Lift Up Your Voice

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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It was the night of the concert. The young orange furred, golden eyed, long red haired kitsune sat backstage, staring into the mirror within her dressing room with a look of nervousness and fright. She looked herself over, her face all skillfully done up with makeup, a sparkling diamond pendant attached to the silver chain around her neck, a pair of elbow length silken purple gloves; her dress: a long gorgeous red, form fitting, showing off her lovely curves and accentuating her appealing breasts, exposing gratuitous cleavage.

Yet her beauty didn't match her confidence. She felt she wasn't ready, not up to the task of singing in front of thousands in a full concert hall. It was far different from singing in front of people she knew, different from singing for and with her music teacher. "I can't do this..." She muttered to herself.

The door to her dressing room swung open as soon as she was about to rise from her seat; her music teacher, Moonlight stepped into her room sporting a fine suit and fancy shoes, appropriate for the show. "It's almost showtime, gorgeous! It's the night you've been waiting for and we're sold out! Aren't you excited?" The Umbreon exclaimed as he walked over to his panicked student, his cheerful expression leaving him as soon as he saw hers'.

The kitsune looked up to him with eyes full of fright, shaking her head slowly, "I can't do it, I'm...I'm terrified, Moonlight. I can't go out there, what if I blow it?!" She whined.

Moonlight placed his hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently to calm her down, "You won't blow it. You just have a bit of stage fright, but don't you worry, that's easily taken care of."

"Don't try and tell me to picture them all in their underwear, that won't work," She replied bitterly.

"No no, not at all. I have something much better in mind, something that would fill you with nothing but confidence and you'll give a performance no one will ever forget," He said with a playful grin. He slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled out a small throat drop with an inky blackness swirling about within.

"And what in the world is that...?" She asked as she locked her lovely eyes upon the drop.

Moonlight's rings surged softly with light, that mischievousness of his now apparent; though his student had no idea what it meant. "The solution to your problem," He said as he held it toward her, "Down it, and it'll strengthen your voice and give you all the confidence you need. You'll blow the roof off the place."

She quirked an eyebrow, of course she had the right to be skeptical like any other person would; she had never seen this kind of product before, but at the same time, she trusted her teacher. She took it up gingerly between her fingers and stared at it, her eyes looking back to the Umbreon and back to the drop, "I'm trusting you Moonlight," She said in a stern voice before opening wide and tossing the drop into her mouth. She placed her fingers upon her throat and gulped it down, feeling the bulge pass her touch with a smile. She felt a warm tingle throughout her body, causing her to feel more excited, more eager to perform.

For all she knew it could have been a plain throat lozenge he gave her and that he was just trying to boost her confidence in a psychological manner. Either way, it was working already.

She stood up from her seat and took a deep breath, smiling to Moonlight and leaning up to place a kiss on his cheek, "Thank you Moonlight, I feel like I can take on the world suddenly."

Moonlight smiled and started to hurry her towards the door and onto the stage, "Glad to hear it sweetheart. Now hurry, it's almost time for the curtains to rise." He patted her back reassuringly and grinned, "I'll be right in the audience. Knock 'em dead, kid." He left her behind the curtain and retreated to his seat, waiting for the show to begin with a playful grin on his face.

She walked up on the stage as the curtains parted, being greeted with gracious applause and cheers. Her golden eyes twinkled as she stared out at the audience while approaching the microphone, cupping the back of it with one hand and curling her fingers around the stand with the other.

She waited for the applause to die down and the music to start, the band in front of the stage opening with a slow simple ballad. She began to sing, her voice strong and pleasing; as perfect as an angel and as alluring as siren, her voice touched upon the minds and hearts of the audience, it was nigh hypnotic.

Soon the music began to pick up and she began to dance lightly along with the music she sang along with, feeling a warm sensation over take her body, being filled with energy; an excitable tingling causing her to sing and dance with more energy. Then it happened, her dress started to fit tighter, the girl's breasts began to swell larger, her rear pushing out and rounding more and her hips filling out wider. Her gloves began to tear along the sides as her arms grew out of them.

The more she sang, the more energy she would build up which caused her to grow even more. Her breasts pushed free of their confines, exposing her pink hardened nipples; the dress being torn away at the front as they bobbed freely from her movements. The dress ripped up along the sides, showing her off her gorgeous legs that swelled, thickened and lengthened as the seconds passed. Her heels exploded as her paws burst free from them, those lovely purple shoes no longer what they once were as her pretty feet grew with the rest of her body.

Next order of business for her body was to become taller; staying within proportions (save for her breasts) as she almost tore herself completely free of her clothing. What was meant for a 5'6" person to wear was nigh impossible for someone going on 6'3" and climbing; her gloves tearing and ripping until they were mere tatters of silk on her arms. Her dress tried it's hardest to keep her ever enlarging figuring within, but it too succumbed to her expanding body, being stretched and pulled to shreds that no longer preserved her modesty.

The audience looked on in awe, surprise and fear; unsure of what to think of this spectacle but never keeping their attention off of it. Her movements and singing had them mesmerized alongside the amazing phenomenon that was her growth, and it would only become more so as she grew bigger and larger.

The wooden stage strained underneath her ever increasing weight, the kitsune's eyes lighting up and her lips pulling back into a wide smile as she continued to perform. Her body steadily sculpted itself into a gorgeous hourglass shape, long legs, thick thighs, wide hips, perfect bubble butt, amazing curves; this girl was having it all. Her hair grew longer as well, now coming down to the middle of her back. Her body continued to rise in height and her breasts continued to swell larger, bouncing wildly as she continued to dance on the surprisingly sturdy stage.

Her height rose way up into the double digits, her head bobbing just under the stage lights as her performance continued; though by now the band had long fled from their seats for their safety, the kitsune now singing a cappella. Her voice became stronger and more powerful, but remained just as beautiful; it was as if that was powering her growth. The better she sounded the bigger she became, taking upon an amazing Amazonian shape as the stage buckled underneath her; her head bumping against the stage lights and sending them raining down all over the crushed stage.

She stepped free from the broken stage, a large paw slamming down upon the band's former sitting space with a loud crunch, the kitsune still moving her body to the music in her head; the singing never ceasing.

The audience broke free of the trance from the expanding destruction happening before them and began to pour out of the theater en masse, Moonlight being the only one to remain in his seat to watch the spectacle.

The kitsune looked to the ceiling of the hall and promptly thrust her fist right through it, reaching up with her other hand to tear it away as she out grew the building. She wiggled her hips about to give herself more breathing room; bumping that large rump against the side of the building to send it toppling over in a rain of rubble and debris into the streets.

"Ready for the grand finale?!" She announced, her body rumbling madly with growth as she started swelling up at a rapid pace, 120ft...170ft...230ft, growing more and more and more, her body looking more powerful as she did so, appearing as some sort of Amazonian sexual goddess.

She spread her arms, shoving aside some buildings like they were nothing, slowly building her voice from a low pitch towards a higher one. 250ft...290ft...330ft. All eyes were on her as she became a city spectacle. People watched from the streets, from their homes; news vans and choppers were already on the scene, watching this ever growing diva do her thing.

She hit that glorious high note and held it, her body topping out at a whopping 550ft, as she raised her arms and basked in the attention. The lights, the cameras; all were squarely focused on her and that amazing gigantic form.

When it was all said and done, there was an amazing roar of applause and cheers throughout the streets; everyone loved it and demanded an encore. Moonlight appeared on the kitsune's shoulder, smiling up to her view filling face and gave a thumbs up, "See? Told you you'd blow the roof off and give them a performance you'll never forget."

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