Locker Room Story 10: Fuck the Cheerleader

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And to close up the locker room stream, we have something from FA: Nataraj who wanted a story of him being a cheerleader, who has to service a team of elephant football players after his team loses the game. Oh boy are they in for a shock.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

Fuck the Cheerleader for Nataraj by Draconicon

"Our boys should have won."

Nataraj knew that for a fact. The Lazy Lizards might have been a crappy team name, but they should have won the football game. And they would have, too, if the opposing college hadn't had all the floodlights replaced with heat lamps. As soon as they'd come on, everyone had scuttled for the nearest rock to sun on, and their rivals had steamrolled them to the championship.

"Where the hell did they find so many rocks for us, anyway?"

The cheerleading lizard didn't know, and at this point, he didn't care. Having lost the game, his team had lost on the pre-game wager, which was him. Nataraj grumbled as he continued carrying his pom-poms with him down the hall, the lizard shaking them back and forth as he continued to stew in his post-game frustration.

Not that he hadn't enjoyed the heat lamps, of course. There wasn't a lizard alive that could avoid them if they were turned on. But to play on a weakness like that was dirty, low-down, cheating!

Rustle rustle rustle went the pom-poms as the skirt-wearing lizard stomped down towards the other end of the stadium. A few people from Grayville State waved at him as he walked by, but he just hissed and shook his pom-poms in their faces. They backed off quickly enough after that. It made him feel better, too. Like a snake. A skirt wearing rattlesnake, except with pom-poms instead of a rattle.

He stomped all the way to the other college's locker room before stopping to take a deep breath. It didn't help, of course; all that happened was that he looked fat for a second from all the air that he took in, and not in a way that any good cheerleader should look. He let it out in a long hiss, and then kicked in the door.

Or, rather, tried to. The lizard hopped around, clutching his foot.

"Give me an F! Give me a U! Give me a C! Give me a K!"

He grumbled as he cradled his foot, groaning at the throbbing feeling in the toes. So much for a dramatic entrance.

Nataraj was just getting to the point of setting his foot down when the locker room door opened. Standing there was the team captain, a short, squat elephant that was barely of a height with him, though with pretty thick muscles. The elephant smirked behind his trunk, and the lizard fought the urge to stuff that smirk with his pom-poms.

"So, finally here, huh? What's the matter? Spend a few hours sunning yourself with the Lazy Losers?"

"That's Lazy Lizards to you, big nose."

"Is that the best you can do?"

"No, but it's the best you can do, considering it's probably hanging lower on you than your cock."

Considering the tip of the elephant's trunk was just a few inches below his hips, that was saying something. The team captain turned red and stepped to the side, gesturing for the lizard to come in. Nataraj, being the proper cheerleader that he was, did so with a swish and a skip through the door.

Of course, most proper cheerleaders don't get grabbed by their tail and hoisted over the shoulders of the rival team. The lizard yelped as he was grabbed and pulled along, and kicked the elephant in the ass. Unfortunately, he both did it with his sore foot and the elephant's butt might as well have been rock, and he yelped again.

"What are you made of, marble? Or maybe granite, because you're such cheap cheaters!"

"Do you ever shut up?"

"I'm a cheerleader."

"So, only if you got a dick in your mouth?"

"Only if I've got a big dick in my mouth. So sucks to be you, doesn't it?"

"Will you -"

"Doesn't mean I won't, you know. I mean, I'll still suck, if I can find your tiny little thing, but it doesn't mean I'm going to shut up while doing it. There's a lot that can be said about a guy's itty bitty junk, particularly when -"

The elephant finally let him go, but the lizard landed on his hands. With the practice of any good cheerleader, Nataraj backflipped towards the main part of the locker room, and landed in the middle of the room, pom-poms in the air as he stood on the bench.

Unfortunately, the move also threw his skirt up, and he wasn't wearing any underwear, so they got quite the eye-full of his junk. One of the still-dressed elephants groaned, looking away.

"Well, that kills my boner."

Nataraj stuck out his tongue.

"Like it was ever alive to begin with."

"More alive than yours, lizard!"

"Hey, I'm a cheerleader. I'm supposed to be slutting it around and taking it in both ends. What excuse do you have, floppy?"

The elephant leaped forward, but was stopped by the rest of his teammates. Before the lizard could enjoy it more, he was yanked off of the bench and landed hard on the floor, only getting a bit of cushion from his own rounded rump. He was pinned in place by a large shoe, pressing against his chest, as the team captain took a seat.

"You have a big mouth on you. I think it's time that we started filling it up."

"You think you're going to do that with your cock? I doubt it."

"Not my cock."

The team captain unlaced his other shoe, and pulled out a big, shiny foot that fairly dripped with sweat. There was so much on it, so much droplets that it actually dripped towards the floor, and the sock in the shoe looked like it wanted to wriggle away from the rank, musky foot.

"You're going to be sucking on this for a while, boy. I hope you're ready to spend all night - WHOA!"

The lizard hadn't even let the elephant finish as he started lashing that foot with his tongue. The taste of sweat and musk and flesh melded together into one angry flavor for the cheerleader as he glared up between the toes.

How dare they put their feet in front of heat lamps? They're lizard property, not elephant. And then hiding such sexy feet? How rude!

He kept licking while the whole team stared at him like he was crazy. Nataraj shrugged it off, keeping to his job of cleaning up the slick foot. He swallowed down a small mouthful of sweat, pulling his head back and smacking his lips together a bit like a taste tester.

"Bitter, not really enough saltiness for a good lick. I am disappointed. DISAPPOINTED!" He pointed his tail up at the elephant. "You should be ashamed of yourself. Offering such a sub-standard foot? I swear, sir, you must think I am a skank to think I would be satisfied with something like this."

"Uh, are you -"

"I am not okay. I was promised sexy elephants if my team lost, and I am not seeing any sexy elephants. No good feet, no good cocks, and none of you dominating me worth a damn. Just what is the matter here? I thought you were Grayville State elephants."

The team looked at each other, and the lizard frowned as he went back to cleaning the elephant's other foot. The taste wasn't any better; he'd been hoping for something hot and salty, and instead, he got bitter. Bitter! If he wanted that, he would have gone to the janitor back at his college and poured dark chocolate on his feet.

He was just finishing up when another, bigger elephant stood up. He was perhaps two feet taller than Nataraj was, and as he pulled his pants down, the lizard's eyes finally lit up.

"Now THAT is what I was hoping to see. Cheerleaders would be gagging on that thing."

"Well, uh, thank you...I think?"

The lizard was already between the elephant's legs, leaving the sub-standard feet behind in order to cradle the big gray meat that he'd been shown. It was still floppy, but as he stroked it, it started showing signs of life. Nataraj lifted it up, nuzzling it.

"It's okay. I know you're afraid I'm going to suck you dry and leave you all wrinkly and empty and never be able to get hard again. It's okay."

He licked his lips as it got fully hard.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do."

Nataraj heard the elephant hiss in alarm before the lizard darted his head forward, sucking half of the thirteen inch length down his throat in one go. He moaned around it, his tongue flicking over the bottom of the elephant's cock as his throat slowly opened up around the head. He bobbed up and down, up and down, taking more and more of the shaft with each movement, feeling more of it disappear down his throat.

The elephant above grabbed hold of the lizard's head, pulling him further down still, but Nataraj didn't fight it. He wanted more cock and cum, and if the elephant needed to control him to do it, he would let him. His head was made into a toy, taking cock deep.

Unfortunately, the big guy didn't last long. In a few minutes, he felt a spurt of cum shoot down his throat, and as he tried to suck for more, the elephant yelped and pushed him away. Nataraj landed on the ground, his cheeks red with frustration.

"Now what was that for? I'm here to suck and fuck all of you, and you keep pushing me away. How is a cheerleader supposed to get filled with cum like he's supposed to?"

"But you made me cum! It hurt when you kept sucking."

"I made you cum once. I told you, I plan to drain your balls."

"Drain -"

"And yours. And yours. And you, you, you, you, you - maybe you - and definitely you!"

He pointed around the room at all the different team members, and noticed that they were going from gray to a very pale color, nearly white. The lizard got to his feet, crossing his arms as his skirt was tented up by the erection he'd gotten from the load of cum he'd milked from the one decent elephant so far.

"What's the matter? Scared of one little lizard?"

The elephants looked at each other, and then charged forward as one. Nataraj was lifted right off of his feet, pinned to the bench with a pair of sweaty feet - thankfully bigger and better tasting than the last - shoved in his face, while a cock rammed its way under his tail. He was hoping for two, but he could settle for that, particularly as he managed to wiggle his feet over to the sides and rub them against two other elephants.

He noticed that they were frantic, sweating as they used him. They looked afraid, like they had to exhaust him before he drained them dry.

Nataraj grinned and silently wished them luck. They'd need it.

The End

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