Storytime With Lysithea

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#5 of Stories

CONTAINS: F/x, micro, foot play, vore

Lysi is like the worst muse ever. She suddenly just gets in the way of what I'm doing and makes pouty faces at me while complaining about not having another story with her in it. An idea crept in my head and I struck while the iron was hot.

So just a silly thing of what kinda goes on when Lysi is bored and has all these playthings about, a pretty stacked LARP session. Join in as Lysi tells the story of Lord Sunny Muffins, the Knight of Cupcakes on his attempt to rescue Princess Fluffbutt from the evil Cutie Snatcher.

Mature for textual nudity.

Lysithea belongs to me.

"It had been a long and perilous journey for our hero, Lord Sunny Muffins, but he finally made it to the dwelling of the giant Cutie Snatcher where his loving princess waited for his rescue. While the Cutie Snatcher was nowhere to be found, one more obstacle remained for the Knight of Cupcakes and Rainbows; he would have to climb the Prison Tower to reach his love at the top--"

"This is stupid," interrupted a male skunk all dolled up to be some kind of heroic knight, waving his tiny plastic sword angrily up at the giant, white furred, blue ringed female Umbreon, "This game is stupid, all your games are stupid! You always win! What kind of name is 'Lord Sunny Muffins the Knight of Cupcakes' anyway?! My armor is pink and my sword is plastic!"

  • AHEM! -

Lysi cleared her throat loudly, her moon reflective eyes staring down at the skunk like a clear night sky, "Should Lord Sunny Muffins forget, he's fighting against time here. The Cutie Snatcher could return at any moment!"

"You're the Cutie Snatcher and you're standing right there!" 'Sunny Muffins' shot back.

"Lord Sunny Muffins heeeelp me already!" yelled a red panda wearing a white princess-like dress, "Hurry before the Cutie Snatcher comes back and finds you!"

Lysithea smirked, drumming her white furred toes against the plush, pink carpet, "Princess Fluffbutt is right, Sunny Muffins, better hurry~" She warned in an adorable singsong.

The skunk hung his head with a sigh and sheathed his sword, "Don't you worry Princess Fluffbutt! I, the Knight of....Cup...cakes...will save you!" He said reluctantly, resigning himself to his role in Lysi's little game.

He trudged along the pink carpet up to the relative tree of various types of cages Lysi used to hold her captives, and to further his torture, 'Princess Fluffbutt's cage was on one of the 'upper branches' of the tree of cages.

"It was a dangerous and enduring climb for the Cupcake Knight as he made his way up the jailhouse tower of prison cells; forced to see the adorable cuties the Cutie Snatcher has taken for itself as prizes. Especially that one there, isn't he so cute? I could just tickle that cute little tummy. Oh and her, isn't her tail just adorable? It compliments her cute butt don't you think? And how about--"

"AND AS THE CUPCAKE KNIGHT CONTINUED THIS TIRING, LENGTHY CLIMB," Sunny Muffins yelled out to get Lysithea's thought pattern back on track.

"Oh it turns out, Sunny Muffins found the climb too challenging in the interest of time so he decided to use his levitation magic to quickly get to the princess!" Lysi declared.

"Wait? I have levitation magic? Why didn't I use this from the get go?" the skunk asked angrily.

"To preserve his strength in case he needed it to battle the baddies in the Cutie Snatcher's lair, duh!" Lysi smiled and reached out to gently pinch the skunk's waist to lift him up to the upper branches towards the lovely Princess' cage, "And now our hero has reached his destination, he will soon be reunited with his darling Princess Fluffbutt!"

The skunk grumbled in annoyance as he made his way over to the red panda girl's cage, wrapping his fingers around the bars only to realize there was a large, obvious lock on the cage. His expression went blank as he noticed the large, obvious lock that kept the cage shut tight. "What a's locked. Oh I know, maybe in a heroic gesture the hero is meant to smash down the lock with his mighty sword!" Lord Sunny Muffins proclaimed as he drew forth his trusty plastic blade to thwack it against the lock.

"Alas, the Cupcake Knight's plan would fail as it's a high level magic super lock!" Lysi said.

"That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard! Now you're just cheating! How am I supposed to rescue the princess? Hell, I don't even know this woman, why should I care?" Sunny Muffins shouted back.

"Just play along, seriously," whispered Princess Fluffbutt, "You don't wanna know what happened to the last guy who didn't play along..."

  • AHEM!-

Lysi cleared her throat loudly as she narrowed her piercing eyes at the skunk, "I believe Lord Sunny Muffins was quite upset that he was soooo close yet soooo far from his love. It probably hasn't sunk in yet..."

"Oh come on!" yelled the skunk, "If it wasn't locked the princess would have obviously escaped! If not, surely the hero would have found a key or have a solution to this kind of lock!"

Lysithea growled.

Sunny Muffins swallowed a huge lump in his throat; while not looking directly at Lysithea, he could feel her stare upon him. That pleasant warmth that normally surrounded her was replaced with a freezing chill; it would only get worse if she got angry. The skunk took a deep breath and slumped down to his knees while clinging to the cage, "No! It's locked! I'm sorry my Princess, it seems I have failed you! My magic isn't powerful enough to break this lock!"

"But all was not lost! There was a solution that Princess Fluffbutt knows about!" narrated Lysi.

"Yes! Not to worry my darling, I know where the key is...but it'll be dangerous," said Fluffbutt, it was obvious to the skunk now that the red panda has done this gig before.

He rolled his eyes in response, but had to play along if he knew what was good for him, "Not to worry my love. I'll go through hell endless times if it meant saving you, where is the key?"

"It's...the...the Cutie Snatcher keeps it on itself, you'll have to somehow get it from that creature," Fluffbutt whispered.

Sunny Muffins groaned in annoyance and shook his head, "'ve GOT to be kidding."

"Nope!" Lysithea chirped up, "And you better watch out b'cos the Cutie Snatcher is HERE! Rawr! Who dares invade my lair?! Another fool who has come to save the princess?! You won't escape from here alive!" She grinned brightly with an inward giggle, extending her glowing blue claws and taking a playful swipe at Sunny Muffins.

The Cupcake Knight yelped out as he narrowly avoided getting raked by wide swing and stumbled off the branch, landing on the one underneath it with a groan; landing on his front. "I guess..." he said as he rose up to his feet, readying his toy sword, "I'll just have to take down this monster once and for all! FOR THE KINGDOM!" The skunk shouted as he leapt from the branch toward Lysithea, playing the dreaded Cutie Snatcher.

"Aaaaah! Noooo!" Lysi cried out, closing her eyes and wincing as if the attack would actually hurt her. But role-play or not, the skunk had misjudged the distance from his leap, sending him crashing right into Lysithea's chest. He collided into the soft fabric of her top and the even softer underlying breast underneath, causing him to bounce back with a light jiggle of her chest and fall down to the floor; bumping off her thigh and bouncing off the top of her foot in the process, landing ungracefully at her thick paws.

Lysithea opened her eyes and blinked in confusion, slowly glancing downward at the fallen skunk with her ears perked before curiously lifting her right breast with a giggle, " seems Sunny Muffins was knocked off guard by the Cutie Snatcher's emergency barrier. It seems now the proud Knight of Cupcakes is at the mercy of the giant beast..." Lysi said, purring out those last words as she leaned in over Sir Sunny Muffins, looming over him with a wide grin, "Will he be able to fend off her vicious attack?"

"Nnngh...huh?" Sunny Muffins murmured in his stupor, rolling over onto his back only to see Lysi's foot raised over him; that soft white sole and glowing blue pads in all their glory. "Hey! W-wait a second!" His eyes went wide, knowing exactly what was coming next as he raised his arms up in protest as if such a gesture would stop her foot entirely.

It didn't.

"Oh no! Lord Sunny Muffins!" cried out Fluffbutt from her cage.

Lysi's foot came crashing down on top of him, pinning him flat underneath her sole with his face buried deep in her soft, pillowy, scented mainpad. The skunk attempted to struggle and fight, but he was pressed down into the plush carpet of Lysi's bedroom, unable to budge an inch under the compressing weight and pressure. It only got worse when his body was ground harshly against the carpet as Lysi twisted her foot back and forth; grinding and crushing the poor knight into the pink flooring.

"Aww, the poor poor Cupcake Knight," Lysi teased, finally lifting her foot and releasing the skunk from his current predicament, only knock her toes into him and playfully kick him a few feet across her bedroom, flopping down onto his front. "Looks like things aren't looking so good for poor Sunny Muffins. His inability to break past the Cutie Snatcher's barrier cause him to feel the full brunt of the creature's mighty attack," She narrated as she light stepped over to him and rested her foot upon his back and her toes lay over his head.

"It seems our hero is done for..." Lysi said rather solemnly, yet with a hint of enjoyment as she purred, curling her toes and gripping the skunk head with them, burying his face deep into where her sweet musk was at its strongest. She lifted her foot and the skunk along with it, his limp body just dangling as she held him up by his head. The fight was certainly taken out of him, even more so as every breath of a fresh air was replaced by a strong whiff of her intoxicating musk.

Lysithea's ears twitched and her nose wiggled as she picked up on something only someone with her enhanced senses could pick up on. She lifted her legs and brought her hand underneath her foot, relaxing her toes to let the stunned skunk fall right into her warm, soft hands. She lifted him up towards eye level and grinned, wagging her tail quickly while tracing her lips with the tip of her tongue, "How unfortunate for our hero! He fell under Cutie Snatcher's charm spell! Isn't that right little hero?"

"Uggh...I'm...I'm not done yet..." the skunk knight grumbled as he slowly stood up on shaking legs, "I'm...I'm..." It was too hard for him to focus; he had fallen under the sensory overload Lysithea was known to cause: that warming, welcoming heat her body radiated; the sweet, intoxicating scent that emanated from her, causing one's hormones to rage.

"It's...really hot in here..." Sunny Muffins murmured as he fumbled with his costume.

Lysithea, Fluffbutt and all the other micros in audience of Lysithea's play watched as the skunk quickly rid himself of his outfit; tossing his armor and accessories off the side of Lysi's hand and stood before her grinning face naked, and completely aroused.

"And this is where our story ends for Sir Sunny Muffins, another victim of the Cutie Snatcher. Time for you to meet the fate of all cupcakes, little knight," Lysi murred and opened her mouth wide, revealing the depths of her blue colored maw; slick and wet with her saliva. Her warm, sweet breath washed over the indoctrinated skunk, causing him to shiver and murr in anxious delight. Without so much as a protest, Sunny Muffins marched forward and stepped in past her lips and flopped down upon her tongue, moaning with all the pleasures in the world upon feeling her thick, squishy muscle against him.

Satisfied, the white Umbreon closed his mouth shut and purred, running her tongue against the hypnotized skunk as she suckled on him; going from pinning him to the ridged roof of her azure colored maw to pressing him into the insides of her cheek with her tongue, ever so eager to toy with her food until she was ready for that final moment. The moment where she tilted her head back slowly and allowed her prey to slide down along her tongue and down into her throat.

"Mmmph..." she groaned, digging her toes into the carpet as her fingers massaged over the lump in her throat; feeling the Cupcake Knight wriggle against her tight throat as she swallowed, those muscles squeezing and pushing the skunk down little by little until she made one loud final -glmmph~-, gulping the skunk down and sending him down into the dimly lit, blue cave that was her stomach; landing in her juices with an unheard splash.

"And so ends the tale of the Cupcake Knight," Lysi purred, rubbing her belly while looking to Princess Fluffbutt, "Sorry your highness, looks like you don't get saved this time, but..." Lysi looked over to the cages and slowly sauntered over to them, leaning over slightly and giving a sharp toothed grin to her captives, "Let's see who gets to be the danger seeking rogue who wants to attempt to rescue a princess..."

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