[Commission For Meister_Li] Unlimited

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#18 of Commission Stories

Disclaimer: This is a commission! This may or may not reflect my actual interests

Contains: Two characters fusion to become another, macro/micro themes, growth, urban destruction, obsession with power

Summary: Desperate to find a solution to their predicament; Misao and Joolira combine their powers to become a new entity: Scylla. Observe, as this is something that could pass for an episode of Steven Universe. :P

A funny thing this. This was actually meant to be a quick little flash fiction story cause I was in need of a quick buck. And, just like the character in this story, this grew into something monstrous. In any case, I had fun writing it. Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

Misao belongs to me.

Joolira belongs to Meister_Li

Scylla is joint ownership!

Story written by me.

Commissioned by Meister_Li

"We've been captured, bound, and thrown into this filthy cell in this dry cellar and you want to do WHAT?!" Misao yelled to the short statured imp while struggling amongst the enhanced rope that bound her arms and legs at the wrists and ankles, "Ugh who supplies these goons with stuff specific to stopping me?!"

"Join together!" Joolira said back, "Look, you got tricked by the bad guys and they stole important treasures from me! They're not afraid of me, but you get stronger with more water. What better way to deal with these chumps than to join with a water goddess like myself and combine our strengths?" Joolira asked proudly despite being wrapped up and tied down by rope.

Misao glared at Joolira and huffed, "First off they didn't trick me, they ran like cowards to hide behind all their stupid technology! They're wimps! Second, you need to stop getting your stuff stolen! Third, you're not a goddess, you're an imp, that's pretty low on the scale."

Joolira scowled, "Hey! I'm plenty powerful, ya fin head!" Joolira replied.

"You have fins on your head too, flamebrain!" Misao shot back while using her thick tail to point at Joolira's fiery red hair.

"Well I don't have to take that from you, bubblebutt!"

"Bubblebutt?! Your hips are so huge it's a wonder how you even get through doors? I guess it's because you're a SHRIMP!"

The two glared angrily at each other before backing down with a simultaneous huff.

"Alright fine, I can't think of any other way out of here. Even if I broke free, I don't have enough water to get away on my own unless I borrow power from you," Misao muttered while inching toward Joolira and flicking up a piece of her platinum bracelet with her tailfin to press a hidden button, "I'm undoing my Limiter, with our combined strength, self control shouldn't be an issue. Let's get this over with. Come on, let's combine."

"Really?!" Joolira looked to the taller female with bright eyes and a wide grin, "You'll combine with me?" She giggled with a flutter of her eyes and leaned in close, "Why I didn't know you felt that way about me, Bubblebutt."

Misao's cheeks blushed slightly with a tinted red as she grumbled, "D-don't make this weird okay? It's bad enough I have to do this through contact." She took a deep breath and moved even closer towards Joolira, "A-alright, now come here. Let's just--"

"Say no more!" Joolira sidled right up against Misao, leaning in with a giggle and planting her impish lips upon the vaporeon's, kissing her deeply.

Misao's fins perked up in surprise and her cheeks blushed an intense shade of red. She protested amongst muffles as the imp's tongue made it past her lips to play with her own; but nonetheless, what needed to be done was done. Her body began to slip into a liquid, intangible state; allowing her to draw in the mysterious imp into her. She drew in Joolira's form and power and combined it with her own; unleashing a bright blue light to signify a change in power. And with that power, Misao and Joolira fused to form a new, combined entity.

This new being took on a leviathan aquatic creature form not too unlike Misao's vaporeon shape. Instead of three head fins there were only the two at the sides; leant backwards and elongated to resemble elfen/imp-like ears much like Joolira's. Two additional pairs of fins also appeared on her body; on her outer arms attached to her elbows, and the other pair behind the calves of her legs.

Her hair was long, luxurious and flowing, yet wild and intense; appearing even more so with Joolira's fiery hair color. Her face was humanoid like Joolira's yet having a cute, black, animal-like nose like Misao's and their eye colors were combined to form a pair of cool, turquoise colored eyes. Another of Misao's traits was retained, in that she kept her short, white neck frill.

Her build was powerfully athletic; strong with thick, yet slender muscle. Her breasts were large and her hips and rear were thick to add a powerful layer of feminine appeal to her form. Her tail was not only longer and thicker, but stronger as well all while retaining its mermaid fin shape.

Her flesh was smooth was colored blue like Misao's, but her face, torso and inner thighs were a light shade of blue like Joolira's, as well as the undersides of her feet. Curious, unusual markings adorned the fusion form's body as it did Joolira's; with newer markings having appeared symmetrically on her face and torso.

She gave her new body a look over; glancing down at her open hands, down her body all the way to her feet. With a smirk, she clenched her fists and tightly flexed the muscles in her arms with a slight bulge of her biceps. "Not bad...not bad at all," the newly formed being said to herself, with a brand new voice to boot. Part Misao's boldness, part Joolira's mischievousness, and all confidence. She didn't even notice that she broke free of her bindings, and she didn't care either.

What she did care about however was how cramped her cell was. Standing straight up, she practically filled the entire thing out while being forced to hunch over. She not only had a new form and new power, but she was bigger as well! As for how big...

Upstairs above the cellar, a heated poker game was in progress among 5 thugs sitting around a large round table.

"All in," announced a street dressed male canine, pushing a large pile of money towards the center of the table.

It was down to this canine and the human male sitting across from him, staring intently at his cards before bringing his eyes to the canine. "I think I'm gonna call your bluff!" He replied before pushing his own money in. "Your tell gives you away you know. Whenever you lie you wiggle your nose!"

The canine grumbled over the fact he'd been found it, but still, two pairs isn't a bad hand. He began to show his hand, but paused as he felt the ground rumble underneath him, "Wait, you guys feel that?"

"Feel what? Just play the damn hand! Quit stalling!"

"Fine!" The canine threw down his cards, "Two pair!"

"Ace high straight! Read em and weep pal, this cash is all mine!" The human declared proudly. But as he reached for the stack of cash, the floor suddenly shook violently accompanied by the sound of a loud crash, "Hey, you guys feel that? What's going on in the cellar?"

And as if fate heard his question, it was quickly answered. A chunk of floor suddenly broke away and out came two marked, blue arms and the rest of the Mis-Jool fusion's upper body. She was roughly 13 feet tall which was more than what the ceiling of the cellar, let alone the cage, could handle.

"Finally! After ten thousand years I'm free! It's time to conquer the planet! ...Just kidding!" said the leviathan, grinning brightly at the other occupants in the room, "You guys should consider moving out of this dump. There's hardly any room for a gal like me!"

"Is...is that Misao? How'd she get free?" asked one of the panicked thugs.

"Misao? You're close. I am a sum of two parts, but I'm neither Misao nor Joolira. I'm....I'm....hmm..." She tilted her head in thought, "I don't have a name do I? Maybe Joolsao? Nah, maybe Misira? Hmm that sounds like Misery! Misery sounds cool...hmm nah, sounds a little too 'heavy' you know? Oh well I'll figure it out later."

After she finished rambling, she pulled herself up from the lower floor to gain some proper footing, only to bump her head against the next ceiling and was forced to hunch over. "Ugh, you guys hang out in such a dump! How's a girl supposed to get comfortable in a place like this?"

The thugs quickly regrouped while one of them drew a handgun and aimed right at the large creature in front of them, "I don't know what you did or how you got out of the cage, but these Electro Bullets will put you down!" He pulled the trigger, firing off an elementally charged round with a loud *BANG*.

The bullet zipped through the air until it made contract with her stomach; giving off a quick spark before harmlessly bouncing off and falling to the floor, leaving nothing but a small indent and a watery ripple at the point of contact. Eyes suddenly wide and his body shaking with panic, he fired again; one shot after another until his pistol produced nothing but loud clicks to signify his depleted ammunition.

The result was the same: the bullets harmlessly bounced off their target and fell to the floor, again leaving nothing but evidence that she was shot; but no damage was done to her.

"Oh?" She slapped her tail against the wall behind her; leaving a large crack in the shape of her fin while causing the whole building to shake and the thugs to lose their footing. "So you little boys wanna play, do you?" She dragged her tongue along her lips and gave them a smack, "Then let's play, but you're going to have to do better than those puny little toys."

She took a deep breath while pursing her lips and unleashed a powerful, high pressure stream of water into the group; blasting them through the entrance of the building and out into the street. She followed after, casually bursting through walls and doors like they were mere minor inconveniences. She stood at her full height with a relieved sigh; giving her arms and neck a well deserved stretch.

"Ahh...much better. It was awfully crowded in there," She then set her turquoise eyes upon the heap of criminals that was bowled over by her water blast; completely soaked and slumped in a deep puddle. "Honestly, is that all you wimps are capable of? My base forms must be absolutely pathetic to get captured by you runts," She scoffed and placed her hands on her hips, lazily flinging her tail back and forth behind her, "Is there no one else? I haven't even started to have fun yet!"

"Hey what's going on here? What's all that noise?"

It was like her wish was granted as more thugs began to show up to investigate the disturbance, only to find the 13 foot tall creature and the pile of beaten thugs in the street. It wasn't difficult for them to put two and two together.

"Holy crap is that Misao?"

"She looks different."

"She's already bigger, she must have found some water!"

"Alright, alright, stop crying you wimps!" barked a tall, muscular black wolf with a scar over one eye as he moved to the front of the crowd. On his right hand was a peculiar glove capable of generating an electric charge; the very Shock Fist that took Misao down in the first place. "I don't know what you did to yourself, how you escaped, or where your clothes went, but it doesn't matter. I'm gonna put you back down," said the wolf to the creature that was roughly twice the size of he was.

And she didn't care.

She found her reflection in the windows of a nearby building and was caught up in being impressed by her own looks. From playing with her wild hair, flexing her arms, blowing kisses at her reflection and lifting and lowering her boobs repeatedly; she hardly paid attention to the diminutive-in-comparison wolf that was proudly boasting behind her. She lazily looked over her shoulder and smirked, "Oh I'm sorry little man, were you saying something? Are you boys through with your little time-out?" She turned to face him and set her fists on her hips with a proud smile, "Give me your best shot then!"

Flustered by her taunting, the wolf tightened his gloved fist and gave off a bright spark of electricity. He charged toward her with a loud roar and threw his fist with all his might, driving his punch right into the fusion's firm abs and unleashed a powerful electric blast right into her.

"Hah! How do you like that? Not so tough now, are you?" said the wolf with overwhelming confidence. Misao being weak to electricity was no secret among her enemies, but there was just one catch: this wasn't Misao.

"Oooh, that tickled, but don't tell me that's all you have for me," quipped the fusion as she stared down with disappointment at the wolf.

His confidence quickly shifted into sheer dread, his cocky grin giving way to an agape mouth.

"Honestly," She reached down and curled her fingers around the wolf's arm, crushing the glove in the process. Seizing his arm, she lifted him clear off his feet up to eye level, where she glared at him with disappointment. "You punks are nothing without your little toys aren't you? Something like that isn't going to work on me."

"Ack, hey! Lemme go! Please! That hurts!" pleaded the wolf, squirming wildly while in her grip.

"Mm?" She leaned in close and blinked, studying him with her turquoise eyes, "Now where did all that bravado from before go? You were so confident moments ago. Now you're begging and pleading. Ah...that look on your face, that worry in your eyes. You're scared, aren't you?" She slowly licked her lips and even took a light sniff, "Oh yes. That's fear, I can smell it...I can taste it. It makes me...tingly."

It shouldn't have come as a surprise. Being part Joolira, she would have easily inherited the water imp's trait of gaining power from the fear of others. She felt it coursing through her; visually evident by the markings on her body glowing considerably. She felt it from the tips of her ears all the way to her toes. It felt good. And if one person's fear could make her feel this good...

"Now things will get more interesting," She mused as she promptly flung the wolf over her shoulder into an open dumpster, her eyes now focused on the group of thugs before her. She could feel it from them as well; that sweet delicious fear. It was enough to make her knees weak, but still she craved more.

And she knew just how to get it.

"What's wrong, little boys? Scared? Terrified? Absolutely paralyzed with awe because I made your weapons useless and did away with one of your leaders like the trash he is? Well trust me, you haven't seen anything yet," She said with a wide, shrewd grin. She took a wide stance and spread her arms far apart while taking a deep breath. Within moments, the ground began to tremble and even the air itself seemed to shiver. One of the criminals quickly found that the water bottle he held in his hand was vibrating violently seconds before leaving his hand and flying into the air. It promptly burst, and newly freed water formed into a rope that flew towards the fusion, being absorbed into her.

Fire hydrants exploded and water pipes burst through the damaged tarmac and concrete of the streets to offer up a constant flow of water to the fusion. She shut her eyes with a gleeful moan as she absorbed more liquid, her body starting to expand, swell and grow in size with powerful pulses akin to a slow, strong heartbeat. The already run-down streets cracked and buckled under her growing feet and increasing weight; the dilapidated building fell victim to her ample rear, strong back and mighty tail.

She was getting bigger with every breath and she loved every second of it.

"Oh god she's getting huge! Run!" The thugs suddenly scattered, running in all directions (except toward her) in an attempt to escape while she quickly filled the streets.

She licked her lips and giggled with excitement as she continued to grow and grow; her influence over water sources spreading further and wider as roads of liquid formed within the air, being pulled into her body. "Oh yes! Give me more! I demand more!" She laughed while clenching her fists, opening her eyes to see the masses fleeing. She was already over one hundred feet and growing still; surging larger and larger as the seconds passed.

"Aww what's wrong little guys? Don't tell me you're scared of such beauty and power?! Ahh~ you're all so mean! Making me feel like a beautiful monster! You puny boys can be SO cruel! I think my feelings are hurt!" She teased, "But I do like the sound of that...a beautiful monster...that gives me the perfect name, Scylla," She hugged herself with a pleased sigh, "But I'm still upset you can't appreciate this body, and you even tease me by wanting to play, and then you all just run away! I'll just have to teach you boys how to respect a lady!"

With a clenched fist and flexed muscles, Scylla slammed her arm into a nearby building. Being that such a run down city district is where these thieves and thugs made their home, the building submitted to the wrath of her excessive force. The upper part of the structure was easily blown aside by the impact, colliding into another building and causing it to fall over. Debris and rubble was strewn all over the alley ways and the streets, cutting off a few escape routes.

"Whoops, looks like I don't know my own strength," She giggled, and then set her eyes on the opposite end of the street. "You boys aren't getting away either. You started this, you're going to see this finished!" Eager to show off more of her power, Scylla quickly raised her foot, and with a quick wiggle of her toes, stomped it right back down on the ground. The very earth itself seemed to wince from the hard impact as her heavy foot left its permanent mark in the form of a deep footprint; but that wasn't what she was aiming for, it was what came next.

A series of cracks raced out from the source of impact in a wild, snaking pattern until they approached the fleeing group. The ground suddenly ripped open as a powerful, massive spout of water rose up from underneath them; blasting upward not only them, but a large section of the street as well. From the thugs, to the stores, streets and town-houses; all were launched high into the sky. But it didn't stop there. Numerous additional spouts appeared throughout the district to repeat the process of blasting many sections of it high into the sky; causing a catastrophic rainfall of heavy water, rubble, and debris.

"Oh goodness me," Scylla said with mock concern, "That wasn't supposed to happen," She grinned, watching the fallout of her handiwork.

Indeed it wasn't. She was so caught up in toying with her prey that she didn't notice her power increasing. She was still growing; allowing for a seemingly endless flow of water being offered to her like gifts from worshippers, which caused more and more fearful eyes to be set upon her, which in turn gave her more power.

Before she could even realize it, her toes had already demolished several buildings by simply growing through and over them. Vehicles and their owners alike disappeared under her rubbery soles. Her expanding form cast an increasingly large shadow over the district. In mere minutes she had caused untold amounts of destruction to the lawless zone; which to her may as well have been a nest of bugs at this point.

"My my, you're all going to have one heck of a plumbing problem after this," She tittered, dropping down to her knees with a violent quake. She bent forward to rest upon all fours, her hands carelessly crashing down upon a plaza and an apartment complex in a plume of dust and debris. She squinted her eyes, watching all the panicking criminals that were hard pressed to look any larger than grains of rice in her eyes; if that. "And I thought you little boys were insignificant before, you're literally ants before me now. Too weak and insignificant to provide me any entertainment."

Her body swelled even larger with one final, powerful pulse; her body now many times larger than she was a minute ago. She had easily exhausted all the water for miles, but she hardly minded. She was massive beyond her expectations, looming high and above her so-called foes. The district was now a mere model playset that was effortlessly crunched underneath her. She was unstoppable, and she knew it.

"But you're not worthless enough that I can't entertain myself," Scylla said with a sultry whisper. She hovered her body over a large section of the district, giggling as her gargantuan breasts dangled menacingly overhead; the sky of those below now replaced with that curiously marked, goddess-esque body, and most notably, the jiggling orbs attached to the upper torso. "Better watch out, cause here comes the waterfall!" She grinned before lowering her body down upon the uptown area, driving her massive mammaries down onto the area. Everything was pulverized before their might in a grand, destructive display as thick clouds of smoke, dust and debris were kicked up as everything was buried into a deep imprint of her bust. The rest of her body followed, ensuring everything cast in her shadow was crushed flat beneath her powerful form; all accentuated by the intense, violent earthquake that accompanied the impact.

"Mmmmmph...." She uttered a deep moan as she laid there, sprawled out on the ruins of the seedy, crime riddled district. Her tail swished lazily behind her, the literal tailwind scooping up any passengers that sought safety on or in between her legs and flung them into the far distance. She curled her toes; claw tips and rubbery flesh digging through remains as they curved upwards, and just the same as she relaxed them.

After this brief respite, Scylla slowly rose back on her knees, eyes eagerly surveying her handiwork: the massive crater she left behind. Her lips slowly pulled back to reveal a dark, mischievous grin. She started to snicker, then chuckle, then giggle, then burst into full blown laughter. She clenched her fists tightly and raised them proudly into the air, "Now THIS is power! Did you all see it? Were you in awe of my strength? In no time at all I leveled this entire area, and I was merely playing!"

She slowly glanced over her shoulder, those turquoise orbs locking onto the damaged neighborhoods still standing a fair distance behind her. "Well? Did you see it from back there? Did you enjoy that display in your little front row seats?" She giggled to herself, getting back down on all fours once again. She slowly crawled backwards, positioning herself in the perfect spot to park her luscious derriere onto her current target, "You guys can do so much better," She said as she hiked her tail upwards and lifted her hips, "After all, why watch, when you can experience it yourself?!"

With a laugh, she dropped her hips, driving her bubbly rear down upon the remaining structures that had the audacity to remain standing in her presence. They were all effortlessly flattened; pressed deep into an impressive Scylla's butt print.

"Do you understand now?!" She laughed as she bounced her hips repeatedly on the remains, "Do you see what I'm capable of?" She wiggled her hips a bit before rising up on her feet. "This is my power!" She stomped wildly on a section of the district, "This is my strength!" Again, she stomped. "You can't beat me!" Stomp, smoke and dust everywhere. "You can't stop me!" Stomp, chunks of brick and concrete flying. "I! Am! Unbeatable!" Stomp, stomp, stomp. "This!" She leapt into the air, landing with devastating force on another section of the area. "Is!" Jump. Crash. "Pure!" Hop. Smash. "Unadulterated!" She took a huge jump into the air, "Power---huh?!"

During the peak of her jump, Scylla's markings began to shine brightly as she was suddenly enveloped into a bright blue light that quickly dissipated, leaving a (relatively enormous) Misao and Joolira in its wake.

"Huh?" Misao blinked before looking over at Joolira.

"Eh?" Joolira blinked before looking over at Misao.

Gravity quickly took hold and Misao was the first to fall; the hundreds of feet tall vaporeon landing face first upon Scylla's intended target. The smaller statured Joolira wasn't too far behind, landing right on top of Misao; much to the vaporeon's displeasure.

Sitting upon Misao's back as if she were a loyal steed, Joolira glanced around with curious amusement, "I wonder why the fusion broke? That was far too much fun."

"Ugggh," Misao slowly raised her head, "I guess there's a time limit, just as well, the city could have been next. Ow...my head is killing me."

Joolira snickered, "Well, we should totally do that again!"

"No way," Misao replied.

"Aw, why not?" Joolira whined as she hopped off of Misao, landing in front of her. "It was fun! Oh c'mon," She leaned in close, "Give ol Jooli a smooch and we can go for round two, maybe even surprise that squirrel boy of yours," She giggled before puckering her lips and making smooching sounds.

A sly grin appeared on Misao's face as if she was onboard with the idea. "Hmm, now that does sound like fun, alright, I'm game," She said before pursuing her own lips, only to blast Joolira away with a powerful stream of water, "Fat chance I'm doing that again!"

"You're so crueeeeeeeeel!" Joolira cried out as she was launched off into the distance.

The Weight Of The Situation

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