Hard Clubbing

Story by ThatOneGuy15 on SoFurry

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This is a request story for https://corrsk.sofurry.com who picked www.furaffinity.net/user/skyeder to feature in it for his own pleasure.

Do hope people like.


Hard Clubbing

The white raven slowly turned his head left and right as he looked over the club. The establishment was a bit high end for a strip club, with dim lights and patrons watching males work various poles around the room. The club catered to both sexes, but today was a day for male strippers only. However, those were not what the bird was looking for.

Sighing, the avian lightly played with his glass, ice cubes clinking in his water. He hated alcohol. His hand was scaled, ending with lightly taloned finger tips and went up to a little below the elbow. A little below his knees, the off-white scaly pattern was seen also on his feet, an uncommon blend of avian and normal feet with talon tipped toes. Peeking out beneath the hem of his white duster coat, white tail feathers showed themselves.

A tight fitting black shirt covered his torso, purple bands right above his belt line. His belt was bare, contrary to how he normally looked, but this was a pleasure mission, not business. He wore somewhat loose gray shorts, but even then there was a prominent bulge at the crotch. Sighing out of his off-white curved beak, the raven ran his hand through his spiky feathered crest.

Corrsk sighed again as he scratched at his cheek, where a triangular red mark was, eyes glazing over as he looked over the patrons here. None seemed particularly good looking tonight to him, even if his tastes were loose to men and women. Shaking his daze off once more, the raven wondered if he'd find someone tonight before he turned his gaze to the bar, his eyes lighting up some. Another bird was there, drinking from a shot glass it seemed. Picking up his water, Corrsk made his way to the bar and sat next to the other bird.

The other bird appeared to be a gryphon, as Corrsk let his eyes roam. Wearing a short sleeved red t-shirt and blue shorts, the gryphon showed a lot of his feathers, which were pink. His feet were scaled and yellow, starting at the end of the leg and finishing off at the black talon tips. His tail would twitch occasionally, the tail long and the spade wide spread, pink feathers tipped with a gray blue dusted with what was like stardust.

Wings pushed out from the shirt's back, in slits from the fabric. Again, pink was dominant but that same strange combination of glittered blue found its way into the feathers and it seems to be a trend as some tufts came from the elbows. Hands gripped a glass, all feathered but the hand claw like in nature. Corrsk turned fully to the other gryphon to get a bit more detail from him.

"Hey mate, what brings you here?"

The pink gryphon like bird turned, showing off his face fully. Goggles rested above sky blue eyes, a spiky crest running down his head and turning into smaller feathers, making it look hair like with that same blue gray at the tips of them. Ears lightly twitched as he opened his curved yellow beak to speak.

"N-nothing much. Jusht wanting fun."

Corrks held out his hand. "I'm Corrsk."

The gryphon's eye gazed at the hand, his eyes unfocused for a moment before a pink hand went out and gripped the white raven's loosely. "Skyeder."

Skyeder turned away from Corrsk, drinking from his colored alcohol drink. Probably some fruity thing the gryphon likes, while the raven just drank his water some. After a moment, he spoke up. "What sort of fun were you looking for?"

After a moment of hesitation from the pink bird, whether due to his mind being fuzzy or just unsure if he should speak, he responded. "Bluntly? Sex."

The white bird turned to face Skye directly as he spread his legs some, showing his bulging jeans. "Maybe I can help with that?"

The gryphon turned and let his eyes roam up and down, checking out Corrsk. Grabbing his drink, the pink bird downed the last of it before standing, swaying some. "Yous got a place, shure buddy."

Corrsk just grabbed the gryphon's hand and proceeded to move through the club. Going through a door in the back, he grinned as he knew what this place was. Normally reserved for private "lap" dances on the way to the dressing rooms for the strippers, this place would be a good place to get Skyeder as undressed in no time as any.

Pushing the pink avian into one, the white avian closed the curtain. Taking off his duster, he looked at the small space. A semi circled couch with a pole set in the center of the room. Possibly a party's private stripper session area. Regardless, Corrsk's duster found the floor in no time as he stripped off his shirt, letting his bare white feathered chest show. Skyeder appeared to have trouble with his shirt before letting it fall onto the ground with his pants.

Kicking off his pants after pushing them down, the raven let his eyes roam over the gryphon's nearly bare form. Skyeder's black boxers were tented, showing obvious arousal as his tongue flicked out to lick his beak. The pink bird was staring obviously at the raven's own bulging boxer briefs, the red material tenting far. Moving forward, the white bird blatantly grabbed the other's package, eliciting a gasp from the pink bird.

Corrsk tensed up when he felt Skye's paw gripping his own member through the fabric. Breathing becoming deeper, the white bird's arm came up and caressed the gryphon's shoulder, his paw lightly working the shaft through the black boxers. A hand grabbed at his chest feathers, another rolling his full balls through his clothing. Taking charge, the white bird let go of the gryphon's erection, making the bird whine, and took hold of his shoulder, pulling him flush against him.

Both birds gasped, firm members pressed against each other. Corrsk ground his beak against Skyeder's, while grinding his trapped cock against the other's to elicit a moan and whine. White paws reached into black boxers and grabbed the pink rump. Hard breathing and a step back from the gryphon caused the white bird to tilt his head until he felt his boxer briefs being tugged down and dropping to the floor. Smirking, he puffed his chest out as his large white balls and stiff black cock were shown.

He watched the pink bird's eyes roam over his fully naked body, eyes hungering for his crotch. Sure, Corrsk didn't have the biggest dick around, but his balls were bigger than normal and produced a lot of sperm. The pink gryphon was sure to come out white from this session of pleasure. The raven's own eyes rested on the other avian's groin, seeing the black rod throbbing from the pink sheath and balls under it, a slight bulb at the base at the opening to the sheath. If Corrsk bottomed, he'd probably enjoy that cock, but as he was a strict top only, he just moved close again, grabbing the gryphon's member and squeezing.

A soft bawk from Skye was heard as the white raven attacked the pink neck, nibbling and licking as he moved up along the beak to the ear. Two paws had wandered down to roll around the big balls that Corrsk had, as the avian's white paws grabbed two mounds of flesh. Licking the ear, causing it to flick before the raven nibbled it, making the gryphon groan lightly. Softly, he uttered, "I want to fuck your paws."

Corrsk felt Skye tense up and lightly move back, looking at the raven with pinned ears and a light blush barely seen through his feathers. The raven thought that the gryphon would stop this, many weren't inclined as much to do foot jobs he had come to learn, but was mildly surprised when the pink bird just backed up and plopped onto the couch. Shifting around, he lied down on his back with his wings spread some, head turned to watch Corrsk.

The raven cawed lightly and walked over to the couch, kneeling upon it, watching the gryphon raise his legs up and lightly put his footpads together. As both of the white avian's hands lightly grabbed and thumbed the pink bird's soles, making said bird squirm and croon, he heard Skye speak. "Yoush better be able t-t-to fuck me afterwardsh." Nodding, Corrsk just moved forward and placed his erect length in the crack between the other bird's hind paws.

Skye lightly turned his paws on the shaft that rested on them, causing the raven to groan lightly. Bucking, he felt the other avian's paws lightly move back and forth, making the raven caw lightly. Letting the paws go, Corrsk allowed the pink avian a bit of control, shivering when one paw went up and rubbed his tip in circles, the other sliding his member between toes.

Pre dripped from the tapered black cock of the white bird, showing the pleasure he was receiving. Skye changed tactics, moving his paws to opposite sides of the shaft and sliding them forward and back. Shivering and lightly arching his back, Corrsk dribbled more of his natural lubricant down the gryphon's thighs and onto his sheath and cock. Looking down at the other bird, the white raven watched the gryphon slowly slide a claw along his shaft, shuddering and twitching as he collected the pre and let his tongue slide it into his beak slowly. Cawing, Corrks's hips bucked forward, aroused deeply by the submissive behavior Skye had shown.

Grabbing the pink bird's feet, the white avian put them together, making a groove between them that he rested his tip against at the bottom. Thrusting forward, the black cock filled the bird's hind paws before he pulled back, pre staying behind to make it slicker. Pumping his hips, his cock grew slicker with his pre as it shoved into the gryphon's paws, his balls lightly smacking Skye's heels.

Corrsk had closed his eyes, lost in the intense pleasure of footpads against his most sensitive of flesh. How long had it been since he'd had paws, let alone a bird's paws? Too long, as he the raven was moaning and bucking faster, knowing he'd not last long with such a divine feeling. Slitting his eyes, the white bird looked at the gryphon. A pink paw was idly stroking his cock, keeping it hard as he spied the raven's eyes on him. Grinning, the other avian lightly tensed and turned his hind paw, making it a tighter seal around the squenching cock pumping between the paws.

It was too much for the excited Corrsk. With a loud caw, he shoved forward, balls pressed back and shot his first rope of seed, splattering the foot paws and sending it flying onto the pink gryphon below. Pulling back slightly and pressing forwards, the next rope was shot out and splattered along Skye's body and paws. Cawing weaker with each spurt, the raven finally just rested there, crooning and groaning lightly. Moving back, he sat on his rump and heaved for breath.

With a sigh, the raven looked at the gryphon and smiled lightly. The pink bird was now partially white, his yellow feet and pink feathers splashed with his cum. As Skye got up from his laying position, Corrsk watched the pink bird. Moving closer, he felt the beak of the other avian nibble along his neck, making him croon before he cawed in mild shock. A hand gripped his lightly flagging erection and stroked, spreading a warm and sticky liquid along it that the raven knew well. Such a display of dominance from the meek and seemingly submissive gryphon, lubricating the white bird's cock with his own seed!

Skye stood and walked over to a wall, next to the couch. He bent forward, resting a hand against the wall as he scooped more seed into his free paw. Watching, Corrsk saw the gryphon reach behind his balls and slather his hole before shoving a claw into his own rump. Tail hiking up and draping over the pink back, another claw was forced into that seemingly tight cavern of the pink bird's before they slowly pumped in and out, eliciting moans from the gryphon. Whatever hardness Corrsk had lost from his first orgasm, he'd more than regained from the light pawing and this show of need.

Standing, the white raven stood behind the gryphon, grabbing his hips as he watched the claws come out of the tailpipe with a squenching sound. Arm placed to the next, Corrsk waited til then to move forward, prodding the slightly loosened entrance. With a low growl like noise uncommon in birds normally, the white bird pierced the pink avian's hole and driving half in. A caw and squawk were uttered from beaks, both enjoying what the other gave them. Pressing forward, Corrsk hilted inside of Skye, crotch meeting the feathered rump of the other bird. Running his claws through the other's pink side feathers, the raven waited a moment for the gryphon to adjust.

A moment was all that was given as the raven drew his hips back, leaving his tapered tip in the pink ass he was going to claim before shoving back in, pushing the gryphon up against the wall more. Shudders from both birds as Corrsk started up a rhythm of pulling nearly all the way out and pushing in to his groin, causing both avians to let out many grunts, moans and squawks known to their kind. Pre sputtered out of the black cock that Corrsk drove into Skye, lubing him up more along with shoving what old seed the gryphon had used deeper.

Leaning over the pink bird's back, the white avian started using only his lower half of his cock, balls slapping the fuzzy pink ass. Clawed fingers wandered over the chest of the other bird before one went down and gripped the black cock, feeling the pulsing heartbeat through the gryphon's cock. A squawk came from Skye before he whined softly, punctured by moans and panting breathes. Both were heaving hard for breath, as pre and seed dripped onto the floor, falling from the gryphon's body and cock, some splattering from the raven's hard thrusting.

The raven felt his burning knot return, signaling he was getting close. He was a hair trigger at times when he went directly for a round two. Depended on who it was and how the fuck was and Skye was a divine sex toy, beautiful and tight. It was Skye that came first, his wings splaying and his back arching, cock throbbing as the raven's grip stroked the fleshy meat. Throbbing and moaning, the gryphon came, splattering the wall and ground with his sticky cum as well as Corrsk's paw and spasming around the dick buried in his ass.

The white bird thrust a few times through Skye's orgasm, his climax unable to be withheld. With a loud caw, he drove himself forward and sink into the pink avian's ass, spilling his second, less potent load deep in Skye. Grinding in, Corrsk enjoyed his orgasm, as did Skye before both just rested, one standing braced against the wall and ass out and the other on the first bird's back, resting and buried deep inside.

Pulling back, the raven groaned and watched as his member popped out, a string attaching the flagging member to the gryphon's rump before it broke and landed on the carpeted floor. A white claw lightly thumbed over the pink feathers of the rump, Corrsk watching his mess lightly ooze out before both avians heard a throat clearing. Looking over, the white raven saw a studly bird standing there, his feathers an off white except for his arms and wings that were barely visible with stripes on his face and head. His muscled form was covered only by a skimpy jockstrap, which was straining hard and didn't leave much to imagination.

Chuckling lightly, Corrsk fell back onto the couch and sighed, gesturing to the gryphon. "He's all yours, mate." Grinning, both birds understood how little pink the gryphon would have left by the end of the night.


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