Locker Room Story 9: A Small Delay

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This story is a bit of a different one, where an otherwise straight lizard has apparently been giving off vibes of being gay. Normally not a problem...unless you have two guys looking for action willing to 'help' you out of the closet.

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A Small Delay for Guderian by Draconicon

"Ugh...Finally done."

Jerry grumbled as he walked through the locker room, making his way back to his own paid for locker in the very back row. The limber lizard shook his head as he passed by the various empty aisles, grateful for at least a little bit of solitude in his bad mood.

Today had been pretty bad for him. Not only had he been shown up by everyone else in the gym, but more than once he'd been laughed at for his choice of weights. Always that little bit too little for the eyes of people that came here to bulk up. Always that small amount below what the other guys thought was the right amount.

So what if they were getting bigger and he wasn't? So what if some of the guys were getting offers left and right while he was the one being laughed at? He was just here to stay fit, not bulk up.

At least, that's what he told himself. He didn't want to think about it for long, because then he'd start whimpering, and it'd be a short trip from there to crying. If he started crying, he wouldn't get home for hours, and he would just get laughed at again.

Despite his intent to go without crying, though, he still sniffed and choked up as he unlocked his locker. When the day was that bad, it was hard for him to just think it through and toughen up.

Just...just keep it together for an hour, and then you can break down at home. TV, ice cream...anything. Just hold it together for a bit longer.

He started pulling his clothes out of the locker and had even gone so far as to take off his shoes and socks when the door slammed open. Jerry almost jumped out of his scales at the loud voices filling the room, and he winced as they echoed all around him.

Haven't they heard of indoor voices?

Apparently not, as they continued shouting until they were right next to him, apparently having lockers in the back just like him. Jerry groaned as they passed by, resisting the urge to cover his nostrils as the stench of sweat and musk poured off of them like perfume-stink poured out of the mall-shops. It was like getting his head thrown into a pile of jockstraps, and he groaned and shook his head at the pure power of the stench.

He glanced over at them, despite his normal habit of not looking anyone in the gym in the eye. Jerry just needed to know who they were, considering their smell was as terrible as anything else he'd ever seen.

Like him, they were lizards, but either they were a bigger species, or they were simply better at bulking up than he was. Their green scales bulged around thick biceps and powerful quads, and he swore their tails would not have been out of place on an alligator, considering how thick and powerful they were. Jerry would have whistled, but he didn't want to be mistaken for a gay guy. Particularly not by a pair of buff guys like them.

Instead, he continued getting undressed, pulling off his shirt as the two lizards talked.

"Man, did you see how much that ox was lifting today?"

"I know, right? 400 lbs, and still going for more."

"Bet you that he's up to 450 in ten days."

"Dude, I bet it's not even going to take him five."


"You're on."

"Hey, what about you?"

Jerry blinked, taking a moment to realize that they were talking to him.

"Huh? What, me?"

"Yeah, you. What do you think that bull's gonna be doing?"

"Uh, I, uh, don't watch people. I don't know what you're talking about."

The lizards blinked at him, and Jerry turned away, trying to pay more attention to his clothes. Considering he still had to get his underwear off, he was feeling pretty self conscious about the two guys, and hoped they'd go soon.

No such luck with that. Instead, they got up and walked over to him, standing behind him and at his side. The one that had talked to him first laid an arm over his shoulders, giving Jerry a powerful whiff of pit stink.

"You know, you should look at the other guys."

"I, uh, I don't want to -"

"What? Make them think you're gay? Sorry to say, sweet cheeks, but that secret's out."

Jerry whipped around, staring in shock. The lizard that said it chuckled.

"What? It's obvious, twinky. You're as gay as a rainbow over a leather-shop."

"But I'm not!"

"Come on, no bulking up? No actual work, trying to get pointers, anything? You're just a piece of ass waiting to get picked up, and we all know it."

"But -"

The lizards grabbed him, one pulling him over to the bench, while the other yanked his underwear down. Jerry gasped, trying to pull it back up, but the guy behind him pulled his arms together, holding them above his tail before using a belt lying around to tie his arms together. Even as he fought against those newest bindings, he found his nose shoved up against the shorts-covered ass of the other lizard.

"Let me go!"

"Ain't happening. If you aren't gonna step out of the closet, boi, we're gonna make you jump out of it. Ass first."

"Yeah, it's not that bad once you admit it, you know. It's not like it was a decade ago. Just relax, and we'll make it all sorts of fun for you."

"But I'm not gay!"

"Hell, you will be by the time we're done."

"Yeah, why don't you keep saying it? I've always had a fantasy of turning a straight guy gay."

Turning a guy - But I'm not gay!

Despite his protests and his struggles, the two lizards kept pushing him, pulling off the rest of his clothes and tying him up so that there was no way he could get away. His arms behind his back were bad enough, but somehow, they looped his tail up as well so he couldn't get it down over his ass. The feeling of having it completely exposed humiliated him, and he whimpered as the one behind him grabbed his cock.

"Let me go! I'm not gay!"

"Then why are you getting hard?"

"Because -"

"Because you got a rape fantasy, right? Heh, no worries. I understand that. I think we all get those."

"Come on, just start the prostate rub. They stop complaining after that, usually."

The lizard on the bench had gotten his shorts off, exposing a nicely muscled ass held in a jockstrap. Jerry whimpered as his head was forced between the cheeks, his nose filled with the smells of male musk and sweat. The only relief was that it was otherwise clean; if it had been otherwise -

His eyes went wide and his mouth slack as something slid beneath his tail. He squirmed as a scaly finger rubbed around inside of him, trying to pull back, but a hand on the back of his head and a lizard more or less sitting on his legs was too much for him to push away. Jerry groaned, whimpering as he squirmed. He had to get out of this. He had to -

Then a finger stroked over a very strange place in him, and he let out a shaky moan as his cock suddenly twitched.

"Wha -"

"Hehehe, found it."

"Finally. You, twinky. Get to work rimming my ass."

"But - MMPH!"

He bit his lip as the spot was rubbed again, and he was pulled forward between those scaly cheeks hard enough that there was no way that he could get away. He groaned, his head swimming from the continued rubbings inside of him and the heady fumes and scents coming off of the lizard's ass cheeks. Thinking was so hard, so difficult, as that little spot was rubbed again and again, making his cock throb and bounce between his legs.

After nearly a minute, he slumped over, groaning as his tongue hung out of his mouth like a dog's. He groaned at the sweaty tastes around the lizard's ass, but it was unavoidable. A soft moan could be heard from above.

"Heh, that's it, boy. Give it a good licking, and maybe my friend will be a bit nicer when he fucks your ass."

Fucks my -

Again, his train of thought was interrupted as he was violated by that finger. Two fingers, now, he realized, and he stuck out his tongue as he was ordered. He dragged it up and down that puckering entrance, unable to think to do anything else as he was pinned down. The quiet moans got louder, and he gradually felt something slick dripping down on his head the longer that he kept licking.

The fingers finally withdrew from his ass as he heard the moans above growing to a fever pitch. Without the rubbing, Jerry finally felt like his head was starting to clear, and he slowed his lickings.

"Damn it! I was almost there, why'd you stop?"

"Wha...I'm not..."

"Geez, you are SO far in the closet. Just fuck him, already. Maybe then he'll get it."

Jerry had less time to get ready for that than he had the finger, because as soon as the lizard had said it, Jerry felt a cock under his tail. His eyes went wide as he was spread open, his mouth open in a silent gasp as the massive shaft slid into his hole. It was thick and wide, and it pressed down right on that little nub in the same way that the fingers had. He moaned, his breath flowing over the other lizard's hole.

"Get back to licking, twinky. I want to cum too."

He blindly obeyed, unable to think of anything but that little bump in him that felt so good to be bumped and nudged with each and every thrust. He groaned, rolling his hips back before he realized what he was doing. The lizards laughed, but he barely cared. He couldn't think enough to care.

"Looks like this'll out him, don't you think?"

"Eh, at the least, we'll have a good time."

"And he'll be better for it."

He had no idea what they were talking about. All he cared about was getting more of that good feeling, and if that meant being gay for a bit, who cared?

The End

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