I always knew that you weren't that close." She sighed again, looking away and then back at Tisha, "Ok... I mean, I believe you. I just don't fully understand. I guess maybe I can't unless I had something like that happen to me." She smiled and licked her lips, "If you two wish to get married, then I won't stop you from having your wedding tonight along with ours, as long as it's ok by Theron and... and Marco. And as long as the Chiefs make him a part of the tribe." She sighed again, closing her eyes, as if getting a weight off her chest, then she smirked, "You know how men get though... Theron has been feisty..the last few days because of the postponement. I think he's looking forward to after the wedding more than he is the ceremony itself." She giggled, then became more serious, "I guess what I'm saying is... how will you deal with Marco.... afterward?"

Tisha grinned, "Well, I know Marco is good with it, and the Chief's given his okay, so long as you didn't have a problem with it. So I guess we ask Theron if he minds. The elders should be talking with Marco by now, since when Black Elk and I left, Marco and Chief Nahuel were on their way to see Wapasha, your father. And if I know Chief Nahuel as well as I think I do, he went to see your father first, since he is the tribe's shaman. And having both the Chief and the shaman on Marco's side will help ease the other elders make the decision to allow Marco into the tribe. As for how I'll deal with things after the ceremony, I'm not sure, but I doubt Marco would push me into anything I'm not ready for. I think he'll wait until I'm ready for that part of the marriage."

"I hope he won't push you. From what you said he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to do that, but you know what I mean. It's only natural to want that sort of thing and if you can't give it he may become impatient." She shrugged, then sighed and softly chuckled, "Listen to me... I should be laughing and hugging you out of happiness! I am happy for you Tisha... I can see in your eyes that you really are in love with him." She smiled once more and by that time they crested the hill and were looking down on the cabin below.

Tisha laughed and shook her head at her cousin. "It's kinda hard to really be hugging the way you're talking about when we're horseback. But when we get down to the cabin, we can hug each other like crazy then. I figure Marco and I will talk things over. We've been playing and having fun while working, so maybe that will help ease us to the time when I can handle that part of marriage. But maybe we should head back to ask Theron if he minds. Or we could wait until we get to the cabin and Marco's with me. I'd really like the two of them to meet."

"It would probably be best if Marco was with you when you meet up with Theron. He's going to want to give you a hug and I don't want you panicking on him." She giggled and reached over to squeeze Tisha's hand again, then sighed out and said, "So let's just head down to the cabin and the slowpokes can catch up when they can." She winked and pushed her horse forward, gaining the lead on Tisha.

Tisha turned to look over her shoulder at her aunt, Black Elk and Theron, waving her arm to let them know they were heading down to the cabin. Turning around, Tisha crouched low on Snowflake's neck, giving her mare the lead to run. Snowflake gave a whinney of pleasure, then took off, racing down towards the cabin, and Marco. Tisha's face was alight with the good news, and she jumped down from Snowflake's back, sending the mare over the corral walls to meet with Brute. "Marco," she cried out, calling for her husky love.

Marco had been walking away from the gathering of the Tribal elders when he watched Tisha and Brielle come galloping down to the cabin toward the corral. He sniffed the air but could detect none of the telltale signs of trouble or danger, so he smiled and jogged toward them, picking up his pace when he heard her call. He came up to her just after she turned toward the cabin, and his arms went around her, spinning her around and their voices clashing as they both tried to tell one another the good news at the same time.

Tisha giggled then grabbed Marco's face between her hands, kissing him to shut him up. Pulling back, she said, "Brielle said she doesn't mind, as long as the elders agreed to make you a member of the tribe. And as long as Theron agrees. She knows everything that happened, and wanted us to talk to Theron together, so you can meet him and so that I don't flip out when he tries to hug me. Snowflake stopped him earlier, and I know he saw the panic in my eyes. Once he knows the reason, he'll understand her reaction." She kissed him again, then looked into his eyes. "What happened with Wapasha and the other elders?"

Marco laughed softly as her lips touched his and he fell silent, deciding to let her get her piece out before he told her the news that he had. His hands remained on her waist, holding her tightly as she spoke, quickly telling him what had happened and that they could be married provided her cousin's soon-to-be mate agreed as well. He grinned at the news and the second kiss she gave him lasted a bit longer than the first as a result. Once it broke, though, he said, "Wapasha said that the spirits were telling him I would make an excellent addition to the tribe. After that, we all went to speak to the elders. I was silent as the Chief and your uncle presented their words, and after a few brief ones from me about my desire to become a member, and further to marry you, they consented. I am to become a member of the tribe before the wedding tonight."

Tisha gave a squeal and kissed him again, thrilled that her love would become a member of the tribe, and even more hopeful that they would be able to marry with Saqui and Theron. It was time that she remembered to think of her cousin as Saqui, and herself as Nizhoni, since she would be hearing those names more often than not. Looking up at Marco, she grinned, "Then we need to talk to Theron." She looked at Brielle, grinning at her cousin. "Marco's gonna be a member of the tribe, Saqui. We just need your soon to be husband here to get his okay. We'll be up at the house, getting something together for all of us to eat. Bring him up when he gets here, will you?"

Saqui nodded her head and smiled, "Go on, you lovebirds. I'm going to find mine and then we'll be up." She giggled and shook her head, turning to walk in the direction of the now approaching wagon. As she did so, Marco turned with Tisha and slipped his arm around her shoulders, hugging her against him while they walked. "We're going to be busy the next few days. It will be nice to not have to worry about anyone thinking the worst about us sleeping together," he chuckled, turning to nuzzle the top of her head.

Tisha snuggled against Marco's side as they walked to the house. "I know. But there wouldn't be much call for them to say anything while we're going to get your family. We'd have chaperones after we got there. Of course, it's the time going down that we wouldn't, but then again, we didn't have one the first night we were here. Besides, I wouldn't worry too much about that, since the tribe is making you a member tonight, and I think Theron will give us the okay to get married with him and Saqui tonight. He knew of the plans that Saqui and I had to get married together, and I think it shocked him that Saqui had said she wouldn't let me marry alongside her unless I was marrying into the tribe. Now that I am marrying within the tribe," she broke off to kiss him before continuing, "I think he's going to say yes." They walked into the kitchen, and she grinned up at him. "Roast rabbit for lunch? Or more stew?"

Marco smiled widely, happy that she thought Theron was going to let them marry alongside her cousin and himself. It was a good thing that the tribe was going to accept him, because if they hadn't, he wasn't really sure what would have happened. He might have had to leave them all behind, including Tisha, and he wasn't sure he could do that. There would have been problems. He didn't even need to consider what would have happened though, because it hadn't. He kissed her soundly on the lips when she moved to kiss him, and then as they went inside he said, "Well... is there to be a wedding feast tonight? Or how does that all work?"

She grinned up at him. "There's definitely going to be a feast tonight. Normally, we have one when the tribe arrives, to renew our ties with the tribe. But in addition to that, we have you being made a member of the tribe, and Saqui and Theron's wedding. And hopefully, ours as well." She pushed him gently into one of the kitchen seats then sat down in his lap. "So which do you prefer for lunch? Cause after lunch, we're going to be pulled apart for the preparations for tonight."

"Something that will leave me with enough room to stuff myself after the wedding." He grinned widely, fangs bared for a moment and his tongue licking over his lips. His intelligent eyes looked into her face and he slipped his paws around her waist, greatly enjoying the feeling of her sitting on his lap. He pulled her waist against him and said, "Then again, even if we didn't get to eat now, you're plenty delicious." He licked her on the neck and then nuzzled her softly.

Tisha gave a low laugh at his words, then snuggled closer as he pulled her against him. She felt safe in his arms, like no one, not even the world itself or even Tisha herself, was allowed to hurt her. She gave a slight shiver as she felt his warm, wet tongue sliding over her neck, then his cold nose nuzzling the dampened skin. She also felt a strange feeling inside her, not a scary strange, just an unusual strange. She slipped her arms around his neck and kissed him again, then leaned against him, the two of them stealing a few, precious moments of private time.

Marco smiled warmly at the young woman on his lap and their lips met again before he felt her snuggling into his chest. His paws rubbed up her side and back and he sighed out, smiling as he felt her holding onto him. There was something special about the warmth that he felt when she was pressed up against him that he just couldn't compare to anything he had ever felt. He sighed out again and his warm breath washed over her head and hair. He just held her like that, until there was a male voice behind them, and a female laughing softly "Well... Looks like the other lovebirds just couldn't wait to start cuddling... You know there's a wedding later..."

Tisha nuzzled Marco as he held her, the two of them quietly sitting until Theron spoke while Saqui was laughing behind them. Lifting her head, she looked into Theron's eyes, then over to Saqui. "We know that you two are getting married tonight, after Marco's tribal membership ceremony. Question is, since Saqui said that the last obstacle we have is your okay, Theron, are we getting married too?"

Theron remained by Saqui's side, holding her about the shoulders like he was when they came in, and he glanced between them, "It's MY choice?" He raised his eyebrows, his grey and black tail flicking around for a moment or two before wrapping itself around his soon-to-be wife's leg. He chuckled and then said, "I see no reason why not. I thought it was rather silly in the first place that Saqui here said you couldn't marry with her unless you married into the tribe."

Tisha looked at Theron, and explained, "When Black Elk and I met up with you guys, it was so I could talk to Saqui about it. Marco is being adopted into the tribe. To make a long story short, I was being raped, and he stopped the rape and took out the five guys attacking me, though I did have a small hand in repaying them the favor. Stilettos are great for repaying a favor of that sort. So are teeth. He shielded me from seeing the dead bodies of my parents at the house. He waited until we knew I could break down, after we got here, to tell me, so I could get us here. I almost killed Black Elk when he got here, thinking he was another that was going to attack me, like the five in the city had. I completely freaked out when we were doing dishes and our fingers innocently brushed against each other, and fought to be able to just take a hold of his hand without flipping out again. Marco's been helping keep me sane at night, since I keep having nightmares of the attack. Even giving Chief Nahuel a hug meant holding Marco's paw. That attack and the lingering fear I have was why Snowflake backed away when you tried to give me a hug earlier. But now that you're here and Marco's got my hand," she paused as she slipped from Marco's lap and pulled him up to his hindpaws. She moved to stand in front of Theron, and gave him a one armed hug while her other hand clenched around Marco's paw, like she was holding on for dear life.

Marco listened to her telling the tale again for the day, listening to her words as she gave Theron the synopsis of what had happened to her when Marco found her. When it was finished and she stood, he went with her, getting to his feet but holding her hand tightly. The tall black and grey tiger stepped forward, pity and love for the girl he had known his entire life shining in his eyes. He slipped both arms around her as she held him with one. "I'm so sorry Tisha," he whispered, but then pulled back, not wanting to make her more nervous. "And thank you Marco...for saving her." Marco just nodded, "You're welcome." He held out his paw to shake.

Tisha smiled up at Theron, then stepped back against Marco as the tall husky held out his paw to the tiger to shake. "So we'll have a tribal membership ceremony followed by two weddings tonight? Sounds like a great start to the summer, and considering the power failure, a good way to keep everyone's spirits up."

De-Evolution - Post NaNo 3

Marco shook Theron's hand and they gripped one another's paws for a moment, then nodded to one another. Marco's other arm held Tisha against him, not really protectively, and yet there was always a feeling to him when he held her, one that said he was...

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De-Evolution - Post NaNo 1

Through the telling of the entire tale, the Chief had sat silently. Only small movements let them know that his mind was active and following every word she said. Across from him, his wife was a bit more animated, gasping a time or two and looking...

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De-Evolution - NaNo Day 30

Marco sighed out as he looked out over the grassy fields around them. This valley was a perfect haven, a center of calm in what had to be a dying world around them. People outside were probably living in fear and much worse suffering than they. He knew...

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