
Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#9 of Stories

Contains: macro/micro themes, growth, rage, rampaging, destruction, very angry jolteon lady don't call her crazy

Summary: Shana Penumbra (one of Moonlight's sisters should you ask) doesn't appreciate being called crazy. Bad things tend to happen. She gets called crazy, bad things end up happening.

I write probably too many commissions and not enough "me" work, so here's some me work. Started out as some quick practice and if you know me by now, practice tends to get out of hand.

Shana belongs to me.

And this was written by me.

"She's crazy."

"You're crazy."

"Your ideas are crazy."

"Are you insane? That'll never work."

"You're utterly insane!"

"This invention of yours is insane."

"You certainly put the mad in mad scientist."


"Crazy. Insane. Kooky. Mad. Nuts. Whacky. Cookoo. Lunatic. Total screwball. Demented. Deranged. Mental. Nutty. Unbalanced. Touched. Unhinged."

That's enough.

I'm not...

Shana Penumbra. Certified genius. Excellent scientist. Respected by her intellectual peers, but not necessarily liked because many consider her eccentric ideas and behavior to be...

"CRAZY!" The jolteon unleashed a powerful roar at the audience of her presentation, blowing many of them out of their seats. Her fists balled so tight they drew blood. Her body crackled loudly with electricity, her yellow fur and white neck ruff spiked and snowy hair became wild and unhinged. The greens of her eyes turned into that menacing dark purple.

"I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'mnotcrazyI'mnotcrazyI'mnotcrazy," the electricity increased in intensity, crackling and shrieking loudly as it sparked randomly about the stage.

"P-please, Doctor Penumbra, do calm down," pleaded one of the scientists.

"Don't you tell me to calm down, you think I'm crazy?! YOU ALL THINK I'M CRAZY?!" Shana reared back and roared once more, the entire room beginning to shake in fear like the rest of the audience.

Shana's body surged with electricity, and the unthinkable began to happen. Her body was growing.

Fueled by voltage and anger, her body swelled at a steady pace; her slender form growing larger and larger. Her growing feet popped right out of her heels; straps snapping while the tall heels of her shoes broke and crumbled under her increasing weight and rising size. Her dark stockings seemed persistent, but ultimately succumbed to her thickening legs; the fabric ripping to mere shreds. Her black dress split at the sides and fell helplessly from the jolteon's swelling body. Her lab coat followed suit, falling from her growing shape after her arms burst through the sleeves, leaving nothing for the poor coat to cling onto by. Her glasses merely slipped from her face; frames broken in half and far too small to do anything for her eyesight. And finally it was down to her exceptionally cute underwear; her thunderbolt themed bra snapped and flew out into the crowd, and her adorable panties; decorated with numerous smiling Pikachu and Raichu faces, stretched with incredible endurance until they finally ripped and tore in numerous spots, leaving the growing electric beast completely nude.

Shana's persistent growth alongside the violent, random sparks of electricity didn't allow much for her audience to appreciate her naked form, as they were far too busy fleeing from their lives. They poured out of the hall, and building en masse as the entire structure began to violently shake and crumble around them due to the rapidly expanding jolteon.

She effortlessly filled the room and continued to grow still; the stage buckling and collapsing underneath her, the ceiling cracking and breaking apart as her enlarging head crashed into it, the walls giving into the growing limbs bursting through them. The entire building collapsed around the rising giantess as she tore through the entire structure from within with her furious growth. Five stories tall and still rising by the seconds, Shana quickly became a public spectacle for miles (even more so as she grew larger). In place of the calm, collected and curious scientist was a furious, raging beast of great size, and great electrical power.

"Oh my god!"

"What is that? A monster?!"

"Run away!"

"Look out! She's crazy!"

One of those fennec fox-like ears twitched.


That word again.

That ridiculous word again.

Despite all the screaming, despite all the honking horns, despite the sirens. Despite all of that noise, she was able to single that word out. That word she absolutely despised.

She turned her head and locked her eyes right on the sole person in the crowd they were moving in. Predatory eyes narrowed, sparking with the very electricity that surged about her body in random intervals.

"You worms!" She roared, her body rapidly growing with strong pulses akin to a dramatic heartbeat.

"I'm..." bigger.

"Not..." bigger still.


Within an instant she was upon them; a furious shadow cast over the crowd. Foot raised high, hovering, bits of rubble and debris sprinkling over them like a rainy drizzle. Most kept running ahead, only viewing the backs of the heads of those they were running behind. Some managed to get face to...well foot with their demise and saw that fuzzy yellow sole of the jolteon's gigantic paw descending down upon them.

525 feet tall and climbing; tens of hundreds were pulverized by her meteoric stomp, and they had it easy. Windows of buildings were blown out for miles, covering much of the area with a rain of glass. Entire storefronts were blown in via the heavy impact of that deity-tier footfall, causing the poor smaller buildings to collapse in on themselves; damned if anyone was in them or not. Vehicles were flown violently in random directions; into the air, into buildings, into each other, into additional fleeing masses of citizens.

No one would dare utter that word, now. She thought.

Unfortunately those big ears were both a blessing and a curse.

137 accounts of the word "psycho". 213 accounts of "insane". 372 accounts of the adjective-noun, "crazy monster".

They all think I'm crazy!

"Insignificant wastes of oxygen that fail to understand my genius! You're too stupid to comprehend, so you dismiss me as crazy!" With a loud roar, she swiped at a tall building with her claws extended, sending the upper half of it flying across the area. The 25 story chunk collided into another building with explosive force; the high velocity impact forcing the building to bow like an obedient servant before buckling into a full collapse within a plume of dust and debris.

But it still wasn't enough to silence that those awful words, it wasn't enough to calm the beastly fury within the highly intelligent Penumbra. Infact, things only became worse.

Her rage built up like a violent storm; those random surges of electricity became anger focused blasts of destruction. Bursts of lightning flew out in various directions with the intensity of cannon fire; with the quickness of a person blinking, an electric force blew away a building into mere chunks of the construction material used to make it. Once freshly paved streets were now cracked and blown apart by the lightning, adding to the decorations of giant jolteon pawprints. Vehicles that weren't blown to bits (or crushed as flat as a coin by her feet) were zapped to burned out husks of fried plastic and metal. And the citizens...the poor citizens; the thousands that were helplessly fleeing couldn't do much to escape the vicious waves of lightning snaking through the streets, fry and annihilating tons of them or sending them flying.

But it all wasn't enough. 700ft tall and still swelling towards the heavens, it wasn't enough to silence those terrible, disgusting worms. Fear via wrath wasn't doing the trick. The entire city would have to be done away with.

First I need to become bigger, then I shall--

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the loud chorus of sirens in the distance.

"Ah, the police," She mused to herself, those purple orbs glancing in the direction of the approaching squad, "Another batch who will no doubt call me insane. Of course they will, they all do."

The violent storm of rage from the Jolteon subsided, granting the area a moment of reprieve as the yellow furred giantess turned to face the approaching (relative) insects that she assumed came to challenge her. She felt they were at least worthy of a chance, perhaps they may even apologize on behalf of the citizens; they are authoritative figures after all.

She took position upon some more undamaged streets directly in their path, standing tall with her arms folded underneath her exposed breasts; glancing down at them like a goddess ready to pass judgment. The squad pulled to a stop before her boulderous toes, many of them in awe of how much of the wide streets her paws took up alone. They too, realized they were like insects before her, but still, they had a job to do.

To her surprise, however, they weren't seeking a peaceful resolution. Within moments of exiting their vehicles, they opened fire with all they had. A worthless endeavor, as their ammunition was effectively countered by the surging electricity that crackled about her form. To her, this was an insult; not a single word was said toward her, they merely opened fire as if she were some beast to be put down.

A crazed beast. She thought bitterly.

The very idea that none in this town could appreciate her genius was on infuriating levels of absurdity. To think she had to present her genius to this habitat for low IQ Neanderthals. Worthless, all worthless.

With a low, frustrated growl, lightning darted from one sharp tooth to another as Shana built up a large amount of electrical energy within her mouth. She slowly opened her maw, revealing a bright blue light from within accompanied by a loud, crackling shrieking noise akin to thousands of shrieking birds as she charged up more and more energy. Her fur frizzed out, every fringe of hair now sharp like needles from the charge.

Mouth wide open, she roared, unleashing a bright blue beam from her mouth upon her unworthy foes. Before they could realize it, the blinding, thunderous blast was upon them; annihilating them, their vehicles, and everything around for tens of miles with great explosive force like a great light of judgment from the gods. All that remained was a great smoldering crater that brought an amused smirk to the mountainous Jolteon-morph.

She knew what had to be done; from her so-called intellectual peers (And what a laugh THAT was), to the citizens, to the authorities. This city was nothing but a hivemind of factoring hectopascals. An insult, a waste. The world would be better off.

The storm returned; her body, violent with electricity and rage, grew once again. For more intense than it had been before. Both the ground and air trembled from her swelling presence, as she became bigger and bigger.

1000 feet.

Even without moving an inch, her destruction persisted. Her growing paws tearing through what was left of the streets and collapsing the web of subway tunnels underneath. Her expanding body bulldozed all structures in her way, vehicles and people alike ended up buried under her swelling form.

2500 feet.

No matter how many tiny cities she kept in her labs, Shana would never tired of the sight of a city shrink before her eyes. Of course this time she was growing, but the effect was largely similar. Decades, centuries of work, trillions of dollars, countless hours of manpower that went into building them; miles upon miles of work, all rendered the size of something that could fit on a dinner plate.

3000 feet.

Without any tools at her disposal, she couldn't see the populace as anything more than mere specks darting about. They probably couldn't see her clearly either; her toes alone being the size of tall buildings before them. A mere wiggle was enough to level miles of civilization. So fragile, so sad.

1 mile.

She wondered if in these last moments, the ones-who-are-so-insignificant-in-comparison-they-need-magnified-vision-to-be-seen were filled with regret. It was certainly hard to tell through the clouds of dust, piles of debris and explosive bursts of fire. Shana felt an odd pang of pity.

To help minimize further destruction and get a better vantage point, she stepped towards the outskirts of the city; unintentionally and uncaringly demolishing a grid-like system of highways and bridges with one simple step. She got down on both knees and quickly scanned the city remains with those menacing but curious purple eyes.

Ah but of course, the tallest building in the city.

The landmark of the town, the "impressive" skyscraper. How cute, to be called a skyscraper and hardly reaching up to her knee while she was standing. She leaned in close; swaying breasts demolishing smaller buildings in her way. With a fanged grin, she took a closer look, her eyes like a dark purple abyss to those staring right back at her.

It was as she thought. In times of great crisis, many tend to huddle up together in large groups in places they felt were safe. Typically, it would be underground locations, but the desperate times she brought upon them called for desperate measures.

Now what would come next? Begging and pleading for their lives? That usually seemed par for the course. Bargaining was all the rage for the desperate.

"Oh god! The crazy bitch found us!"

She was over a mile tall, the city was a frenzied cacophony of sirens and screams. Yet some how Shana's ears picked up that one line. Her ears twitched as she did. She glowered, she clenched her teeth. After all of this. After everything. They would dare call her that word once again.

The earth shuddered with fear, the building swayed back and forth as if being rocked by her sheer anger. Without warning she lifted her head, opened her mouth wide and bit down on the upper half of the so-called skyscraper; her sharp, electricity charged teeth cleaving through all the brick, concrete and metal as effortlessly as a knife through bread. She cleanly snapped off the upper half of the building like it were beef jerky and chewed upon it noisily for a few moments before spitting out the munched-on remains into the city ruins.

Hardly a fitting punishment for such insignificant creatures, she thought in annoyance before lifting up the bottom half of the building and crushing it in a tight fist.

Shana stood back up at her full height, glancing down at the remains. At 2 miles now, she couldn't even see the specks scampering about, but she knew they were down there, she knew they were still uttering those awful words. Just thinking about it accelerated her growth, angry lightning crackling around her once again. 4 miles, 8 miles; her body rising up amongst the clouds and even disrupting a few flight paths as her swelling form knocked a few airplanes from the sky.

12 miles.

She glanced downward. The city now looked nothing more than a patch of dirt. Such a fitting image, she felt as she slowly raised her foot. Scum of the earth SHOULD be scrambling about in the dirt, those not fit to understand and recognize her genius are worth just as much. She brought her foot down with a muffled thud; as if sound itself was crushed underfoot from her furious impact.

Another city wiped off the map just because they called her crazy. Hopefully that colossal footprint would serve as a grim reminder as to not say that word to her again.

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